1619-1-6 Miami Daily News -Group at beach promises stop to all gaming r c Y i
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MIAMI, FLA., SUNDAY, �VEMBER 1; 1936 _,,,
IS $25,000,000
Optimistic Forecasts —
Early in Year Al- Many Prominent Reel. '
A;:' dents Unite "to Pro- , :'k'
ready Eclipsed v
tect Property,.
BEACH HAS $11,000,000 0
City Squeezes Past $10,- t
000,000 for Total in Adverse Publicity and <3
10 Months 3 :. Crime Conditions '. ''
— Bring Action 1
- Greater Miami's construction to ',.:1
Declaring a determined o
date for 1934 is about$25,000,000.
Early in 199E predictions of!a Uon to illegalDPo/%�'�#
gambling,the Miami�;.,
probable .420,000,000 building total association, recently formed":;
civic organisation,yesterday served 't
were regarded In some quarters u notice on all concerned such
too optimistic. Now, with twoism- q
�.,., bung "will not be tolerated," and :.i
months remaining, a $30,000,000 f,,4
announced a "highly organised`w total does not seem'lmPOsslble. e i ! r program has been effected to attala 4.a
Miami Beach's total is 411.007,275, ?� (.!, +1,, thhi end.
against iBeach a last Oct 31. M!- c+`y�,,, ,J,�o Ysx "' r x ;:: "" x ..<w The association through it['",
.A. �••i 3✓14 s v P;ar-�--• f , deman, WilliamHardla,
/ml's is $10,000,089, against $4,191,- - - �'''�^�:c<a,o3't.;.t`t its buont
was "not said
o Evelyn, Charles and Morena* ocrusade, but a programa motel ,l
233. �ornl Gablca has il•3�• LANDON OFFERSheems
1 Hialeah hu more t Bow!!ng of Washington and 800 BOMB . illegal gambling to insure the sta.€*?
Miami Shores, 4244,1180ai Surfside,1.7. d" of Mr.MandmMrsaChalles_ SECOND
Witty eg__•`a,
Fro- ;'
$215,000; Miami Springs, $198,043; tact the legitimate investments
North Miami, 4{5,000; and the re- `REAL' RECOVERY Bowling,weer amongMiami Beach:' ;w•.
megastar howling
is of the $bother prise win TRY- REPORTED A legal staff sad"adequaG finait•
negro rconHers at Flamingo park Dade tial support,"also was reported+tp-i`.1
project and other county Halloween festival last haus been obtained. Announce.
home construction in the county IN FINAL meat that Illegal gambling"will not J
Immediately adjacent to the mu- SPEECH night De pormltted In Mlaml Beach tilt`'.!
nlctpailtks. , BY HOME GUARD wb rater,•' wesa detlalte declaratlgt
Coral Cables showed "'I
a notable Mrs. Wallis Simpsons Polley for er association, .�y.
spurt in October when aix apart- "Recbnt adverse national
meat house permits raised its total Cousin b Softy PYb� �•
to !250,760, while araiseprevious month■ Republican Charges New y Marriage y and crime conditions haty.
averagedslightly $ Keeps Check on Her Fright- last winter,"the association spokes. yi
ell btl more than loo,_ Night Watchman�• Deal Has Prevented man said, "prompted she e■___— tk
ens Intruder Awaydon's decision."
ff 5r
Miami trails the Beach by about Executive otfless of the assoola.
$1,000,000, but show, far greater Business Revival
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 31.— thin will be maintained at 800 I.(n•
percentage of increase, Its Oct. 31 MemphSamuel 1
Griffin1 of cousin by - A partial list of director, 1n•
last Oct. 31, (ar owt<a Press) marriage of Mn, Wallin almp- elude:
Miami Beach ended its fiscal year
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 31.—Gov, Alf
son, said here today he has Ti what pollee believe was a eat-
yesterday with a total of 412,37,_ M. Landon charged tonight the papers about her oast unsuccessful attempt to bomb Marshall W. Alwortt; Ller•'.+i
"to read the a Rose Beason, capitalist; Dr.' O.
061,against $9,431,814 for the 1834- New Deal's erratic and unu- every day to see if her conduct a residence under construction t at Bricker, retireddiaminister;
1935 year. plainest record of broken promleea 1■ all right." Griffin said he 715 3. W. 28th road last night, a A. Clark, Indian Creekclub �•4'
The majority of its411,000,000Prevents real recovery because the keeps up with the Baltimore night watchman frightened away native and capitalist;E.
encespeople cannot Dave confidence In society woman "sine. there 4 with pistol fire a man who aileg- paper FrankW
since Jan.1 Is in 274 residences,98 a fatuity ed >E•Gannett,news.
apartments and 37 hotels, putting the.future when they"do not know Y cold a reporter,
p'a■carrying a high explosive paper asidepublisher; Loyd Si. rev 1,
it f.
among national building leaders, what to expect next." wise," he told a reporter, r- which he apparently intended plat- past president of the ISlatnlGmo.g,,'xJ
Its $1,000,843 October figure in- The• Roosevelt administration is wouldn't have any more inter- !ng inside the house. Lona club; Walter (
elude■ 23 reetdences, $255,400; 13 trying to "run from its record in-
in her than any school girl." The watchman, W. A. ] s of Mousl president of the Surf mecluss Hammon/4
apartments, $310,000; twq hotels, stead of on its record," the Re- • 1151 N. W.20th st., hired Tuesday George Beach business
105.0 0 andpublicanpresidentialWALKOUT PEACE by the of torbllt Builders, following George Poor,
Phelps, broker: i
$ the rest miscellaneous. nominee told
Miami last week averaged 40 a Republican rally on this west ton the residence, following F»d A.Poor,president of the Bath,-
residential permits a day, an aver- bank of the Mississippi as he con- finding of unexploded dynamite
dub; Jr Julien 8sutherlaa
age of one each 3$minutes of each eluded his campaign for the na- !tick{ in the Has a eating last week Corney; Ii', Lowry, d'
business hour, Since Jan.1 it hashighestEFFORTS F A 14. on; York art broker( f
[Ion's office. told pollee he was lunch Waiter B. Wilson, $each »aitoll'.;",
issued 1,357 residential permits. He again assailed the present I about 10 p. m., in his cel, which Howard Young,New York ettpt^.!: �r
Residential permits are averaging social security act and demanded was parkedhaIn front of the home, mWlonar;the Rev,William
slightly under$4,000. `A- when he saw a man furtivelyWaiter Cook,J,A.Cook,Geo s"
repealum of its upax his wnr program .\TRIKE SPREADSHasbrouc
Summing ownVVV scurry up to the porch carrying k. Edge. L Ing! ~
Yours Howard C mow "
Roosevelt for free interprise and constitu- Dackaga The watchman shouted John Grin Geerp W,Mia'
tioaal government, he charged tilt , _�„_ he said, whereup the man began . Pstte�Rd Romtiy}•,, ��,
uA.ont+Girl.. New Deal with seven outstanding i running. Banka fired two shots fa N B. �'Roney a t Root, LsE.
"about face" maneuvers which he the air, thea fired directly at the southern. -innate ask WO
contended injured national conn_Members of New Yor)i tuning,tisure, aDpaeattUy rttlwt Charles J. Wbeeles{,
Romance Is Seen aenca Seamen's Union Vote aafllcting damage- '
"Next Tuesday," Squads Safety yeatMt and pelf. SECURITY•ACT .:‘?,�i?i
Engagement of Pair Ezpectedethe Kaneu lead by d Directore Andrew J. VVV
governor said, "the American peo- toQuit Work :�'�
To Be Announced Afterpie will make a fundamental __ Kavanaugh, sped to the scene,but
choice." could find dnoe trace of the intruder. BECOMES ISS O� ,`
E 1 e e t i o n That choice is clear,he declared,
(By liana Pre../ The incident was the third of
for the n. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. JL its kind in the past 10 days. Dy-
T—' present administration, al- Hama. had
lar Called Prem.) (CONTINUED ON PAGE TOUR/ Representatives of ship owners andDrevfoasd been found
pin the residence and in a home
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.—TDs maritime unions ended a three- being built on the Isle of Norman. RQ b!t
long-standing romance between POLICE RADIO MAN hour secret conference tonight with die. Police of Miami and Miami ant Charge Goy.
Franklin D.Roosevelt,jr.,and Miss Edward F.McGrady,assistant sec- cBeach,ount the sheriffs office and ernment Plans Per.
Ethel duPont,may ripen into a rotary o[ labor and reported that County Solicitor Robert R.Taylor
formol announcement of engage- RELIEVED OF DUTIES nothing had been accomplished?' Dave ois pressing en fnvestige- conal Questioning
D tion Into the attempted cabotage,
meat soon after election day, It In New York rank and file mem- and a number of persona havevas learned tonight. bare of the International seamen's been questioned, although no ar- (SrtaWASHINGTON, Oct.he tall young son of the.presl- Grant Said Involved in FI ht union in a stormy mass melting rests have thus far been made, Oct. 31.—The
'`as been squiring the [ voted to walk out in sym•�athv with pr^ administration's social servrltm -
youth- With Nrtrrr, r. . .