1619-1-17 MHerald U.S delays Citizenship for Billy Maher AT Q4 u a... al IVOICI It.nnr. STe -- ,
will give away two top price , )16 / s t
tickets to ces (Jan 16-
es U S Delays w
1923performances) to the first , ' -"
person who sends me 20 bucks • • -: ` v Gram
for Children's Hospital.t
,all will be Interested to ‘-e• • • ,
know that I sold 18 Orange citizenship s
Bowl tickets for $50 each (con• <'r `
tributions to Children's Hospi-•• y, 1 , ..,,.t"
tal; and four at the same price r �' ., °,�
for Lend-a-Hand. For Maher ,`� )'y• z Cor
* * * " .
Katharina Foiled Gambling Figure's3, ,
S 1 reader have asked • ' ° '' " Yid +
Name Scratched ' , •
recently about Katherina De- .::'s.; Y' a „i�d •r ! f -!'•'!3 City-Backed
Pauly, my famous goat worn- By DAVID RRABLOW °A it t •
in. Well, Katherina s foiled 1
Serail •Starr writ., t- -
sy Stalin in her pts to A recommendation by the i +.'; ' ' .l;ttr 'J 4,:F'..u, ,�'
;et to Moscow, di 0 very immigration and naturalization ,, . t '` sir �" �*� Sports Safe
well in Vienna and Ily de- service that Billy Maher, once i/: . rh
parted for San Diego, I. a gambling power in Dade s Tht 'I v �1
county, be granted citizenship! From ■ tats
She just-sent me 'ter latest, 1 t,1
t letter to Pre.ldeat'Syegmae was withdrawn Tuesday,it was TOBY GERARD DOROTHY SULLIVAN
The• of South Korea and Gen- learned. ...UM'a sued OF•airy
arallseimo Kal 'Publicity'-Rheic ormosa. The 61-year-old former business -
associate of S & G gambling syn' National FInals Sunday ButValu
Katharine figures tan is divots partners, The Herald
ising Rhee to conf people learned, was scheduled to take Must Be Proved
:o they cannot tell right from his oath of citizenship along with • • /
crong. The tommu , says some 250 other aliens before Fed- 2 Miamians
io,T1 Q ] Q a f'1'i e!'d A majority of the sport
.he, seek the same They eral Judge John W. Holland next /111 g l l d d l l l d l 1 !l d d l Gi l events Miami supports wit
0o are blinded by Sa week, publicity tax funds appears
So must come the 11:Fa- Joseph the immigration
d1 Cutest/ State' Co ads safe for sponsors Tuesday.
her with an educational war, rector of the Imml reins and - But Elwood Kepner. publicit
'slag as weapons: Truth, purl- naturalisation service, s a I d director, Is going to have to ce
y, wisdom and absolutely no Maher was scratched from thelily that they really are "pul
leen of tobacco. upcoming list "pending further By JOHN F.BONNER Meaty" and City Attorney J. V
$ Investigation." [terata Starr writer Watson, Jr., will have to be cm
"If the above advi falls to Two Miami girls were named Tuesday as Florida's cutest vinced that the city actually co:
hangs you" she w 511 t.e a. "I Savoretti said the.service has
vishyou both showers of bless- i co-eds and given berths in the first annual national college trots the expenditures.
received "information which has ween contest, slated for Sunda at Miami Beach.
ngs in the form of fierce nett- to be checked. Our recommends- 9 y Those are top conclusions
algia pains." tion has been temporarily with- Representing South Florida reached in an Informal cit)
Katharina no longer has drawn." will be Toby Gerard,21,of 1007 commisalon meet 1 n g tha
;oats: otherwise she seem her Although the immigration rill- Fred Cash Third at.. Miami Beach, a sen- brought the first clash of tem
iormai self. • (dal declined to elaborate, there for at the University of Miami peramenta in the new commis
was some Indication that the gnv-, and a former Beach summer Rion. The brief, open flare•u1
* * *
Froment wants to probe dapper Hurt, field wan between Mayor Abe Aron
fishing tournament queen.
tare's Real S
peed Into Maher's gambling b a c k•, I ovals and Commissioner Chelel,
P ground. After Crash North Florida's entry will he J.Senerchla.
Maher. of 1167 100th st., Miami 1R-year-old Dorothy Sullivan,
Pan American World Air- Beach, retired several }'cars ago y y "I don't believe that just t
rays has an interesting inter g University of 2i'1•rwwe freshman
y after being engaged In a numbers Fred James Cash.26,who never who was Shrine Sweetheart for cause a man doesn't agree wi
iepartment note t•elatPie to of big-time operations in t h I s needs an introduettnn, broke an the North-South football genie you that he is full of halone)
peed of flight 'way yonder In area. arm Tuesday In an automobile Christmas night, and was last Senerchla told the mayor.
he Pacific. A native of Ireland. Maher collision at N\V 25th ave.and 32nd year's Sweetheart of M is m 1 Aronovitz had virtually acct,
was one of the partners In the at. and was arrested for reckless High.She's the daughter of for-
A letter mailed in Tokyo Jan. lsa driving and causing the accident. mer Sheriff and Mrs. Jimmy Senerchla of acting in bi
1, 1934, arrived in Honolulu, f 1k G syndicate when it was Cash, who was treated for his Sullivan,2438 SW Fourth at. faith for suggesting that the ci
Jewell Dec. EI, 1933; and it's formed in 1944
injury at Jackson Memorial Hos- change its policy of contractir
t 4,000.10le hop. After operating t h e swank pltal. was booked for an appear- They'll he among 30 coeds with event sponsors, which Wi
Brook Club, a combination gam-ance Jan. 13'in Miami city night from colleges in the. eastern son ruled ills al.
There are factors. The plane sling casino and restaurant. Ma- court part of the United States, atm- g
-roues the International Date her switched to the Sunny Isles Senerchla proposed that tl
ins, which helps. But out of His car was In collision with ing for some of the $5,000 in city take direct control of e
Club for the l9t�S-48 season. when campusqueen con-apae there's a "river" of very one driven by Yvonne D. Fritz, prizesP penditures to comply with p1
At the income tax evasion trial test starts at 2 p.m. at the Di-
tigh speed east-to-west wind, of Charlie Friedman, S & G' 38, of 3241 NW 18th ter. visions of the Florida consist
sigh above the Pacific. Pan Am partner, in tedre-al court In 1952, LidoSt }{noel. tion.
eta climb up to those built-in Maher testified that he sold his,league
traffic offense is minor Strutting along two runways
allwtndt .and really highball ,league trouble compared to what projected over the swank ho- Aronovlts hinted this nigh
one-third interest In the Sunny he is currently involved in. s swlmtning pools. the girls be only a subterfuge in man.
ton-stop to Honolulu. Isles. gambling operation for 1 cases.
$100,000: He and his brother. Virgil, are will display their faces and
* * * free nn bonds totaling $77,500 forms in evening clothes.
' He said the late Harold Sal- while they appeal convictions for sweaters and shorts, and bath-
`\arson^had given an opinlr
lama. nn Difference Tey, another S & G member, armed robbery. They are tinder ing sults—and carrying college that a 1',200 donation for tl
gave him a'check for $48,00) Criminal Court sentence of 30 pennants and wearing !choles recent Orange Bowl regal
1 saw Oklahoma bop Mary- and a note for $32,000, which years each In the state prison. tic mortarboards for atmos- would be illegal. He also re.
and, so didn't see the TV. I was subsequently P11d off. phere. portions of a 1953 grand Jul
report which held that the el
hissed the, Rose Bowl TV In 1945, Maher and Ike Miller, M
But ax Rosey, impresario had spent more than $200,[)00
;how, one of hit associates in the Surrenders of the co-ed contest, said the publicity funds illegally in 19.
So this is second-hand; but Sunny lases corporation, were in- girls' chances depend at least and suggested a taxpayer suit
[V fans, seem unanimous 1n Afcted by a Dade county grand u much on what's inside their recover.
raying the R . Bowl TV was jury on charges of operating gam- $50 to Bandit headsas what's on the outside•
y g bling places. Watson also ruled the cit
better than ars. They talk of Maher flied a,petition for nae- A holrlu man's assurance that The Youth Research institute may not pay$37,500 to the Urn;
beautiful closeups from Pass' urallzatien here in October, 1948. he had ap to concealed In his of New York,helped screen the Tenity of Mlamf for rcsearcl
He a arentl lost Interest, how- initial 350 entries end weed out for the Metropolitan Mia m
Jena, cameras following the PP y shirt was enough to frighten Mrs.ever,and the petition was denied ell but a final 12 In each south• Study Board, the group studs
ball on kicks and passe., line because of his "failure to rose.IR° Thomas, clerk of the Nite ern, midwestern, eastern and ing consolidation of ntuniclpa
play and blocking. cute" P and R y Grocery, 47 NW 79th st.,
New England state which had services and functions.
Into surrendering $7,0 from the entries.
TV on tha Orange Bowl game Gordon A. Brown, 711 SW cash register Tuesday. . The contract was signed 1
was drab, say they. The cam.
23rd rd., signed as a witness on The institute's recommendv Circuit Judge George E. Ho.
Maher's current petition, stat• Mira. Thomas told Detectives tions were used by a judging board chairman under terms ,
eras , min't get the passes and lughe had known Maher for
E. S. McCracken and I). F. hoard, headed by Bess Myer-
kicks, a commission resolution.
kicks, missed many playa, p
showed virtually no closes s, number of years and that Ma- Delongchamps the bandit, a son, Miss America of 1945, in
p But Watson said the dere
One Herald reporter witchingmoral White man clad in a blue shirt, picking the finalists from each
Pocould he cured by making tl
the TV says that/broadcaster entered the rear of the store state. From some states, two city, not the board, a party
i times,sald: Just after the noon hoar. or three girls are entered.
Red BarberA Gordon' A. Brown was the the contract with the city ma
"There's a play you TV falls cashier at Sunny Isles during the Ile told her, she said, he had a it wasn't just on the basis ager approving expenditures.
will be talking about tomor- time Maher was one of the boss- gun concealed in his shirt.and of their beauty that the 30 win-
raw," maintained t he
raw," and fans hadn't seen tb• es. ordered her to hand over the cash nen were selected, however. same thing could tir
done l b
play at all. Maher was born in 1892 in register money.She compiled. Each entry wrote a 250-word the publicityprojects whirl
Thuries, Tipperary, Ireland, and Marcus Hodges. a bread man, essay on what her college edo-
I can think of no reason for amount to $28
entered this country at New of 305 NW 103rd st., who saw the cation means to her, and the 301 for the re
this except different types of York City. 1n 1916. He came to bandit flee the store, gave chase youth Institute waded through mainder of the fiscal year.
camera nen in action. Florida two years later, but lost him, the results, Kepner and Watson were i
*' * * • ..... . _ . .,, _ __ ___. structed to study the entire lb