239-96 RDA RESOLUTION NO. 239-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE LOCAL BUSINESS RELOCATION POLICY FOR COMMERCIAL TENANTS. WHEREAS, two parcels of property, 1575 and 1581 Washington Avenue, are scheduled for acquisition through negotiations or eminent domain proceedings; and WHEREAS, there are several leased commercial operations located within the aforementioned properties; and WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, in an effort to facili tate the relocation of these commercial tenants through payment of a one-time relocation assistance payment; and WHEREAS, the I amount of this payment per commercial tenant cannot exceed $10,000 and will be based upon documentation of net annual earnings for the prior two years to be provided by the tenant; and WHEREAS, this payment will be equal to the earnings of the business during the two taxable years prior to the taxable year during which the displacement not to exceed $10,000 per commercial tenant. average net immediately occurs, but NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED by the Chairman and Members of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency that a local business relocation policy be approved, and that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute the Resolution. Passed and Adopted this 17th April , 1996. t?:S~r f~- SECRETARY FORM APPROVED REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GENERAl~ By /if Oate .~jl/,q 1 LOCAL BUSINESS RELOCATION POLICY The displaced. business may be eligible for the following payment: a fixed payment equal to the average net earnings of the business during the two taxable years immediately prior to the taxable year in which the displacement occurs. If the business was not in operation for the full two taxable years prior to displacement, net earnings shall be based on the actual period of the operation at the displacement site during the two taxable years prior to displacement, projected to an annual rate. Average annual net earnings may be based upon a different period of time when the Agency determines it to be more equitable. Net earnings are defined to mean any compensation obtained from the business by it owner, the owner's spouse, and dependents. The displaced business owner shall furnish the agency proof of net earnings through income tax returns, certified financial statements, or other reasonable evidence which the Agency determines to be satisfactory. Payments under this procedure shall not be less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami. Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone: (305) 673-7193 Fax: (305) 673-7772 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANDUM NO. 96-17 DATE: April 17, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jose GarCia-pedrOS1! Executive Director LOCAL BUSINESS REL TION POLICY SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: The City of Miami Beach/Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency is scheduled to acquire two parcels of property on Washington Avenue, either through negotiations and/or eminent domain proceedings. These properties, which are located at 1575 and 1581 Washington Avenue, include several leased commercial operations such as a pizza parlor, clothing store, convenience market and sandwich shop. In January, 1991 (see attached L.T.C. No. 161-1994), the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (Agency) adopted a local policy implementing a procedure by which residential and non-residential tenants of properties being acquired by the Agency would receive financial compensation in order to facilitate their relocation in a timely and efficient manner. It is in the best interest of the Agency to modify the non-residential provisions to include an incentive payment to commercial tenants in lieu of a payment for actual moving expenses. Outside Counsel, Tom Goldstein, who is an Assistant County Attorney, recommended that a business displacement payment be established to facilitate relocating commercial tenants. The recommended policy will permit a one-time relocation assistance payment of up to $10,000 to any business tenant located in a property being acquired by the Agency. In order to qualify for this relocation payment, the business must have been operating in a fully licensed manner, with all appropriate occupational licenses and permits in good standing. Additionally, copies of the federal income tax returns for the two years prior to the displacement must be submitted. ~()UTti V()I~I: l?ede'Vel()pment Uistrict CIIT CI:,...TI:l? l?ede'Vel()pment UistJict AGENDA ITEM 3-A April 17, 1996 Basically, the displaced business may be eligible for the following payment: a fixed payment equal to the average net earnings of the business during the two taxable years immediately prior to the taxable year in which the displacement occurs. If the business was not in operation for the full two taxable years prior to displacement, net earnings shall be based on the actual period of the operation at the displacement site during the two taxable years prior to displacement, projected to an annual rate. Average annual net earnings may be based upon a different period of time when the Agency determines it to be more equitable. Net earnings are defined to mean any compensation obtained from the business by it owner, the owner's spouse, and dependents. The displaced business owner shall furnish the agency proof of net earnings through income tax returns, certified financial statements, or other reasonable evidence which the Agency determines to be satisfactory. Payments under this procedure shall not be less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000. ANALYSIS: Based on the abov~ described criteria, four relocation assistance payments in a total amount not to exceed $40,000 are anticipated. These payments will facilitate the displacement of current business tenants located in the properties at 1575 and 1581 Washington Avenue, by serving as an incentive to encourage the business owners to vacate the premises in a timely fashion in exchange for this financial compensation. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the local business relocation policy be approved and the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute the Resolution. \\-- JGP: HSM :MSD: jm Attachments . LOCAL BUSINESS RELOCATION POLICY The displaced business may be eligible for the following payment: a fixed payment equal to the average net earnings of the business during the two taxable years immediately prior to the taxable year in which the displacement occurs. If the business was not in operation for the full two taxable years prior to displacement, net earnings shall be based on the actual period of the operation at the displacement site during the two taxable years prior to displacement, projected to an annual rate. Average annual net earnings may be based upon a different period of time when the Agency determines it to be more equitable. Net earnings are defined to mean any compensation obtained from the business by it owner, the owner's spouse, and dependents. The displaced business owner shall furnish the agency proof of net earnings through income tax returns, certified financial statements, or other reasonable evidence which the Agency determines to be satisfactory. Payments under this procedure shall not be less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 L.T.C.No.161-1994 LETTER TO COMMISSION October 21, 1994 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: SUBJECT: RELOCATION MATTERS During the LandlordlTenant Commission Workshop of October 20, 1994, concerns were raised regarding occupants of properties being acquired in the Block 53 land parcels necessary to complete the Cobb project. Enclosed is the Redevelopment Agency relocation policy as adopted on January 9, 1991. The Agency will provide relocation assistance for persons who are tenants in Block 53 in conformance with this policy. At the suggestion of Commissioner Pearlson, the Administration is reviewing the level of fInancial assistance offered and at the November 2, 1994 Redevelopment Agency meeting will report if any changes should be made to the policy. As you are aware, the mediation regarding Block 53 has been successful and the final format for the settlement agreement was developed this week. It is anticipated that the document will be executed by all parties by Monday, October 24, 1994. At that time the Redevelopment Agency will begin provision of relocation services in accordance with the above policy. A temporary office will be established, preferably at the South Shore library on Thursday, October 27th, Monday, October 31st, and Tuesday, November 1st, in order to assist the residents of the acquired properties. Following initial contact with the displacees, the Redevelopment Agency will determine if it is necessary to hire a rental real estate expert to assist in the process. Marla Dumas will serve as the Administration representative in this effort. She will be assisted by the Legal Department and there will be a Spanish language translator present.. Based on Marla's experience in administering Uniform Relocation procedures for Dade County, I am confident that the City will provide an excellent relocation service to these displacees. RMC:jm Enclosure :.'Ilaml Beach Redevelopment Agency . 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 UDBVBLOPHEN'J! AGENCY HEHORAHDUH NO. 91-1 January 9, 1991 To: Chairman and Members Redevelopment Agen ~ From: Rob W. Parkins Executive Directo Subject: RELOCA!1'I:ON PLAN POR 'I'D SOtJTB PO:m!l'B RBDBVELOPJ!BN': AREA Pursuant to the provisions of the South Shore Revitalization Strategy the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency shall be responsible for providing relocation services and assistance to those displaced as a result of Agency sponsored redevelopment projects. The Redevelopment Agency has formulated a policy that satisfies the guidelines set forth in the Revitalization Strategy, as well as, the requirements outlined in the Community Redevelopment Act. We respectfully submit the attached executive summary, along with the Relocation Policy, for your review and consideration. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Agency' 8 Board adopt the attached Relocation Policy for the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency. RWP:WHH:JO attachments .. MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,JIl,N (I 1991 RELOCATION POLICY Executive Summary The Redevelopment Agency, in an effort to mitigate the adverse effects of displacement has developed a comprehensive relocation plan, in order to assist those residential and commercial tenants residing or operating a business in the redevelopment area. Residential tenants will be permitted to remain in their current unit for a minimum of 60 days. During this period of time the Agency will assist them in locating comparable housing and the tenants will not be required to pay rent to the Agency. Upon notification by the tenant, that they have secured replacement housing the Agency will provide the tenant with a relocation benefit equal to twice their normal monthly rent payment at their current dwelling. Additionally the tenant will receive a dislocation allowance to cover the costs of reconnecting existing utilities at their new residence. This payment will be based on the actual charges incurred. Non-residential tenants will also be provided with the 60 day rent free provision and assistance in locating a replacement site for their business. The non-residential tenant will secure three (3) bids from local moving companies with the Agency providing payment in the amount of the lowest bid. The non-residential tenant may then either contract with the mover of their choice or they may do a self move. The non-residential tenant will also be provided with an allowance to cover the additional costs which are incurred because of the relocation of the business, iei permit fees, reconnecting utilities, signage, letterhead, etc. The plan was written in accordance with current acceptable standards for relocation activities not mandated under the Uniform Relocation Act, and meets or exceeds state and Local standards. Miami Beacn Rede.doemenl Agency 1JI../oICIoOID MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I '" ~I . , . ""'...... RELOCAll0N POUCY FOR MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY L PURPOSE Pursuant to the provisions of the South Shore Revitalization Strategy of the Redevelopment Plan this document Is to provide a policy statement outlining relocation payments and assistance available to resldentJaJ and busJness tenants and owner occupants that may be permanently displaced as a result of projects sponsored by the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency In the South Polnte Redevelopment Area. A. RELOCA110N POUCY It Is the policy of the Agency that persons displaced as a result of redevelopment projects shall be provided with benefits and services which will Insure that they are not unduly inconvenienced by their relocation. In Implementing this plan, the Agency will provide fair and equitable treatment to those displaced. Objectives shall be to: 1. Provide residents to be displaced with full opportunity to occupy comparable replacement housing that Is within their ability to pay and adequate for their needs, and meets all requirements for decent, safe, and sanitary housing, and to the extent possible, which satisfies their preference with regard to location, view, air, and other conslderatJons; 2. Carry out project activities In a manner that minimizes hardship to those to be displaced; 3. Provide maximum choices within the available housing supply; 4. Provide relocation assistance in accordance with the needs of those to be displaced, and through referrals to other agencies, Including the appropriate social services assistance .. to those who are chronically III. homebound, and In need of support services, counseling 1 MIM~I BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,";:\r~ . \ 1~1 and follow-up services; 5. Make diligent effort to provide all residents to be displaced with the opportunity to remain In the project area. 6. Make diligent effort to assure that those displaced do not encounter undue financial or other hardship through any action by the Agency In carrying out the Redevelopment Plan; 7. Provide business concerns and nonprofit organizations with assistance In establishing at new locations with minimum delay and loss of earnings. B. );;IERNmONS Age1ncv: See Community Redevelopment Agency. Aoalrtment Bulldlna: A Building with or without resident supervision occupied or Intended to be 4,ccupled by more than two Families living separately with separate cooking facilities In each unit. Amtrtment Hotel: A Building containing both Apartment Units and Hotel Units. under resident sUJ:lervlslon, and having an Inner-lobby through which all tenants must pass to gain access. AOlutment Unit: A room, or group of rooms, occupied or Intended to be occupied as separate living quarters by one Family and containing Independent cooking and sleeping facilities. (term Includes condominium). Ag,pllcant: Any person seeking relocation assistance or relocation benefits. BuildinQ: Any Structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the shelter or enclosure of Persons or property. ~slness: See Commercial Use. Business Tenant: A tenant who maintains a place for the conduct of business. Ceirtlflcate of Occuoancv: A document Issued by the Building Official allowing the occupancy of a Building and certifying that the Structure has been constructed In compliance with all applicable City codes. regulations and ordinances. ~: The City of Miami Beach, Florida. MIAMI BE,\CII REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2 JAIl !, ]991 MEETING City Commission: The City Commission of the City of Miami Beach. Florida. the governing body of the City. Commercial Use: Any lawful activity where there Is an exchange of goods or services for monetary gain. Such activities Include but are not limited to, retaJl sales. offices, eating and drinking establishments, theatres and similar uses, provided such actfvltles are conducted In compliance with the zoning ordinance and occupational license requirements of the city. Community RedeveloDment Aaencv: The Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami ~each, Florida, a public agency created pursuant to Fla. Stat. See. 163.330 et seq. and Ordinance No. 78-2115. ComDrehenslve Plan: The document adopted by the City Commission In accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1986, as amended, meeting the requirements of florida Statute Secs. 163.3177 and 163.3178; principles, guidelines, and standards for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the City. Demolition: The partial, substantial, or complete removaJ or destruction of any Structure, Building or Improvement. Develocment: The undertaking of any building or construction, Including new construction, rehabilitation, renovation or redevelopment, the making of any material changes In the Use or appearance of property or Structures, the subdivision of land, or any other action for which Development Approval Is necessary. Develocment Aareement: An agreement entered Into by the City and the Property Owner with respect to a project, by which the Development, Use, timing, capital Improvements and other elements of the project may be specified. Dwelllna: A Building or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, 3 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . d^,~ !I 199J but not Including trailers, mobile homes, hotels, boarding and lodging houses. tourist courts, or tourist homes. Dwellina MultiDIe-Familv: A Building designed for or occupied by three or more famllles. Dwelllna Slnale-FamllY: A Building designed for or occupied exclusively by one Family. Dwelllna Slnale-Famllv Detached: A Dwelling designed for or occupied exclusively by one Family surrounded by Yards or other landscape areas on the same 10L _. Dwelllna. Two-Famllv (OuDlex}: A Building designed for or occupied exclusively by two Families. Dwelllna Unit: A Building or portion thereof designed or used exclusively for a single housekeeping unit. A single person can qualify as a single housekeeping unit. Dwelllna Unit. Portable: Any vehicle designed for Use as a conveyance upon the public Streets and highways and for dwelling or sleeping purposes. FamilY: An Individual or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than three Persons (excluding servants) who need not be related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit In a Dwelling. H2tt!: A Building occupied or Intended to be occupied by transient residents. with an residents occupying Hotel Units and where Ingress or egress may or may not be through a common lobby or office that Is supervised by a person In charge at all times. Hotel Unit A room, or group of rooms, with Ingress or egress which mayor may not be through a common lobby, Intended for rental to transients on a day-to-day, week-to-week. or month-to- month basis, not Intended for Use or used as a permanent Dwelling. Individual: Any Person, corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, association, joint stock association, estate, trust, or business entity. Miami Beach ProDertv Maintenance Standards: Refers to Miami Beach, florida. Code of the City of Miami Beach Chapters 17A and 17B (1964) as amended. MIAMI BE^CII RE.DE.VElOPME.NT AGENCY .J!,ll n 1991 4 MEETING ... Co... Non-Residential Unit: As utilized In this document, any living space or living quarter, non- conforming to the Building or Zoning Code standards of the City of Miami Belch but which Is occupied by person(s) and which: I) Lacks complete living, sleeping and eating faclllUe. within the unit, I.e., a stationary stove with at least two top burne,.., refrigerator and I kitchen sink; and/or II) does not contain complete bathroom facilities In a .eparate enclosed room accessible to, and available for the exclusive use of the occupants of that unit only; and/or JII) substantially falls to meet the definition and requirements for I dwelling unit under the City's Minimum Housing Ordinance Including floor area requirements; or Iv) Is a portable dwelling unit. OccuDatlonal Ucense: The required license to conduct business within the City of Miami Beach pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach. Person: See Individual. Plannlna and Zonlna Director: The Individual appointed by the City Manager who Is the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department. ProDertv Owner: The Person or Persons having a legal or equitable Interest In real property, Including property that Is the subject of a Development Agreement, and Includes the property owner's successor In interest. Redevelooment Area: That portion of the City designated by the City Commission pursuant to Section 163.330 et seq., Florida Statutes (1969), and amendments thereto. . MIM~1 BEACII . r.EDEVElOPMENT ^GEHCY JAN !I 1~91 5 MEETING Redevelopment Plan: The South Shore Revitalization Strategy prepared pursuant to florida Statutes Section 163.330 et seq., adopted by Ordinance 89-2403 by the City Commission on February 15, 1984, and constituting the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Area.. wen as the redevelopment element of the City Comprehensive Plan. Residential Tenant: A Tenant who maintains a single housekeeping unit regardless of the number of people In the household. A single person can qualify as a household under this definition. Residential Unit: See Dwelling Unit. Roomlno House: A Building other than an Apartment, Apartment Hotel, Hotel, where, for compensation and by pre-arrangement for definite periods, lodging, meals, or lodging and meals are provided for three or more persons but not for more than 20 persons. ~: A parcel of land considered as a unit, capable of being occupied by a Use permitted In this Ordinance, possessing a continuous or unbroken boundary not divided by a public street. rlght- of -way, private street, or Waterway. Except for properties which are Involved In the Transfer of Development Rights where the site Is that property within a project that has been approved under Section 6-29 of this Ordinance. Sublect ProDertv: A parcel of Improved real property In which there exists one or more dwelling units or places of business. Tenant: An occupant of a dwelling or place of business whose rights to possession thereof Is In exchange for the payment of renL Townhome or Townhome DeveloDment: A grouping of single Family attached or detached units on one site with each unit having separate Ingress and egress. Use: Any purpose for which Buildings or other Structures or land may be arranged, designed, Intended, maintained, or occupied; or any occupation, business, activity, or operation carried on or Intended to be carried on In a Building or other Structure or on land. MIJ\fM UEACH REDE'YElOPMENT AGEUCY 6 J,\N " 1991 MEETING ZonlnQ Ordinance: The City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 89-2665, as amended. II.EUGIBIUTY A. The following Individuals and businesses are eligible for assistance under this plan: 1. Residential Tenants who have occupied a rpsldentlal unit for a continuous period of at least 90 days prior to and on the date on which the Agency acquires title to the subject property. 2. Business tenants who have occupied a commercial space, as a place of business for a continuous period of at least 90 days prior to and on the date on which the Agency acquires title to the subject property, and, duly licensed to engage In a business activity therein pursuant to the City Codes for the City of Miami Beach. 3. Business owner-occuDants who have owned and operated a place of business on the subject property for at least 90 days prior to and on the date on which the Agency acquires title to the subject property, and, duly licensed to engage In a business activity pursuant to the City Code for the City of Miami Beach. B. The following Individuals or businesses are not eligible for assistance under this plan: 1. Tenants or owner-occuoants who voluntarily waive rlQhts to relocation Davments or assistance. A fully Informed tenant or owner-occupant with knowledge of the Impending acquisition of the subject property by the Agency Is deemed to waive relocation assistance or payments by vacating the demised premises, whether prior to or after the Agency's acquisition of the property without notifying the Agency. This Dollcv eXDresslv excludes benefits to any Derson or business that may relocate by self-move In anticipation of the AQencv's aCQuisition or taklnQ of the demised Dremlses. 2. Residential tenants. transients or tourists who occupy hotels/motels or other non- MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 7 JAN 9 1991 u!:nINr. residential units on less than an annual basis. Such persons will receive appropriate advisory services necessary to minimize hardships In adjusting to the required relocation. 3. Residential or business tenants who Ire evicted for cause. Cause for eviction Is defined as: I) The failure to pay rent. unless the failure to pay I. based upon the owner's failure to keep the premises In habitable condition; or II) maintenance of a nuisance or use of the premises for Illegal purposes; or iii) a material breach of the rental agreement; or Iv) the eviction Is required by Slate of Local law and beyond the control of the local government. 4. Persons who OCCUDV anv non-resldentlal unit utilized as a IIvlno ouarter. In.. GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLYING TO AU.INDMDUALS OR BUSINESSES COVERED UNDER PLAN 1. Procedures for ImDlementlna Plan The Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency or Its designees shall be responsible for developing and overseeing thelmplemenlatlon of this plan. The Agency will Issue all required notices. make relocation payments and referrals for other required services. 2. Tlmelv Information The tenant or owner-occupant shall be contacted personally and when practicable. In writing, and provided Information that fully explains the reason for the displacement and the relocation assistance available to him/her. 3. Advisorv Services The tenant or owner-occupant shall be provided appropriate advisory services necessary to minimize hardships in adjusting to the relocation. 4. Advance Notice Unless there is an urgent need for the property (e.g.. emergency proceedings or substantial danger to health or safety) or the tenant Is evicted for caus... the tenant or owner-occupant shall given at least sixty (60) days advance notice In writing. MIAMI BEACII REDEVElOPMErH AGmCy 8 JAH n 19Q1 M~FTmr. of the earliest date by which he/she must vacate the property. Such notice shall be accompanied by appropriate referrals to a comparable replacement dwelling or commercial space. 5. Definition of . Comoarable ReDlacement Dwelllna shall be: I) Decent, safe and sanitary housing In conformity with local codes and HUD's housing quality standards. II) In an area that Is not subject to unreasonable adverse .nv~ronmentaJ conditions; Is not generally less desirable that the location of the displaced person's dwelling with respect to public utilities. commercial and public facilities; and Is reasonably accessible to the person's place of employment (or to sources of employment. If the person Is unemployed. but seeking work). iii) Functionally equivalent to and substantially the same as the vacated unit with respect to the number of rooms, area of living space and amenltleL The Redevelopment Agency will assure that there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin and that persons or businesses displaced because of Redevelopment Agency activities will be treated fairly, consistently and equitably. N. SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM BENEFITS 1. Residential Tenants - All residential households that meet the eligibility criteria as set forth In this policy shall receive a MRelocatlon Benef1t- equal to two (2) time. the normal monthly rental payment. as evidenced by the rent rolls, lease or receipts. The benefit Is limited to one (1) payment per household not per Individual. In addition, eligible tenants may receive a -Dislocation Allowance-. This allowance Is 9 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JM~ H 1991 lAC'LTI~11" designed to reduce the financial burden of utility reconnectlon charges. In order to receive this additional benefit the tenant must have had the utility, gas. electric or ~ telephone service, In the dwelling from which they were displaced and the transferring the service to the replacement dwelling. The benefit I. limited to the actual charge. for the transferral of service and does not Include deposits or the establishment of new accounts. 2. Business tenants or owner-occuDants - Any business permanently displaced, shall be given allowance for actual moving expenses and relocation costs as set forth In Section A below, Incurred In a relocation of the business. The busIness owner will be required to submit, to the Agency, a minimum of three (3) written proposals from licensed moving companies, with the moving contract to be let to the lowest bidder with the prior approval of the Agency. Should the business desire a .self-move., the payment will be based upon the lowest bid amount, wlth prior approval of the Agency. The Agency reserves the right to reject any and all bids and request new bids If It Is determined that the costs are excessive. In no event will the moving expense benefit exceed $5,000. In addition to the actual moving costs, the owner of a displaced business concern may apply for a related expense payment, to be based upon reasonable costs that the business Incurred because of the displacement. Such costs may Include, but are not limited to, replacement of stationery made obsolete because of the displacement, notices to customers, utility reconnectlon charges, etc., subject, however, to reasonability of the 'cost based on agency review and veriflcatlon and when the dislocation necessitates su~h expenditures. MIM.lI BEflCH REUE'iELOF M ENT ^GEtlCY 10 JAN ... 1991 MEETING A. Umltatlons on ellalble relocation costs. Any business which qualifies IS a displaced person herein Is entitled to payment for such actual moving and related expenses as the Agency determines to be reasonable and necessary, Including expenses for: (1) Transportation of tangible personal property utilized In such business transportation cost for II distance beyond fifty (50) miles are not eligible, unless the Agency determines that relocation beyond fifty (50) miles Is Justified. (2) Packing, crating, unpacking and uncratlng of the personal property. (3) Disconnecting, removing, reassembling and reinstalling relocated machinery, equipment and other personal property and trade fixtures. This Includes connection to utilities available In the premises. It also Includes modifications to the personal property necessary to adapt It to the replacement structure, to the replacement site, or to the utilities at the replacement site (Expenses for providing utilities from public right of way to the replacement building or building Improvements are excluded). (4) Storage of the personal property not to exceed 6 months, unless the Agency determines that a longer period Is necessary. (5) Insurance for the replacement value of the personal property In connection with the move and with necessary storage. (6) Any license, permit or certlflcatlon required of the displaced person at the replacement location. However, the payment may be based only on the remaining useful life of the existing license, permit or certification. (7) Relettering signs and replacement stationery on hand at time of displacement that Is made absolete as a result of the move. (8) Actual direct loss of tangible personal property Incurred as a result of the ... 11 MII-.MI BEACH REDEVElOPMENr AGENCY JMI H 1991 .. moving or discontinuing of the business where the utility or function of the particular tangible personal property Is destroyed. The payment shall consist of the lesser of: (I) The fair market value of the Item for continued use at the displacement site. less the proceeds from Its sale. (to be eligible for payment. the claimant must make a good faith effort to .eU the personal property. unless the Agency determines that such effort Is not necessary. When payment for property loss Is claimed for goods held for sale, the fair market value shall be based on the cost of the goods to the business, not the potential selling price); or (II) The estimated cost of moving the Item but with no allowance for storage (If the business Is discontinued, the estimated cost shall be based on a moving distance of not more than flfty (50) miles). (9) The displaced Individual or business must provide the Agency reasonable advance notice of the approximate date of the start of move or disposition of personal property and a list of the Items to be moved or disposed of. However, the Agency may waive this notice requirement after having been given an opportunity of documenting Its relocation flle. (10) The displaced person or buslne.. must permit the Agency to make reasonable and timely Inspections of the personal property at both the displacement and replacement sites and to monitor the move. MIMlI BEACII REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY B. Self moves Jf\f~ .. 1991 12 MEETING . .... If the displaced business elects to take full responsibility for all or part of the move of the business, the Agency may approve a payment for the actual moving expenses In an amount not to exceed the lowest acceptable bid or estimate .. obtained by the Agency or prepared by quallfled staff person without submission of any additional documentation of moving expenses actually Incurred In the move. c. Flxed Davment for business movlno eXDenses Any displaced business, other than outdoor advertising display business or a non proflt organization, Is eligible for a fixed payment In lieu of a payment for actual moving and related expenses In an amount equal to Its average annual net earnings as computed as hereinafter provided for but not more than $10,000 If the Agency determines that: (1) The business cannot be relocated without a substantial loss of Its existing patronage or net earnings; and (2) The business Is not part of a commercial enterprise having another establishment which Is not being acquired by the Agency, and which Is under the same ownership and engaged In the same or similar business activities; and (3) The business will have been In continuous operation at the displaced site for not less than one year preceding and Including the date of dlsplacemenL (4) The average annual net earnings of a business Is computed as one half of the total net earnings of the business before federal, stale and local Income taxes during the two taxable years Immediately prior to the taxable year In which the , business was displaced. If the business was not In operation for the full two 13 MIAMI StACH . REDEVELOrMENT AGENCY "IAN i' 1991 MHTINr. taxable years prior to displacement. n.t .arnlngs ahan b. b...d on the actual p.rlod of op.ratlon at the dlsplac.m.nt alt. during the tlm. of op.ratlon Imm.dlately prior to dlsplacem.nt proJect.d to an annual rate for two y...... N.t earnings Include any comp.nsatlon obtaln.d from the busln... by Its owner, the owner's spouse and dep.ndents. Th. owner of the displaced busine.. shall furnish the Agency proof of n.t .arnlng through Incom. tax r.turns. c.rtlfI.d financial statements,' or oth.r r.asonable evld.nce which the Agency, In Its opinion, d.termlnes Is satisfactory. (5) A dlsplac.d busln.ss Is not entitled to payment for L Th. cost of moving any structur.. b. Interest on any loan to cover moving exp.nses. c. Loss of good will. d. Loss of profits. e. Loss of trained .mploy.... f. Any additional operating exp.n...lncurred because of operating at a new location. g. Personal InJury. h. Legal fe.s for preparing claims for relocation paym.nt or for representing claimant before the Agency. I. Exp.nses for searching for r.plac.ment plac. of business.. J. Physical changes to real prop.rty at the r.placement location. k. Cost for storage for personal prop.rty on real property own.d or leased by the displaced p.rson. v. PAYMENT PROCEDURES '" 1. AJllndlvlduals or businesses will be required to provide the Agency'. staff with 14 MIAMI BUCH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JAN 9 1991 requested Information. A standard form will be used by the Agency In order to determine eligibility and benefit amount due, If any. The Information required by the Agency may Include without limitation: I. Copy of lease or rental agreement. II. Copy of rent receipt, canceled checks or written proof of payment of rent. III. Copy of Deed or other Instrument showing tlUe Interest. Iv. Copy of business occupatlonalllcense(s). v. Copy of certificate of use and occupancy from the City. vi. Proof of Identity, such as driver's license, social security card, voter registration card, state Identification card, passport, birth certificate, etc., vII. Moving company relocation bids. vlU. Inventory of household Items and, personal property to be moved. Ix. Inventory of all business equipment, flxture, machinery, tools, trade fixtures and signs to be relocated. x. Federal and State Income Tax and sale tax returns. 2. Any person found to give false Information may be determined to be Ineligible and no benefit shall be paid by the Agency. 3. No benefits will be paid to the displaced household or business until such time as the displaced Individual or business has provided evidence, such as a lease or a deposit receipt. for the use of the Intended replacement unit to which the Individual or business seeks to be relocated. 4. Benefit checks must be picked up within fifteen (15) working days from the date of Issue and notice to the payee. Checks not picked up within the flfteen (15) working day period will be returned to the Agency and voided. The displaced person or business will be 15 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JAN 9 1991 required to reapply for the benefit payment. 5. The Agency will honor requests for beneflb for sixty i2Dl days atter the subject property has been vacated. Requests for payment after the sixty ~ day period will not be honored. VL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Any Individual or bualne.. eligible for relocation beneflb has the right to conteat the amount of the payment or the relocation assistance that they received and may file a formal grievance with the Agency. Reouest for Aoency Review - Upon filing a written request the claimant will be provided with the opportunity to make a presentation to the Agency's executive Director, or the executive Director'S designee, outlining the claimant's grievance. A review of the claimant's grievance will be made within fifteen (15) days of the request for review. Claimant may be accompanied by an attorney or other advisor at the time of the presentation. The right to requeat a review ""'1 b. available for no more than sixty (60) days after the actual date of displacement. Panel Review _ Should the claimant disagree with the outcome of the Agency Review, the claimant may, within seven (7) days of the notification of the outcome of the Agency Review, file for a second review by a panel comprised of the following members: the executive Director of the Agency, the general counsel to the Agency or his designee, and a member of the Agency's Board of Directors. The panel shall meet to review the claimant's grievance. within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the claimant's request. The determination of the panel shall be considered final and binding on all parties. M\~M\ BEl\CH REDE'lElOPMENl f..GENC'f MIAMI BEl\CIt REDEVElOPMENT AGENCY 1472:Relocatlon Form RS1: Rev. 1-4-91 Jhll ., 1991 JAN 1091 ME.E1\NG MEETING 16 . :: ;~. :.;; FWIHiJA . ;UUN'fY OF DADE : .~. ,I ..:_I~~~RD E. BROWN, Secret;:!rv tn H.~ ." . _