City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
October 25, 2018
Miami Beach Receives $30,000 Grant at Climate Summit
— For a 0.47 Acre Mangrove Planter in Lake Pancoast Neighborhood —
Miami Beach, FL – At today’s Southeast Florida Climate Compact Summit, the City of Miami
Beach received a $30,000 State Special Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection’s Florida Resilient Coastlines Program (FRCP), which will go towards the resilient
shoreline project on State Road A1A for a 0.47-acre mangrove planter.
“We are grateful to the Florida Resilient Coastlines Program for providing critical funding for this
green infrastructure initiative that protects an important corridor in our coastal community,” said
Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy L. Morales.
There is an existing partnership between the City and the Florida Department of Transportation
to raise the roadway, rehabilitate the shoreline and protect this key transportation corridor from
flooding. The resilient shoreline will utilize a green infrastructure design to buffer this new
infrastructure and the surrounding community from storm and flood damage; it will create
habitat; and, it will provide additional ecological benefits in a densely urbanized, highly trafficked
area of Miami Beach.
”DEP’s Florida Resilient Coastlines Program is focused on bringing communities and partners
together to communicate the importance of preparedness and resiliency,” said DEP Secretary
Noah Valenstein. “We’re excited to support communities like the City of Miami Beach as they
implement projects to protect their residents, infrastructure and environment.”
The Greater Miami and the Beaches 100 Resilient Cities partnership designated this as a
priority pilot project due to the critical need toward local sea level rise adaptation efforts, as well
as the road’s regional importance and exposure. The project has also received funding from the
Florida Inland Navigation District due to its importance in protecting the quality of the navigable
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