1656-15 Don Moore-The story of Miami Beach ,
' .
• MIAII 11
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i ,„_______ --, ..
ities of The STORY •
Miami Beach • IN ord 7
of • .
,COP•SIGOT. 1•24 1 I (WIWI T 0
er will ..--- tly DON MoultE--•—.--'---, deal ca )ns Miath i Beach
,er re- CHAPTER TWO . ber 2,
nor noun. ISO,
,y the Peace : • mit. WI1.1, .
,Mianii Beach itw self hail never invited fess- s; By DONOOR
.i. pass- tills In election 1
e cheek witnessed an attempt it sellielnent.lly be held CHAPTER. III
3liami Beach was not.technica
to the -.day - for the Misr
1 proves Despite the occasional lawless.
,iteh' over the outc
• .peaking, a winter resort Gfty • ington
-- .. ness encountered,wreeking was an
. - years ago,or, for that matter, IS Bo :nry •
ived important industry. Judge Ji - ed balloting.
.?.5.5 years ago. Mud,mangroves,1110S- been it •
v111 B.Browne,in his history"Key he says.ame
!IlliIrleS. That, together with a played
LA West," vouches for a god story -Almost
1.0144 narrow ridge of beach varying in is bein: about the wreckers. Ile tells how of the votes
width from a thousand to a boo- Vol C. .
• e Squire Eagan was in the pulpit. illegitimate.
light ared f..4.was all. being t fs wise. he .aw, through the opess
ive aong the ocean road,north runnin: door of the church:that a ship was the polls hers.
of Miami Beath, or sail south jog opr W dates. At o.
.4 running aground. NOthe first
ordinance to Key Biscayne, if you wish; Renner Oils man to reach a wreck is master in eight person
cal meet- to know how the beach really look-'.....-- charge.and receives an extra share would be deli
Business ed. Stun when you come 1.0a par-
areof salvage money. But if Squire Now,let
Fl.ri,ireg.- ticularly desolate spot, where the Recoi ,,„„, Eagan called out "wreck e subdivider's stakes have disappear- rather grave.
v in ashore!" he had would have been the
7anization beach,
ed;sohere the .s narrow anduntil your ti
ale- lust man out of the door of the
t eht"'"h• eovered by twisted sea-grapes,vcithYou make ales church. Si, he took his text front
e the in- their huge, flat. glossy grace I Cri
ont!dan4 "
s, ix, 2K ions ye "sine-third of
le the en- leaves: where the palmetto jungle
r wls'NT of not that they %villein run in a race i 't'he grand ju
"" ,.,''''''' is nearly impenetrable, ,•scanal,eeint on r .• i in run all. luta one•rec.-teeth the,
duly to suppl
the obi Ilayri to numerous ,IK•fii.,I 1,11 prize? So rum doff ye may .4.-1
"Len.. ..4- rattlesnake,. ti-l1 your way we•I lailnis lint putrid innuer
le- tush.' Exhorting. earnestly. he' .
iu:,ne..irr,'.e. through. t he poalmettoes. 1 ill you -AI in" 1' All/ 1.11111e 1111W11 f the pulpit.wt.,- 1%'hu.Mr - .
1 hisat
- ' reach tide.wat,r. Clamber through • X' cast': Give l
-Lion and the mangrove swamp. pi.•king a nhnI fo
Ann, of fling with the stublooro souls of
ore his congregation from the aisle of piddle arount
.st Credit,precarious footing on the tangle if at work o the church. Sidi urging thesis, through the n
' th'''ha -submd m
rve 1. t,
.fter th.I
• 11,111'1111, m", with forceful gestures, ti run a Mr. Val Clea
.tt.r„,ior.,11 clutching down like gnarled finger..1work hen,. .use great roe for salvation,herr-salt.the int,the Illllil of the buy as the tide by th•,-...mt . nro. ed the door. Th he cried out. you,and Mr.
tries to wash them loose. Prnact ica, ins "Wreck ashore! Now we will sill used illegal in
esst. 11111 U race and see who recein,th Z1 Imagine that your Uel•till r •)hII as ,.“ pI,,,,
ng. the prize!" Needless to say, the assist you in
on the disappeared. I.,,ok around and sec perhaps th tel line wreck gave rise to all sorts We chalk
uts See- the tracks a coons;raldnits, wthl- ton outgri• .44 of romantic tales. Not a single
nable to i cats, p0,11.1111S.III.Shiy even bears Robt t, A. ' element of the traditional "buried the public,to i
(nointed'but not of human beings. Then R,,,,..y,ha; tee treasure"story was missing. One anyone else i
is Beach walk back to the bench and see tathilitation ige of three Spanish vesselsfrom the
V am' in how it is littered with sea-weed, will be in
un- Mexican mines was wrecked on the election, used
billord.huge timbers,C01.01 fan.,countless winter. by reef off Hillsboro,about Iti:15. It If you f
Flora.I shells.sea purcupim•s,water-soak- 1.-... ,, the was reputed to Carry(ninety tons
ageneY-I od palmetto logs,sponges a every the pet,,,.. silvOr, and a half million dol. resign,becau:, •
n room.'imaginable shape and color, star- was aot s, •g,a lars' worth of doubloon.. All but bail&up charg
wrher,i fish. broken life-boats, 1.0X,, lif 1 , tO one a the survivors was mass:weed two Beach cit
so,. by Indians. He came back, b
-sled in n merchandise. Fe,the ocean heach under the
for 1555, wit h Judge Allen Ileyser of your verdict!
su• for(was the paradi,e of the "beach „.,„
his Lake Worth and 31 knoll,to hunt for ...... ... --
•Or hi,h I comber." rush the h the wreck, hut without success
r.‘. ua .-
n -I The word always rolls p
, , winter. C for.as it was afterwards learned.
pi,•ture ofat willed white man,ciao u.4„rear,
the•Mter.by which-The loratinin of i Famous G1
Hontly in dirty duel: trousers aml tides dt,„„
n•!;':torn sr, oing on the th
I tine ewreck was marked,hod shifted
I tlllhest& '
a toile south. Later on,un or
)r iz,•,I WAS Math,Ill bore fgan-
or Negotiate
n'°•,,,,i,•r a eon't•nont troe a browudn; e'n''"
• t,"-skintod ,,,,,,..• girl. ,,•,t so with ''"'"!. .,C.': , the silver-an attempt which eni-
r these Dade eo.inty hca,1 conni..hh.rs.I t3"4"'", ,
1 ear
listed a numb., of adventurous The term ,i,,,•rino.,1 every ao'"n"n n'1!; (701•00Ut Beach (
spirits f1•0111 M iik 111i MA
"t.-lath-i1 member of tine population, "e`, *-6 Grove. They got nothing lust some , ,,, - -
si.y,...I,or female,who owned or road f"nr-.' . ,
a borings which assayed high in sit 1p--,,,.. vi.
•,„"""-1 bore., a boat to get over to the V%orkno
the I ver and bullion. History continued ill Florida of a
Nolstill lteld h
y's social position daVs r"P. ureln ," PiUg.ia117.... Ikt.1611, th, ii. ilk,e toe r
Ii- ..-, WilS WO eSOI,hint, er to banditti., by uncertainty which remains as •
'.""; p.ek up whate,,, the ..C1,til vilS1.1,.1 "MO' .at to whether the head of the ens pint- l heaters throug
• tyPlca; ashore. One lady expressed the third so,. ,ng Lion, Joseph Jennings. w o
of New a group of weal
-;r; ""' noirit of tic times when she said, Repairs ,,.. York,ever gm anything out of the i it the project. It
wmel, after the I first attempt was ,,...1 I
d'ue'''Bett'tf. wrecks MUSE occur w (of course made int tl mssii.dy ill Mil I If don't wish for reekA) but if will hr e in, ar abandoned. Foit was said he too “-- '''
they must happmi,I wish it,would I swing int is canoe suddenly rich,a short while Tile group of I
state- be while I ant hern.on the beach."l November 4. afterward,. til We for the re-e:
`,". t."" The beach w:ss:the supply station the stores or But wreckers and heno•It emober, season in Ni-so Orkin.
t",'""''''.for the whole country a general for occup ,y were inn Ow only humans beings to Si. ums and several
f'"" t."...1...n. cafeteria style, with a very ore IlOW I .,111 ilial MI NI111111i 1{1.111.11 in the tit its, :11111 the thee .
;Um-en:taint Ileagl,diversified arid in- will,with
0 lower o earl., day,.. 1 ,,0,-,3,,i,i•win.did rep...rots a I"Lai car
• (expensive stock of goo.ls. Every- apartment e 1, 11noowo hns own "yacht" had to non, than V01.111,0,0
. ,. thing Imaginableconamodat , trough Miami Iteael. when itt , thyolyrs ii, Cin
- '" f"r "!ashore at 11111. Lino- or another- diffieulty. . going 111 Isr f 1,111 NI ill/Ili. 'Mere SLOW in the rountry.
'.•. railroads in' the Dade D,rutd.,., ..,,,,,,,,,,..
;.'n.,",e,I,,bales id mown, Lobs II( 1:11.41, ma- increase i .
,.". e'"1 lagany logs, Vill.i.S('S. Wine. life- ing suntan 4 county s.1 Is•ns a county whichab.,..„4.
• stretn•lool 130 miles front Jupiter 111t..'-d.e"in",a'in.-ib.--,-;:h-
'-'r"r'. bo.t.,,, sounked herring. sacks ..f of the Vi
I Inlet to Key I.argo, and had a
, flour, sewing machines. The old- both knit.,
Iopulation of ninety people. There arne.ler'il..",-7'elah'i,le.,.t.n.f.e.nd"1
h,' '''"''timers even tell of One VV,V1 that. thvri:will
isuranee .
, tANTYNX tom-Ward a,sur.K.s sst s,t....srt- of la:t w' w" "" ''''" " w"g"" n'a' Mi•inii Belch sod J•tel
u• •Odell tit tne r'
Trikkd Wilk hy ivil IIprovillttl , 1. 1. - ..k
that the traveler owned une, and
e"rn,m;'t- cars.a the old horse.drawn varic- meths no•
which will have -the •
mn`Len' tv Unfortunately for early trans- us S700 f,
call a - that the cecina was calm enough.
!Otherwise. the poor wayfarer sots, with internation
„ portation, none were salvaged. Of —
,',gsh„t,..',.71- course,there would have been th• work artists a large svmul
."walkvil the(wadi,"trudging weary , „'d „"„,„,„c„,„'•
----' minor difficulty of nut having any' Yr
ale Oeer •Mill.through heavy,wet sand,or `r"' "-- - ---•."--
at high tide walking on the sharply bullet' l'he company
u„ be streets. Or horses...
Wrecks.were of fairly frequent City lur,mt of its kind eve
he chy ' slant,.d side of the,dune ridge until
. his tortured calves called a halt. the state of Florida.
0 and occurrence,and 11.1rniShtli occasion-
al employment to the sea-faring ./1 5 thazunr. :5,o‘ shone on dazzling Negotiations in N
portion of the population. These . eater, while--if it was summer-- and Miami were begu
of the
„ ,men, known by the sinister name i the droning buzz of thousands a with the arrival of
'r„P,n",,Y,.' of"wreckers,"would'sail out and Luminat hi horse-flies furnished bass.accom- O'Connell, general hu
;any'''. on lighter a wrecked Sr stranded yes- to Mario
w paniment to the insistent whine of ager fur Fortune Gallo
ath,er. sel, receiving salvage money ac- p. mosquito. from the nearby man. who has been selected
special cording to maritime law when the directing a'groves. And all the time,the pale, bine to organize the 1
i almost invisible little sand-flies of artists fur the Flo
-iri.,'.F. nut were were sold in Key West. Un- ing away
' furtuniztely for romance, most. of covered t i persistently bored their way into Local ...nicea in eat
collo, I their hut and thirsty victim. Is it replace the usual gut
'ter the the Biscayne Bay wreckers were lins Par
A'vote Perfect-1Y respectable men who through.. i any wonder that the government tern, thus eliminating
ies and I turned arl honest penny by help- and it u I life-saviog stations along the .0.44'or linbilitY on
ing float a ship off the reef a mile Park wil, al beach were called "houses of Ow enri""n enie.• A
...."... east of the ',resent Deauville ca- alnpe.aran mr 1 refuge"? a the size anti facil
. .
. •
. ,
I .
. . ,
.7 .
. .
. .
.., -
e I IIIc lest front I ane Ill
"" their hues, flat. glossy Kr1,n i!,,. .....
e ri 11hitt., ix, Si •Rr, "one-third of
Ir the en• leaves; where the palmetto Mogi, "` ye
nosisuug ,,. I n, fr`VI':N'I' Id nob that ILey wiue'h rot tl a -c I The grand ju
i+ ,art' 'mprnrl,..,.., ..nett 1
n and canal.
I in nnl 1111. Ian one•receiveII I the l
the odd day's to numerous o ,rx-foo I duty to suing
nl.uo"oI raOL'sitake,. Poll your a est pools :u„ red prize! so run. (hot ye Il 1.w „b-� putrid Inoue[
iu rho. \• ` \Ii:Ori it'
de- rain." Exhorting carne,Ile, lie'
ion is c threough, the p.,Io.'•roe•,, (ill r,m
x- :hu come down from the pulpit, NVIto,Mr
reach lidr•wat,r. 1'1;altl,.r lbre,ugb 1'1'11\Ilu:0. e,P w ._
tion mid the mangrove swamp, picking , shill)' f0 e,\a [ling with the stubborn .ends,of Ctrl' like t
•d (coedit,precarious footing. Aillt his cunnregati,.n from the aisle of piddle aruunt
p k on the tangle of the church. Soli
with lb''tool(-submolgrd mangrove moots, :a work o urging them, through then
.freer H.,I propel tie. Mows•• with forceful gesture..,
-[(ermined dntching down like gnarled finger: cork Lein[ •use to run a S7 r. "1.I Clea
hewn tLe into the mud of the bay as the tide great race for salvation,ho reach-
by Ueye.' Ire- ed the door. Then he cried out. you,and Mr.
tries to wash theta Iua,v. Tract jean cies "Wreck ashore! Now will all used illegal in
• P I II I Dnagine that your ocean roast has 1'Inz:t I rot cwt u rue 01111 see who we
day nicht poo ig. the prize!'• Needless to s1. the assist you In
on the disappeared. L,;ok around:old see perhaps t1. tel One wreck l
all. S.,- the tracks of v rabbits, wild- gave rise t11 all sorts \1b c,chantoi
:m of A, Ise el rentaof toles, Not u single
noble tel ruts,'possums,possibly ecru Lours IluLert A. • element of the traditional "buried (1.0 public,f01
ppnint'd'but not 1,l' 1101111.11 beings. Then Roney,ha: roe treasure"story was missing. One anyone else i
ti-Beach walk back to the Leach and see bahilitati,n oge mf three Spanish vessels from the
tars- in how it is littered with sea-weed, will be in n- Mexican mores was wrecked on the election, used
tobdllard huge timbers,coral fan.,countless winwr. by reef elf Hillsboro,about 1015. It If you f
Flora,1 shells,sea purcupinrs,w•atermoak- E xcept I the was reputed to carry ninety tons
.l ed palmetto lugs,sponges of every the F.‘,„;,„ •en of silver, and a half million dol •
. resign,he CU UL
I roe I mnugdnanle shape and color, .tar- was sot s. g1. lues' earth of doubloons. All but heck upChurg
writer,;list, broken tired •ts. lox., of sImon, 1.w L one of the survivors w;s massacred
led in i merchandise. For the ossa[Leach under the 'm- by Indian.. Ile'antes Lark, about two Beach Cil
w, foriwas.the paradise of the "Leach for IsnS, with Judge Allen Ilr}•srr of your verdict!
•which lcumLer... I'°°}' \\ his Lake Worth and Miami,to hunt for _
011011 rush the h the wreck, but without success._ SSSS_ _.___-_.
-The word always culls up 0 winter. C SSSS ..
• mean,pictare of a tanned white nun,clad tel d'e'uce, for,1..a i[ was afterwards learned. Famous GI
ltrm'IJonly in dirty duck trousers and I the'inh t,by l n,arktlu•hail thin fI '
•d to tirlrS cannathe wreck •n
torn shirt.lolling on the snail ul,. s marked, shifted)
aid. Ih•nee•,•n a toile south. later In,an organ- Negotiate
,,14 i,a coconut tree beside a I,ronvn- )Y Izrol:Illvttl,l was made to Lor'for
• 1.r to sk into native girl. Not s• with l...11.1,11i','
11 i,to i
these Dad,. c,.,;t ty L.mqt comber,.ivy-t 6irol:.i r the Silver•1111 11414111a which -
l'1'bc term ties••Led every :d.le--'n11e n•I tl ear listed :1 moldier of adventurous each
u14',bodied member ,.f Om popul:n Ione, : rouq,h,l spirits front .11inmi mud Coconut
lienee. Thi
-y male or(ental,who owned or v n Id Pairs to L y got assayed
nothing Lal sunt
.r a n-1 Lorao,w u Lunt to get over to the \yorkile odd Lori n;;.. v1Ii ass:p'rd higL in sit PI'd�J axle eirtu
L.'11:lnn.heio.b. Nobody's social position day> reel the ver;11111 bullion. History continued! in Florida of a
s too exalted for•hiul or her to Luildillgs ret to plagiarize fiction, even to the
la r..-uill p.1k tip whatever the ocea , ail of "Ill.
I by uncertainty which mill remains ns 01c result of the Y
s typical ashore. (Inv I:n1y v ressn.I lily I third stn•• .at to whether the head of the •x pedi_ [heals T6 Lhl'Uug
or. •nd a p expresses pairs 'I g tion, Joseph Jennings, of New of a group of weal
irit of the times when she said. N1•
I before III -e•I York,ec•'r got anything out of the in the project.
Jit Bur- If wrecks must occur (1.f course adv in tl wreck after the lies[attempt was 1 1 ct. It
II don't wish fur w eekS) but if twill Le pI ur abuloned. For it was said he be- and possibly in A11:
they must happen,I wish it wo Id;swing int Calla.suet L•nly rich,a short while The group of 1
state-ILr while I am hen•till thy beach.".Novi-tither Il. aefterward..
\id that The laiach was the supply station the sled's nut ll e,-kers:o sill' (or the re-e:
t1.,,mer-I and beach molesi, se: o1. it
Ihern to•�for the x'hole• eoulitr}- a general for oerui, wereend the only hnn:u brings(u es I New Orden.
Ismr•.cu ft-n•:, ,t vI• with a very are now I nil fool ,n ?li:uni Iieuil it the SI. Louis I I several
slow•-r luncerutin tl,•,u KI,oh ve its died:Inol�in. x•IIi, with early day:.,l 11. re'ryon,•vhu did ell Iles, x011 the thea
•xpev. ,nock of peel.. (•:very- aparinteml not "1'11 Ili, I v "sac Ll"Thad to n•pr.ems;l tidal r:q.
thinga : de wit-Led:ronimodat , g„ throe t I n• than KSu iuwo
of f•,r 'expensive
• , through linmi Ina. 'ben large n t1.etc i :
I''.1;1',:l.,‘,1 l ashore all imaginable
Itiutb lard, m nncrealt Y. going to or from 3linmi. 'Ther state in (I country.nit
• of _II des of cotton. robs of elan+l, m:,- increase i were oo railroads in the Daily
hng:u.y Logs, cbrews, wine, life- Ing sum,. •nuuly of I1 n_.1. rr,,nI which Urlini,1 ,11 ul gemo,
,Errs n--' unts, smoked herring, s'rks of of the Vi stretched Iall milts from Jupiter ",!::',1,:,1ps ,.e I nlrcudy.
flour, sewing machines. The old- both Inas
I Iola to boy Largo, and had in•i'alm Busch,
by t1.'''timers even tell of one v se•1 that there will •population of ninety people. There 1'<ter.burg, Daytona :
Isar ore'threw ILL fIivar(1 r tgrJ�o ae,I street- of fur[w: was no[ ren n wag"" road. and it 1s expected - -
rommit- Tfii\'FI k'8i h. :Shand Beach mid J:u•I
can,of the old boor-drown curie- menti no• y §10 bout, Ilrin'IIIud . :Ielrel to [Ke '
motion, that the traveler owned one, and
ll a q'. Unfortunately for early trans- as$iUU L that the ocean was calm coon•h, which will have the
oKhl at p°rtatiun,none were salvaged. Of — !Otherwise, the I' solus with internatim
rt iltra•of course,there would have been the W or{r poor wayfarer
:;,-ed'ye'r minor difficulty of nut having any IT
x"Ilkrd the he;lrh,"trudging wr;lry artist.,a large ympl
streets. Or hones. 'miles through heavy,wet sand, or tea, and complete
w by Wrecks.were of fairl7 frequent City at high tide walking on the sharply ballet. The company
he city 1stinted side of the dune rid• largest of its kind eve
'al and occurrence,and furnished occasion- ridge until the state of Florida.
al employment to the sou-faring A -his tortured calces called n halt. •
papulation. These : Dazzling sun Shone un dazzling Nego[iatf ns in M
of the portion of the . water, while-if it was summer-_ and Miami were Lego
men, known by the sinister name k
•mpnny, t the droning buzz ,f thousands of with the arrival of
lent of "('"wrecker;'would sail out and Lunnntt h l horse-flies furnished bass, 'come O'Connell, general bu
nn lighten wracked or stranded Ceo. leveled b
a panimrnt to the insistent whine of ager fur Fortune Gallo
adver_ se- receiving salvage money ac- to Nunn
p- mosquitoes from the nearby man- who has been selected
.special cording to mari[inor law when the directing a'groves. And all the time,thepale, bine to organize the I
ds were sold in Key WeSt. Un- in awe f artists fur the Flo
liam F. Kuo g 3 I almost invisible little. sand-flies
contri• fortunately for romance, most of covered I I persistently bored [heir way into Local auspices in rax
'ter the the Biscayne Bay wreckers were line Par I their hot and thirsty victim. Is it replace the usual Km
A'vote perfectly respectable men who through I any wonder that the government tem, thus eliminating
les and turned an.honest penny by help- and it is Ilife-sawing s[u[II along the 1114.4d).1114.4d).or liability on
Ing float a ship off the reef a mile Park wits of I bench were calIled "houses of the various cities. A
11111 the east of the present Ih•auville ca• appearan .noel refuge"D of the size and (aril
a joint 'inn,x'hiclt x... the favorite place quick-gro m-i '(hes houses of refuge, built nrgmie.LUe 1.it will La
ems II t far running aground. Indeed, the e I to int mi every twenty or thirty miles:dons Pn•s111 zurh :m open
whichI"boa people"did a little wrecking the grout. q'. ll.r Ill.. Ifr"nt• were the hotels prices lower thin ordil
A license on the side. And if some of the Almost m-,:Mil the hnspitnls all ton• pixie. Le charged for such i
coo for nu•roh:uulisr taken off the vessel 1.-n res.
toi highway ,f those days. But thy Limn of m'o'ts.
I mem- newer gut to the U.S. marshal at sines lb f tourist hail no need to worry about The arrangements it
,Rey West, why,who cured KeyJ of I reservations ho was welcome at were derided upon oft
" ) ,fines,an ,t1.'any hour. There were houses at by business represent
',West was so far away. ling out in--Delray and at the mouth of Now here some time
CCf I Strange tales, however,are told cnlogimn ser:thieve,east of Fort l.audtadale. Ill that Florida cities nffe
III days before the Civil War,when shrubler site 1 1074 the Biscayne Bay station was hurricane had recovere,
'enccI seekers were truly wreckers,and nue park I established near the north end of extent an to assure the
I lured vessels onto the rocks by in Collin: .Indian('reek. It still stands,very `
I false beacons.or Coldly sailed out IL Lan =` large lL that there venule
"' little changed.on almost its origi- ticulty in handling the
• will and bargained with a dishonest drive pis nal Iaration'—Ihe government res• volume- of tourists a
1 the skipper to wrack his ship fur part coconuts, •ervation itis[ north of the present here during the winle
••r•u......lens,.mom\. Some were begun, : city limits.
'Walking Ihr Leach" was sol Fortune Gallo, who
Sunday afternoon stroll. AOpera C of San Company,
three+Jay trip,it was the acre jolly,trw heis confident has en
method of traveling between Miami'enjoy a greater winter
'and Lake Worth- "Lake Worth" rover before, and that
I was the name 1ggdied to the settle- will have done more
.nlent adjoining Miami on the Inl'th interest in this 'mmn
one ten houses its-altered tilting any other single happy
11110 lake, in the general neighbor- history of the city, un
I I I of W
est Palm 11,0111. heroic work done in ,
Thy nun who planned to walk reconstruction will k
up the beach would-.persuade even greater prestige
someone to sail him across Bis- before.
castle Bay,going up to the mouth 'Having jus[ come
'I of Indian Creek and landing near-North, \here many t
the house of refuge,or else going an idea that Miami is a
straight across the bay to Bra.•
territory, I an aura:
mlut's Landing," located •Ipproxi-
mtely ill Biscayne and .Illfenan progress th a has be
; 'e't.. This landing wits a little trest,..Ni the city in s
too, in the n:lrrnwest part of the dine, Mr. O'Connell e
vv:onp, 'three the Mi- the Miain miaBroil,avBeats
aammo's"':msec" usually n dug-esu( ix llrr Ln:111 ever,ul
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