R5A & R5B Town Center_ Why We Need to Stick to the Master Plan and remove the 220’ proposed height allowance for #northbeachTown Center: Why We Need to
Stick to the Master Plan and
remove the 220’ proposed height
allowance for #northbeach
This Wednesday, September 12th at 10:00am are two Time Certain items at the
Miami Beach City Commission regarding the Town Center Zoning.
The North Beach Master Plan was ratified by the full City Commission last year.
This led to major initiatives in North Beach, including the historic designation of
the largest areas of Miami Beach since 1990.
The final major piece of the legislative process are the Town Center zoning
changes to revitalize that neighborhood.
Unfortunately, the entire Master Plan is now at risk because of last minute
changes pushed by a small group of property owners, which would lead the Town
Center Master Plan astray.
Specifically, this relates to height maximums in the Town Center.
The Dover Kohl Master Plan and Alan Shulman’s “Intensity Increase Study”
contemplated maximum heights of 125’ to 135’ in the Town Center.
Sadly, the Commission ordinance now contemplates a 220’ height maximum -
much taller than what the prior two plans had suggested... and significantly over
the heights that the residents supported as a part of the overall Master Plan /
We must hold our Commissioners to the master plan promise - and ask that on
Wednesday, they remove the 220’ height maximum, bring it down to 125’, and
study additional issues in this ordinance BEFORE MOVING FORWARD.
Let’s work together to ensure an honest, transparent, and accountable process.
Like/share if you agree!
More information / Background:
The Intensity Increase Study was completed by Shulman + Associates in 2014
This studied multiple FAR levels, including the 3.5 FAR that was ultimately
adopted by the Commission and supported by the voters.
In the Intensity Study, the following heights were proposed for 3.5 FAR in the
Town Center:
HEIGHT: 135’ on 71st Street:
Height: 125’ on Collins Avenue:
North Beach Master Plan:
The North Beach Master Plan incorporates the findings of the Shulman study and
provided renderings showing how the Town Center could look under such
The Shulman Plan was referenced in the North Beach Master Plan:
Later in the recommendations, Dover, Kohl & Partners - Town Planning suggests
the following for Town Center (bold emphasis mine):
“Change the restrictions to enable larger buildings in the Town Center. Since FAR
is used as a massing limit that does not describe building form in any way, most
communities that want more control over the form of future growth remove it as
a criteria and use only limitations in height accompanied by setbacks on the
ground, and vertical setbacks on upper floors. Based on the heights shown in
the ‘North Beach: Town Centre District Intensity Increase Study’
conducted by Shulman + Associates in 2014, the community should
consider using parameters based on this study. Heights could be
increased to 12 stories maximum along 71st Street. If FAR must
remain as a criteria in the zoning ordinance, then it should be
increased to 3.5. A regulatory change of this kind will require a
Unfortunately, proposal R5B contemplates a maximum height of 125’ with
allowances to go significantly higher - up to 220’. This would not be in keeping
with the Master Plan.
Also, there are several loopholes for the ‘public benefits’ program outlined in the
220’ proposal.. Including eliminating public benefits requirements if a building
permit is issued within 3 years.
I strongly urge the commission to reject the 220’ height increase, to stick with the
125’ master plan version, and to move the ordinance forward following the
consensus Master Plan as closely as possible.