1619-4-4 Two fronts open fire in "Liberal" war- Public discussion of gambling urged „,, _ I as the sheriff in judging effects of a
TwoI liberal policy on business and said
members of the ectociatian did ni
appreciate the reflection cast on them
by the sheriff in a statement Tuesday
T1 71 b which the county law enforcement
heed declared
they were misguided
their judgment on benefits of night
resort operation.
"We do not want gangsters at Miami
Beach but believe a liberal policy may
.w AR be out and Miami Beach still
t free from an undesirable ele-
ment,” Mr. Goldstrom said.
The realty board resolution provided!
"that Sheriff Dan Hardie be most
JAN 2 8 1933 heartily commended for his stand for
law enforcement in Dade county and
his determination to close gambling
Realty Board Gives Han dives, immoral places and drive out
criminals, racketeers, prostitutes, and
die Support As Gold• indict grafters and parasites.
PP i "The Miami Realty Board fully real-
izes that such places and persons are
strom Fights Back 1 a distinct economic load upon this
• community, which it cannot, and
--- should not bear, resulting in lowering
RABBI SUGGESTS tofo property valuesrsand stupendous lose
to the taxpayers of this county," the
resolution continues. "Be it further
PUBLIC MEETING resolved that in his program for law
and order and decency Sheriff Hardie
will have the full and unqualified sup-
" port and co-operation of every member
Sheriff Is Commended On of this organization."
One Hand; Criticized PUBLIC DISCUSSION
On the Other Rabbi Jacob H. Kaplan of Temple
Israel of Miami is "deeply impressed
with the fine spirit expressed by Sheriff
Dan Hardie about the whole problem '
There was firing on two offensives of making Miami a decent place to live
in Dade county's "liberal policy" con- in,"he wrote in a letter to The Miami
troversy yesterday. Herald yesterday urging a public dis-
Members of the Miami Realty Board, I cussion as to "whether we must have
gambling for the benefit of the bust-
meeting in the Seven Seas restaurant, ness interests."
"heartily commended"Sheriff Dan Har- "The president's research committee
die for his statement implying "closed on recent social trends seems to have
some such situation as ours in mind
town" operations for the communities when they say:.'One of the problems
in the Dade county area. which will still need attention In sup-
At the same time Sol S. Golcistrom, plying this insatiable hunger for
president of the Miami.Beach Business amusement and diversion is to devise
indignantly a method by which the standards held
Men's Association, 1nd1
B y protest. essential by the community may be
ed Sheriff Hardie's statement. protected, at the same time allowing
Business men, Mr. Goldstrom assert- .I for the free play of new ideas and en-
ed, are as capable as the sheriff in tertaining novelties,' he wrote.
"I have met Mr. Hardie at several
judging the effects of a liberal policy meetings held for the purpose of urg-
on business. Ing Miami employers and others who
"I have traveled all over the country come here to give employment to
Miami citizens first and I have heard
and lived at Miami Beach for the last
him speak in a way that leaves no
nine years," Mr. Goldstrom said, "and I doubt in my mind that he is the right
think I am just as observant as the man in the right place and that we
sheriff. I don't find conditions here may expect now, so far as 1t is in the
as he has pictured them and think .power of one sincere man to bring It
about, the beginning of a new era for
Miami Beach is one of the cleanest 'the decent development of Miami and
resort cities in the world. I o its surroundings.
"We of Miami Beach wc,'ked for and - "Sheriff Hardie,I feel sure,would be
supported Mr. Hardie in his campaign. ;swilling to listen to the opinion of say
400 or 500 of the intelligent, liberal,
which we understood was based on a _
i�socially minded citizens of this corn-
liberal policy, sununity who might be called together to
"Business men of Miami Beach,whom 1 'decide in an honest and above-board
I represented, along with other mem- mmanner whether we must have gam-
e tabling for the benefit of the business
j bers of a committee appointed to see j interests or not. There is no use beat-
I Mayor A. Frank Katzentine Monday to 'Ing about the bush. If gambling is
ask for a liberal policy at Miami Beach,
necessary for the welfare of the city,
will back the sheriff in law enforce- `let us have a gentleman'sunderstand-
will that it will be allowed, where and
I ment. how. And if it is permitted, it is my
"But we do not think antiquated I suggestion that the whole business be
laws with a blue tint should be en- in the hands of some prominent and
( highly respected citizens with the ea-
forced here at the expense of enter-
press understanding that the profits
tainment for our winter visitors, who -1 of that business will be distributed
come clown here to play. They are the 6,among the character-building institU-
people whom we merchants depend _;tions of the city that require help.
them -1 "With such a gentleman's under-
on for trade and we should
give -1 standing and with the express purpose,
what they seek in the way of pleasure. of supporting such character-building
"The association does not mean for I<institutions that are ao little supported
backroom gambling holes and speak- u by the winter business men and by the
easfes to run wild. Such places should -1 average visitor, it ought not to be be-
'c neath the dignity of any man In the
not be allowed. But all resorts have ,city to handle the business for the
casinos catering to the better element. welfare of the community.
a' "The sheriff's usefulness ought not
Miami Beach ha had them before and
we think Miami' loses an attrac- S,to be impeded by those who obey the
law in public and help to break it in
tion when they are not allowed to run." private. Is it possible to have an
Mr. Goldstrom declared he believed understanding on the subject?"
Miami Beach business men as canable