1619-1-16 Herald-Dade Gambling Repeal Referendum Threatened ;r
•• ••
ae eteerHoldings late
. .
Befriended WarrenWarned 1119M .,•
.-"�• Cann Bet
Man Knifes Dade Gambling Repeal
4t Interests•
Benefactor Referendum Threatened
At $1 Mill
Victim Near Death
By WILSON Mac s'
Death; weenie nisei write/ 1, ` 'r'p';. �'
j`.�"" r• '.^'/•° Crime Group L
Suspect Is Held Any extension "whatsoever" of legalized gambling in
Florida will be met by a referendum initiated to repeal all " hwin CityHOOT
By HENRY 0.RENO present legalized gambling in Dade county, the Crime Com- ' ,
mission of Greater Miami bluntlywarned Gov. Fuller Warren
morale Redd Writer
raclitms. i One of the m i d w e
A restaurant owner stabbed
and the state legislature.
•y., ` `` teens has invent•
by a man he had Just befriended The action came In the form The resolution said in part that • than $1,000,000 in Mai
lay near death Saturday-at of a resolution by the commis• the commission,after a study off"r'' ' property,
along board of directors in the legalized gambling In the United t '_ %. ,�r s 1er(y, the ('rime
Jackson Memorial Hospital, his face of new legalized gambling Stales, has concluded: ` •' • ` •f simt of Greeter Miami
body punctured in seven places. bills that may be Introduce in rs't a •
Saturday night.
Police grilled as hie suspected the present special legislative '"that any extension or en.
*Vat- }1.: 1�'` •
assailant a 32 ess.old Negro,filo• session. la mrot n( legalized ti He was identified as 7
Y B Ming R Kam- ,c • inure formally known :,
ton Brooks, no address. •
R In fhb( state would An ' +: , Iiluntenflcld,atlas Harry
violence to the overall general Karry Freeman, whose
The restaurant man, Manuel Ralph Ca Pole grog, f the cltlzenn ,f thin '
Mason,211,of 619 SW 39th ave.,. date by bring Ind urloun to bun. '' • 'n the twin clues
was attacked shortly after 6 s • InMn In general, by breeding " {•t ,jr v f 11 I n n r a p a
a. m, at Ms place, of business Into Ion youth and many of its and S..Paul
1400 NW Third are„police rid. Dies In Gables �•..— - With hurt,•on
Ila■doles a further feeling of, '+•%t::...ii,,„= [... ,"-fi:.'_' .� ,.• . _`-. the "list of out.
and temptation to, Ret tme- - alandigg racket-
and Negro entered and begged for VA Hospital tying for nothing; and would MOTHERING HIS MOTHERLESS PUPS,"Beau," English hull- gal
food,accordingto investigating of• g errs• arid h:-
B 8 elan bring about a spiel[ of stere who have '1
Beers. Mason gave hien breakfast, • IazlnMs and great teMptatlon dog owned by Mrs. G. T. Chappell, 5836 NW Filth ave., cetabllnceA them-
then suggested he wash some to the wage earner to dia- keeps a fatherly eye on the surviving four youngsters of the selves In South �..
dishes In return for what he had Ex•Beach Councilman atpate hi.eerninga." original litter of nine. The mother died when her babies •Florida In recent
eaten. And Peace .Justice were born. "Beau" took over as well as he could,washing years," are his •
Moments later the Negro • J The comrnlnnlon said It Nae brothers and ileo•
emerged from the kitchen a also of the""(leen opinion" that the pups and tenderly caring for them. Mrs.Chappell man•
butcher es. from,the
to with a Ralph C.Pole,80,former Miami further legalization"would be a aged to save four of the brood byfeedingthem with an eye- and rt Yiddi Beu BLIIM
car Il.L.Brooks, Beach died councilman and peace tJh a moat illogical and unwise air dropper. They are now live and a hall weeks old, three
r preach to the taxation problem" menflelA, according to
The realauratt man, whose Veterans Administratlon hospital, and would present "unweildy males and a female. And "Beau" is proud ars all get-out l'omr^lastun•
back was torted, said.the neat . . -;,v•Coral t abien. problems of control." of them. —mr.td sate rnolo es.wnu.rn xumul ••
thing he knew, "1 felt some. f 1. ]fe had t,eert The ntasnage to Warren, the "Toa Iilu menflrld■ r
body pounding on my back-- ., Ill with a heart Dade delegation and chalrmrn of Property owners In I:r.
It was he bandit stabbing me." 'r Condition since -appropriate" house and senate
rµIferyM idea' noel; lkr commisslon
"he collapsed on In another of Its week
`-the night committees concluded: (casts,.rent carried erre a m
Mason told officers he tried to r of the
draw a 38-caliber revolver from election In 1647. "Tole tom ml■don In unailer• ] /7TH. /� (� Greater Miami stations
MI pocket to defend himself. It s.: A native of ably and vigorously oppotrA k �{ Delegaie's ...dein In Fort-Lasri
dropped to the (loot as he col. •,yy�� } Philadelphia,Mr. to any proprral to further le. Not Turkish�. C� hey µ'r"h
Ixpnrit however, and the Negro 1> N role cAMP to MI. sailer any Lind or type of •
"at IrtNu erre ufr,
acrx>pcd ft up 1111(1 fired. aMl Ile/r'11 In gambling wnlrin dist .r:dr of t v +r rr• !Willed Olt l'ral sale
Two Negro women wllnensed the 1924, In iSis he Florida; and that It there So, Says Life by tide family."
affray, • served 111 Judge he should result any .ritenslon
there a -Lifeguard'
, y„
of the irtunlelpai wirataneeer.of legalized gam-
V familyla rrrg Cant
With 20,police squad care POLE court of Miami being in this este, this conn • are among the n
et tubing the dewPPtown Negro Beach. mission proposes to Initials In .. able r t lIreont in fission
strict,Brooks way arrested by When the Miami Beach zoning Dade(:nutty,Florida,■refer- A statement that he 1s the son of the Turkish delegate to h_nd at.,the Commission
V. egro Patrolman Ji Wa.l4gmn commission was organized in etdum,an provided by law,di. the United Nations was denied Saturday by a husky $14-a•
"Reliable sources et.
lo r hours later at,NW Second September, 1929, he was selected reefed toward the repeal and week beach lifeguard whose marriage In an heiress blossomed
are,and Ninth sL I as one of the members. thin name Kld Cann Iter
eradication ill all legalised and then broke upmillion dollars In au r
The suspect otfe A no resist- In May, 1.132, he wax elected gambling in this county:' on Miami Beach's shining sands, hotel,he op re hotel ah,
ante, but dashed 11�yieto a nearbyJustice of the peace,was re-elected Orhap (Turk) Laurbiro, 23, Herman operated a i
anora.nte, and ahem te$ to hide nf• in 1938, and again 19 1940. He Legallud parhmutuel betting declared that the identification - '
p tried almost 4,000 cases,both civil Is currently conducted In Dade must have been an idea of his toted""int until broad,.
hind a counter:He came out when and criminal: county at two horse tracks,three wife's, i"'ned in these broads.
the officerthreatened to shoot. ' • added.
Mason was rushed to the hoe- He qu elected to the Beach dog tracks and the Ja1•Alal from for the
my fathers a works • ♦�
ion. �$' »' Thr lbnvnlsefon Bald F
pltal after the stabbing and given city council in 1944, and ran the 'rurkleh delegation at
plasma transfusions to bolster his for re.election It the campaign the United Nations," 1.arnbiro - v in Sl old record dates bar
resistance to undergo surgery.Ile of 1947, Woman Held explained Saturday. 'a In Minneapolis, and inch
had stab wounds In the right hack, aha rets as murdrq vlact,
right arm, left lung and four Id On the basis of 8fl8 absentee Iambi ro said that his wife, '�� nail nal pruharid as. act,
the head, ballots, lie apparently displaced Men. Aline French la in isle «wry' erre assault, and en a c
now•St.ayor Harold Turk for a seat For Action In always InalMed she "didn't ,.-'� r the throning of two Mlnne
Doctor.Rated his condition as on tt a council,but a court decree want her fourth hunhank t r ss>.. lice officers.
critical, but held out hope for ruled the absentee voles .void', me p ose • common Work, , e , t ,k it NrrP ..1,,jed for r
his recovery. ousting 1'04 from the council and Fatal Accident 1 suppose .hr didn't want my In the kbhrapftSg of (•Il.
Detective John R, Cannon, of BIYIng Turk the neat. Athrr to be a working man !d' µ
either.• i. n. I reel,the listed
ice]Commission decd
the police homicide squad, and Mr. Pole enlisted In the Army Wit. Nina Siegal, Miami Beach s + the Indictment',yeti udiopp
Detective C. E. Hall quoted during the first World War in woman, whose car struck and The story of Lamblrol break- •4s currently 11"led axe top
Brook■ as saying he slabbed the 1917' and was discharged in 1919. killed 79-year-old Morris Cohen up was carried Friday In The the told N'e'st gambling plc
restaurant man "because he tried
lie was a member of the Miami Aug.31,has been held for county Herald as he filed counter Commission■old.'
to hurt me." r Beach Community church,Amer', court action on a charge of reek• charges to her cult for divorce _re" f
The Negro suspect also was can. Legion, Masonic lodge, Mehl less driving. 1'Iddl Bloom, nr Btu r
being questioned about the sten• Shine, Elka, Klwanle Club, Odd filed 12 days after their June ban bee
t 1ndlrlM In cot
15 marriage. ,v
gulatlon death of Florine Jones, Fellows,and Artirne of America. Peace Justice Edwin Lee Ma• rt,r wnh a Iransrntllarttai
12•yearold Negro, in a roominra
g lie livedet 7537 Waehinglon see, son heard the testimony of a The hef rasa daughter, "about ., market In liquor, and
house at NW Third ave.and 13th Funeral arrangements are under half down witneenM, acting In 45,"of a family charged
that Palm -, wife, Crena, and Jl id
+t.about 10 days ago.Brooks was the direction of Riverside Memos. place of Peace JusUee Kenneth Beach charged that Lam. •+ + Schnrlder, dater of Kld
;aid to fit the general description lel chaRel. Oka who disqualified himself. biro tried [0 Beach her bookieto
rt I itleg.among those of r
of a man who rented a room with finance a Miami ther, --!�. r`• Illegal es.,1913,av of r
the Jones woman. s 1 Oka said Saturday he asked to Joint for him,and also beat her. • December,1943,accordln
Passes Cache be excused because his law firm Iamblro countered in his broadcast.
Cannon said the Negro ■n■. had been retained by Mrs. Siegal
pest Would be placed in,a line. and her husband in another case. a°ewer mby his wife hu mall• "Edward Berman, enol
up Monday morning to be ■teh him by fr Ung ban 'A
Drunk Trips The Slegal8 recently appealed "� time partner of old Car
viewed by wlt4eres, In the The
to the state Su• with another man. He also
Jones case, n ed her as saying she mar• large property holder of
prams court in a city coot(con- tied him"solely for spite."He front ro xr
Officers Bald Brooks' criminal vicllon. Sirs. Siegal was found Raked that he divorce peri. at. P [ ty st All
record shows he was sentenced Bar Alarm guilty six months ego on a gaming tier, be dl■missed at bee co■L r� •'s, h it added."Ile Is still a par.
in 1938 In Tampa to two years charge.
r an asnoc•late 0( Kid Cane
in prison for burglary. A drunk who fell asleepIn Mason voided the woman's drri•. The lifeguard said-he was ORHAN 1..4MBIRp lame hotel where Julie
111 license for a period o(• one born In Tuxedo Park, N. 1'., . —A..«r 1 d Pere■rues was operating against lire
gry-� 7ty the ladies'room of a Miami bar year. • 1 Sept. _26, 1925. lie was a staff
` ourth Try and was locked inside at closing Molesting sergeant In the'Army and■erred lounAer and former•preslrlent I Daniel.P.Sullivan,epee.
.J time staggered out early Satur• �, d overseas In the European thea- of the Old Guard Society of('oho 'rector 0[ the "erre ■sl It
day pasta cigar box cache of ter. • _ Beach,and of Countess Blanche South Florida "Vile of it.
Canagrande of New York- lurns•In the crime world."
Ends His Life more man$8,000. Suspect Seized After his discharge In 1945, P
Lambiro said he signed a con- Before the marriage to lam•
Patrolmen •J. M. Olot and Albert If. Ross, 30, who gave tract with the few York�Gisnt■ biro she known as Aline ' "ILP i,,are kern - of
.Trying once more-after three (.OstNlo are here h Dads.
bullets failed to tire,Harry Allen J.s.Elmore.were attracted to his address as the Rialto hotel, baseball team and was.assigned Stumer van Rhau F'rcnch.Lam-
baseball 51, killed himself Satur- Stone'■ Bar; 2826 N. Miami Hialeah, was charged Saturday
R biro said she has two children, ty new'allemplhg[O obi:
da night, } to the Giants'farm club at Man• Anthony. right the coming
se to opera.
y 8 t.police said. ave.:,thet a,m,by me ringing with molesting Juveniles're w n- ch ester,N.}[, y. 21, and Cynthia, 1Z' leg coming season,•'th,
petective Neal Costen reportedburglar alarm. They decent exposure after he. was .edea. Lamblro could not be mlaelon declared.
three of the cartridges In the found the front door open with picked out of a police Ilse-up at "f chippedreached for comment.
rrivolver with which Brewer ended no sign of forced entry. , Hialeah. my ri, w up On.Aug. 0, Mn. farnbtr0b •Racketeer plottln
Ida life had marks Indicating an The suspect was held for IM there and America sa tr, go to R' rec•rt light" B to,i
unsuccessful attempt had been Investigation revealed eve- P ileum and do some attorney, George Scbwart's R B here la"a co
{ P the veetlgation after parents of say pitching where ite was warm," reflect off a hearing on his client's
and Well.p icsned effort of.
made to fire mem. Brewer was '&n a of ale unidentified drunk eral small girls•reported to police he explained,"I stopped off at request for 9100 weekly alimony, lienal syndicatedmobs to 0
found in his,trailer at 6307 NE pt it off'and stag- that a man tried to get them tis Miami Beach and that's where 'saying he had Just learr,ed•that end control rackets In Soy.
Second}ave, gered on his merry way pant enter his car in the neighborhood I met Aline." she had an income of 9700 a 'da,"II added.
Coston said the fourth bullet the cigar box, leaving only an of Benny Babcock park. week. 'fie Commlxelo
entered his right temple and came unidentified wet blue shirt Ross was released.under $500 Mrs.Lambirn is the daughter 0.warns
out through the left.He explained behind. bond g 4 s wee said her made"stout .ganga wail blit to replan,
p pending trial In Hialeah court of the late'Louis Michael Stumer, f14 a week on the teach l' gambling public officials al
the others failed to fire becauseamts r" cam a 1
they were old. - - launched again D e Bh ofllc.
No note was found..Colton,old Conviction W onld Be Difficult .
Brewer had not worked since he .. "1"our public official■oak•
left an auto agency,where he was 'rjf.hs r N(nen trees h0odlur
employed as a mechanic until Police End 5th Futile Day in B - Pressors ,n Orem through .
•two weeks age. aper Death Probe Pal of Ihreare and Intlntld
He leaves his wife. Kitty p. Su Ilvan declared.- "You
Arevrrbr, who works at the poet .Shu
gl ve stronger Supp
office in Malvern,N.Y.Van Ord■ • your public officials who a,
del-Nor t h a id e mortuary is In Sheriff■ deputies ended their If a driver is arrested. It will organs were crushed and pro- last seen at 3:10 a. ma•Tuetdsy,. ikr owin ,e yodo au aregwl hi ob. Let
charge of arrangements, fifth day's bent for the person toe difficult to prove the accident duced the'fatal !Mud..
, responsible for the death of caused death. A clever defense, observers •
an hour and 45 minutes. nore 7er Shot
Man Attacked Harry A,Baker.3&yearold tar- For the three young Hialeah point out, could seize on these Baskin and his compenions. �rowl
ern keeper,'Saturday. men who found Baker lying in facts and probably create , found him. 7
1 the road on E. Ninth st. near enough doubt In a Jury's minds By Patrolman.
By His-.Guests . so far,the search has netted Seventh ave., admitted they ac• to beat a manslaughter charge. mDePutlea are working on the,
nothing• cidentally ran over him and that r that Baker wits struck
A T&year'old man told police heAddie to.the dilftr„ui,.-.... he Was still Reaping at that tl^•:, Robbery wan railed net a. ••"' ru al rood etce.rh-ed std .
was attar.M+•tel mbl,e.r k.r.,-,+... u.•g