Resolution 12488 RESOLUTION NO. 12488 WHEREAS, the automobile industry is currently under Congressional investigation for certain practices that work hardships on older drivers, and WHEREAS, said practices include refusal to renew previously written insurance protection, cancellation of insurance policies, increase in rates and decrease in in- surance coverage when a policyholder reaches an arbitrary chronological age, without regard to his individual driving record or skill, and WHEREAS, said investigation is being conducted under the auspices of Senator Warren Magnuson, Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, and WHEREAS, Senate Joint Resolution 129 authorizes a comprehensive study of existing practices in the automobile insurance business, and WHEREAS, there is a significant number of senior citizens who reside in the City of Miami Beach and who drive automobiles, and WHEREAS, it is the finding and position of the City Council that the above mentioned practices of the automobile insurance industry are patently discriminatory against older drivers and in violation of the basic principle for wiich the driver buys insurance, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that Senator Magnuson, members of the Senate Commerce Committee, and all members of the Florida delegation to the House and Senate be advised, by forwarding to them a copy of this Resolution, that the City of Miami Beach fully supports Senate Joint Resolution 129, and further that the City of Miami Beach stands ready, willing and able to make a valuable contribution to the "data collection" phase of the study, and further that the City shall, upon request, amass and submit documentary evidence of the above-mentioned discriminatory practices of the automobile insurance industry. The foregoing resolution was introduced for adoption by Councilman D. Lee Powell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of July, 1968. 41111111/ s� Ma r ATTEST: ity Clerk and Finance Director OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY-1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE-MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 a) U a) L • C E E O n co U v1 co C a) •– N +-) (D J C +� Q a) 3 O N (6 — C7 0 • — Z ++ (1) CC O O — C H O (a) a) O 4-1 N T W O E -o c N E a) O 4-+ CC V U)