1619-4-5 End gambling, Doherty asks in statement . ns asserted he was dumbfounded
when Floridians • argued against
nlengthening the season and said'it
Ncould,not be done. He advocated e
�A flilDL�11 unity of purpose and the placing o1
the task of promoting Florida into.
_ the hands of a group not large enough
D�HnnT�r to be debatable. i .
I^YL4,'ll'�[Il) ly nI,(\\y� ,(►\�1 "I,spent more money. lent year
M I I U advertising and encouraging
._ - 111111A/111)lA„ B 6 people
to come to Florida than Florida ever F
1�i'S I T "I hope some one win organize a
group to promdte the'state before '
another season'starts,''';-will be will-
log to do my share.',I look on Florida
7� as a literal treasure box of.opportunl-
o. Not Compromise ties not even catalogued. 'There is
not a state in the union whose citi. -
Yourself With An sena have more-influence and prom's
ything nence than thlaone. Florida la lack-
ing only In willingness and orgamza-
Lawless,'He States •
tion. .Too;many believe that the
State is only,,their own town,"
' He.believes•,that all parts of the
`OUT OF state have much room fore Improve-j
CONTROL' ' meat and cited the state's vale-q
veloped cattle Industry,
SdTUATION SEEN "There" • is no state In,the world
which has the variety of .products
' - ,found In Florida,yet the railroad fa-1
cillties are Inadequate for travelers
At Mia
Stand Taken ,desiring to go from one side of the
mii state to the other."
He explained that New York state:
Beach Meeting To'
Pro. Some years ago failed to recognize its
summer resorts and that he was con-
sidered That crazy when he advocated mak-
h y re� lag'Atlantic City a winter resort.
O'1(33p Colonel Doherty asserted that he
did not want praise and power and
said that he is willing for some one
Opposition ,Co gambling In the else to take up the work. He ex-
ptained that he never knew a state to
Metropolitan Miami area Was voiced
yesterday by Col.Henry L.Doherty at _
a meeting of representatives of Miami ,,have as much Informationavailable
.,aa Florida, but that most of it Is
Beach civic organizations In the ,wrong..
Then Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, that'the cle imate herave e
h show
"Private•gamblingmer, with a few in the-sum-
mer,-establishments exceptions, !s un-
take funds away from legitimate buss. excelled.
neases," the "We must build Florida and forget
Florida Year-Round about what happenedsaid. in 1925. I divide
not interested In trying to
"I urge you to use your Influence
up the abusiness of Florida,-Ct in
against gambling or anything which creating a greater volume of business
promotes lawIessnesa" - for a ,
- He asasserted serted that •
a sports and en-I �,
He userted"thst$legltlmate'�busi tertainment center attracts criminals)
names cause too many,'situations and undesirables. He was
that at one time there wereinformed namesen ugh
get out of control'and tcited ons
a nest of fraudulent oil schemes 1n but that most of them,ks here to hold a non v ion,�
a,Texas town where promoters soma being on vacs-
tion, behaved themselves, •
years ago became so-powerful that He forecast that bile to win have
theydictatedto the local,state'and a growth comparable Los An-I • -
federal governments.. ,
teles, adding that he dreads booms
"Do not compromise yourself with
appetites ecause hand eubdf
ey crexplained that eate false ea
anything lawless,"he warned. • visions laldout at one time through-I n
out the country would require 400,-
He commended MayorA..Frank I
Katzentine for the work of his 000,000 people for them to be pop-
police ulated. j4
department last year: "Mayor Kap. "Let's lengthen the season, pro-
zentine'e work last mote Floridas e m ear_ 7
Year was out- y round resort j
standing,"ha asserted. and convince the medical procession
The meeting .was calledthat Miami Is an'Ideal place to,hold
'by the a convention on July 4."
Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Thomas J. Pancoast,
to discuss ways the Miami Beach Chamber president
feno o-l
which to'promote ;merce and of the Realty Board, s d I
the best interests of the city. I '-
that more property was-sold by Miami
Colonel Dougherty reiterated hla I Beach realtors `In the
belief In Florida as a.year-round re last four
months than during the last four)
Bort stats,urged lengthening the win. Myears.
ter season and cited..the-area's ad. DohertyeKatzen workerk cad `Colonel' -
vanta es a hard and sincere.
6 as a summer resort. "I
Asked for suggestions on how to pro-,
Personally have gained by•the
presence of Colonel Doherty In the.
mote-Miami Beach and the state and community, not from a monetary
said he'will try to raise money for - -
advertising purposes." With a greatint but from being associated -
"I admit that aome of my ideaa ars with a serious
debatable and I will be glad to be •
"He to serious and sincere when he
. Says he la-trying to help the com
shown whenever I am wrong."
He asserted hethe
was dumbfounded up.- I offer my help to him In
bwhen Floridians argued• against axles ding of the community."
the season and said-it Charles.W- Chase,ar., secretary of
could,not be done. He' advocated a the Miami edBeout that Mi of Com-
of purpose and the placing of merce,es pointed that Miami/Beach,Beach
the task of promoting Florida into. g program i of enter
the hands ot a group not large enough telnment and more attractions.
A summer program of fishing,
to be debatable. v.- water sports. sail" and a motorboat
l"Z',apent-more money,. last year races,band concerts and a boardwalk
would encourage tourists to come, he
advertising and.encouraging people said.
_ - "— - -- Within 10 years Miami Beach and
to come to Florida than Florida ever towns to the north as far as Palm
spent. ., I' Beach will be thickly populated and
this area will be doing good business
"I hppe some one will organize a I-` throughout the year, he forecast,';
group.:to promdte the state before I•
Railroads. will aid •la t by i stall.opIng..
another season starts.`);will be will-I Florida as a summer resort by install-
eliminate the••
fag to do my share. I look on Florida heats while)traveling ed cars othrough_states
as a literal treasure box of opportun1- with high temperatures,he added.
ties•not even catalogued. There-ls E. D. Goodfellow,-president of the
not a state In the union whose citi- Goodfellow-Combes, Inc., advertising
-zeas have More-Influence and proms-', distributors,said this
nence than this':.... •s.__,._ ..,. •.., w._i_..--.