LTC 451-2018 Decoplage Condominium UpdateMIAMI BEACH
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members
DATE: August 14, 2018
suBJECT: Decoplage Condominium Update
This memorandum provides an update about the issues at the Decoplage Condominium
at 100 Lincoln Road regarding the need for two temporary chillers and the associated
noise complaints. Since late last week staff from Code, Building and Planning have
been working together to address these matters.
Two temporary AC chillers were installed on an emergency basis without a permit, in
order to keep the building occupied and to not disrupt health, safety and living conditions
of residents. I understand that this building has approximately 625 residential units with
approximately 150 elderly residents. The chiller failure resulted in a diminished cooling
capacity of the building by approximately 50%. The condominium contractor estimated
that without the temporary chillers, the temperatures in the building would be between
80-85 degrees and possibly even hotter due to the summer weather.
The contractor placed the chillers in the south west portion of the property near the
building's loading docks. While this appears to be the most suitable physical location to
operate; unfortunately, they are placed on the southernmost edge of the property which
is next to 1621 Collins Avenue, the Georgian Condominium. Staff has received calls
and e-mails regarding the associated noise.
The Building Department issued a violation case # BVM 18000004 on August 10, 2018
for installation of temporary chillers without permits. The chillers were installed on an
emergency basis due to failure of the permanent chiller serving the high-rise building.
The contractor applied for the required permits on August 13, and the permits for two
temporary chillers were issued.
The Building Department and Code Compliance Department staff conducted a joint
inspection on August 13. Planning Department also visited the site yesterday morning
to conduct an insp~ction. The temporary chillers are located on the southwest corner of
the property where it is best suited due to the proximity of the existing equipment's
electrical and mechanical connections. The option to move to the northeast corner was
evaluated and does not appear to be feasible since the temporary equipment
cannot function properly due to loss of pressure and voltage drop. In addition, a different
contractor performing concrete restoration is using the northeast location for staging.
The noise being produced by these temporary chillers is normal for this type of
equipment. Due to the noise complaints from the neighboring building, the city is in
dialogue with the building manager to consult an acoustical engineer to provide
recommendations for the noise mitigation during the six weeks of replacement and
repair to avoid further noise complaints and violations. We are also encouraging the
buildings to keep an open line of communication on the status of this situation and the
affect to both building residents.
We will continue to work with all parties and we will keep you apprised. Please share this
information with affected parties that reach out to you.