Resolution 78-15760 RESOLUTION NO. 78-15760 RESOLUTION OF CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF MIAMI BEACH APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE A PROPOSAL FOR LEASING OF OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FOR A MIAMI BEACH BRANCH; PLEDGING FULL SUPPORT AND COOPERATION OF CITY COMMISSION; AND DIRECTING CITY ADMINISTRATION TO CONTINUE NEGO- TIATIONS AND FORMULATION OF A PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COMMISSION AND UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BOARD OF TRUSTEES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the proposal for the leasing of the Old City Hall at 1130 Washington Avenue to the University of Miami Board of Trustees for use as a Miami Beach Branch thereof, as set forth in the communications between Mayor Leonard Haber to Doctor Henry Stanford of the University of Miami dated October 17 , 1978 , and from Doctor Stanford to Mayor Haber dated October 26, 1978 , which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference be and the same is hereby approved in principle; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID COMMISSION, that it hereby pledges its earnest, sincere and vigorous cooperation with said University and its officials for the attainment of the objectives set forth in said communications; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE a CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, that the Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney and all appropriate administrative officials of the City be and • they are hereby authorized and directed forthwith to negotiate with the proper officials of the University of Miami for ap- propriate terms of a proposed agreement embodying and setting forth specific terms and conditions now delineated generally in said correspondence, for submission to and approval of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach and the University of Miami; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that true copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the proper officers and Board of Trustees of the University of Miami and to all interested parties. PASSED and ADOPTED unanimously by the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach this 1st day of November, 1978 . g , 4.(41 ayor Attest: City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY-1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE-MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA 33139 October 17, 1978 Dr. Henry King Stanford President University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida Dear Henry: 1 am writing this letter as away of summarizing the exciting and pro- ductive meeting you and several of your trustees were kind enough to attend in my office Tuesday, October 10, 1978. At the meeting, which was held In my Conference Room in City Hall, in addition to yourself, were Stuart W. Patton, Max Orovitz and Hank Meyer. Joining me in representing the city were Gavin W. O'Brien, City Manager, and J. Ed Bell, Assistant City Manager. Also in attendance, invited by me and actively participating in the dis- cussion, were Steve Muss, Arthur Courshon, Korman Braman and Harry "Hap" Levy. This was the third in a series of formal meetings on the concept of a Miami Beach College between you, several of your trustees, several prominent and enthusiastic supporters of the concept and myself. As a consequence of our discussion and interaction at last Tbesday's meeting, a specific proposal was generated visa-vis, the creation of a Miami Beach College of the University of Miami in the City of Miami Beach. The proposal is as follows: 1) The City of Miami Beach will proffer to the University of Miami a long-term lease at a nominal annual payment of one dollar per year. Control of the old Miami Beach City Hall, which is Located at 1130 Washington Avenue, will be turned over to the University of Miami for the purpose of creating a bona fide campus of the University of Miami on that site. 2) The City will cooperate with the University in matters such as zoning and parking to help create a campus effect in the area adjacent to the old City Hall. . t . .. . • ,. . . . . l . . • • • , • , . . . . • . . .. • • . • • . . , • V • . Dr. Henry King Stanford Page two October 17, 1978 . . • . • _ . . . , . . . • . . . 3) The Miami Beach financial community will provide to the UnNersity—, • . . of Miami a long-term loan in the approximate amount of $1,000,000 to . . . $1,250,000 for the purpose of renovating the building and providing ., . • some additional funding for operating costs. •.=: 4) The private. sector of Miami Beach will raise funds sufficient to meet the annual loan payment obligation to the Miami Beach financial • • . • . . • community. • . • . . , 5) The University will agree to establish a bona fide campus. in the city on the site of the old City Hall. • . .,- . . . . . . , 6) Programs to be developed will attract young students and be I compatible with the main industry of the City of Miami Beach, namely, . _ tourism. Additional programs may also be developed, addressing the needs for professional training and certification, as well as the needs of the local community. • . . .., , . ,,. 7) The University of Miami , through Its Board of Trustees, will . . . consider this proposal for approval In concept, with implementing - details to be worked out to our mutual satisfaction in an orderly . ' . . _, ;•: and reasonable manner. • .., . . 8) Following the approval in concept of this proposal by the University . , Trustees, I shall submit the proposal to the City of Miami Beach Commission for its formal consideration and ratification. I hope that this letter adequately reflects the progress we have made to date in our discussions and also accurately summarizes both the points of agreement we have reached and the next steps that need ' be taken to formalize our understanding and to properly move it along. . . ' I want you to know that it is a pleasure to work with you and your trustees and I look forward to a continuing relationship with you, the trustees, and the University itself. . . . . . . Cordially, . . . . , .. . . . , . , . • Dr. Leonard Haber . • • Mayor . . • . . • . .. , - • . . 11104 . . , • . . • . • ,:.-, _ _ . . . , . . } Dr. Henry King Stanford Page three October 17, 1978 COPIES T0: Stuart W. Patton Max Orovitx Hank Meyer Gavin W. O'Brien, City Manager J. Ed Bell, Assistant City Manager Steve Muss Arthur Courshon Norman Braman Harry'Hap" Levy Ted Hot lo Patrickey.Cesarano •• i UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33124 October 26, 1978 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT w Dr. Leonard Haber Mayor City of Miami Beach Miami Beach, Florida Dear Dr. Haber: The proposal which you made in your letter to me of October 17, 1978, and in person to the Executive Committee of the University of Miami Board of Trustees on October 24, 1978, namely, that the University of Miami establish a campus at the site of the old Miami Beach City Hall located at 1130 Washington Avenue, was thoroughly discussed by the Executive Committee on October 24, 1978. Upon a motion duly made, seconded, and passed at the meeting, the Executive Committee voted unanimously to authorize the administration of the University of Miami to send this letter to the Mayor of Miami Beach expressing the intent of the University to establish a college campus on Miami Beach provided that the following conditions can be met: 1) That viable facilities on Miami Beach be made available to the University; 2) That educational programs of academic quality equal to those currently offered by the University be developed; 3) That the proposed campus of the University on Miami Beach not impair the financial integrity of the University of Miami . The University. of Miami administration and trustees look forward to further exploration, both within the University and with you and your colleagues, concerning the best manner in which these conditions can be fulfilled. Sinc ely your, , Hen King to ford President HKS:ac A private,independent international university An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 78-15760 (Approving in principle a proposal for leasing old City Hall property to Univer- sity of Miami for a MB Branch,etc.) • immaimo. 0