1619-4-3 Dan Hardie denied office as sheriff. I 1 ill 1 V NI„ 11'1i 1 II n pension order and Hardie's answer to D them. JJ N II R I Inf summing , the testimony, Stafford Caldwell, consul for Hardie land political opponent of Governor Sholtz in last years Democratic pri- DENIED Omaty, declared the charges as "trivial, indefinite and unsupported by the facts. Under questioning by the governor, Hardie said he received AS SHERIFF a check for r from c h eT. l Rooney, former Miami Beach hotel operator and developer, as a loan, 'soon after he took office to finance DEC YE193J his operations in office until fees 7J should be collected.This loan,he said, Governor Asserts Proof was repaid in a few months, without any note being signed•or executed. Failed To Show the Roney was one of the principal witnesses in Hardie's behalf. He tea- 1 tified that police conditions in Miami Charges Untrue Beach made it"intolerable to operate 8 1933 a hotel there" before Hardie became sheriff. Mayor A. Frank Katzentine REMOVED of Miami. Beach denied this by tele- WAS . gram. Roney described Hardie as one of ON OCTOBER 18 the finest public officers "I have ever known. Roney is a member of the Committee of One Hundred, coin- posed of wealthy residents at Miami' Made Denial and \Vas Beach, which has been active in law', enforcement campaigns. He declared that under the administration of the. Given Hearing In Tal• . ' sheriff who preceded Hardie there; were gambling places and haunts of lahassee On Nov.7 1 gangsters near the hotel. Witnesses supporting the charges' asserted that Harie's office had de-1 '-_clined to respond to calls for protec-1 IBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) tion, that he had been discourteous to women calling at the office and TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Dec. 7.—Dan kited other alleged instances of im Hardie, veteran Florida peace officer proper attention to duties of the, and the man who threw the` switch office. that executed Giuseppe Zangara,kill- It was alleged that Hardie refused' er of Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago, to consider a report from a commit-; tee of women about a kidnaping and! today was denied reinstatement as instead devoted his time to showing! sheriff of Dade county. them a-collection of guns and weep-! ons to be used "in defending himself' Gov. Dave Sholtz, who gave Hardie a hearingafter removinghim from from imaginary attacks by gangsters. Hardie said the women asked to see office last October 18, informed the the weapons. felled to furnish satisfactory proofformer sheriff by letter that "you Dr. Green testified that when Har- .. ) die threw the switch that sent Zan gara to death he "exhibited normal that the charges on which you were j /and sound emotions." suspended were untrue." The text of Governor Sholtz' letter to Hardie today follows: The suspension order charged Har- "With regard to your application die with malfeasance and misfeasance for reinstatement as sheriff of Dade in office, neglect of duty and in- county, you are advised that at the. competency "by reason of lack of hearing which I accorded -you, your failed to furnish satisfactory proof) sound judgment and mental a that the charges on which you were! stability." suspended were untrue. ' find that the charges upon "I find that the charges upon which which you were suspended are true you were suspended are true and your), application for reinstatement Is de- 'and your application for reinstate- nied." - ment is denied," wrote the governor, B _ who declined to comment on his de- " FIGHT ONLY STARTED, ciston. x DAN HARDIE ASSERTS At the hearing November 7-8,i "I have only begun this fight." Hardie marshalled along list of wit- That was the curt and brief state- nesses to refute the charges and him- ment last night of Dan Hardie, sus self took the stand to deny them! pended sheriff of Dade county, from categorically. _ his home in Palm Island, after Gov. Dave Sholtz had Informed him in a "I have only begun this fight," was:, " letter that he would not be rein- Hardie's only comment tonight. n He stated. has charged that complaints against Asked to amplify his statement the him were instigated by politics be- former sheriff referred to a letter cause he sought to "clean up Miami" which he sent last Sunday to mem- and drive out all lawless elements. berg of the house of representatives Dr. Ralph N, Greene, Jacksonville and to the state senate and In which psychiatrist, testified at the hearing he reminded them that 18,000 voters that he had examined Hardie and I had cast their ballots for him In the! found him"of sound mind and Judg- ' general election in November, 1932. ment and mental stability." The letter stated also that what will The governor based his charges�I be called the Dan Hardie League is against the former sheriff on a series l• being organized to further a cant- of affidavits. Witnesses at the hear- paten for his rejnstatement. ing testified in support of the affi- E. rat P.Brigham, attorney for Har- davita and the governor made public die.said that Supremt court proceed- Ings to restore him as sheriff would additional charges of neglect of duty be started next week, but said he would make his decision