We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
November 1, 2018
Miami Beach Receives Praise from the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
— In Regard to its Stormwater Management Program —
Miami Beach, FL – As the state’s leading agency for environmental management and
stewardship and the regulator of stormwater management activities associated with the
Miami-Dade County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) permit of which the City of
Miami Beach is a co-permittee, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Department (DEP) recently praised the City’s initiatives in protecting local water quality.
“We’re proud that the DEP has not only noted our compliance with current permits, but
has recognized our vast efforts in protecting the quality of our waterways and doing
what’s best for our community and natural ecosystem,” expressed City Manager Jimmy
L. Morales.
Following a review of the City’s Year 6 and 7 MS4 permit annual reports, DEP
determined that the City is not only in compliance with the permit, but is also working far
beyond the permit’s requirements, citing the City’s regular and thorough inspections of
its own stormwater system, potential discharges and construction sites. DEP also
recognized the City for proactively launching robust litter control and street sweeping
programs to prevent pollutants from entering the stormwater system, and acknowledged
the urban island’s water quality sampling program.
Launched last year, the City’s municipal water quality program has been highly effective
in collecting data and has confirmed that there are no direct connections between the
City’s sanitary system to the waters of Biscayne Bay adjacent to Miami Beach.
The review of the City’s stormwater management program, which included discussions
with other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction on stormwater activities, finally
established that the City’s stormwater system design meets the requirements of the
South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to provide stormwater treatement
for flood control projects.
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