1619-4-6 Dan Hardie tells of conditions he finds here. be 100 per cent better off it every,man
(( connected with the gambling business•
T71 IY1 1T1T 1TIt1 ►ry1
161(1)1 1F1II1191Df 11l 111111e1�JYIIJ,'I, ,m1LP,�'�,la`\/1' ffw4—mat'barfe'to fhlrse T>are
cr wherevercame from alongwith
' crooked wheels and dishonest games.
•"There would be,if this were done.a
better circulation-of money among that
class of citizenry who pay our.taxes,
support,our orphan homes and other
institutions of charity.'
n ��''77 n "I find a number of so-called proml-
�']'�„1neh veizet os have awe bugaboo Lha-
'Lji'� y„' y.,,' we have got to have a wide-open, com-
munity to regain prosperity with no
limitations on anything.
JAW 2 5 1933 ,'”"'There has been political,rendous prea-
U sure,•financial andput upon
• me to change my views and my.efforts
Gangsters and Grafters toward bringing Dade county out of
the criminal atmosphere.
Are SeekingControl, "In 80 per'cent of this effort I
traced and found no genuineness of
citizenry but rather a personal desire
•Is.Assertion for gain.
- "I find among other things houses
of prostitution everywhere, street
`I WIL7,'INDICT, wai our oururat thoroughfarescentespecbline
terfering with. decent respectable
IS HIS ANSWER "r find'some supper clubs In charge
of.gangsters. -
"I find gambling house keepers whose ,
only'interest in this community is-to
Indorsement of His Stand 6e"Then.I`nd f nd asset of simple, but
honest business men who contend that
Given By 1,000 Persons to have it wild and open is a real Ms-
eessity for prosperity.
Assembled In Church "For that type of thinker I have no
time or patience.
"I also find a few high-brow tour-
late of the libertine variety, whose
Sheriff Dan Hardie gave warning yes- money was left them by their fathers.
terday that crime will not be tolerated -giving expression to their views to the
in Dade county and that the county effect that it they are not permitted
to run wild,they will go,to Havana..
"will be taken out of the criminal "My advice to them is that they can
columnl". get to Havana in two hours if they are
The statement was made after a 21- In a real hurry,with the personal hope.
day study and investigation, through as a citizen and taxpayer, that they
won't fly back. •
out the county,made.by Sheriff Hardie "I find this type is momentarily
•ince his induction in.office on Janu- .dangerous because of theirwealth and
try 3.• - supposed prominence which some peo-
ple give recognition to,but my wishes
P for them,If it were possible,would be
the Florida Chain''of Missionary .As- to'give thema hard honest day's work.
semblies service in First Baptist Church "I find'the working and middle class
last night,many of whom were visitors not giving us any concern in the mat-
terfrom other states,rose at the conclusion ,of tbut rei prommineani
ntt elti-
eo-called pe: 1-
of the service to pledge their indorse- sens,whose only real right to,freedom
went of the statement made.by Sheriff is their money left them.-
Hardie that lawlessness has no_place "I' find, however; encouragement in
• that we have many rich tourists who
In Dade county andthat he would con-.,, desire to help our better class local
eentrate his efforts In.eIlminating+l.b busines men to promote the higher
for the benefit of the residents and vie- and finer things that go to make a
ltors. Dr.'J..L..-White,pastor,asked-all real resort. That Is the only type f
who intended to support the sheriff to have any respect for. ,
PP "There has.been, as might beex-
stand. Every'person stood. • petted.much advice offered me toward
The sheriff's statement was made running this office. 1 now only this,
within 24 hours-after a delegation of that Dade county is go ng to ice rid of
gthe things.which have torn.It down 4.
Miami Beach'business men had called during the last.seven or eight years.
upon Mayor'A. Frank Katzentine-in The grafters in high and low places
that city and•appealed for a "liberal will know pretty soon what I think '.
of them and their opinions, asst pro-
Y•" They asked
policy:' _ Mayor Katzentine pose to,have every mother's son of
to permit the operation of a few"high them indicted. -
class resorts,".,asserting that visitors "That is my answer to their advice
were disappointed because the city was �that I allow Dade county to continue
as it is and has been. -.•
closed up and that business was su1 "I, however, want it well under-
fering as a consequence. stool that assheriff of Dade county
Mayor. Katzentine answered that Ism in every'respect a public servant
while he was•n favor of a liberal policy and will go to any lengths within my
powerto assist any man or woman.
he believed that'the.laws should_be whatever may be their station,In mat-
-enfoyeerj„adding that there were other tars of honest government and cle-
law enforcing.agencies in thecounty_ cency. • ,
t0 be considered. There has been much said about• my next election four years from now.
I...,The;,spokesmen .of the merchants' I can answer that I am interestedand
delegation, ,Sol a. Goldstrom,:presi- determined in but one thing and that
•,dent of the.Miami Beach Business Men's 10 to' takede county out of the
Association, and Linloln frown, Jr.,- "There is no assistance needed by
former commander of the Miami Beach - me other than was given me by some
Post of the American Legion and"owner 19,000 people'on November 8,who evi- -
-- -. dently believed I was honest and- on
of an electric company, and.Louis the square and who believed me when
Karlebach,,merchant, asserted ahs,t the I said I hate graft and grafters in what-
!laws being emplpyed were antiquated- ever form.
'and likened them to"blue taws. • - "I promised that the power of the
Sheriff Hardie's statement follows: sheriff's office will be applied In the
Interests of good government and de-
i "I find we have alarge number of- cent people.- -
citizens who are not genuinely inter- ' -"In the short space of 21 days I have
'ested'in bringing 1 ack this community gathered an amazing mass of startling
I - and astounding information of which
but who predicate every-civic effort 'there will be plenty said and shown in
made;on personal-"gain. I find the` th:: very neat future which will con-
entlre Judiciary. and prosecuting`offI. elusively prove-I am more interested
an I.determined In placing Dade county
cera of She.county-A No.-I.-.They are- 1n'the hands of decent people than the
ethical and honorable.;I began to'look I bickering and yapping of a lot of thin-
elsewhere.. I.found one element of our sitory parasites with whom we are now
citizenry not Interested n the upbulld-, burdened: - -
lug of the community.- I.'found ire- "Is. addition, I am highly pleased
with the character and,caliber of the
mendcus amounts of'graft being paid, deputies under mycontrol and with
So much than the community cannot their assistance,together with the hun-
stand up under It: dreds of Dade's finest citizens, Who
..- Ashy retl rnv nffire to .unrest their
start for there and was confiding
his plans to a new friend.
"Shucks,"the new acquaintance
said. "If you want to see'em wild
and tough you don't need to go
The OCT -5 1939 all the way to Africa. There's
a town called Fort Pierce, Fla.,
that's filed with unreconstructed
ToW rebels that are two jumps wilder
..11 than a deer. They fight with
fists, knives or pistols for the
sheer love of it. Civilization will
Cryer t never find that place."
So Dan Hardie'went to Fort
7t v Pierce, Fla.
About You and Me FX-SHERIFF DAN took an-
other look at the most mod-
and -What We Do
ern thing in sail, watched it
—By Henry Staffer-- •
shoot up into the wind where
Its sails fluttered for a moment
WE WERE out on the bay before going off on another tack.
Y' front at Twenty-fifth road Then he recalled a.story of an-
the other day watching young other sailboat on Biscayne bay,
one that explored along the coast-
Tom Newman put one of those line and found an-anchorage near
new Lightning c 1 a s s sloops" what now is Palm Island away
through her paces when we ob- I back in the 1890's.
served a white-haired old fellow Ex-Sheriff Dan,three other lads
of adventurous spirit, and a cat,
engrosed in the same occupation..p were aboard that other sailboat, .
Investigation disclosed our fel- a sharpie.
low second•guesser,and shore-
-'-The. trip load.been.long,.-the_.
bound critic was ex-Sheriff Dan white bacon had long ago run out,
Hardie. -With the bond that al- and there .remained only the
makings of flapjacks and a slight-
Ways exists between'those who ly battered bacon rind long over-
love sailing craft, ancient or worked in greasing the frying
modern, the conversation soon pan.
was in high gear. In the midst of the examination
of their new surroundings one of
It was a one-sided conversa- the shipmates let out a yell of
tion, with ex-Sheriff Dan doing alarm. The hungry cat had
the talking, and we the listen- found the bacon rind and it had
ing: And content we were to almost,but not quite,disappeared.
keep it on that level,for here is The rind was retrieved,washed
off in salt water, and preserved
•the source of some of the most for future use. Who•could tell
colorful 'and hilarious tales we where the next bacon rind was
',have ever heard of'the.Miami of coming from.
yesterday. Dan Hardie was later to own,
_ and part with,a 14-room mansion
�`X•SHERIFF DAN traced a on Palm Island,a little more than
ilii 100 yards from where that Qpi•
pattern in the 'sand with code took place.
his cane and spun the story.of
how he happened to come to THE new sloop shows no in-
Florida in the first place. He was clination to return to her
a youngster on the loose out in mooring (a„nd why should she
the Texas Panhandle,with a yen with such a breeze and such a
for something even more prima. day) so ex-Sheriff.Dan goes on
five. Someone told him South with other tales of those early
Africa was the place he would days. He tells of trips to his
Sind it. He was just about to homestead in the Redlands when
the best transportation was a
start for there and was confiding sailboat to a point near what now
his plans to a new friend. - • is the village of Cutler, and a
"Shucks,`the new acquaintance c cross-country hike along a trail
said. "If you want to see em wild blazed qqpp the pine trees. He tells
and tough you don't need to go delightfG1 stories of happy days,
all the way to Africa. There's tough days, pioneer parties,
a town called Fort Pierce, Fla., shootings and sudden deaths.
that's filed with unreconstructed
'' rebels that are two jumps wilder
'THERE'S something
than a deer. They fight with. 1 about
fists, knives or pistols for the this country," he muses.
sheer love of it. Civilization will "When I got hold of some
never find that place.', money I set out to see tke
So Dan Hardie'went to.Fort world,and I didn't miss any part
Pierce, Fla. of it.I spent$20,000 doing it,and
VX-SHERIFF DAN'took an- I didn't see anything better than
1Liyou see right now.
other look at the most mod- Look at those islands. Look at
ern thing in sail, watched it that water. 'It used to be more
shoot up into the wind where' primitive. Somehow it looked
Its sails fluttered for a moment bigger when the four of us
le and
before going off on another tack. the bacon-eating cat sailed in
Then he recalled a.story of an- here more than 40 years ago.
other sailboat on Biscayne bay, Civiat info has been hacking
one that explored along the coast-
away at t for 40 years now,but
line and found an'anchorage near ai isn't ruined yet—not by a long
what now is Palm Island away sght..
back in the 1890's.
Ex-Sheriff.Dan,three other lads rX-SHERIFF DAN should.
of adventurous spirit, and a cat; L• put to paper some of those
were aboard that other sailboat,
a sharpie. virile stories of the'Miamiland
-!Phe•trip had-been-long,..the_, of that early day, put them to
white bacon had long ago run out, paper in his own colorful and
and there remained only the vivid language, and not through
makings of flapjacks and a slight- the pen of some literary "ghost
ly battered bacon rind long over- who might lose the spirit behind
worked in greasing the frying the words.
In the midst of the examination WHEN Edmund Friedman,
of their new surroundings one of
the shipmates let out a yell of YY county engineer, men-
alarm. The hungry cat .had tioned at the county commis-
found the bacon rind and it had• Sion meeting Tuesday that the
almost,but not quite,disappeared. road and bridge department needs
The rind was retrieved,washed another automobile bus to haul
off in salt water, and preserved convicts to and from work, E.B.
for future use. Who could tell Leatherman, clerk remembered
where thenext bacon rind was a previous discussion about the
coming from. _purchase of automobiles and
Dan Hardie was later to own,. trucks and innocently asked:"Do
•and part with,a 14-room mansion you fellows buy automobiles and
on Palm Island,a little more than trucks every month nr at ay...,