1619-1-11 Daily News - Slot Machine Ban - Measure provides penalties for operatingi
lowly. Details toe pale 12. Water ttmperatare, 11 a. in., 82. Air teliperatne, 2 p. w., 83.
r s ,
BAN ri
j s;
. ,,,
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O !„.
GETS $300 000 .
..,„..„.. Devices .Is Sent ,
3 „,..,..;,‘,...,,,,,,,$. ,,,,....,..,,„,„` r ¢ : = To Governor Corse �_
; , - ,... / •..
{ ,r �sj` d x Omnibus Measure Is Giv- P
' 3' ''�' - fq'� - s > y 4 en Okeh; Comes Up on Measure Provides Penalties for Operating ' ':.
•-o•��. .. s� 1„� r Wednesday One-Armed Bandits After Oct. 1;
-!-:16.'”- e' ,_ 1. ,�'' — "Railroading” Charged t
it f . ., Yar€.
''' � 1:J 'K,
r-• (R,A•aedaWM rias.) •
s ? "'-a"r•f-' TALLAHASSEE, May22,—The Florida legislature to- ;'
, y . y n , President Will. Not Be g1
day passed and sent to Coy. Fred J. Cone a bill outlawing
t t. •,' Hurried in Naming slot machines Oct. 1 and providing penalities`for possessing :';:i
i.; or operating them after that date.
New Justice • Whipping down efforts to amend
t i CURRY TO AVOID ato thet, as hour charged senate- {
ti,, 0` ; i ,—` ,, r' (err oa1tN haul
Ing;' the house passed a senate- ,.
• '* ` . WASHINGTON, May 22.—The notherd bill, to 11, In Plage of
•''s' t { '+; another measure previously passe(E,,'-
( 2 r construction$31,720,000 oof 119bus bill authorizing DIGGING UP OLD abyi es house a senate higher pea
of 119 rivers and her elates than the senele voted '
• ,,• "f)1 ",s r• 1;'R, /t'syf$ g bore projects, which was reported
11 There are about 12,000 Ilcansed,
�j #* ; # °" favorably yesterday by the house slot machines in the state. I,egts.':
i i8 ,-,...• 1%."'%,';'," rivers and harbors committee, may
o' 44 , f be brought to the bowie floor for BENCH ORDERS talon estimated0to
the annual play at:
• ;y •-• approval next Wednesday, It was $eo,000,1100 to $65,000,000. ,Opponents of .
rts to
• ' '. ., a Indicated today. amend the senate bill saidoInsert•
, A revised list of projects under • -A ing any amendments might result y:`'
the bill, as approved by the'come Former Judge Dunn In a legislative jam between house ..
mittee, includes: and senate, and that no anti-slot ;.
• . Florida—Intercoastal waterway Brands Published Re- machine legislation would be en-
from Jacksonville to Miami, $20,- acted before the session endo;';
Asaeoia M Press Wlrephoto, • 000; Melbourne harbor, $12,000; Mi- ports Unfair June 4. .. r
and harbor, $300,000; Caloosa- _— The bill,as .� •
COLUMBUS, Ohio, May passed se both houses.
TILE SETTERS hatches river and Lake Omade the first offense subject 1 r
22. Virginia Dillon, 18- bee drainage areas, $806,000; Char- No bench warrants have been is- fine of $250 to $500, or imprison...',,
year-old divorcee and Ohio tote harbor, 459,000; Sarasota bay, g't•d by City Judge,Cecil C.Curry men( o[ thea elx months, with' a
University art t C h 0 0 1 ;38,000; St •Petersbur harbor, in old cases remaining on the court the second penalty a fine of$500 to.,'k
model, was found shot to STRIKE PARLEY 4123.000' Stelnhatchee `ver, lee,. dockets u far back .s, 1918, nor j760 or imprisonment of six to nine,'
000; st. Marks river, 75,000' Bt. will there be anywholeaale Issuance months,an0 the third often',a fel- -.''
death today. Her familyi
Joseph's bay, $104,000; carrabone of such warrants, It was disclosed ony punishable by $1,000 to $5,000 ••,'.
refused to accept a police bar and harbor, $250,000;Pensacola, by an investigation of the records fine or imprisonment of one to five '
suicide theory and Coroner IS DUE MONDAY 440,000• today' Years
Edward E. Smith ordered The secretary of war was author- There are slightly less than 9(10 Governor Cone has indicated hail''
an autopsy. ;sed to survey the following water- open oases on the books, merry of would sign the bill. �;
which are Instances where oocu-
u�oxTtle ileo ore FAGS leapt Fifty of the 67 counties voted last ''
pational licenses were not paid, d<�,
Committees of Building which will be dismissed through • (�nrtxtntn ON rA(IL Tgo1
MODEL'S DEATH Interests and Union Of_ "GROUND HOGS" p•ym•pt of reel or where the pec SENATE SLATES
son has moved, gone out of bust- •d.
Hess or otherwise become exempt
ficials to Confer sem payment p
IS UNEXPLAINED STANDING PAT A[tachu of the city clerk'.office
Unless there Is a settlement In haw been lh.:cicted by Judp r'
the meantime, a committee repre- Curry to prepare a list of open "CHAIN" ACTION
sentleg building Interests and -- cases considered to be still alive ,. ..-.
amily Refuses to Accept union officials will confer Monday, Mlnerg Sit Down Under where has recoveries may be mage, but �-
p looking to a cessation of the file this not yet been done, ,Bench ry
workers' strike, which has been In 1, warrants likely will be issued. In Recovery Act to Be Stud' .r
Theory of Suicide; In- Earth; Demand Right progress'for the Inst 70 days, and g1+ the. Instances. It was sstlma4d led-Tuesda • Revenue
(]Vest Ordered which, for time, threatened the by-attache thy, eases will not y+
snails building' program !n this to Share Work .. 1«+eevueoeu Olt iaols Two) Bills Offered
flay A....La.e rrw•l Members of the file setters'union to Awel.at rnap I __
COLUMBUS, Ohlo, May22.—The
and their helpers went on strike r ,s,„.SSEE,e� rea•1
GiLLEBPIE, III„ 2[ay 22.—With I..•
•nth earlytodayof Virginia VII• on the contention the Miami Tile TAIda act" 99 Th
R no settlemaht Ill sight, 407 striking "Florida recovery �'
n, 18-year-old Ohio State waver- Contractors' association was not coal miners who late yesterdayre- to outlaw
ty art school model, baffled in-
up to en agreement, pnrticu- jected evacuation demands of their - IN BA Y.S.STOMACH ate for stores will be Tuesday,its the son--�✓ '
•sti tors seeking to determine if tarty in regard to employment of national union officers spent their • ate debate Its sponsorg f $'
'e was a murder or suicide victim.
negro helpers and not paying the second night voluntarily entombed saSe Senatorid Tillmanof Tam who' t`.
Shot in the heart, the pretty girl scale of 60 cents an hour to help'. 360 feet underground at the Supe-Oregon)OOCtOt pi8pa Odd Op- D4
ors. Introduced the senate measure lhU 4a:
as found dead In the bathroom of rlor Coal Co's No. 4 mine at near- oration Nett Week year and two years'ago, said th`..,
tr home, a few blocks from the Both the representatives oftths by Wilsonville In a sitdown protest -
hullden and union officials are against ules committee would give the �'�,
:mew district, shortly alter mid- t net not being able to share Srtaaee•.we. saw.( theTuesday house-approved bill special posllleq, `
optimistic a satisfactory settlement work with Idle miners. PORTLAND, Ore, May 29.—Sur- •,'
Police reports first listed the ment can be reached at the meet- As the strike passed Its 40th hour goons. will attempt to remove a on hOUse passed calendar. t'
+wall as •suicide, but members a Ing Monday. there had been no signs of violence half-formed human embryo from bic it after bltte6
R. W. Iteed, chairman of the the abdominal cavityof • debate, during which thea entire was
or disturbance. inserted statewidehealthysubmittingbuilders' establish referendum. An-< '
mills ordered an autopsy, of the local Associated General between the miners and company adore here next week. other clause provided,however,that
A revolver wan found near Contractors' association, said to- official■ continued. Although the Dr.Richard D,Dlllehunt,dean of If the referendum is found uncon- •.�^
d hut .lack Dillon, brother her dry hie group would meet with striker, announced willingness to the University of Oregon Medical ,'
' Y• union Ise<fer■ MnnAa "unless the meet with F, A. Pfahler, Chlea school, In announcing the operation etltully. i, aha all 'shall become •
re young divorcee,exp d belief y Ira. eftactive ate received 'Ufa
to may have been shot elsewhere "t like in settled before then." lie pre•IAenl of the company, and today, said he knew of no such -t
"wad he did not know of any move Pfahler said'last night he would surgery having.been performed In The senate received two new rew;
A that she tried to take the blame medical histol ,nue bills today- one to levy a•eve e #e.the shooting. fur settlement prior to that time, "meet with • committee of the yce •j
hut indicated the building inter- would-he sildownsr. at anytime The Infant girl was brought to an tes and the other to tighten
"From the way the gun was Portland for ob lion two weeks and Senators
Increase the tax on Intangibles..",g
I I believe she went to the sets were aneloue to lend their aid they choose," no meeting hes been Senators Toucton.of Dade Clael
In effecting a conciliation. arranged. ago when an abdominal swelling
and Murphy of Zolfo Sprinp said I.'t
alhrnom to hide Il." Dillon told Orville Rigby, secretary of the Pfahler said no demends had became noticeable. X-rey photo- the Intangible lax would double th►'.-,
Mice. "It looks like rhe was bend.
Bricklayer", Masons and l'Iweter• been made of flelally upon the corn- graph■ revealed the embryonic
sg over to shove it under the tubskeleton. it lay between lh• atom- present i, lax 1 annual revenue
'hen •
she fell to the floor." era' local No. 7, maid lha unions pany, nor had any negotletlnns to. from thee• taxes and would
Dillon acid he had picked u h a would go to any reseonahle extent ward settlement of lh•disputa been Illllehunit eel lea mp portion viol Lha the money to public schools. gays•
D 1 in en effort to get the matter set- undertaken.
Istel after she had visited a beer tied, and Informed (teed the union _ skull and the thigh and shin banes tort of the Increase, ting t
evern with several other Ririe. lie arbitration __-._ veer• vlalble staid, would rom, from putting the ,
aid she mayhave been allot before group would meet with Dr. lulishunt explained the ph
e-the builders any time it wu ono- Labor Unrest PersistsD D •_ Nvrereleman net rens Two, •a t
,e met her. venieni, In Michigan Area nnmenon was raueed yy a cello-
--_ --`
"Rhe looked pale and mirk," ha ___.--_-,__.-•- lar then birth of to that reals ECKENER SAYS LEAK
added, "aha acted dared. She DUKE IS WORRIED DF,TR. ei. Mar 22- (.9'1 -tnnnr In[ in the of yAlamo..ssa twin ,1
hint"hoot Mreelf at home, I don't 1 unreal prtsl•led In Michigan Indsy, in Ihle rese one body nos enclosed 'f
elleve.'• �� •� with a new strike n, In a ale Mn- within the other WAS DISASTER CAUSE,
Inn 4n1, an ■utnntnhlle lock tan- \J l+pe
Mn Mary Dillon said ahs ad- TA /'(� D
.into Ir. the hone* and �F-`, fin, rte.tn'v he1nR .I lsrnnllnunl and plena( �lr a 6..
,},Ve',,r w A w 9
EWS, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1937 .
`caNertin l�>o ran,nett STOCK ADVANCE
(oar:nrotyt renes PLOW oK*2 Dinner sZ Alcazar Concludes —
• Dinner; November In local option elections
Florida must be compensated by the Day Sales Competition to ban slot machines, but the state •
Declares Defense federal government and that the supreme court rules the colo do- __
ultimate construction cost would be Fish dinner held by the City Tae vices could be operated until cur- I•
Good Only for about {288,000,000, far above some & Fuel Co at the Alcasar hotel rent licenses expire Oct. 1. At Close Some Issues Slip
estimates. ' last night climaxed celebration of The house killed three amend-
One Front ReD. Lex Green (Dem_ Fly). But Majority Hold �:
leader of the fight for the canal,
its annual president's day, in honor mental, moved the bill up to final ,
prior to leaving for Florida, said of R.C.Fuhr, president of the or- passage and defeated several fi'f
e, a••••wie h...) that ha would conrer with house ganisation. Beginning with a tempts to adjourn during a morn- Gains
I FIELD.kfq•22•—The leaders to determine whether to breakfast at 6:46 a. m., members Ing of spirited debate.
observationairferthatthe bring the bill to the floor before of the organization started a day The roll call on final passage: car a..ortaw Press)
of national sales competition. For passage: Speaker Christie,
:etas air defend is so blade- adjournment. NEW YORK, May 22.—A rise in could only one ••I must admit that chances—with When the final telephone call Alford,Barnett,Beet, Bryant,Buie, teels, coppers and motors frosted
.old two be attacked was the economy drive—are not as was made to report sales to the Burks, Butt, Clement, Collins, the stock market
lay by an army expert In bright as I would like to see them," national office In Cleveland, it was Coogler, Cooley, Crary, Davis,sGains ran from cake today.ay to 2
the musing aerial war Green said. "If the leadership de- found the Miami office had won Dekle, Dlehong, Douglas, Drum- points or so. The opening brought . .n,
.the West onset, fides now to restrict all further aa- the competition for its quota level mond,Early,b ide,Fnhs,Fulkerson, a timid upturn. tithe market got ••ir„.
United States were at- tivitles to emergency legislation, I over all other participants in the Fuller, Fuqua, Gaston. Getzen, its footing the advance became
odea on two differentUnited States and Canada Gra HJtJe,Harrell, Harris Hasen more aggressive, but in the closing ,i
e ooMaj. defend both of the probably will ear try to bring up Present at the dinner were F.H. Hewitt, Hodges, Holt, Ives, Kelly, few minutes e, trading various
the bill thiswyear. Molter, division manager; Knox K 1 n g, Lanier, Leedy, Lehman,
aid Mal. tea Frank M. "Hut if we faced a prolonged see- issues slipped. Ij
commander of the gen- sion, I shall make every effort to Devitt',sales manager;F.G.Burp- Lewis, Lindsey, Marchant, Martin In the foreground, brokers sold,
havelquarair fora. get!t on the house floor. I am cos• hart, manager of the refrigerator of Hillsborough. Martin of Polk, was the feeling Ind, ro at large ,t
have to make a choice." fldent of passage if that occurs." department who served as master Mays, Moore, Morrison, Morrow, would feel few near term effects
7hulaing his point, he Green pointed out that the bill ,f ceremonies; R. C. Cook, chief Motes, I,(cCarty, Outman, Over- from proposed wage and hour legis-
>tatgr that eta l N• nine would °arra over until next year
division engineer; J. F. Causey, street,Papy, Peacock, Peeples,Pot- laofon. Anotherefirm peg on which
groups In the nation-had without the need of additional corn- (Retribution manager for the ice ter,Preacher,Rardin,Rogers, Rose,sentiment hung was bright news
letoabed completely in or- mitts* hearings should he decide department; Charlet Harris,distil- Saunders, Scales, Sheldon, Sikes, from the steel industry. -
m the other three groupsbutton manager for' the Mer de- Sinclair, Slappey, Smith of Marion,
[ not ipress it this year. • partment; Herbert Osteen, sestet- /Manly, Stewart, Sudduth, Walker, .,
me strength for the ma- Baiter and Rep- committee Carter e}; H. N. Bucks, Walters, West, Wood of Lee and MORE ABOUT ,
(Rep_ Cal.), both opDo ant_office msnag
ck fliers and flying morema- pent of the bill, charged that the credit manager; Charles Ellman, Wood of Liberty-76. CONGRESS •
2t to mention a few the committerw 1 t h brewmuter, and his son, Howard; Against passage: Adams, Cha-
� um and a good deal of manynst by O. K. Nehms, R. A. Baliowee and vous,Cole,Dandy,Godwin,Hendry,
absentees—was only an"Idle
t,'• he said. gesture" in recognition of Green's J. R. Anderson, station managers; Jernigan, Smith of Clay, Turner,
I Andrews regarded usturdy fight for canal and that J• P. Murphy, •foreman; L. G. Williams and Winburn-11. (OONTINOEm
D oss raps oast
the •
and significant" that not the committee would never vote for Schmidt. Paul Jarvis and William Before amendment were offered µ,ay projects with a view to pus- `,
to 2,916 men who partici- a rule to bring it to the floor. Chancellor, representing, the sales to the bill on second reading, Rep- aide construction:
the games was lnjpred. Green said he would make no d- department; William F. Eck, bot- resentative Collins of Leon gained Florida: Waterway, approxi- y
r ships were lost "Takentie shop foreman; J. I. Allen and recognition from Speaker Christie mately eight feet deep, and fifty �`
fort—under a gentleman's agree- met bottom width, from Crescent
umestves," he old, "the meat—to attach the canal project K. Howland. Schmidt and Jarvis rend moved to advance the measure
were highly successful. to the$31,000,000 rivers and harbors won first prize in the national to third reading where a two-thirds lake,by way of Haw creek to Bun-
. ed a lot" omnibus bill, also reported favor- sales competition for the day. vote would be required to amend It. nail thence by way of a land cut •
l results will go Into a Drummond of Holmes,sponsor of to the sea at Flagler beach; Cana-
lel report, on which he ably yesterday by the committee is " a bill to have the date operate slot venal harbor; channel from the ln•
dog today, with his stall, ° canal may be economically "Fan Mail Irks machines, Baked of Speaker (Jhrte-
feulble,"Carter said, "but !t is f1- Itis: "Shouldn't a member of this
lracoas[al waterway to a point at } •,'
or near Vero Bench{ waterway x
.) SER FOR DADE menden),y Impossiblesertedthat now." $75)000 Alaskan
.house be given an opportunity to from Punta Rua, by way of the
Bolter asserted the ill only- amend this bill?" Caloosahatchee river and canal,
tee agreed to report the bill Contest Whiner "Certainly," replied Christie, "if Lake Okeechobee, and Saint Lucie
QTY MADE LEGAL after it was understood that those T_ the house so votes" canal and river, to the Intraooastal .
voting for it were not bound to sup- senlvotes."
Cole of Escambin waterway at Stuart;Hillsboro river, -
port It if it were brought to the aD&mee and promoters Might said he had an amendment "and I from the upper end of the existing
floor. He claimed six of the 12 who dteapprove of the action by the gen- project to Sulphur Springs;Anclots •
Act Is Signed by voted to report the bill would vote as Well gave Their Ink Raman from Leon (Collins) in try-
against it on the floor and said and Stam Says Ileriver; Plthlachascotee river; Hud-
• OVCTIIOr Cone Stamps," Y Ing to railroad this bill." son creek, Pasco county; Weekl-
_�. somepomight even sign the minorityrged Godwin of Washington said the wachee river; Florida elver, Lib- _
D.ttLT ...e sl)uwu report, which he was encharged to (nr Aseedatd rrw) Collins motion was "an attempt at arty county, and the Apevechlcoln
7■11•a•a•«, ea.r s2, write. FAIRBANKS, Alaska, May 22.— amain it down our throats."
absent of a county nor- Rep. J. Hardin Peterson (Dent, jammingriver at and near the mouth of the
Dade county became poo- Mervin E. who w) Anderson, the ti Collin° took the floor to ked Florida river to Saint Andrews bay„.
• when Gov, Fred P. an-
Fla.), opponent of the canal, u- bus driver who won $75.000 in the ewer these statement, Cole asked and a suitable point In Saint •
ted a bill permitting coon- serted that this showed a 'majority annual Tanana river ice break hint: "If you had an amendment Joseph's bay where the depth of
.ver 170,000 population to of the committee is against the guessing contest, tossed his first you wanted considered, wouldn't said bay is 30 feet or more; East
unty coroners. project" and that he viewed the "fan mail" into a wastebasket to- you resent having it rammed down Pass channel from the Gulf of ,
t provides the county phy- feport as "courtesy" to Green as a day and served notice:•The dames your throat?" Mexico into Choctnwhatchea bay.
n be named to the pool- member of the committee. and promoters might just as well Collins replied: "I resent the ln-
"I consider the opponents won asave their ink and stamps." ference that I am trying to ram Economic Program
l the bill was Introduced, victory in getting the canal cepa- Anderson, 31, said he had not '
anything over." •
of the Dade county leg- rated from the omnibus riven end received any proposals of marriage Chavous of Dixie, who voted Tackled by Solons
CC lelegation explained it Is harbors bill and because such a yet.—"the dames know me too well, against a house slot machine bill WASHINGTON, May ZZ.—(11)—
'22. to save the county thou- large number reserved the right to But the schemers are beginning providing for higher penalties than Administration leaders in congress
pal dollars in fees paid to oppose it on the floor," Peterson to shoot letters his way, several the senate voted for possessing the set to work today on a threefold 1
YU.• dices for inquests. It will said, with such red-hot bonanzas and devices, said: "The senate bill has economic program which had been
a ,m under the direction of Rep. Joe Hendricks (Dem., Fla.), deals on the fire that they tele- in it what I want u a penalty,but shunted aside for three months by
In,o fid official, and it will also proponent of the canal, lauded the graphed (prepaid, tool. if it comes that I have to put a gag the court reorganization dispute-
et Jroduce uniformity in such committee's action. "They're just wasting their on this house, I'm not for it. I Although the jtidlclary battle was
ref Better pointed out that the corn- money with those kind of messages. want to do what's right and just, far from settled, the president's
mittee in reporting the bill did not an that 'fan mail' will go un- but I'm not going to ram anything lieutenants outlined these legbls-
nulhorle Commltlee Chalrmnn Jo- an.wered," said Buster. He dicks clown anybody's throat:' live proposals:
Ed (ORE ABOUT seph J.Mansfield (Dern.,'Texas) to with his original declaration that q'he Collins rnotl throat."
failed to carry 1. H cop pose11.
of a 40 hour
CURRY obtain a rule to bring the bill to the he will invest his funds Recording by a standing vote50 voting for it week and a 40-cents-an-hour mini-
and his own ideas and the advice
ofand 30 voting against it, thereby mom wage in interstate lndu°tries-
"And what Is more,It never will," of his stepfather, E. H.. Strecker, making it short of the two-thirds 2. Stabilization of farm produc-
�O he added confidently. president of the First National required to advance it past second tion and prices, based on a bill of- •
TIMED rao2l rant oND Hendricks, In a Prepared state- bank of Fairbanks. reeding without amendments. fered by major farm organizations.
meat, said: Anderson still rolls out of bed at Smith of Clay said the judiciary 3- A regional planning program,
IS more then 50, mostly for "The rivers and harbors commit- a a. m. each morning and covers the sen- dealing with flood control, power,
tenses. tee did exactly what I expected his bus route all day. ate bill favorably. "had no meeting navigation Improvement, Irrigation
are in all some 500 license them to do, after hearing the but pa.+sed around a little slip of and soil erosion control.
the docket during the last donee for and against thisbilizareported BARRIERS TO TRADF, paper" to the committee members. Thee proposals, still in prellml-
ve year In which ruche project and htedrthat (have this Chairman Harrell of the commit- nary form, are expected to keep
ave been renderedtor the "I am delighted that we have this MAY BE ELIMINATED tee said Smith "impugns the mo- congress in session well into the
8ml newts" settled, to which favorable report and It is Inevitable
summer.uvea of my committee," but Smith
a Men engaged In the last that this great canal will some day LONDON, May 22._(A•)—The replied: "Not the motives but the ,
The I In affixing his signature, be completed. I do not care to pre- British imperial conference next speed.• Roosevelt May Agree
that the books may be dict when It will be completed but week will discuss ways of relaxing The judiciary committee approved On Relief Bill Cat• '
history bears me out when I say international trade barriers, the bill half en hour atter receiving Wp91iINGTON, Mny 2Z.—(UP)
r Judge James A. Dunn, that once a project of this magnl- These discussion■ are expected it by passing around among mem• House admtnletratlon leaders ty the Incoming edminle- tude Is approved by the United to include possibility of an Anglo- hers without a formal meeting. The
considered published re- dieted today that the president
COLL et 1,000 Mfarlans would be States army engineers !t is ulti- American pact whereby Britain rules committee then made it spe- would accept a $250,000,000 reduc-em • ;
'nth emately completed. would relax its tariff on United dal order for today. lion In the $(.5(10,$250,00 work-relief
on bench warrants as a "I believe that when that day State farm products and the fhtJb Lntmmnnd sought earlier to Ae-
n, 18% ep at him personally.Judge bill In an effort to bring govern-
comes, that those who have so ed States would cut down Ifs tax on lay connlderatlon of the ■enols bill meat expenditures into Ilns with
ty art day made a survey of the strenuously opposed this canal, will Brltieh manufactured goody. by asking for the house ournal of
'et(Rat which he had jurisdiction, j his economy program.. The lore-
le was sciceed the following facts: see how very much they have been The conference turned its often- yesterday's proceeding. to be read cast was made after the house ad-
Shot 1 of execution were granted fore-
mistaken." tion to the Far East today. In full, HI.motion,however, failed journed until Monde following
'This is the most Important prof- as the house voted to waive the record votes which ehhous the
as fou fereoapproximately 11 of act to ever be approved by the MAN WINS ItAIM CASE rule. chamber definitely would back the
tr hon wherein
on charges of drunk commit.- --
tmpus wherein the stays were Is- house G�leen+ and sal 1. "'Afters thorough CHICAGO, May 22.—(INS)—J. siGodwin
k winlno fere senate bill ment president on the original $1,500,-
,ght. •r Investigation. esile Younghusband, wealthy lip- I g (Nx),(100 request!
Police were SO active cane■ on and axle on the prof- 4 same Penalty previously provided 11
act the committee gave long and ■tick merestxclur i we,to fourth by the house—fine of$1,000 to$5,000 WASHINGTON,May 22.—(UP)--� •
.1. f• as a lyq la of was made,ap-nor cotta Is suing for divorce,today was or Imprisonment of one to five Two or three months'delay In nam-
to tarn 'frontiers,
18 of them being rnr mature consideration. Its decision the victor In a breach of promise
.eon ' esca, mostly drunken-e to favorably report the Itch could eerd'. Senate-w nand rneltie■ Ing the supreme court successor of
Y •e escaped and only three was the only decision Which could suit for $1W, a brought by Mlss were tighter than hl■. p Associate Justice Willis Van De-
have ei have been reasonably expected.The Alyce Strand, a former employe. (•nllln■ asked Godwin: "Are you venter appeared possible today cos
A nevi 'ss u.Arunken drivers. --_---- really ■Inr•ere in this con' Ament!" President Roosevelt outlined his
,sty, Tu here Mneh warrant■In 50 decision of the majority of the corn-
here defendants had Teen mlttee I■ altogether In keeping with FLORIDA MARKETS (;ndwln answered"yes,"and Collins legislative program for the re-
,w amen g the evidence presented. The legit.- followed: "Were you not a floor matnder of this session of oon[ress,
to may on their own caro ere ,
whom the pollee were un- latfon Will pass the house end ,en- auJACKeoNvw,,1 al•y in.2.--I An1).,l.s leader in the 1015 ■eenion for Is- Mr. Roosevelt fold press conference
rel that ate and this great project will be bureau. res•••nt •a'••• in small 1"hbu'■'settling slot macidnes!•• quest Inners (hat reports of who
,r •
thew serve the papers. Iola sr dealers, Nucl... •red farmer• dl would he namrA and when would
more were erroneously re- completed. nisei
to n,au•r. in J•rlo^nrltle, made th. •That may he so." sem Godwin,
"Wynn" 'It will carry twice the tonnage nisei rior to and momma ret asturdar, "but It hes nothing to do with my be pure speculation. .That appears rand, I 'iter being sent to the hew- position here now." to M correct. But certain condl •
.red bench warrants were annually of the Panama canal; It MYUeDir nr fndl• moder•t•, nem.od mod- P
atica, nwill expedite the transportation of ,r.o, m.,a.c Bison. Questioned again by Harrel',God- totional Ilmitetlons must be oh-
011re. 'n these. , ,t.nnarn hn•... N^. 2. tserved bythe president In naming
are 62 license casest on this huge tonna gra; and It will neva n..,
•g over10 to 12 million dollar, annually in
•red Js. 2.,o45 a,2s.i1'a nn•rd st,;,..•1.0o+'�r prnhsMvI 11 h�s att^e Pt,1PthwlfTl brine aphis man—or womwn.
Then ■he eco have beendant did rnr It was nnl»rr�ot, n... ____ . —--_ J
he defendant did not have trensportetlon costs. It will carry 200452 40, 4 box emcee, No. 2. •red J.•
condition unsrreptahlr In the ren- i)A Ai A(i ES OF $50,000 71�
Dillon greater benefits to the shipping .sOYl.ttec1,e., ye, trM. ale end might result In no slot ma-
fear aft hem,and these Judge Donn t.m•., n•., nnn•e R
uhhr, It will M our nation's ,,,,,,,i, 1soosse; rent•n ,,e-. nwna• chine legislation al this sasAlon. SOUGHT IN SUIT
+vein w •Bis entered on the docket P
deleted. rise te•1 military natlnnal defense te•i•natuu, n.t,45hu.h.t. Harden•, fern to
aid aha asset and will eliminate storm eon,, no eon,• - "—
.e met is, v• a good Mn' apologiesn to CORONATION i• J �V Suit for $an,. _ damages spinel
n and I have no hwzanl• to shlpping. 11 will rust t eiv2rrt.., na. 2• riot r•w•
"Ahw k about one hundred million Aoilwrs, w•,•rm.tnn•. Tie. Then We,„„, 20 se "r 11.1, „nitA i• i(1111)i 1'S Fbssry (:y peon" Cn, Inc, of New
Ade,. • to edge t for my conducttoday,
^ York, by II I. Willer. As.ncl Nle.,
e," Jud,• Dunn said today, with more then heti of Ihl• c„ ,i�,e iso tn, r send tet+•, t•2. lb --
Ildn't she amount •
going directly to Iahnr and •'iarrr�r .] nee,,,btr mn•t.ni•, n.m•nn Inc, of ,',,Mi,D Ib•rh, cows liens
very unrslr." ROI rTIIAmr-m N, England, May Ier r eA lona Ilede rl,1111 noun In
•sllevs." • 'shied that in s number to the nllef of Ih• unemployed." stn.., mare•, •sdn
s•n,1 barbel Maier, n•oed 71 I 1'' t:rewl IIrlMlne roronw Il N AI.1,tri , rent te.trrd.r '16,
Mr• M D _. a..n.. • pc 2e
-,here he had Issued stays ,•..,n s w,•.■ - — ,�