1619-4-1 Sheriff is indorsed for gambling stand-Efforts to eliminate Gamblers & Bootleggers TZLEPPIONZ 2-7401
FEB 17 1933
Floridians,Inc.,Approves Efforts
To Eliminate Outside Gam-
blers and Bootleggers
.Floridians, Inc., yesterday went on
record indorsing the position of Sher-
iff Dan Hardie on gambling operations I
In Dade county,Frank G.Roche,presi-
dent, said, In a statement regarding
economic conditions here, Mr. Roche
"We believe our aim of obtaining
preference for Dade county residents
and businesses, In business activities
here,can be carried out best by giving
full co-operation to Sheriff Hardie, a
charter member of this group, in his
courageous fight to rid the county of
outside gamblers and racketeers, al-
though we do not classify all oper-
ators of gambling establishments.
"We are gratified that Sheriff Hardie
is trying to prevent outside gamblers
and bootleggers from operating here,
and fully appreciate the magnitude of
his task in correcting the evils and in-
justices which he seems determined to
"We are fully aware that only by
catering to the tourists will a full
measure of prosperity be attained, and 1
realize that many tourists want to
gamble and will gamble regardless;but
believe that only those of proper char-
acter and honesty should be allowed to 1
come in contact with our visitors.
"We insist that, just as long as our
winter business operators refuse to rec-
ognize the duty they owe this com-
munity, in which they operate for
profit, that it becomes the duty and
privilege of the residents of this com-
munity to use every honorable means
within their power to enforcethe rec-
ognition which only a blind policy e
could prevent being freely given.
"We are in the midst of our tourist
season and again are confronted with
the spectacle of most of our hotels im-
porting into our area hordes of em-
ployee whose places, with a few ex-
ceptions, can be filled locally.
"The Dade county board of public
Instruction has conducted for the last
two years a course of training for
hotel employes and to date has grad-
uated about 400 competent hotel work-
ers, selected from hundreds of appll-
cants. This training school has been
functioning under the supervision of a
committee of hotel executive,but fewer
than half of those completing instruc-
tion have been given employment, and
then only in the most menial capaci-
"The race tracks have co-operated .
only in a half-hearted manner in the
I employment of county residents. Res-
taurants, night clubs, merchants and
professional men arkIndifferent, and
in some cases openly blefiant regarding
home employment. Some employment
agencies cater to nonresident appli-
j cants. With few exceptions,our public
j office holders have made absolutely no
efforts to secure employment for those
whose votes put them in office.
"Tax sales and mortgage foreclosures,
and even actual want,are facing a large
percentage of our home people.
"We call upon all loyal citizens, in-
terested in local welfare, to assist us
in our task."
Officers of the organization, besides I
Mr.Roche,are Maj.Kenneth Close,vice I
president; Dr. Jacob Kaplan, treas-
urer; Joe Frank, secretary, and Sheriff
Hardie, J. J. Skillman, Mrs. Norman•
Pleasanton, William H. Davis and Dale
JanTes, executive board members.