Resolution 78-15722 RESOLUTION• No. 78 - 15722 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH IN MEMORY OF JOHN BASS, AND EX- PRESSING SYMPATHY AND CONDOLENCES TO HIS WIDOW AND SONS. WHEREAS, JOHN BASS, a Chatcten and Lige Member o4 the Boated o4 Tnust- ees o4 the Bass Atrt Museum, passed away on.August 31, 1978, and WHEREAS, the £,L e og the said JOHN BASS was an unpatcaaleled and une- qualled exempt i. Laation o4 accomplishment .in the wotrad ojy ptucctical a44a's, kivaled only by the depth and extent og his cu2twtal attainments and dedication to ph%eanthtwpy in the cu2tunal domain, as exemptigied by his genetwus donation o4 the Bass Atrt Museum to the City o4 Miami Beach, itz citizens, nes.idennts, and v.is.itotvs, and WHEREAS, d.iggetwnces o4 Lntenpnetation and judgment have occwt. ed between the City and the said JOHN BASS .in connection with the opetcatLon o4 the Bass Atrt Museum, such disagneements do not dettract {nom the magnitude and 'nobility o4 his chatca.cten, and . WHEREAS, the said JOHN BASS was not only an exemplar og ,Lnteg/zLty, og sttcength og chanaetetc, and commitment to pt LncLpte, but his Lite and action a.Zso tce(.2ected the quintessence o4 gnace, countUneAss, chatrm, and eu2twte .in his beating in his .intenpetrsenat relationships with petrsovvs in evetcy mufti- iaceted and vcvr Led wa!Ja o4 Lige, and WHEREAS, this and suture genehatiovu wi.Pt have cause, reason, and occasion to remember and to be gonevett indebted to the said JOHN BASS gen his boundless phi2.antGvw p y, not ons y to the City o4 Miami Beach, but also to .innu- mei able institutions o4 hLghen leannLng and euttute thtrougheut the United States, and WHEREAS, the passing away o4 th.us distinguished patron o4 the alms and gene/was phitanthtwpist constitutes an ikkeparabte loss, not only to the City Commission 014 the City og Miami Beach, the citizens and les-.dents o4 the City o4 Miami Beach, but ass o to at humanity s hatu.ng his abiding belies in the afa-pervasive power ob the aesthetic and cut-tuna atrtto to Ming peace, hatrmony, and undetstand.ing throughout the unLvetrse; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, that it hereby expresses and extends itz since te, deep, and pito- gound sympathy to Elsa Bass, the widow o4 the said JOHN BASS, and to his sons, Etr Lc, Rogex, and Robekt, and his grandchiadnen, got the, Lvicepatcabte toss sus- tained by them, and each o4 them may .indeed take the deepest and most abiding ptr ide .in his unmatched genetwsity and ph tanth/wpy and -Lmmeaswcabte contt bu- t fans to the wotr tds o4 atrt, euPtwie, and the etetena t humanities, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, that a copy o{ ,thus ResotutLon be spread upon the oggiciao minutes o4 the meeting ogy the City Commission and that an appnopt late cektigLed copy • hetr.eo4 be ttcansmctted to the said widow and chidnen o4 the said JOHN BASS. PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day o4 September, 1978. ayon Attest: City Cte'th ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 78-15722 (Expressing appreciation of the City Commission of the CMB in memory of John Bass, and expressing sympathy and condolences to his widow and sons)