City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
October 17, 2018
Miami Beach “Says No” to the Sale of E-Cigarettes
& Liquid Nicotine to Minors
— City of Miami Beach adopts legislation to protect our youth from
this major public health threat —
Miami Beach, FL – The use of electronic cigarettes, known as E-Cigarettes, has skyrocketed to
alarming popularity among teens in middle and high schools across the nation. Clever
marketing schemes and popular flavors have contributed to a nationwide vaping craze among
our youth.
Nicotine vaporizers, such as JUUL e-cigarettes, resemble a flash drive and are rechargeable on
USB ports. The JUUL website states that the nicotine content in each 5% JUULpod, which
contains approximately 0.7 mL with 5% nicotine, provides almost 200 puffs — the estimated
nicotine yield of a pack of cigarettes.
The City of Miami Beach will impose enhanced penalties for establishments that sell nicotine
vaporizers and liquid nicotine to minors. Additionally, they will prohibit the possession of these
items by minors and regulate the retailers who are in possession of nicotine vaporizers or liquid
nicotine for the purposes of selling the products to consumers, individuals, or the public. Any
establishment that sells nicotine vaporizers must post signage stating that the sale of nicotine
products or nicotine dispensing devices to persons under the age of 18 is against Florida law.
There will also be requirements regarding mail orders and internet sales.
“These companies are marketing to children with the hopes of creating lifelong nicotine
addictions; this measure seeks to give the ability for police to enforce the law and help keep e -
cigarettes out of the hands of teenagers,” said Mayor Dan Gelber.
A 2016 U.S. Surgeon General report concluded that the use of nicotine in any form by youth is
unsafe, and that nicotine exposure during adolescence can cause addiction and can harm the
developing adolescent brain.
“Four years ago, I sponsored the original ordinance that directly dealt with this subject matter,”
added Commissioner Micky Steinberg. “I’m glad my colleagues agree that we must continue to
support legislation which protects our children from these harmful products.”
The Miami Beach Mayor and City Commission also urge Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach,
and Monroe counties to adopt similar legislation in the interest of public health, safety, and
welfare of our youth.
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