Resolution 9046 RESOLUTION NO. 9046 WHEREAS, the Policemen in the employment of the City of Miami Beach have prepared and are requesting the passage of a local Act which will provide for the special application of Chapter 28230, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1953, to the City of Miami Beach and which will provide for the creation of a Miami Beach Policemen ' s Relief and Pension Fund; will create a Board of Trustees for the administration of said Fund; will provide for means of crediting accumulated and prospective funds to the accounts of individual policemen, disbursements and payments of benefits from said Fund, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is familiar with the contents of said pro- posed Act and has no objection to the passage thereof by the 1955 Session of the Florida Legislature . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Members of the Legislature now serving from Dade County be furnish- ed with certified copies of this Resolution in order that they may know that the City of Miami Beach has no objection to the passage of the proposed Act . PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of April, A.D. 1955 . ' ►/ �` ae Mayo Attest: C. W. mlinson, City Cler B pu y City C erk OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY-CITY BALL-MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA of) A BILL TO BE ENTITLED al Mt up mat °• LAWS 0, ZIA,JiliAM OP 194-Lk-. TO ?HS CM W *ACK, Ls MIMS* NI CINAMS SP A LUAU at MaNSINIPS MOM rah GOMM A elp_ 1110.1110 Mt oi ;"7 SAID MD, MiOVIDINI P NIAlI W D MOM 40. siONISAUSIOWD. BE IT =ACM NY INI tattslael OP TSB STATE OF PLORIDAI SECPION 1. That the perms* et this Act is to implement the provisions of Chapter 0230# Laws of Amide, Acts et 1953, and to provide mews 'hereby Policeman at the City or Miami Mach, Florida may reesive benefits tree the Auto provided ter that purpose by Obeptor 28230, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1953. This Act shall be doomed to supplement any other pension plan of the City of Miami Beach insofar as benefits to Polleemin are conoerned„ and nothing herein shell be eonstrued to teeny may affect the operating at er benefits at any other ? ion plan et the City of Mils* Smash, Moridiss Sections 1, 1B„ 5, 6, 7, 9, 10* *4* 119 and 30 of Crkeiptor MOO, Laws of !Florida, Sets et 1953 shall aemdisme to apply ea the City of Miami Bush essept as otheralselOpesitiwalp promtdied for in this Act. Mine tip The tollowing verde aid OMNI itail tor the porpespe of this Ast have the useatege bawdier - 1 respectively ascribed to them. Other words and phrases sell have meanings as commonly understood with respoot to the context; the singular shall include the plurel and the a ssuline the feminine: (a) Moor& anall mean the mrd of 'Mears of the Miami leaok lolleemen e s Relief and Pommies Pns as prrovide . for herein. (b) City. shall omen the City of Miami loath, Florida. (a) lobe 01111 matin the Chief and any person who has attar regmlar civil service status in the Pollee z1'ms t seder the *Medal elassifiartion of positions i►n the classified service of the City and who, in the , fit of the Board of Trustees, perform duties #aa *alb derp•rtalant as a peace offiaar. (d) ice; shall mean the Miami ash Poll,, 'a Mallet and Melon Pundit as provided herein. +jai) partiatpant: shall neon any Poliosman. as dittoed heroin, who is ell.gtlsie to have monies credited to his individual account end to resolve benefits therefrom under this Mt, amd any poison who was a Policemen ea July 31, 1953 and bas meted fit the Polies pmt, (1) Bervices shell, neon all years and fractions thereof served as an employee et the Police Deperta1ant tor which soppowatioa is paid by the City, imeluding grehaw tib time, pwevisional tins Oen it has been followed by probationary time, all time awing which d Policemen is absent on military leave Or aboonoe and ell leaves at absence during whisk eempenastion is paid by the City.' .. d ., but shall not tooled* tomes Osborn** during which no compensation le made lir the City. (d) nasal YMr: shall mean the period eammemeing Nhreh lots rod teeminatims the last day et b *ua►xy. ',MEMI 3. That there is hereto, created in the City And inte Bch shall be paid all monies previously reeSteed by the City folder the previsions ons Chapter 282304 Laws of Florida, Acts of 1933, and all ea1ss4se subsegmently reeeivdid b' the City under the provid et ebelpier Oak Lowe of Florida. hotsat 1953• lemedistely wpm the Ileard tat's* Wise the City *hell elflike pmt to the Pond at the monies moved winder Chapter 28230, Lowe of Plorida, Acts or 1493. MMU S 4. Mat there a is hereby created a and of the Pte, which ward shall consist of five 00) Trustees* all of whoa shall be Participants. Tire Trustees shall he meted by tie Participants and shell serve for a period of two 00) yews, provided, however, that immediately ages this Act Haag r► law there shall be an election aimd the Trustees too *Jested shall hold office Wail the last day of Pahosary, 1956* Coming in 19514 i leetions of 'i"IMM60011 shell be held in February of the even numbered years and Trustees elected in such elections shell comae* ssrvioe as Trustees on Maroh let followlaag sush election. Election of Trustees shall be by plurality. The Board shall . 3 annually elect tam Its whip $ Chairmen and a S ecretary mhe *hail keep oemplete add of all pro- ceedings of the leard and all actitel/► et the Ilmerd1 be by majority vote, • omens beim prt.. Xs Ow $hs of the Chaisson. the 1.0,1 ► 1 Slat WS bra a. The Truitt.** shall reeliv ireemepensation as such. SECTION 5. That the Beard *hall have power and authority as illir (a) To West -- sodammot e+ ,#s of, or inuring to the Puma SAW motes Government Bends or In beads of tkor City of Miami Desch or is savings institutions doing business in Dade County. Florida, provided ttaet amts in moth Institutions are .opo Sd twee aimmey of the United States Covert* The amesmit deposited in such savisge institutions *hall at no time sassed the meatmem ameunt of such instaranae allowed for swab ext. a) To vert into esek suoh securities or saving* delevi MIS be required for the payment at slalom asidast the Fund or for neesseary operating aapemiesit (a) 14100prese anima and to authorise payments tree the Pee by its sib Sy the irass and the Sesrstery of the Board. Cd) To authorise smodadituras in connection with preliminary reaeareh aid tsehmieal services, accounting, auditing, lapel eras and general r► 4 w administration of the Pund. (e) Ie 8° .:ash ether this as soy be meeemeary to Implement end provide ror the aper tct .me$05et t IMMO 6. Unit the ametedr et *11 amities, WSW mitts and montes et the ►i be with the diard, *Leh shall MAP *Mid i for the pretevtion a M tee ot emelt aio ritics in a safety deposit We is delat deposited as sear by meted b7 the /0 ilustingiVidmerA ata shell be aateadiata ter sash person Oa IOW s Participant on Juts Ss 1953, the effective of Chapter 28230, Some" Plierida, Acts or 1955# and tor all persons who heedime or %melee lartisipents theraofter. To these his there ell he credited treason* peprest to the lhand by the City an be determined in the 11111011, set forth #* Seetlem 9 et this Mt. bleb amount sal be eta* at the tteae mob peleseat be the Pund by the City is received by the PsedypoWlded that the amount shall be Ganemeed as said awe* had bees received on North 10th as provided in Cbspter 11230, L ar or plena, Aeta of 1953i ea fir provided t r person she ess to be s Participant doll else reeaiivs a eredit on account of the Mast pewee* pelt to the Plead or the City atter his separation tree lierviose. p're+aewt all ether insoles received br the read there shell be emoted to each Participant M 5 0 ti an anoarat which dbell be. 10S$ Ate It that date seek payment is oily resolved by OS Pad. sad shish shall be aG In the awr set 'Seib in motion 9 It this Mt. Ile iftwother credits shell be ii11r u to a Participant's liesenst after he shall have retired under any other pesosion plan of the City! Or after he shall irisse woos to be a Pertieipent. ends. a other- . wise paS.N"tdsd in tt.s Mt. w ZO$ 8. Thattreethe pmt to the Fund by t a My the Siert OW, Oa) ray SU *eats and expenses of nanagessent and eserstion of the Fwd. 4 set aside rte assest as the sward in Its digersethastos will he amass for coots and yrs et meat and apos*tian of the Fund during the year tellssisoi the date It said pt. (a) Illadiea lir a eft intereet earned by the Aleut as of 10th of tat year in which the phut is reeeived the City frost the std mg such owl together lath the essunt rsetived by the Fund from the Citp4 Mtg. adjustments as test forth in this motion, Viibe oreaiMMd to the ams et rertisipeste It the mow eal et the Use pmerfAtel is this Sete 90 it the emeeeesa is be ea lid to Partioipantes asessmt as provided in this Ast shall be in ths the :sass ratio to the tOtal to las SmOditod to all Partleipasts as such Partieleantos Service is Is R the .derviee seSU Piirtildimate• SMO- e All that the Pundprestao baisilts to Partisiposts as Aglow 011) 41010114140110 a1 ll. die, the amount in IOW a aMt11 be paid to +Nh► IMINberieilM7 Or baMaast- ftsiortes as he shall have dram la isitting to the lissa*. it such Participant Was te designate $ bernatiolary or the eamagnstod bS beMtioi ary has pro. id the PaaarticipalprdN the amount in his account shall he paid to his oureivieg . if there Soso surviv- Uri survive 1,000e,, UM Satin aussiit shin be paid teapereen designated t► low awe . * proem, of defraying final Moses illnd 1 l dam. the OROOOS to be paid to the estate of Ow deesissi i s o (b) If a Partie hove retired =der any ether Maids plan of the Sitr4 or shall otherwise { moose to be a Participant. he Shell be paid the entire *mount in his ash in a imp sea or in installments at his election, It Moment is made by li*talallaaaMraaats such tents shall bear s interest and *hail not be made more frequently then tsr-anntaslly. (a) Ps it t4 * Participant as provided in this s Seetion *halite Moll aompittal of all claims of a Participant agoinet the rued and he shall thereupon cease to be a Participant. =SON 11. That the rest* end benefits provided for herein are vested its of Participants in 'h' Pant Sad OM sot im0 sajost to attachment, gar"dst mt, ra>a cutiaaI Sr any other legal presses. . "1ON 12. That the City of Miami leash shall have no rolipasibilitar ter the a eastiw of the Fund and shall tear no *i in cemestlia therewith. MUM 134 That it irekiy Fortin a "6'�'+Ml� st this est to slared l* .id es usseastitutisaili the remaining portielm shahl eeantint* in full torn• and west as tuft* Ouch ink portions thereof had nam beim lasiwisel herein. UMW l$. That all laws or parts at laws in comflict with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. That this Act shall go into et at immediately tot its booming a Yaw. .0Wv UOs~ ,- cd .0 0 3 O "r+ a) +) +) ri 1p O Cd H O O\ rU � i cd ca a • t5 Z a) 4Hari •d O E+ H o � a � 0 $4a 0 C/) P4 •.1-+ H m • r- a) ,-i • (1) Pg 3 w