Resolution 7355 RESOLUTION NO. 7355 RESOLVED, That this City Council in accepting the resignation of Eustace L. Adams, does so with utmost reluctance and regret. It was with much sympathy that we learned of Mr. Adams ' illness, and of his desire for that reason to be relieved of the responsibility of Chairmanship of, the Planning Board, to which he so unselfishly gave much of his time. However, we cannot allow his withdrawal to pass without expressing our deep appreciation for his valued services and wise counsel. His unremitting devotion to the future of our community is most praise- worthy, and we direct that a copy of this Resolution be sent Eustace L. Adams as tangible evidence of our regard. PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th day of December, A. D. 1950. ( A,4 Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1.1-\ a Ln U +, M -t) N. 0 «3 4i Pi 4- 0 • co m a c, 0 -P o •H $-4 H �H } cd cd 0 P SOUL! • cd cd N•r1 Cf) cd m U CD rct