1619-4-2 Roney takes up fight for Dan Hardie (I) .F y1 TAI(E8
written by Carson to Sholtz after the
UP FIONT FOR R tconvictionH"muter mind," according termed the
"No kind of feasance,'the 1.tatorlan
answer. "The euspemlor upon the
complaint in Inge put of the chief "I ►m fully convinced he belongs
counsel of the principal defendant, of Miami aid,to that limited number of Mlaml'peo-
charged and convicted of a hemoua PIe who possess sound Judgment."
D A N K A R D I crime, the life, of unfair
en- He said Mlaml had been Hardie
tlame, human life, is u hicr antl with "acme pretty tough cDuactere"
'unjust to the officer In question," from 190e to 1916,when Hardie was
Brigham's answer asserted. sheriff before;and that Hardie had
Mr. Brigham said they had been handled this%lament u.no other
Nov 8t� unable to locate Mrs. E. J. Johnson pane official had. He also told o1
193,s at Miami,author of a letter report- Handle's removal beyond the Miami
Mg the alleged discourtesy and vul-
city ]l had of • "wicked territory"
Tells of Threat To Poison garity displayed by Hardie toward which had existed In the center of;
three women. the city for yeah,
Pool and Need For Governor/Molt.picked up a letter. Brigham asked him "did you ever
saying he had received It last night know o1 him insulting any women?"
"ThPrivate Police from Mrs. Johnson, in which she Cohen•replied.Ivery surprising behove
ve me,"
complained of threaten, intimide- woMi don't believe every-
Lions by the former sheriff's forces, one thereen live in never I know em."
Brigham denied any efforts at Intimi- Cone and never heard of them."
dation, saying his woman secretary W.Boardeters of Publiorneyc
for the Dada
REINSTATEMENT was the only one who had attempted Countyt Board puD he Instruction,hadvoted
the uasucceseful search for Mrs.John- said t M although had he lo voted
PLEAS ARE HEARD against Handle,he been iayraued
son. with his administration. He praised
The hearing consumed the entire his tion honest
- -• afternoon ane with'the exception ct and Die courage and said
p that he believed that If a kidnaping
time out for board meeting.,Governor were reported,Hardie would not alae
Branning, Rose, Miller Shone was told It would require to- while the trail was et18 warm and
> morrow to complete. could be followed. P
McCaskill and Cohen I nee..chlaire hafter imsel( will take others have ttestified n as
"Hardee le courteous In the presence
of women,"PateContinued. I w
on points raised by the suspnaloo astounded at the charge of any being
Also Appear charges. insulted."
Today he eat silent as two former •
Do you know he has lost his ca.
Dade county Circuit Judges,a pioneer sino at the beach and Is on the verge
merchant, the president of Miami's of losing hit home?'Brigham Weed,
Br KENNETH BALLINGEB Chamber of Commerce,•former presl- "Yes," Peters answered,
" d for
Cleat writer lar The Herat' dent of the county board adminiatra- any man to hold the office of Dede
tion and the attorney for the echool county sheriff for 10 months and not
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 7—plc•
curing Dan Hardie as the scour a of board,In addition to Mr.Roney,testi- have his pockets lined speaks for his
g fled to his honesty and ability. - honesty
the lawless,six widely known Miami- Both H. Pierre Branning and A.J.
am and an impressive legal staff to• lions, once Circuit Judges, testified "On the night of hla re wild the
that under the law of entrapment, people Cf Dade county were wild with
day began a plea before Gov. Dave the enthusiasm and carried him on their
Sholtz for • pie reinstatement of the bare former sheriff was Justified In his shoulders for many blocks. They had
'conduct during the dynamiting con- depressed by
rel-cheated,white-haired Dade county
with a former sheriff,their experience
Judge Branning, friend of HardieEveryone has
pioneer who was removed a eherlt( for 25 years, recalled hie capture of •
been Impressed with his able,fear-
on October 17. the Homestead bank robbera 15 'lea administration,, Dade county
The hearing recessed tonight with years In vaporise
ego,called him"blunt sod outspoken" In v ap°rase to an inquiry from the
N.B.T.Roney,former owner of the ali
and said he had never observed any- governor, peters said
' thing that would lead him to suspect menta had made tt impossible to vote
Roney Plaza Hotel,assuring Governor
Hardie of lack of Judgment or mental for Mardla,'
Sholtz that prior to Hardie's term, instability, '
"police conditions at Miami Beach Judge Boo.'followed. He mid he The hearing forces
e, called
when the
had been oae 's personal attorney, 'Hardie legal forces called Charles R.
and In the sheriff's office made It •Morgan,former Hardie deputy,to the '
Intolerable to operate a hotel if you prior to becoming Circuit Judge, had I Chair to begin rebuttal of the sty
known him well for 20 ears and vig- pea•
had wealthy guests." He hastily "orously announced "In my opinion slop chargee
added,"by that I mean the heads,not there can be no question about by "During the afternoon,Brigham de-
the individual mental atnblilty and his ordinary veloped that Anne Y. Corbel of
policemen." good Judgment." refusal had.complained eofc the sheriff's
Roney, tracing 6holtz across the "Of course, he doesn't keep his to'apologize because two of,
glue-topped table of the capitol board mouth shut sometimes," Judge Rose hes deputies arrested Gilbert.Jones,
room, spoke in a halting monotone added, "but In matters of moment I escaped inmate of the boy.'alleged
have never seen anything to indicate trial were in her yardheir a ng
of being surrounded.with "houses" - unsound Judgment except that which they were brutal In their handling
operated by criminals and murderers, afflicted the state of Florida from of the ohnso r,
of fighting them with his own hotel 1924 on." Mrs,Johnson of Miami had written
He told the governor he believed that three women of the Northwest
police force,of threats and attempted the fl Woman's club had told her of.
dynamiting when he appealed to local -the executive had acted Upon mis• the discourtesy they had received.The
officer. for pro4otlon, and of information In removing Hardie, "In letter from Mr. Carson helped sup-
peaceletters threatening to Polson the
ray °Pinion I have never Ween a port the oe dynamiting charge. The
sherltt9 office better or more eftic- fourth oonoerns the conveyance of
Roney Plaza pool with conceive oil prison food to the Hardie home•
unless demand for 010.000 were met. lently conducted." His attorneys contended ehargea
Sholtz next heard J.M.McCaskill, against him were not sworn to and
He mentioned Harry Sldmor,Jewel
this[note being returned to resume Bar Aesoclatlon and u such chosen Sonne,president of fife Dade County that they represented mere conclusion
and were not supported'by foot.The
a 40-year sentence for theft,In Miami! charge that Hardie lacked sound
Beach."He was caught by one of my .to help defend the uaassin,r', vasa, ' Judgment and mental stef litythe was
'guests and I visited him in ]all last express"faith In the governor's"our- described ea•conclusion of the me-
and good Judgment to restore cruor and was not based upon sworn
winter,"Raney Wald."He coral me he Herdle to office." testimony or evidence.
financed one of those (gambling) Replying to an inquiry from Brig- f With the character witnesses out
ham, McCaskill said he had never
ofthe way, :le
rac course of testimony
place.and would have operated again, known Hardie to exhibit lack of mentomorrow will lollop definite:I
.lines of
U Hardie hadn't been sheriff." tel stability. "He may have hie pe- rebuttal by deputies sad
Governor Sholtz Interrupted, "I cullarities,"McCaskill added, "but he aaaO°l+t+a of
have a very bitter letters here Hardee,Des utoraeys and, Ia a fqr-
complaintng that Mr. Hardie wasn't has more than the average of mantel mal statement lest night,Hardie de-
very active In catchingcitizenshstability.ip
Hardie's reputation for clued he will go Into court to Kele
Jewel thieves"vee.'• cls office
and competent conduct of an order compelling reinstatement 1f
"The lutea is that such conditions his office was excellent, he said."Ile
Governor 8holta does not restore his
stopped hen Hardie became sheriff." is very efficient," he continued, "I otflce at the conclusion of ti
ala replied. "We did everything to know of no better sheriff anywhere:' 4 hen:
get them out. That stopped with I Another attorney
Hardie:' pemonel leer, pof Har- -
Hardie was suspended by Governor dies Francis M. Miller, president of
the Miami Chamber'of Commerce,
Shops on chargee of misfeasance,mal- termed the former peace officer"
feance,neglect of duty and Incom• .of the ablest men In public office."
petency by reason of lack of mental He prayed his morale, called him a
stability, The.euepenefon order was brilliant man and said he was a sty-
based upon four chargee, of partici-I dent of mankind,•hard worker and
Dating In the plans for dynamiting, a dutiful husband.
the plant of the Star Cleaners and Miller told the
Dyers, of receiving food bought for chamber of commerce InMiami has
prisoners for his personal use,of be- no record of the Northwest Miami
tag discourteous and vulgar to three Woman's club, purported to be the
women who called to advise him of anorganization from which the three
attempted kidnaping, and of failure I women came, who were
alleged to
to investigateprotest against alleged have told Mre.Johnson of being sub-
orutallty In an arrest by two of his Jected to discourtesy.
Isidor Cohen told Governor 8holta
The charges were denied In separate that he had made a study of Hardie
answers read during the afternoon by as a fellow civic worker for 39 years.
Edward F.P.Brigham,who with Stet- "Have you ever known him td be
ford Caldwell, Is conducting Hardie's guilty of neglect?"Brigham naked.
appearance before the governor. "Never," Cohen replied with vigor
Suspension of Hardie on the dyne- "Ever know him to be guilty of
mite charge was largely upon the corn- malfeasance or rmafeasence?"
plaint of James H.Careen,chief court- "No kind of feasance,"the historian
sel for the principal defendant In the of Mimi sold.
dynamiting case, the answers allege.'
A letter criticizing the sheriff In
handling the dynamiting cane w