Alexander Heckler/NWS 04/25/2003 13:30 GREENBERG TRAURIG ~ 99902~568077~13056737254 ~~O. 200 [;1002 m -=:-' City of MI~ml Beach Office of the oty aert: 1700 Convention center 0t1ve, Mlaml Beach, FL 33139 Email: dtyderk@cl.mlami-beach.fl.us LOBBYIST REGlsntATION FORM (City of Miami Beach. City Code Olapter 2, DIvision 3, Section 2'"181) o Check Box If an Amendment Heckler NAME OF LOBBYIST: Alexander (Last) April 1. 2003 (M.I) DATE QUAUFIEO /IS L088YISf 401 East Las Olas Blvd. Suite 2000 FL 33131 and Fort L;!lIdPTd"lp FT. '1'1'101 (CIty) (Slate) (Zip Code) hecklera@gtlaw.com (Arst) 1221 Brickell BUSINESS ADDRESS: (954) 768-8238 Avt!nue, Miami, (Number and Street) (954) 759-5538 TtjJ:PHQNE NUMBER: (305) 57980500 FAX NUMBER: EMAIL: L LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: New Wor.ld Symphony NAME OF PRJNCIPAI./CUENT: 541 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach. FL 33139 BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number and Street) (City) (305) 673-3330 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (Slate) (Zip Code) FAX NUMBER: (OptlOMI) EMAIL: (Optional) All aut ltIs leCtion It prtndpellc. CarporatIon, Partnenhlp or Trust [SectIon 2-482 (c)) NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARlNER, OR BENEFIaARY: UST All PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECT1. Y OR INDIRECT1. Y, ^ 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUSP. n. SPECIFIC LOIl8Y ISSUE: Soundspace - The Project Issue to be lobbied (Deso1be in det3il): m CI1Y AGENCIES/INDMIlUALS TO BE L088IED: I A) Full Name or IndlvIdUlllfTllle B) Rel8tionthlp City Commission City COllllllittees It.- 04/25/2003 13:30 GREEtiBERG TRAUR I G .. 9991321:156813771:113056737254 NO. 2013 Gl003 .I.... U.J.:lll.,LU:MJ~ur 11:~"'UAl"'lU'Ul't..,ur LU_Y.li:J1 \.oUT"'I~n~I.&~\.",~..nr:ln,cK nVVr(Lr, FLATRATEOR OTHER): A) LOBBYIST DISClOSURE: $0.00 - Pro Bono B) PRlNOPAL'S DlSO.OSURE (Of LOB8YlST COMPfNSAllON): 1) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-339] Amendlno Miami RPMh otv Code Chaeter 2 Artide VII Division 5 Thereof Entitled "C'.ameaian Finance Reform" Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Camoaian Contrtbutions Bv LobbvlslS On Procurement Issues.: :e ~I:::~O;:: =~~i::::'e~ ~~Ui=ent orservialll.. or on. Dnl8Mt 2) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3395 ArnendinCl Miami Beach Citv Code Chaoter 2. Artlde VII Division 5 thereoF Entitled "Cameaian Finance ReForm". Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-490 Entitled 'Prohibited Camoaian ContributIons BY lobbYists On Real Estate Develooment Issues": ..... YOU lobbylna on .. ~na aoofiClltion for a DllvllloDment AGreement witb the Citv or ~: for chanGe of zonlna maD deslamrtion or chanqe to the CitY's Future Land Use MaD? V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCT08ER lIST OF EACH YEAR. EACH LOBBYIST SHAll. SUBMIT 10 TlfE CITY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER DAlH, LJSnNG LOBBYING EXPENDmJRES IN TlfE CITY OF MIAMI BI:ACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of familiar with the provisions co reporting requirements. e.fore. gOing facts areranJco rect and that I have read or am ai in section 2-482 of ejMia Beach aty Code as amended, and all . \ --.. \ ~ .. \ V Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of Principal/Client: VI. LOBBYJST JDfN1lFJCA1ION: Form of I~tiflCation ~~ o Produced 10 VII. SIGNATURJ! AND STAMP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CURJ(:: State of Florida, County of Mlam~Dade Sworn to and subscribed before me This '&..'5" day of \:>,~', \ . 2003. /~~:~, Suzanne S. Killeen ;-; - MY COMMISSION. OOOO~~l EXPIRES June 28, 2005 !tOt'4D!!) lH~ i~OV l:41N W!1JIANCF.INC. ~~~~~-- Signature'Of Public Notary - State of Rorida Print, stamp or type name of Notary Public FOIl a..E1tK'S USE ONLY f I Reglstr3~on: I[ ] REJECTED DA'TC: .o~.fiI.6 t 12' If rejected, state reason: RejJtS'll'8Con fee paid: [ ] Yes ~o [ ] Cash [ ) Ched< MCR.~' DATA EmRY DA'TC: ~ !). '6 2003 EN'TCRED BY: 2nd Revision 3/18103 F:\CL R\HAn\lobbylsts\regislraliona03.doc