Michael Milberg Arden SavoyMAY-16-2003 14:26 THE ARDEN GROUP 2157351123 P. 02/03 ~u'~m:~ ~DO~S: (Num~' and .~eet) ~'U~O~E ~U~: nil m~t mk, ~ if penclpel b · CeqmmUm~, I'am~,.ddp mTmm [S~"~km 2..~2 (c)] · U'S"?/d-L fT;RSOI~ 15Q. DING, DIR~C"~Y OR ]NO1REL'TLy, A ~l~ OR I~OKE ~LP JNTERI~T 1N SUCH Issue ~ ~ lobbied (D~scrlbe ;n c~aU): 3~. ~aii ~I~Jr~I]I, IDiVIDUAL5 TO BE LOBBZED: A) fu# #,m of ]ndhdduel/T'l~ B) THE F~RDEN ~ ~1575511~5 FLAT R ATE O~ L"'rHEI~ ): P.03/03 QN OCTOBER 1ST Of~ EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBY/ST SIMU. SUBHIT TO THE C:TI'Y CLEIK A SIGNED STATEHENT UNDER OATH, E..TS11NG LOBBYING EXI~NDITtM.ES SN Ttm ~ OF f4~Uq~ I~.Ac~ FOR THE PieCED'lNG CALENOAR YEAR,. ! do SOlemnly swear mat all of the foregoing ~acts are true and conect and that I have read or am familinr with th,., provisions contained In SeCtion 2-482 of the Miami BeKh City Code as amended, and all reporting requimemenm. SignabJre of Lol~m/i~t: ~ ~\ - Signature of P.~cLoal/Cilent; ~ ~ L~rZ~;T Z~EMI'~FZC4~; o Produced ID Per~o~'tally K~omm :: , . Fczm of ~cbntlflcation *' : ,: 2. .'~! T~! ~ ~ e~ ~eu4 e,.hm-,..i~4 k, ef~m m~ v i C~y Ol Phila, dGl~. Pt~laoqR~ia Cour~y Signature TOTAL P.03