Alfredo Gonzalez/David's Cafe LOBBYIST': (L,~:) I O coif Colliqs ~,~ ~) BUSINESS AOORESS: (Numl~r a~ ~e:) (Ot~) T~ [~,.101~ NUMBER: ~ NUHBER: BUS~NESS ADDRESS: (Number and ~.met) (C:~) F-AX NUM~,: (OpUonM) (Sine) (:~p Code) ~s~tL: (o1~) Fil ~ U~m Nd~m ~ FkKkM k ~ C~qwrMi~, ~ ~ Tnmt [SedJm 2-M3 (c)] · L~ST ALL I~RSOflS HOt. D~NG, DIREL-rLY OR ~NDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE OWNE3tSH/P ~ i I~'T IN SUO'I CORPORATION, PAKTNER..qH~P O~ TRUST: ZSSt~ m be Io~led (Des~lbe in demi): A) LOeB'fiST D[SO. O6URE: ~ ~ V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER 1ST OF EACH YF. AR~ EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SuBIqXT TO THE C3TY a. ERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER 04111, I.bt zfdG LOBBYXNG EXPENDZTURES XN THE,,.J.,Y OF MIAHX BEACH FOR THE PRECEmNG CALENDAR YEAR. X do solemnly swear that all of the ~'o~egoiflg facts are true and correct and that X have reed or am Section 2-482 of the Miami Beach C~ Code as amended, and all familiar with the provisions ~ontain~l in Signature of Lo~ [] Produced ID Form of Iden'dfication Swom to and subscribed before me This "~\ . day of ,~-~ , 2003. 1[MY COMMISSION tt CC 848243 Ii EXPIRES: Octobe~ 22, 2003 J~ I~Jonally Known Signature of Public Notary - SLa~: of Florida Print, stamp or type name of Notary Public If ~, ~ reason: ~gl~_'-_--~ fee paid: [ liyes [ ] No / 2nd Revis~ 1~27/03 A) L~ Dt.~:j.C35UI~: ~ ---" B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST C~TION): Produced ID Form of Identification {;~ersonally Known VII. SIIINATURI AND STAMP OF NOTARY OR DBqTY C:L~RK: State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Swom to and subscdbed before ~ This, ~\ . clayof ~,L~ . ,2003. Signature of Public Notary - State of Flodda Print, stamp or type name of Notary t>ublic If ~Jt~__~, m reason: 2nd Revision 1127103 [ ] P,E:JECT~ DATE:.J [ ]Cash [ ]Check ~., '. F:~3.ER~TL~.ol~¥egistralJon03.~