1656-4 Pictorical Record tells good story Beach prohress carefully outlined • .•r,
11.• ' J4l`; fO, a, y- s .u 'I r;. ,pi :.,.•.«, • w, '� l -.1:.,.,,.) '9t' ,.o` 1;'
i�j V (J
22 MIAMI BEACH RECTION I " " �� / ' • M
Pictorial Record Tells' Good Story I WORLD AN WEBS FAST
Beach Progress Carefully Outlined CALL O WMBF -------,,_„,,.„:,
The 1 pictorial record .of Miami the Flamingo grounds In October, 73
,4_, �
1014. Consistently Good P r•o- Ve-7:
Beach development has been kepte 3 Kik.
since 1014 in the office of 1V. E. Belle Isle in October, 1914. photo- f
From Beach
graphed from the site of the Flamingo, grams ..tc ;
Brown, engineer for Alton Beach Please Radio Fans > P> .'. •
showed a little pavilion about 1() feet
,,Realty, Co., Miami Beach Bay Shore square, a flag pole, AustrxUiati pines B.tK to
Co., Peninsula Terminal Co. and coconuts less than six feet high. "'liiami Beach and the Fleetwood : d "
These photographs show at range The first building operations•on Belle s' b .
contrasts. For example. in 1914 the isle begun early in November, 1914, In hotel have achleve<J international re a
Australian pines now towering high Murch, 1915, the final lot staking was flown through the WMIBF radia • ,4
above shaded drives were three or four done on Belle Isle. and the concrete0t" `
sea wall was being built in April, broadcasting station on ,top of the .,+.,
feet high. At the end of July, 1016, i 14-story Fleetwood hotel judging '
the only structures west of Alton road, 1915- ,,p, 1 r
south of Lincoln road, and north of In January, 1015, a large grand front the vast number of telegrams s >
!Tenth at.•Were a large boathouse at stand for viewing boat races was be- and letters that come into the Fleet- ,req� ^
•Eleventh at. and regattagrandstand. Mg built near Tenth at. ,. ,
g K wood studio every day by the then• ] Ott
The first footbridge for golfers was Early in April, 1915. the east shore sands.,From all, parts of',the western - {it>
built over Collins canal in May, 1917. of Indian,creek, opposite W. Forty- hemisphere. From .En laud Canada. ';';''''1,40,,W1,
Ii following through this record, oneVI V the ;
By first st., was still covered with the South America and West Indies, � For4q00.,
is amazed both at how recently every- original swampland growth. +t' "
K not to relation the entire United �cnt'.
thing has beau accomplished and how Power mowers were used for the States, come congratulatory mete 6.kS"S ':
much has always'gone on at one time.Ifirst time•on the Miami Betel' golf sages hearing the.strongest approval 's '`,4*
Following is a list,of some of the course in April. 1015. The great success of WMIBF is all . E ;,,*?A'
steps in development as shown by the Ground in the neighborhood of the the more conspicuous.when one con• iilat##a` h? >
' pictorial record: (Talbott residence at Tenth at. and BM- alders that it has been •tn operation
. started in 1914 when wooden leayne'bay was first planted with grass only since Inn. 15. I
bulkheads were being driven at the in May, 1015. ' • Commodore .J. Perry Sltoltz, owner FL]EEC•
north of Collins canal. The 'only The James Whitcomb Riley tree, a ofe the Fleetwood,• says that the
vegetation on newly 'filled Belle isle Ficua nitida, was planted in 1915 at great reception .tuhich'.hes ,been ex- •
was newly planted coconuts, four feet a height of about three feet. ' tended by *redidfans'every where to
bitch; and Australian pines le'ss than the Fleetwood station has been due. ,•
two feet high. A view from the top of the regatta
g grandstand •in September, 1916, to the fact that uniformly 'good pro- e;:
The wall was being built around the showed no buildings west of Collis. Tums, have been given.:i Every care, ',:,tt;P:
• Fisher residence in April, 1914, and uv., south of Lincoln•rd. and nortl of is given,to having a ,top" notch en• Sx„ -
where the sius residence now stands, �£ `
Q Ninth st. and the tallest tree in his terUtimneut each night. A •tndlo fen, rlie:'':
Bermuda grass was beginning to cover Mr. Stoltz says, is moist and fc ,t,+t'
the some /area was six feet. 3
ground. extremely independent and once a K3
binyor Snedignr's house was being t.
The original bridge, abutments for bad or second rate probram is pre- :. 'y
the Alton rd. bridge lover Collins ca- built in 1915. It is said to have been sented, the fart will remember and be 0..,.
built entirely of drift material from yte
nal had been built in May; 1914, but wrecked ves3els. The fisher residence at considerable pains to uvoid catch- t t J.
no bridge had been.klonstructed• (was completed the same month, • ing that station again. j, . ,y '';,Vs
Standing at the end of the Lincoln The Fleetwood has beta most for- r 8
.rd. pavement at the present west edge Construction of•the" Sea walli ' in tuautely situated in havingthe won. ..` ;fir
' of the golf course and looking east front of the Flami;ago hotel was un Ile>ful Fleetwood orcheaCra for each 0;:h 'I
'only one building was'in sight in May, der way' in April, 1910. evening's entertainment and in ac-
1014. . Landscaping and improvement of ;
curing noted entertainers to supple•
The first
pavement on Washington Belle Isle was begun 1n .lune. 1910. Inert• this organization I thereby pro
ay., north from Lincoln rd.'was laid At the end of July, 1916. the only eating variety. "blr. Stolz says that s
the first part of hilly, 1914. In build- structures west of Alton rd. south of the demand has-been fo5 music that
ing pavements at that time, rock-was Lincoln rd. and north of Tenth at, „
loaded on barges or lighters near the were tt large boathouse at Eleventh st• Inn~ be classed as refined jarz. I..s,„(,~
There is nn especial aversion to. the .e
docks in Miami canal, and towed to land the regatta grandstand, .
barbaric-braying kind ,that- is pirev-
an unloading station on Collins canal 1 The Snowden house and the Lincoln -dentin cheap dunce halls. z<
near Jefferson at. and placed in small hotel were under construction iiiOc-
A great deal of the success of the, y'›.s:,'9°
cars running en a contractor's narrow tober,''1910. station in attributed by Mr. Stoltz `s `s
gunge railway to the site of the pro• Miami Beach's acv nil :vwimtuing to the wonderful work' rf .lassie (i.
•posed road. Pool was built in'Deco fiber, 1916 and { 4>
A vast expanse of raw, undeveloped the Dutch windwill was built in ;Jan- Jay the unuouncrr. Scarcely a mss• !„
sand,dune land wits!all there was on sage •conies into the studio that does
the Miami Beach golf course north of nary,1917. The casino was remodeled not mention the splendid announcer. y
in ,July, 1017. Inquiries as to who he is, and where •t'"`"'"" ''
Collins canal in May, 1914.
In a picture taken from the east Work•on the construction of• the is he going when the hotel c]osea,
end of the ocean pier at Lincoln .rd.
old polo ields'started in 1917 and at come in everyday, Mr. Stoltz says. Gar W
looking southward.the nearest houses the en1l of'the year the�Australian' Realizing that an , announcer can world's tastes
hedges were nbout'18 in dies high. hotel, at the
in May, 1914,"were" at twelfth and Construction of the east enuscw,n make or break a ratlio':Ibroudtus�in
Collins ay., looking west from the east y station and that there are out a
or viaduct was well started in Feline
end of 'Eighteenth St., showed only any, 1913. , few in the country who are good un-
four buildings in an area'along Bis- • uouncers. WMBh` considers itself Place tite antcu—, .
cayne bay front from Nineteenth at. particularly fortunate yin procuring in.•the air.
to Fourteenth st. Looking south the HARDEE BOASTS thio ingenuous young mann: I The station is
view shotes at the same date the re- ',OF PHOSPHATE • A year ago when the hotel. was
cantly built ocean didewalk, Collins under construction .lir!!Jay wits; en- watt power rho.
ay.,Lincoln rd.,and the.nearest house, gaged to install the'brotidcanting•ata- capable of der.
with the exception of the T. E. James' County Hits Nationally Important tion and superintend its operations It is.sending o
residence.at Fourteenth at., is at Asset Under Soil; since he had constructed the sending 384.4.: A new
Twelfth at. No buildings appear west '• Undevel�tpedl and receiving stations lie bliatni amidlop
veed by the
of Washington uv. and south of Four- • the station, is I
at 6ocolobo Cay in.order•that com-
tcenth et. • 'TALLAHASSEE, L)uly 25.--:State munication night be et{tublished be- sista of a double
The first large amount of biiildinK geologic mop of Florida shows that all tween Cocolobo Cay and Miauli,for• iii devised to in
was done along Collins lava(south of of Iiardee county, with parts of three the convenience of utetabers of the reception.
Fourteenth at. in the summer of 1914.
adjoining counties, lies within what is club. The success Whitby Wb1Bb' Inf.. During the bl
First grass planting over:the south termed the "Bone Valley Formation." achieved is' the highest(tribute to Ili$ Program is re
end of the Miami Bench golf course
anti in June, 19]4. •
; It is the only district in the state of ingenuity. II and is listened t.
Florida that is so designated. It The antennae ou the(Fleetwood is fluty is to obael
The west bank of Lake Pancoast magna that this soil is underlaid with 2b0 feet above the gni rand and was reception, sit the
was a tangled maogrove swamp inbe ud u
June, 1914, ,, the petrified remains of.prehistoric erected for temporary !use this w•in. ) stcd• It
animals, hi other words the phosphate ter due to the fact that it was con- this watchfulnee
A sinnn n the tf1914 on Lincoln of commerce. As everyone knows. sidered wise to hurry 'completion as hag" which has
rd. announced in 1914 that Lincoln
rd. was 100 feet wide.and one"mile phosphate is the base of all rem• the hotel was being filled with guests poor }rete)
long east and west.' it was it ;rent Inertial fertilizers and the dielrier and the disturbance oft further cote Fading is unused
' nrhievement. In 1914 two ,dredges above referred to furnished 75 per atr uetion wan ,found t4 he iundvl.- Wove .length )'
wire pumping on the +dd polo fields, Cent of the supply of thin country, and able. As soon as the hotel closes c-honest ulleni'in
securing the material from near the the. I'nited States produces nearly this season, two needle point towers c'oustaut• •
present Flagler monument. that 'Proportion, of the world's sup- will be erected on the roof of eaeli Any one may
' Bermuda grass was first planted en ply. , I wing of the'•lintel ant these will inf.; slutiou but