Miami Beach LEEDs the Way in the Renewable Energy Revolution Draft
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
November 3, 2017
Miami Beach LEEDs the Way in the Renewable Energy Revolution
— City is Recognized for its Efforts Toward Building a 100 Percent Clean
Energy System —
Miami Beach, FL — For its dedication in fostering the growth of solar energy, the City of
Miami Beach was recognized with the prestigious Bronze designation by SolSmart, a
national designation program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Sunshot
initiative that recognizes communities that have broken down local barriers related to
solar energy.
Over the past year, Miami Beach has set forth planning, zoning and permitting policies
and processes encouraging solar energy throughout the municipality, as well as
educating residents and city employees on best practices for solar infrastructure, safety
and implementation.
“W e’ve moved quickly and diligently to answer the age-old question: How do we protect
the environment?” shared City Manager Jimmy Morales. “Today, we’ve not only
implemented public policies and programs that put action behind the answer, but we’ve
been careful to approach clean and renewable energy from all perspectives: morally,
financially and commercially to ensure equitable climate solutions for all.”
In its final evaluation, the city was judged in the categories of permitting,
planning/zoning, inspection, construction, solar rights, utility and community
engagement, as well as market development and finance. Acting on a local and regional
stage, Miami Beach was recognized for integrating solar and/or shared solar into local
plans and being an active voice in state-level conversations regarding renewable energy
The Sustainability and Resiliency Ordinance has been the most notable initiative toward
building a more resilient future by requiring all new construction greater than 7,000
square feet to achieve LEED Gold or Living Building Challenge certification —
supporting renewable energy systems for generations to come. Offering local incentives
and financial capital for solar integration, the Property Assessed Clean Energy program
has also led the city to its award-winning status by providing residents with financing
options for energy efficient or green energy improvements through an assessment on
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
their property tax bill. Additionally, the environmentally-friendly island champions solar
energy by allowing exceedances to the maximum allowable height restrictions, waiving
zoning fees for sustainable roofs, and offering a more practical online process for
permitting submission and approval.
A proud participant in the Sierra Club Ready for 100% initiative, the city has pledged to
continue building upon these efforts -- working aggressively toward one day powering
the city with 100 percent clean and renewable energy.
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