City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
March 8, 2018
Miami Beach Mayor and Commission Votes to Fight for Their Lives
— Approving Miami Beach to be Host City for March For Our Lives Miami —
Miami Beach, FL – The Miami Beach Mayor and Commission made a historic decision to
approve Miami Beach as the host city for the March For Our Lives Miami rally. With leadership
from Marjory Stoneman Douglas alumni and in partnership with Miami Beach High School
students, the city will join the national movement advocating for gun control and mental health
counseling on Saturday, March 24, 2018.
“I believe this is their time, their moment to demand strong actions and necessary changes,”
said Mayor Dan Gelber. “It is hard to believe, the Columbine High School massacre was almost
19 years ago and unfortunately not much progress has been achieved. As a nation, we continue
to have the same ineffective dialogue about how to reduce gun violence in America. I am moved
beyond words by the courage and remarkable wisdom of our youth, their voices, their message
will ultimately carry us through and provide us a guiding light for the future.”
Turning their frustration into action, the Miami Beach Youth Commission, comprised of seven
students representing the city’s schools, passed a resolution at their February meeting urging
the Mayor and City Commission to host an event that demands a comprehensive and effective
bill to be immediately brought before Congress to address pressing gun issues.
“As a parent and Miami Beach High school alumni, this rally is truly inspiring,” added City
Manager Jimmy Morales. “The passion of these kids paired with the support of our great city is
going to make the event a monumental success in making a change locally, in Tallahassee and
Washington, D.C.”
Today, the City Commission further supported this movement by unanimously passing a
resolution challenging federal and state elected officials to restrict the availability and use of
military-grade and high capacity magazine assault weapons to law enforcement agencies.
The rally on Saturday, March 24 will begin at Miami Beach Senior High School and travel to
Collins Park and back. The schedule for the morning is as follows:
8 AM to 10 AM: Arrival at Miami Beach Senior High School
10 AM: March promptly begins to Collins Park
10:45 AM to Noon: Speaking program takes place at Collins Park. Speakers include
current and former Marjory Stoneman Douglas students, as well as local and national
celebrities and community leaders.
Noon: Return to Miami Beach Senior High School
Empowering women for over 100 years to be a fighting force in defending democracy and civil
liberties, the Women’s League of Voters will be on-site throughout the event to facilitate voter
registration and voter pre-registration by encouraging youth, ages 16 and 17, to register online
at and take the pledge at
“The League of Women Voters stands with our students who March for Our Lives,” said
President of the Miami-Dade County League of Women Voters Susan Windmiller proudly. “The
League believes one of the most important ways our students can bring about change is to vote.
That starts with registering to vote online and taking the pledge today.”
Supporters of the movement are also encouraged to donate on the official Go Fund Me page
here or searching March For Our Lives Miami on
As proud partners of the event, Lyft will be facilitating free rides within city limits for anyone
attending the march. For further information or details on the event, and to sign up to volunteer,
please visit
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