FDOH advisory 10-19October 19,2017
DOHtllambDadalssuea a Swimming Advlsoryfor Col l Ins Park Beach Mdm, meawery
121' Street In Miami BeacM1l
Communications Office
Mlaml, Fla. -Samples bill water collected at Collins Ped Beach (21a Street in Miami
Beach) ala not meet Me recreational water quality standard for emerococci. Bystatsregalagon,
the FWas Departnent of Hearth in Mlaml-Daae County Is required to Issue an advisory to Inform
the public Ina specific area when this standard Is not met. An acivlwry has been Issued because
two consecutive samples collected at this beach exceeded the Federal and State
recomornenchad standard for enteracocci (greater than 70 colony farming units W enterac«cl
Fair 1Will 1 for a single sarl
The advisory Issuetl recommends not awimmina at this location at this time. Meresultsofthe
sampling indicate that water contact may pose an Increased risk of illness, particularly far
susceptible individuals.
The Florida Department of Health In Miami -Dade County has been conducting marine beach
water quallly monitoring at 17 sties, Including the beach site at Oolllm Perk Beach (21a Street
In Miami Bach( weakly since August 2001 through the Florida Healthy Beaches Program. The
sampling anew are selected based on Me frequency and intensity of recreational water use and
the proximgy to pollution sources. The water samples are being analyzed for enteric became
enterococci thatnormally sh abXibe Intestlnaltmck of humans and animals, and which may cause
human dlusase, Intectlons. or Illness. Tile prevalence meral bacteria Is an indicator of fecal
Pollution, which may come from storm water runoff, wildIIR, pats and human sewage. The
purpose of the Florida Healihy Beaches program is to daterm ine whether Florida has sgnihcant
beach water quality concerns.
For more Infirmatlon, please visit Me Florida Healthy Beaches Program Website:
him //www.ahealth.vov and Select "Beach Water Quality'. ham the Environmentel Health Topics
About tlw Florida Department of Health
The depar nem, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Boi works to protect,
promote and improve the health of all people In Florida through integrated some, county and
community efforts.
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