1616-91 Various Miami Beach ,y w't,b.:' nL"F V .; P fes'-
,' ,. ,.. �� Dorf
Hear that, SoBe?
i .,
of relit
> - , * . ,
, . mil
Lunch with Lydia
Martin is a converses- a key 1
tion with local notables
and national figures
;a; that runs every other ,
week in Living. BY ELLEN KAN
In terms of style, 10
Special to The He
the modern history of
The man
• South Beach can be 30 cover of'
LUNCH broken down into two violent one
WITH periods: Before thetried to kill I
Delano and After the m a o o n n a Bruce Feiler,
LYDIA MARTIN Delano. seller, Walkil
Before the Delano, as the man i
it was all about the may be our
pinks and blues and neons. After the future. His n
Delano,it became about the whites,egg- of Feiler's n
shells and ecrus. ham.
Philippe Starck, the Parisian designer Abraham,
who ushered in monochromatic-meets-ec- To die for. and Isaac, i
centric elegance, is devouring entrecôte known to esl
and greens in the white-curtained Blue Buzz over hit
Door restaurant.It's been a while since he 1 I
has visited the Delano, the hotel he
designed for jet-setters eager to recess in by `Bond Girl' A LOOK BAI
the many inte
C.W.GRIFFIN/HERALD STAFF hcohen®herald.com
Meet the newest Bond Girl. f
Madonna,just Madonna. Y tori r...• :
Die Another Day, the lively title
1_ song for the 20th official James Bond
movie, written by Madonna with
coproducer Mirwais Ahmadzai, has
k generated such a buzz and massive
Internet downloads — that Warner
Bros. rushed the song's release to
i �• .�. radio. 13 t
Last week, Die Another Day i AI
debuted at No.41 on the Billboard Hot I
100, instantly becoming the biggest
domestic Bond hit song since Duran
Duran's A View to a Kill in 1985. (Can
anyone remember such misfires as
Sheryl Crow's Tomorrow Never Dies, "r n c
3YJ 4 • ,T
EDITOR: KENDALL HAMERSLY khamersly@herald.com 305-376-3667 or 954-764-7026 ext. 3667
I2E The Herald WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER 16,2002 0
• •esigner: o e wi ya wa s sizzle
"I love to make a baby bottle
'If there is no more nightclubs in South for$2 at Target.And I love to
the new American Riviera. make ICON. But never in
The town was blowing up Beach, so? Always people will want to between.I am never interested
when the Delano opened inin the problem of the middle.I
1995. And the Delano took live in a place with beautiful nature, am interested in the creativity
South Beach over the top. beautiful view. If South.Beach is not and the power that money can
Starck,who recently embarked bring. And I am interested in
on ICON, his second South trendy anymore, this is not a the creativity and the power
Beach project,is surveying his that the lack of money can
earlier masterwork and mak- problem., bring."
ing pronouncements: What he's absolutely not
"It is timeless," he says of -PHILIPPE STARCK interested in is designing an
the hotel in his heavy French interior for any one person—
I accent."I think it will look the and plenty of the monied and
same 20 years from now." famed have begged.
The Delano arrived as of itself." collector's pad,a place where "I try to give to the maxi-
South Beach's star was clim- So what is the essence of neon would be right at home mum number of people.When
bing. But ICON is a different South Beach according to with Warhol and Louis XVI you design a hotel or an apart-
story.The luxe,289-unit apart- Starck? and the closets would be ment building, you are doing
ment complex going up at "The humanity.The mix of stuffed with shades of black. publiciesign.You can call an
Fourth and Alton(units can be culture with nature.The plat- Minimal is all about, well, interior designer and the guy
as pricey as$5 million)is com- form for all of the Hispanic starkness — and whiteness. will make you a very good job.
ing at a time when the word countries. And the ocean, the You will say, how beautiful,
"over" frequently accompa- weather.There is life.There is BABY BOTTLES how chic, how fancy. But it's
nies SoBe. passion. The weather is hot, Starck says it's OK to mix not you.You will be living in
Has Starck made an error in the people are hot." and match. He can tell you the brain of somebody else,
timing? ICON,one more behemoth which design suits you based and I can tell you it's not a
"If there is no more night- taking up the skyline South of on a quick once-over. good idea to live in the brain of
clubs in South Beach, so? Fifth, is Starck's first residen- "You are part culture, part an interior designer. "
Always people will want to tial project in the United nature. You take care not to
live in a place with beautiful States;he's working on it with send too many signs. But you LOVE STORY
nature,beautiful view.If South developer Jorge Perez. It's a are not interested in minimal Starck, 53, is at the Delano
Beach is not trendy anymore, project Starck can get behind, because it is too dry for you. with his new wife, Nori, and
this is not a problem." he says,because it is"noble," And you are not interested in his newborn daughter,K.
In fact, he loves it when a meaning buyers have design classic because that is too bor- He met Nori about three
place is"over." options. "The only way to ing for you." years ago at a party in New
"When a place is no more respect people is to say,'Make Starck recently entered the York. He wasn't looking for a
trendy,that is when it is best. what you want.'I propose,but more democratic world of Tar- girl.In fact,he had one of those
When it is before, it is not they dispose," says Starck. get with a line of high-design, back home.
comfortable because you see it ICON, which has a Delano low-price consumer goods like "We had a baby of two
is becoming a hot place and design vibe,offers four styles: baby bottles, table lamps and years.She was beautiful,inter-
you are thinking, 'All of this Nature, Classic, Culture and folding chairs. Before design- esting.But I go to this party,I
will disappear and God knows Minimal. ing the Delano,he did several didn't want to go to and I see
what it will be.'In the middle, In the Nature plan, white other Ian Schrager hotels, these two eyes. I was dead. I
when it is trendy, it is not oak and marble conjure an including the Hudson, Para- was blind."
interesting and it is filled with organic vibe. Classic has that mount and Royalton in New And then he did what he
people who are not interesting, proper,Grey Poupon feel,with York,the Clift in San Francisco had never done before: he
people who just follow what is French limestone and brown and the Mondrian in L.A. walked down the aisle.
trendy. After a place is done, woods to complement the He says he loves the low "Well,this one is American.
then it is stabilized. Then it button-down lifestyle.Culture end as much as he loves the You know how Americans
goes back to being the essence is going for the look of an art high end. are."
Madonna, latest Bond Girl, stirring a buzz
1 MADONNA,FROM lE So how does Madonna com- the edgiest (but not the best) ulent synth machines stomp
pare to previous Bond Girls Bond theme to date. out the song's catchy,synaptic
Gladys Knight's Licence to Kill like Shirley Bassey, Carly The four-minute tune hook.Poor 007 isn't mentioned
or Garbage's The World Is Not Simon, Nancy Sinatra and resembles a traditional Bond anywhere in the lyrics but Sig-
Enough?) Shirley Manson? song only in its use of porten- mund Freud is. Go figure.
A CD single, with multiple She's, well . . . she's tous strings. Both self- "I'm going to break the
± mixes,and the full Die Another Madonna.Ever the agent pro- indulgent and winningly cre- cycle/I'm going to shake up
Day soundtrack, will be in vocateur,Madonna appears to ative,the electronic-laced song the system," Madonna sings.