Miami Beach Suncare Covers Heampstead, NY Residents
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
June 8, 2017
Miami Beach Suncare “Covers” Hempstead, NY Residents
— Free Sunscreen Dispensers to be Placed at Beaches and Pools —
Miami Beach, FL Beginning this summer, Hempstead Town is taking a page out of the
Miami Beach book by adding 25 free sunscreen dispensers filled with Miami Beach
Suncare SPF 30 Triple Action Sea Kelp Sunscreen Lotion at all town beaches and
“We welcome the opportunity to be a part of the Town of Hempstead initiative and to
continue leading the national movement in skin cancer awareness and prevention,” said
Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy L. Morales. “It’s also exciting to see the Miami Beach
brand migrating north.”
In 2015, in honor of Miami Beach’s centennial, the city along with Destination Brands
and Mount Sinai Medical Center launched the first free sunscreen dispenser program.
The dispensers offer free MB Suncare throughout the city’s public beaches, pools, and
parks and garnered national recognition - serving as a model for programs instituted in
other cities.
“How many times do you arrive at the beach or local pool only to find out that the pesky
sunscreen lotion was left at home?” said Hempstead Town Supervisor Anthony J.
Santino. “It’s not worth taking the risk of spending an entire day in the sun without
protection, that is why we’re making sure our residents stay covered this summer.”
As the first in the nation to offer free sunscreen to the public, the MB Suncare Dispenser
program received recognition from former Vice President Joe Biden during his White
House Cancer Moonshot Summit held in Washington D.C. This national program
established a new initiative to accelerate cancer research, making a decade’s worth of
advances in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care in five years.
This May, the MB Sunscreen Dispenser Program was extended for another five years,
thanks to the generous support from the Mount Sinai Medical Center to Destination
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