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INS' ''' . reelin thein • • .
topes to continue
h by adding more
:tionsEinstein'saThe oh-so-hip Liquid
aunchin a marrket-
3n to let consumers
t the variety.
eeewatmenthe expense ingsof f p
p reo ens with a splash
and cream cheese
been always been
:ore products. Nightclub maven Ingrid doors on Halloween, and
lot going to do any- Casares may now be a mama, according to publicist Diane
)pardize our break- and, thanks sa - _, r Siquier-Heller packed"a cou-
,ess," Wedo said. to rumored ., ple of thousand" revelers in.
the consumers that witness pro- „,':«,.. Shaw says he's in talks with
are the lifeblood of tection,side- �;;" vixen Carmen Electra to host a
ss." man Chris °T'a o- Liquid-based TV show, Club-
Paciello is '4°‘!:J` bing USA. El entertainment,
purportedly 0TNN and USA Networks have
a new man, �.' each expressed interest, he
but that i '• says. (
didn't stop CARA Shaw, surfing on entrepre-
Billy Shaw BUCKLEY neurial adrenaline and the rush
from bring- of opening night, avows that
ing their old neither the economy's woes
haunt, Liquid, back to South nor today's dampened zeitgeist
Beach,and pinning his dreams will put a crimp in his biz.
on days of yore. "If tourists come, that's
"The place people used to go great,but I feel Liquid will be
to in the mid-90's was Liquid," what it was before,"Shaw says.
says Shaw."There's no excite- "A local club for people from -Q
ment now in South Beach.I felt Miami, Fort Lauderdale and
slapping the name Liquid on Palm Beach."
the outside of the club would Casares hopes for her sue-
give the Beach what it needed." cessor's success, but admits
The new Liquid is at 1532 slight skepticism."I wish him
xWashington Ave., formerly all the luck in the world,but it's
Shadow Lounge,a hop and skip a different era,a different time
up from the original incarna- in South Beach,"she says."He's
tion. Shaw et al., an investor got his work cut out for him a
team called Bad Boys Unlim- bit."
ited(not to be confused with P.
Diddy's Bad Boy Entertain- WE HARDLY KNEW YE
ment), treated the club to a
$300,000 makeover,including a Reno-based travelbyus was
Nexo sound system,wired by amid plans to relocate its exec
locals Infinite audio;an 11-by-8- HQ to Fort Lauderdale when
foot deejay booth; and club 9/11 struck, pulling tourism
fave,Elation lighting. down the tubes.
to I The requisite VIP room is The discount travel special-
lined`` with black leather ban- ist,which had plans to launch a
quets. The ultra-VIP lounge travel magazine and TV show,
sports a four-poster bed. had to furlough 50 employees,
"A guy gets to have a bed full and is fighting for its life.
of girls sitting there," Shaw "A lot of travel companies .
says. have been having not a good
The owners of the first Liq- time since Sept.ll,"spokesman ',,
It uid—Casares and Paciello— Jeff Krieble says."Travelbyus is
aren't involved.But Shaw liked like one of those companies."
Liquid's name so much he GOOD COOKING
zine. bought rights to it, plans to
launch a clothing line and envi- The creme de la crème of
iffic locations ,sions Liquids gracing hip spots Miami's culinary world pool -
lrtment the world over. • their talents this week to raise
Intal income "It will take all of 24 hours money for families of World
before comparisons between Trade Center food-service
the two places don't exist," employees.Chefs from 40 res-
Shaw says of the inevitable taurants plan a feast at Baleen,
lines that'll be drawn between in the Grove Isle Resort,Thurs-
Liquid I and II. day at 6 p.m.Tickets are$75, •
Casares says she had long $100 at the door. Call
been peppered with requests to 305-529-3700.
sell Liquid's name and logo.
"It was time to let it go,"she Cara Buckley covers the tour-
says.The name fetched"a good ism and entertainment indus-
chunk of cash,"she says,which tries.Her column appears every
was divided between her and other week.
88)878 2433. x Paciello. Send e-mail messages to:
s Liquid,part deux,opened its cbuckley@herald.com
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