Resolution 8514 RESOLUTION NO. 8514
WHEREAS, in the year 1887, Edward Bellamy stated -
"If we could have devised an arrangement for providing
everybody with music . . .perfect in quality, unlimited in
quantity, suited to every mood. . .we should have considered
the limit of human felicity already attained"; and
WHEREAS, we, in Miami Beach, in the summer of 1953,
have had the privilege of enjoying such an arrangement
through the performances of the University of Miami Summer
Symphony on ten wonderful evenings; and
WHEREAS, the appreciation of our residents and
visitors alike is aptly depicted by the attendance at the
"Pop" concerts, which rose from 9,433 during the 1951
season to 25,000 for this, the third season;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members
of the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, unanimously
tender our sincere expressions of gratitude to Mrs . Marie
Volpe, manager; John Bitter, conductor; Dr. Jay F. W.
Pearson, president of the University of Miami; the members
of the University of Miami Summer Symphony; the members
of the Symphony Club Pop Concert Committee and all others
identified with the success of the concerts for the time
and personal efforts they devoted toward producing an
outstanding 1953 Summer Symphony Season.
They brought to us the realization --
Of some world far from ours
Where music and moonlight and feeling
are one.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution
be sent to Mrs. Volpe; Mr. Bitter; Dr. Pearson; the University
of Miami Summer Symphony; and Mrs. Mitchell Wolfson, president
of the Symphony Club Pop Concert Committee, as a tangible
record of our very true regard.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 16th day of Septemr, .D. 1953.
Vice Mayor
City Clerk
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