Agreement with Keith & Schnars PA anis- 3053c-i AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND KEITH & SCHNARS PA FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. 2018-141-ND DISCIPLINE: ARCHITECTURE - LANSCAPE RESOLUTION NO. 2018-30534 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS 4 ARTICLE 2. BASIC SERVICES 9 ARTICLE 3. THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 14 ARTICLE 4. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 16 ARTICLE 5.. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 18 ARTICLE 6. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 19 ARTICLE 7. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES 20 ARTICLE 8. CONSULTANT'S ACCOUNTING AND OTHER RECORDS 21 ARTICLE 9. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS 21 ARTICLE 10. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 22 ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE 23 ARTICLE 12. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS 24 ARTICLE 13. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 24 ARTICLE 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 25 ARTICLE 15. NOTICE 25 ARTICLE 16. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 26 2 . SCHEDULES: SCHEDULE A Consultant Service Order 30 SCHEDULE B Consultant Compensation 31 SCHEDULE C Hourly Billing Rate Schedule 32 SCHEDULE D Approved Subconsultants 33 ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A Resolution & Commission Memorandum, 34 ATTACHMENT B Request for Quailifications &Addendums 35 ATTACHMENT C Consultant's Response to the RFQ 36 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND KEITH & SCHNARS PA . FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES IN SPECIALIZED " CATEGORIES ON AN "AS-NEEDED-BASIS" This Agreement made and entered into this al day of Fe bruury 20 (Effective Date), by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal offices at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, (hereinafter referred to as City), and Keith & Schnars PA., a Florida corporation having its principal office at 6500 N Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33309 (hereinafter referred to as Consultant). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on September 17, 2014, the Mayor and City Commission approved the issuance of Request for Qualifications No. 2018-141-ND for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services in Specialized Categories On'An "As-Needed-Basis" (the RFQ); and WHEREAS, the RFQ was intended to provide access to architectural and engineering firms in accordance with the Florida Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act; and WHEREAS, on October 17, 2018, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 2018- 30534, respectively, authorizing the City to enter into negotiations with Keith & Schnars PA. and, if successful, execute an agreement with the Consultant pursuant to the RFQ; and WHEREAS, City and the Consultant have negotiated the following agreement pursuant to the RFQ; and NOW THEREFORE, City and Consultant, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement herein contained, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definitions. The definitions included in this Section are not exhaustive of all definitions used in this Agreement. Additional terms may be defined in other Contract Documents. The following terms shall have the meanings specified herein unless otherwise stated herein: ADDITIONAL SERVICES: "Additional Services" shall mean those services, in addition to the Basic Services in this Agreement, as described in Article 5 and the Consultant Service Order, which the Consultant shall perform, at the City's option, and which must be duly authorized, in 4 • - writing, by the Department Head, prior to commencement of same. APPLICABLE LAWS: "Applicable Laws" means all laws, statutes, codes (including, but not limited to, building codes), ordinances, rules, regulations, lawful orders and decrees of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project, the Project Site or the Parties. BASE BID: "Base Bid" shall mean the elements contained in the Construction Documents recommended by the Consultant (and approved by the City) as being within the Construction Cost Budget. "Base Bid" shall not include additive alternates or deductive alternates. BASIC SERVICES: "Basic Services" shall include those services which Consultant shall perform in accordance with,the terms of the Agreement, as described in Article 2 and the Consultant Service Order. Any Services not specifically enumerated as Additional Services (as defined herein) shall also be considered Basic Services. CITY(OR OWNER): The "City" shall mean the City of Miami Beach, a Florida municipal corporation having its principal offices at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139. In all respects hereunder, City's obligations and performanceis pursuant to City's position as the owner of the Project acting in its proprietary capacity. In the event City exercises its regulatory authority as a governmental body including, but not limited to, its regulatory authority for code inspections and issuance of Building Department permits, Public Works Department permits, or other applicable permits within its jurisdiction, the exercise of such regulatory authority and the enforcement of any Applicable Laws shall be deemed to have occurred pursuant to City's regulatory authority as a governmental body and shall not be attributable in any manner to City as a Party to this Agreement. CITY COMMISSION: "City Commission" shall mean the governing and legislative body of the City. CITY MANAGER: The "City Manager" shall mean the chief administrative officer of the City. 1'4" The City Manager shall also be construed to include any duly authorized representatives designated by the City Manager in writing, including the Project Administrator, with respect to any specific matter(s) concerning the Services and/or this Agreement (exclusive of those authorizations reserved to the City Commission under this Agreement, or to regulatory or administrative bodies having jurisdiction over the Project). CONSTRUCTION COST BUDGET: The "Construction Cost Budget" shall mean the amount budgeted and established by the City to provide for the cost of construction of the Work for the Project ("Constfuction Cost"), as set forth in the Consultant Service Order. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: "Construction Documents" shall mean the final (100% completed) plans, technical specifications, drawings, schematics, documents, and diagrams prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement, setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the Project. The Construction Documents shall set forth in full all details necessary to complete the construction of the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents. Construction Documents'shall not be part of the Contract Documents, until (a) the Consultant 'has submitted completed Construction Documents to the City and (b) they have been reviewed and approved by the City and any agencies having jurisdiction in accordance with the procedures as otherwise provided by the Contract Documents.. However, approval by the City shall not in any way be construed, interpreted and/or deemed to constitute a waiver or excuse Consultant's obligations to ensure the Construction Documents are constructible, in 5 � I compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance with the Contract Documents. CONSULTANT: The named entity on page 1 of this Agreement, the "Consultant" shall mean the qualified and properly professionally licensed design professional in the State of Florida and as otherwise required by any entities, agencies, boards, governmental authorities and/or any other professional organizations with jurisdiction governing the professional practice area for which the design professional has been engaged by City and who will perform (or cause to be performed through Subconsultants acceptable to the City) all architectural, design • and engineering services required uncle? this Agreement and/or Consultant Service Order and will serve as the "architect of record" and/or "engineer of record" for the Project. When the term "Consultant" is used\ in this Agreement it shall also be deemed to include any officers, employees, or agents of Consultants, and any other person or entity acting under the supervision, direction, or control of Consultant to provide any architectural, design, engineering or similar professional services with respect to a Project ("Subconsultants"). The Consultant shall not be replaced by any other entity, except as otherwise permitted in this Agreement. Further, any Subconsultant that may perform services on behalf of the Consultant shall be a qualified and properly professionally licensed design professional in the State of Florida and as otherwise required by any entities, agencies, boards, governmental authorities and/or any other professional organizations with jurisdiction governing the professional practice area for which the-Subconsultant has been engaged by Consultant to perform professional design services in connection with the Project. The Subconsultants in Schedule "D", attached hereto, are hereby approved by the City Manager for the Project. CONSULTANT SERVICE ORDER: Consultant Service Order shall mean the work order issued by the City to Consultant (in substantial form as in Schedule A attached hereto), that specifically describes and delineates the particular Services (Basic Services and/or Additional Services). which will be required of Consultant for the Project. CONTRACT AMENDMENT: "Contract Amendment" shall mean a written modification to the Agreement approved by the City (as specified below) and executed between City and Consultant, covering changes, additions, or reductions in the terms of this Agreement including, / without limitation, authorizing a change in the Project, or the method and manner of performance thereof, or an adjustment in the fee and/or completion dates. Contract Amendments shall be approved by the City Commission if they exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Even for Contract Amendments of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or less (or other such threshold contract amount as may be specified by the City of Miami Beach Procurement Ordinance), the City Manager reserves the right to seek and obtain concurrence Of the City Commission for approval of any such Contract Amendment. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: "Contract Documents" shall mean this Agreement (together with all exhibits, addenda, Consultant Service Orders and written amendments issued thereto), and all Design Documents and Construction Documents. The Contract Documents shall also include, without limitation (together with all exhibits, addenda, and written amendments issued thereto), the Invitation to Bid (ITB), instructions to bidders, bid form, bid bond, Design Criteria Package (if any), the Contract for Construction, surety payment and performance bonds, Conditions,-of the Contract for Construction (General, Supplementary, and other Conditions), Divisions 0-17 specifications, an approved Change Order(s), approved Construction Change Directive(s), and/or approved written order(s)for a minor change in the Work. 6 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION: "Contract for Construction" shall mean the legally binding agreement between City and Contractor for performance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents, including, without limitation, a general contractor, construction manager, design- builder or any other duly licensed construction contractor selected pursuant to any other procurement methodology available under Florida law. CONTRACTOR: "Contractor" shall mean the individual or individuals, firm, company, corporation, joint venture, or other entity contracting with City for performance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents. DESIGN CRITERIA PACKAGE or DCP: "Design Criteria Package" means concise, performance-oriented drawings or specifications of a design-build Project, prepared for the purpose of furnishing sufficient information to permit design-build firms to prepare a bid or a response to a City request for proposal, or to permit the City to enter into a negotiated design- build contract. The Design" Criteria Package must specify performance-based criteria for the design-build Project, including the legal description of the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space requirements, material quality standards, schematic layouts and conceptual design criteria of the project, cost or budget estimates, design and construction schedules, site development requirements, provisions for utilities, stormwater retention and disposal, and parking requirements applicable to the project. DESIGN DOCUMENTS: "Design Documents" means all plans, drawings specifications, schematics and all other documents which set forth in full the design of the Project and fix and describe in detail the size, configuration and character of the Project concerning all items of the Project necessary for the final preparation of the 100% completed, permitted Construction Documents in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents including, without limitation, all architectural and engineering elements as may be appropriate. Design Documents shall not be part of the Contract Documents, until (a) the Consultant has submitted completed Design Documents to the City and (b) they have been reviewed and approved by the City and agencies having jurisdiction in accordance with the procedures as provided by the Contract Documents. However, approval by the City shall not in any way be construed, interpreted and/or deemed to constitute a waiver or excuse Consultant's obligations to ensure the Design Documents are constructible, in compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance with the Contract Documents. FORCE MAJEURE: "Force Majeure" shall mean any delay'occasioned by superior or irresistible force occasioned by violence in nature without the interference of human agency such as a hurricane, tornado, flood, loss caused by fire and other similar unavoidable casualties; or other causes beyond the City's or Consultant's control that are not due to any act, omission or negligence of either City or Consultant and, which have, or may be reasonably expected to have, a material adverse effect on the Project, or on the rights and obligations of City or Consultant under this Agreement and which, by the exercise of due diligence, such parties shall not have been able to avoid; provided, however, that inclement weather (except as noted above), the acts or omissions of Subconsultants, the Contractor and its sub-contractors, market conditions, labor conditions, construction industry price trends, and similar matters which normally impact on the construction process shall not be considered a Force Majeure. If the Consultant is delayed in performing any obligation under this Agreement due to a Force Majeure, the Consultant shall request a time extension from the Project Administrator within five (5) business days of said Force'Majeure. Any time extension shall be subject to mutual agreement and shall not be cause for any claim by the Consultant for extra compensation, 7 unless Additional Services are required and approved pursuant to Article 5 hereof. PROJECT: The "Project" shall mean that certain City capital project described in the Consultant Service Order. Project Cost: The "Project Cost", shall mean the estimated total cost of the Project, as prepared and established by the City, including the estimated Construction Cost and Soft posts. The Project Cost may, from time to time, be revised or adjusted by the City, in its sole discretion, to accommodate approved modifications or changes to the Project or scope of work. The estimated construction value shall be less than the amount established in Category 5, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently $325,000 or as amended by law) or for a planning or study activity shall not exceed the amount established in Category 2, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently $35,000 or as amended by law). Project Scope: The "Project Scope" shall mean the description of the Project, as described in the Consultant Service Order. PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR: The "Project Administrator" shall mean the individual designated by the City Manager who shall be the City's authorized representative to issue directives and notices on behalf of the City with respect to all matters concerning the Services of this Agreement (exclusive of those authorizations reserved to the City Manager or City Commission under this Agreement, or to regulatory or administrative bodies having jurisdiction over the Project). PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS: "Proposal Documents" shall mean the RFQ, together with all amendments or addenda thereto (if any), which is incorporated by reference to this Agreement and made a part hereof; provided, however, that in the event of an express conflict between the Proposal Documents and this Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. Consultant's proposal in response to the RFQ is included for reference purposes only and shall not be incorporated as part of this Agreement, except with respect to Consultant's representations regarding the qualifications and experience of Consultant and its key personnel, its commitment to provide the ' key personnel listed therein, and its capability to perform and deliver the Services in accordance with this Agreement and consistent with the all representations made therein. SCHEDULES: "Schedules" shall mean the various schedules attached to this Agreement and referred to as follows: Schedule A— Consultant Service Order. Schedule B— Consultant Compensation. Schedule C— Hourly Billing Rate Schedule. Schedule D --Approved Subconsultants. SCOPE OF SERVICES: "Scope of Services" shall include the Project Scope, Basic Services, and any.Additional Services (as approved by the City), all as described in Schedule "A" hereto. SERVICES: "Services" shall mean all services, work, and actions by the Consultant performed pursuant to or undertaken under this Agreement. 8 SOFT COSTS: "Soft Costs" shall mean costs related to the Project other than Construction Cost including, without limitation, Consultant's Basic Services, Additional Services, surveys, testing, general consultant, financing, permitting fees and other similar costs, as determined by the City, that are not considered as direct costs for the construction of the Project. STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST: The "Statement of Probable Construction Cost" shall mean the detailed estimate prepared by Consultant in Construction Standard Index (CSI) format or other format approved by the Project Administrator, which includes the Consultant's estimated total construction cost to the City of the Work for the Project (as established in the Contract Documents, as they may be amended from time to time). The Statement of Probable Construction Cost shall be in sufficient detail to identify the costs of each element of the Project and include a breakdown of the fees, general conditions and construction contingency for the Project. Costs shall be adjusted to the projected bid date to take into account anticipated price escalation. WORK: "Work" shall mean all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, tools, machinery, utilities, fabrication, transportation, insurance, bonds, permits and conditions thereof, building code changes and government approvals, licenses, tests, quality assurance and/or quality control inspections and related certifications, surveys, studies, and other items, work and services that are necessary or appropriate for the total construction, installation, and functioning of the Project, together with all additional, collateral and incidental items, and work and services required for delivery of a completed, fully functional and functioning Project as set forth in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2. BASIC SERVICES 2.1 The Consultant shall provide Basic Services for the Project, specifically described in the Consultant Service Order. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the award of any work hereunder, is non exclusive, and the City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, award similar services or work to other firms under contract with the City. No Consultant Service Order shall be issued to Consultant, and no work or Services shall be authorized under this Agreement, except at City's sole discretion. Consultant shall have no entitlement to perform any services hereunder, or to be compensated for any Services, unless set forth in a written Consultant Service Order 2.2 The Services will be commenced by the Consultant upon receipt of a written Consultant Service Order signed by the Department Head. Consultant shall countersign the Consultant Service Order upon receipt and return the signed copy to the City. 2.3 As it relates to the Services and the Project, Consultant warrants and represents to the City that it is knowledgeable of and shall comply with all Applicable Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all •Applicable Laws, whether now in effect or as may be amended or adopted from time to time, and shall further take into account all known pending changes to the foregoing of which it should reasonably be aware. 2.4 The Consultant warrants and represents to the City that all of the Services required under this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standard of care normally exercised in the design of comparable projects in South Florida. Consultant warrants and represents to the City that it is experienced, fully qualified, and properly licensed (pursuant to Applicable Laws) to perform the Services. Consultant warrants and represents to the City that it 9 is responsible for the technical accuracy of the Services (including, without limitation, the Design Documents'contemplated in Schedule "A" hereto)., Consultant further warrants and represents , that the approved and permitted Construction Documents shall constitute a representation by Consultant to City that the Project, if constructed as required by the Contract Documents, will be fully functional, suitable and sufficient for-its intended purposes. 2.5 The Consultant's Basic Services may consist of various tasks, including planning, design, bidding/award, preparation of a DCP, studies, construction administration, and Additional Services (as may be approved), all as further described in the Consultant.Service Order; and shall also include any and all of Consultant's responsibilities and obligations with respect to the Project, as set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. 2.6 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES: No action or omission by City shall waive or excuse Consultant's obligations under the Agreement and/or other Contract- Documents and that Consultant shall remain fully liable for all work performed by Consultant including, without limitation, any design errors or omissions. Written decisions and/or approvals issued by the City shall not constitute nor be deemed a release of the responsibility and liability of the Consultant (or any Subconsultants), for the accuracy and competency of the Design Documents and Construction Documents, nor shall any City approval and/or decisions be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility by the City for a defect, error or omission in the Design Documents and the Construction Documents: Moreover, neither the City's inspection, review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any Services required under the Agreement shall be construed to relieve the Consultant (or any Subconsultant) of its obligations and responsibilities under the Agreement, nor constitute a waiver of any of the City's rights under the Agreement, or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of the Agreement. The Consultant shall be and remain liable to the City in accordance with Applicable Laws for all damages to City caused by any failure of the Consultant or to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement or by the Consultant's misconduct, unlawful acts, negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of the Agreement. 2.7 TIME: It is understood that time is of the essence in the completion of the Project and, in this respect, the parties agree as follows: 2.7.1 Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence upon execution by the City and Consultant, which shall be the Effective Date referred to on page 1 hereof, and shall be in effect for three (3) years ("Initial Term"), plus two (2), one (1) year renewal options, to be exercised at the sole discretion of the City Manager (Initial Term and any renewals shall be collectively referred to as the "Term"). Notwithstanding the preceding Term, Consultant shall adhere to any and all timelines and/or deadlines, as set forth in the Consultant Service Order, including the time for completion of the work and/or services for such Project(as set forth in the particular Consultant Service Order). 2.7.2 The Consultant shall perform the Services as expeditiously as is consistent with the standard of professional skill and care required by this Agreement, and the orderly progress of the Work. 2.7.3 Recognizing that the construction of other projects within the City may affect scheduling of the construction for the Project, the Consultant shall diligently coordinate performance of the Services with the City (through the Project Administrator) in order to provide for the safe, expeditious, economical and efficient completion of the Project, without negatively impacting concurrent work by others. The Consultant shall coordinate 10 the Services with all of its Subconsultants, as well as other consultants, including, without limitation, City provided consultants (if any). 2.7.4 The Services shall be performed in a manner that shall conform to the Consultant Service Order. The Consultant may submit requests for an adjustment to the Consultant Service Order completion time, if made necessary because of undue delays resulting from untimely review taken by the City(or authorities having jurisdiction over the Project) to approve the Consultant's submissions, or any other portion of the Services requiring approval by the City (or other governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project). Consultant shall immediately provide the Project Administrator with written notice stating the reason for the particular delay; the requested adjustment (i.e. extension) to the Project Schedule; and a revised anticipated schedule of completion. Upon receipt and review of Consultant's request (and such other documentation as the Project Administrator may require), the Project Administrator may grant a reasonable extension of time for completion of the particular work involved, and authorize that the appropriate adjustment be made to the Project Schedule. The Project Administrator's approval (if granted) shall be in writing. 2.8 Consultant shall use its best efforts to maintain a constructive, professional, cooperative working relationship with the Project Administrator, Contractor, and any and all other individuals and/or firms that have been contracted, or otherwise retained, to perform work on the Project. 2.9 The Consultant shall perform its duties under this Agreement, and under a Consultant Service Order, in a competent, timely and professional manner, and shall be responsible to the City for any failure in its performance, except to the extent that acts or omissions by the City , make such performance impossible. - 2.10 The Consultant is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, completeness, performance and coordination of all Services required under the Agreement and under the Consultant Service Order (including the services performed by Subconsultants), within the specified time period and specified cost. The Consultant shall perform the Services utilizing the skill, knowledge, and judgment ordinarily possessed and used by a proficient consulting with respect to the disciplines required for the performance of such Services in the State of Florida. The Consultant is responsible for, and shall represent to City that the Services conform to the City's requirements, the Contract Documents and all Applicable Laws. The Consultant shall be and remain liable to the City for all damages to the City caused by the Consultant's negligent acts or errors or omissions in the performance of the Services. In addition to all other rights and remedies which the City may-have, the Consultant shall', at its expense, re-perform all or any portion of the Services to correct any deficiencies which result from the Consultant's failure to perform in accordance with the above standards. The Consultant shall also be liable for the replacement or repair of any defective materials and equipment and re-performance of any non-conforming construction work resulting from such deficient Services (i) for a period from the Effective Date of this Agreement, until twelve (12) months following final , acceptance of the Work, (ii) or for the period of design liability required by applicable law, whichever is later. The Project Administrator shall notify the Consultant, in writing, of any deficiencies and shall approve the method and timing of the corrections. 2.10.1 The Consultant shall be responsible for deficient, defective Services and any resulting deficient, defective construction work re-performed within twelve (12) months following final acceptance and shall be subject to further re-performance, repair and 11 0 replacement for twelve (12) months from the date of initial re-performance, not to exceed twenty-four months (24)from final acceptance. 2.11 The City shall have the right, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, to submit for review to other consultants (engaged by the City at its expense) any or all parts of the Services and the Consultant shall fully-cooperate in such review(s). Whenever others are required to verify, review, or consider any Services performed by Consultant (including, without limitation, contractors, other design professionals, and/or other consultants retained by the City), the intent of such requirement is to enable the Consultant to receive input from others' professional expertise to identify any discrepancies, errors or omissions that are inconsistent with industry standards for design or construction of comparable projects; or which are inconsistent with Applicable Laws; or which are inconsistent with standards, decisions or approvals provided by the City under this Agreement. Consultant will use reasonable care and skill, in accordance and consistent with customary professional standards, in responding to items identified by other reviewers in accordance with this subsection. Consultant shall receive comments from reviewers, in writing, including, without limitation (and where applicable), via a set of marked-up drawings and specifications. Consultant shall address comments forwarded to it in a timely manner. The term "timely" shall be defined to mean as soon as possible under the circumstances, taking into account the timelines of the Project schedule. 2.11.1 The Consultant is advised that a performance evaluation of the Services rendered throughout this Agreement will be completed by the City and kept in the City's files for evaluation of future solicitations. 2.12 Consultant agrees that when any portion of the Services relates to a professional service `which, under Florida Statutes, requires a license, certificate of authorization, or other form of legal entitlement to practice and/or perform such Service(s), it shall employ and/or retain only qualified duly licensed certified personnel to provide same. 2.13 Consultant agrees to designate, in writing, within five (5) calendar days after receiving a fully executed Consultant Service Order, a qualified licensed professional to serve as its project manager (hereinafter referred to as the "Project Manager"). The Project Manager shall be authorized and responsible to act on behalf of Consultant with respect to directing, coordinating and administrating all aspects of the Services. Consultant's Project Manager (as well as any replacement) shall be subject to the prior written approval of the City Manager or the Project Administrator. Replacement (including reassignment) of an approved Project Manager shall not be made without the prior written approval of the City Manager or his designee (i.e. the Project Administrator). 2.13.1 Consultant agrees, within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of written notice from the City Manager or the Project Administrator (which notice shall state the cause therefore), to promptly remove and replace a Project Manager, or any other personnel employed or otherwise retained by Consultant for the Project ( including, without limitation, any Subconsultants). 2.14 Consultant agrees not to divulge,,furnish or make available-to any third party(ies), any non-public information concerning the Services or the Project, without the prior written consent of the City Manager or the Project Administrator, unless such disclosure is incident to the proper performance of the Services; or the disclosure is required pursuant to Florida Public Records laws; or, in the course of judicial proceedings, where such information has been properly subpoenaed. Consultant shall also require Subconsultants to comply with this subsection. 12 2.15 The City and Consultant acknowledge that the Services, as described in the Agreement and the Consultant Service Order, do not delineate every detail and minor work task required to be performed by Consultant to complete the work and/or services described and delineated under a Consultant Service Order issued to Consultant by the City for a particular Project. If, during the course of performing work, services and/or tasks on a particular Consultant Service Order, Consultant determines that work and/or services should be performed (to complete the Project delineated under such Order) which is, in the Consultant's reasonable opinion, outside the level of effort originally anticipated in the Consultant Service Order, then Consultant shall promptly notify the Project Administrator, in writing, and shall obtain the Project Administrator's written consent before proceeding with such work and/or services. If Consultant proceeds with any such additional work and/or services without obtaining the prior written consent of the Project Administrator, said work and/or services shall be deemed to be a Basic Service under this Agreement and shall also be deemed to be within the scope of services delineated in the Consultant Service Order(whether or not specifically addressed in the Scope of Services). Mere notice by Consultant to the Project Administrator shall not constitute authorization or approval by the City to perform such work. Performance of any such work and/or services by Consultant without the prior written consent of the Project Administrator shall be undertaken at Consultant's sole risk and liability. 2.16 Consultant shall establish, maintain, and categorize any and all Project documents and records pertinent to the Services and shall provide the City, upon request, with copies of any andall such documents and/or records. In addition, Consultant shall provide electronic document files to the City upon completion of the Project. 2.17 THE CITY HAS NO OBLIGATION TO ASSIST, FACILITATE AND/OR PERFORM IN ANY WAY THE CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS_UNDER THE AGREEMENT OR OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION, FACILITATION AND/OR ASSISTANCE TO THE CONSULTANT SHALL BE AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION AND SHALL NOT, IN ANY WAY, BE CONSTRUED, INTERPRETED AND/OR CONSTITUTE AN ASSUMPTION BY THE CITY OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS, A WAIVER OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS AND/OR EXCUSE ANY BREACH, BY CONSULTANT OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE PARTICIPATION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS SHALL NOT PRECLUDE THE CITY FROM DECLARING CONSULTANT IN DEFAULT FOR CONSULTANT'S FAILURE TO PERFORM SUCH OBLIGATION, NOR SHALL IT LIMIT, IN ANY WAY, THE CITY'S RIGHTS AND REMEDIES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. THE CONSULTANT EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES NOT TO RAISE OR ASSERT AS DEFENSE TO ANY CLAIM, ACTION, SUIT AND/OR OTHER PROCEEDING OF A SIMILAR NATURE, THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION, ASSISTANCE AND/OR FACILITATION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS. INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ASSISTING WITH OBTAINING PERMITS OR WITH COORDINATION WITH UTILITIES, OR OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE PROJECT. IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN THIS SECTION AND/OR ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THIS SECTION SHALL GOVERN. 2.18 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS: The Consultant shall comply with the requirements of Section 255.2575, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 100 of the City Code, as both may be amended from time to time, addressing applicable Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) compliance requirements. 13 2.19 SUBCONSULTANTS: All services provided by Subconsultants shall be consistent with those commitments made by the Consultant in its . Proposal, and during the competitive solicitation selection process and interview. Such services shall be undertaken and performed pursuant to appropriate written agreements between the Consultant and the Subconsultants, , which shall contain provisions that preserve and protect the rights of the City under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between the City and the Subconsultants. The Consultant shall not retain, add, or replace any Subconsultant without the prior written approval of the City Manager, in response to a written request from the Consultant stating the reasons for any proposed substitution. The Consultant shall cause the names of Subconsultants responsible for significant portions of the Services to be inserted on the plans and specifications. • The Consultant shall be ultimately responsible for ensuring the Consultant's and all of its Subconsultants' compliance with the requirements of this Section and any other provision of the Agreement and/or Consultant Service Order. With respect to the performance of work by Subconsultants, the Consultant shall, in approving and accepting such work, ensure the professional quality, completeness, and coordination of the Subconsultant's work. The Consultant shall, upon the request of the City, submit to the City such documentation and information as the City reasonably requests to evidence the creation, standing, ownership and professional licensure of the Consultant (and Subconsultants), including organizational documents, operating agreements and professional licensure documentation, and copies of the Consultant's contracts with the Subconsultant with respect to the Project. However, the City's failure to request such documentation or evidence and/or failure to enforce in any way the terms and provisions of this Section, the Agreement and/or any other Consultant Service Order during the Project does not excuse, waive and/or condone in any way any noncompliance of the requirements set forth therein including, without limitation, the professional licensure requirements. Any approval of a Subconsultant by the City shall in no way shift from the Consultant to City the responsibility for the quality and acceptability of the services performed by the Subconsultant. Payment of Subconsultants shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant, and shall not be cause for any increase in compensation to the Consultant for payment of the Services. ARTICLE 3. THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES N 3.1 The City Manager shall designate a Project Administrator, who shall be the City's authorized representative to act on City's behalf with respect to the City's responsibilities or matters requiring City's approval under the Contract Documents. The Project Administrator shall be authorized (without limitation) to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define City policies and decisions with respect to the Services and the Project. The Project Administrator shall have full authority to require the Consultant to comply with the Contract Documents, provided, however, that any failure of the ,Project Administrator to identify any noncompliance, or to specifically direct or require compliance, shall in no way constitute a waiver of, or excuse, the Consultant's obligation to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3.2 The City shall make available to Consultant, for the convenience of the Consultant only, information that the City has in its possession pertinent to the Project. Consultant hereby agrees and acknowledges that, in making any such information available to Consultant, the City 14 makes no express or implied certification, warranty, and/or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and assumes no responsibility whatsoever with respect to, the sufficiency, completeness or accuracy of such information. The Consultant understands, and hereby agrees and acknowledges, that it is obligated to verify to the extent it deems necessary all information furnished by the City, and that it is solely responsible for the accuracy and'applicability of all such information used by Consultant. Such verification shall include, without limitation, visual examination of existing conditions in all locations encompassed by the Project, where such examination can be made without using destructive measures (i.e. excavation or demolition). Survey information, shall be spot checked to the extent that Consultant has satisfied itself as to the reliability of the information. 3.3 At any time, in his/her sole discretion, the City Manager may furnish accounting, and insurance counseling services for the Project (including, without limitation, auditing services to verify the Consultant's applications for payment, or to ascertain that Consultant has properly remitted payment due to its Subconsultants or vendors). 3.4 If the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project, or non-conformance with the Contract Documents, the City, through the Project Administrator, shall give prompt written notice thereof to the Consultant. 3.5 The City, acting in its proprietary capacity as Owner and not in its regulatory capacity, shall render any administrative approvals and decisions required under this Agreement, in writing, as reasonably expeditious for the orderly progress of the Services and of the Work. 3.6 The City Commission shall be the final authority to do or to approve the following actions or conduct, by passage of an enabling resolution or amendment to this Agreement: 3.6.1 Except where otherwise expressly noted in the Agreement`or the Contract Documents;,the City Commission shall be the body to consider, comment upon, or approve any amendments or modifications to this Agreement. 3.6.2 The City Commission shall be the body to consider, comment upon, or approve any assignment, sale, transfer or subletting of this Agreement. Assignment and transfer shall be defined to also include sale of the majority of the stock of a corporate consultant. 3.6.3 The City Commission shall approve or consider all Contract Amendments that exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) (or other such amount as may be specified by the City of Miami Beach Procurement Ordinance, as amended). 3.7 Except where otherwise expressly noted in this Agreement, the City Manager shall serve as the City's primary representative to whom administrative (proprietary) requests for decisions and approvals required hereunder by the City shall be made. Except where otherwise expressly noted in this Agreement or the Contract Documents, the City Manager shall issue decisions and authorizations which may include, without limitation, proprietary review, approval, or comment upon the schedules, plans, reports, estimates, contracts, and other documents submitted to the City by Consultant. 3.7.1 The City Manager shall have prior review and approval of the Project Manager (and any replacements) and of any Subconsultants (and any replacements). 15 3.7.2 The City Manager shall decide, and render administrative (proprietary) decisions on matters arising pursuant to this Agreement which are not otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement. In his/her discretion, the City Manager may also consult with the City Commission on such matters. 3.7.3 At the request of Consultant, the City Manager shall be authorized, but not required, to reallocate monies already budgeted toward payment of the Consultant; provided, however, that the Consultant's compensation (or other budgets established by this Agreement) may not be increased without the prior approval of the City Commission, which approval (if granted at all) shall be in its sole and reasonable discretion. 3.7.4 The City Manager may approve Contract Amendments which do not exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) (or other such amount as may be specified by the City_ of Miami Beach Purchasing Ordinance, as amended); provided that no such amendments increase any of the budgets established by this Agreement. 3.7.5 The City Manager may, in his/her sole discretion, form a committee or committees, or inquire of, or consult with, persons for the purpose of receiving advice and recommendations relating to the exercise of the City's powers, duties, and responsibilities under this Agreement or the Contract Documents. 3.7.6 The City Manager shall be the City Commission's authorized representative with regard to acting on behalf of the City in the event of issuing any default notice(s) under this Agreement, and, should such default remain uncured, in terminating the Agreement (pursuant to and in accordance with Article 10 hereof). 3.8 The City's review, evaluation, or comment as to any documents prepared by or on behalf of the Consultant shall be solely for the purpose of the City's determining for its own satisfaction the suitability of the Project, or portions thereof, detailed in such documents for the purposes intended therefor by the City, and may not be relied upon in any way by the Consultant or any other third party as a substantive review thereof. ARTICLE 4. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 4.1 The City shall establish- a Construction Cost Budget for the Project, as set forth in the Consultant Service Order. Consultant shall design the Project so that the Construction Cost Budget for the Project is not exceeded. As part of the Basic Services, Consultant shall design and/or re-design the Project to the Construction Cost Budget in accordance with this Article 4, making all revisions necessary to maintain the Construction Cost Budget. Consultant shall attend meetings with the City to review and discuss cost estimates, cost-saving alternatives, and implementation or revisionof the Design Documents,,and Construction Documents to address such items, as necessary to meet the established budget parameters set forth in the City Construction Budget. 4.2. Consultant shall provide and/or update the Statement of Probable Construction Cost at each stage of completion of the Design Documentsand at completion of the Construction Documents, unless otherwise specified in the Consultant Service Order or other written directive of the Project Administrator. 4.2.1. At completion of the conceptual design (at such stage of completion of the 16 Design Documents as may be specified by the Project Administrator), Consultant shall provide the City a Statement of Probable Construction Cost, which must include an estimated Construction Cost for the Project within a range of plus or minus fifteen percent (+/-15%) of the ' Construction Cost Budget. If at the foregoing stage of design the Consultant's Statement of Probable Construction Cost exceeds the City's Construction Budget by more than fifteen percent (15%), then the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant. Consultant shall then identify the cause(s) for the difference and recommend in writing for the City's approval any modification in the Design Documents necessary to conform the Consultant's estimated total costs in the Statement of Probable Construction Cost to within fifteen percent (15%) of the City's Construction Budget. Upon obtaining City's approval of any proposed modifications, Consultant shall incorporate such modifications within the Design Documents as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City. 4.2.2. At the 30% and 60% completion of the Design Documents, Consultant shall update its Statement of Probable Construction Cost, which must include an estimated Construction Cost for the Project within a range of plus or minus ten percent (+/-10%) of the Construction Cost Budget. If at the foregoing stages of design the Consultant's Statement of Probable Construction Cost exceeds the City's Construction Budget by more than ten percent (10%), the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant. Consultant shall then identify the cause(s)for the difference and recommend in writing for the City's approval any modification in the Design Documents necessary to conform the Consultant's estimated total costs in the Statement of Probable Construction Cost to within ten percent (10%) of the City's Construction Budget. Upon obtaining City's approval of any proposed modifications, Consultant shall incorporate such modifications within the Design Documents as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City. 4.2.3. At the 90% stage completion of the Design Documents and at completion of the Construction Documents, Consultant shall update its Statement of Probable Construction Cost, which must include an estimated Construction Cost for the Project within a range of plus or minus five percent (+1-5%) of the Construction Cost Budget. If at the foregoing stages of design the Consultant's Statement of Probable Construction Cost exceeds the City's Construction Budget by more than five percent (5%), the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant. Consultant shall then identify the cause(s) for the difference and recommend in writing for the City's approval any modification in the Design Documents necessary to conform the Consultant's estimated total costs in the Statement of Probable Construction Cost to within five percent (5%) of the City's Construction Budget. Upon obtaining the City's approval, Consultant shall promptly modify the Design Documents or Construction Documents within the time period specified by the Project Administrator (which time period for completion shall not exceed ninety (90) days from the date Consultant is notified to re-design), as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City. 4.2.4. To ensure that the Construction Cost shall not exceed the City's Construction Budget, each Statement of Probable Construction Cost shall be in sufficient detail to identify the costs of each element and include a breakdown of the fees, general conditions and a reasonable and appropriate construction contingency. 4.3. Consultant shall certify and warrant to the City that the Statement of Probable Construction Cost and any update thereto, represents Consultant's best judgment of the Construction Cost for the Project as an experienced design professional familiar with the construction industry, provided, however, that Consultant cannot (and does not) guarantee that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from any estimates of Construction Cost or other cost 17 evaluation(s) prepared (or otherwise provided) by Consultant. 4.4 If the lowest and best Base Bid exceeds the Consultant's final updated Statement of Probable Cost by more than ten percent(10%), the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant, and the Consultant shall re-design the'Project within the Project Scope, construction schedule, sequence of Work, or such other action, as deemed necessary, to reduce the Statement of Probable Construction Cost, and Consultant shall provide any required revisions to the Contract Documents (including, without limitation, the Construction Documents) within the time period specified by the Project Administrator (which time period for completion shall not exceed ninety (90) days from the date Consultant is notified to re-design), and shall provide re-bidding services, as many times as may be reasonably requested by the City,\as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City, in order to bring any resulting, responsive and responsible bids within ten percent (10%) of the.Consultant's final updated Statement of Probable Cost. 4.5. The Construction Cost Budget shall not be exceeded without fully justifiable, extraordinary, and unforeseen circumstances (such as Force Majeure) which are beyond the control of the parties. Any expenditure above this amount shall be subject to prior City Commission approval which, if granted at all, shall be at the sole and reasonable discretion of the City Commission. The City Commission shall have no obligation to approve an increase in the Construction Cost Budget and, if such Construction Cost Budget is exceeded, the City Commission may, at its sole and absolute discretion, terminate this Agreement (and the remaining Services)without any further liability to the City. 4.6. The City Commission may, at its sole and absolute discretion, and without relieving Consultant of its obligations under this Agreement to design the Project to the Construction Cost Budget as set forth in Sections 4.1 through 4.5 above, separately elect any of the following options: (1) approve an increase to the Construction Cost Budget; (2) reject all bids, and (at its option) authorize rebidding of the Project; (3) abandon the Project and terminate the remaining Services without any further liability to the City; (4) select as many deductive alternatives as may be necessary to bring the lowest and best bid within the Construction Cost Budget. ARTICLE 5. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 5.1 Additional Services shall only be performed by Consultant following receipt of written authorization by the Project Administrator (which authorization must be obtained prior to commencement of any such additional work by Consultant). The written authorization shall contain a description of the Additional Services required; a lump sum to be negotiated at the time of the request for additional services or an hourly fee (in accordance with the rates in Schedule "B" hereto), with a "Not to Exceed" amount; Reimbursable Expenses (if any) with a "Not to Exceed" amount; the amended Construction Cost Budget (if applicable); the time required to complete the Additional Services; and an amended Project Schedule (if applicable). "Not to Exceed" shall mean the maximum cumulative hourly fees allowable (or, in the case of Reimbursable Expenses, the maximum cumulative expenses allowable), which the Consultant shall not exceed without further written authorization of the Project Administrator. The "Not to Exceed" amount is not a guaranteed maximum cost for the additional work requested (or, in the case of Reimbursables, for the expenses), and all costs applicable to same shall be verifiable through time sheets (and, for Reimbursables, expense reviews). 5.2 Additional Services include the following: 18 5.2.1 Appraisals: Investigation and creation of detailed appraisals and valuations of existing facilities, and surveys or inventories in connection with construction performed by City. 5.2.2. Unforeseen Conditions. Providing additional work relative to the Project which arises from subsequent circumstances and causes which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the Consultant Service Order (excluding conditions determined by all prior studies available to Consultant and excluding circumstances and causes resulting from error, omission, inadvertence, or negligence of Consultant). 5.2.3. City-Requested Revisions to Construction Documents: Making revisions to Construction Documents resulting in or from City-requested changes in Scope of Work involving new program elements, when such 'revisions are inconsistent with written approvals or instructions previously given by City and/or are due to causes beyond the control of Consultant. 5.2.4 Expert Witness: Except insofar as the Consultant is required by legal process or subpoena to appear and give testimony, preparing to serve or serving as an expert witness in connection with any state or federal court action to which the Consultant is not a party in its own name, that is not instituted by the Consultant or in which the performance of the Consultant is not in issue. 5.2.5 Procurement: Assistance in connection with bid protests, re-bidding, or re- negotiating contracts (except for Contract Document revisions and re-bidding services required under Section 4.4 hereof, which shall be provided at no additional cost to City). 5.2.6. Models: Preparing professional perspectives, models or renderings in addition to those provided.for in this Agreement except insofar as these are otherwise useful or necessary to the Consultant in the provision of Basic Services. 5.2.7. Threshold Inspection/Material Testing and Inspection: Providing threshold inspection services and material testing/special inspection services, provided that Consultant, as part of the Basic Services, shall report on the progress the Work, including any defects and deficiencies that may be observed in the Work. 5.2.8 Pre-Design Surveys & Testing: Environmental investigations and site evaluations, provided, however, that surveys of the existing structure required to complete as-built documentation are not additional services. 5.2.9 Geotechnical engineering. Providing geotechnical engineering services or site surveys. • Except as specified herein, services that are required for completion of the Construction Documents shall be part of Consultant's Basic Services. ARTICLE 6. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 19 6.1 Reimbursable Expenses must be authorized, in advance, in writing, by the Project Administrator. Invoices or vouchers for Reimbursable Expenses shall be submitted to the Project Administrator (along with any supporting receipts and other back-up material requested by the Project Administrator). Consultant shall certify as to each such invoice and/or voucher that the amounts and items claimed as reimbursable are "true and correct and in accordance with the Agreement." Reimbursable Expenses may include, butnot be limited to, the following: Cost of reproduction, courier, and postage and handling of drawings, plans, specifications, and other Project documents (excluding reproductions for the office use of the Consultant and its Subconsultants, and courier, postage and handling costs between the Consultant and its Subconsultants). Costs for reproduction and preparation of graphics for community workshops. Permit fees required by City of Miami Beach regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over the Project (i.e. City permit fees). ARTICLE 7. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES 7.1 Consultant's "Lump Sum" or"Not to Exceed"fee for provision of the Services,,or portions thereof, as may be set forth and described in the Consultant Service Order issued for a particular Project, shall be negotiated between the City and Consultant, and shall be set forth in the Consultant Service Order. 7.2 Payments for Services shall be made within forty-five (45) calendar days of receipt and approval of an acceptable invoice by the Project Administrator. Payments shall be made in proportion to the Services satisfactorily performed, so that the payments for Services never exceed the progress percentage noted in the Consultant's Progress Schedule (to be submitted with each invoice). No mark-up shall be allowed on subcontracted work. In addition to the invoice, the Consultant shall, for Hourly Rate authorizations, submit a progress report giving the percentage of completion of the Project and the total estimated fee to completion. 7.3 All Services shall be compensated in accordance with the hourly rates set forth in Schedule "C," attached hereto. Any request for payment of Additional Services shall be included with a Consultant payment request. No mark-up shall be allowed on Additional Services (whether sub-contracted or not). 7.4 Approved Reimbursable Expenses shall be paid in accordance with Article 6 hereto, up to the "Not to Exceed" Reimbursable allowance amount in the Consultant Service Order hereto. Any request for payment of Reimbursable Expenses shall also be included with Consultant's payment request. No mark-up shall be allowed on Reimbursable Expenses. 7.5 ESCALATION: The initial hourly rates shall remain constant for the Initial Term of the agreement. Ninety (90) days prior_to expiration of the Initial Term, the City may consider an adjustment to the preceding year's unit costs for the subsequent year. Only request for increases .based on a corresponding increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers; U.S. City average (1982-84=100), as established by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ("CPI"), or material adjustments to the scope or requirements of the RFQ by the City, including (but not limited to) living wage increases, will be considered. In the event that the City determines that the requested increase is unsubstantiated, the Consultant agrees to 20 perform all duties at the current cost terms. 7.6 No retainage shall be made from the Consultant's compensation on account of sums withheld by the City on payments Jo Contractor. 7.7 METHOD OF BILLING AND PAYMENT. Consultant shall invoice the Project Administrator in a timely manner, but no more than once on a monthly basis. Invoices shall identify the nature and extent of the work performed; the total hours of work performed by employee category; and the respective hourly billing rate associated therewith. In the event Subconsultant work is used, the percentage of completion shall be identified. Invoices shall. also itemize and summarize any Additional Services and/or Reimbursable Expenses. A copy of the written approval of the Project Administrator for the requested Additional Service(s) or Reimbursable Expense(s) shall accompany the invoice. 7.7.1 If requested, Consultant shall provide back-up for past and current invoices that records hours for all work (by employee category), and cost, itemizations for Reimbursable Expenses (by category). ARTICLE 8. CONSULTANT'S ACCOUNTING AND OTHER RECORDS 8.1 All books, records (whether financial or otherwise), correspondence, technical documents, and any other records or documents related to the Services and/or Project will be available for examination and audit by the City.Manager, or his/her authorized representatives, at Consultant's office (at the address designated in Article 15 ["Notices"]), during customary business hours. All such records shall be kept at least for a period of three (3) years after Consultant's completion of the Services. Incomplete or incorrect entries in such records and ' accounts relating personnel services and expenses may be grounds for City's disallowance of any fees or expenses based upon such;entries. Consultant shall also bind its Subconsultants to the requirements of this Article and ensure compliance therewith ARTICLE 9. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS 9.1 All notes, correspondence, documents, plans and specifications, designs, drawings, renderings, calculations, specifications, models, photographs, reports; surveys, investigations, and any other documents (whether completed or partially completed) and copyrights thereto for Services performed or produced in the performance of this Agreement, or related to the Project, whether in its native electronic form, paper or other hard copy medium or in electronic medium, except with respect to copyrighted standard details and( designs owned by the Consultant or owned by a third party and licensed to the Consultant for use and reproduction, shall become the property of the City. Consultant shall deliver all such documents to the Project Administrator in their native electronic form, as required in the Consultant Service Order within thirty (30) days of completion of the Services (or within thirty (30) days of expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement as the case may be). However, the City may grant an exclusive license of the copyright tothe Consultant for reusing and reproducing copyrighted materials or portions thereof as authorized by the City Manager in advance and in writing, In addition, the Consultant shall not disclose, release, or make available any document to any third party without prior written approval from the City Manager, The Consultant shall warrant to the City that it has been granted a license to use,and reproduce any standard details and designs owned by a third party and used or reproduced by the Consultant in the performance of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein-shall be deemed to exclude any document from Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. 21 9.2 The Consultant is permitted to reproduce copyrighted material described above subject to prior written approval of the City Manager. 9.3 At the City's option, the Consultant may be authorized, as an Additional Service, to adapt copyrighted material for additional or other work for the City; however, payment to the Consultant for such adaptations will\be limited to an amount not greater than 50% of the original fee earned to adapt the original copyrighted material to a new site. 9.4 The City shall have the right to modify the 'Project or any components thereof without permission from the Consultant or without any additional compensation to the Consultant. The Consultant shall be released from any liability resulting from such modification. 9.5 The Consultant shall bind all Subconsultants to the Agreement requirements for re-use of plans and specifications. ARTICLE 10. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 10.1 TERMINATION FOR LACK OF FUNDS: The City is a governmental entity and is subject to the appropriation of funds by its legislative body in an amount sufficient to allow continuation of its performance in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event there is a lack of adequate funding either for the Services or the Project (or both), the City may terminate this Agreement without further liability to the City. 10.2 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: The City, through the City Manager, may terminate this Agreement for cause, upon written.notice to Consultant, in the event that the Consultant (1) violates any provision of this Agreement or performs same in bad faith; (2) unreasonably delays the performance of the Services or any portion thereof; or (3) does not perform the Services or any portion thereof in a timely and satisfactory manner.In the case of termination for cause by the City, the Consultant shall first be granted a thirty (30) day cure period (commencing upon receipt of the initial written notice of default from the City). 10.2.1 In the event this Agreement is terminated for cause by the City, the City, at its sole option and discretion, may take over the remaining Services and complete them by contracting with another consultant(s), or otherwise. The Consultant shall be liable to the City for any additional cost(s) incurred by the City due to such termination. "Additional Cost" is defined as the difference between the actual cost of completion of the Services, and the cost of completion of such Services had the Agreement not been terminated. 10.2.2 In the event of termination for cause by the City, the City shall only be obligated to pay Consultant for those Services satisfactorily performed and accepted prior to the date of termination (as such date is set forth in, or can be calculated from, the City's initial written default notice). Upon payment of any amount which may be due to Consultant pursuant to this subsection 10.2.2, the City_shall have no further liability to Consultant. 10.2.3 As a condition precedent to release of any payment which may be due to Consultant under subsection 10.2.2, the Consultant shall promptly assemble and deliver to the Project Administrator any and all Project documents prepared (or caused to be prepared) by Consultant(including, without limitation, those referenced in subsection 9.1 22 hereof). The City shall not be responsible for any cost incurred by Consultant for assembly, copy, and/or delivery of Project documents pursuant to this subsection. 10.3 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: In addition to the City's right to terminate for cause, the City through the City Manager, may also terminate this Agreement, upon fourteen - (14) days prior written notice to Consultant, for convenience, without cause, and without penalty, when (in its sole discretion) it deems such termination to be in the best interest of the City. In the event the City terminates the Agreement for convenience, Consultant shall be compensated for all Services_satisfactorily performed and accepted up to the termination date (as set forth in the City's written notice), and for Consultant's costs in assembly and delivery to the Project Administrator of the Project documents (referenced in subsection 10.2.3 above). Upon payment of any amount which may be due to Consultant pursuant this subsection 10.3, the City shall have no further liability to Consultant. 10.4 TERMINATION BY CONSULTANT: The Consultant may only terminate this Agreement for cause, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City, in the event that the City willfully violates any provisions of this Agreement or unreasonably delays payment of the Services or any portion thereof. In the event of a termination for cause by Consultant, the City shall pay Consultant for any Services satisfactorily performed and accepted up to the date of termination; provided, however, that the City.shall first be granted a thirty (30) day cure period (commencing upon receipt of Consultant's initial written notice). 10.4.1 The Consultant shall have no right to terminate this Agreement for convenience. 10.5 IMPLEMENTATION OF TERMINATION: In the event of termination (whether for cause or for convenience), the Consultant shall immediately, upon receipt of the City's written notice,of termination: (1) stop the performance of Services; (2) place no further orders or issue any other subcontracts, except for those which may have already been approved, in writing, by the Project Administrator; (3) terminate all existing orders and subcontracts; and (4) promptly assemble all Project documents (for delivery to the Project Administrator). ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE 11.1 At all times during the Term of this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain the following required insurance coverage in full force and effect. The Consultant shall not commence any work until satisfactory proof of all required insurance coverage has been furnished to the Project Administrator: (a) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability per the Statutory limits of the State of Florida. (b) Commercial General Liability on a comprehensivebasis in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work, in an amount not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. (d) Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 with the deductible per claim, if any, not to exceed 10% of the limit of liability. 23 11.2 The City must be named as and additional insured on the liability policies; and it must be stated on the certificate. 11.3 The Consultant must give the Project Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation or of substantial modifications in any required insurance coverage. All certificates and endorsements shall contain this requirement. - 11.4 The insurance must be furnished by an insurance company rated A:V or better, or its equivalent, according to Bests' Guide Rating Book, and by insurance companies duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and countersigned by the company's Florida resident agent. • 11.5 Consultant shall provide the Project Administrator with a certificate of insurance of all required insurance policies. The City reserves the right to`require a certified copy of such policies, upon written request to Consultant. ARTICLE 12. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS 12.1 To the fullest extent permitted by Section 725.08, Florida Statutes, the Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees, agents, and instrumentalities, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Consultant and other persons employed or utilized by the Consultant in the performance of this Agreement. The Consultant shall pay all-claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits, or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the City, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Consultant expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Consultant shall in no way limit its responsibility to indemnify, keep, and save harmless and defend the City or its officers, employees, agents, and instrumentalities as herein provided. 12.2 The Consultant agrees and recognizes that the City shall not be held liable or responsible for any claims which may result from any negligent, reckless, or intentionally wrongful actions, errors or omissions of the Consultant in which the City participated either through review or concurrence of the Consultant's actions. In reviewing, approving or rejecting any submissions by the Contractor, or other acts of the Consultant, the City in no way assumes or shares any responsibility or liability of the Consultant (including, without limitation its Subconsultants and/or any registered professionals (architects and/or engineers) under this Agreement). ARTICLE 13. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 13.1 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: It is specifically agreed that any construction changes categorized by the City as caused by an error, an omission, or any combination thereof in the Contract Documents that were prepared by the Consultant will constitute an additional cost to the City that would not have been incurred without the error. The damages to the City for errors, omissions or any combinations thereof shall be calculated as the total cost of any damages or incremental costs to the City resulting out of the errors or omissions by the 24 Consultant, including, without limitation, the direct, indirect and/or consequential damages resulting from the Consultant's errors and/or omissions or any combination thereof. Damages shall include delay damages caused by the error, omission, or any combination thereof. Should the Consultant disagree that all or part of such damages are the result of errors, omissions, or any combination thereof, the Consultant may appeal this determination, in writing, to the applicable Assistant City Manager. The Project Administrator's decision on all claims, questions-and disputes shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the parties hereto unless such determination is clearly arbitrary or unreasonable. In the event that the Consultant does not agree with the decision of the Project Administrator, the Consultant shall present any such objections, in writing, to the City Manager. The Project Administrator and the Consultant shall abide by the decision of the City Manager. This paragraph does not constitute a waiver of any party's right to proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction after the above administrative remedies have been exhausted. ARTICLE 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The City desires to enter into this Agreement only if in so doing the City can place a limit on its liability for any cause of action for money damages due to an alleged breach by the City of this Agreement, so that its liability for any such breach never exceeds the "not to exceed" amount of the fee paid to Consultant under this Agreement, less any amount(s) actually paid to Consultant hereunder. Consultant hereby expresses its willingness to enter into this Agreement, with Consultant's recovery from the City for any damages for action for breach of contract to be limited to Consultant's "not to exceed" fee under this Agreement, less any amount(s) actually paid by the City to the Consultant hereunder. Accordingly, and notwithstanding any other term or condition of this Agreement, Consultant hereby agrees that the City shall not be liable to Consultant for money damages due to an alleged breach by the City of this Agreement, in an amount in excess of the "not to exceed amount" of Consultant's fees under this Agreement, which amount shall be reduced by any amount(s) actually paid by the City to Consultant hereunder. Nothing contained in this subsection, or elsewhere in this Agreement, is in any way intended to be a waiver of the limitation placed upon City's liability, as set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 15. NOTICE All written notices given to City by Consultant shall be addressed to: City Manager's Office City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Attn: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager With a copy-to: City Manager's Office City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Attn: Eric T. Carpenter, Assistant City Manager 25 All written notices given to the Consultant from the City shall be addressed to: Keith & Schnars PA. 6500 N Andrews Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33309 Tel: (954) 776-1616 Fax: N/A Email: breed(a�ksfal.com Attn: Bruce Reed All notices mailed to either party shall be deemed to be sufficiently transmitted if sent by certified' mail, return receipt requested. ARTICLE 16. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 16.1 VENUE: This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of.the State of Florida, both substantive and remedial, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. The exclusive venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be Miami-Dade County, Florida, if in state court, and the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, in federal court. BY ENTERING ,INTO THIS AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT AND CITY EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS EITHER PARTY MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY CIVIL LITIGATION RELATED TO, OR ARISING OUT OF, THIS AGREEMENT. 16.2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT GOALS: Consultant agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment for work under this Agreement becauseof race, color, .national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital or familial status, or age, and will take affirmative steps to ensure that applicants are employed and employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital or familial status, or age. 16.3 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES ACT: In accordance with the Public Entity Crimes Act (Section 287.133, Florida Statutes), a person or affiliate who is a consultant, who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following, a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to the City, may not submit a bid on a contract with the City for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not bid on leases of real property to the City, may not be awarded orperform work as.a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or subconsultant under a contract with the City, and may not transact business with the City in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for Category Two, for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. For violation of this subsection by Consultant, City shall have the right to terminate the Agreement without any liability to City, and pursue debarment of Consultant 16.4 NO CONTINGENT FEE: Consultant warrants .that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a.bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For the breach or violation of this subsection, City shall 26 have the right to terminate the Agreement, without any liability or, at its discretion, to deduct from the contract price (or otherwise recover) the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration. 16.5 LAWS AND REGULATIONS: 16.5.1 The Consultant shall, during the Term of this Agreement, be governed by all Applicable Laws which may have a bearing on the Services involved in the Project. 16.5.2 Project Documents. In accordance with Section 119.07 (3) (ee), Florida Statutes, entitled "Inspection, Examination, and Duplication of Records; Exemptions," all building plans, blueprints, schematic drawings, and diagrams, including draft, preliminary, and final formats, are exempt from the provisions of Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes (inspection and copying of public records), and s. 24(a), Article I of the State Constitution. Information made exempt by this paragraph, with prior written approval from the City Manager, may be disclosed to another entity to perform its duties and responsibilities; to a licensed architect, engineer, or contractor who is performing work on or related to the Project; or upon a showing of good cause before a court of competent jurisdiction. The entities or persons receiving such information shall maintain the exempt status of the information. In addition to the requirements in this subsection 16.5.2, the Consultant agrees to abide by all applicable Federal, State, and City. procedures, as may be amended from time to time, by which the documents are handled, copied, and distributed which may include, but is not limited to, each employee of Consultant and Subconsultants that will be involved in the Project being required to sign an agreement stating that they will not copy, duplicate, or distribute the documents unless authorized by the City Manager, in writing. The Consultant and its Subconsultants agree in writing that the Project documents are to be kept and maintained in a secure location. Each set of the Project documents are to be numbered and the whereabouts of the documents shall be tracked at all times. A log is developed to track each set of documents logging in the date, , time, and name of the individual(s) that work on or view the documents. 16.6 CORRECTIONS TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Consultant shall prepare, without added compensation, all necessary supplemental documents to correct errors, omissions, and/or ambiguities which may exist in the Contract Documents prepared by Consultant, including documents prepared by its Subconsultants. Compliance with this subsection shall not be construed to relieve the Consultant from any liability resulting from any such errors, omissions, and/or/ambiguities in the Contract Documents and other documents or Services related thereto. 27 16.7 ASSIGNMENT: The Consultant shall not assign, transfer or convey this Agreement to any other person, firm, association or corporation, in whole or in part, without the priorwritten consent of the City Commission, which consent, if given at all, shall be at the Commission's sole, option and discretion. However, the Consultant will be permitted to cause portions of the Services to be performed by Subconsultants, subject to the prior written approval of the City Manager. 16.8 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The Consultant and the City each binds himself/herself, his/her partners, successors, legal representatives and assigns to the other party of the Agreement and to the partners, successors, legal representatives, and assigns of such party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement. The Consultant shall afford the City (through the City Commission) the opportunity to approve or reject all proposed assignees, successors or other changes in the ownership structure and composition of the Consultant. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of this Agreement by the Consultant. 16.9 PROVISION OF ITEMS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE SERVICES: In the performance of the Services prescribed herein, it shall be the responsibility of the Consultant to provide all salaries, wages, materials,, equipment, Subconsultants, and other purchased services, etc., as necessary to complete said Services. 16.10 INTENT OF AGREEMENT: 16.10.1 The intent of the Agreement is for the Consultant to provide design and other services, and to include all necessary items for the proper completion of such services for a fully functional Project which, when constructed in accordance with the design, will be able to be used by the City for its intended purpose. The Consultant shall perform, as Basic Services, such incidental work which may not be specifically referenced, as necessary to complete the Project. 16.10.2 This Agreement is for the benefit of the parties only and it does not grant rights to a third party beneficiary, to any person, nor does it authorize anyone not a party to the Agreement to maintain a suit for personal injuries, professional liability, or-property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of the Agreement. 16.10.3 , No acceptance, order, payment, or certificate of or by the City, or its employees or agents, shall either stop the City from asserting any rights or operate as a waiver of any provisions hereof or of any power or right herein reserved to the City or of any rights to damages herein provided. 16.11 This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein; and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, the parties agree that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless memorialized-in written document approval and executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. 28 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto caused these presents to be signed in their names by their duly authorized officers and principals, attested by their respective witnesses and City Clerk on the day and year first hereinabove written. Attest CITY OF MIA►,. AC CITY LERK . 'j .'"'•11(1A'�3- . Attest SCHNARS_'A. . yyAA : • SCHEDULE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND Keith & Schnars PA. CONSULTANT SERVICE ORDER Service Order No. for Consulting'Services. TO: Keith & Schnars PA. 6500 N Andrews Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33309 PROJECT NAME: Project Name, DATE: Pursuant to the agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Consultant for PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES IN SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS (RFQ 2018-141-ND) you are directed to provide the following services: SCOPE OF SERVICES: Per attached proposal dated , to be considered part of this Agreement. Estimated calendar days to complete this work: Days Original Service Order Amount: $ Total From Previous Additional Service Orders: $ Fee for this Service Order is Lump Sum/Not to Exceed amount of: Total Agreement to Date': $ City's Project Date Coordinator/Manager Assistant Director Date Consultant. Date Project Administrator-Director Date Section 287.055,Florida Statutes,commonly known as the Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act(CCNA),is applicable to the selection of professional services consultants(architecture,professional engineering,landscape architecture,or registered surveying and mapping)by public agencies for projects valued up to the amount established in Category 5,Section 287.017,Florida Statutes(currently$325,000 or as amended by law)or for a planning or study activity - valued up to the amount established in Category 2„Section 287.017,Florida Statutes(currently$35,000 or as amended by law). 30 SCHEDULE B CONSULTANT COMPENSATION Schedule of Payments Planning Services * $XXXXXXXX Design Services* $XXXXXXXX Bidding and Award Services $XXXXXXXX Construction Administration ** $XXXXXXXX Reimbursable Allowance*** $X)000(XXX Note*: These services will be paid lump sum based on percentage complete of each phase as identified in the individual tasks. Note**: Construction Administration will be paid _on a monthly basis upon commencement of construction. In the event that, through no fault of the Consultant, Construction 'Administration services are required to be extended, which extension shall be subject to prior City approval, and what shall be at the City's sole discretion, the Consultant agrees to extend said services for$XXXXXX, per month, for the duration required to complete the Project. Note': The Reimbursable Allowance belongs to the City and must be approved in writing, in advance, by the Project Administrator. Unused portions will not be paid to the Consultant. 31 SCHEDULE C HOURLY BILLING RATE SCHEDULE Project Principal $172.50 Project Engineer(Coastal or $116.15 Other) Project Manager $138.00 Sr. Field Services.Professional $116.15 Senior Civil Engineer $138.00 Field Services Professional • $ 80.50 Civil Engineer $116.15 Threshold Inspector $138.00 Senior Electrical Engineer $138.00 Structural Special Inspector $109.25 Electrical Engineer, $116.15 Technical Editor $ 74.75 Senior Mechanical Engineer $138.00 Senior GIS Specialist $116.15 Mechanical Engineer $116.15 GIS Specialist $ 86.25 Senior Structural Engineer $138.00 Staff Engineer/Geologist/Scientist $ 94.30 Structural Engineer $116.15 Landscape Designer $ 95.45 Senior Environmental Engineer $138.00 Planner $116.15 Environmental Engineer $116.15 Project Principal ( Structural Engineer) $172.50 Environmental Technician $ 74.75 Project Manager(Structural Engineer) $138.00 Environmental Specialist $ 63.25 CAD Technician (Structural) $ 63.25 Environmental Permit Specialist $ 63.25 Traffic Engineers $116.15 Project Scientist $120.75 Cost Estimator $ 74.75 Senior Surveyor $138.00 Specifications Writer $ 63.25 Surveyor $116.15 Construction Administrator/Manager $ 94.30 Surveyor Support Staff $ 69.00 Senior Project Manager $138'.00 Senior Architect $138.00 MEP Project Engineer $138.00 Architect $116.15 Horticultural/maintenance Consultant $ 86.25 Senior Designer $138.00 Irrigation Engineer $ 94.30 Designer $ 95.45 Job Captain $ 92.00 Senior Urban Planner J138.00 Interior Designer $ 95.45 Senior CAD Technician $ 69.00 Principal/Director of Design $138.00 CAD Technician $ 63.25 Senior Landscape Architect $138.00 Landscape Architect $116.15 Clerical $ 40.25 Administrative Assistant $ 40.25 Survey Crew Party of2 $140.68 Survey Crew Party of 2 w/ GPS $168.51 Survey Crew Party of 3 - $170.44 Survey Crew Party of 3w/ GPS $197.01 Survey Crew Party of 4 $211.31 Survey Crew Party of 4 w/ GPS $250.13 Sr. Inspector(CEI) $103.50 Inspector(CEI, Field or $ 94:88 Construction) - 32 SCHEDULE D APPROVED SUBCONSULTANTS 33 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION, COMMISSION ITEM, AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 34 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-30534 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 2018-141-ND, FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH WILLIAM B. MEDELLIN ARCHITECT P.A., CSA CENTRAL, INC., SCHINDLER ARCHITECTS, INC., TSAO DESIGN GROUP, INCORPORATED, CPH, INC., SOL-ARCH, INC.,WILLIAM LANE ARCHITECT, INC., MOSS ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN GROUP, INC., ALLEGUEZ ARCHITECTURE, INC., R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, AND P.A., VITALINI CORAZZINI, P.A., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF GENERAL ARCHITECTURE; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAVINO & MILLER DESIGN STUDIO, P.A., KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A., CPH, INC., CURTIS & ROGERS DESIGN STUDIO, INC., CHEN-MOORE ASSOCIATES, AND MILLER, LEGG & ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF LANDSCAPE ` ARCHITECTURE; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN & ASSOCIATES, INC., CES CONSULTANTS, INC., CHEN-MOORE ASSOCIATES, 305 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC, MILLER, LEGG & ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SRS ENGINEERING, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH E SCIENCES, INC., TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC., EBS ENGINEERING, INC., AND CSA CENTRAL, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AND TESTING ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH CSA CENTRAL,. INC., 3FM ENGINEERING, INC., AND UCI ENGINEERING INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH 305 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC, EASTERN ENGINEERING GROUP COMPANY, CES CONSULTANTS, INC., MASTER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., UCI ENGINEERING INC., AND DIAZ, CARRENO, SCOTT! & PARTNERS, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE. ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH TSAO DESIGN GROUP, INCORPORATED, AND MC DESIGNERS, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF INTERIOR DESIGN I SPACE PLANNING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF SURVEYING; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH EACH OF THE RECOMMENDED PROPOSERS UPON CONCLUSION OF SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS BY THE ADMINISTRATION. WHEREAS, on February 14, 2018, the City Commission approved the issuance of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 2018-141-ND for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Repair and Replacement Projects; and WHEREAS, Request for Qualifications No. 2018-141-ND (the "RFQ") was released on February 15, 2018; and. WHEREAS, a voluntary pre-proposal meeting was held on February 27, 2018;and WHEREAS,on May 7, 2018, the City received thirty-seven (37) proposals; and WHEREAS, on February 26, 2018 the City Manager via Letter to Commission (LTC)No. 105-2018, appointed an Evaluation Committee (the "Committee"), consisting of the following individuals: Lily Alvarez, Construction Manager, Property Management Department, City of Miami Beach; Pilar Caurin, Construction Manager, Office of Capital Improvement Projects, City of Miami Beach; Elizabeth Estevez, Parks and Capital Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation Department, City of Miami Beach; and Francisco Garcia, Construction Manager, Property Management Department, City of Miami Beach;and WHEREAS,' the Committee convened on August 6, 2018 to review and score the remaining proposals; and WHEREAS, the Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law, general information on the scope of services, and a copy of each proposal; and WHEREAS, the Committee was instructed to score and rank each proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFQ; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of General Architecture was as follows: William B. Medellin Architect P.A., as the first ranked proposer; CSA Central, Inc., as the second ranked proposer; Schindler Architects, Inc. and TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, tied as the third ranked proposers; CPH, Inc., as the fifth ranked proposer; Sol-ARCH, Inc., as the sixth ranked proposer; William Lane Architect, Inc., as the seventh ranked proposer; Moss Architecture and Design Group, Inc., as the eighth ranked proposer; Alleguez Architecture, Inc., as the ninth ranked proposer; R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, and P.A., as the tenth ranked proposer; Vitalini Corazzini, P.A., as the eleventh ranked proposer; ArcBuilders and Group Incorporated, as the twelfth ranked proposer; Alejandro Pardo Architecture, Inc., as the thirteenth ranked proposer; and UCI Design, Inc., as the fourteenth ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Landscape Architecture was as follows: Savino & Miller Design Studio, P.A., as the first ranked proposer; Keith and Schnars, P.A., as the second ranked proposer; CPH, Inc., as the third ranked proposer; Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc., as the fourth ranked proposer; Chen-Moore Associates, as the fifth ranked proposer; Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., as the sixth ranked proposer; Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc., as the seventh ranked proposer; and Landscape DE, LLC, as the eighth ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Civil Engineering was as follows: Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc., as the first ranked proposer; CES Consultants, Inc., as the second ranked proposer, Chen-Moore Associates, as the third ranked proposer, 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., and SRS Engineering, Inc., tied as the fourth ranked proposers; CPH, Inc., as the seventh ranked proposer; and T.Y. Lin International, as the eighth ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Environmental Services and Testing Engineering was as follows: E Sciences, Inc., as the first ranked proposer; Terracon Consultants, Inc., as the second ranked proposer; EBS Engineering, Inc., as the third ranked proposer; CSA Central, Inc., asthe fourth ranked proposer; and Florida Technical Consultants, LLC, as the fifth ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering was as follows: CSA Central, Inc. and Ross& Baruzzini, Inc., tied as the first ranked proposers; 3FM Engineering, Inc., as the third ranked proposer; and UCI Engineering Inc., as the fourth ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the evaluation of proposals, Ross &Baruzzini, Inc. submitted the a letter indicating that without local MEP resources it no longer wished to be considered for award; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Structural Engineering was as follows: 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC and Eastern Engineering Group Company, tied as the first ranked proposers; CES Consultants, Inc., as the third ranked proposer; Master Consulting Engineers, Inc., as the fourth ranked proposer; UCI Engineering Inc., as the fifth ranked proposer; and Diaz, Carreno, Scotti &Partners, Inc., as the sixth ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Interior Design / Space Planning was as follows: TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, as the first ranked proposer; and MC Designers, Inc., as the second ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, the Committee's ranking for the discipline of Surveying was follows: Schwebke-Shiskin&Associates, Inc., as the first ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, after reviewing all the submissions and the results of the evaluation process, the City Manager recommends that the Administration be authorized to enter into negotiations as follows: William B. Medellin Architect P.A., CSA Central, Inc., Schindler Architects, Inc., TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, CPH, Inc., Sol-ARCH, Inc., William Lane Architect, Inc., Moss Architecture and Design Group, Inc. Alleguez Architecture, Inc., R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, and P.A., Vitalini Corazzini, P.A., for the discipline of General Architecture. Savino & Miller Design Studio, P.A., Keith and Schnars, P.A., CPH, Inc., Curtis& Rogers Design Studio, Inc., Chen-Moore Associates, and Miller, Legg &Associates, Inc., for the discipline of Landscape Architecture. Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc., CES Consultants, Inc., Chen-Moore Associates, 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., and SRS Engineering, Inc., for the discipline of Civil Engineering. E Sciences, Inc., Terracon Consultants, Inc., EBS Engineering, Inc., and CSA Central, Inc., for the discipline of Environmental Services and Testing Engineering. CSA Central, Inc., 3FM Engineering, Inc., and UCI Engineering Inc., for the discipline of Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering. 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Eastern Engineering Group Company, CES Consultants, Inc., Master Consulting Engineers, Inc., UC1 Engineering Inc., and Diaz, Carreno, Scotti & Partners, Inc., for the discipline of Structural Engineering. TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, and MC Designers, Inc., for the discipline of Interior Design/Space Planning. Schwebke-Shiskin &Associates, Inc. for the discipline of Surveying. NOW, THEREFORE,' BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager pertaining to the ranking of proposals pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 2018-141-ND for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Repair and Replacement Projects; authorizing the administration to enter into negotiations with William B. Medellin Architect P.A., CSA Central, Inc., Schindler Architects, Inc., TSAO Design Group, incorporated, CPH, Inc., Sol- ARCH, Inc., William Lane Architect, Inc., Moss Architecture and Design Group, Inc., Alleguez Architecture, Inc., R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, and P.A., Vitalini Corazzini, P.A., for the discipline of General Architecture; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with Savino & Miller Design Studio, P.A., Keith and Schnars, P.A., CPH, Inc., Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc., Chen-Moore Associates, and Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., for the discipline of Landscape Architecture; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with Schwebke-Shiskin &Associates, Inc., CES Consultants, Inc., Chen-Moore Associates, 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., and SRS Engineering, Inc., for the discipline of Civil Engineering; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with E Sciences, Inc., Terracon Consultants; Inc., EBS Engineering, Inc., and CSA Central, Inc., for the discipline of Environmental Services And Testing Engineering; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with CSA Central, Inc., 3FM Engineering, Inc., and UCI Engineering Inc., for the discipline of Mechanical, Electrical, And Plumbing Engineering; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Eastern Engineering Group Company, CES Consultants, Inc., Master Consulting Engineers, Inc., UCI Engineering Inc., and Diaz, Carreno, Scotti & Partners, Inc., for the discipline of Structural Engineering; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, and MC Designers, inc., for the discipline of Interior Design / Space Planning; authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc. for the discipline of Surveying; and further authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with each of the recommended proposers upon conclusion of successful negotiations by the Administration. � / PASSED AND ADOPTED this /7 day of Ii/�/64er 2018. ATTEST: oc.:71...-„,......„,_ 141.44,RAF EL E. GRANADO, CITY CLEC ., \- DAN GELBER, MAYOR F:1PURC1Soricitations1201812018-141-ND Cr arlrt_tflPeFll'r. •• 110-Award\RESO2018-141-ND.doc ,+( ;; -y APPROVED AS TO F� ,4.-:-_-_,-._~ v‘4(11,--.7:-> •''r., FORM &LANGUAGE r,: .•:.-- - 's 1 fit' &FOR EXECUTION iORATED= ., • V\ 4,1\1i �� ,Thjir) (____ , 16.-A -( :.,.9, Cy.....9b N°341u""L/City�ey liw� Resolutions-C7 P MIAMI BEACH ' . COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: October 17, 2018 SUBJECT A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 2018-141-ND, FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH _WILLIAM B. MEDELLIN ARCHITECT P.A., CSA CENTRAL, INC., SCHINDLER ARCHITECTS, INC., TSAO DESIGN GROUP, INCORPORATED, CPH, INC., SOL-ARCH, INC., WILLIAM LANE ARCHITECT, INC., MOSS ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN GROUP, INC., ALLEGUEZ ARCHITECTURE, INC., R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, AND P.A., VITALINI CORAZZINI, P.A., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF GENERAL ARCHITECTURE; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAVINO & MILLER DESIGN STUDIO, PA, KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A., CPH, INC., CURTIS & ROGERS DESIGN STUDIO, INC., CHEN-MOORE. ASSOCIATES, AND MILLER, LEGG & ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH SCHWEBKE- SHISKIN & ASSOCIATES, INC., CES CONSULTANTS, INC., CHEN-MOORE ASSOCIATES, 305 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC, MILLER, LEGG & ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SRS ENGINEERING, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH E SCIENCES, INC., TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC., EBS ENGINEERING, INC., AND CSA CENTRAL,' INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AND TESTING ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH CSA CENTRAL, INC., 3FM ENGINEERING, INC., AND UCI ENGINEERING INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH 305 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC, EASTERN ENGINEERING GROUP COMPANY, CES CONSULTANTS, INC., MASTER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., UCI ENGINEERING INC., AND DIAZ, CARRENO, SCOTT! & PARTNERS, INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH TSAO DESIGN GROUP, INCORPORATED, AND MC DESIGNERS,-INC., FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF INTERIOR DESIGN 1 SPACE PLANNING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH SCHWEBKE- SHISKIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF SURVEYING; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN Page 436 of 1637 AGREEMENT WITH EACH OF THE RECOMMENDED PROPOSERS UPON CONCLUSION OF SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS BY THE ADMINISTRATION. • RECOMMENDATION Adapt the Resolution ANALYSIS On September 28, 2004, through Resolution 2004-24697, the City Commission created the Capital Renewal and Replacement Program (the "CRR Program"). The intent of the CRR Program is to provide funding for proactive renewal and replacement of the City's facilities and the building systems within those facilities (e.g., HVAC, roofs, fire safety systems, etc).The CRR program is also used to execute small repairs, remodels or renovation projects, with total project budgets under $325,000. The average value of the current CRR projects is approximately $158,000, but can be as low as $25,000 or less. In addition to CRR projects, award(s) of this RFQ may also be used for other small projects. Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, commonly known as the Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), is applicable to the selection of professional consultant services (architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveying and mapping) by public agencies for projects valued up to the amount established in Category 5, Section 287,017, Florida Statutes (currently $325,000 or as amended by law) or for a planning or study activities valued up to the amount established in Category 2, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently $35,000 or as amended by law). Even for projects below these thresholds,an architect or engineer is often required to develop construction documents for construction and permitting. Award of this RFQ will expedite the selection of architects and engineers as required for small projects. In order to maximize the cost effectiveness of small projects, through this RFQ the City sought to establish.a pool of qualified architectural and engineering consultants interested in providing the City with professional services for small projects. The categories of work are, as further defined in Appendix C, Architecture — General, Architecture — Landscape Architecture, Engineering — Environmental Services and Testing, and Engineering — Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing, Engineering—Structural. RFQ PROCESS On February 14, 2018,the City Commission approved to issue the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 2018-141-ND for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Repair and Replacement Projects. On February 15, 2018, the RFQ was issued. A voluntary pre-proposal conference to provide information to proposers submitting a response was held on February 27, 2018. Seven addenda were issued. The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 275 companies utilizing www,publicpurchase.com website. 263 prospective bidders accessed the advertised solicitation. RFQ responses were due and received on May 7, 2018. The City received proposals in response to the RFQ from the following 37 firms for a variety of categories as indicated in Attachment A: • 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC 3FM Engineering, Inc. Alejandro Pardo Architecture, Inc. Al leguez Architecture, Inc. ArcBuilders and Group Incorporated Page 437 of 1637 Calvin, Giordano&Associates, Inc. CES Consultants, Inc. Chen-Moore Associates CPH, Inc. CSA Central, Inc. Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc. Diaz, Carreno, Scotti& Partners, Inc. E Sciences, Inc. Eastern Engineering Group Company EBS Engineering, Inc. Florida Technical Consultants, LLC Keith and Schnars, P.A. Landscape DE, LLC Master Consulting Engineers, Inc. MC Designers, Inc. • Miller, Legg&Associates, Inc. Moss Architecture and Design Group, Inc. R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, P.A. Ross&Baruzani, Inc. Savino &Miller.Design Studio, P.A. • Schindler Architects, Inc. Schwebke-Shiskin &Associates, Inc. Sal-ARCH, Inc. SRS Engineering, Inc. T.Y. Lin International Terracon Consultants, Inc. TSAO Design Group, Incorporated UCI Engineering Inc. • UCI Engineering, Inc.D/B/A UCI Design, Inc. Vitalini Corazzini, P.A. William B.'Medellin Architect P.A. William Lane Architect, Inc. On February 26, 2018, the City Manager appointed the Evaluation Committee via LTC # 105-2018. The Evaluation Committee convened on August 6, 2018, to consider proposals received. The Committee was comprised of Lily Alvarez, Construction Manager, Property Management Department, City of Miami Beach; Pilar Caurin, Construction Manager, Office of Capital Improvement Projects, City of Miami Beach; Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation Department, City of Miami Beach; and Francisco Garcia, Construction Manager, Property Management Department, City of Miami Beach. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided with general information on the scope of services and a copy of each proposal. The Committee was instructed to score and rank each proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFQ. The evaluation process resulted in the ranking of proposers as indicated in Attachment A. Subsequent to the evaluation of proposals, Ross & Baruz ini, Inc. submitted the attached letter indicating that without local MEP resources it no longer wished to be considered for award. Due to the large number of responses, a summary of each top-ranked firm or the firm's proposal is available upon request. Page 438 of 1637 CONCLUSION After reviewing all the submissions and the results of the evaluation process, I note that the City is fortunate to have received a large number of responses to the RFQ. In determining the number of firms to award in each category,staff has recommended the number of firms believed to be necessary to complete the volume of work available for each category. Awarding too many firms in any given category would not be in the City's best interest as,an insufficient volume of projects may cause, the awarded firms to become disinterested and not provide the necessary level of service to the City. Therefore, I recommend that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Resolution authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations as follows: William B. Medellin Architect PA., CSA Central, Inc., Schindler Architects, Inc., TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, CPH, Inc., Sol-ARCH, Inc., William Lane Architect, Inc., Moss Architecture and Design Group, Inc., Alleguez Architecture, Inc., R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, and RA., Vitalini Corazani, P.A., for the discipline of General Architecture, Savino & Miller Design Studio, P.A., Keith and Schnars, PA, CPH, Inc., Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc., Chen-Moore Associates, and Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., for the discipline of Landscape Architecture. Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc., CES Consultants, Inc., Chen-Moore Associates, 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Miller, Legg & Associates, Inc., and SRS Engineering, Inc., for the discipline of Civil Engineering. E Sciences, Inc., Terracon Consultants, Inc., EBS Engineering, Inc., and CSA Central, Inc., for the discipline of Environmental Services and Testing Engineering. CSA Central, Inc., 3FM Engineering, Inc., and UCI Engineering Inc.,for the discipline of Mechanical. Electrical,and Plumbing Engineering. 305 Consulting Engineers, LLC, Eastern Engineering Group Company, CES Consultants, Inc., Master Consulting Engineers, Inc., UCI Engineering Inc., and Diaz, Carreno, Scotti & Partners, Inc., for the discipline of Structural Engineering. TSAO Design Group, Incorporated, and MC Designers, Inc., for the discipline of Interior Design / Space Planning. Schwebke-Shiskin &Associates, Inc.for the discipline of Surveying. and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with each of the recommended proposers upon conclusion of successful negotiations by the Administration. KEY INTENDED OUTCOMES SUPPORTED Build And Maintain Priority Infrastructure With FullAccountabilty FINANCIAL INFORMATION The cost of the related services, determined upon successful negotiations, are subject to funds availability approved through the City's budgeting process. Legislative Tracking Property Management/Procurement Page 439 of 1637 ATTACHMENTS_ Descript ion o Attachment A ❑ Ross and Barazzuni Letter 4 Resolution Page 440 of 1637 ATTACHMENT A ARCHITECTURE-GENERAL MCI 20184114M PROFESSIONAL -__- . --- I 1 ARCHITECTURAL MD ENGINEERING a. c C c Low i s Llly Alvarez Pilar Caurin Elizabeth Estevez Francisco Garcia SERVMESFORCAPITAL RENEWAL AND I c e c c Aggregate c REPLACEMENT PROJECTS mow, l� _ ___ __ Totals i° CC �....._.. :R' Qualitative Quantitative I Subtotal Qualitative 1 Quantitative 1 Subtotal Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal i Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal William B.Medellin Architect ! -- -.-_-•_i_ P.A. 98 0 96 1 95 -_ 0 95 4 92 0 92 3 . 100 0_ 100 11 9 1 CSA Central.Inc. - 96 0 96 1 98 0 98 1 91 0 91 4 98 0 -__96 5 11 2 . SchudterArchitects.Inc. 95 .0 95 6 _.,94 0 94 5 95 0 95 1 _ __99 _• 0 99 3 15 3 TSAO Design Group. - Incorporated 95 0 95 6 93 0 93 894 _ 0 94 2 100 0 100 1 15 3 CAH,Int. 96 0 96- 1 97 0 97 3 ,84 0 84 9 99 0 99 3 16 5 Sol-ARCH.Inc. 1 95 _ 0 • 95 6 98 0 _ 98 _ 1 86 0 86 7 98 0 [ 98 5 19 6_ William Lane Architect.Inc. 96 0 _ 96 1 87 0 87 10 90 0 90 5 93 0 93 11 27 -.. 7 - Moss Architecture and Design I - Gfgup.Inc. 95 0 95 .6__90 0 90 8 86 0 86 7 _97_ 0 97 8 29 8 AlleguezArchitecture,Inc. 96 0 86 _1 89 0 B9 9 80 0 80 11 94 - _ 0 94 9 30 9 R.J.Heisen bottle Architects, P A. 94 0 _ 94 10 91 • 0 _ 91 7 88 0 88 6 94 '0 94 9• 32 10 Vitabni COcazcini,P.A. 94 0 94 •10 820 82 12 82 0 82 10 98 0 98 5 37 •?11 ArcBuilders and Group - - -- - �•Incorporated 94 0 94 10 84 i 0 _• 84 11 75 0 1 75 14 84 0 84 12 47 12 • Alejandro Pardo Architecture. • Inc. 93 0 I 93 13 60 1 0 ---3 80 .13 79 0 79 12 79 0 - 79 13 51 13 VCIDesign.Inc. 89 0 i 88 14 69 .•• 0 I _._ 69 _114 78 I 0 78 13 - 78 0 -_• 78 14 55 •14 • IPS - Propdw Vei ane Poi.la 'PWeost.ale. AlyaMloPardo AtnAacWI6.u. a 0 Aaryula A.ctrylan.I..c o , o N.e.A.ac a a aa.I coyaad a a UH tn0 0 0 CSA Cervi 6.t 0 0 • wee Namrnrtns,dOm40Gia.h.e. —.•_0 -._-0 - aivatoblObacrwtob.P.A n o i...k.000.10,...........0.0.a0 0 0 - monndeq Gap•Ireaoardied 0 O - .. . UO En9iva1e5.ml 1108/A Lb Wion,WC. 0 0 )Auk..Caram.i.PA 0 0 WOOS a 140000.0N00001PA 0 a MY.Len../11012.101.ire d FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • • Page 441 of 1637 ATTACHMENT A ARCHITECTURE-LANDSCAPE ...RFQ2OI6.I41•NDPROFESSIONAL ` 1 m m m :--•-..T, ARCRnECTURALANDENNNEH9Nn Lily Alvarez a PRar Laurin 'E Ellzaheth Estevez c Low T= SUMO FOR CAPITALRENEWALAND 'Y ;:[ 5 Francisco Garcia REPLACEMENT PROJECTS c i c i e Aggregate ce to J Totals 2 Qualitative Quantitative Sutlers 1 Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal 1 qualitative _Quantitative Subtotal-1 Qualitative Quantitative. subtotal I Savino.1 Miller Design Studio.. I '•—--'—"-• ' ----- P A 97 0 97 _ 1 _95 0 95 4 94 0 94 1 100 0 100 .1 7 1 ' -r Keith and Schnara.P.A. . -SE — 0 - 96 • 3- 97 0 97 2 92 0 92 2 100 ---0 100 1 8 CM,Inc. 96 0 96• •3; 97 "•0 97 2 86 0 86 6 100 0 t 100 112—T'S- . Curtis&Rogers Design Studio, Inc. _ 96 - 0 _ 96 3 98 0 98 1 87 0 87 5 98 0 98 6 td •4 n• CheMoore Associates - 97 _ 0 _ 97 1 ; 91 0 91 6 90 _0 _ 90 4 98 0 1 08 •6 16 :S Muter.Legg&Associates.Inc. 95 0 95 6 _, 86 _ -, 0 88 7 91 0 91 3 100 0 i 1001 1 17 i 6 Calvin.Giordano&Associates. — —- - - - Inc. 95 0 95__ 6 92 0 92 _5 __ 66 0 86 6 98 0 96 .7' 24 •7 Landscape DE.LLC 93 0 93. - .8.. . 63 . 0 83 8 90 0 - 80 8 96 0 96 7 j 31 •8 P.opoa.r VOM..'.Ppwa nisomenaw• Cmn Cid,aa A Aarea.kr.ac 0 0 Cno'...w,flog0ass —._ 00 CP•6 10 , —...-...a.... 0 WI;S P0001 0.wPa 5,.00:100 a 5 Kd0w0 SC...PA. 0 0 Laau060OE.LIG 0 0 . - &005 L051aAteas[ 0 0 O0A00 AM par Dagn Swam P.A. 0 0 FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • • Page 442 of 1637 ATTACHMENT A ENGINEERING-CIVIL r-'-------.. ._ _. ..-' - -' ---'-'----...__...... -- - - ---- RFQa111414141DPROFESSIONAt - --e•••_......_.—_ ARCMEGTURAL AND ENGINEERING e e co C LOW _f Lily Alvarez Pilar Gamin Elizabeth Estevez . SERVICES POR CJSirP1 REXEWALuID E. I Francisco Garcia Y Aggregate Y RENACDENTPItOJECT3 •e C k Q _ l• QTolaism QualltsUve quantitative Subtotal QualltaIue Quantitative Subtotal QUalitaLwa j Qaantltativo Subtotal Qualtatwe Quantitative Subtotal Schwebke-Shiskin 8 .•-. ..-I Associates.Inc. 95 0 95 5 97 0 97 3' 05 0 95 1 100 0 100 2 11 1 CES Consultants,Inc. 97 0 97 2 95 0 95 4• 92 0 92 5 100 0 100 2 13 2 Chen-Moore Associates 97 0 _- 87 2 91 0 91 7 i 93 0 93 3 100 0 100 2 14 3 305 Consulting En�eers_LLC _ _95, _ - 5_.••_ 100 1 84 5 89 8: 87 5 92 i 5 98 5 103 1 15 4 &Luer,Legg 8 Associates.Inc. 95 __ 0 95 5 94 0 94__. 5. •• 3 - 0 93 3 100 0 100 •2�. 15 4 SRS Engineenng,Inc. 85 0 _ 95 5 _98 .0__,98 1 94 0 94 2 98 0 98 •.7_ 15 4 CaPH,Inc. 94 0 94 8 t•. 96 0 98 _ 1 _ 91 0 91 7 100 0 100 2 18 _ _7 T Y.Lin international 97 0 97 7 2 92 0 •92 8 90 • _ 0____ 90 5 96 0 98 7 23 B I 1 P.wa..r 14100e01.1.aalo 1 rnreewana 005 Cma0nit C9 s5.LLC 6 I 5 CESCmawaa It 0 0 _ 61na1100re Assuage. 0 0 CRM,tic 0 0 4a.Le0p&Moate.Ma 0 0 S01c01-515.5u.I Asa.wen lee a 0 SOS rrgitaeq Mc a 0 _ r.v LiaemruoarS 0 0 FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • r e Page 443 of 1637 . , • ATTACHMENT A • ENGINEERING-ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AND TESTING 899 2015.14148 PROFESSIONAL • m. ' ••"" , ARCHITTVORAL MD88618E98110 o ga co Lily Alvarez S.. Pita,Caurin .,S Elizabeth Estevez Francisco Garcia .E Low r SERVICES FOR CAPITAL 8DiEwALAtes x x 2 REPLACE/4NT PRIMUS 5 i g Aggregate 'A c g TOtals 11 Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal Qualitative • Quantitative Subtotal ' Qualftatire Quantitative Subtotal _. .. . . . 0 Sciences,Inc. 96 0 96 1 95 0- 95 i 2 96 096 1- 100 0 100 1 5 t Terracon Consutlants,Inc 96 0 96 1 95 0 95 2 88 —•-• - 0 88 3 100 0 100 1 •i - - • 2 EBS Engineering,Inc. • 95 0 95 4 98 0 98 I 1 92 0 .92 , 2 100 0 100 1 a CSA Central.Inc. 96 0 96 1 89 0 89 14 67 _ . - 0 87 4 100 0 100' 1 10 4 --t Florida Technical Consultants, ., . LLC 94 0 94 5 82 0 82 :5 82 0 _ 82 5 94 • 0 94 5 29 . ..5_ . 1:;,''4'.'::......i''' #:%:.:74;;;;;;;;W4;1.i....4:':.:i' f II'?......7,1 l' . ' - - 1 0.0F0., V01•••,•PeRtls.T01•1000.560ss CSA Cenral.In •c 0 I 0 R SOW..0,4 0 I 0 ,. FRS Fn0.....ir0 0. 0 i 0 ROA nonr.01CONSIASOC 1.1..G :TaleaanCaus.tunis tre - 0 1 0 ... FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • , -• • . . • ' • • ' . • . • • . 1 . • • Page 444 of 1637 - • • ATTACHMENT A ENGINEERING-MECHANICAL,ELECTRICAL,AND PLUMBING afQ2315.U1441PROFESSONN. A99re9 ARCHITECTURAL AND MIMEO* SEMMES FOR CANIAL RENEWAL AND m a tp Lily Alvarez Pilar Caul*. Elizabeth Estevez Francisco Garcia c Aggro: c e c c ate REPLACFJ/ENT PROaECTf __ Totals K Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal Qualitative I QuanttatIve i Subtotal Qualitative 1 quantilativa Subtotal quaatative Quantitative - Subtotal ICSH Central,Inc. 95 0 95 1 96 0 96 1 89 0 89 2 100 0 100 1 5 • 1 Ross&Baruzzini.Inc. 95 0 95 1 95 0 _ 95 29 2_._ 0 __ 92_ 1 _ 100 0 100 ' I ! 5 f 4 '3EM Engineering.Inc. 90 0 90 3 94 0 !f_ 94 3 68 0 88 T3 98 0 ! 98 4 i 13 3 IUC1 Engineering.Inc. 90 0 90 3 90 0 - 90 4 86 _ 0 86 4 98 0 i 99 3 I 14 4 • • Pro0...c Vft.ruf.Paled. Tarouwntw 3fa HNraol g kc 0 n can cavm_irc. __ P /loaf{e-N0A NE eMEI f/ls r77M.kc 0 FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • • Page 445 of 1637 ATTACHMENT A ENGINEERING-STRUCTURAL RF01a/blNdiD PROFF540NAL - +" __— ---. .. ---—. ARCxtitITDRAL ARO Fl1GtNEER1aG Lily Alvarez S PIlsr Caurin ` Elizabeth Estevee .E Francisco Garcia c Low CO SFAVICESFOR CAPITAL RENEWAL Aha ac jC sEPIACEseaTPROKSTS m L A99re9a� c C --.._.. — z _ Totals _ --_Qualitative QuaniltaUve Subtotal qualitative Quantitative- Subtotal i s QuaStalive I Quantitative Subtotal Qualltative_l Quantitative Subtotal . — 305 Consulting Engineers,LLC 95 5 100 1 88 0 93 1 79 5 84 5 100 5 _ 105 1 ' 8 1 Eastern Engineering Group Company 95 0 95 1 92 0 92 2 90 0 90 1 100 0 100 28 1 CES Consultants,Ina 97 0 97 2 91 0 91 3 87 0 87 3 100 0 100 .2 10 3 Hasler Consulting Engineers. • T __ Inc. 95 0 95 3 84 0 84 5 89 0 89 2 . 98 0 98 .4 14 4 I UCi Engineering,Inc. 94 •" 0 __•—_94 5 91 0 91 3, 87 0 87 3 94 i 0 945 i 16 S.: ' r Diaz.Carreno.Scott 8 ---- • Partners.Inc. 92 0 92 6 81 0 81 - 6 75 0• 75 : 6 92 I 0 92 6 1 24 '8 1 I Paape.H Vo...n'.Pt:YC TaralOu.nnume. . 305 Cawvaybywd,.ttC 5 a Oct CaroarnCi.Mt. a a 1 1...Cow.a.S.cw a Pim,ec a 5 . Fawn Feg.wn.p Crup Cvw•n! C 0 IIDJ FaC...nq 00 Must Conwn9L,grean.In - .. _...._.n 5 I ,. I FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. Page 446 of 1637 ATTACHMENT A INTERIOR DESIGN I SPACE PLANNING RW 1916.14140 PROFESSIONAL • I I ARCNITECTUNALAND ENGINEERING c ,c • c c Low I SERVICES FOR CAWIAL RENEWAL AND Lily Alvarez x Pilar Caurin ;Y Elizabeth Estevez i Francisco Garcia REPLACEMEIR PROJECTSTOtafS Ale cc it Qualitative Quanutatire S talotal Qualitative Quemtlative I Subtotal I Qualitative ! Quantitative Subtotal Qualitative Quantitative f Subtotal TSAO Design Group, —_ I _ Incorporated 95 _ 0 95 1 93__ 0 93 1 93 0 93 1 100 0 100 1 a1 MC Designers,Inc. j 93 0 95 2 87 0 -._ 07 12 89 D—,-_ 89 -, 2 98 0 g8,•_ 12 • 8._ 12 •.•.r•:.. . pnpwn YNlr%Y Pekin Taaarsz a• TSAD Davi Ca.e.NOa0fl 0 0 FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • • • Page 447 of 1637 ATTACHMENT A SURVEYING • RF0.10111441•NO FROitSSIONAL Go en ARCHITECTURAL Ati)ENGINEERING Low e Lily Alvarez Pilar Caurin Elizabeth Estevez Francisco Garcia SERVICES FORCAPITAL RENEWAL AHD REPLACEMENT PRWEGT8 ! c I Aggregate , a Totals ; t Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal Qualitative Quantitative F Subtotal Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal Qualitative Quantitative Subtotal _ _ .1 . I Schwebke-Shiskina 95 0 95 1 98 0 98 1 95 0 95 1 100 0 . 100 .1 4 __1.1 1 *17 ' ' ciwitaro '. '':* Prwmar Vst.rtflFataS 11.014uwithati. St.100010.024,40.6 A000uai00. j D FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.FINAL RANKING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION. • • • Page 448 of 1637 • Rossaruzzrnr 7200 NW 19'Street,Suite 305 Miami,Florida 33126 305.477.8338 October 2,20 1 8 Ms.Natalia Delgado City of Miami Beach Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Avenue,3`d Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 RE: RFQ 2018-141-ND,Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects,Engineering-Mechanical,Electrical&Plumbing Dear Ms.Delgado and Members of the Selection Committee, This letter is a follow-up to our submission submitted to the City of Miami Beach on May 7 relative to On-Call Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) Engineering Services. We understand that Ross & Baruzzini is being considered as a candidate for award of the On-Call Contract. We wanted to inform the City of Miami Beach that our local resources have changed since we submitted our Proposal; • Our local office remains strong in the security,communications and technology disciplines and our firm will continue to offer these services form our local office. • We no longer have mechanical,electrical and plumbing(MEP)resources in our local office;but do have these resources within our headquarters in St.Louis. We remain interested in the contract relative to security,communications and technology focused projects;but without local MEP resources it may be in your best interest to consider firms with local MEP resources for projects that are MEP focused. We thought it best to inform the City of Miami Beach of this change in local resources since our submission and understand any ramifications relative to selection of firms for the contract. Respectfully, Michael E.Shea,AIA Senior Vice President,Government Market M:314.378.6082;mshea@rossbar.com Cc:Susan Dimond,Bill Overturf rossbar.com Page 449 of 1637 ATTACHMENT B REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) &ADDENDUMS 35 MIj� /�/�/�/1 1755 Meridian Ave, 3rd Floor,Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov. • • ADDENDUM NO.7 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS (the RFQ) April 18,/018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued,in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City.The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only (deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). • 1, RFQ DUE DATE AND TIME. The deadline for receipt of submittals is extended until 3:00 p.m., Monday, May 7,2018,at the following location: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor k Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Late submittals will not be accepted. Proposers are cautioned to plan sufficient time to allow for traffic or other delays for which the Proposer is solely responsible. No further questions will be considered. 2. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED. Q1: The answer to Q17 states that the City already has a pool of professional surveyors and the City will . not consider adding this category to the list of services. Under the Revised Statement of Work Required —Exhibit B (Revised Exhibit C), Surveying has been listed as a category of work. Please clarify whether surveying is included as a category in this RFQ proposal or not. Al: Please refer to Addendum No. 5, Exhibit B: Revised Appendix C, Minimum Requirements &Specifications, surveying has been added to the categories of work. Any questions regarding this" Addendum .should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov Contact: Telephone: Email: Natalia Delgado 305-673-7000 ext. 6263 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential . prop rs that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to Pr sp c ive Bidders"questionnaire with the reason(s)for not submitting a proposal. Sin —1y,lex 2e,is pa`z_' Pro u -ment Director RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#7 1 4/18/2018 MI�n /� I B E /,_ 'C H Procurement Department ! V t !"1 1755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO.6 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS(the RFQ) April 16,2018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only (deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). 1. RFQ DUE DATE AND TIME. The deadline for receipt of submittals is extended until 3:00 p.m., Monday, April 30,2018,at the following location: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department • 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 • I Late submittals will not be accepted. Proposers are cautioned to plan sufficient time to allow for traffic or other delays for which the Proposer is solely responsible. - i No further-questions will be considered_ Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov Contact: Telephone: Email: Natalia Delgado 305-673-7000 ext.6263 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge'receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to Pros ctive Bidders"questionnaire with the reason(s)for not submitting a proposal. 'n 'ely, Ana - lex D ►' I Procurement Director • RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#6 - 4/16/2018 1 V l I Al Y I I B EACHProcurement Department 1755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO.5 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS (the RFQ) April 13,2018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only (deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). 1. REVISION: Delete Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format, on page 12—13 of the RFQ, in its entirety and Replace with Revised Section 0300,Submittal Instructions and Format, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. REVISION: Delete Appendix C, Minimum Requirements & Specifications, on page 27—28 of the RFQ, in its • entirety and Replace with Revised Appendix C, Minimum Requirements & Specifications, attached here to as • Exhibit B. 3. ATTACHMENTS. Exhibit A: Revised Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format. Exhibit B: Revised Appendix C, Minimum Requirements&Specifications 4. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED. Q1: Could you please clarify what is needed for the three references? Do we need reference letters or just contact information? Al: As stipulated in Appendix A, Response Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit, 3. References & Past Performance, for each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name & Title,.3) Address, 4) Telephone,5)Contact's Email and 6)Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. Q2: Do only originals need to be in 3 ring binders or the 10 copies also? A2: As stipulated in Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format, 1. Sealed Responses, the City prefers that the original be in a 3-ring. Additionally,that the Proposer submit ten (10) bound copies and one(1)electronic format(CD or USB format). How the copies are bound is up to the proposer. Q3: Pg 13, Section 2.3.1 Audited Financial Statements in lieu of D&B SQR. Will a current (2017-2018) certification letter from FDOT suffice for Audited Financial Statements?or do you require the Audited Financial Statement itself as submitted to FDOT for Certification? A3: Please refer to Exhibit A: Revised Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format. Neither is requested at this time. RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 4/13/2018 - i M 1 AM I B EACHProcurement Department 1755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q4: Are the proposing firms required to submit sub-consultants to address all the service areas identified on p. 28 of Appendix C? A4: Proposers may but are not required to submit proposals for all categories of work stated within the RFQ. Proposals must be limited to a single category of work. Those Proposers wishing to submit proposals for multiple categories of work must submit a separate proposal for each category. For example, if a Proposer wishes to submit a proposal • for Architecture-General AND for Engineering-Structural, the Proposer must submit a single .• proposal for Architecture-General and a separate and distinct proposal for Engineering- Structural. • Proposals are not to include sub-consultants at this time.Proposals shall only be submitted • for the areas of work that will be completed by the submitting firm. • • Q5: Under"Experience and Qualifications of the Firm", you have asked for an SF330. Then, under "Experience and Qualifications of the Team", you have asked, "A resume of each individual, including education, experience, and any other pertinent information, shall be included for each respondent team member to be assigned to this contract". The SF330 includes resumes. Are you looking for resumes to be included twice in two separate sections? A5: Please refer to Exhibit A: Revised Section 0300,Submittal Instructions and Format. Q6: Under"Experience and Qualifications of the Team", you are asking for"Project Experience: For each architect and engineer, include information for three (3) relevant projects, performed in the last five years, for public or private sector clients."Does"architect and engineer" refer to each individual on the team,or rather to the firm as a whole?Projects are included in the SF330.Are you looking for • projects to be included twice in two separate sections? A6: See response to item Q5 above. • Q7: Do we have to submit info for both Tab 2 and Tab 3.or just Tab 2 since we are submitting as a firm and not as a Team? A7: See response to item Q4 above. Q8: In the RFQ, under the Format section, for Tab 2.2 (Qualifications of Proposing Firm), are we to use SF 330 section F to present this information? AB: See response to item Q5 above. Q9: We are a consulting engineer (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) firm, do we have to be listed under an architect in the proposal or can we submit our own proposal? A9: See response to item Q4 above. • RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 • 4/13/2018 M I AI B EAC H Procurement Department 1755 Meridian , Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q10: Insurance Requirements-Are we required to carry Workers'Comp,General Liability, and Automobile Liability?We do carry the 1 M professional liability being an engineering firm. MO: Yes,the Consultant will need to maintain the minimum levels of insurance indicated in Appendix D, Insurance Requirements. Q11: Could the City please clarify intent?"Teams"with the"Prime"being the discipline under which you • are submitting or Single-discipline proposals with no sub-consultants included?or will both types of submittals be allowed in which case..is it up to the Proposer? All: See response to item Q4 above. Q12: Tab 2 Section 2.2 asks for client references,Tab 3 Section 3.1.1 also asks for client references, and item 3 of the Response Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit also asks for references. Can these references be the same? Al2: No, references requested under Appendix A and Tab 3 are for the firm. References requested under Tab 4 are for the Proposer's individual team members (architects and engineers). • • Q13: Can the proposer include references from City of Miami Beach staff? A13: Yes,the proposer can include references from the City, providing they are specific to a project. • Q14: Is there a preponderance of vertical or horizontal tasks anticipated from this contract? A14: The City anticipates there to be a preponderance of vertical tasks resulting from the • award of this solicitation. Q15: While we understand that the industry is generally called Architectural/Engineering Services, Page 27 item C2 lists categories being sought grouped categorically as either "Architecture" or "Engineering". In the case of, for example, "Architecture — Landscape", the fact that it is written where landscape is appended to architecture it could be misunderstood to read that a landscape architectural firm must be a sub or part of architectural team because of the way it written. Please clarify that it is not the intent of the City to force landscape architecture services to be solely provided as a sub to an architectural prime, and instead landscape architectural services can be submitted independently. A15: See response to item Q4 above. Q16: "Engineering — Structural" is listed twice. Can the City clarify if one of those was intended to be "Engineering—Civil" A16: Please refer to Exhibit B: Revised Appendix C, Minimum Requirements & Specifications. RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 4/13/2018 M I AM I B EAC HProcurement Department 1755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q17: Does the City already have a pool of Professional Surveyors? If not, will the City consider adding this category to the list of services? A17: The City already has a pool of Professional Surveyors. Hence, the City will not consider adding this category to the list of services. Q18: Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing services are all grouped together, however there are many, highly qualified firms that provide one and not all three of those services. Will the City consider • breaking each of these out into separate categories? A18: See response to item Q16 above. Q19: If the City will not break-out Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing services into separate categories, • will the City clarify if a firm that does not provide all three services in-house will preclude them from • being eligible to submit. • A19: -See response to item Q16 above. Q20: During the Pre-Proposal Conference it was stated that firms could submit individually or as a part of a team. Concerns were brought up by several of the participants and attendees that that structure would result in disadvantageous situations for the applicants. Seldom are projects, even the small ones,only the product of one sole discipline. Therefore, an applicant may be selected by the City as part of a, 'pool', for example for.Landscape Architectural or Civil Engineering Services. If, for example, a project is then given to an Architect for a building renovation or annex that will also require landscape and civil work, and if that Architect's RFQ submittal included a Civil Engineer or Landscape Architect as a part of their 'team', then the contracted firm in the pool of qualified consultants selected by the City will not see the benefits of having submitted to perform any necessary intersecting services required as a part of the scope for that specific building renovation project. We think that the option to submit independently or as a part of a team may result in (a) bulking-up all the RFQ responses that will be received by the City to include both prime and consultant services which will make the task of an apples-to-apples comparison by the evaluation committee very difficult — or it may (b) dissuade qualified applicants from submitting altogether because they have not formed the established relationships other 'teams' may have in place — ultimately reducing the options for qualified professionals available for the City to choose from and setting the City at a disadvantage. We would respectfully recommend that all responses be made solely for the primary in-house service offered and that the option to also submit as part of a team be eliminated. That way, each applicant will be solely evaluated based on that primary service they are providing. The City could request that each applicant could state what firms they have had past experiences with thatprovide what would be sub-consultant services in a new Tab 2.4 to be included in Page 13. The City could then clarify that as a project becomes available, it would be the City's responsibility to assemble the. project team solely from those within the pool. If a prime has a stated working relationship with another firm that is also in the pool, then the City could favorably select that second firm to be a part of the team,or not. Ultimately,this will be in the City's best interest because(a)it will ensure that all team-members have been properly vetted through the selection process, and (b) it will clarify the process to those of us responding to this RFQ. RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 4/13/2018 MIAMI B E 1C H Procurement Department 1755 Meridian , , Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Given the above, please confirm if it is still the intent of the City to allow submittals to be independently submitted as well as a part of a team. A20: See response to item Q4 above. • Q21: We understood from the statements made during the Pre-Proposal Conference that, for ease and facility of review, all submittals for each different service category should be submitted as separate packages, independently. Therefore, 1 firm who submits for 3 different. service categories will provide 3 separate submittals. We certainly understand the effectiveness of this request; we simply • want to confirm if our understanding is correct. A21: The City confirms that for ease and facility of review all submittals for each different service category must be submitted as separate packages, independently. Q22: Appendix A.What tab does the questionnaire affidavit fall under. Should Appendix A be a tab unto itself? A22: See response to item Q5 above. Q23: 2.3 Financial Capacity. Do we request D&B SQR after the bid opening upon notification from the City or do we have D&B send the SQR to the City now? . A23: As stipulated in Section 0300, Submittal instructions and Format, 4. Financial Capacity, Proposer shall arrange for Dun & Bradstreet to submit a Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR)within three (3)days of request by the City, Q24: The numbering under the Submittal Instructions and Format seems to be off starting on page 12.Will you be updating that? A24: See response to item Q5 above. Q25: Are you looking for teams or individual firms for each"category"? A25: See response to item Q4 above. Q26: 'Civil engineering is not listed but structural is listed twice. Please clarify. A26: See response to item Q16 above. • Q27: Is the City of Miami Beach looking to award individual Agreements for each Discipline or only (1) Agreement with a Prime and Sub-consultants. Also, if it will only be(1)Agreement,who shall be the Prime? A27: Sub-consultants are not being considered at this time. The City of Miami Beach is looking to award individual agreements for each discipline. In the case were a firm is awarded various disciplines, one agreement will be executed and will indicate the various disciplines. • RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 • 4/13/2018 tV\I AI V ^ C Procurement Department 1755 Meridian , , Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q28: Would the City be able to provide a list of the firms that currently hold contracts and expiration date of those contracts? • A28: The City currently does not have a contract for professional architectural and engineering services for capital renewal and replacement projects, Q29: Is the Architectural and Engineering Services for this RFQ associated with the cost less than $325,000? A29: Yes, this RFQ is for professional architectural and engineering services for capital renewal and replacement projects usually expected to cost less than$325,000.. Q30: Page 27 lists Engineering -Structural as a category two times. Is another category of engineering required? A30: See response to item Q16 above. Q31: Please elaborate on the type of testing &inspection services required under the Master Agreement. A31: No testing or inspection services are required.See response to item Q16 above. Q32: Can a firm submit as a prime consultant&be a subconsultant on other firm's teams? A32: See response to item Q4 above. Q33: Under which category(ies)does the following services fall under? • -Lab Testing -Soils&Geologic Studies, Foundations -Roofing Assessments, Replacements • -Testing &Inspection Services A33: See response to item Q16 above. Soils & Geologic Studies, Foundations falls under the Engineering — Environmental Services and Testing category. Roofing Assessments, Replacements falls under the Architecture—General category. • Q34: Please provide information on what type of testing services are required for the Engineering- Environmental Services category. A34: Various, including, but not limited to: surveys for asbestos containing materials (or ACM);lead based materials,Asbestos/Lead Abatement,and indoor air monitoring services, Q35: Please provide clarification as to what lab testing services are required under,the Master Agreement. A35: The category for lab testing services was deleted from Appendix C, Minimum Requirements&Specifications. RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 4/13/2018 /` (A f /� I B E /.` c2 Fj Procurement Department / V 1 I 1 V /`11755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor,Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q36: Page 12,TAB 2 reads 1.3.Should this be part of TAB 1 or TAB 2? A36: See response to item Q5 above. Q37: Under "SECTION 0300/SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMAT", please clarify where APPENDIX A, B, D&E are to be placed in RFQ Submittal package. • A37: See response to item Q22 above. Appendix B is to be submitted if the Proposer has elected not 'to submit a proposal. Hence, it•is not mentioned in Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format. Appendix D and E are not to be included in the proposal. Q38: Section 2.2(Qualifications of Proposing Firm) ask to submit information regarding experience on non-residential small projects, construction cost below 325,000. Is it possible to include private offices, retail, restaurants, city projects such as certifications, zoning consulting and private historical like Deering Estate or Woman's Club at Coconut Grove? A38: Yes, when submitting information regarding experience you can include private offices, retail, restaurants, city projects such as certifications, zoning consulting and private historical projects. Q39: For section 3.1.1 it seems to duplicate section 2.2.Are we to provide small projects in both sections? ' and are the projects supposed to be individual experience, firm experience or subconsultant experience? • A39: Tab 3, Section 3.1 Qualifications of Proposing Firm, requests firm's history and relevant experience and proven track record of providing architecture or engineering • • services, preferably to public sector agencies, for non-residential small projects. Tab 4, Section 4.1.1 Project Experience, requests the experience of the firm's individual team members on small projects as defined in Section 3.1. Proposals are not to include sub- • consultants at this time. Q40: Should the DUNS information required in Tab 2.3 be sent to you? A40: Not at this time. As stipulated in Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format, 4. Financial Capacity, Proposer shall arrange for Dun&Bradstreet to submit a Supplier Qualifier Report(SQR)within three(3)days of request by the City. The Supplier Qualifier Report(SQR) • shall be sent via email to nataliadelgadonmiamibeachfl.gov. Q41: In Section C2. Statement of Work Required(Page 27 of RFQ), could the City please clarify what the scope of items are for the Engineering—Environmental Services and Testing category? A41: See response to item Q34 above. Q42: We would like to know how we should structure the proposal in regards to Tab 2 (Page 12 of RFQ). Would the City like two tabs for#2, one in front of item 1.3 and one in front of item 2.1? A42: See response to item Q5 above. • REQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 �. 4/13/2018 M I Ali 1 B EACHProcurement Department 1755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 J www.miamibeachfl.gov Q43: Are there any subs which may be excluded from participating on teams, as they may be on existing contracts with the City? \A43. See response to item Q36 above. Q44: We understand that "testing," as it relates to geotechnical, laboratory services, and/or building materials testing, is included in the"Environmental—Environmental Services and Testing"category, • Is this correct? • If no,then what categories do each of the following services fall under? • • Lab Testing • • Soils&Geologic Studies, Foundations • Roofing Assessments, Replacements • Testing & Inspection Services • A44: See response to item Q33 above. Q45: Can a firm submit as a(prime consultant&be a subconsultant on other firm's teams? A45: See response to item Q32 above. • • Q46: Page 27 lists"Engineering —Structural" as a category two times. Is another category of engineering required? A46: See response to item Q16 above. • Q47: Who are the incumbents? • A47: See response to item Q28 above. Q48: Page 12: Please confirm that the hard copy submittal requires tab label of "0400" or if it can be labeled as outlined in the Proposal format(Tab 1,Tab 2,etc.). A48: It is strongly recommended that the Proposals be organized and tabbed in accordance with Section 0300,Submittal Instructions and Format. Q49: Page 13: Please clarify minimum required small projects of as minimum of three or five. A49: See response to item•Q5 above. Q50: Page 13: Section 3.1.1. cites small projects as defined in 2.1. Please clarify that definition of small projects is per Section 2.2. A50: See response to item Q5 above. Q51: Where should we include Appendix A? ' A51: See response to item Q5 above. RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 4/13/2018 M I A M 1 B E AC H Procurement Department 1755 Meridian , ,Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl,gov Q52: Regarding the proposal format, noticed that you have Tab 2 twice. Should the second Tab 2 be changed to Tab 3 and so on.. A52: See response to item Q5 above. • Q53: Could you please make clarification in reference to the requested structure of the response. On tab 2, section 2.1 is requesting the use of Standard Form 330. On this form, it is a requirement to show • 10 projects that show qualification of the firm and the key people involved (which is reflected in the matrix section G of the SF330). A53: See response to item Q5 above. Q54: On the 'Submittal Instructions and Format" proposed by Miami Beach, is the information to be included in Tab 2#2.2"Qualifications of Proposing Firm"the Form 330 Section E or Section F from Form 330? Section E lists 5 relevant projects to be entered in that section while we are required to submit three (3) Section F "Example Projects" as per Tab 3 on the "Submittal Instructions and Format"proposed by Miami Beach. • A54: Tab 3 Section 3.1 requests the Qualifications of the Proposing Firm. Form 330 Section E and F make reference to the key personnel and team. Q55: Regarding Form 330 Section F, I understand we need to submit three (3) small projectsrelevant to the category of work for this proposal/RFQ (Three (3) small projects are specified in Tab 3 on the "Submittal Instructions and Format' proposed by Miami Beach). Is Section F the same information that is specified to,be included in Tab 3 on the "Submittal Instructions and Format' proposed by Miami Beach? If so,do I place a copy of those three(3)Section F example projects together with the Form 330 in Tab 2 and another copy of the Section F three(3)small projects in Tab 3 as well? A55: See response to item Q5 above. • Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management • Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov Contact: Telephone: Email: Natalia Delgado 305-673-7000 ext.6263 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to Prospective Bidders"questionnaire with the reason(s)for not submitting a proposal. Si ;rely, if AI•x D-.•' • scurement Director • • • RFQ No.2018-141-ND ' Addendum#5 4/13/2018 /V\ I /�/� /� Procurement Department/ �! l 1755 Meridian Ave,3rd Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov F , . Exhibit A Revised Section 0300, Submittal Instructions and Format • • RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 - 4/13/2018 MIAMI BEACH SECTION 0300 SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMAT 1. SEALED RESPONSES. One original.Proposal (preferably in 3-ring binder) must be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope or container on or before the due date established for the receipt of proposals.Additionally,ten (10) bound copies and one (1) electronic format (CD or USB format) are to be submitted. The following information should be clearly marked on the face of the envelope or container in which the proposal is submitted: solicitation number, solicitation title, proposer name, proposer return address. Statement of Qualifications received electronically, either through email or facsimile, are not acceptable and will be rejected. 2. LATE BIDS. Statement of Qualifications is to be received on or before the due date established herein for the receipt of Bids. Any Bid received after the deadline established for receipt of Statement of Qualifications will be considered late and not be accepted or will be returned to proposer unopened. The City does not accept responsibility for any delays, natural•or otherwise. • 3. STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FORMAT. In order to maintain comparability, facilitate the review process and assist the Evaluation Committee in review of Statement of Qualifications, it is strongly recommended that Statement of Qualifications be organized and tabbed in accordance with the sections and manner specified below. Hard copy submittal should be tabbed as enumerated below and contain a table of contents with page references. • Electronic copies should also be tabbed and contain a table of contents with page references. TAB 1 Cover Letter&Table of Content 1.1 Cover Letter.The cover letter must be signed by a principal or agent able to the bind the firm and contain the following: (a) Prime Proposer. Include the name and location of the Prime Proposer, Primary Proposer's Representative • for the RFQ, Representative's Contact.Joint Ventures are not allowed under this RFQ. (b) Selected Category of Work. Proposer must indicate the category of work for which proposal is submitted, • Categories of Work; include: Architecture — General; Architecture — Landscape; Engineering — Environmental; Engineering—Mechanical,Electrical&Plumbing; Engineering'—Structural. • Proposers shall submit separate proposals for each category of work for which a proposal is • submitted. Example: a firm which provides general architecture and landscape architecture shall submit one proposal for Architecture—General and a separate and distinct proposal for Architecture—Landscape. 1.2 Response Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit (Appendix A). Attach Appendix A fully completed and executed. TAB 2 1 Minimum Requirements 2.1 Minimum Qualifications Requirements. Submit verifiable information documenting compliance with the minimum qualifications requirements established in Appendix C Minimum Requirements and Specifications, including a) Architect I. Engineering Firm, Provide copies that the firm is certified by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to do business in Florida. b) Principle and Account Representatives. For the principle and account representative(s) submitted under Tab 2 below, submit copies that individuals are licensed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to do business in Florida. Proposer should also submit copies of architect/engineer license for all licensed firm employees. RFQ 2018-141-ND MIAMI BEACH TAB 3 Experience&Qualifications of the Firm 3.1 Qualifications of Proposing Firm. Submit detailed information regarding the firm's history and relevant experience and proven track record of providing architecture or engineering services, preferably to public sector • agencies, for non-residential small projects (construction costs below $325,000 and planning/studies below $35,000). Submit at least three (3) small projects relevant to the category of work for which the proposal has been submitted, performed in the last five (5) years as evidence of requested experience, preferably to public sector agencies. For each small project submitted,the following is required: • project name, • project description (including cost/budget), • agency/client name, • agency/client contact, • contact telephone&email, • and year(s) and term of engagement. TAB 4 Experience&Qualifications of the Team 4.1 Qualifications of Proposer's Individual Team Members (Architects and Engineers). Provide an organizational chart which indicates, at a minimum,the principles of the firm,account representatives and individual team members to be assigned to any award by the City of Miami Beach pursuant to this RFQ. Include details on the role that each team member will play in providing the services detailed herein and each team members' qualifications. A resume of each individual, including education, experience, and any other pertinent information, shall be included for each respondent team member to be assigned to this contract. THIS SECTION IS NOT DIRECTED AT SUB-CONSULTANTS, SUB-CONSULTANTS ARE NOT TO BE SUBMITTED AT THIS TIME. 4.1.1 Project Experience. For each architect and engineer (Firm's individual team members), include information for three (3) relevant projects, performed in the last five (5) years for public or private sector clients. Relevant projects shall include those projects similar in scope to those services listed in Appendix C. Submit at least three (3) small projects (as defined in Section 3.1.above) relevant to the category of work for which the proposal has been submitted, performed in the last five (5) years as evidence of requested experience, preferably to public or private sector agencies. For each small project submitted,the following is required: • project name • project description, • 'agency/client name, • agency/client contact, • • contact telephone&email, • • and year(s) and term of engagement. • TAB 5 Required Forms 5.1 Standard Form 330.The proposing firm shall submit a completed Standard From_330 (attached). No proposal • will be considered without this required form. In addition to experience and qualifications considerations,the City may use this information to consider the firm's previous and current workload. • 4. FINANCIAL CAPACITY. Within three (3) business days of request by the City, each Proposer shall arrange for Dun & Bradstreet to submit a Supplier Qualification Report(SQR)directly to the Procurement Contact named herein. No proposal will be considered without receipt, by the City, of the SQR directly from Dun & Bradstreet. The cost of the preparation of the SQR shall be the responsibility of the Proposer, The Proposer shall request the SQR report RFQ 2018-141-ND MIAMI BEACH from D&B at: https:llsupplierportal.dnb.com/webapp/wcs/storeslservf et/SupplierPortal?storeld=11696 • Proposers are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in its SQR. It is highly recommended that each Proposer review the information contained in its SQR for accuracy prior to submittal to the City and as early as possible in the solicitation process. For,assistance with any portion of the SQR submittal process, contact Dun &Bradstreet at 800-424-2495. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION. After proposal submittal, the City reserves the right to require additional information from Proposers (or Proposer team members or sub-consultants) to determine: qualifications (including, but not limited to, litigation history, regulatory action, or additional references); and financial capability (including, but not limited to,annual reviewed/audited financial statements with the auditors notes for each of their last two complete fiscal years). • • • • RFQ 2018-141-ND ' MIAMI ` QMI R E AC Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Ave, rFloor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl,gov • • • Exhibit B Revised Appendix C, Minimum Requirements & Specifications . i RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#5 4/13/2018 Cl. Minimum Eligibility Requirements.The Minimum Eligibility Requirements for this solicitation, are listed below. Proposer shall submit, with its proposal, the required submittal(s) documenting compliance with each minimum requirement. Proposers that fail to include the required submittals with its proposal or fail to comply with minimum requirements shall be deemed non-responsive and shall not have its proposal considered. 1. Firms. Firms must be certified by the Florida Department of Business and Professional • Regulation as architecture or engineering business. 2. Architects/Engineers. Architects and engineers must be licensed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation for their area of work. C2. Statement of Work Required. It is the intent of the City of Miami Beach to select multiple firms within each category that may be contacted on an "as-needed basis" during the term of the contract to submit consulting proposals on small projects whose estimated construction value is less than the amount established in Category 5, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently$325,000 or as amended by law) or for a planning or study activity valued up to the amount established in Category 2, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes(currently$35,000 or as amended by law).. • The categories of work shall include: •Architecture—General • •Architecture—Landscape •Engineering—Environmental Services and Testing 'Engineering—Mechanical, Electrical &Plumbing • •Engineering—Electrical •Engineering—Plumbing • •Engineering-Mechanical •Engineering—Structural •Engineering—Civil •Interior Design 1 Space Planning •LEED Commissioning •Surveying • The Administration will negotiate with a consultant(s)deemed to best qualified for the project based on an hourly rate (see Appendix E) or on a negotiated lump sum basis per project. If agreement is reached with the consultant for a specific project, a Consultant Service Order (CSO) will be issued, along with a Purchase Order(PO). No work is authorized, nor shall the City be liable for payment, until the CSO and PO are issued. The select consultant will be required to perform the architectural and engineering services in accordance with the\Master Agreement(Appendix E) and the CSO.The highest professional standards shall be utilized for all work. • RFQ 2018-141-ND 27 The selected consultant will be required to retain and be responsible for all sub-consultants necessary to achieve the assigned scope of work. Sub-consultants shall be included in the CSO. The City may reject the use of any sub-consultant. • The services authorized under the resulting Master Agreement, include(but are not limited to): • Acoustics,Noise Abatement • Fire Protection • Air Pollution Control • Heating;Ventilating;Air Conditioning_ • Auditoriums and Theaters • Interior Design;Space Planning • Automation;Controls;Instrumentation • Irrigation;Drainage • .Boundary Survey • Landscape Architecture • Codes;Standards;Ordinances • Lighting(Interior,Display,Theater,etc.) • Communications Systems;TV;Microwave • Lighting(Exterior,Streets,Memorials,Athletic Fields, • Conceptual Studies etc.) • Construction Administration • Plumbing and Piping Design • Cost Estimating • Recreation Facilities(Parks,Marinas,etc.) • Energy Conservation/Energy Sources • Rehabilitation, Remodel, Renovate (Buildings, • Electrical Structures,Facilities,etc.) • General Environmental Services: • Safety Engineering;Accident Studies;OSHA Studies o Environmental Assessments • .Security Systems;Intruder&Smoke Detection o Air and Water quality testing and • Soils&Geologic Studies;Foundations monitoring • Storage Tank Repair and Monitoring . o Environmental sustainability planning • Structural Design;Special Structures services • Surveying,Mapping,GIS,and other services: o Environmental support services to • Platting;Mapping;Flood Plain Studies achieve and maintain regulatory • Roofing Assessments,Replacements compliance • Swimming Pools • Contamination Assessment: • Topographical Survey o Environmental Site Assessments • Urban Renewals;Community Development o Oversee and coordinate remedlation • Value Analysis;Life-Cycling Costing project • Any other professional services normally considered o Preparation of sampling and remediation under the disciplines of architecture and engineering. . plans and other related documents • Improve Building Performance - o Other associated tasks related to •• regulatory compliance • The selected architectural and/or engineering firms will be responsible for reviewing all existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, as well as any other applicable law or regulation. The teams will be responsible for incorporating all the above data into complete construction documents, including final working, drawings, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of the project, and in some instances, for construction management. The construction documents and drawings must comply with the City of Miami Beach with all applicable local,state and federal regulations. C3.Term of Contract:_It is expected that any resulting agreement shall be valid for a term of three (3) years from effective date. The City Manager may approve two (2) additional one (1) year renewal periods based on satisfactory performance. C4. Fee Standards: For determination of project fees the City will use the Design Professional Fee Guidelines for "Basic" Architectural and Engineering Services available at https://fp.state.fl.us/docs/DMSAEFeeGuidedefinition.asp RFQ 2018-141-ND 28 f� /� I/\� I EAS°°H Procurement Department 1/ 1 �.s 1755 Meridian Ave, 3rd Floor,Miami Beach, Florida 33139 wwwniamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO.4 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO, 2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS(the RFQ) April 11, 2018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only(deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). 1, RFQ DUE DATE AND TIME. The deadline for receipt of submittals is extended until 3:00 p.m., Monday, April 23,2018,at the following location: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department • 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Late submittals will not be accepted. Proposers are cautioned to plan sufficient time to allow for traffic or other delays for which the Proposer is solely responsible. A FORTHCOMING ADDENDUM WILL CONTAIN RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov Contact: Telephone: Email: �. Natalia Delgado 305-673-7000 ext.6263 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov • Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to Pros ective Bidders"questionnaire with the reason(s)for not submitting a proposal, • c ly, AxDes for rocu ent Director •• • RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#3 4/11/2018 V I lnI E " C H Procurement Department 1755 Meridian , , Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov • ADDENDUM NO.3 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO,2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS(the RFQ) March 28,2018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City.The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only(deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). 1. RFQ DUE DATE AND TIME. The deadline for receipt of submittals is extended until 3:00 p.m., Monday • April 16,2018,at the following location: • City of Miami Beach , Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3`d Floor j Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Late submittals will not be accepted. Proposers are cautioned to plan sufficient time to allow for traffic or other delays for which the Proposer is solely responsible. A FORTHCOMING ADDENDUM WILL CONTAIN RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov Contact: Telephone: Email: Natalia Delgado • .305-673-7000 ext. 6263 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to Prosp- ',: Bidders"questionnaire with the reason(s)for not submitting a proposal. Trio-mitArmog, ' o urement Director RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#3 i 3/28/2018 MIA/WBEACH Procurement Department 1700 Convention Center ,Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO.2 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. 2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS (the RFQ) March 6,2018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City.The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only. • • 1. ATTACHMENTS: • Exhibit A: Pre-Proposal Meeting Sign-In Sheet A FORTHCOMING ADDENDUM WILL CONTAIN RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at • RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov a Contact: Telephone: Email: • Natalia Delgado 305-673-7000 ext.6263 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to Prospective Bidders"questionnaire'with the reason(s)for not submitting a proposal. ' c•rely, Ale' inn's Pot Pro ement Director 1 1 RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#2 3/6/2018 M /�I /\ n /� Procurement Department J �/ , 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov • • Exhibit A Pre-Proposal Meeting Sign-In Sheet • • • RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#2 3/6/2018 M1AMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET DATE: February 27,2018 TITLE: RFQ-2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR k CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS fr k k 71 x Y�Aa: #J �.d S k uqz, K r I mk t amu" 3 v1 1 c14�. gas eary xre ,1„,,,„;:m.-,,,i, t u t �,i t d ir:1.14, � , 3x i� Ll'k1`S�i�k'i �a � t a„ �°��'r � sz �' $ � � �F � � � $' `��r�n " '�t .�a,�a.:r��xs.�. to� �� �ad..�r Ail�. 1� 'a,�:�e.�;� '� ���.��,x,,,� . axr Natalia Delgado Procurement-CMB 305-673-7000 nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov Ext.6263 ,p -F 3oS-673'- -7Ooo 0�;Ck. V Fee_ :r .I3E' St INA 6102 ad i —CIA-MI br, [� \1 / ) Q 1 L lQ /, Ke 130ye'r Dolga \5 1!/onG{ A6c. -(5-1.,Glur. )_ 305-'/6 lJ . odor/-r a 4 u• cS[4J1 f•L7;--7 JJ-- 315. o )(4- 3002. 4d 2 bbar��ignni. corn.. 3DS-ZOD- i-a t-a�2, bbu/yon.-- szs 1 ski-. I O 5 f_ USr✓ C> c Rfs '/ i�G. , kt,�sr�6 6R�te, ARC 6•Yc pi 6-g• 3t'I-0 �e%.ip,,- u bya Cayt,, 3°5 _ 94i— W---7 i Ke— S ri7a.1 vvi6W4412,6 0 vlavit.-ra.as,kil.c,a,,, I °1--7 n n r° lkArt- (gig&) 'no- �y (ohr �'f�^ti ,-7C0-1.666- 'i�-'t'avy-.C�scaGa�tt:c.@ hn,to,,.-��bz,a.(��'1� �rv� /&i// /4n I'd'° T Y I,'/7 _ 5ev 3 p S- � � Qr,,, 11ern,ra./9071do6'7l`/iv.,corm 41"O DP 34 �'�� "'Y e-CISIceY'n krs-SL4Y►Y`3 L-14t -S.-cavN.Q.,11c. 1 EC.Saer(les .c,cbt`O 3DC11 4re D3 L 1 M1AMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH . PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET DATE: February 27,2018 TITLE: RFQ-2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR. CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS I �1 � IU4 `� � g # 5a i C� S > I I ' II m .0 P.N. ot g 2+ � � A � h .!'z F �7A4 d $' C � t. : , �, �.4� �..,3tu„,eli� il.t+ tVa i ik1u),it IDg$ ENG-INEMCS hip A-gattrecr. ., SH IZMlt3 SID171(QO SsI'DDIS2OE0.:DS-B4 .C19M V-s6-44'1-n 2.0 1 b2}3 Engirticrs a.+c2 litchi!, i I Har»178f 3-174 -441-.if O I1.4enicoil-Q._b8-Esi4.earl i 6 --Rf /vtekhoG2.. . 1400W,C i4-1Joci , . &014 /.413 -2 d CH+c,,JNioowe.cop q �6 j�rf�o2 18 F - V o-a-6-e: Z aoSE e,MCt106.1n1C- 125,cal.( is°f NIcabanA;a2a3uanueno:1' •co 3°s'-- J ��f C A C A -D 1 az-, T>IAI I A;A 3.'nu x.1,,1/ Ora„ z es. RY1GtS�t r c1 nI t J q�t� r�,u t�e.1-�-�[, e g,IM (9,54)1107)cry. i...f r-f' evn1'l dV��t c- Jo.r, b13)26'i6467 ..31 -ETTE 61MFJUEZ TSACD DES1(,N (pec.uP 30Ss��9 N3E-DBE -TSAO p1S16" 0>:--080 6 eu rP i1 n&V 2. Q"ISACIDEE t 6v.ccNt (JuLCE C-. De - SOL-A�4u .. ING SOl-AR.G�, tac. 3os7400723 SOS'7400nig Deo- soL.-AP-al-t•C,ot-( �aL �a\=:.;^ M'(o1k PCchol -1g�-3tR-z35z p 1(-10 041 _SF tf 30.9• [o x12 mpg 6C-•`87.9 gC gc H-Gz ,-1 , {.i• wT 4r tS � .-,JL31'4.1^^1 rc •50S-.`199- 1 .rus� bvaskwt.0 ' a �tv(. '/ 3� 2 eow . N4 BEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET DATE: February 27,2018 TITLE: RFQ-2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS ''' `�a^� a � Oil ^ Po3 int r Ad#' \ § n4t k ,, � d � 5 G 1 r T t _ k� b�` xd '�r. 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C14-) q ta-te. Dekkik5 Dak$i 5 ic/da-CAk V A RAJ-49-5 (1,-6 \-5°5 155 Li *12. Vsatt Qdcwis-eftAviv-crnmukh0.-otut-- s-ni-2q5-156/0 5'55_7c/9 eg 1{1,1144_0 t Ynrik0 Le),v;Ci (jp 3 FE PrVekjre.x-,Q_.ov•P• -50s_c1-34 -30&- 0 Ed e_Arnc...vC-6- 0 CAQ4ekler-.co rn OV-117A .e,-ref-4) Se6 -ER8•B`I'Va. 18‘,..22e1.2oCv I 00.T.EP.000,04 -NWT • K 1/151)5 'KA/ i4P* Zae../ cavtg Lat_044.t..6 ,;06-"--ga,-22"s7 PErS16-2,4ce 16 RtC4.-ib teistaLio/a) 16-4;uks,,I;vf, 06' 3o.5- -//2$ hie duvArci pas pcce-Co") (As": - bo5 114ro "JA.R..kAte.t..yro \EA-DT00„)bortroso liso-:bvk•(...w-A X lo-b 1)07:5D-ell•A3 1)-sao4wenlbasc7..-4,del. s.2°9-13-Y3r 2601- Pi 055 1-, Pal re„ —oss-ck(6-1,(Dry) 205-7(-11-6677-- P1055 ArAdceckwe+Nry_i , V-FC-4,31-(-k1 r(--1(S L.-cm • vi331 Ls-t Lo.n.54, CO) V_ANN?tO..AcacchttGUS" 4 ... . ... _..... .. . .. .. MIAMI BEACH • , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET DATE: February 27,2018 TITLE: RFQ-2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS 1' .T',':; " '•:4449,7. ,Cr,:'''' * -vi,' :41- V.Ot.rvi4,,,, N,4 , k`"4 ' ' .",,,`, -`q.,:rzak,,,,, ... ,-- i..%: ->f 4,,r v ,,,,,,,,Y.1 —Ailtrpkiirh:V,::Iggvit 1444 i 144T.A.„i::,,j0erektl* '4 ,A,it..:itA oot,Aqoo„4..*.,Asfcttiip.,FAqiiii, ito-644,,,..,„,„,,,,wotkka4lioe, ,,,,,,&0,: , t 012.4w,oyatil., ,,,A11:.„41•4!,:,,,A`..al.',4,42:,"6.4*W aakV.,::,Z' 41R VOA*,„egilr.40,4teVk .0tj(A p\.itn ) ad 1\4 1 062. 001 a g,q1,1 Skok 0 . . 0 • , c- t-e..1-fue...s _ --%W 1-1-C' VQ111P G.Ird -k-I• c.t.)22-S, =nc,. \/.1 tit t crrel Plocklitin \II,11110m kectgl to Nedni_t_ce3-- ?:A . -11K, r,-v\cy • 1 , \bIN.Q.,ssa reQ,etqueloz.- •Vq, (4,e,h1-1-Q, - i, - • . A%v_ CIP_&ikefqd_id &:e.co, Vzicatiyan 2 (t)? .e.\. - s(2x,\,,,,u2. 7 . Kok‘Qk ike-b tice,e,k-s "P.A. . , ., 1 NOVO 0-0/1S014,;-)0 rams &I-Hai 1,434- ....." • 0...._:Chr,k CA Aj ,.. , c •--t-___::;,car--, ft3e140e7_ and (%1 of q 1 , -6kba" S -.. ikgsin t teeks einc)-(4 ) - . -- e. . .eal 0 racAci --r-QA A k.(241-24_,ri 2 MIAM1BEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING • • c• SIGN-IN SHEET DATE: February 27,2018 TITLE: RFQ-2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS t!i4;i!,ttize4",:ftttt=t, roawavampl Ai, tliemyl. 11E0 f .e, 1,40.44510,`g)„TV 4:00litiafirpy . r A " `1 ORQ AV-On oee.4- ctropo L__\e--5sA Cot eu A1,0-4 flia_e) 'F-skopn 02n sce_A a 4-e-S. -7-Pr Conte • Ed‘mal.__a ' 1)u.pc; 1—Q_Clx.)1:S • 4\Ce_kl P-P-Incinck 0 0-01- 0 Al2.e.fl-N 0 • ORP-110 rO-Oz_ hei ." • • 3 • • MI -�' ^ /� I B E1A,C � Procurement Department / �� �/ 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov • ADDENDUM NO.-1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO, 2018-141-ND • PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACMENT PROJECTS(the RFQ) February 26,2018 This Addendum to the above-referenced RFQ is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City.The RFQ is amended in the following particulars only. • 1. REVISION: Section 0200— Instructions to Respondents & General Conditions, 5. Pre-Proposal Meeting or Site Visit(s) on page 4 of the RFQ, is hereby amended as follows. (deletions are shown by strikethrough and • _ _. additions_are underlined):__._. Only if deemed necessary by the City, a pre-proposal meeting or site visit(s) may be scheduled. A Pre-PROPOSAL conference will be held as scheduled in Anticipated RFQ Timetable section above at the following address: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 Attendance (in person or via telephone) is encouraged and recommended as a source of information, but is not mandatory. Proposers Interested in participating.in the Pre-Proposal Submission Meeting via telephone must follow these steps: (1) Dial the TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1-888-270-9936(Toll-free North America) (2) Enter the MEETING NUMBER: 11426/14 9415468 Proposers who are interested in participating via telephone should send an e-mail to the contact person listed in this RFQ expressing their intent to participate via telephone. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov • Contact: Telephone: Email: Natalia Delgado 305-673-7000 ext.6263 .nataliadelgado@miamibeachfl.gov • • Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFQ submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFQ are requested to complete and return the"Notice to • Prospective Bidders"questionnaire with the reason(s).for not submitting a proposal. • • ly ex Do' rocur- 'ent Director RFQ No.2018-141-ND Addendum#1 2/26/2018 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ( RFQ ) PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR _CAPITAL___RENEWAL_AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS RFQ 2018-141-ND A RFQ ISSUANCE DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2018 RESPONSES DUE: APRIL 2, 2018 a0 3:00 PM ISSUED BY: NATALIA DELGADO MIAMIBEACH. PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3R° Floor, -Miami: Beach, FL. 33139 305.6.73..74901 www.miamibeachfl.gov MIAMI BEACH TABLE OF CONTENTS SOLICITATION SECTIONS: PAGE j 0100 NOT UTILIZED N/A { 0200 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPONDENTS & GENERAL CONDITIONS 3 0300 , SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS & FORMAT • 12, --------- - --0400 -EVALUATION-PROCESS 15 = - - APPENDICES: PAGE APPENDIX.A RESPONSE CERTIFICATON, QUESTIONNAIRE AND AFFIDAVITS 17 APPENDIX B "NO BID" FORM 24 APPENDIX C MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS &SPECIFICATIONS 26 APPENDIX D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 29 APPENDIX E SAMPLE CONTRACT • 31 APPENDIX F STANDARD FORM 330 62 .RFQ 2018-141-ND 2 MIAMI BEACH SECTION 0200 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPONDENTS&GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.GENERAL.This Request for Qualifications(RFQ)is issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florida(the"City"),as the means for prospective Proposer to submit their qualifications, proposed scopes of work and cost.Proposals (the "proposal") to the City for the City's consideration as an option in achieving the required scope of services and requirementsas noted herein. All documents released in connection with this solicitation, including all appendixes and addenda, whether included herein or released under separate cover, comprise the solicitation, and are complementary to one another and together establish the complete terms,conditions and obligations of the Proposer and,subsequently,the successful proposer(s)(the"contractor[sj") if this RFQ results in an award. _ _The_City_utilizes-P_ublicPurchase_(www.oublicpurchase.com)-for_automatic-notification_of_competitive-solicitation opportunities and document fulfillment, including the issuance of any addendum to'this RFQ. Any prospective proposer who has received this RFQ by any means other than through PublicPurchase must register immediately with PublicPurchase to assure it receives any addendum issued to this RFQ. Failure to receive an addendum may result in disqualification of proposal submitted. 2. PURPOSE. On September 28, 2004, through Resolution 2004-24697, the City Commission created the Capital Renewal and Replacement Program (the "CRR.Program"). The intent of the CRR Program is to provide funding a proactive renewal and replacement of the City's facilities and the systems within those facilities (e.g., HVAC,,roofs, fire safety systems,etc). The CRR is also used for approved for small repair,remodel or renovation projects,usually expected to cost less than$325,000.The average value of the current CRR Projects is approximately$158,000,but can be as low as$25,000 or less. In addition to CRR projects, award(s)of this RFQ may also be used for other small projects. Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, commonly known as the Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), is. applicable to the selection of professional services consultants (architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveying and mapping) by public agencies for projectsvalued up to the amount established in Category 5, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently $325,000 dr as amended by law) or for a planning or study activity valued up to the amount established in Category'2, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently'$35,000 or as amended'by law).THEREFORE,,CCNA IS NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS RFQ. In order to maximize the cost effectiveness of small projects, through this RFQ the City seeks to establish a pool of qualified architectural and engineering:consultants for those projects whose value is below the thresholds stipulated' in CCNA. The categories of work are,, as further defined in Appendix C, Architecture General, Architecture.- Landscape, Engineering-Environmental Services and Testing,Engineering - Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing, Engineering-Structural. Because of the nature and size of the small projectsbeingconsidered under this RFQ, the City desires toengage firms with sufficient experience in small.projects. 3.SOLICITATION TIMETABLE.The tentative schedule for this solicitation is as follows: Solicitation.Issued FEBRUARY 15,20.18 , Pre-Submittal Meeting: FEBRUARY 27,2018 @'10:00AM EST Deadline for Receipt of Questions, MARCH 23,2018 @ 5:00 PM EST Responses Due APRIL 2,2018 @ 3:00 PM EST Evaluation Committee Review TBD RFQ 2018-141-ND - -_ 3 } MIAMI BEACH Proposer Presentations(if deemed necessary) TBD Tentative Commission Approval TBD 4. PROCUREMENT CONTACT.Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted to the Procurement Contact named herein, in writing,with a copy to the City Clerk's Office, Rafael E. Granado via e-mail: RafaelGranado(a.miamibeachfl.aov ; or facsimile: 786-394-4188.. The Bid title/number shall be' referenced on all correspondence. All questions or requests for clarification must be received no later than ten(10) calendar days prior to the date Proposals are due as scheduled in Section 0200-3. All responses to questions/clarifications will be sent to all prospective Proposer in the form of an addendum. Procurement Contact: Telephone: Email: NATALIA DELGADO 305.673.7000 Ext.6263 NATALIADELGADO@MIAMIBEACHFL.GOV 5. PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING OR SITE VISIT(S).Only if deemed necessary by the City,a pre-proposal meeting or site visit(s)may be scheduled. A Pre-PROPOSAL conference will be held as scheduled in Anticipated RFQ Timetable section above at the following address: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor i Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Attendance (in person or via telephone) is encouraged and recommended as a source of information, butis not mandatory. Proposers interested in participating in the Pre-Proposal Submission Meeting,via telephone must follow these steps: (1) Dial the TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1-888-270-9936(Toll-free North America) j (2) Enter the MEETING NUMBER: 1142644 Proposers who are interested in participating viatelephone should send an e-mail to the contact person listed in this RFQ expressing their intent to participate via'telephone. 6. PRE-PROPOSAL INTERPRETATIONS. Oral information or responses to questions received by prospective Proposersare not binding on the City and will be without legal effect, including any information received at pre- submittal meeting or site visit(s). The City by means of Addenda will issue interpretations or written addenda clarifications considered necessary by the City in response to questions. Only questions answered by written addenda will be binding and may supersede terms noted in this solicitation. Addendum will be released through PublicPurchase. Any prospective proposer who has received this RFQ by any means other than through PublicPurchace must register immediately with PublicPurchase to assure'it receives any addendum issued to,this RFQ. Failure to receive an addendum may result in disqualification of proposal. Written questions should be received no later than the date outlined in the Anticipated RFQ Timetable section. ti 7. CONE OF SILENCE. This RFQ is subject to, and all'proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the City's Cone of Silence Requirements,. as codified .in Section 2-486 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely j responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Cone of Silence are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein, including rendering their response voidable, in the event of { RFQ 201.8-1.41-ND 4 MIAMI BEACH such non-compliance. Communications regarding this solicitation are to be submitted in writing to.the Procurement Contact named herein with a copy to the City Clerk at rafaelgranado@miamibeachfl.gov 8. SPECIAL NOTICES. You are hereby advised that this solicitation is subject to the following ordinances/resolutions,which may be found on the City Of Miami Beach website: httD://www.miamibeachfl.aov/citv-hall/orocurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and-procedures/ • CONE OF SILENCE CITY CODE SECTION 2-486 • PROTEST PROCEDURES CITY CODE SECTION 2-371 • DEBARMENT PROCEEDINGS CITY CODE SECTIONS 2.397 THROUGH 2-485.3 • LOBBYIST REGISTRATION AND DISCLOSURE OF FEES CITY CODE SECTIONS 2-481 THROUGH 2-406 • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY VENDORS CITY CODE SECTION 2-487 — • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY LOBBYISTS ON PROCUREMENT-ISSUES CITY CODE-SECTION-2-488 - I • REQUIREMENT FOR CITY CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE EQUAL BENEFITS FOR CITY CODE SECTION 2-373 DOMESTIC PARTNERS • LIVING WAGE.REQUIREMENT CITY CODE SECTIONS 2-407 THROUGH 2-410 • PREFERENCE FOR FLORIDA SMALL BUSINESSES OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY CITY CODE SECTION 2-374 VETERANS AND TO STATE-CERTIFIED SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES • FALSE CLAIMS ORDINANCE CITY CODE SECTION 70-300 • ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS,FAVORS& CITY CODE SECTION 2-449 SERVICES 9. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crimes may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity,, may not submit a bid on.a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, sub-contractor, or consultant under a contract with a public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Sec. 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 10.COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY'S LOBBYIST LAWS.This RFQ is subject to,-and all Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, all City lobbyist laws. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all City lobbyist laws are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein, including, without limitation,disqualification of their responses„in the event of such non-compliance. 11. DEBARMENT ORDINANCE:This RFQ is subject to, and all proposers are expected to be or become familiar with,the City's Debarment,Ordinance as codified in Sections 2-397 through 2406 of the City Code. 12. WITH THE CITY'S CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM LAWS. This RFQ is subject to,.and all Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the.City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the City,Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring,that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, and shall be subjectto any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein,including disqualification,of their responses, in the event of such non-compliance. 13.CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS. Pursuant to City Resolution.No.2000-23879,the Proposer shall adopt a Code of Business,Ethics ("Code") and submit that Code to the Procurement Department with itsresponse or within five (5) days upon receipt of request. The Code shall, at a minimum, require the Proposer, to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others,the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami'Beach and Miami Dade.County. 14.AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT(ADA). Call 305-673-7490 to request material,in accessible format;sign RFQ 20.18-141-ND 5 MIAMI BEACH language interpreters(five(5)days inadvance when possible),or information on access for persons with disabilities. For more information on ADA compliance, please call the Public Works Department, at 305-673-7000, Extension 2984. 15. POSTPONEMENT OF DUE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS. The City reserves the right to postpone the deadline for submittal of proposals and will make a reasonable effort to give at least three (3) calendar days written notice of any such postponement to all prospective Proposers through PublicPurchase. 16. PROTESTS. Proposers that are not selected may protest any recommendation for selection of award in accordance with eh proceedings established pursuant to the City's bid protest procedures, as codified in Sections 2- 370 and 2-371 of the City Code (the City's Bid Protest Ordinance). Protest not timely made pursuant to the requirements of the_City's Bid Protest Ordinance shall be barred. 17. JOINT VENTURES. Joint Ventures are not allowed. Proposals shall be submitted only by the prime contractor who will serve as the CMR. The City will only contract with the prime contractor who will serve as the CMR. Proposals may, however, identify other sub-contractors or sub-consultants to the prime Proposer who may serve as team members. 18.VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES PREFERENCE. Pursuant to City Code Section 2-374,the City shall give a preference to a responsive and responsible Proposer which is a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) or which is a service-disabled veteran business enterprise, and which is within five percent (5%) of the lowest responsive, responsible proposer, by providing such proposer an opportunity of providing said goods or contractual services for the lowest responsive proposal amount (or in this RFQ, the highest proposal amount). Whenever, as a result of the foregoing preference, the adjusted prices of two (2) or more proposers which are a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise constitute the lowest proposal pursuant to an RFQ or oral or written request for quotation, and such proposals are responsive,responsible and otherwise equal with respect to quality and service, then the award shall be made to the service-disabled veteran business enterprise. 19. DETERMINATION OF AWARD. The final ranking results of Step 1 & 2 outlined in Section 0400, Evaluation of Proposals, will be considered by the City Manager who may recommend to the City Commission the Proposer(s) s/he deems to be in the best interest of the City or may recommend rejection of all proposals..The City Manager's recommendation need not be consistent with the scoring results identified herein and takes into consideration Miami Beach City Code Section 2-369, includingthe following considerations: (1)The ability,capacity and skill of the Proposer to perform the contract. (2)Whether the Proposer can perform the contract within the time specified,without delay or interference. (3)The character,integrity;reputation,judgment,experience and efficiency of the Proposer. (4)The quality of performance of previous contracts. (5)The previous and existing compliance by the Proposer with laws and ordinances relating to the contract. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's recommendation and may approve such recommendation. The City Commission may also,at its option, reject the City.Manager's recommendation and select another Proposal or Proposals which it deems to be in the best interest of the City,or it may also reject all Proposals. 20. 'NEGOTIATIONS. Following selection, the City reserves the right to enter into further negotiations with the selected:Proposer. Notwithstanding the preceding, the City is in no way obligated to enter into a contract with the selected Proposer in the event the parties are unable to negotiate a contract. It is also understood and acknowledged by Proposers that no property, contract or legal rights of any kind shall be created:at any time until and unless an Agreement has been agreed to;approved by the City;and executed by the parties. RFQ 2.018-141-ND 6 • MIAMI I BEACH 21. POSTPONEMENTICANCELLATION/ACCEPTANCEIREJECTION. The City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, reject any and all, or parts of any and all, responses;re-advertise this RFQ; postpone or cancel, at any time,this REQ process;or waive any irregularities in this RFQ, or in any responses received as a result of this RFQ: Reasonable efforts will be made to either award the proposer the contract or reject all proposals within one-hundred twenty(120)calendar days after proposal opening date.A proposer may withdraw its proposal after expiration of one hundred twenty(120)calendar days from the date of proposal opening by delivering written notice of withdrawal to the Department of Procurement Management prior to award of the contract by the City Commission. 22. PROPOSER'S RESPONSIBILITY. Before submitting a response, each Proposer shall be solely responsible for making any and all investigations, evaluations, andexaminations, as it deems necessary,to ascertain all conditions and requirements_affecting_the—full_performance-of_the_contract__Ignorance_of_such_conditions_and_requirements, and/or failure to make such evaluations, investigations,-and examinations, will not relieve the Proposer from any obligation to comply with every detail and with all provisions and requirements of the contract, and will not be accepted as a basis for any subsequent claim whatsoever for any monetary consideration on the part of the Proposer. 23. COSTS INCURRED BY PROPOSERS.All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of Proposals, or:any work performed in connection therewith, shall be the sole responsibility (and shall be at the sole cost and' expense)of the Proposer,and shall not be reimbursed by the City., 24. RELATIONSHIP TO THE CITY. It is the intent of the City, and Proposers hereby acknowledge and agree, that the successful Proposer is. considered to be an independent contractor, and that neither the Proposer, nor the Proposer's employees, agents, and/or contractors, shall, under any circumstances, be considered employees or agents of the City. 24. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. In compliance with Chapter 442, Florida Statutes, any toxic substance listed in Section 38F-41.03 of the Florida Administrative Code delivered as a result of this proposal must be accompanied by a Material Safety. Data Sheet(MSDS)which may be obtained from themanufacturer. 25. ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS. The City reserves the right to consider a proposer's history of citations and/or violations of environmental regulations in investigating a proposer's responsibility, and further reserves the right to declare a proposer not responsible if the history of violations warrantsuch determination in the opinion of the City. Proposer shall submit with its proposal', a complete: history of all citations and/or violations, notices and dispositions thereof. The non-submission of any such documentation shall be deemedto be an affirmation by the Proposer that there'are no citations or violations. Proposer shall notify the City immediately of notice of any citation or violation which proposer may receive after the proposal opening date and during.the time of performance of any contract awarded to it. 26.TAXES.The City of Miami Beach is exempt from all Federal Excise and State:taxes. 27. MISTAKES. Proposers are expected to examine the terms, conditions, specifications, delivery schedules, proposed pricing,and all instructions'pertaining to the goods and services relative to this RFQ. Failure to do so will. be at the Proposer's risk and mayresult in the Proposal being non-responsive. 28. PAYMENT. Payment will be madeby the City after the goods,or services'have been received, inspected, and. found to comply with contract, specifications,free of damage or defect, and are properly invoiced. Invoices must be :consistent with Purchase_Order format. RFQ 2018-141-ND 7 MIAMIBEACH 29.COPYRIGHT. PATENTS&ROYALTIES. Proposer shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and its officers,employees,contractors,and/or agents,from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for,or on account of,any copyrighted,patented,or unpatented invention, process,or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, including its use by the City of Miami Beach, Florida. If the Proposer uses any design, device or materials covered by letters, patent, or copyright, it is mutually understood and agreed, without exception, that the proposal prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device,or materials in any way involved in the work. 30. DEFAULT. Failure or refusal of the selected Proposer to execute.a contract following approval of such contract by the City Commission,or untimely withdrawal of a response before such award is made and approved, may result in_a_claim_for_damages-by_the_City and_may be-grounds-for-removing-the-P-roposer-from-the-City's vendor list: -- 31. MANNER OF PERFORMANCE. Proposer agrees to perform its duties and obligations in a professional manner and in accordance with all applicable Local, State, County, and Federal laws, rules, regulations and codes. Lack of knowledge or ignorance by the Proposer with/of applicable laws will in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility.Proposer agrees that the services provided shall be provided by employees that are educated,trained, experienced, certified, and licensed in all areas encompassed within their designated duties. Proposer agrees to furnish to the City any and all documentation, certification, authorization, license, permit, or registration currently ' required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Proposer further certifies that it and its employees will keep all licenses, permits, registrations, authorizations,or certifications required by applicable laws or regulations in full force and effect during the term of this contract. Failure of Proposer to comply with this paragraph shall constitute a material breach of this contract. Where contractor is required to enter or go on to City of Miami Beach property to deliver materials or perform,work or services as a result of any contract resulting from this solicitation, the contractor will assume the full duty,obligation and expense of obtaining all necessary licenses, permits, and insurance, and assure all work complies with all applicable laws.The contractor shall be liable for any damages or loss to the City occasioned by negligence of the. Proposer,or its officers,employees,contractors,and/or agents,for failure to comply with applicable laws. 32. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Any and all Special Conditions that may vary from these General Terms and Conditions shall have precedence. 33. NON-DISCRIMINATION. The Proposer certifies that it is in compliance with the non-discrimination clause contained in. Section 202,, Executive Order 1.1246, as amended by Executive Order '11.375, relative to equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. In accordance with the City's Human Rights Ordinance, codified in Chapter 62 of the City Code, Proposer shall prohibit discrimination, by reason of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, 'intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital and familial status,and age or.disability. 34. DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCY. The city may consider any evidence available regarding the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Proposer, including past performance (experience) in making an award that is in the best interest'of the City,including: A.Pre-award inspection of the Proposer's facility may be made prior to the award,of contract. B. Proposals will only be'considered from firms which are regularly engaged in the business of providing the goods and/or services as'described in this solicitation.. C. Proposers must be able to demonstrate a good record of performance for a reasonable period of time, and have sufficient financial capacity, equipment, and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily perform the. services if awarded a contract under the:terms and conditions of this solicitation. RFQ 2018-141-ND 8 MIAMI BEACH D. The terms "equipment and organization", as used herein shall, be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established company in line with the best business practices in the industry, and as determined by the City of Miami Beach. E.The City may consider any evidence available regarding the financial, technical, and other qualifications and: abilities of a Proposer,including past performance(experience),in making an award that is in the best interest of the City. F.The City may require Proposer s to show proof that they have been designated as authorized representatives of a manufacturer or supplier,which is the actual source of supply. In these instances, the City may also require material information from the source of supply regarding the quality, packaging, and characteristics of the products to be supply to the City. 35. ASSIGNMENT. The successful Proposer shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise, dispose of the contract, including any or all of its right, title or interest therein, or his/her or its power to execute such contract, to any person,company or corporation,without the prior written consent of the City. 36. LAWS, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS. The Proposer shall obtain and pay for all licenses, permits, and inspection fees required to complete the work and shall comply with all applicable laws. 37. OPTIONAL CONTRACT USAGE.When the successful Proposer(s) is in agreement,other units of government or non-profit agencies may participate in purchases pursuant to the award of this contract at the option of the unit of government or non-profit agency. 38. VOLUME OF WORK TO BE RECEIVED BY CONTRACTOR. It is the intent of the City to purchase the goods and services specifically listed in this solicitation from the contractor. However, the City reserves the right to purchase any goods or services awarded from state or other governmental contract, or on an as-needed basis through the City's spot market purchase provisions. 39. DISPUTES. In the event of a conflict betweenthe documents,the order of priority of the documents shall be as follows: A. Any contract or agreement resulting from the award of this solicitation;;then B. Addendum issued for this solicitation,with the latest Addendum taking precedence;then, C. The solicitation;then D. The Proposer's proposal inresponse to the solicitation. 40. INDEMNIFICATION.The Proposer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers,employees,agents and instrumentalitiesfrom any and:all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's fees and costs of defense, which the City or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as.a result of claims,demands, suits, causes of.actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of,relating to or resulting from the performance of the agreement by the contractor or its employees, agents, servants, partners,'principals or subcontractors. The contractor shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith,andshall investigate and defend all claims,suits,or actions of any kind or nature in the name,of the City,where applicable,including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,judgments, and attorney's fees which may be incurred.thereon. The Proposer expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by thecontractor shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the City or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. The above indemnification provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 41. CONTRACT EXTENSION. The City reserves the right to require the Contractor to extend contract past the RFQ 2018-141-ND 9 • MIAMI BEACH stated termination date for a period of up to 120 days in the event that a subsequent contract has not yet been awarded.Additional extensions past the 120 days may occur as needed by the City and as mutually agreed upon by the City and the contractor. 42. FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. Proposers are hereby notified that all Bid including,without limitation, any and all information and documentation submitted therewith, are exempt from public records requirements under Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes,and s. 24(a),Art. 1 of the State Constitution until such time as the City provides notice 'of an intended decision or until thirty (30) days after opening of the proposals, whichever is earlier. Additionally, Contractor agrees to.be in full compliance with Florida Statute 119.0701 including, but not limited to, I . agreement to(a) Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public • agency_in_orderto_perform_the_services;_(b)_pravide_the-public_with access_to-public_reco_rds_on_the_same_terms-and — I conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law; (c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; (d) Meet all requirements for retaining public records ands transfer, at no cost, to the public. agency all public records in possession of the contractor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. 43.OBSERVANCE OF LAWS. Proposers are expected to be familiar with,and comply with, all Federal,,State, County, and City laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, and all orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having jurisdiction or authority which, in any manner, may affect the scope of services and/or project contemplated by this RFQ (including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil, Rights Act, the EEOC Uniform Guidelines, and all EEO regulations and guidelines). Ignorance ofthe law(s) on the part of the Proposer will in no way relieve it from responsibility for.compliance. 44. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. All Proposers must disclose, in.their Proposal, the.name(s)of any officer, director,. agent, or immediate family member(spouse, parent,sibling,and child)who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further,all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten(10%)percent or more in the.Proposer entity or any'of its affiliates.. 45. MODIFICATION/WITHDRAWALS OF PROPOSALS.A Proposer may`submit.a modified Proposal toreplace all. or any portion of a previously submitted Proposal up until the Proposal due date and time. Modifications received after the Proposal.due date and time will not be considered. Proposals shall be irrevocable until contract award unless withdrawn in writing prior to the Proposal duedate,or after expiration of 120 calendar days from the opening; of Proposals without a contract award. Letters of withdrawal received after the,Proposal due date and before said expiration date,and letters of withdrawal received after contract award will not be considered. 47. EXCEPTIONS TO RFQ. Proposers must clearly indicate any exceptions they wish to take to any of the terms in this RFQ,and outline what, if any,alternative is being offered. All exceptions and alternatives shall be included and clearly delineated, in writing, in the Proposal. The.City, at its sole and absolute discretion, may accept or reject any or all exceptions and alternatives. In cases in which exceptions and alternatives are rejected,the City shall require the Proposer to comply with the particular term and/or condition of the RFQ to which.Proposer took exception to (as said term andlor condition was originally set forth on the RFQ). 48.ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS, FAVORS,SERVICES.Proposers shall not offer any gratuities,favors,or anything of RFQ 2018-1.41-ND 10 MIAMI BEACH monetary value to any official, employee, or agent of the City, for the purpose of influencing consideration of this Proposal. Pursuant to Sec.2-449 of the City Code, no officeror employee of the City shall accept any gift, favor or service that might reasonably tend improperly to influence him in thedischarge of his official duties. i. 49. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. City reserves the right to request supplemental information from Proposers at any time during the RFQ solicitation process. 50. ADDITIONAL SERVICES. Although this solicitation and resultant contract identifies specific goods, services or facilities ("items"), it is hereby agreed and understood that the City, through the approval of the Department and Procurement Directors (for additional items up to $50,000) or the City Manager (for additional items greater than $50,000),-may_require-additionafitems_to_be_addedto_the_Contract_which_are_required_to_complete-the-work_When additional items are required to be added to the Contract, awarded vendor(s), as applicable to the item being requested, under this contract may be invited to submit price quote(s) for these additional requirements. If these quote(s) are determined to be fair and reasonable, then the additional work will be awarded to the current contract vendor(s) that offers the lowest acceptable pricing. The additional items shall be added to this contract by through a Purchase Order(or Change.Order if Purchase Order already exists). In some cases,the City may deem it necessary to add additional items through a formal amendment to the Contract,to be approved by the City Manager. The City may determine to obtain price quotes for the additional items from other vendors in the event that fair and reasonable pricing is not obtained from the current contract vendors, or for other reasons at the City's discretion. Balance of Page Intentionally Left Blank . I RFQ 2018-141-ND - 11 L jj MIAMI BEACH SECTION 0300 SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMAT 1. SEALED RESPONSES. One original Proposal (preferably in 3-ring binder) must be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope or container on or before the due date established for the receipt of proposals.Additionally,ten(10) bound copies and one (1) electronic format (CD or USB format) are to be submitted. The following information should be clearly marked on the face of the envelope or container in which the proposal is submitted: solicitation number, solicitation title, proposer name, proposer return address. Proposals received electronically, either through email or facsimile,are not acceptable and will be rejected. 2.-LATE PROPOSALS.. Proposals-are-to bereceivedon or before the due date-established herein for the-receipt of--- -- proposals. Any proposal received after the deadline established for receipt of Proposals will be considered late and not be accepted or will be returned to proposer unopened. The City does not accept responsibility for any delays,natural or otherwise. 3. PROPOSAL FORMAT. In order to maintain comparability, facilitate the review process and assist the Evaluation Committee in review of Proposals, it is strongly recommended that Proposals be organized and tabbed in accordance with the sections and manner specified below.Hard copy submittal should be tabbed0400 as enumerated below and contain a table of contents with page references.Electronic copies should also be tabbed and contain a table of contents with page references. Proposals that do not include the required information will be deemed non-responsive and will not be considered. • TAB.1 ::: Cover Letter&Table of Content 1.1 Cover Letter. The cover letter must be signed by a principal or agent able to the bind the firm and contain the following: (a) Prime Proposer.'Include the name and location of the Prime Proposer, Primary Proposer's Representative for the RFQ, Representative's Contact.Joint Ventures are not allowed under this RFQ. (b) Selected Category of Work. Proposer must indicate the category of work for which proposal is submitted.. _ Categories of Work,, include: Architecture — General; Architecture — Landscape; Engineering — Environmental; Engineering—Mechanical,Electrical&Plumbing;Engineering—Structural. Proposers shall submit separate proposals for each category of work for which a proposal is submitted. Example: a firm which provides general architecture and landscape architecture shall submit one proposal for Architecture-General and a separate and distinct proposal for Architecture—Landscape. TAB 2- Minimum Requirements 1.3 Minimum Qualifications Requirements. Submit verifiable information documenting compliance with the minimum qualifications requirements established in Appendix CMinimum Requirements and;Specifications,including a) Architect / Engineering Firm. Provide copies of that the firm is certified .by the Florida Department of Business and Professional.Regulation to do business in Florida. b) Principle and Account Representatives. For the principle and,account representative(s) submitted under Tab.2 below, submit copies that individuals are licensed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to do business in Florida.Proposer should also'submit copies of architect/engineer" license for all licensed firm employees. TAB 2' Experience&Qualifications of the Firm 2.1 Standard Form 330.The proposing firm shall submit a completed Standard From 330 (attached). No proposal will be considered without this required form. In addition to experience and qualifications considerations, the City may use RFQ 2018-141-ND, 12 1 MIAMI':BEACH this information to consider the firm's previous and current workload. 2.2 Qualifications of Proposing Firm.Submit detailed information regarding the firm's history and relevant experience and proven track record of providing architecture or engineering services,preferably to public sector agencies,for non- • residential small projects(construction costs below$325,000 and planning/studies below$35,000).Submit at least five (5) small projects relevant to the category of work for which the proposal has been submitted, performed in the last five (5)years as evidence of requested experience, preferably to public sector agencies. For each small project submitted, the following is required: • project name, • project description, • agency/client name, • agency/client contact, • contact telephone&email, • and year(s)and term of engagement. 2.3 Financial Capacity. Following the bid opening and at the request of the City proposer shall arrange for Dun & Bradstreet to submit a Supplier Qualifier Report(SQR) directly to the Procurement Contact named herein. No proposal will be considered without receipt, by the City,of the SQR directly from Dun&Bradstreet.The cost of the preparation of the SQR shall be theresponsibility of the Proposer.The Proposer shall request.the SQR report from D&B at: httos://suoolieroortal.dnb.comlwebaoo/wcs/stares/servletlSuDnlierPortal?storeld=11696 Proposals are responsible for the accuracy of the'information contained in its SQR. It is highly recommended that each proposer review the information contained in its SQR for accuracy prior to submittal to the City and as early as possible in the solicitation process. For assistance with any portion of the SQR submittal process, contact Dun & Bradstreet at. 800-424-2495. 2.3.1 Audited Financial Statements. In lieu of a D & B SQR, the Proposer may submit its latest audited financial statements which must be dated December 31,2014. or later. TAB 3 �.. Experience&Qualifications of the Team 3.1 Qualifications of Proposer Team (Architects and Engineers). Provide an organizational chart whichindicates, at a minimum, the principles of the firm and the account representatives assigned to award by the City of Miami Beach pursuant to this RFQ..Include details onthe role that each team member will play in providing the services detailed herein and each team members'qualifications. A resume of each individual, including education, experience, and any other pertinent information,shall be included for each.respondenttearn member to be assigned to this contract.. { { 3.1.1 Project Experience. For each architect and engineer, include information for three(3) relevant projects, performed in the last five (5), years for public or private sector clients. Relevant projects shall include those projects similar in scope to those services listed in;Appendix C. Submit at least three (3) small projects (as defined in Section 2.1 above) relevant to the category of work for which the proposal has been submitted, performed in the last five (5)years as evidence of requested experience, preferably to public or private sector agencies.For each small project submitted,the following is required: • project name • project description,. • agency/client name, • agency/client contact, • contact telephone&email,. • and year(s)and term of engagement. i RFQ 2018-141-ND ' 13, 1 MIAMI BEACH Note: After proposal submittal, the City reserves the right to require additional information from Proposer (or • proposer team members or sub-consultants) to determine: qualifications (including, but not limited to, litigation history, regulatory action, or additional references); and financial capability (including, but not limited to, annual reviewed/audited financial statements with the auditors notes for each of their last two complete fiscal years). ti- I I � RFQ 2018-141-ND 14 MIAMI BEACH SECTION 0400 PROPOSALS.EVALUATION 1. Evaluation Committee.An Evaluation Committee, appointed by the City Manager, shall meetto evaluate each Statement of Qualifications in accordance with the requirements set forth in the solicitation. If further information is desired, Proposals may be requested to make additional written submissions of a clarifying nature or oral presentations to the Evaluation Committee. The evaluation of Statement of Qualifications will proceed in a two-step process as noted below. It is important to note that the Evaluation Committee will score the qualitative portions,of the Statement of Qualifications only. The Evaluation Committee does not make an award,recommendation to the City Manager.The results of Step 1 &Step 2 Evaluations will be forwarded to the City Manager who will utilize the results to make a recommendation-to-the-City Commission In the-event that only_one_responsive_proposal is_received,the_ City Manager, after determination that the sole responsive proposal materially meets the requirements of the RFP, may, without an evaluation committee, recommend to the City Commission that the Administration enter into negotiations. The City, in its discretion, may utilize technical or other advisers to assist the evaluation committee in the evaluation of proposals. 2. Step 1 Evaluation. The first step will consist of the qualitative criteria listed below to be considered by the Evaluation Committee. The second step will consist of quantitative criteria established below to be added to the Evaluation Committee results by the Department of Procurement Management.An Evaluation Committee,appointed by the City Manager, shall meet to evaluate each Statement of Qualifications in accordance with the qualifications criteria established below for Step 1, Qualitative Criteria. In doing so, the Evaluation Committee may review and score all proposals received,with or without conducting interview sessions. Step 1-Qualitative Criteria:: Maximum Points _ Experience of the Proposing Firm 50 Experience of the Team 50 ,.TOTAL AVAILABLE$TEP,'t POINTS100',' , 3. Step 2 Evaluation. Following the results of Step 1 Evaluation of qualitative criteria, the Proposer may receive additional quantitative criteria points to be added by the Procurement Department to those points earned in Step 1, as follows. Step 2-Quantitative Criteria;' ,'f Maximum.Points • Veterans Preference 5 • ::sTOTALAVAILABLESTEP 2.POINTS: S I { RFQ 20.18-141—ND 1.5 MIAAAIBEACH 4. Determination of Final Ranking. At the conclusion of the Evaluation Committee Step 1 scoring, Step 2 Points will be added to each evaluation committee member's scores by the.Department of Procurement Management.Step 1 and 2 scores will be converted to rankings in accordance with.the example below:. • • Proposer Proposer Proposer A B C ' x 6 - Ste• 1 Points 82 76 80 Committes,:? Ste.2 Points 22 15 12 .'.''''1.144,11.1p..#1,4, Total 104 91 92 .=.� . _ 4-'.1T, . .„Rank . ,s.7.17'.'''''',,, ,"', 0•:: t'.a1... . ..'',:reg' 4.r3., .‘,-,.:•.!„,,,-,, ,',-17&':1;.i .. ,'2! ''''.::-U;;;,:4-:?::” Ste. 1 Points 79 85 72 Cmmitee Ste•2 Points 22 15 12 'Membe['2, Total 101 100 84 - .. -Rank---. r-'--:,Z:;:37 Ste• 1 Points 80 74 66 `Committee; Ste•2 Points 22 15 12 'Member,2 :; Total 102 89 78 Rank s; .,t:.; ,1> '• . ,.. :..d2a K .i:;',,.,:; Low Aggregate L' Score + 3- : 7 : 8 r. .Final'Ranking'•' '"'-1.,-',..:.1'="4,...-'. `T 2 • 3 Final Ranking is presented to the City Manager for further due diligence and recommendation to the City Commission. Final Ranking does not constitute an award recommendation until such time as the City Manager has made his, recommendation to the City Commission, which may be different than final ranking results. . - R RFQ 2018-141—ND 16 f{� if APPENDIX A MIAMI BEACH Response Certification , Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit RFQ No. 2018- 141 -ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SMALL PROJECTS PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1,755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RFQ 2018-141-ND .. 17 Solicitation No: Solicitation Title: RFQ 2018-141-ND ` PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS Procurement Contact Tel: Email: NATALIA DELGADO 305.673.7000,Ext.6263 NATALIADELGADOOMIAMIBEACHFL.GOV STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS CERTIFICATION,QUESTIONNAIRE&REQUIREMENTS AFFIDAVIT Purpose: The purpose of this Response Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is to inform prospective Proposals of certain solicitation and contractual requirements,and to collect necessary information from Proposals in order that certain portions of-responsiveness, responsibility and—other determining factors and compliance with requirements may be evaluated. This Statement of Qualifications Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is a REQUIRED FORM that must be submitted fully completed and executed. 1. General Proposer Information. FIRM NAME: NO.OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: NO.OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: NO.OF EMPLOYEES: OTHER NAME(S)PROPOSER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS(HEADQUARTERS): CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE NO.: TOLL FREE NO.: FAX NO.: FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: • ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO::: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: The City reserves the right to seek.additional'information;from proposer or other including but not limited to:any firm or principal information,applicable licensure,resumes of relevant individuals,client information,financial information,:,or any information the City deems necessary to evaluate the capacity of the'proposer to perform in accordance with contract requirements. RFQ 2018-1.41-ND - 18 1. Veteran Owned Business.Is Proposer claimin a veteran owned business status? I YES 1I NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT:Proposers claiming veteran owned business status shall submit a documentation proving that firm is certified as a veteran-owned business or a service-disabled veteran owned business by the State of Florida,or United States federal government,as required pursuant to ordinance 2011-3748. 2. Conflict Of Interest.All Proposers must disclose, in their Proposal, the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member(spouse,parent,sibling,and child)who is also-an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disdose the name of any City employee who owns,either directly or indirectly,an interest of ten(10%)percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers must disclose the name(s)of any officer,director,agent,or immediate family member (spouse,parent,sibling,and child)who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Proposers must also disclose the name of any City employee who owns,either directly or indirectly,an interest of ten(10%)percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates 3. References&Past Performance.Proposer shall submit at least three(3)references for whom the Proposer has completed work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: For each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name&Title,3)Address,4)Telephone,5)Contact's Email and 6)Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation. Has Proposer ever been debarred, suspended or other legal violation, or had a contract cancelled due to non-performance b an public sector agency? YES NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: If answer to above is"YES,"Proposer shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to action(s). 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions.Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with,,the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, 'and shall be subject to any and all sanctions,as prescribed therein,including disqualification of their Proposals,in the event of such non-compliance. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT:Submit the names of all individuals or entities(including,your sub-consultants)with a controlling financial interest as defined in solicitation.For each individual or entity with a controlling financial interest indicate whether or not each individual or entity has contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly,of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City.of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics.Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879,each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics("Code")and submit that Code to the Department of Procurement Management with its proposal/response or within five(5)days upon receipt of request.The Code shall,at a minimum,require the Proposer,to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations,including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer shall submit firm's Code of Business Ethics. In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics,Proposer may submit a statement indicating that it will adopt,as required in the ordinance,the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics,available at htto://www.miamibeachftaov/city-hall/nrocurementf - i RFQ 2018-141—ND 19 7: • benefits- benefits: - SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT:No additional submittal is required.By virtue of executing this affidavit document,Proposer agrees to the living wage requirement. 8. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners.When awarding competitively solicited • contracts valued at over$100,000 whose contractors maintain 51 or more full time employees on their payrolls during 20 or more calendar work weeks,the Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 requires certain contractors doing business with the City of Miami Beach,who are awarded a contract pursuant to competitive proposals,to provide"Equal Benefits"to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who work within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits,who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to.anybenefits to employeeswith spouses or to spouses of employees? YES 111.1 NO B. Doesyour company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with(same or opposite sex)domestic partners*or to domestic partners of employees? YES NO C. Please checkall benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the"other"section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have:.a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave;other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner;such as medical insurance'.: BENEFIT Firm Provides for Firm Provides for Firm does not: Employees with , 'Employees with Provide Benefit Spouses Domestic Partners Health Sick Leave • Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave If Proposer cannot offer a benefit to domestic partners because of reasons outside your control,(e.g., there are no insurance. providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage)you may be eligible for Reasonable Measures compliance.To. comply on this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent and submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application' (attached)with all necessary documentation.Your Reasonable Measures Application will be reviewed for consideration by the City Manager,or his designee.Approval is notguaranteed and the City Manager's decision is final. Further information on the Equal Benefitsrequirement is available at httpalwww.miambeachfl,aov/citv•halUprocurementlorocurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures/; RFQ 2018-141—ND - 20' I i 9. Public Entity Crimes.Section 287.133(2)(a),Florida Statutes,as currently enacted or as amended from time to time,states that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit.a proposal,proposal,or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity;may not submit a proposal, proposal,or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work;may not submit proposals,proposals,or replies on leases of real property to a public entity;may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity;and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided ins.287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT:No additional submittal is required.By virtue of executing this affidavit document,Proposer agrees with the requirements of Section 287.133,Florida Statutes,and certifies it has not been placed on convicted vendor list. 10-- -Non-Discrimination.-Pursuant-to City Ordinance No-2016=3990,,the City shall not-enter into-a-contractwith-a-business unless the--- business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a)of the City Code,including the blacklisting,divesting from,or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entitywhen such action is based on race,color,national origin,religion,sex,intersexuality,gender identity,sexual orientation,marital or familial status,age or disability. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT:No additional submittal is required.By virtue of executing this affidavit document,Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. 11. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prohibits official City travel to the states of North Carolina and Mississippi,as well as the purchase of goads or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Proposer shall agree that no travel shall occur on behalf of the City to North Carolina or Mississippi,nor shall any product or services it provides to the City be sourced from these states. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT:No additional submittal is required.By virtue of executing this affidavit document,Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Resolution 2016-29375.. 12. Fair Chance Requirement.Pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code,the City shall not enter into any contract resulting from a competitive solicitation, unless the proposer certifies in writing thatthe business has adopted and employs written policies, practices,and standards that are consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance,set forth in Article V of Chapter 62 of the City Code("Fair Chance Ordinance"), and which, among other things, (i) prohibits City contractors,as an n employer, frominquiring about an,applicant's criminal history until the applicant is given a conditional offer of employment; (ii) prohibits advertising of employment positions with.a statement that an individual with a criminal record may not applyy for the position,and(iii)prohibits' placing a statement on an employment application that a person with a criminal record may not apply for the position. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: No additional submittal is requiredat this time. By virtue of executing this affidavit, Proposer certifies that it has adopted policies,practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Proposer agrees to:provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing itscompliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breachof the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract,, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement,in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. 13. Acknowledgement of Addendum. After issuance of solicitation,the City may release one or more addendum tothe solicitation which may provide additional information to Proposers or alter solicitation requirements. The. City will strive to reach every Proposer having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system,PublicPurchase.com. However, Proposers are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation.This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the Proposer has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may-result in proposal disqualification. Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Receipt Receipt Receipt Addendum 1 Addendum 6 Addendum 11' Addendum 2 Addendum 7 Addendum 12 Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum 4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 , Addendum 5 Addendum 10 Addendum 15 If additional confirmation of addendum is required,submit under separate cover. RFQ 2018-141—ND 21 Ii DISCLOSURE AND DISCLAIMER SECTION The solicitation referenced herein is being furnished to the recipient by the City of Miami Beach(the"City")for the recipient's convenience. Any action taken by the City in response to Statement of Qualifications made pursuant to this solicitation,or in making any award, or in failing or refusing to make any award pursuant to such Statement of Qualifications,or in cancelling awards,or in withdrawing or cancelling this solicitation,either before or after issuance of an award,shall bewithout any liability or obligation on the part of the City.. In its sole discretion,the City may withdraw the solicitation either before or after receiving Statement of Qualifications,may accept or reject Statement of Qualifications,and may accept Statement of Qualifications which deviates from the solicitation,as it deems appropriate and in its best interest. In its.sole discretion, the City may determine the qualifications and acceptability of any party or parties submitting Statement of Qualifications in response to this solicitation. Following submission of Statement of Qualifications, the applicant agrees to deliver such further details, information and assurances, including financial and—disclosure data,, relating to the Statement of Qualifications and-the applicanrincluding, withourlimitation' the applicant's affiliates,officers,directors,shareholders,partners and employees,as requested by the City in its discretion. The information contained herein is provided solely for the convenience of prospective Proposals. It is the responsibility of the recipient to assure itself that information contained herein is accurate and complete.The City does not provide any assurances as to the accuracy of any information in this solicitation. Any reliance on these contents,or on any permitted communications with City officials,shall be at the recipients own risk.Proposals should rely exclusively on their own investigations,interpretations,and analyses.The solicitation is being provided by the City without any warranty or representation,express or implied,as to its content,its accuracy,or its completeness.No warranty or representation is made by the City or its agents that any Statement of Qualifications conforming to these requirements will be selected for consideration, negotiation, or approval. The City shall have no obligation or liability with respect to this solicitation,the selection and the award process,or whether any award will be made.Any recipient of this solicitation who responds hereto fully acknowledges all the provisions of this Disclosure and Disclaimer,is totally relying on this Disclosure and Disclaimer,and agrees to be bound by the terms hereof.Any Statement of Qualifications submitted to the City pursuant to this solicitation are submitted at the sole risk and responsibility of the party submitting such Statement of Qualifications. This solicitation is made subject to correction of errors,omissions,or withdrawal from the market without notice.Information is for guidance only,and does not constitute all or any part of an agreement. The City and all Proposals will be bound only as,if and when a Statement of Qualifications,as same may be modified,and the applicable definitive agreements pertaining thereto,are approved and executed by the parties, and then only pursuant to the terms of the definitive agreements executed among the parties.Any response to this solicitation maybe accepted or rejected by the City for any reason,or for no reason,without any resultant liability to the City. The City is governed by the Government-in-the-Sunshine Law, and all Statement of Qualifications and supporting documents shall be subject to disclosure as required by such,law.All Statement,of Qualifications shall be submitted in sealed proposal form and shall remain confidential tothe extent permitted by Florida Statutes, until the date and time selected for opening the responses. At that time, all documents received by the City shall become public records. Proposals are expected to make all disclosures and.declarationsas requested in this solicitation. By submission of a Statement of Qualifications,the Proposer acknowledges and agrees that the City has the right to make any inquiry or investigation it deems appropriate to substantiate or supplement information contained in the Statement of Qualifications,and authorizes the release to the City of any and all information sought in such inquiry or investigation..Each Proposer certifies that the information contained in the Statement of Qualifications is true,accurate and complete,to the best of its knowledge,information,and belief. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything contained in the solicitation, all Proposals agree that in the event of a final unappealable judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction which imposes on the City any liability arising out of this solicitation,or any response thereto, or any action or inaction by the City with respect thereto, such liability shall be limited to $10,000.00 asagreed-upon and liquidated damages. The previous sentence,, however, shall not be construed to circumvent any of the other provisions of this Disclosure and Disclaimer which imposes no liability on the City. In the event of any differences in language between this Disclosure and Disclaimer and the balance of the solicitation,it is understood that the provisionsof this Disclosure and Disclaimer shall always govern.The solicitation andany disputes arisingfrom the solicitation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. RFQ 2018-141—ND 22 PROPOSER CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I, as an authorized agent of the Proposer , am submitting the following information as my firm's proposal; Proposer agrees to complete and unconditional acceptance,of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of this solicitation,all attachments,exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda releasedhereto,and the Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement;proposer agrees to be bound to any and all specifications,terms and conditions contained in the solicitation, and any released Addenda and understand that the following are requirements of this solicitation and failure to comply will result in disqualification of proposal submitted; Proposer has not divulged,discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposals and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida _Sunshine_and_Rubtic_Re_cords_Laws;_alLresponses,_data_and_information-contained_in_this-pr-oposal,_inclusive__ofthe_ Statement of Qualifications Certification,Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit ere true and accurate. Name of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Title of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Signature of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Date: State of FLORIDA ) On this_day of 20_,personally appeared before me who County of ) stated that (s)he is the of , a corporation,and that the instrument was signed in behalf of the said corporation by authority of its board of directors and acknowledged said instrument to be its:voluntary act and deed..Before me:• • Notary Public for the State of Florida My Commission.Expires: RFQ 2018-141—ND 4 23 APPENDIX B MIAMIBEACH " N.o Bid " Form • REQ. No. 2018- 141 -ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SMALL • PROJECTS PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Note: it is important tot those vendors who have received notification of this solicitation-but have,decided not to respond,to complete and submit11 theattached "Statement of No Bid.." The "Statement of No Bid" provides ; the City with, information on how,ito ,improve the solicitation process.. Failure to submit a "Statement of No Bid" may result in. not being notified •of future solicitations by_the City. - RFQ 2018-141-ND 24 { • { Statement of No Bid WE HAVE ELECTED NOT TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL AT THIS TIME FOR REASON(S)CHECKED AND/OR INDICATED BELOW: _Workload does not allow us to proposal _Insufficient time to respond. _Specifications unclearor.too-restrictive _ Unable to meet specifications Unable to meet service requirements _Unable to meet insurance requirements _Do not offer this product/service _OTHER. (Please specify) We do_do not - want to be retained on your mailing list for future proposals of this type product and/or service. Signature: Title: Legal Company Name: Note: Failure to respond, either by submitting a proposal or this completed form, may result in your company being removed from our vendors list. PLEASE RETURN TO: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT ATTN: NATALIA DELGADO PROPOSALS#2018-141-ND 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 - f RFQ 2018-141-ND 25 , APPENDIX C IAMI E Minimum Requirements & Specifications RFQ No. 2018-141 -ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RFQ 2018-141-ND 26 • Cl. Minimum Eligibility Requirements._The Minimum Eligibility Requirements for this solicitation are listed below. Proposer shall submit, with its proposal, the required submittal(s).documenting compliance with each minimum requirement. Proposers that fail to include the required submittals with its proposal or fail to comply with minimum requirements shall be deemed non-responsive and shall not have its proposal considered. 1. Firms. Firms must be certified by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulationas architecture or engineering business. 2. Architects/Engineers. Architects and engineers must be licensed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation for their area of work. C2.Statement of Work Required. It is the intent of the City of Miami Beach to select multiple firms within each category that may be contacted on an "as-needed basis" during the term of the contract to submit consulting,proposals on small projects whose estimated construction value is less than the amount established in Category 5, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (currently$325,000 or as amended by law) or for a planning or study activity valued up to the amount established in Category 2, Section 287.017, Florida Statutes(currently$35,000 or as amended by law).. The categories of work shall include: *Architecture—General *Architecture-Landscape *Engineering—Environmental Services and Testing *Engineering—Mechanical,Electrical&Plumbing *Engineering—Structural •Engineering—Structural •Interior Design I Space Planning. •LEED Commissioning The Administration will negotiate with a consultant(s)deemedto best qualified for the project based on an hourly rate(see Appendix E) or on a:negotiated lump sum basis per project. If agreement is reached with the consultant for a specific project,a Consultant Service Order(CSO)will be issued, along with a Purchase.Order(P0). No work is authorized,,nor shall the City be liable for,payment, until,. the CSO and ,PO are issued. The select consultant will be required to perform the architectural and engineering services in accordance with the Master Agreement(Appendix E)and the CSO.The highest professional standards shall be utilized for all work.. - i RFQ .2018_141-ND 27 The selected consultant will be required to retain and be responsible for all sub-consultants necessary to achieve the assigned scope of work. Sub-consultants shall be included in the CSO. The City may reject the use of any sub-consultant. The services authorized under the resulting Master Agreement, include(but are not limited to): • Acoustics,Noise Abatement • Fire Protection • Air Pollution Control • Heating;Ventilating;Air Conditioning. • Auditoriums and Theaters • Interior Design;Space Planning • Automation;Controls;Instrumentation • Irrigation;Drainage • Boundary Survey • Lab Testing Services • Codes;Standards;Ordinances -- • Landscape-Architecture • Communications Systems;TV;Microwave • Lighting(Interior,Display,Theater,etc.) • Conceptual Studies • Lighting(Exterior,Streets,Memorials,Athletic Fields, • Construction Administration etc.) • Cost Estimating • Plumbing and Piping Design • Energy ConservationlEnergy Sources • Recreation Facilities(Parks,Marinas,etc.) • Electrical • Rehabilitation, Remodel, Renovate (Buildings, • General Environmental Services: Structures,Facilities,etc.) o Environmental Assessments • Safety Engineering;Accident Studies;OSHA Studies o Air and •Water quality testing and • Security Systems;Intruder&Smoke Detection monitoring • Soils&Geologic Studies;Foundations o Environmental sustainability planning • Storage Tank Repair and Monitoring services • Structural Design;Special Structures o Environmental support services to • Surveying,Mapping,GIS,and other services: achieve and maintain regulatory • Platting;Mapping;Flood Plaih Studies compliance • Roofing Assessments,Replacements' • Contamination Assessment: • Swimming Pools o Environmental Site Assessments • Testing&Inspection Services o Oversee and coordinate remediation • Topographical Survey project • Urban Renewals;Community Development o Preparation of sampling and remediation • Value Analysis;Life-Cycling Costing plans and other related documents • Any other professional services normally considered o Other associated tasks related to under the disciplines of architecture and engineering. regulatory compliance The selected architectural and/or engineering firms will be responsible for reviewing all existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, as well as any other applicable law or 1 regulation. The teams will be 'responsible for incorporating all the above data into complete construction documents, including final working drawings, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of the project, and in some instances, for construction management. The construction documents and drawings must comply with the City of Miami Beach with all applicable local,state and federal regulations. C3.Term of Contract_It is expected that any resulting agreement shall be valid for a term of three (3) years from effective date. The City Manager may approve two (2) additional one (1) year renewal periods based on satisfactory performance. C4. Fee Standards: For determination of project fees the City will use the Design Professional Fee Guidelines for "Basic" Architectural :and Engineering Services available at httbs:/Ifo.state:fl.us/docs/DMSAEFeeGuidedefinition.asp RFQ 2018-141—ND 28 APPENDIXD MIAMI * EACH insurance Requirements RFQ No. 2018- 141 -ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AID REPLACEMENT PROJECTS PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RFQ 2018-141-ND 29 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS This document sets forth the minimum levels of insurance that the contractor is required to maintain throughout the term of thecontract and any renewal periods. XXX 1. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability per the Statutory limits of the state of Florida. -XXX 2. Comprehensive General Liability(occurrence.-form),-limits of liability$500,000.00-per occurrence for bodily injury property damage to include Premises! Operations; Products,Completed Operations and Contractual Liability. Contractual Liability and Contractual Indemnity (Hold harmless endorsement exactly as written in"insurance requirements"of specifications). XXX 3: Automobile Liability - $100,000 each occurrence - owned/non-owned/hired automobiles included. 4. Excess Liability-$ .00 per occurrence to follow the primary coverages. XXX 5. The City must be named as and additional,insured on the liability policies;and it must be stated on the certificate. XXX 6. Other Insurance as indicated: Builders Risk completed value $ .00 _Liquor Liability $ .00 Fire Legal Liability $ .00 _Protection and Indemnity $ .00 Employee Dishonesty Bond • $ .00 XXX Other:Professional Liability $1,000,000.00 XXX 7. Thirty(30)days written cancellation notice required. XXX 8. Best's guide rating B+:VI or better, latest edition. XXX 9. The certificate must state the proposal number and title The City of Miami Beach is self-insured. Any and all claim payments made from self- insurance are subject to the limits and provisions of Florida Statute 768.28, the Florida Constitution,and any other applicable Statutes. ' f RFQ 2018-141-ND 30 APPENDIX E MIAMI BEACH SAMPLE CONTRACT RFQ No. 2018- 141 -ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue , 3rd Floor Miami,Beach, Florida 33139 .RFQ 2018-141-ND 31 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Resolution No. - I RFQ 2018-141-ND 32 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES IN SPECIALIZED CATEGORIES ON AN "AS-NEEDED-BASIS" PURSUANT TO,REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. DISCIPLINE: RESOLUTION NO. RFQ 2018-141-ND 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS 36 ARTICLE 2. BASIC SERVICES 40 ARTICLE 3. THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 45 ARTICLE 4. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 46 ARTICLE 5. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 48 ARTICLE 6. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 49 ARTICLE 7. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES 49 ARTICLE 8. CONSULTANT'S ACCOUNTING AND OTHER RECORDS 50 ARTICLE 9. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS 50 ARTICLE 10.TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 51 ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE 52 ARTICLE 12. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS 53 ARTICLE 13. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 53 ARTICLE 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 54 ARTICLE 15. NOTICE 54 ARTICLE 16. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 54 RFQ 2018-141-ND 34 SCHEDULES: SCHEDULE A 58 SCHEDULE B 59 SCHEDULE C 61 ATTACHMENTS: .... Errorl_Bookmark_not defined— ATTACHMENT B Error! Bookmark not defined. ATTACHMENT C Error! Bookmark not defined. RFQ 2018-141-ND 35 AGREEMENT _ I BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND — — FOR _ PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES IN SPECIALIZED CATEGORIES ON AN "AS-NEEDED-BASIS" This Agreement made and entered into this day of 2016 , (Effective Date), by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal offices at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, (hereinafter referred to as City), and a Florida corporation having its principal office at (hereinafter referred to as Consultant). WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, ; and NOW THEREFORE, City and Consultant, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement herein contained,agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definitions. The definitions included in this Section are not exhaustive of all definitions used in this Agreement. Additional terms may be defined in other Contract Documents. The following terms shall have the meanings specified herein unless otherwise stated herein: ADDITIONAL SERVICES: "Additional Services" shall mean those services, in addition to the Basic Services in this Agreement, as described in. Article 5 and the Consultant Service Order, which the Consultant shall perform, at the City'soption, and which must be duly authorized, in writing, by the City Manager, or designee(s), or his authorized designee, prior to commencement of same. • APPLICABLE LAWS: "Applicable Laws" means all laws, statutes, codes (including, but not limited to, building codes), ordinances, rules, regulations, lawful orders and decrees of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project, the Project.Site or the Parties. BASE BID: "Base Bid" shall mean the elements contained in the Construction Documents recommended by the Consultant(and approved by the City).as being within the Construction Cost Budget. "Base Bid" shall not include additive alternates or deductive alternates. BASIC SERVICES: "Basic Services" shall include those services which Consultant shall perform, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement,as described in Article 2 and the Consultant Service Order: Any Services not specifically enumerated as Additional Services (as defined herein) shall also be considered Basic Services. RFQ 2018-141-ND 36 CITY(OR OWNER): The "City" shall mean the City of Miami Beach, a Florida municipal corporation having its principal offices at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139. In all respects/hereunder, City's obligations and performance is pursuant to City's position as the owner of the Project acting in its proprietary capacity. In the event City exercises its regulatory authority as a governmental body including, but not limited to, its regulatory authority for code inspections and issuance of Building Department permits, Public Works Department permits, or other applicable permits within its jurisdiction, the exercise of such regulatory authority and the enforcement of any Applicable Lawsshall be deemed to have occurred pursuant to City's regulatory authority as a governmental body and shall not be attributable in any manner to City as a Party to this Agreement. CITY COMMISSION: "City Commission"shall mean the governing and legislative body of the City. CITY MANAGER: The "City Manager, or designee(s)," shall mean the chief administrative officer of the City. The City Manager, or designee(s), shall also be construed to include any duly authorized representatives. designated by the City Manager, or designee(s), in writing, including the Project Administrator, with respect to any specific matter(s) concerning the Services and/or this Agreement (exclusive of those authorizations reserved to the City Commission under this Agreement, or to regulatory or administrative bodies having jurisdiction over the Project). CONSTRUCTION COST BUDGET:. The "Construction Cost Budget" shall mean the amount budgeted and established by the City to provide for the cost of construction of the Work for the,Project("Construction Cost"), as set forth in the Consultant Service.Order. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: "Construction Documents" shall mean the final (100% completed) plans, technical specifications, drawings, schematics, documents, and diagrams prepared by the_ Consultant pursuant to this Agreement, setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the Project. The Construction Documentsshall set forth in full all details necessary to complete the construction of the Project in accordance with the. Contract Documents. Construction Documents shall not be part of the Contract Documents, until(a) the Consultant has submitted completed.Construction Documents to the City and (b) they have been reviewed and approved by the City and any agencies having jurisdiction in accordance with the procedures as otherwise provided by the Contract Documents. However, approval by the City shall not in any be construed, interpreted and/or deemed to constitute a waiver or excuse Consultant's,obligations to ensure the Construction Documents are constructible, in compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance`with the Contract Documents. CONSULTANT: The named entity on page 1 of this Agreement, the "Consultant" shall mean the qualified and properly professionally licensed design professional in the State of Florida and as otherwise required by any entities; ;agencies, boards, governmental authorities and/or any other professional organizations with jurisdiction:governing the professional'.practice area for which the design professional'has been engaged by City andwho will perform(or cause to be performed through.Subconsultants acceptable to the City) all architectural, designand engineering services required'.under this Agreement and/or Consultant Service Order and will serve as the"architect of record" and/or"engineer of record"for the Project..When the. term. "Consultant`' is used in this Agreement it shall also be deemed to include any officers, employees, or agents of Consultants, and any other person or entity acting under the supervision, direction, or control of Consultant to provide any architectural, design, engineering or similar professional services with respect to a Project ("Subconsultants"). The Consultant shall not be replaced by any other entity, except as otherwise permitted in this Agreement. Further, any Subconsultant that may perform services on behalf of the Consultant shall be a qualified and properly professionally licensed design professional in the State of Florida and as otherwise required by any entities, agencies, boards, governmental authorities and/or any other professional organizations with jurisdiction governing the professional practice area for which the Subconsultant has been engaged by Consultant to perform professional design services in connection with the Project. The Subconsultants in Schedule"C", attached hereto,are hereby approved by the City Manager, RFQ '2018-141-ND 37 or designee(s),for the Project. CONSULTANT SERVICE ORDER: Consultant Service Order shall mean the work order issued by the City to Consultant (in substantial form as in Schedule A attached hereto), that specifically describes and delineates the particular Services(Basic Services and/or Additional Services)which will be required of Consultant for the Project that is the subject of such Consultant Service Order, and which may include studies or study activity, and/or professional services as defined in the RFQ. CONTRACT AMENDMENT: "Contract Amendment" shall mean a written modification to. the Agreement approved by the City (as specified below) and executed between City and Consultant, covering changes, additions, or reductions in the terms of this Agreement including, without limitation, authorizing a change in -- —the Project, or the method and manner of pier ormance threof, or an adjustment in the fee and/or completion dates. Contract Amendments shall be approved by the City Manager, or designee(s), CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: "Contract Documents" shall mean this Agreement (together with all exhibits,. addenda, Consultant Service Orders and written amendments issued thereto), and all Design Documents and Construction Documents. The Contract Documents shall,also include, without limitation (together with all exhibits, addenda, and written amendments issued thereto), the Invitation to Bid (ITB), instructions to bidders, bid form, bid bond, Design Criteria Package (if any), the Contract for Construction, surety payment and performance bonds, Conditions of the Contract for Construction (General, Supplementary, and other Conditions), Divisions 0-17 specifications, an approved Change Order(s),, approved Construction Change Directive(s), and/or approved written order(s)for a minor change in the Work. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION: "Contract for Construction" shall mean the legally binding agreement between City and Contractor for performance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents, including, without limitation, a general contractor, construction manager, design-builder or any other duly licensed construction contractor selected pursuant to any other procurement methodology available under Florida law. CONTRACTOR: ° "Contractor" shall mean the individual or individuals, firm, company, corporation, joint venture,,or other:entity contracting with City for performance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents. DESIGN CRITERIA PACKAGE or DCP.: "Design. Criteria Package" means concise, performance-oriented drawings or specifications of a design-build Project, prepared for the purpose of furnishing sufficient information to permit design-build firms to prepare a bid or a response to a City request for proposal, or to. permit the City to enter into a negotiated design-build contract. The Design Criteria Package must specify performance-based criteria for the design-build Project, including the legal description of the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space requirements, material quality'standards, schematic layouts and conceptual design criteria of the project, cost or budget estimates, design and construction schedules, site development requirements, provisions for utilities, stormwater retention and disposal, and parking requirements applicable to the project. DESIGN DOCUMENTS: "Design Documents" means all plans, drawings specifications, schematics and all. other documents which set forth in full the design of the Project and fix and describe in detail the size, configuration and character of the Project concerning all items of the Project necessary for the final preparation of the 100% completed, permitted Construction Documents in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents including, without limitation, all architectural and engineering elements as may be appropriate. Design Documents shall not be part of the Contract Documents, until (a) the Consultant has submitted completed Design Documents to the City and (b) they have been reviewed and approved by the City and agencies having jurisdiction in accordance with the procedures as provided by the Contract Documents. However, approval by the City shall not in any way be construed, interpreted and/or deemed to constitute a waiver or excuse Consultant's obligations to ensure the Design Documents are,constructible, in compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance with the Contract Documents. RFQ 2018-141-ND 38 } FORCE MAJEURE: "Force Majeure" shall mean any delay occasioned by superior or irresistible force occasioned by violence in nature without the interference of human agency such as a hurricane, tornado, flood, loss caused by fire and other similar unavoidable casualties; or other causes beyond the City's or Consultant's control that are not due to any act, omission or negligence of either City or Consultant and, which have,or may be reasonably expected to have, a material adverse effect on the Project, or on the rights and obligations of City or Consultant under this Agreement and which, by the exercise of due diligence, such parties shall not have been able to avoid; provided, however, that inclement.weather(except as noted above), the acts or omissions of Subconsultants, the Contractor and its sub-contractors, market conditions, labor conditions, construction industry price trends, and similar matters which normally impact on the construction process shall not be considered a Force Majeure. If the Consultant is delayed in performing any obligation under this Agreement due to a Force Majeure, the Consultant shall request a time extension from the Project Administrator within five (5) business days of said Force Majeure. Any time extension shall be subject to mutual agreement and shall not be cause for any claim by the Consultant for extra compensation, unless Additional Services are required and approved pursuant to Article 5 hereof.. PROJECT: The "Project" shall mean that certain City capital project described in the Consultant Service Order. Proiect Cost: The "Project Cost", shall mean the estimated total cost of the Project, as prepared and established by the City, including the estimated Construction Cost and Soft Costs. The Project Cost may, from time to time, be revised or adjusted by the City, in its sole discretion, to accommodate approved modifications or changes to the Project or scope of work. Proiect Scope: The "Project Scope" shall mean the description of the Project, as described in the Consultant Service Order. . . PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR: . The "Project Administrator shall mean the individual designated by the City Manager, or designee(s), who shall be the City's authorized representative to issue directives and notices on behalf of the City with respect to all matters concerning the Services of this Agreement(exclusive of those authorizations reserved to the City Manager, or designee(s), or City Commission under this Agreement or to regulatory or administrative bodies having jurisdiction over the Project). PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS: "Proposal Documents" shall mean the RFQ, together with all amendments or addenda thereto (if any), which is incorporated by reference, to this Agreement and made a part :hereof; provided, however, that in the event of an express conflict between the Proposal Documents and this Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail`. Consultant's proposal in response to the RFQ is included for reference purposes only and shall not .be incorporated as part of this Agreement, except with respect to • Consultant's representations regarding the qualifications and experience of Consultant and its key personnel, its commitment to provide the key personnel listed therein, and its capability to perform and deliver the Services in accordance with this Agreement and consistent with the all representations made therein. SCHEDULES: "Schedules" shall mean the various schedules attached to this Agreement and referred to as follows: Schedule A— Consultant Service Order Schedule B—Consultant.Compensation and.Hourly Billing Rate Schedule. Schedule C—Approved Subconsultants. SCOPE OF SERVICES: "Scope of Services" shall include the Project Scope, Basic Services, and any RFQ 20.18-141-ND 39. • Additional Services(as approved by the City), all as described in Schedule"A" hereto. SERVICES:. "Services"shall mean all services„work, and actions by the Consultant performedpursuant to or undertaken under this Agreement. SOFT COSTS: "Soft Costs” shall mean costs related to the Project other than Construction Cost including, without limitation, Consultant's Basic Services, Additional Services, surveys, testing, general consultant, financing, permitting fees and other similar costs,,as determined by the City, that are not considered as direct costs for the construction of the Project. STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST: The "Statement of Probable Construction. Cost" shall mean the detailed estimate prepared by Consultant in Construction Standard Index-(CSI)format or other format approved by the Project Administrator, which includes the Consultant's estimated total construction cost to the City of the Work for the Project (as established in the Contract Documents, as they may be amended from time to time). The Statement of Probable Construction Cost shall be in sufficient detail to identify the costs of each element of the Project and include a breakdown of the fees, general conditions and construction contingency for the Project. Costs shall be adjusted to the projected bid date to take into account anticipated price escalation. WORK: "Work" shall mean all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, tools, machinery, utilities, fabrication,. transportation, insurance, bonds, permits and conditions thereof, building code changes and government approvals, licenses, tests, quality assurance and/or quality control inspections and related certifications, surveys, studies, and other items, work and services that are necessary or appropriate for the total construction, installation, and functioning of the Project, together with all additional, collateral,and incidental items, and work and services requiredfor delivery of a completed, fully functional and functioning Project as set forth in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2. BASIC SERVICES • 2.1 The Consultant shall provide Basic Services for the Project, specifically described in the Consultant Service Order. 2.2 The Services will be commenced by the Consultant upon receipt of a written Consultant Service Order signed by the City Manager, or designee(s), or the Project Administrator. Consultant shall countersign the Consultant Service Order upon receipt and return the signed copy to the City. 2.3 As it relates to the Services and the Project, Consultant warrants and represents to the City that it is knowledgeable of and shall comply with all Applicable Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all Applicable Laws,whether now in effect or as may be amended or adopted from time to time, and shall further take into account all known pending changes to the foregoing of which it should reasonably be aware. 2.4 The Consultant warrants and represents to the City that all of the Services required under'this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standard of care normally exercised in the design of comparable projects in South Florida. Consultant warrants and represents to the City that it is experienced', fully qualified, and properly licensed (pursuant to Applicable Laws)• to perform the Services. Consultant warrants and,represents to the city that it is responsiblefor the technical accuracy of the'Services(including, without limitation, the Design.Documents contemplated in Schedule "A" hereto). Consultant further warrants andrepresents that the approved:and permitted Construction Documents shall constitute a representation by Consultant to City that the Project, if constructed as required, by the Contract Documents, will be fully functional, suitable and sufficient for its intended purposes. 2.5 The Consultant's Basic Services may consist' of various tasks, including, planning, design, RFQ 2018-141-ND 40 bidding/award, preparation of a DCP, studies, construction administration, and Additional Services (as may be approved), all as further described in the Consultant Service Order; and shall also include any and all of Consultant's responsibilities and obligations with respect to the Project, as set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. 2.6 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES: No action or omission by City shall waive or excuse Consultant's obligations under the Agreement and/or other Contract Documents and that Consultant shall remain fully liable for all work performed by Consultant including, without limitation, any design errors or omissions. Written decisions and/or approvals issued by the City shall not constitute nor be deemed a release of the responsibility and liability of the Consultant (or any Subconsultants), for the accuracy and competency of the Design Documents and, Construction Documents, nor shall any City approval and/or decisions be deemed.to be an assumptionof such responsibility by the City for a defect,error or omission in the Design Documents and the Construction Documents. Moreover, neither the City's inspection, review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any Services required under the Agreement shall be construed to relieve the Consultant (or any Subconsultant) of its obligations and responsibilities under the Agreement, nor constitute a waiver of any of the City's rights under the Agreement, or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of the Agreement. The Consultant shall be and remain liable to the City in accordance with Applicable Laws for all damages to City caused by any failure of the Consultant or to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement or by the Consultant's misconduct, unlawful acts, negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of the Agreement. 2.7 TIME: It is understood that time is of the essence in the completion of the Project and, in this respect, the parties agree as follows: 2.7.1 Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence upon execution by the City and Consultant, which shall be the Effective Date referred to on page 1 hereof, and shall be in effect for three (3) years ("Initial Term"), plus two (2), one (1) year renewal options, to be exercised at the sole discretion of the-City Manager, or designee(s),. (Initial Term and any renewals shall be collectively referred to as the "Term"). Notwithstanding the preceding Term, Consultant shall adhere to any and all timelines and/or deadlines, as set forth in the Consultant Service Order, including the time for completion of the work and/or services for such Project (as set forth in the particular Consultant Service Order). 2.7.2 The Consultant shall perform the Services as expeditiously as is consistent with the standard of professional skill and care required by this Agreement,and the orderly progress of the Work. 2.7.3 Recognizing that the construction of other projects within the City may affect scheduling of the construction for the.Project, the Consultant shall diligently coordinate performance of the Services with the City (through the Project Administrator) in order to provide for the safe, expeditious, economical and efficient completion of the Project, without negatively'impacting concurrent work by others. The Consultant shall coordinate the Services with all of its Subconsultants, as well as other consultants, including,without limitation, City provided consultants(if any). 2.7.4 The Services shallbe performed in a manner that shall.!conform to the Consultant Service Order. The Consultant may submit requests for an adjustment to the Consultant Service Order completion time, if made necessary because of undue delays..resulting from untimely review taken by the City(or authoritieshaving jurisdiction over the Project)to approve the Consultant's submissions, or any other portion of the Services requiring approval by the City (or other governmental authorities having jurisdictionover the Project). Consultant shall immediately provide the Project Administrator with written notice stating the reason for the particular delay;'the requested adjustment(i.e. extension) to the Project Schedule; and a revised anticipated schedule of completion. Upon receipt and review of Consultant's request (and such other documentation as the Project Administrator may require), the RFQ 2018-141-ND 41 Project Administrator may grant a reasonable extension of time for completion of the particular work involved, and authorize that the appropriate adjustment be made to the Project Schedule. The Project Administrator's approval (if granted)shall be in writing. 2.8 Consultant shall use its best efforts to maintain a constructive, professional, cooperative working relationship with the Project Administrator, Contractor, and any and all other individuals and/or firms that have been contracted, or otherwise retained, to perform work on the Project. 2.9 The Consultant shall perform its duties under this Agreement, and under a Consultant Service Order, in a competent, timely and professional manner, and shall be responsible to the City for any failure in its performance, except to the extent that acts or omissions by the City make such performance impossible. 2.10 The Consultant is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, completeness, performance and coordination of all Services required under the Agreement and under the Consultant Service Order (including the services performed by Subconsultants), within the specified time period and specified cost. The Consultant shall perform the Services utilizing the skill, knowledge, and judgment ordinarily possessed and used by a proficient consulting with respect to the disciplines required for the performance of such Services in the State of Florida. The Consultant is responsible for, and shall represent to City that the Services conform to the City's requirements, the Contract Documents and all Applicable Laws. The Consultant shall be and remain liable to the City for all damages to the City caused by the Consultant's negligent acts or errors or omissions in the performance of the Services. In addition to all other rights and remedies which the City may have, the'Consultant shall, at its expense, re-perform all or any portion of the Services to correct any deficiencies which result from the Consultant's failure to perform in accordance with the above standards. The Consultant shall also be liable for the replacement or repair of any defective materials and equipment and re-performance of any non-conforming construction work resulting from such deficient Services (i) for a period from the Effective Date of this Agreement, until twelve (12) months following final acceptance of the Work, (ii) or for the period of design liability required by applicable law, whichever is later. The Project Administrator shall notify the Consultant, in writing, of any deficiencies and shall approve the method and timing of the.corrections. 2.10.1 The Consultant shall be responsible for deficient, defective Services and 'any resulting deficient, defective construction work re-performed within twelve (12) months following final acceptance and shall be subject to further re-performance, repair and replacement for twelve (12) months from the date of initial re-performance, not to exceed twenty-four months (24) from final acceptance. 2.11 The'City shall have the right, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, to submit for review to other consultants (engaged by the, City at its expense) any or all parts of the Services and the Consultant shall fully cooperate in such review(s). Whenever others are required to verify, review, or consider any Services performed by 'Consultant (including, without limitation, contractors, other design professionals, and/or other consultants retained by the City), the intent of such requirement is to enable the Consultant to receive input from others' professional expertise to identify any discrepancies, errors or omissions that are inconsistent with industry standards for design or construction of comparable projects; or which are inconsistent with Applicable Laws; or which are inconsistent with standards, decisions or approvals provided by the City under this,Agreement. Consultant will use reasonable care and skill, in accordance and consistent with customary professional standards, in responding to items identified by other reviewers in accordance with this subsection.. "Consultant shall receive comments from reviewers, in writing, including, without limitation (and where applicable), via a set of marked-up drawings and specifications. Consultant shall address comments forwarded to it in'a timely manner. The term "timely" shall be defined to mean as soon as possible under the circumstances,taking into account the timelines of the Project schedule. 2.11.1 The Consultant is advised that a performance evaluation of the Services rendered throughout RFQ 2018-141-ND 42 this Agreement will be completed by the City and kept in the City's files for evaluation of future solicitations. 2.12 Consultant agrees that when any portion of the Services relates to a professional service which, under Florida Statutes, requires a license, certificate of authorization, or other form of legal entitlement to practice and/or perform such Service(s), it shall employ and/or retain only qualified duly licensed certified personnel to provide same. 2.13 Consultant agrees to designate, in writing, within five (5) calendar days after receiving a fully executed Consultant Service Order, a qualified licensed professional to serve as its project manager (hereinafter referred to as the "Project Manager"). The Project Manager shall be authorized and responsible to act on behalf of Consultant with respect to directing, coordinating and administrating all. aspects of the Services. Consultant's Project Manager(as well as any replacement)shall be subject to the prior written approval of the City Manager, or designee(s), or the Project Administrator. Replacement (including reassignment) of an approved Project Manager shall not be made without the prior written approval of the City Manager, or designee(s), or his designee(i.e. the Project Administrator). 2.13.1 Consultant agrees, within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of written notice from the City Manager, or designee(s), or the Project Administrator(which notice shall state the cause therefore), to promptly remove and replace a Project Manager, or any other personnel employed or otherwise retained by Consultant for the Project( including, without limitation, any Subconsultants). 2.14 Consultant agrees not to divulge, furnish or make available to any third party(ies), any non-public information concerning the Services or the Project, without the prior written consent of the City Manager, or designee(s), or the Project Administrator, unless such disclosure is incident to the proper performance of the Services; or the disclosure is required pursuant to Florida Public Records laws; or, in the course of judicial proceedings, where such information. has 'been properly subpoenaed. Consultant shall also require Subconsultants to comply with this subsection. 2.15 The City and Consultantacknowledge that the Services, as described in the Agreement and the Consultant Service Order, do not delineate every detail and minor work task required tobe performed by Consultant to complete the work and/or services described and delineated under a'Consultant Service Order issued to Consultant by the City for a particular Project. If, during the course of performing work, services and/or tasks on a particular' Consultant Service Order, Consultant determines that work and/or services should be performed (to complete the Project delineated under such Order) which is, in the Consultant's reasonable opinion, outside the level of effort originally anticipated in the Consultant Service, Order, then Consultant shall promptly notify the Project Administrator, in writing, and shall obtain 'the Project Administrator's written consent before proceeding'with such work and/or services. If Consultant proceeds with any such additional work and/or services without obtaining the prior written consent of the Project Administrator, said work and/or services shall be deemed to be a Basic Service under this Agreement and shall also be deemed to be within the scope of services delineated in the Consultant Service.Order(whether or not specifically addressed in the Scope of Services). Mere notice by Consultant to the Project Administrator shall not constitute authorization or approval by the City to perform such work. Performance of any such work and/or services by Consultant without the prior written consent of the Project Administrator shall be undertaken at Consultant's sole risk and liability. 2.16 'Consultant shall establish, maintain, and categorize any and all Project documents and records pertinent to the Services and shall provide the City, upon request, with copies of any and all:such documents and/or records. In addition, Consultant shall provide electronic document files to the City upon completion of the Project. 2.17 THE CITY HAS NO OBLIGATION TO ASSIST, FACILITATE AND/OR PERFORM IN ANYWAY THE RFQ 2018-141-ND 43 CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE AGREEMENT OR OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION, FACILITATION AND/OR ASSISTANCE TO THE CONSULTANT SHALL BE AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION AND SHALL NOT, IN ANY WAY, BE CONSTRUED, INTERPRETED AND/OR CONSTITUTE AN ASSUMPTION BY THE CITY OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS, A WAIVER OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS AND/OR EXCUSE ANY BREACH BY CONSULTANT OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE PARTICIPATION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY OF CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS SHALL NOT PRECLUDE THE CITY FROM DECLARING CONSULTANT IN DEFAULT FOR CONSULTANT'S FAILURE TO PERFORM SUCH OBLIGATION, NOR SHALL IT LIMIT, IN ANY WAY, THE CITY'S RIGHTS AND REMEDIES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. THE CONSULTANT EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES NOT TO RAISE OR ASSERT AS DEFENSE TO ANY CLAIM,ACTION, SUIT AND/OR OTHER PROCEEDING OF A SIMILAR NATURE,THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION, ASSISTANCE AND/OR FACILITATION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF I`I CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS. INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ASSISTING WITH OBTAINING PERMITS OR WITH COORDINATION WITH UTILITIES, OR OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE PROJECT. IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN THIS SECTION AND/OR ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THIS SECTION SHALL GOVERN. 2.18 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS: The Consultant shall comply with the requirements of Section 255.2575, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 100 of the City Code, as both maybe amended from time to time, addressing applicable Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) compliance requirements. 2.19 SUBCONSULTANTS: All services provided by Subconsultants shall be consistent with those- commitments made by the Consultant in its Proposal and during the competitive solicitation selection process and interview. Such services shall be undertaken and performed pursuant to appropriate written agreements between the Consultant and the Subconsultants, which shall contain provisions that preserve and protect the. rights of the City under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between the City and the Subconsultants. The Consultant shallnot retain, add, or replace any Subconsultant without the prior written approval of the City Manager, or designee(s)„ in response to a written request from the Consultant stating the reasons for any proposed substitution. The Consultant shall cause the names of Subconsultants responsible for significant portions of the Services to be inserted on the plans and specifications. The Consultant shall be ultimately responsible for ensuring the Consultant's and all of its Subconsultants' compliance withthe requirements of this Section and any other provision of the Agreement and/or Consultant Service Order. With respect to the performance of work by Subconsultants,the Consultant shall, in approving and accepting such work, ensure the professional quality, completeness, and coordination of the Subconsultant's work. The Consultant shall, upon the request of the City, submit to the City such'documentation and information as the City reasonably requests to evidence the creation, standing, ownership and professional licensure of the Consultant(and Subconsultants), including organizational documents, operating agreements and professional licensure documentation, and copies of the Consultant's contracts with the Subconsultant with respect to the Project. However, the City's failure to request such documentation or evidence and/or failure to enforce in any way the terms and provisionsof this Section, the Agreement and/or any other Consultant Service Order during the Project does not excuse, waive and/or condone in any way any noncompliance of the requirements set forth therein including, without limitation, the professional licensure requirements. Any approval of a Subconsultant by the City shall in no shift from the Consultant to City the responsibility for the quality and acceptability of the services performed by the Subconsultant. Payment of Subconsultants shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant, and shall not be causefor any increase incompensation to the Consultant for payment of the Services.. RFQ 2018-141-ND 44 ARTICLE 3.THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The City Manager, or designee(s), shall designate a Project Administrator, who shall be the City's authorized representative to act on City's behalf with respect to the City's responsibilities or matters requiring City's approval under the Contract Documents. The Project Administrator shall be authorized (without limitation) to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define City policies and decisions with respect to the Services and the Project. The Project Administrator shall have full authority to require the Consultant to comply with the Contract Documents, provided, however, that any failure of the Project Administrator to identify any noncompliance, or to specifically direct or require compliance, shall in no way constitute a waiver of, or excuse, the Consultant's obligation to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. f 3.2 The City shall make available to Consultant, for the convenience of the Consultant only,, information that the City has inits possession pertinent to the Project. Consultant hereby agrees and acknowledges that, in making any such information available to Consultant, the City makes no express or implied certification,. warranty, and/or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and assumes no responsibility whatsoever with respect to, the sufficiency, completeness or accuracy of such information. The Consultant understands, and hereby agrees and acknowledges, that it is obligatedto verify to the extent it deems necessary allinformation furnished by the City, and that it is solely responsible for the accuracy and applicability of all such information used by Consultant. Such verification shall include, without limitation, visual,examination of existing conditions in all locations encompassed by the Project, where such examination can be made without using destructive measures (i.e. excavation or demolition). Survey information shall be spot checked to the extent that Consultant has satisfied itself as to thereliability of the information. 3.3 At any time, in his/her sole discretion, the City Manager, or designee(s), may furnish accounting, and insurance counseling services for the Project (including, without limitation, auditing services to verify the Consultant's applications for payment, or to ascertain,that Consultant hasproperly remitted payment due to its Subconsultants or vendors). 3.4 If the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project, or non- conformance with the Contract Documents, the City, through the Project Administrator, shall give prompt written notice thereof to the Consultant. 3.5 The City, acting in its proprietary capacity as Owner and not.in its regulatory capacity, shall render any administrative approvals and decisions required under this Agreement, in writing,, as reasonably expeditious for the orderly progress of the Services and of the Work. 3.6 Exceptwhere otherwise expressly noted in this Agreement, the City Manager, or designee(s), shall serve as the City's primary representative to whom administrative (proprietary) requests for decisions and approvals required hereunder by the City shall be made. Except where otherwise expressly noted in this Agreement or the Contract Documents, the City Manager, or designee(s),; shall, issue decisions and authorizations which may include, without limitation, proprietary review, approval, or comment 'upon the schedules, plans, reports, estimates, contracts, and other documents submitted to the City by Consultant. 3.6.1 The City Manager, or designee(s), shall have'prior review and approval of the Project Manager (and any replacements) and of any Subconsultants(and any replacements). 3.6.2 The City Manager, or designee(s), shall decide, and render administrative (proprietary) decisions on matters arising pursuant to this Agreement which are not otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement. In his/her discretion, the City'Manager, or designee(s), may also consult with the City Commission on such matters. RFQ 201:8-1.41-ND. 45 3.6.3 At the request of Consultant, the City Manager, or designee(s), shall be authorized, but not required, to reallocate monies already budgeted toward payment of the Consultant; provided, however, that the Consultant's compensation (or other budgets established by this Agreement) may not be increased without the prior approval of the City Commission, which approval (if granted at all) shall be in its sole and reasonable discretion. • • i 3.6.4 The City Manager, or designee(s), may approve Contract Amendments. 3.6.5 The City Manager, or designee(s), may; in his/her sole discretion, form a committee or committees, 'or inquire of, or consult with, persons for the purpose of receiving advice and recommendations relating to the exercise of the City's powers; duties, and responsibilities under this Agreement or the Contract Documents. 3.6.6 The City Manager, or designee(s), shall be the City Commission's authorized representative with regard to acting on behalf of the City in the event of issuing any default notice(s) under this Agreement, and, should such default remain uncured, in terminating the Agreement (pursuant to and in accordance with Article 10 hereof). 3.7 The City's review, evaluation, or comment as to any documents prepared by or on behalf of the Consultant shall be solely for the purpose of the City's determining for its own satisfaction the suitability of the Project, or portions thereof, detailed in such documents for the purposes intended therefor by the City, and may not be relied upon in any way by the Consultant or any other third party as a substantive review thereof. ARTICLE 4. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 4.1 The City shall establish a Construction Cost Budget for the Project, as set forth in the Consultant Service Order. Consultant shall design the Project so that the Construction Cost Budget for the Project isnot exceeded. As part of the Basic Services, Consultant:shall design and/or re-design the Project to the • Construction Cost Budget in accordance with this Article 4, making all, revisions necessary to maintain the Construction. Cost Budget. Consultant shall attend meetings with the City to review and discuss cost estimates, cost-saving alternatives, and implementation or revision of the• Design. Documents and Construction Documents to addresssuch items, as necessary to meet the established budget parameters set forth in the City Construction Budget. 4.2. Consultant shall provide and/or update the Statement of Probable Construction.Cost at each stage of completion of the Design Documents and at completion of the Construction Documents, unless otherwise specified in the Consultant Service Order or other written directive of the.Project Administrator. 4.2.1. At completion of the conceptual design(at such stage of completionof the Design Documents as may be specified by the.Project Administrator), Consultant shall provide the City'a Statement of Probable Construction Cost, which must include an estimated Construction Cost for the Project within a range of plus or minus fifteen percent (+1-15%) of the Construction Cost Budget_ If at the foregoing stage of design the Consultant's Statement of Probable Construction Cost exceeds the City's Construction Budget by more than fifteen percent(15%),then the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant. Consultant shall then identify the cause(s) for the difference and recommend in writing for the City's approval .any modification in the Design Documents necessary to conform the Consultant's estimated total costs in the Statement of Probable Construction Cost to within fifteen percent (15%) of the City's Construction Budget. Upon obtaining City's approval of any proposed modifications, Consultant shall incorporate such modifications within the Design Documents as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City. 4.2.2. At the 30% and 60% completion of the Design Documents, Consultant shall update its RFQ 2018-141-ND 46 ti Statement of Probable Construction Cost, which must include an estimated Construction Cost for the Project within a range of plus or minus ten percent (+/-10%) of the Construction Cost Budget. If at the foregoing stages of design the Consultant's Statement of Probable Construction Cost exceeds the City's Construction Budget by more than ten percent (10%), the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant. Consultant shall then identify the cause(s) for the difference and recommend in writing for the City's approval any modification in the Design Documents necessary to conform the Consultant's estimated total costs in the Statement of. Probable Construction Cost to within ten percent (10%) of the, City's Construction Budget. Upon obtaining City's approval of any proposed modifications, Consultant shall incorporate such modifications within the Design Documents as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City. 4.2.3. At the 90% stage completion of the Design Documents and at completion of the Construction Documents, Consultant shall update its. Statement of Probable Construction. Cost, which must include an estimated Construction Cost for the Project within a range of plus or minus five percent (+1-5%) of the Construction Cost Budget. If at the foregoing stages of design the Consultant's Statement of Probable Construction Cost exceeds the City's Construction Budget by more than five percent (5%), the Project Administrator shall provide notice thereof to the Consultant. Consultant shall then identify the cause(s)for the difference and recommend in writing for the City's approval any modification in the Design: Documents necessary to conform the Consultant's estimated total costs in the Statement of Probable Construction Cost to within five percent (5%) of the City's Construction Budget. Upon obtaining the City's approval, Consultant shall promptly modify the Design Documents or Construction Documents within the time period specified by the Project Administrator (which time period for completion shall not exceed ninety (90) days from the date Consultant is notified to re-design), as part of the Basic Services and at no additional cost to the City. 4.2.4. To ensure that the Construction Cost shall not exceed the City's Construction Budget, each Statement of Probable Construction Cost shall bein sufficient detailto identify the costs of each element and include a breakdown of the fees, general conditions and a reasonable and appropriate construction contingency. 4.3. Consultant shall certify and warrant io the City that the Statement of Probable Construction Cost and any update thereto, represents Consultant's best judgment of the Construction Cost for the Project as an experienced design professional familiar with the construction industry.; provided, however, that Consultant cannot (and does not) guarantee that bids or negotiated prices will not vary_ from any estimates of Construction.Cost or other cost evaluation(s) prepared (or otherwise provided) by Consultant. 4.4 If the lowest and best Base Bid exceeds the Consultant's final updated Statement of Probable Cost by more than ten percent(10%), the Project Administrator shall provide'notice thereof to the Consultant, and the Consultant shall re-design the Project within the Project Scope, construction schedule, sequence of Work, or such other action, as deemed necessary, to reduce the Statement of Probable Construction Cost, and Consultant shall provide any required revisions to the Contract Documents (including, without limitation, the Construction Documents)within the time period specified by the Project.Administrator (which time period for completion shall not exceed ninety (90) days from the date Consultant is notified to re-design), and: shall provide re-bidding services,as many times as may be reasonably requested by the City, as part of the Basic. Services and at no additional cost to the City; in order to bring any resulting, responsive and responsible bids within ten percent(10%)of the Consultant's final updated.Statement of Probable Cost. 4.5. The Construction Cost Budget shall not be exceeded without fully justifiable, extraordinary, and unforeseen circumstances (such as Force Majeure) which are beyond the control of the parties. Any expenditure above this amount shall be subject to prior City Commission approval which, if granted at all, shall be at the sole and reasonable discretion of the'City Commission. The City Commission shall have no obligation to approve an increase in the Construction Cost Budget and if such Construction Cost Budget is exceeded, the City Commission may, at its sole and absolute discretion, terminate this Agreement (and the remaining Services)without any further liability to the.City:. RFQ 2018-141-ND 47 4.6. The City Commission may, at its sole and absolute discretion, and without relieving Consultant of its obligations under this Agreement to design the Project to the Construction Cost Budget as set forth in. Sections 4.1 through 4.5 above, separately elect any of the following options: (1) approve an increase to the Construction Cost Budget;(2) reject all bids, and (at its option) authorize.rebidding of the Project;.(3) abandon the Project and terminate the remaining Services withoutany further liability to the.City; (4) select as many deductive alternatives as may be necessary to bring the lowest and best bid within the Construction Cost Budget. ARTICLE 5. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 5.1 Additional Services shall only be performed by Consultant following receipt of written authorization by the Project Administrator (which authorization must be obtained prior to commencement of any such additional work by Consultant). The written authorization shall contain a description of the Additional Services required; a lump sum to be negotiated at the time of the request for additional services or an hourly fee (in accordance with the rates in Schedule"B",hereto), with a "Not to Exceed" amount; Reimbursable Expenses (if any) with a "Not to Exceed" amount; the amended Construction Cost Budget (if applicable); the time required to complete the Additional Services; and an amended Project Schedule (if applicable). "Not to Exceed" shall mean the maximum cumulative hourly fees allowable (or, inthe case of Reimbursable Expenses,, the maximum cumulative expenses allowable), which the Consultant shall not exceed without further written authorization of the Project Administrator. The "Not to Exceed"amount is not a guaranteed maximum cost for the additional work requested (or, in the case of Reimbursables, for the expenses), and all costs applicable to same shall be verifiable through time sheets(and, for Reimbursables, expense reviews). 5.2 Additional Services include the following: 5.2.1 Appraisals: Investigation and creation of detailed appraisals and valuations of existing facilities, and surveys or inventories in connection with construction performed by City. 5.2.2. Unforeseen Conditions: Providing additional work relative to the Project which arises from subsequentcircumstances and causes which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the. Consultant Service Order (excluding 'conditions determined' by all prior studies available to Consultant and excluding circumstances and causes resulting from error; omission;, inadvertence, or negligence of Consultant). 5.2.3. City-Requested Revisions to Construction Documents:. Making revisions to Construction Documents resulting in or from City-requested changes in Scope of Work involving new program elements,when such revisions are inconsistent with written approvals or instructions previously given by City and/or are due to causes beyond the control of Consultant. 5.2.4 Expert Witness: Except insofar as the Consultant'is required by legal process or subpoena:to appear and give testimony, preparing to serve or serving as an expert witness in connectionwith any state or federal court action to which the Consultant is not a party in its own name, that'is not instituted by the Consultant or in which the performance of the Consultantis not in issue. 5.2.5 Procurement: Assistance in connection with bid protests, re-bidding, or re-negotiating contracts (except for Contract Document revisions and re-bidding services required under Section 4.4 hereof,,which shall be provided at no additional cost to City). 5.2.6. Models: Preparing professional perspectives, models' or renderings in addition to those provided for in this Agreement except insofar as these are otherwiseuseful or necessary to the Consultant in theprovision of BasioServices. RFC) 2018-141-ND 48 5.2.7. Threshold Inspection/Material Testing and Inspection: Providing threshold inspection services and material testing/special inspection services, provided that Consultant, as part of the Basic Services, shall reporton the progress the Work, including any defects and deficiencies that may be observed in the Work. 5.2.8 Pre-Design Surveys & Testing: Environmental investigations and site evaluations, provided, however, that surveys of the existing structure required to complete as-built documentation are not additional services. 5.2.9 Geotechnical engineering. Providing geotechnical engineering services or site surveys. Except as specified herein,, services that are required for completion of the-Construction Documents_shall be — part of Consultant's Basic Services. ARTICLE 6. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 6.1 Reimbursable Expenses must be authorized, in advance, in writing, by the Project Administrator. Invoices or vouchers for Reimbursable Expenses shall be submitted to the Project Administrator (along with any supporting receipts and other back-up material requested by the Project Administrator). Consultant shall certify as to each such invoice and/or voucher that the amounts and items claimed as reimbursable are "true and correct and in accordance with the Agreement." Reimbursable Expenses may include, but not be limited to, the following: Cost of reproduction, courier, and postage and handling of drawings, plans, specifications, and other Project documents (excluding reproductions for the office .use of the Consultant and its Subconsultants, and courier, .postage and handling costs between the Consultant and its Subconsultants). . Costs for reproduction and preparation of graphics for community workshops... Permit fees required by City of Miami Beach regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over the.Project(i.e. City permit fees). ARTICLE 7. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES 7.1 Consultant's "Lump Sum" or "Not to Exceed" fee for provision of the Services, or portions thereof, as may be set forth and described in the Consultant Service Order issued for a particular, Project, shall be negotiated between the City and Consultant, and shall beset forth in the Consultant Service Order. 7.2 Payments for Services shall be made within forty-five (45) calendar days of receipt and approval of an acceptable invoice by the Project Administrator. Payments shall bemade in proportion to the Services satisfactorily performed, so that the payments.for Services never exceed the progress percentage noted in. the Consultant's Progress Schedule (to be submitted with each invoice). No mark-up shall be allowed on subcontracted work. In addition to the invoice, the Consultant shall, for Hourly Rate authorizations, submit a progress report giving the percentage of completion of the Project and the total estimated fee to completion. 7.3 . Approved Additional Services shall be compensated in accordance with the hourly rates set forth in Schedule "B," attached hereto. Any request for payment of Additional Services shall be included with a Consultant payment request. No mark-up shall be allowed on Additional Services (whether sub-contracted or not). RFQ 2018-141-ND 49 7.4 Approved Reimbursable Expenses shall be paid in accordance with Article 6 hereto, up to the "Not to Exceed" Reimbursable allowance amount in the Consultant Service Order hereto.Any request for payment of Reimbursable Expenses shall also be included with Consultant's payment request. No mark-up shall be allowed on Reimbursable Expenses. 7.5 ESCALATION: The initial hourly rates shall remain constant for the Initial Term of the agreement. Ninety'(90) days prior to expiration of the Initial Term, the City may consider an adjustment to the preceding year's unit costs for the subsequent year. Only request for increases based on a corresponding increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers; U.S. City average.(1982-84=100), as established by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ("CPI"), or material adjustments to the scope or requirements of the RFQ by the City, including (but not limited to) living wage increases, will be considered. In the event that the City determines that the requested increase is unsubstantiated; the Consultant agrees to perform all duties at the current cost terms. 7.6 No retainage shall be made from the Consultant's compensation on account ofsums withheld by the City on payments to Contractor. 7.7 METHOD OF BILLING AND PAYMENT. Consultant shall invoice the Project Administrator in a timely . manner, but no more than once on a monthly basis. Invoices shall identify the nature and extent of the work performed; the total hours of work performed by employee category; and the respective hourly billing rate associated therewith. In the event Subconsultant work is used, the percentage of completion shall be identified. Invoices shall also itemize and summarize any Additional Services and/or Reimbursable Expenses. A copy of the written approval of the Project Administrator for the requested Additional Service(s) or Reimbursable Expense(s) shall accompany the invoice: 7.7.1 If requested, Consultant shall provide back-up for past andcurrent invoices that records hours for all work (by employee category), and cost itemizations for Reimbursable Expenses (by category). ARTICLE 8. CONSULTANT'S ACCOUNTING AND OTHER RECORDS 8.1 All books, records. (whether financial or otherwise), correspondence, technical documents, and any other records or documents related to the Services and/or Project will be available for examination,and audit by the City Manager, or designee(s),,, or his/her authorized representatives,, at Consultant's office (at.the address designated in Article 15 ["Notices"j), during customary business hours. All such records shall be kept at least for a period of three (3)years after Consultant's completion of the Services. Incomplete or incorrect entries in such records and accounts relating personnel services and expenses may be grounds .for City's disallowance of any fees or expenses based upon such entries.. Consultant shall also bind its Subconsultants to the requirements of this Article and ensure compliance therewith ARTICLE 9. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS 9.1 All notes, correspondence, documents, plans and specifications, designs, drawings, renderings, calculations, specifications, models, photographs, reports, surveys, investigations, and any other documents (whether completed or partially completed) and copyrights thereto for Services performed or produced in the performance of this Agreement, or related to the.Project, whether in its native electronic form, paper or other hard copy medium or in electronic medium, except with respect tocopyrighted standard details and designs owned by the Consultant or owned by a third party and licensed to the Consultant for use,and reproduction, shall become the property of the City. Consultant shall deliver all such documents to the Project Administrator in their native electronic,form, as required in the Consultant Service Order within thirty(30)days of completion of the Services (or within thirty (30) days of expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement as thecase maybe). However, the City may grant an exclusive license of the copyrightto the Consultant for reusing and reproducing copyrighted materials or portions.thereof as authorized by the City Manager, or designee(s), in RFQ 2018-141-ND - . 50 • advance and in writing, In addition, the Consultant shall not disclose, release, or makeavailable any document to any third party without prior written approval from the City Manager, or designee(s),. The Consultant shall warrant to the City that it has been granted a license to use and reproduce any standard details and designs owned by a third party and used or reproduced by the Consultant in the performance of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to exclude any document from Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. 9.2 The Consultant is permitted to reproduce copyrighted material described above subject to prior written approval of the City Manager, or designee(s),. 9.3 At the City's option, the Consultant may be authorized, as an Additional Service, to adapt copyrighted material for additional or other work for the City; however, payment to the Consultant for such adaptations will be limited to an amount not greater than 50% of the original fee earned to adapt the original copyrighted material to a new site. 9.4 The City shall have the right to modify the Project or any components thereof without permission from the Consultant or without any additional compensation to the Consultant. The Consultant shall be released from any liability resulting from such modification. 9.5 The Consultant shall bind all Subconsultants to the Agreement requirements for re-use of plans and specifications. ARTICLE 10.TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 10.1 TERMINATION FOR LACK OF FUNDS: The City is a governmental entity and is subject to the appropriation of funds by its legislative body in an amount sufficient to allow continuation of its performance in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event there is a lack of adequate funding either for the Services or the Project(or both), the-City may terminate this Agreement without furtherliability to the City. 10.2 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: 1 The City, through the City Manager, or designee(s)„ may terminate this Agreement for cause, upon written notice to Consultant, in the event that the Consultant(1) violates any provision of this.Agreement or performs same in bad faith; (2) unreasonably delays the performance of the Services or any portion thereof; or (3) does not perform the Services or any portion thereof in a timely and satisfactory manner. In the case of termination for cause by the City, the Consultant shall first be granted a thirty(30) day cure period (commencing upon receipt of the initial written notice of default from the.City). 10.2.1 In the event this Agreement is terminated for cause by the City, the City, at its sole option and discretion, may take over the remaining Services and complete them by contracting with another consultant(s), or otherwise. The Consultant shall beliable to the City for any additional cost(s) incurred by the City due to such.termination. "Additional Cost" is defined as thedifference,between the actual cost of completion of the Services, and the cost of completion of such Services had the Agreement not been terminated. 10.22 In the event of termination for cause by the City, the City shall only be obligated to pay Consultant for those Services satisfactorily performed and accepted prior,to the date of termination (as such date is set forth in, or can be calculated from, the City's initial' written default notice). Upon payment of any amount which may be due to Consultant pursuant to_this subsection,,the City shall have no further liability to Consultant. • 10.2.3. As a conditionrecedent to release of any y payment which may be due to Consultant under subsection 10.2.2, the Consultant shall promptly assemble and deliver to the Project Administrator any RFC) 2018-141-ND 51 and all Project documents prepared (or caused to be prepared) by Consultant(including, without 'limitation, those referenced in subsection 9.1 hereof). The City shall not be responsible for any cost incurred by Consultant for assembly, copy, and/or delivery of Project documents pursuant to this subsection. 10.3 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: In addition to the City's right to terminate for cause, the City through the City Manager, or designee(s)„ may also terminate this Agreement, upon fourteen (14)days prior written notice to Consultant,for convenience, without cause, and without penalty, when (in its sole discretion) it deems such termination to be in the best interest of the City. In the event the City terminates the Agreement for convenience, Consultant shall be compensatedfor all Services satisfactorily performed and accepted up to the termination date (as set forth in the City's written notice), and for Consultant's costs in assembly and delivery to the Project Administrator of the Project documents (referenced in subsection 10.2.3 above). Upon payment of any amount which may be due to Consultant pursuant this subsection 10.3, the City shall have no further liability to Consultant. 10.4 TERMINATION BY CONSULTANT: The Consultant may only terminate this Agreement for cause, upon thirty(30) days prior written notice to the City, in the event that the City willfully violates any provisions of this Agreement or unreasonably delays payment of the Services or any portion thereof. In the event of a termination for cause by Consultant, the City shall.pay Consultant for any Services satisfactorily performed and accepted up to the date of termination; provided, however, that the City shall first be granted a thirty (30) day cure period (commencing upon receipt of Consultant's initial written notice). 10.4.1 The Consultant shall have no right to terminate this Agreement for convenience. 10.5 IMPLEMENTATION OF TERMINATION: In the event of termination (whether for cause or for convenience), the Consultant shall immediately, upon receipt of the City's written 'notice of termination: (1) stop the performance of Services; (2) place no further orders or issue any.other subcontracts, except for those which may have already been approved, in writing, by the Project Administrator; (3) terminate all existing orders and subcontracts; and (4) promptly assemble all Project documents (for delivery to the Project Administrator). ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE 11.1 At all times during the Term of this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain the following required insurance coverage in full force and effect. The Consultant shall not commence any work until satisfactory proof of all required insurance coverage has been furnished to the Project Administrator: (a) Workers'Compensation and Employer's Liability per the Statutory limits of the State of Florida. (b) Commercial General Liability on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work, in an amount not less than $100,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. (d) Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 with the deductible per claim, if any, not to exceed 10% of the limit of liability. 11.2 The City must be named as and additional insured on the liability policies; and it.must be stated on the certificate. 11.3 The Consultant must give the Project Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation or of substantial modifications in any required insurance coverage.. All certificates and endorsements shall contain this requirement. RFQ 2018-141-ND 52 11.4 The insurance must be furnished by an insurance company rated A:V or better, or its equivalent, according to Bests' Guide Rating Book, and by insurance companies duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and countersigned by the company's Florida resident.agent. 11.5 Consultant shall provide the Project Administrator with a certificate of insurance of allrequired insurance policies.The City reserves the right to require a certified copy of such policies, upon written request to Consultant. ARTICLE 12. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS 12.1 To the fullest extent permitted by Section 725.08, Florida Statutes, the Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees, agents, and instrumentalities, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence,.recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Consultantand other persons employed or utilized by the Consultant in the performance of this Agreement. The Consultant shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits, or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the City, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Consultant expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Consultant shall in no way limit its responsibility to indemnify, keep, and save harmless and defend the City or its officers, employees, agents, and instrumentalities as herein provided. 12.2 The Consultant agrees and recognizes that the City shall not be held liable or responsible for any claims which may result from any negligent, reckless, or intentionally wrongful actions, errors or omissions of the Consultant in which the City participated either through review or concurrence of the Consultant's actions. In reviewing, approving or rejecting any submissions by the Contractor, or other acts of the Consultant, the City in no way assumes or shares any responsibility or liability of the Consultant (including, without limitation its Subconsultants•and/or any registered professionals (architects and/or engineers) under this Agreement). ARTICLE 13. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 13.1 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: It is specifically agreed that any construction changes categorized by the City as caused by an error, an omission, or any combinationthereof in the Contract Documents that were prepared by the Consultant will constitute an additional cost to the City that would not have been incurred without the error. The damages to the City for errors, omissions or any combinations thereof shall be calculated as the total cost of any damages or incremental costs to the City resulting out of•the errors or omissions by the Consultant, including, without limitation, the direct, indirect and/or consequential damages resulting from the Consultant's errors and/or omissions or any combination thereof. Damages shall include delay damages caused by the error, omission, or any combination thereof. Should the Consultant disagree that all or part of such damages are the result of errors, omissions, or any combination thereof, the Consultant may appeal this determination, in writing, to the applicable Assistant City Manager, or designee(s),. The Project Administrator's decision onall claims, questions and disputes shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the parties hereto unless such determination is clearly arbitrary or unreasonable. In the event that the Consultant does not agree with the decision of the Project Administrator, the Consultant shall present any such objections, in writing, to the City Manager, or designee(s),. The Project Administrator and the Consultant shall abide by the decision of the City Manager, or designee(s),. This paragraph does not constitute a waiver of any party's right to proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction after the above administrative remedies have been exhausted. RFQ 2018-141-ND 53 ARTICLE 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The City desires to enter into this Agreement only if in so doing the City can place a limit on its liability for any cause of action for money damages due to an alleged breach by the City of this Agreement, so that its liability for any such breach never exceeds the "not to exceed" amount of the fee paid to Consultant under this Agreement, less any amount(s) actually paid to Consultant hereunder. Consultant hereby expresses its willingness to enter into this Agreement, with Consultant's recovery from the City for any damages for action for breach of contract to be limited to Consultant's "not to exceed" fee under this Agreement, less any amount(s) actually paid by the City to the Consultant hereunder. Accordingly, and notwithstanding any other term or condition of this Agreement, Consultant hereby agrees _-thatthe City smell not be liable to Consultant for money damages due to an alleged breach by the City of this Agreement, in an amount in excess of the"not to exceed amount" of Consultant's fees under this Agreement, which amount shall be reduced by any amount(s) actually paid by the City to Consultant hereunder. Nothing contained in this subsection, or elsewhere in this Agreement, is in any way intended to be a waiver of the limitation placed upon City's liability, as set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 15. NOTICE All written notices given to City by Consultant shall be addressed to: City Manager, or designee(s),'s Office City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Attn: Jimmy L. Morales,City Manager, or designee(s), With a.copy to: City Manager, or designee(s),'s Office City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Attn: Eric T. Carpenter, Assistant City Manager, or designee(s), All written notices given to the Consultant from the City shall be addressed to: All notices mailed to either party shall be deemed to be sufficiently transmitted if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. ARTICLE 16. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 16.1 VENUE: This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida, both substantive and remedial, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. The exclusive venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be Miami-Dade County, Florida, if in state court, and the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, in federal. court. BY ENTERING INTO THIS AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT AND CITY EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS EITHER PARTY MAY HAVE RFQ 2018-141-ND 54 TO A TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY CIVIL LITIGATION RELATED TO, OR ARISING OUT OF, THIS AGREEMENT. 16.2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT GOALS: Consultant agrees that it will not discriminate • against any employee or applicant for employment for work under this Agreement because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital or familial status, or age, and will take affirmative steps to ensure that applicants areemployed and employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital or familial status, or age. 16.3 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES ACT: In accordance with the Public Entity Crimes Act (Section 287.133, Florida Statutes), a person or affiliate who is a consultant, who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to the City, may not submit a bid on a contract with the City for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not bid on leases of real property to the City, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or subconsultant•under a contract with the City, and may not transact business with the City in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for Category Two, for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.. Forviolation of this subsection by Consultant, City shall have the' right to terminate the Agreement without any liability to City, and pursue debarment of Consultant 16.4 NO CONTINGENT FEE: Consultant warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this.Agreement. For the breach or violation of this subsection, City shall have the right to terminate the Agreement, without any liability or, at its discretion, to deduct from the contract price (or otherwise recover) the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration. 16.5 LAWS AND REGULATIONS: 16.5..1 The Consultant,shall, during the Term of this Agreement, be governed by all Applicable Laws which may have a bearing on the Services involved in the Project 16.5.2 Project Documents. In accordance with Section 11.9.07 (3). (ee),. .Florida Statutes, entitled "Inspection, Examination, and Duplication of Records; 'Exemptions," all building plans, blueprints,, schematic drawings, and diagrams, including draft, preliminary, and final formats, are exempt from the provisions of Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes (inspection and copying ofpublic records), and s. 24(a), Article I of the State,Constitution. Information made exempt by this paragraph, with prior written approval from,the City Manager, or designee(s),, may be disclosed to another entity to perform its duties and responsibilities; to a licensed architect, engineer, or contractor who is performing work on'or related to the Project; or upon a showing of good cause before a court of competent jurisdiction. The entities or persons,receiving such information shall maintain the exempt status of the information. In addition to the requirements in this subsection '16.5.2, the Consultantagrees to abide by all applicable Federal, State, and City procedures, as may be amended from time to time, by which the documents are'handled, copied, and distributed which may include, but is not limited to, each' employee of Consultant and Subconsultants that will be involved in the Project 'being'required to sign, an agreement stating that they will not copy, duplicate, or distribute the documents RFQ 2018-141-ND - • 55 • unless authorized by the City Manager, or designee(s)„ in writing. f The Consultant and its Subconsultants agree in writing that the Project documents are to be kept and maintained in a secure location. Each set of the Project documents are to be numbered and the whereabouts of the documents shall be tracked at all times. A log is, developed to track each set of documents logging in the date`, time, and name of the individual(s)that work on or view the documents. 16.6 CORRECTIONS TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Consultant shall prepare, without added compensation, all necessary supplemental documents to correct errors, omissions, and/or ambiguities which may exist in the Contract Documents prepared by Consultant, including documents prepared by its Subconsultants. Compliance with this subsection shall not be construed to relieve the Consultant from any liability resulting from any such errors, omissions, and/or ambiguities in.the Contract Documents and other documents or Services related thereto. 16.7 ASSIGNMENT: The Consultant shall not assign, transfer or convey this Agreement to any other person, firm, association or corporation, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the City Commission, which consent, if given at all, shall be at the Commission's sole option and discretion. However, the Consultant will be permitted to cause portions of the Services to be performed by Subconsultants, subject to the prior written approval of the City Manager, or designee(s),. 16.8 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The Consultant and the City each binds himself/herself, his/her partners, successors, legal representatives and assigns to the other party of the Agreement and to the partners, successors, legal representatives, and assigns of such party in respect to allcovenants of this Agreement. The Consultant shall afford the City (through the City Commission).the opportunity to approve or reject all proposed assignees,successors or other changes in the ownership structure and composition of the Consultant. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of this Agreement by the Consultant. 16.9 PROVISION OF ITEMS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE SERVICES:. In the performance of the Services prescribed herein, it shall be the responsibility of the Consultant to provide all salaries, wages, materials, equipment,. Subconsultants, and other purchased services, etc., as necessary to complete said Services.. 16.10 INTENT OF AGREEMENT: 16.10.1 The intent of the Agreement is for the Consultant to provide design and other services, and to include all necessary items for the proper completion of such services for a fully functional Project which, when constructed in accordance with the design, will be ableto be used by the City for its intended purpose.. The Consultant shall perform,, as Basic Services, such incidental work which may not be specifically referenced, as necessary to complete the Project. 16.10.2 This Agreement is for the benefit of the parties only and it does not grant rights to a third party beneficiary,'to any person, nor does it'authorize anyone not a party to the Agreement to maintain a suit for personal injuries, professional liability, or property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of the Agreement. 16.10.3 No acceptance, order, payment, or certificateof or by the City, or its employees or agents, shall either stop the City from asserting any rights or operate as a waiver of any provisions RFQ 2018-141-ND 56 V I hereof or of any power or right herein reserved to the City or of any rights to damages herein provided. 16.11 This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein; and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not containedin this document. Accordingly, the parties agree that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless memorialized in written document approval and executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. IN-WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto caused these presents to be signed in their names by their duly authorized officers and principals, attested by their respective witnesses and City Clerk on the day and year first hereinabove written. Attest CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: CITY CLERK . MAYOR Attest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Signature/Secretary Signature/President Print Name Print Name RFQ 2018-141-ND - - 57 { SCHEDULE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND CONSULTANT SERVICE ORDER Service Order No. _ for Consulting Services. TO: — -- — — -- — PROJECT NAME: Project Name DATE: Pursuant to the agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Consultant for PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES IN SPECIALIZED CATEGORIES ON AN "AS-NEEDED" BASIS (RFQ XXXXXXXX) you are directed to provide the following services: SCOPE OF SERVICES: Per attached proposal dated , to be considered part of this Agreement. Estimated calendar days to complete this work: Days Original Service Order Amount: $ - Total From Previous Additional Service Orders: $ j Fee for this Service Order is Lump Sum/Not to Exceed amount of: $ Total Agreement to Date: $ City's Project Date Coordinator/Manager Assistant Director Date Consultant. Date Project Administrator-Director Date { RFQ 2018-141-ND 58 • • SCHEDULE B CONSULTANT COMPENSATION , Schedule of Payments Planning Services* $XXXXXXXX Design Services* $XXXXXXXX• Bidding_and Award_Services -- — _ —..____ $XXXXXXXX_—__ Construction Administration** $XXXXXXXX Reimbursable Allowance*** $XXXXXXXX Note*: These services will be paid lump sum based on percentage complete of each phase as identified in the individual tasks. Note**: Construction Administration will be paid on a monthly basis upon commencement of construction. In the event that, through no fault of the Consultant, Construction Administration services are required to be extended, which extension shall be subject to prior City approval, and what shall be at the City's sole discretion, the Consultant agrees to extend said services for$XXXXXX, per month, for the.duration required to complete-the Project. • Note"*: The Reimbursable Allowance belongs to the City and must be approved in writing, in advance, by the Project Administrator. Unused portions will not be paid to the Consultant. • RFQ 2018-141-ND 59 • HOURLY BILLING RATE SCHEDULE Project Principal $172.50 Project Engineer(Coastal or $116.15 Other) Project Manager $138.00 Sr. Field Services Professional $116.15 Senior Civil Engineer $138.00 Field Services Professional $ 80.50 Civil Engineer $116.15 Threshold Inspector $138.00 Senior Electrical Engineer $138.00 Structural Special Inspector $109.25 Electrical,Engineer $116.15 Technical Editor $ 74.75 Senior Mechanical Engineer $138.00 Senior GIS Specialist $116.15 Mechanical Engineer -$116.-45- GIS:Specialist. - . .. . . . _ --$-86.25_Senior Structural Engineer $138.00 Staff Engineer/Geologist/Scientist $ 94.30 Structural Engineer $116.15 Landscape Designer $ 95.45 Senior Environmental Engineer $138.00 Planner $116.15 Environmental Engineer $116.15 Project.Principal ( Structural Engineer) $172.50 Environmental Technician $ 74.75 Project Manager(Structural Engineer) $138.00 Environmental Specialist $ 63.25 CAD Technician (Structural) $ 63.25 Environmental Permit Specialist $ 63.25 Traffic Engineers $116.15 Project Scientist $120.75 Cost Estimator $ 74.75 Senior Surveyor $138.00 Specifications Writer $ 63.25 Surveyor $116.15 Construction Administrator/Manager $ 94.30 Surveyor Support Staff $ 69.00 . Senior Project Manager $138.00 Senior Architect $138.00 MEP Project Engineer $138.00 Architect $116.15 Horticultural/maintenance Consultant $ 86.25 Senior Designer $138.00 Irrigation Engineer $ 94.30 Designer $ 95.45 Job Captain $ 92.00 Senior Urban Planner - . $138.00 Interior Designer $ 95.45 Senior CAD Technician $ 69.00 Principal/Director of Design $138.00 CAD Technician $ 63.25 Senior Landscape Architect $138.00 Landscape Architect $116.15 Clerical $ 40.25 Administrative Assistant $ 40.25 Survey Crew Party of2 $140.68 Survey Crew Party of 2 w/GPS $168.51 Survey Crew Party of 3 $170.44 Survey Crew Party of 3 w/GPS $197.01 Survey Crew Party of 4 $211.31 Survey Crew Party of 4 w/GPS $250.13 Sr. Inspector(CEI) $103.50 Inspector(CEI, Field or $ 94.88 Construction) RFQ 2018-141-ND 60" • I SCHEDULE C APPROVED SUBCONSULTANTS • I RFQ 2018.-141-ND 61 • � I APPENDIX F MIAMI IEACH STANDARD FORM 330 • RFQ N.o. 2018-1. 41. -ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RFQ 2018-141-ND 62 ARCHITECT-ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS OMB Control Number: 9000-0157 Expiration Date: 11/30/2017 Paperwork Reduction Act Statement-This Information collection meets the requirements of 44 USC§3507,as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and Budget(OMB)control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 9000-0157. We estimate that it will take 29 hours(25 hours for part 1 and 4 hours for Part 2)to read the Instructions,gather the facts,and answer the questions. Send only comments relating to our time estimate,Including suggestions far reducing this burden,or any other aspects of this collection of Information to: General Services Administration,Regulatory Secretariat Division(M1V1 CB),1800 F Street,NW,Washington,DC 20405. PURPOSE DEFINITIONS Federal agencies use this form to obtain information from Architect-Engineer Services: Defined in FAR 2.101. architect-engineer(A-E)firms about their professional qualifications. Federal agencies select firms for A-E contracts on Branch Office: A geographically distinct place of business or the basis of professional qualifications as required by 40 U.S.C. subsidiary office of a firm that has a key role on the team. chapter 11, Selection of Architects Engineers,and Part 36 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation(FAR). Discipline: Primary technical capabilities of key personnel,as • The Selection of Architects and Engineers statute requires the evidenced by academic degree, professional registration, - public announcement of requirements for A-E services(with certification,and/or extensive experience. some exceptions provided by other statutes),and the selection of at least three of the moat highly qualified firms based on Firm: Defined In FAR 36.102. demonstrated competence and professional qualifications • according to specific criteria published in the announcement. Key Personnel: Individuals who will have major contract The Act then requires the negotiation of a contract at a fair and responsibilities and/or provide unusual or unique expertise. reasonable price starting first with the most highly qualified firm. The information used to evaluate firms is from this form and other SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS sources, including performance evaluations,any additional data requested by the agency,and interviews with the most highly Part I•Contract-Specific Qualifications qualified firms and their references. Section A.Contract Information. • GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Title and Location. Enter the title and location of the • contract for which this form is being submitted,exactly as shown Part I presents the qualifications for a specific contract in the public-announcement or agency request. Part Il presents the general qualifications of a firm or a specific 2. Public Notice Date. Enter the posted date of the agency's branch office of a firm. Part II has two uses; . notice on the Federal Business Opportunity website (FedBizOpps), other form of public announcement or agency request for this contract. j 1. An A-E firm may submit Part II to the appropriate central, • regional or local office of each Federal agency to be kept on file. 3. Solicitation or Project Number. Enter the agency's A public announcement is not required for certain contracts,and solicitation number and/or project number, if applicable, agencies may use Part II as a basis for selecting at least three of exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request the most highly qualified firms for discussions prior to requesting for this contract. submission of Part I. Firms are encouraged to update Part II on 1 file with agency offices,as appropriate,according to FAR Part Section B. Architect-Engineer Point of Contact. 1 36. If a firm has branch offices,submit a separate Part II for each branch office seeking work. 4-8. Name, Title, Name of Firm, Telephone Number, Fax (Facsimile) Number and E-mail (Electronic Mail) Address. 2. Prepare a separate Part II for each firm that will be part of Provide Information for a representative of the prime contractor ; the team proposgcifoLa_specific.contract-and.-submitted with-Part..- -----or-joint--venture-that-the-agency—can-contact-for additibtral" - "-" i. if a firm has branch offices,submit a separate Part Ii for each information. branch office that has a key role on the team. • INDIVIDUAL AGENCY INSTRUCTIONS • Individual agencies may supplement these instructions. For example,they may limit the number of projects or number of pages submitted in Part I in response to-a public announcement for a particular project. Carefully comply with any agency instructions when preparing and submitting this form. Be as concise as possible and provide only the information requested by the agency. AUTHORIZED FORLOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 330(REV,8/2016)PAGE 1 OF INSTRUCTIONS • Prescribed by GSA-FAR(48 CFR)53.236-2(b) • Section C. Proposed Team. 19. Relevant Projects. Provide information on up to five projects in which the person had a significant role that 9-11. Firm Name,Address,and Role in This Contract demonstrates the person's capability relevant to her/his proposed Provide the contractual relationship, name,full mailing address, role in this contract. These projects do not necessarily have to and a brief description of the role of each firm that will be be any of the projects presented in Section F for the project team involved in performance of this contract. List the prime if the person was not involved in any of those projects or the . contractor or Joint venture partners first. If a firm has branch person worked on other projects that were more relevant than, offices,indicate each individual branch office that will have a key the team projects in Section F. Use the check box provided to role'on the team. The named subcontractors and outside indicate if the project was performed with any office of the current associates or consultants must be used,and any change must firm. If any of the professional services or construction projects be approved by the contracting officer.(See FAR Part 52 Clause are not complete,leave Year Completed blank and Indicate the "Subcontractors and Outside Associates and Consultants status In Brief Description and Specific Role(block(3)). (Architect-Engineer Services)"). Attach an additional sheet in the same format as Section C if needed. Section F. Example Projects Which Best Illustrate Proposed Team's Qualifications for this Contract. Section D. Organizational Chart of Proposed Team. • i Select projects where multiple team members worked As an attachment after Section C,present an organizational ' together,if possible,that demonstrate the team's capability to • chart of the proposed team showing the names and roles of all perform work similar to that required for this contract. Complete key personnel listed in Section E and the firm they are one Section F for each project Present ten projects,unless associated with as listed in Section C. otherwise specified by the.agency. Complete the following blocks for each project: Section E. Resumes of Key Personnel Proposed for this . I Contract. 20. Example Project Key Number. Start with"1"for the first • project and number consecutively. ' Complete this section for each key person who will I participate in this contract. Group by firm,with personnel of the 21. Title and Location. Title and location of project or prime contractor or joint venture partner firms first. The following contract. For an indefinite delivery contract,the location is the blocks must be completed for each resume: geographic scope of the contract. ' 12. Name. Self-explanatory. • 22. Year Completed. Enter the year completed of the professional services(such as planning,engineering study, - 13. Role in this contract. Self-explanatory. design,or surveying),and/or the year completed of construction, If applicable. If any of the professional services or the construction projects are not complete,leave Year Completed • 14. Years Experience. Total years of relevant experienceblank and indicate the status in Brief Description of Project and •• (block 14a),and years of relevant experience with current firm, Relevance to this Contract(block 24). but not necessarily the same branch office(block 14b). 23a. Project Owner. Project owner or user,such as a 15. Firm Name and Location. Name,city and state of the government agency or installation,an institution,a corporation or firm where the person currently works,which must correspond private individual. with one of the firms(or branch office of a firm,if appropriate) '. listed in Section C. 23b. Point of Contact Name. Provide name of a person associated with the project owner or the organization which 16. Education. Provide information on the highest relevant contracted for the professional services,who is very familiar with academic degree(s)received. Indicate the area(s)of the project and the firm's(orfirms')performance. specialization for each degree. 23c. Point of Contact Telephone Number. Self-explanatory. 17. Current Professional Registration. Provide information E • on current relevant professional registrations)in a State or 24. Brief Description of Project and Relevance to this possession of the United States,Puerto Rico,or the District of Columbia according to FAR Part 36. Contract. Indicate scope,size,cost,principal elements and • special features of the project Discuss the relevance of the • example project to this contract. Enter any other Information 18. Other Professional Qualifications. Provide information requested by the agency for each example project on any other professional qualifications relating to this contract, • such as education,professional registration, publications, organizational memberships,certifications,training, awards,and foreign language capabilities. STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8/2016) PAGE 2 OF INSTRUCTIONS • • 25. Firms from Section C Involved with this Project. Indicate 29. Example Projects Key. List the key numbers and titles of which firms(or branch offices,if appropriate)on the project team the example projects in the same order as they appear in Section were involved in the example project,and their roles. List in the F. same order as Section C. Section H. Additional Information. Section G. Key Personnel Participation in Example Projects. 30. Use this section to provide additional information This matrix is intended to graphically depict which key specifically requested by the agency or to address selection personnel identified in Section E worked on the example projects criteria that are not covered by the information provided in listed in Section F. Complete the following blocks(see example Sections A-G. below). Section I. Authorized Representative. • • 26,and 27. Names of Key Personnel and Role in this Contract. List the names of the key personnel and their 31,and 32. Signature of Authorized Representative and proposed roles in this contract in the same order as they appear Date. An authorized representative of a joint venture or the in Section E. prime contractor must sign and date the completed form. Signing attests that the Information provided is current and 28. Example Projects Listed in Section F. In the column factual,and that ail firms on the proposed team agree to work on . under each project key number(see block 29)and for each key the project. Joint ventures selected for negotiations must make person,place an"X"under the project key number for available a statement of participation by a principal of each participation in the same or similar role, member of the joint venture. • • 33. Name and Title. Self-explanatory. . SAMPLE ENTRIES FOR SECTION G (MATRIX) • 26. NAMES OF KEY 27. ROLE IN THIS 28. EXAMPLE PROJECTS LISTED IN SECTION F PERSONNEL CONTRACT (Fill in'Example Projects Key"section below first,before (From Section E, (From Section E, completing table. Place 'X"under project key number for Block 12) Block 13) ' participation in same or similar role.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • Jane A. Smith Chief Architect X X Joseph B. Williams Chief Mechanical Engineer X X X X Tara C. Donovan Chief Electricial Engineer X X X • •29. EXAMPLE PROJECTS KEY • NUMBER TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT(From Section F) NUMBER TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT(From Section F) 1 Federal Courthouse, Denver, CO 6 XYZ Corporation Headquarters, Boston, MA 2 Justin J. Wilson Federal Building, 7 Founder's Museum, Newport, RI Baton Rouge, LA STANDARD FORM 330(REV.812016) PAGE 3 OF INSTRUCTIONS . • Part II-General Qualifications See the"General Instructions"on page 1 for firms with branch 9. Employees by Discipline. Use the relevant disciplines and , Offices. Prepare Part II for the specific branch office seeking associated function codes shown at the end of these instructions work if the firm has branch offices. and list in the same numerical order. After the listed disciplines, write in any additional disciplines and leave the function code • 1. Solicitation Number. If Part II is submitted for a specific blank. List no more than 20 disciplines, Group remaining contract,insert the agency's solicitation number and/or project employees under"Other Employees"in column b, Each person • number,If applicable,exactly as shown in the public can be counted only once according to his/her primary function. announcement or agency request. If Part II is prepared for a firm(including all branch offices),enter the number of employees by disciplines in column c(1). If Part II 2a-2e. Firm(or Branch Office)Name and Address. Self- is prepared for a branch office,enter the number of employees explanatory. by discipline in column c(2)and for the firm in column c(1). 1 • 3. Year Established, Enter the year the firm(or branch 10. Profile of Firm's Experience and Annual Average office,if appropriate)was established under the current name. Revenue for Last 5 Years. Complete this block for the firm or • branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the • • 4. Unique Entity Identifier. Insert the unique entity identifier experience categories which most accurately reflect the firm's i issued by the entity designated at SAM. See FAR part 4.6. technical capabilities and project experience. Use the relevant experience categories and associated profile codes shown at the 5. Ownership. end of these instructions,and list in the same numerical order. After the listed experience categories,write in any unlisted . a.Type, Enter the type of ownership or legal structure of the relevant project experience categories and leave the profile i firm(sole proprietor,-•partnership,corporation,joint venture,etc.). . codes blank. For each type of experience,enter the appropriate revenue index number to reflect the professional services I b.Small Business Status. Refer to the North American revenues received annually(averaged over the last 5 years)by I Industry Classification System(NAICS)code in the public the firm or branch office for performing that type of work. A 1 announcement, and indicate if the firm is a small business particular project may be identified with one experience category according to the current size standard for that NAICS code(for or it may be broken into components,as best reflects the example, Engineering Services(part of NAiCS 541330), capabilities and types of work performed by the firm. However, Architectural Services(NAICS 541310), Surveying and Mapping do not double count the revenues received on a particular 1 Services(NAICS 541370)). The small business categories and project i the.internet website for the NAICS codes appear in FAR part 19.' Contact the requesting agency for any questions. Contact your 11. Annual Average Professional Services Revenues of Firm local U.S. Small Business Administration office for any questions for Last 3 Years. Complete this block for the firm or branch office I regarding Business Status. for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the appropriate.revenue i index numbers to reflect the professional services revenues 6a-6c. Point of Contact. Provide this information for a received annually(averaged over the last 3 years)by the firm or representative of the firm that the agency can contact for branch office. Indicate Federal work(performed directly for the N additional Information. The representative must be empowered Federal Government,either as the prime contractor or 1 subcontractor),non-Federal work(all other domestic and foreign to speak on contractual and policy matters. ) work,including Federally-assisted projects),and the total. If the 7. Name of Firm. Enter the name of the firm if Part II Is firm has been in existence for less than 3 years,see the prepared for a branch office. definition for"Annual Receipts"under FAR 19.101. 1 8a-8c. Former Firm Names. Indicate any other previous 12. Authorized Representative. An authorized 1 names for the firm(or branch office)during the last six years. representative of the firm or branch office must sign and date the Insert the year that this corporate name change was effective completed form. Signing attests that the information provided is I and the associated unique entity identifier. This information is current and factual. Provide the name and title of the authorized used to review past performance on Federal contracts. representative who signed the form. i • i • • 1 STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8!2016) PAGE 4 OF INSTRUCTIONS . • List of Disciplines (Function.Codes) Code Description Code Description 01 Acoustical Engineer 32 Hydraulic Engineer 02 Administrative 33 Hydrographic Surveyor• 03 Aerial Photographer . 34 Hydrologist 04 Aeronautical Engineer 35 Industrial Engineer • 05 Archeologist 36 Industrial Hygienist • 06 Architect 37 Interior Designer 07 Biologist 38 Land Surveyor 08 CADD Technician 39 Landscape Architect • 09 Cartographer 40 Materials Engineer 10 Chemical Engineer 41 Materials-Handling Engineer I 11 Chemist 42 Mechanical Engineer 12 Civil Engineer 43 Mining Engineer 13 Communications Engineer 44 Oceanographer 14 Computer Programmer 45 Photo Interpreter • 15 , Construction Inspector 46 Photogrammetrist 16 Construction Manager . 47 Planner: Urban/Regional . I 17 Corrosion Engineer 48 Project Manager 18 Cost Engineer/Estimator - 49 Remote Sensing Specialist 19 Ecologist 50 Risk Assessor I 20 Economist 51 Safety/Occupational Health Engineer 21 Electrical Engineer - 52 Sanitary Engineer 22 _ Electronics Engineer 53 Scheduler 23 Environmental Engineer 54 Security Specialist 24 • Environmental Scientist 55 Soils Engineer 25 Fire Protection Engineer 56 Specifications Writer i 26 Forensic Engineer 57 Structural Engineer ! ' 27 Foundation/Geotechnical Engineer ' 58 Technician/Analyst 28 Geodetic Surveyor 59 Toxicologist • 29 Geographic Inforrnation System Specialist 60 Transportation Engineer I • 30 Geologist 61 Value Engineer 31 Health Facility Planner 62 ' Water Resources Engineer . i • I 1 i • I1 1 1 . • 1 • • STANDARD FORM 330(REV.812016) PAGE 5 OF INSTRUCTIONS i List of Experience Categories (Profile Codes) Code Description Code Description A01 Acoustics,Noise Abatement E01 Ecological&Archeological Investigations A02 Aerial Photography;Airborne Data and Imagery E02 Educational Facilities;Classrooms Collection and Analysis E03 Electrical Studies and Design A03 Agricultural Development;Grain Storage;Farm Mechanization E04 Electronics . A04 Air Pollution Control E05 Elevators;Escalators;People-Movers A05 Airports; Navaids;Airport Lighting;Aircraft Fueling E06 Embassies and Chanceries5ources A06 Airports;Terminals and Hangars;Freight Handling E07 Energy Conservation;New Energy E08 Engineering.Economics A07 Arctic Facilities E09 Environmental Impact Studies, A08) Animal Facilities Assessments or Statements A09 Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection • E10 Environmental and Natural Resource Al0 Asbestos Abatement Mapping All Auditoriums&Theaters Eli Environmental Planning • E12 Environmental Remediation Al2 Automation;Controls; instrumentation E13 Environmental:Testingond Analysis B01 Barracks;Dormitories : I B02 Bridges F01 Fallout Shelters;Blast-Resistant Design F02 Field Houses;Gyms;Stadiums CO1 Cartography . F03 Fire Protection • F04 Fisheries;Fish ladders I CO2 Cemeteries(Planning&Relocation) F05 Forensic Engineering CO3 Charting: Nautical and Aeronautical F06 Forestry&Forest products C04 Chemical Processing&Storage C05 Child Care/Development Facilities G01 Garages;Vehicle Maintenance Facilities; C06 . Churches;Chapels Parking Decks C07 Coastal Engineering G02 Gas Systems(Propane;Natural,Etc.) C08 Codes;Standards;Ordinances G03 Geodetic Surveying:Ground and Air-borne C09\ Cold Storage; Refrigeration and Fast Freeze : G04 Geographic information System Services: C10 Commercial Building (low rise);Shopping Centers Development,Analysis,and Data Collection • C11 Community FacilitiesG05 Geospatial Data Conversion:Scanning, C12 Communications Systems;TV;Microwave Digitizing,Compilation,Attributing,Scribing, • C13 Computer Facilities;Computer Service Drafting 014 Conservation and Resource Management G06 Graphic Design • C15 Construction Management ' • H01 Harbors;Jetties;Piers,Ship Terminal C16 Construction Surveying : Facilities C17 Corrosion Control;Cathodic Protection;Electrolysis H02 Hazardous Materials Handling and Storage , C18 Cost Estimating;Cost Engineering and H03 Hazardous,Toxic,Radioactive Waste i Analysis;Parametric Costing;Forecasting Remediation C19 Cryogenic Facilities H04 Heating;Ventilating;Air Conditioning H05 Health Systems Planning 001 Dams(Concrete;Arch) H06 Highrise;Air-Rights-Type Buildings I D02 Dams(Earth;Rock);Dikes; Levees H07 Highways;Streets;Airfield Paving; Parking j Lots 1 , • D03 Desalinization(Process&Facilities) I-108 Historical Preservation D04 Design-Build-Preparation of Requests for Proposals H09 Hospital&Medical Facilities DO5 Digital Elevation and Terrain Model Development H10• Hotels;Motels D06 Digital Orthophotography H11 Housing (Residential, Multi-Family,' 007 Dining Halls;Clubs; Restaurants Apartments;Condominiums) D08 Dredging Studies and Design H12 Hydraulics&Pneumatics H13 Hydrographic Surveying STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8/2016) PAGE 6 OF INSTRUCTIONS • 1 • List of Experience Categories (Profile Codes continued) • Code Description Code Description 101 Industrial Buildings;Manufacturing Plants P09 Product,Machine Equipment Design 102 Industrial Processes;Quality Control P10 Pneumatic Structures,Air-Support Buildings 103 Industrial Waste Treatment • P11 Postal Facilities 104 Intelligent Transportation Systems P12 Power Generation,Transmission,Distribution 105 Interior Design;Space Planning P13 Public Safety Facilities • 106 Irrigation;Drainage RO1 Radar;Sonar;Radio&Radar Telescopes J01 Judicial and Courtroom Facilities R02 Radio Frequency Systems&Shieldings L01 Laboratories;Medical Research Facilities R03 Railroad;Rapid Transit L02 Land Surveying R04 Recreation Facilities(Parks,Marinas,Etc.) L03 Landscape Architecture R05 Refrigeration Plants/Systems L04 Libraries;Museums; Galleries R06 Rehabilitation(Buildings;Structures; Facilities) L05 Lighting(Interior; Display;Theater, Etc.) R07 Remote Sensing • LO6 Lighting(Exteriors;Streets; Memorials; R08 Research Facilities 1 Athletic Fields, Etc.) R09 Resources Recovery;Recycling MO1 Mapping Location/Addressing Systems R10 Risk Analysis M02 Materials Handling Systems;Conveyors;Sorters R11 Rivers;Canals;Waterways;Flood Control • M03 Metallurgy R12 Roofing • M04 Microclimatology;Tropical Engineering S01 Safety Engineering;Accident Studies;OSHA M05 Military Design Standards Studies MO6 Mining&Mineralogy SO2 Security Systems;Intruder&Smoke Detection •• MO7 Missile Facilities(Silos.Fuels;Transport) S03 Seismic Designs&Studies M08 Modular Systems Design; Pre-Fabricated Structures or SO4 Sewage Collection,Treatment and Disposal Components S05 Soils&Geologic Studies;Foundations SO6 Solar Energy Utilization NO1 .Naval Architecture;Off-Shore Platforms S07 Solid Wastes;Incineration; Landfill NO2 Navigation Structures; Locks SO8 Special Environments;Clean Rooms,Etc. NO3 Nuclear Facilities;Nuclear Shielding • S09 Structural Design;Special Structures • 001 Office Buildings; Industrial Parks S10 Surveying; Platting;Mapping; Flood 002 Oceanographic Engineering Plain Studies 003 Ordnance; Munitions;Special Weapons S11 Sustainable Design S12 'Swimming Pools P01 Petroleum Exploration;Refining. S13 Storm Water Handling&Facilities P02 Petroleum and Fuel(Storage and Distribution) TO1 Telephone Systems(Rural;Mobile;Intercom, P03 Photogrammetry Etc.) PO4 Pipelines(Cross-Country-Liquid&Gas) T02 Testing&Inspection Services- - P05 Planning(Community, Regional,Areawide and State) T03 Traffic&Transportation Engineering P06 Planning(Site, Installation,and Project) T04 Topographic Surveying and Mapping TO5 Towers(Self-Supporting&Guyed Systems) PO7 Plumbing&Piping Design T06 Tunnels&Subways P08 Prisons&Correctional Facilities • STANDARD FORM 330(REV.812016) PAGE 7 OF INSTRUCTIONS List of Experience Categories (Profile Codes continued) Code Description • U01 Unexploded Ordnance Remediation UO2 Urban Renewals;Community Development i UO3 Utilities(Gas and Steam) Vol Value Analysis; Life-Cycle Costing W01 Warehouses&Depots W02 Water Resources;Hydrology;Ground Water • W03 Water Supply;Treatment and Distribution W04 _ Wind Tunnels; Research/Testing Facilities Design Z01 Zoning; Land Use Studies • • J , • • . I � 1 STANDARD FORM 330(REV.812016) PAGE 8 OF INSTRUCTIONS ARCHITECT - ENGINEER-QUALIFICATIONS PART I -CONTRACT-SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS A. CONTRACT INFORMATION 1. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) 2. PUBLIC NOTICE DATE 3. SOLICITATION OR PROJECT NUMBER 11j B. ARCHITECT-ENGINEER POINT OF CONTACT 4. NAME AND TITLE • 5. NAME OF FIRM • 6, TELEPHONE NUMBER 7. FAX NUMBER 8. E-MAIL ADDRESS C. PROPOSED TEAM (Complete this section for the prime contractor and all key subcontractors.) (Check) 'z m° 9. FIRM NAME 10. ADDRESS 11. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT a a c41 • a. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE _ b ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE • C. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE d. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE e. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE f. I ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE D. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF PROPOSED TEAM (Attached) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 330(REV.812016) E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT • (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE a.TOTAL Ib.WITH CURRENT FIRM • 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) • I 16. EDUCATION(Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(State and Discipline) i 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm a. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) b.(3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE 0 Check if project performed with current firm • (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) • (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLECheck • If project performed with current firm ' c. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check If project performed with current firm • (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE fl Check if project performed with current firm e. 1 . s STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8/2016).PAGE 2 • . I • F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM'S 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT NUMBER (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects,if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 21. TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) 22. YEAR COMPLETED • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(if applicable) • 23. PROJECT OWNER'S INFORMATION a.PROJECT OWNER b.POINT OF CONTACT NAME c.POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 24. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT(include scope,size,and cost) . I • • • • 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE a. 2 FIRM LOCATION Cit and State (1)FIRM NAME ( ) ( '/ ) (3)ROLE b. (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE • C. . (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE d. • • (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE 0. (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE • f. STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8/2016)PAGE 3 • • • G. KEY PERSONNEL PARTICIPATION IN EXAMPLE PROJECTS 26, NAMES OF KEY 27. ROLE IN THIS 28. EXAMPLE PROJECTS LISTED IN SECTION F • PERSONNEL CONTRACT (Fill in"Example Projects Key"section below before completing table. (From Section E,Block 12) ' (From Section 8,Block 13) Place'XC"under project key number for participation in same or similar role.) • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • j • • • 1 • • • • • 1 • T 1 • • • • • • 29. EXAMPLE PROJECTS KEY • NUMBER TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT(From Section F) NUMBER TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT(From Section F) 1 6 2 7 3 • 8 4 9 5 10 STANDARD FORM 330(REV. 8/2016)PAGE 4 • H. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30. PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE AGENCY. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. • • • 1 • • . I • • I. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing is a statement of facts. 31. SIGNATURE 32. DATE 33. NAME AND TITLE • STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8/2016)PAGE 5 1. SOLICITATION NUMBER(If any) • ARCHITECT-ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS PART II -GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS (If a firm has branch offices, complete for each specific branch office seeking work.) 2a. FIRM(or Branch Office)NAME 3. YEAR ESTABLISHED 4. UNIQUE ENTITY IDENTIFIER • 2b. STREET 5. OWNERSHIP a.TYPE 2c. CITY 2d. STATE 2e. ZIP CODE b.SMALL BUSINESS STATUS 6a. POINT OF CONTACT NAME AND TITLE 7. NAME OF FIRM(If Block 2a Is a Branch Ofce) 6b. TELEPHONE NUMBER 6c. E-MAIL ADDRESS 8a. FORMER FIRM NAME(S)(If any) 8b. YEAR ESTABLISHED 8c. UNIQUE ENTITY IDENTIFIER • 9. EMPLOYEES BY DISCIPLINE 10. PROFILE OF FIRM'S EXPERIENCE • AND ANNUAL AVERAGE REVENUE FOR LAST 5 YEARS • G.Number of Employees a.Profile c.Revenue Index a.Function b.Discipline b.Experience Number Code (1)FIRM (2)BRANCH Code (see below) • • • • _ 1 Other Employees Total 11. ANNUAL AVERAGE PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REVENUE INDEX NUMBER SERVICES REVENUES OF FIRM FOR LAST 3 YEARS 1. Less than$100,000 6. $2 million to less than$5 million (Insert revenue index number shown at right) 2. $100,000 to less than$250,000 7. $5 million to less than$10 million a.Federal Work 3. $250,000 to less than$500,000 8. $10 million to less than$25 million 4. $500,000 to less than$1 million 9. $25 million to less than$50 million b.Non-Federal Work 5. $1 million to less than$2 million 10. $50 million or greater c.Total Work 12. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE• The foregoing Is a statement of facts. a.SIGNATURE b.DATE c.NAME AND TITLE STANDARD FORM 330(REV.8/2016)PAGE 6 ATTACHMENT C CONSULTANT'S RESPONSE TO THE RFQ • 36 Detail by FEI/EIN Number Page 1 of 3 Florida Department of State DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS 440‘.. JSV!!C!`i uj /,` .orgI`J_i1_pu:..; „„WJII:u!!.iiwe of Rural a:Irrbsire Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Detail By Document Number/ Detail-by-FEI/EIN-Number - - Florida Profit Corporation KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A. Filing Information Document Number 603751 FEI/EIN Number 59-1406307 Date Filed 10/06/1972 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 12/27/1994 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 6500 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, EL 33309 Changed:07/07/1986 Mailing Address 6500 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Changed: 07/07/1986 • Registered Agent Name&Address KALAYCI, ERROL S 6500 N ANDREWS AVE FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Name Changed:03/03/2010 Address Changed:01/29/1998 Officer/Director Detail Name&Address Title President, CEO, Director KALAYCI, ERROL . 6500 N ANDREWS AVE. FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 v http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/corporationsearch/S earchResultDetail?inquir... 1/4/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number Page 2 of 3 Title VPDS MOSHIER, MARK 6500 N ANDREWS AVE. FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Title VP, Director KRISAK, ROBERT 6500 N ANDREWS AVE FORT_LAUDERDALE,FL33309 Title VPD REED, BRUCE 6500 N ANDREWS AVE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Title Director KALAYCI,TANZER 6500 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Title VP Gomez,Jose"Joe" 6500 North Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Title CFO Jackson, Kim 6500 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Title VP Hilliard,Anthony 6500 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Title VP Wilson, Bryan 6500 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Annual Reports. Report Year Filed Date • 2016 02/05/2016 2017 03/31/2017 http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/corporationsearch/S earchResultDetail?inquir... 1/4/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number Page 3 of 3 2018 04/09/2018 Document Images 04/09/2018—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/31/2017—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 06/10/2016—AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/05/2016—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 06/11/2015—AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/29/2015—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 09/22/2014—AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/29/2014—AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/16/2014—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/12/2013—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/19/2012—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/28/2011—ANNUAL REPORT • View image in PDF format 02/09/2011—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/03/2010—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/24/2009—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/09/2008—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/23/2007—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/02/2007—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/15/2006—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/03/2006—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/28/2005—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/21/2004—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/23/2003—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/19/2002-ANNUAL REPORT View image insPDF format 05/02/2001—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/01/2000—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 1 04/23/1999—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 06/03/1998—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/29/1998—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/02/1997—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/01/1996—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format Florida Department of State,Division of Corporations http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/corporationsearch/S earchResultDetail?inquir... 1/4/2019 Name History Page 1 of 1 Florida Department of State DivisioN OF CORPORATIONS .30014(.6. DIVIELOPI ftini0org Ca LPO P\�rTr _►,>:t3 art official Stare of Florida web.ri.e Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Return to Detail Screen / Return to Detail Screen Events KEITH AND SCHNARS,P.A. Document Number 603751 Date Filed 10/06/1972 Effective Date None Status Active Event Type Filed Effective Description Date Date NAME CHANGE 12/20/1977 OLD NAME WAS: KEITH AND SCHNARS, LAND AMENDMENT SURVEYING SCIENCES, P.A. Return to Detail Screen Florida Department of State,Division of Corporations http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/NameHistory?aggregatel... 1/4/2019 Professional Architectural KEITH & Engineering Services ENG NCERS I PLANNERS I SURVEYORS for Capital Renewal & Replacement Projects --,.., i . .. _ r vy, i P7^ >4 0, ri ,,,,, tilt, ,,.. .4\4:0\iziel,, ,,,, : .,.$,,,,f \,, ,,\, 4,, 4 11, ,,t; .. t: i . .. , 0044* : 1041. .q.,... , lit\ , / g a 21k 5 ,� na ` 3 J ' yi14. ...'t - , f a. .r �,,,, 11 k..I. ! INK w ., .°'�42::�:t_! -� 1 _ 4.-• .r. a!tiatit. %. ..5w��� •,t•*0*. *. :'•+,•.4717.•;::::'I., -.- $isar .S� +yr 4iLL1P -2.1 City of Miami Beach Solicitation Procurement Department Submission Number: Attention: Date: 2018-141-ND Natalia Delgado & Rafael Granado 5-7-2018 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3RD Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB 1 - COVER LETTER 2 1.2 - RESPONSE CERTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE 3 TAB 2 - MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 12 TAB 3 - EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS OF THE FIRM 21 TAB 4 - EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS OF THE TEAM 27 4.1 - PROJECT EXPERIENCE 45 TAB 5 - STANDARD FORM 330 53 1.1 Cover Letter May 7, 2018 City of Miami Beach Ms. Natalia Delgado Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: Landscape Architecture Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects RFQ 2018-141-ND Dear Ms. Delgado: On behalf of Keith and Schnars (K&S), we would like to thank you for this opportunity to present our professional qualifications to the City of Miami Beach's (City) solicitation for Landscape Architecture Services for the Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects contract. We appreciate your consideration of this submittal and are excited at the prospect of providing the City with the highest quality professional landscape architecture services. Of particular importance to the City of Miami Beach is our extensive experience, expertise and resources in municipal and State work including;Park Master planning through Construction Documents, Complete Streets and Streetscape projects, Holiday Dog Park, Little Haiti Artificial Turf Conversion, Windmill Park Concept, Simpson Park Concept, and Spanish River Park Dune Enhancement. K&S is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm with offices located throughout the state of Florida including our corporate office headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County. We are focused on solving the challenges faced by our diverse client base. The firm is currently home to over 120 professionals: surveyors; civil and structural engineers; transportation planners; construction inspection specialists; urban designers; environmental scientists; landscape architects;graphic designers; computer analysts; and a whole range of technical and administrative support staff. As a full-service consulting firm,we pride ourselves in our ability to engage many types ofrojects and service contracts. We are a committed team of professionals cognizant of client concerns and dedicatedpto achieving task goals while protecting client interests. Most of our clients are long term repeat clients. K&S has provided Landscape Architectural Consultant Services under continuing services contracts to the City of Fort Lauderdale, City of Coconut Creek, City of Doral, City of Port St. Lucie, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)District 1,District 4and 6 District-wide Miscellaneous Landscape Architectural Services.Our firm has remarkable experience and technical background in production and management of multiple concurrent projects for a single municipal client.This experience includes: • Over 50 parks and recreation projects; • Over 200 Streetscape/Roadway landscape projects; and • General Landscape Architecture Services to over 8 municipalities/agencies. K&S is at the forefront of implementing LEED principles and Best Management Practices. We have implemented sustainable practices into all our designs. More importantly, we have incorporated over 15 million dollars worth of sustainable design in our projects in the past 12 years. The focus of these designs include minimizing environmental impacts, creating "Green Space" and reducing maintenance intervals and using local resources. Our team believes in communicating with the City staff to understand maintenance capabilities, preferred equipment and operational requirements.This process helps determine the appropriated use of local resources. K&S uses a proactive and comprehensive approach toward the management of its projects. We concentrate on selecting the organizational structure best suited to meet the requirements and needs of our clients. Our reputation for quality services, timely production and creative, constructible landscape architecture solutions is known by our clients throughout Florida. We look forward to the opportunity to provide the professional services you seek. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Reed, RLA Vice President of Landscape Architecture, Planning&Environmental 2 City of Miami Beach ; Professonal Prchitecturai andngir leering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 1.2 Response •Certification Questionnaire Solicitation No: Solicitation Title: RFQ 2018-141-ND PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROJECTS Procurement Contact: Tel: Email: NATALIA DELGADO 305.673.7000, Ext. 6263 NATALIADELGADOna MIAMIBEACHFL.GOV STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS CERTIFICATION, QUESTIONNAIRE & REQUIREMENTS AFFIDAVIT Purpose: The purpose of this Response Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is to inform prospective Proposals of certain solicitation and contractual requirements, and to collect necessary information from Proposals in order that certain portions of responsiveness, responsibility and other determining factors and compliance with requirements may be evaluated. This Statement of Qualifications Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is a REQUIRED FORM that must be submitted fully completed and executed. 1. General Proposer Information. FIRM NAME: Keith&Schnars NO.OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: 46 NO.OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY:46 NO.OF EMPLOYEES: 110 OTHER NAME(S)PROPOSER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: N/A FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS(HEADQUARTERS): 6500 N Andrews Avenue CITY: Ft. Lauderdale STATE: Florida ZIP CODE: 33309 TELEPHONE NO.: 954-776-1616 TOLL FREE NO.: 800-488-1255 FAX NO.: 954-351-7643 FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: 5835 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 303 CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP CODE:33126 PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: Bruce Reed,RLA ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: 954-776-1616 ext. 6744 ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: 800-488-1255 ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: breed@ksfla.com FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: 59-1406307 The City reserves the right to seek additional information from proposer or other source(s), including but not limited to:any firm or principal information,applicable licensure, resumes of relevant individuals,client information,financial information,or any information the City deems necessary to evaluate the capacity of the proposer to perform in accordance with contract requirements. City of Miami Beach professonat Rrchlrec:jrat and Engineering Services For Capiral=-enewatand -eplacernen:crojec:s 3 Response Certification Questionnaire 1. Veteran Owned Business.Is Pro oser claiming a veteran owned business status? YES X NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers claiming veteran owned business status shall submit a documentation proving that firm is certified as a veteran-owned business or a service-disabled veteran owned business by the State of Florida or United States federal government,as required pursuant to ordinance 2011-3748. 2. Conflict Of Interest. All Proposers must disclose, in their Proposal, the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member(spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns,either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%)percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers must disclose the name(s)of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child)who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Proposers must also disclose the name of any City employee who owns,either directly or indirectly,an interest of ten(10%)percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates 3. References&Past Performance.Proposer shall submit at least three(3)references for whom the Proposer has completed work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: For each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name&Title,3)Address,4)Telephone,5)Contact's Email and 6)Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation. Has Proposer ever been debarred, suspended or other legal violation, or had a contract cancelled due to non-performance b an public sector agency? YES X NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: If answer to above is"YES," Proposer shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to action(s). 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions. Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions,as prescribed therein,including disqualification of their Proposals,in the event of such non-compliance. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Submit the names of all individuals or entities (including your sub-consultants)with a controlling financial interest as defined in solicitation. For each individual or entity with a controlling financial interest indicate whether or not each individual or entity has contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics("Code")and submit that Code to the Department of Procurement Management with its proposal/response or within five(5)days upon receipt of request.The Code shall,at a minimum, require the Proposer,to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer shall submit firm's Code of Business Ethics. In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics, Proposer may submit a statement indicating that it will adopt, as required in the ordinance,the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics,available at http://www.miamibeachfl.qov/city-hall/procurement/ 4 City of Miami Beach 2 oFzssonal and 2<ene_Ja.a r. 1.2 Response Certirication Questionnaire .! , .:•. •. ...• : _:. :• ,!! : •: _ e ,,..... !.--..• -::-, .. ..-: -. e: .• . . :•• ••: : ••:, .: : :: 7. health care benefits of at least$2.26 per hour,or a living wage rate of no leaf than$13.88 per hour without health care benefits. ... 2. Effective January 1, 2019, covered employees must be paid a living wage rate of no leaf than $11.70 por hour with health care bonefits of at least$2.74 per hour,or a living wage rate of no leaf than$111.44 per hour without health care benefits. health care benefits of at least$3.22 per hour,or a living wage rate of no leaf than$15.00 per hour without health care benefits- The living wage rate and health care benefits rate may, by Resolution of the City Commission be indexed annually for inflation using the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI U) MiamilFt. Lauderdale, issued by the U.S. Department of and fines,as provided in the City's Living Wage Ordinance,as amended. Further information on the Living Wage requirement is SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: No additional submittal is required.By virtue of executing this affidavit document, Proposer agrees to the living wage requirement. 8. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners.When awarding competitively solicited contracts valued at over$100,000 whose contractors maintain 51 or more full time employees on their payrolls during 20 or more calendar work weeks,the Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 requires certain contractors doing business with the City of Miami Beach,who are awarded a contract pursuant to competitive proposals,to provide"Equal Benefits"to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who work within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? x YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex)domestic partners*or to domestic partners of employees? x YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the"other"section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave;other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner,such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Firm Provides for Firm Provides for Firm does not Employees with Employees with Provide Benefit Spouses Domestic Partners Health x x Sick Leave x x Family Medical Leave x x Bereavement Leave x x If Proposer cannot offer a benefit to domestic partners because of reasons outside your control, (e.g., there are no insurance providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage)you may be eligible for Reasonable Measures compliance. To comply on this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent and submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application (attached) with all necessary documentation. Your Reasonable Measures Application will be reviewed for consideration by the City Manager, or his designee. Approval is not guaranteed and the City Manager's decision is final. Further information on the Equal Benefits requirement is available at httd://www.miamibeachfl.00v/citv-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures/ City of Miami Beach �ioessonal .;ni_2c__iral and Engineering Services For':apr_aft-2zneJua1:ind yup uucernun:3roiuus 5 1.2 Response Certification Questionnaire 9. Public Entity Crimes.Section 287.133(2)(a), Florida Statutes,as currently enacted or as amended from time to time,states that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal, proposal,or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a proposal, proposal,or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work;may not submit proposals,proposals,or replies on leases of real property to a public entity;may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity;and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: No additional submittal is required. By virtue of executing this affidavit document, Proposer agrees with the requirements of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes,and certifies it has not been placed on convicted vendor list. 10. Non-Discrimination.Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990,the City shall not enter into a contract with a business unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a)of the City Code,including the blacklisting,divesting from,or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race,color, national origin,religion,sex,intersexuality,gender identity,sexual orientation,marital or familial status,age or disability. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: No additional submittal is required. By virtue of executing this affidavit document, Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. 11. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prohibits official City travel to the states of North Carolina and Mississippi, as well as the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Proposer shall agree that no travel shall occur on behalf of the City to North Carolina or Mississippi,nor shall any product or services it provides to the City be sourced from these states. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: No additional submittal is required. By virtue of executing this affidavit document, Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Resolution 2016-29375. 12. Fair Chance Requirement. Pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code,the City shall not enter into any contract resulting from a competitive solicitation, unless the proposer certifies in writing that the business has adopted and employs written policies, practices,and standards that are consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance, set forth in Article V of Chapter 62 of the City Code ("Fair Chance Ordinance"), and which, among other things, (i) prohibits City contractors, as an employer, from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until the applicant is given a conditional offer of employment; (ii) prohibits advertising of employment positions with a statement that an individual with a criminal record may not apply for the position, and (iii) prohibits placing a statement on an employment application that a person with a criminal record may not apply for the position. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: No additional submittal is required at this time. By virtue of executing this affidavit, Proposer certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Proposer agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement,in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. 13. Acknowledgement of Addendum. After issuance of solicitation, the City may release one or more addendum to the solicitation which may provide additional information to Proposers or alter solicitation requirements. The City will strive to reach every Proposer having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system, PublicPurchase.com. However, Proposers are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation. This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the Proposer has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may result in proposal disqualification. Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm ReceiptReceipt Receipt Addendum 1 -�,� Addendum 6 Addendum 11 « _ Addendum 2 y ,,«��r Addendum 7 Addendum 12 Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum 4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 —:� «' Addendum 5 Addendum 10 Addendum 15 If additional confirmation of addendum is required,submit under separate cover. 6 City of Miami Beach - Rrchitecturaland Engineering Services For Capital_Renewal and Replacement Projects 1.2 Response •Certification Questionnaire DISCLOSURE AND DISCLAIMER SECTION The solicitation referenced herein is being furnished to the recipient by the City of Miami Beach(the"City")for the recipient's convenience. Any action taken by the City in response to Statement of Qualifications made pursuant to this solicitation, or in making any award, or in failing or refusing to make any award pursuant to such Statement of Qualifications, or in cancelling awards, or in withdrawing or cancelling this solicitation,either before or after issuance of an award,shall be without any liability or obligation on the part of the City. In its sole discretion,the City may withdraw the solicitation either before or after receiving Statement of Qualifications, may accept or reject Statement of Qualifications,and may accept Statement of Qualifications which deviates from the solicitation,as it deems appropriate and in its best interest. In its sole discretion, the City may determine the qualifications and acceptability of any party or parties submitting Statement of Qualifications in response to this solicitation. Following submission of Statement of Qualifications, the applicant agrees to deliver such further details, information and assurances, including financial and disclosure data, relating to the Statement of Qualifications and the applicant including, without limitation, the applicant's affiliates,officers,directors,shareholders,partners and employees,as requested by the City in its discretion. The information contained herein is provided solely for the convenience of prospective Proposals. It is the responsibility of the recipient to assure itself that information contained herein is accurate and complete. The City does not provide any assurances as to the accuracy of any information in this solicitation. Any reliance on these contents,or on any permitted communications with City officials,shall be at the recipient's own risk.Proposals should rely exclusively on their own investigations, interpretations,and analyses.The solicitation is being provided by the City without any warranty or representation,express or implied,as to its content, its accuracy,or its completeness. No warranty or representation is made by the City or its agents that any Statement of Qualifications conforming to these requirements will be selected for consideration, negotiation, or approval. The City shall have no obligation or liability with respect to this solicitation,the selection and the award process,or whether any award will be made. Any recipient of this solicitation who responds hereto fully acknowledges all the provisions of this Disclosure and Disclaimer, is totally relying on this Disclosure and Disclaimer,and agrees to be bound by the terms hereof.Any Statement of Qualifications submitted to the City pursuant to this solicitation are submitted at the sole risk and responsibility of the party submitting such Statement of Qualifications. This solicitation is made subject to correction of errors, omissions,or withdrawal from the market without notice. Information is for guidance only,and does not constitute all or any part of an agreement. The City and all Proposals will be bound only as, if and when a Statement of Qualifications, as same may be modified, and the applicable definitive agreements pertaining thereto, are approved and executed by the parties, and then only pursuant to the terms of the definitive agreements executed among the parties.Any response to this solicitation may be accepted or rejected by the City for any reason, or for no reason,without any resultant liability to the City. The City is governed by the Government-in-the-Sunshine Law, and all Statement of Qualifications and supporting documents shall be subject to disclosure as required by such law. All Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted in sealed proposal form and shall remain confidential to the extent permitted by Florida Statutes, until the date and time selected for opening the responses. At that time, all documents received by the City shall become public records. Proposals are expected to make all disclosures and declarations as requested in this solicitation. By submission of a Statement of Qualifications, the Proposer acknowledges and agrees that the City has the right to make any inquiry or investigation it deems appropriate to substantiate or supplement information contained in the Statement of Qualifications,and authorizes the release to the City of any and all information sought in such inquiry or investigation. Each Proposer certifies that the information contained in the Statement of Qualifications is true,accurate and complete,to the best of its knowledge,information,and belief. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything contained in the solicitation, all Proposals agree that in the event of a final unappealable judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction which imposes on the City any liability arising out of this solicitation,or any response thereto, or any action or inaction by the City with respect thereto, such liability shall be limited to $10,000.00 as agreed-upon and liquidated damages. The previous sentence, however, shall not be construed to circumvent any of the other provisions of this Disclosure and Disclaimer which imposes no liability on the City. In the event of any differences in language between this Disclosure and Disclaimer and the balance of the solicitation, it is understood that the provisions of this Disclosure and Disclaimer shall always govern.The solicitation and any disputes arising from the solicitation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. City of Miami Beach proresso )al and di r nnrino Sn vices fo �sneara[and o:.-2L_s 7 1 .2 Response Certification Questionnaire PROPOSER CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that: I. as an authorized agent of the Proposer , am submitting the following information as my firm's proposal: Proposer agrees to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of this solicitation. all attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto,and the Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement; proposer agrees to be bound to any and all specifications. terms and conditions contained in the solicitation, and any released Addenda and understand that the following are requirements of this solicitation and failure to comply will result in disqualification of proposal submitted; Proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposals and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws: all responses, data and information contained in this proposal, inclusive of the Statement of Qualifications Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit are true and accurate. ' Name of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Title of Proposer's Authorized Representative. Signature of Proposer's Authonzed Representative Date: •-"49 j 1/'5 r/c l/C -j State of FLORIDA ) On this'1'" day of Cl 20i�.personally appeared before me 1 i ' bQ- i who County of y,ti-L.1,,,ccf(-3 ) stated that (s)he is the V t' 'k:-. Lat).;1 C0- PiNaih Rut of tth SdtrwA a corporation, and that the instrument was signed in behalf of the said corporation by authority of its board of directors and acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notaryub c for the St of Florida Notary Public State of Honda My Cot a ii Sion E es: \1 7-U { Z, t . aQ� Suzanne Eitler U My Commission GG 152991 ,,..).4r Expires 11/26/2021 8 City of Miami Beach -rofessonal Rrchitectural and Engineering Services For Capital Renewal and Replacement-rojects 1.2 Response Certification Questionnaire WRITTEN RESPONSES 1. Veteran Owned Business - N/A 2. Conflict of Interest- N/A 3. References a) Client: City of Parkland Contact: Sowande Johnson, A P. E., City Engineer Phone: (954) 753-5040 Email: sjohnson@cityofparkland.org Keith and Schnars was tasked with developing a site amenities plan for the renovation and relocation of a playground in Parkland's Terramar Park that included: playground equipment, shade structures, and decorative hardscape. b) Client: City of Fort Lauderdale Contact: Christopher Bennett, P.E Phone: (954) 828-6522 Email: chbennett@fortlauderdale.gov Keith and Schnars' Landscape Architecture division prepared conceptual site plans for a new dog park within the existing Holiday Park in Fort Lauderdale. The task involved creating two concept site plans within an area of about 2 acres, one for large size dogs and one for small size dogs. Base plans were prepared by performing an onsite analysis to investigate field conditions and inventory existing landscape. Plans were developed to meet all of the requirements clarified by the City staff and an opinion of construction costs was also provided by Keith and Schnars. City of Miami Beach Professonal Prchi:ec ural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 9 1 .2 Response Certification Questionnaire c) Client: City of Coconut Creek Contact: Shelia Rose, Director, Sustainable Development Phone: (954) 973-6756 Email: SRose@coconutcreek.net In 2012, Keith & Schnars worked closely with the City to develop a conceptual plan for park improvements that included such elements as an additional basketball court, expanded landscapes, open play areas, shelters, proposed parking,walking paths, station-based exercise circuit, separated large and small dog parks and a restroom facility. d) Client: City of of Miami Contact: Carlos Lozano, Project Manager Phone: (305) 416-1247 Email: CLozano@miamigov.com In2015,Keith&Schnarswastaskedthrough theCityof Miami Capital Improvements and Transportation Program,to prepare a Concept for the redesign of this Northeast pedestrian entrance,due to the poor condition of the existing deck and entrance gate. The conceptual plan removed the existing deck and wooden entrance structure and removed the existing shrub material to provide a more open feel. The large existing mature trees were preserved and landscape lighting was added. Hardscape was redesigned to provide better connectivity to the existing sidewalks and park entrance. Other elements included: park benches, pedestrian lighting; and a green metal picket gate and fence at the entrance to prevent trespassing. e) Client: City of of Miami Contact: Alina Hernandez Phone: (305) 416-1280 Email: ahernandez@miamigov.com 10 City of Miami Beach -professorial grcni cJraland Engineering Services for Capi.al Renewal and Replacement Projects 1 .2 Response Certification Questionnaire As part of our Professional Service Agreement with the City of Miami for Miscellaneous Landscape Architectural Services, K&S was tasked with designing modification of the existing irrigation system to accommodate a new playground, shrubs, fences and hardscape, relocation of fencing to include new seating areas, and adding a large shade tree. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation - N/A 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions Keith & Schnars Statement: The following is the K&S Ownership and their statement regarding campaign contributions. Tanzer Kalayci, P.E., Advisor to the Board of Directors and Errol Kalayci, Esq., President/ CEO have not contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics - Keith & Schnars will adopt the City's Code of Business Ethics. City of Miami Beach rofessonal Architectural and Engineering Services For Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 11 2.1 minimum Recuirements State Q4CF1orida Board of Prossional E .cineers Attests that Kea & Schnars, P A 18 411 . ., FBPE Arw Is authorized under the provisions of Section 47?:i+- ' tatut2s,to offer engineering services to the public through a Professional Engineer,d' i. ' under Chapter 471,Florida Statutes. ��`'tt-*"� CA Lic.No: Expiration: 2/28/2019 .�� or r, ilk Audit No: 228201904481 R ;� 1337 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BOARD OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LICENSE NUMBER s, LCC000137 The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BUSINESS , .-r'''''. . Named below HAS REGISTERED ,4,c. ,,;;,,,,,0004,&- U Under the provisions of Chapter 481 FS. Expiration date: NOV 30. 2019 0 KEITH AND SCHNARS, PA rs 0 _§F., ' 6500 N ANDREWS AVE FT LAUDERDALE FL 33309-2132 r ' ;` 1-. CI . •ISSUED: 10/11/2017 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SEQ# L1710110002505 12 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services For Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 2.1 minimum Requirements ..... 'ciba atlantic &rube RICK SCOTT.GOVERNOR JONATHAN ZACHEM SECRETARY rgio‘A . eptn iintIsr8ng&Continuing reburandn STATE OF FLORIDA ts,swr .n. TF5ewe 245ra 11299 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION f. ., BOARD OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ,, Certificate of 2thiebetnent Ltcenst NUMses � LA000t47s h' Y , The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT r` lrrar � � Named below HAS REGISTERED Under the provistons of Chapter 481 FS. Bruce Reed Expbabon date. NOV 30.2019 a Elfor euare+Tut tompmon of REED,BRUCE K ❑•,-�'�S' • 1000 SW 14TH DR Crime�;' Crime Prevent.Thru Environmental Design BOCA RATON FL 33480- z t I �r 12 n 8 9.A 10,99,°eon 1700.24 con hours 29.5 CEUa.ARM 588 588 Instructor.aan Bock •.0 y jilre8tntt0 Dol le Oar of$(enmber.MS S`NNTICO ISSUED II/n.62017 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SEC s u711140001797 r;.\1l/0 sea., a4Frw A C w8em 2.o C Orman 8Nrcer - RICK SCOTT GOVERNOR JONATHAN ZACHEM.SECRETARY RICK SCOTT GOVERNOR JONATHAN ZACHEM.SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BOARD OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE =8r BOARD OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE uSeero9t K: lel lijr s✓ ,.,,,, 79 , The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT a The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT '.w Named below HAS REGISTERED °4' Named below HAS REGISTERED `,? OY Under the roviswns of Chapter 481 FSnder ) Exptrabon date NOV 30,2019 EsUrathe datelswnsof0,2019r 481 FS. Expuanon date:NOV 30,2019 2411 HOOSAC.KIRK PATRICK a MILLER,CHRISTOPHER BENJAMIN JR _• t.;^ 2411 NW 31 COURT • 11. ice" 1525 SW 17TH STREET -'71"-.J.:1' OAKLAND PARK FL 33308 !jy, FORT LAUDERDALE F133312 - ?y f: r Via.. 4..t:vr�F. ISSUED 01R4,2019 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SEC. 05010400000 ISSUED. tmnoaon DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW 5E0 U7101t0002494 ?i;7 r , r _P FNGLA. p FNGLA 08 CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL insb CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL HORTICULTURE I CONTRACTOR The Florida Nursery,Growers&Landscape Association The Florida Nursery, Growers&Landscape Association Confers on Confers on Chris Miller HC8 05726 Chris Miller CC8 00262 The Tide of The Tide of FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor(FCLC) CptpraRon Date:Decanter 31,2018 {1 Eptean Da*Mamba 31,2018 1 -- Certified Since:September2004 /Y?��/'•7 `1 W WON Drees Na amber 2036 _ "11 sp .RKAs .+r N�ry Non,. a:<.ur�Im o.saa1, auM w Fxcu rennotar a.rmr j I City of Miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 13 minimum Requirements ,,,, .,,,r,_.=7.-0:=;-.-. 4 .:::,;: ...„ ;::::',-,;::'',"l'I,.;';',";...',,,,:::77:77-747 ...:,..' ...'_:,. Ike Cori ep ,�_Y.t.-_.a r t,--`t i r— .i.`.._'-'-..-� • 1 lIWl i1�,� I'I,� w Da Ziepartment of Eran5portation QUALIFIED , presents tolls STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Certificate of Comcptetion. ':-, INSPECTORto . f l ,cit The undersigned hereby acknowledges that Chris r i s Miller r ilt Chris Miller 1; , for successfulln toutpletinq the has successfully met all requirements necessary to be fully qualified through to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Stormvater Erosion Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection ,,}},, and Sedimentation Control Inspector Training Program and Elimination Training February 16.2017 CBT , Inspector Number 36998 _ 10/16/2017 p F i �T�' TRESS Number y .,y '-41, Fluty BT-9004 • L [i Certificate of Completion 1 Chris Miller INTERNATIONAL SOd ELY OF ARBORICULTURE CERTIFIED ARBORIST" Has Completed a Florida Department of Transportation Approved Maintenance of Traffic(MOT)Intermediate Course. Chris Miller Having successfully completed the requirements set by the Arborist Certification Board of the International Society of Arboriculture, ovo 20 20 w i>.aa 1 the above named is hereby recognized as an ISA Certified Arhaorise F.o::a�an Daae FOOT PmNere nsuuvxo: cenitea:ea / '. Irn=a.n IMeAMxWun. ( M 200 SW Ms Sorer r Mimi,FL dom Inuxm .nxnn FDD .................11...4.-........... nweeeonaYtlayetM.axn I m�bMAem Fa mora in�a'enoOn aboul�winlenanre � mR�eat� M�aIID1 atoePmle m rnac lstorl��o.eary mi: ISA ouuuF�canoes I ___ 3International ikocietp of 2rboriculture- LANDSCAPE PALM Tree RiA 255e551nent Qualification MANAGEMENT Chris Miller ggas certifies that Chris Miller !i iirE successfully competed the'equ sues estatdsned a de cer�icaton Bard of the imer escrel Sorely of Arbeeslure.'Be acme named ie nerebi magmas'as ISA Tree Rob Assessment Ouafiad has competed•Lan4aape Paha Management' dui -ni, provided by the University of'F(ort'da l.a'�� I Institute of food and Agricultural Scienas Fort Lauderdale*search and Education Center April 16-17,2013 Zirr.e. --- ,.,:we.�a,.�,.. tix. I UNIVERSITY of . UF1 FLORIDA !W25.200 Mr 7.5.201S iIFAS I_.....____--- __- --— a_ --_- __ ---- 1 14 City of Miami Beach Professonal RrchiLec:Jral and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 2.1 minimum Requirements r'. :E° 4„` .,.... ,. :.., +., L'TT40`ti�," t H P`n ":m�"�'4:::,„. „w.'^'. +^�+1.- i'"++^'►�'—+ µp' Ii-74+;;;; ;;�s' , .. ,• a ,�,a 4:..2 moi. a. °. -.,A pr THE IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION THE IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION °e"t' �� �'4 e 11 Certifies That On t Certifies That On `c i� ; November 12,20040 0.:'- February 10,2005 .l �op 114. Chris Be Miller Chris B. Miller, CLIA ., fti' r,.aw.r.m.mn C..�6remrva.a.r:501S7CA[.'n m +„.. : ' v1));. �' Successfully Completed All The Necessary Requirements Successfully Completed All The Necessary Requirements s„ And Should Henceforth Be Recognized As A And Should Henceforth Be Recognized As A ;��qqD` CERTIFIED GOLF IRRIGATION AUDITOR 1, CERTIFIED LANDSCAPE s.•;.t, ' illi* IRRIGATION AUDITOR °i9 E Mark Hewitt,CID .'"e, tl> �� ►� i sob Ckair,CeNBratlon Hoard !{� t /WI)t j Mark FIe Hewitt,CB) r I � � ..+o,rea CwneSupen iii�Q Choc Certfimtm•Baud Oak{' X'..,' j t tts i►rr.+w 'ewak► .1,1*:'f:4P4a t max✓ *w m. irks-"^^.r .-44r.., ed .�- -`.-- ”-.-,- ,�_ •.. —'7"."-S,.'"" .4 '.:,--r r-+ _ •. "•":„,,`-----”' /'+p ^1 - 4'1. r� d y- ""S 101' rye .�! fV- 1 7�Ve 1r+ AO til+..',:< ` THE IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION THE IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION { ., Certifies That On a A , Certifies That On y ' ,"'� July 26r 2006 a November 13,2004 E$,1 la if" ' Chris B. Miller Chris B. Miller 4- r `.i•, c>naim�r m 004e29 ti n / i �ti G l 'k Successfully Successfully Completed All The Necessary Requirements ill Successfully Completed All The Necessary Requirements a ( r And Should Henceforth Be Recognized As A , ))� fin And Should Henceforth Be Recognized As A r' • ( # : CERTIFIED IRRIGATION DESIGNER-COMMERCIAL '' CERTIFIED IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR ' _` • ry� ( 1 Obt ry i Mark Hewitt,CID s* Micktl Clerk CID,CIC,CLIA,COIA I + Certificadoe Board Char I t\ Ckav,Cmtt orlae Board '111- . ��) i r ` • -0 t°a.f.P 'R' e : f .. a .. ..v . eet�r rM�r�x¢c a artE¢'Y�ECrEIIY• C�IIu II S�m-ee aM1k 1... t !L ~r.rei.r e+ai �� /mew .ter r°pro r►!s. .e.r rir Ae". ID OT Florida lis certifies that This certifies that �. Chris Miller AP u a:Florida Water Star J4ccredited Christopher B...MifCer,Jr. r Irrigation ProfessionaCand is committed to LA Phoebe',6666970 Nu successfully omPinr me designing and instaffingwater-elticient Irrigation systems Specifications Package Preparation Training for Consultants for:I Condit Water Star-yrojects. DOT Course Code:PE-05-0004 12 PDH Credits lig A.Johns Rive, Presented on May 20-21.2015 �� , [ Water Management Dimicr SSignature: l-U2LtI ,4-4.r tezA t.tt. t,, rFNGLA. tn.v.etor tr..re.rno„�,. Mzv 705 3,-Jun<20,8 FBPE Pros ider Somber:CEP 0004094 i I ............... City of Miami Beach iroFessonal archl_,- :.gyral and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement.Projects 15 2.1 minimum Requirements ....... GREEN ADVANTAGE GREEN BUSINESS CERTIFICATION INC CERTIFIES THAT L5CSITES Chris Miller Green Advantage,Inc. /�D HAS ATTAINED THE DESIGNATION OF HEREBY CERTIFIES ^ SITES AP Chris Millerby demonstrating the knowledge of sustainable land design and development necessary to enhance ecosystem services and support the SITES""program. HAVING SUCCESSFULLY MET ALL REQUIREMENTS sotaw-sms CREDENrIctM IR HAS ACHIEVED THE ADVANCED DESIGNATION OF APRIL27..2011 IShiED ,64- Qr+ ^ Green Advantage Certified PractitionerTM Arealt 26 2019 vFUD'NFW GN meSMORa Q2 G°REEN ihaiNES CERTIF./ION INC FOR SUCCESSFULLY DEMONSTRATING LEADERSHIP LEVEL UNDERSTANDING OF CONCEPTS,MATERIALS,AND BEST PRACTICES IMPORTANT TO COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL GREEN CONSTRUCTION BY PASSING THE GACP EXAMee Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida.LAA \ 4611 South University Drive 7M Suite 174 Davie,Florida 33328 c2 ` A OC iuti>(rtlanEtseapeinspecuns.org, V v iota cta,r Orr ,•nit asseura Grady O'Rear APPLIED Mr.Chris Miller CEO,Green Advantage,Inc. ROWEI001 PTpbRt�"°"' Keith&Schnars 6500 North Andrews Ave. Dtttp1,r,a Ft.Lauderdale,Fl.33309 Havas Jan 21,2015 1100152 I kenos/Wirt Chris, Date Issued Expiration Date Certification Number nid Belecki This letter is to confirm that you are a member in good standing with the S""t°p Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida for the year 2018.Our records show you have meet all the requirements of maintaining your CEU and being Diva Benhnlli current on yearly dues. �"s We appreciate your participation which helps keep LIAF a leader in the green Bca,dmsmlaa industry in Florida. ,it: Dr.Phil Betsey Thanks, U.S. Green Building Council Peggy Machin S ,�caue William Byrne ,State President Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida �I `I..•� `...., ,. Eric Paver Brim Voelker Christopher Miller Jr QuaashaOgunra>7°b, Rashad . ., i... Ciente Mute imompra 1 * 1r* a 1 , I I " i I Y ^ k7 n.. Ym,. 16 City of Miami Beach 1 Professonal_Archirecrural.and Engineering Services for Capital_Renewal and Replacement Projects minimum Requirements r i ��t��� UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA `; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE t ti%r, ^"� CERTIFIED ARBORIST'" '`" Recognizes �gUtin'FM:IT OF 3 FI ORIL1A IFAS EXTENSION Chris Miller Marisol Ortega / for successfully completing training Having successfully completed the requirements set by the Arborist Certification '^"' in all 3 ecosystem modules of the Board of the International Society of Arboriculture, / \ the above named is hereby recognized as an ISA Certified A�d�t t t Florida Master Naturalist Program ..., ,,,,is ,,,, LA. ! lou d yl t_. ' 4 Lik.. - EL-07,11A tloy 12 2001 ..30 2019 � j -- -- T_. ,Lr _ '61=1141:442=0„. Yr We».taur , - GREEN WOWING CERnfICATION mSr1NTE CERTIFIES THAT '�" LEED Hon Shen Wang i,_" t GREENHAS ATTAINED THE DES+GNATION OF This oetciuss that • :1 ASSOCIATE n r c^v r 1A F. •(1/ J O/ Ortega by demonstrating the knowledge raG .'/NP LI/W7 L T fry understanding of green building practices and principles needed to support the use of the LEE!). .I Green Building Rating System". Hams.Anion to pones the moaner qualifications -.. and hawith N haeme complied wie tequbtmcno of the I i Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida,L.A.A. is 0Bs006GREE14A550C1A1E war M en ceder ofthis body recognized a competent <a oEMitk i, In dispeoung of the duties of a Landscape Inspector ISSUED 10JUN 7016 Given underthe seal of he 10 JUN 2010 thi •M^Association of FbridA.A. thin l•day dny 1 Tn,[. of Match,2011016 `"t'a TMs" G.t vmw..tea Cw.nvnwaN woo.Mnwaw.«i Boort iCertification Oar blade -_. _._.._._ �.. 6�`xM'°'.. .. sass V •a_ _ems INTERNATI0NAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE ..411‘)FNGLA,, CERTIFIED ARBORIST"' - CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL II HORTICULTURE Alexis Alves The Florida Nursery,Growers�&Landscape Association ConHaving successfully completed the requiremeno set by rhe Arborist Certification Board of the International Society of Arboriculture, Alexis Alves HCO 11302 the above named is hereby recognized as an ISA Certified A T isle The Title of N,, FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional(FCHP) ENvnbat Date:12/71/1020 CaNfied Sier.e 10/161X11 Nv.553SA Mar 2T,2009 dun 30.2011 illiimmmmiiimumdllP ,ft10lA Pioilea 11nry Nat1, CUMOIahw 0Y mI City of Miami Beach i Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 17 2.1 minimum Requirements t.a _ _ C'n .six_ ;, rty�a `� #tit3'y^�'i +� :d +ry,- ,r�yYz•ir >s, i�,tcik�,µ�ar�tw � to ' „" ...... INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE !� '`r' CERTIFIED ARBORIST'' 4 h 7h.s card fins that r r „, i.' Christine lc2(ay 5 Arturo Izquierdo t *' Having sr to mums the necessary orarorrnxH a lF Il:ion.li e'.hih a enplered rho.r t noun,..!`.ry rhe Arb.m+r 0 rr,ho uino } and rvay'.ng complied w:th the mewl-entente of the Vt 40 Board iii!lir Imernari.nal gni ty t 1rlv:rmilturc. Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida �ty r x d>.o mono.l i.ha,Ido r.: ,t tred.t.. t LA t crtir 1\ t R ^ —hs.naram fm'o:edyr«a:ar,'aa.mnpeHm }' air) diWm.'ng of urc dufics„fad [,� _.- ,, '�' ' Landscape Inspector ., �1� }} li ,4 . , Giy ander the seal or Jr 4” x� ' 54.M�'.J 1 * 7 - w Landscape L • \ssocsetion of Florida �i l"� 66 rr . � =; } '446s,v•'ZC`L r ` aw,an Cha'v j�.:, ar°`� -1 d3aY. 201 hr, , F. vs- T Ia ' _ x r �c �t�,,..a r�- is 1c x w.��..-,rss- s+ tr. �t -;r•s .z' y;7 ■e .■ f:nt ^ }A itt*: y 011 Ya-*"ts"-z4**-11t �6,y".**--+�"`SI +zta+'77 -'''.g *!..(71? t ... tf e} 1r t C47:/H-r--- �• , P FNGLA.. ` ra-y CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL ✓ ' I CONTRACTOR ,'* / this ortifiaa that P, ftelt.{ ` '` Arturo Izquiercfo ,:' The Florida Nursery,Growers&Landscape Association 11 -neahosataposxssmerectaveyaa.rr�,e K 9 Confers on „._- ,,N4 i an]t asIng...she,'wish the mV cots at the 1 y rf Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida ,,��,, ''' w p p , Arturo Izquierdo C30 00328 m��r a:by so order of this body rero¢ntrm.0�p<Iml } .;: 7N'4il in d'upr ng datm ala �. t o# Landscape Inspector Jyur: of ;senun1Cithesealoft* FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor(FCLC) '' ,• iyxbcape inspector,A iaam of Florida , i : h.1.d tlao 018 3 'r", ., ramn noir CerE101telle0 Date:/27/201N1 /s� rekXIW Sime:7JD/2017 C �t R�al9rets�t RIGA Radd.t t'tam HCR t<uhoum b:v ',�4T' r�.�p +a -ate } 1� 2 l -.'",6‘, Yt .- 44 bk h Si- d Y,' 1 lk rK #f Jt ik A pK Sr'Ct SE-- tic ' I" 5a x 5it*i >•,` 2f ty. st 1k Yk �t sK x* tk It %.IL Xt xt+K INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTUREt'ik • u-.._..-- ,� .03fc CERTIFIED ARBORIST'" w, %l ,3 t � fu • 1:4' ' �1,, This ear e,fia.that a , Todd B. Reich 4k Todd 1f ich ,.5 Having successfully completed the requirements set by the Arborist Certification Having dawn m possess the ntre.,anrp.tdi�eana t y.�y,'1 Board of the international Society of Arboriculture, : ,• and having�npedximthe mynirsar00rme tS�t"r,¥_TyA�.1 the above named is hereby recognized as an ISA Certified Ac'}i t Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida ° �, wasbyan order or this bodyreervired as competent ' l , ^� ` ,tra :n diryettviryt of the duties ata r.I G.r+y�x Arh+i Wk. \ ,r(.. c' ,', Landscape Inspector -is Gi.� .soseal o u,.yo&.W.t Ano f r.::. laad.<apa tnapecun_1.aesYan of Florida '�!_ZA. .* l /thte l9 c,_01"1 .201! {jo{7fr3 FL-6423A Jun 11.2006 .an 20 2010 �' ..�a..,....,..s... ,.....�,... va�;a��'"— tatnra ct�ir IN 18 City of Miami Beach Professonal grchi ecLjral and Engineering Services For Capital Renewal and -2eptacernen:arojec's 2.1 Minimum Recuirements .a . ,,„: ,014.....,,..„... _ a. - ' f t.. ,,,.„„,:::. - ' , OFNGLA s,3 ,_ (ERTIIED PROFESSIONAL lb • at[to 2I K 1 Benjamin Laude The Florida Nursery,Growers&Landscape Association >.$ Confers on u.t b.ry, ptd UUrcr '1 Landscape InspectorsAssociation of Florida,L Benjamin Koubek C60 00330 4. ,...m.,,ms. rhe Title of Landscape Inspector FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor(FCLC) ;, unNr lse walwlle ,. I* in.,Ine•♦wm rvwr.1 Fonda,1 Xt ! M da et Mar.2016 E'W'aom Date:6;30l2020 •`'li.�.__._ Com` carvt.atrcn rFar Came.Soon SN/2012 +c�..w MG. lel,,'un5 u6 : _t—.11, c_an.,m�i.,m. ,. r. t_/ aa. ab : [ 1 t ' 1 x w: .a. •\ .,d\: t .11 t r i ..a u _ ,, ,*r., . t l r FLU FNGLA, FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY V College for Design and Social Inquiry CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL a=`' P CONTRACTOR t 4 The Florida Nursery,Growers&Landscape Association ebin obn on Confers on has been awarded this certificate after completing Chase Russell C60 00331 the 40-hour CPTED Certified Practitioner Seminar: The Title of FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor(FCLC) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Elpraron Date:6/30/21120 eeahr�ed Since: 1.11GIA PIM NaIY (culla.Deemz. 30 AIA LU/HSW/SD credits and 4 FAU CEUs have been awarded on this May, 10,2016 in Fort Lauderdale,Florida xerr,, .. 4►-s (-- C..-._k_t Wesley Hawkins Ph.D.,Interim Dean John Sandell,AIA College for Design b Social Inquiry Pmfdsor end Director. Thi.a,rifierrc hrm'w,gmiifie. School ofArchitecture Heidi L Siegel,AICP /4 ,l ,` th n MCP the VCP CoJc,J h:,hia val Ph,t[uwish zil dv beneuc of a[:autcd wl C004110.Plvmm aml a aanmivnrnt m Randall I.Atlas,Ph.D.,MIA,CPP Instructor t'.ni(d P4mcr Hemiee II'!'00 Jamn.V.D .Io h Hubhcd.tucr F u s Uirtaar ..--- President l aw�-,,,,,,,.w. City of Miami Beach -rofessonal Prchitectural and Engineering Services For Capital Renewal and Replacement.Projects 19 2.1 minimum Requirements ,- LEED f BradleyJBenmoshe GREEN -,a,-N«En THE DES.GNalDN OF _ F ASSOCIATE •i -, "' FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY by demonstrating the knowledge and + College for Design and Social Inquiry j understanding of green building practices and $, principles needed to support the use of the LEED green green building program. ..^ P 4.i Bradley Benmoshe 11091033-GAEEN•A550CIATE � I\k 21 DEC 2D19 ny: has been awarded this certificate after completing `1 fn/.`�..•� {. the 40-hour CPTED Practitioner Seminar: fir tet, 21 DEC 2018 (//���Y r Vmow ,...4 , . .w�.....w..oo renin `( 4 -. ` Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design* i ' il, ;1 Given in the City of Fort Lauderdale in the State of Florida '` 1 August 26,2013 -December 13,20131;1, ., .:::it1. ..IH,.I).A:A.cw a 1, fir,laLn. 11rtInN NK I'nMe M.nKf rkan �*- ># PnYrc4w alwl()n�u. Kristen A.Nowicki,AICP . r r,Nr tur er .vr "v w �v ),• , ',,e :G `4e t‘ ` E0 Pt ,.-c. ' , t 1, - Pt ) o2,,„2 amrolm..11111.. 20 City of Miami Beach i Professonal Architecturalland Engineering Services tor Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects • Experience & Qualifications or the Firm HISTORY ( THF ' IRM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES SINCE 1986. K&S is a premier full-service engineering and consulting firm that has served clients throughout the state of Florida since 1972. K&S offers multi-disciplinary expertise in the fields of engineering, land surveying, 3D laser scanning, landscape architecture, planning and environmental sciences. The firm has played a key role in shaping the development of Florida's growing commercial, residential, recreational, educational, and transportation infrastructure. In 1986, K&S added Landscape Architecture to its professional services provided. Our design work includes commercial facilities, municipal parks, streetscapes, traffic calming, residential communities and institutional facilities. We have provided landscape architectural services to more than 30 parks and recreation projects. We have also provided services to over 100 streetscape, traffic calming, and roadway landscape projects for both state agencies and local municipalities. We have extensive experience with transportation-related landscape enhancement projects that includes the completion of over 150 roadway landscape designs. These include streetscape projects, complete streets, master planning and design projects from major gateways to neighborhood buffers, plans preparation, construction observation and plan review. r , kW: i i ...„ 4 �. _ �i Li r • M +2 ,,,,,, _$,. o . t , r <,. ) 4. N. r ri al City of Miami Beach ProFessonal Rrchitecturaland Engineering Services for apical Renewal and Replacement Projects 21 ISExperience & Qua li rica tions or the Firm ' Jg• -rte, •k. +,.ea Y ,w 4. - � b �,„•. ,.✓� .1 r s� y : ` r • :f '!C 1h•'1L41CFi ...."'hart''' !rte f � fir, .{' it* p Fi lit i 4 ,,V l if - 'r ..5... "J• a ,Iii,it, ;$0 i4 ° w `-' • , • "• 1111' ',',::.` Brickell Park Miami, FL As part of our Professional Service Agreement with the City of Miami for Miscellaneous Landscape Architectural Services, K&S was tasked with designing modification of the existing irrigation system to accommodate a new playground, shrubs, fences and hardscape, relocation of fencing to include new seating areas, and adding a large shade tree. Client: City of Miami Contact: Alina Hernandez Address: 501 Brickell Ave Miami, FL 33130 Phone: (305)416-1280 Email: ahernandez@miamigov.com Start Date: March 2017 Completion Date: Ongoing Design Fees: $12,626.55 22 City of Miami Beach Professonal grchi::ec[uraland Engineering Services for Capi:al Renewal and Replacement.Projects 3.1 Experience & Qua Lihca Lions of the Firm dn.0,-, ,,• -:„ ._.,;=. A� meq__ _` /� t �, w `� r 1 1 k e a. �nppp �.� `4 0. ti kEr w - ,- Qope 4.4. ..... „..,' or .,. .... �.,. ...ji .on.. +www OP � . , .4-:c-iiimp. , --..-...---_ ._ 1_,, * ' .t °it: .„. ' gal : w.. . 41rir" ""ji — .l -:3t t,•ii:*Y!l.9t." - 1. , A 4 .4/ q _ ,- Y `' 3 .;, ;. ,. , 44, 0t -r + ..» et MGM c._,:„, ..d; }'•<',,' r ,,,,� ti r � }r s,.* . • y*". �.^��Vie, Windmill Park Coconut Creek, FL Keith and Schnars'involvement in the original plat work for the development of Windmill Park started in 1987-then called Coco Parc. In 1990, Keith and Schnars prepared the original design work for the park, providing the City of Coconut Creek with master planning, site design, landscape, irrigation and parking design, construction inspection and administration services, as well as, overall project coordination assistance. The current park includes active and passive recreation areas, bike, jogging and nature trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, ball fields, court games, entrance and park signage, wetland mitigation lakes and multi-purpose buildings. In 2012, Keith and Schnars worked closely with the City to develop a conceptual plan for park improvements that included such elements as an additional basketball court, expanded landscapes, open play areas, shelters, proposed parking, walking paths, station-based exercise circuit, separated large and small dog parks and a restroom facility. Client: City of Coconut Creek Contact: Shelia Rose, Director, Sustainable Development Address: 4860 West Copans Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33063 Phone: (954) 973-6756 Email: SRose@coconutcreek.net Start Date:July 2012 Completion Date:January 2013 Team Positions: Project Manager - Bruce Reed, RLA; Designer - Marisol Ortega, ISA, LIAF Design Fees: $12,500 City of Miami Beach ur-,> 0n.1 1i ,1.J I t 1 11 1> i i. ,.• v I ' .: :1-1 _1. i' I ' .1-1'..1 1.I � 1 .r1 23 3.1 Experience & Qualifications of the Firm 1 v b = - -=dam,, - �* - 1:,-, '-:, 4_ ......:„.4„,.... .. ikt, 0, ,,,, ,_ 4a •• - 4 - Ai,._ : i:.,-.: . , . --,,e 1 , % ii -a '.--, -. . . . . ... . ,. ..7-iz i y�: :7-:..„....-- moi' �''� 60:4, . ..•' ,.. .,. .2,-,, K may' .r• :* i ' �• } '`G _ r I ��.. �� I • , _ r k - � R — 44. ,. ISI Y 1 � .MIrIwI SIMPSON PARK -ti. 'rah HAMMOCK iliYSr 1 I ;`ensEroa[cvtEa you AS `. ' -. L=1.'' a 1 _____ _ --..„ _. _ ,.. 1 , iiitial,,,„ ,,. _ ..,.. _ , ,„., , A Simpson Park Concept Miami, FL Simpson Park is a natural preserve that encompasses over 8-acres of the last remnants of tropical hardwood hammock in the center of Miami's urban core. It is enclosed by a 4 foot perimeter wall constructed of native oolite limestone dated in the 1930s-1940s. Due to security concerns, a black chain link fence was added to the top of the wall. In 2009, a more prominent and accessible entry to the park was built across from the traffic circle at the intersection of South Miami Avenue and SW 15th Road, comprised of a wood deck with embedded lights, rustic cut wood benches, and a modern-style lattice wood structure and a fine grain chainmail curtain serving as a gate to secure the entrance. In 2015, Keith &Schnars was tasked through the City of Miami Capital Improvements and Transportation Program, to prepare a concept for the redesign of this northeast pedestrian entrance,due to the poor condition of the existing deck and entrance gate. The conceptual plan removed the existing deck and wooden entrance structure and removed the existing shrub material to provide a more open feel. The large existing mature trees were preserved and landscape lighting was added. Hardscape was redesigned to provide better connectivity to the existing sidewalks and park entrance. Other elements included: park benches, pedestrian lighting; and a green metal picket gate and fence at the entrance to prevent trespassing. Client: City of Miami Contact: Carlos Lozano, Project Manager, Capital Improvements and Transportation Program Address: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor, Miami, FL 33130 Phone: (305) 416-1247 Email: CLozano@miamigov.com Start Date:January 2015 Completion Date: May 2015 Design Fees: $3,920 24 City of Miami Beach -rofessonal grchi:ec:ural and Engineering Services For Capi:al renewal and eplacernen:-rojecs 3.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Firm • ,1111 7 ,..4 itsk-T i 4 At' ' 7. --.....:. •4, y 1 � ..,,,..t‘,.:*,- J.,„0„,..,..-----\::. - ,, - ,, ititkili. ��;i. ..�.... V. :`s... v y ii., • ..1.., t ���- :l�.�"r.:".•. ..,ham''''''.-..-1k. Terramar Park Parkland, FL Keith & Schnars provided site design through construction administration for this municipal park renovation. The renovation included: Two (2) multi-purpose fields with a new covered bleacher seating area, new athletic field lighting and upgrades to existing athletic field lighting, new concrete walkways and resurfacing of existing asphalt walkways, landscaping, fencing, irrigation and drainage improvements. As the prime consultant Keith & Schnars services included project management, survey, civil engineering, landscape architecture, permitting, bidding assistance, and construction phase services. Client: City of Parkland Contact: Sowande A.Johnson, P.E., City Engineer Address: 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Phone: (954) 753-5040 Email: sjohnson@cityofparkland.org Start Date: November 2016 Completion Date: Currently under construction contract award phase. Team Positions: Kirk Hoosac, RLA- Landscape Project Manager; Todd Mohler, RLA, ISA, IA- Designer of Record; Robert Zuccaro, P.E. - Project Manager;Jonathan Geiger, E.I. - Project Engineer Construction Fees: $111,040 City of Miami Beach irofessonal Prchi:ec:Jral and Engineering Services For Capital-2enewal and Peplacemen:Projects 25 3.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Firm r � AGILITY WALK A Y,, y "' LK B -,fr,7- y7!"Y,, BENCH TYPICAL , l.4,' PAVILION rLYzoxm r`p� e fn 1 ,4;''' ; i� AGILITY W B t -h i. _ 9 .,. �._-Y .� FUTURE BENCH . if� , A, GATe t a 2 v ,�' tij';, a J1 Z4 •'. FUTURE BENCH 2 1! .FOUNTAIN _+� Z V r `E .:� �,,�? . - e 4 PGTV R&TE _ .) -I .w �,., 4 ' �'-1y` `Y. +, _ i `-''''.---------•.%., �".'-.-- `, C . j STI : RENTRV -" v t ,n ARCHWAY i v�'. i '-' _' , ,`_-SJ q °� -•,fes`'' • (. , �� BENCH AL 1Y:4'''''' -0;:74.4.1..c L''- f's `FUTURE BEN 'ry.. ;\\y4 .1UTUREBENCH J *� .,f I Pik, ,- , ti-. / tie 1 ,s N. rY , ,-, tfi m. C •,E.ENT'kik �R 3; ._ -ON ,,,��' .a.� .. iia ? Holiday Park Dog Park Fort Lauderdale, FL Keith and Schnars' Landscape Architecture division prepared conceptual site plans for a new dog park within the existing Holiday Park in Fort Lauderdale. The task involved creating two concept site plans within an area of about 2 acres, one for large size dogs and one for small size dogs. Base plans were prepared by performing an onsite analysis to investigate field conditions and inventory existing landscape. Plans were developed to meet all of the requirements clarified by the City staff and an opinion of construction costs was also provided by Keith and Schnars. The design of the two distinguished dog park areas included the placement of dog obstacle course equipment and a prominent entryway, with double gates for the safety of dogs and owners simultaneously entering and leaving the gated park area. In addition,the common park elements of benches,water fountains, pavilions,trash bins and pet waste stations were also included in the design. Holiday Park is already one with multiple engaging amenities to the public, and these areas designated specifically for dogs are another great addition for the enjoyment of the residents and visitors of the City. Client: City of Fort Lauderdale Contact: Christopher R. Bennett, P.E., Senior Project Manager Address: 100 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Phone: (954) 828-6522 Email: chbennett@fortlauderdale.gov Start Date: March 2015 Completion Date:July 2015 Team Positions: Bruce Reed, RLA; Shea Hansen, RLA, ISA; Marisol Ortega, ISA; Raul Gavela;James Wang Construction Fees: $70,000-$130,000 26 City of Miami Beach Drofessonal architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Reneu..)al and -eplacernent?rojec's 4.1 Experience & QuaLiHcaticns of the Team MIAMIBEACH 1 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Bruce Reed, RLA, CPTED 1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE URBAN RENEWALS/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kirk Hoosac, RLA Heidi Siegel, AICP Todd Mohler, RLA, ISA, IA Bradley W. Benmoshe, Chris Miller, RLA, ISA, IA, LEED LEED Green Associate, CPTED AP, SITES AP, LIAF, FNGLA Kristen Nowicki, AICP Marisol Ortega, ISA, LIAF CODES;STANDARDS;ORDINANCES James Wang, LEED Green Associate Heidi Siegel, AICP Arianna Netzky Bradley W. Benmoshe, LEED Green Associate, CPTED Alexis Alvey, Landscape Kristen Nowicki, AICP Inspector, ISA, FNGLA Christine McKay, LIAF CONCEPTUAL STUDIES Arturo Izquierdo, Landscape Heidi Siegel, AICP Inspector, ISA, LIAF, FNGLA Bradley W. Benmoshe, Todd Reich, Landscape LEED Green Associate, CPTED Inspector,ISA, LIAF Kristen Nowicki, AICP Benjamin Koubek, Landscape Inspector, LIAF, FNGLA Chase Russell, Landscape Inspector, FNGLA Kevin Johnson II, CPTED City of Miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 27 4.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team RESUME( Bruce Reed, RLA, CPTED - Principal in Charge Vice President of Landscape Architecture, Planning, Environmental • •1 Mr. Reed has extensive experience in a wide variety of projects where he has provided a full range of services as a project Manager and landscape architectural of record. These services consist of the following land development activities: master planning, programming, plan review, site design and development, landscape and irrigation design, cost analysis, environmental mitigation design/permitting, site approval processing/permitting and public/client presentation. As an experienced project manager, Mr. Reed has competently prepared and administered construction and bid documents, QA/QC, contract negotiation, written reports and correspondence, review Years of of project invoices and construction observation. Mr. Reed has developed a perceptive Experience: understanding of roadway, streetscapes, park and recreational facility design and has 30 consistently established positive rapport with municipal and agency personnel. He has demonstrated responsible capabilities in team coordination and client/staff/public Academic project comprehension and status awareness. Background Relevant Experience B.S., Landscape Architecture, City of Fort Lauderdale General Engineering Services, Broward County, FL: University of Florida, Provided master, site, hardscape, planting, irrigation, and site amenities plans for 1987 municipal parks, streetscapes, and infrastructure improvements. Client/Contact: City Professional of Fort Lauderdale/Hal Barnes, P.E., Phone: (954) 828-5065. (2001 to Present) Registration Sunset Lakes Municipal Complex, Miramar, FL: Programming, master and site Registered planning, landscape and irrigation design, construction drawings; permitting, Landscape specifications for a 26-acre park/municipal complex design-build project. Client/ Architect, FL Contact: City of Miramar/Henry Talton, P.E., Phone: (954) 364-2114. (2007) #0001479 Rolling Oaks and Bunche Parks Improvement Program, Miami Gardens, FL: Professional Programming, master planning and grant assistance for two City of Miami Gardens Certifications parks entailing more than 40-acres. Improvements included a nature trail, recreation Crime Prevention center, maintenance buildings, pavilions, press boxes, a concession/restroom facility, Through soccer/football fields, tennis courts, a par course, volleyball courts, an aquatic play Environmental structure, lighting, signage, parking, and playgrounds. Client/Contact: City of Miami Design Gardens/jay Marder, Phone: (305) 622-2225. (11/05) (CPTED), 1998 Town of Lantana Municipal Beach Complex, Lantana, FL: Park master planning; Professional programming, survey, design, citizens and park user's survey, public meetings; opinion Affiliations of implementation cost, concepts, preliminary and final master plan. Client/Contact: American Society Town of Lantana/Mike Greenstein, Phone: (561) 540-5766. (2007) of Landscape Windmill Park, Coconut Creek, FL: Programming and conceptual designs, proposed Architects (ASLA) improvements to this existing park included entrance features, community garden, basketball courts, pavilions, site furnishings, parking and pathways. Client/Contact: City of Coconut Creek/Shelia Rose, Phone: (954) 973-6756. (7/12 to 1/13) 28 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 4.1 Experience & Qua Li Ilca Lions or the Team RESUME: ¢i:`' �`� Kirk Hoosac, RLA- Quality Control Director of Landscape Architecture 101.4 As the previous District LandscapeArchitectatThe Florida Department ofTransportation (FDOT) District 6, Mr. Hoosac offers a wide range of experience in all phases of • t landscape architecture and urban streetscapes including plan development, concept generation, cost estimating, site inventory, site and master planning, landscape and irrigation design, project specifications, construction observation, landscape inspection and quality control. He has participated in a variety of project types including planning and design for transportation, commercial, residential and municipal projects. Years of Relevant Experience Experience: 12 Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton, FL: Contract Manager - Mr. Hoosac performed overall project management of a 17-acre park developed on top of an Academic abandoned landfill, including play features, sports courts, shade structures, passive Background recreation areas, and a non-motorized boat launch. . Client/Contact: City of Boca B.L.A., Landscape Raton/Michael Dyko, Phone: (561) 416-3413, Email: mdyko@ci.boca-raton.fl.us (2016 Architecture, to Present) University of Florida, Totor Art Plaza, North Miami Beach, FL: Mr. Hoosac is the project manager for this 2006 high-profile pocket-park located in the City of North Miami Beach. His duties were Landscape oversighting the field work, urban and landscape design, conceptual plan production, p and photorealistic renderings. Additionally, she is consulting and coordinating directly Architecture Study with the Assistant City Manager, providing design expertise for City Hall improvements. Abroad, Paris, France, 2004 Spanish River Park, Boca Raton, FL: This was a beach dune restoration project that required DEP permitting, invasive plant removal, native beach dune plant restoration, Professional contract specifications, bidding assistance and CEI services. Client/Contact: City of Boca Registrations Raton/Jennifer Bistyga, Phone: (561) 416-3397. Email: jbistyga@ci.boca-raton.fl.us. Registered (2011) Landscape Architect, FL Terramar Park, Parkland, FL: Project Manager-The goal of this project is to redesign #6667091 and renovate a field to incorporate two new fields along with site amenities including bleachers and shade structures. Client/Contact: City of Parkland/Sowande Johnson, Professional P.E., Phone: (954) 757-4144, Email: sjohnson@cityofparkland.com. (2016 to Present) Affiliations Broward County APA Districtwide Landscape Design Services, Miami-Dade County, FL: Mr. Hoosac worked on multiple projects with PD&E staff members, doing miscellaneous tasks such as; tree species identification, tree evaluations, tree mitigation costs and/or appraisals, and long range estimates (LRE's). Attended and created graphics for public meetings, including conceptual typical landscape beautification treatments when part of the PD&E scope. Reviewed multiple roadway typical sections for potential landscape impacts, or ways to soften impacts such as buffering of noise walls. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/ BaoYing Wang, P.E., Phone: (305)470-5211, Email: BaoYing.wang@dot.state.fl.us. (2006 to 2013) SR-82 Roundabout, Immokalee, FL: Project Manager - Mr. Hoosac has provided project oversite into the site analysis, concept development, landscape and irrigation design, and construction documents for a landscape beautification project of a large volume roundabout. Client/Contact: FDOT District 1/Darryl Richard, Phone: (863) 519- 2266, Email: Darryl.Richard@dot.state.fl.us. (2017 to Present) City of Miami Beach I Profess, 1.1i c.t Peplacemenr Projects 29 41.1 i i . fca tions of the Team RESUMt Todd Mohler, RLA, ISA, IA- Project Manager Senior Project Manager Mr. Mohler is a skilled Registered Landscape Architect(RLA)with a depth of knowledge developed through 21 years of professional experience. His project portfolio ranges broadly between public agency and private development. He has specific project experience in parks, streetscapes, hospitality, PUDs, and commercial development. Professional services on projectsfrequentlyinclude initial data collection and observation, vonmpuii_jAhl"N. site analysis, concept and design development, and complete site, landscape, and irrigation design including construction oversight and inspection services. Most recently he has been designing, testing, inspecting and managing centrally controlled irrigation Years of Experience: systems. These services are focused on water conservation and horticultural services 25 aimed squarely at sustainability of built landscapes. His thorough understanding of water, soils, and plants within the built environment afforded a decade long successful Academic Background consulting career in the private sector including irrigation water management through B.L.A.,Landscape advanced technologies like soil moisture sensing, weather stations, and computerized Architecture(Magna Cum Laude),Clemson central control systems. Mr. Mohler has presented regularly at State ASLA conventions University,1993 as well as similar Texas ASLA conventions on the subject of water conservation. Professional Registration Relevant Experience Registered Landscape Architect,FL LA0001594 Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton, FL: Project Manager, Designer-Mr. Mohler Professional Certifications directed the design of a 17-acre park developed on top of an abandoned landfill, ISA Arborist including play features, sports courts, shade structures, passive recreation areas, and Certified Landscape Irrigation a non-motorized boat launch. Additionally, Mr. Mohler developed and produced the Auditor(CLIA)-Irrigation landscape and irrigation designs. Client/Contact: City of Boca Raton/Michael Dyko, Association,2006 Phone: (561) 416-3413, Email: mdyko@myboca.us. (2016 to Present) Certified Irrigation Contractor (CIC)-Irrigation Association, Terramar Park, Parkland, FL: Designer: Mr. Mohler directed the redesign of 2006 the irrigation system to accommodate two new athletic fields. Client/Contact: City Golf Irrigation g Y Auditor(CGIA)-Irrigation of Parkland/Sowande Johnson, P.E., Phone: (954) 757-4144, Email: sjohnson@ Association,2007 cityofparkland.com. mailto:ChBennett@fortlauderdale.gov(2016 to Present) Certified Irrigation Designer, Residential/Golf/Commercial Citrus Grove Park, Martin County, FL: Designer, Inspector- Mr. Mohler developed and (CID-R/G/C)-Irrigation produced the irrigation design, and provided post design consulting and construction Association,2007 Catchment observation services on a four field baseball complex. Client/Contact: Martin County/ Rain Water emsAccr mend Kevin Landry, Phone: (772) 221-1376, Email: klandp@martin.fl.us. (2012 to 2014 y Systems Accredited rY ) Professional(RCS-AP)- ARCSA,200s Cypress Preserve Park, Sunrise, FL: Designer, Inspector - Mr. Mohler developed and Certified Arborist- produced the irrigation design for an 8-acre passive park including upland habitat, International Society of wetlands, splash pad and nature paths. Additionally, Mr. Mohler provided post design Arboriculture(ISA),2013 consulting and construction observation services. Client/Contact: City of Sunrise/Dave Florida Water Star Accredited Professional-Certifier(FWS- Abderhalden, Phone:(954)572-2264, Email: dabderhalden@sunrisefl.gov.(2011 to 2014) AP)-SJRWMD 2014 FDOT LAP Design Criteria, Oak Hammock Park, Sunrise, FL: Designer, Inspector - Mr. Mohler developed and Specifications&Construction produced the irrigation design for a 13-acre passive park including upland habitat, Checklist Training Certification wetlands, splash pad and nature paths. Additionally, Mr. Mohler provided post design FDOT Specifications Package consulting and construction observation services. Client/Contact: City of Sunrise/Dave Preparation Training for Abderhalden, Phone:(954)572-2264, Email:dabderhalden@sunrisefl.gov. (2011 to 2014) Consultants Professional Affiliations Member of the American Society of Landscape Architects 30 City of Miami Beach Professorial.Architectural_and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 4.1 Experience & QualiFications of the Team RESUME: Chris Miller, RLA, ISA, LEED AP, SITES AP, LIAF, FNGLA, IA Landscape Architecture .,: Mr. Miller is a highly qualified landscape architect with a keen interest in the Green Industry. His broad range of experience includes all phases of the design process from site analysis, concept generation and project planning to landscape, irrigation and • amenity designs. He also has experience in final implementation. He is known for his • innovative design solutions and immaculate attention to design details, construction specifications, plan reviews and hands-on construction inspection. Combined with the ability to recognize and solve the complex requirements of project integration, Mr. Miller's expertise includes a thorough understanding of Florida's ecosystems and Years of Experience: critical water conservation principles. These strengths are complimented by his skill 23 in photography and effective presentations. His extensive array of project experience Academic Background includes planning, design and construction inspection of commercial developments, B.L.A.studies, Landscape parks, municipal centers, streetscapes, FDOT roadway beautification projects and Architecture, University of Florida, 1993 to 1997 more. Mr. Miller currently holds 15 Green Industry Certifications. Vicenza, Italy Institute of Architecture(European Study program), Relevant Experience University of Florida, 1997, Landscape Palm El Rio Multiuse Trail, Boca Raton, FL: Design of a green area in the middle of the urban Management, University of fabric that integrates the user with natural features. Landscaping, irrigation and Florida amenity design for 3 separate projects, over 2-miles of a multi-use trail. Client/Contact: Professional Registration City of Boca Raton/Joy Puerta, Phone: (561) 416-3410, Email: jpuerta@ci.boca-raton. Registered Landscape flus. (2012) Architect, FL#6666970 Professional Certifications Town of Lantana Municipal Beach Complex, Lantana, FL: Park master planning; ISA Certified Arborist, FL #5218A programming, survey, design, citizens and park user's survey, public meetings; opinion ISA Tree Risk Assessor of implementation cost, concepts, preliminary and final master plan. Client/Contact: LIAF Certified Landscape Town of Lantana/Mike Greenstein, Parks and Recreation Manager, Phone: (561) 540- Inspector#2007-0016 g FNGLA Certified Horticultural 5766. (2007) Professional FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor Rolling Oaks and Bunche Parks Improvement Program, Miami Gardens, FL: Master MOT Certified Intermediate planning and grant assistance for City of Miami Gardens parks, including a nature IA Certified Irrigation Contractor trail, recreation center, maintenance buildings, pavilions, press boxes, a concession/ IA Certified Irrigation restroom facility, soccer/football fields,tennis courts, a par course,volleyball courts, an Designer aquatic play structure, lighting, signage, parking, and playgrounds. Client/Contact: City IA Certified Golf Irrigation rr of Miami Gardens/Jay Marder, Phone: (305) 622-2225. (11/05) IA Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor LEED Accredited Professional Mitchell Moore Park Improvements, Pompano Beach, FL: Site design through GREEN Advantage Certified construction for a 2-phase renovation including a par course, play structure, two ball Practitioner Florida Water Star Accredited fields with dugouts, scorer's platforms, site furniture, a football field, bleachers, court Irrigation Professional resurfacing, an irrigation system, and drainage improvements for this City of Pompano Florida Master Naturalist Native Areas Training Beach park. Client/Contact: City of Pompano Beach/Alessandra Delfico, Phone: (954) Academy 786-4619. (2005 to 4/07) Florida Earth Natural Systems FDEP Stormwater, Erosion &Sedimentation Control Spanish River Park, Boca Raton, FL:A Beach Dune Restoration Project for this popular Inspector Training& destination required DEP permitting, invasive plant removal, native beach dune plant Certification restoration, contract specifications, bidding assistance and CEI services. Client/Contact: Professional Affiliations City of Boca Raton/Jennifer Bistyga, Phone: (561) 416-3397. Email: jbistyga@ci.boca- AmericanLaociety of ndscape raton.fl.us. (2010 to 2013) Architects Florida Native Plant Society Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association City of Miami Beach Professorial Architectural and engineering Services for Capital Reneualand Replacement Project_ 31 4.1 Experience & QualiFications of the Team immomig RESUMES Marisol Ortega, ISA, ASLA, LIAF - Landscape Architecture Design Manager Ms. Ortega lends more than 23 years of experience as a designer, project manager, arborist and specialized inspector to the Landscape Architecture Division. Her background spans all aspects of the Green Industry, from pre-construction site survey and analysis, overall project design, construction management, to post development inspection and reporting for residential, commercial and municipal projects. She has worked with numerous community and city officials as well as developers to provide project landscape design and contract management as well as oversiteforthe installation and maintenance of city monuments, parks, roadways,commercial centers and housing Years of Experience: developments. She has also provided post storm hazard assessment, environmental 23 mitigation observation and reporting for wetland and coastal environments. Today, she thoroughly evaluates project sites, provides landscape and irrigation design, Academic and effectively coordinates with clients, firms, officials and providers throughout the Background production process and project construction. Business Management, Relevant Experience Florida International University Spanish River Park, Boca Raton, FL: Landscape and irrigation, project and construction 1994 management, environmental monitoring-Creation of view corridors to the ocean along this one mile stretch of the City's park beach dune system was accomplished thru an Professional extensive invasive plant removal and sea grape reduction pruning which adhered to all Registration state coastal authority criteria Areas were restored and included new dune species to ISA Certified Arborist, add interest along beach pathway connections from parking. Follow-up monitoring for FL#741A establishment was also completed. Client/Contact: City of Boca Raton/Jennifer Bistyga, LIAF, FL#2005-0380 Phone: (561) 416-3397. (2010 to 2013) Professional Holiday Park,Fort Lauderdale, FL: Concept layouts; site evaluation; site design; product Certifications selection; estimating; construction management - A 1.5-acre parcel of land at this AutoCAD- existing park was set aside to provide for a new dog park with fencing, play and Certification, exercise amenities, water fountains, entry portals and signage. Worked with City staff Sheridan Technical and vendors to develop a cost effective plan that met with both private donor funding College and commission design requests. Client/Contact: City of Fort Lauderdale/Christopher Florida Association of Bennet, Phone: (954) 828-6522. (2015 to Present) Code Enforcement -Certification, Florida Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton, FL: Designer - A 17-acre park developed on Atlantic University top of an abandoned landfill, including play features, sports courts, shade structures, Landscape Inspectors passive recreation areas, and a non-motorized boat launch. Client/Contact: City of Association of Boca Raton/Michael Dyko, Phone: (561) 416-3413, Email: mdyko@myboca.us. (2016 to Florida Certification, Present) University of Florida IFAS National Incident Windmill Park, Coconut Creek, FL: Concept layouts, site design and landscape design, Management Systems design for dog park amenities in relation to expansion - Programming and conceptual IS-100, IS-200, IS- designs, proposed improvements to this existing park included entrance features, 700 Certifications, community garden, basketball courts, pavilions, site furnishings, parking and pathways. Emergency Client/Contact:City of Coconut Creek/Shelia Rose, Phone:(954)973-6765.(2013 to 2014) Management Institute Certifications, Emergency Management Institute 32 City of Miami Beach Professorial.Architectural.and Engineering Services For Capital.Renewal and Replacement Projects vii4,1 Experience & QuaLiFications of the Team RESUME James Wang- Landscape Architecture LEED Green Associate r Mr.Wang is a graduate from Florida International Universitywith a professional Master's degree in Landscape Architecture. Through his academic journey at the university, he - • further developed his interest in sustainable design by cultivating an understanding for natural infrastructures, environmental restoration, and human ecology. Employing contemporary digital techniques along with his passion for photography and the art of hand graphics, Mr. Wang's work and ideas resonates through his efforts to integrate the built conditions with the natural environment. Since the completion of his degree, i Mr. Wang has been involved in numerous projects varying in different sizes ranging from campus master planning to detailed residential design. Mr. Wang is considerably proficient in a variety of innovative design programs which include Adobe Photoshop, Years of Adobe Illustrator,Adobe InDesign,Adobe Bridge,AutoCAD & Land F/X, F/X CAD, Bentley Experience: MicroStation, Google SketchUp and Microsoft Office Suite. He has also developed an 4 interest in 2D and 3D printing, graphic design presentation and publication, digital photography and digital rendering. Academic Background Relevant Experience M.L.A., Landscape Architecture, Florida Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II,Boca Raton,FL:Designer- Mr.Wang was tasked to develop International construction documents of the design and restoration project of an existing abandoned University, 2013 landfill seeks to create a passive-use park with a proposed vita trail system, pavilions and a kayak launch. Client/Contact: City of Boca Raton/Michael Dyko, Phone: (561)416- A.A., Architectural 3413, Email: mdyko@myboca.ys. (2016 to Present) Design, Miami Dade College, 2010 Terramar Park, Parkland, FL: Designer - The goal of the project was to redesign and renovate a field to incorporate two new fields along with site amenities including Professional bleachers and shade structures. Mr. Wang was tasked to develop a tree inventory Certifications plan, site amenities plan and an irrigation plan to modify an existing irrigation system. LEED Green Client/Contact: City of Parkland/Sowande Johnson, P.E., Phone: (954) 757-4144, Email: Associate sjohnson@cityofparkland.com. (2016 to Present) Professional Little Haiti Soccer Park - Existing Soccer Practice Field Improvements and Associated Organizations Amenities, Miami, FL: Designer - This project developed a site plan to redesign an American Society existing path, an existing practice field and amenities located throughout the soccer of Landscape park. The goal of the design was to implement a new artificial practice field where an Architects existing turf practice field existed, as a result the existing path needed to be relocated and redesigned. A tree disposition plan and additional proposal of trees have been integrated to increase the shade canopy for park goers.A landscape wall was proposed to enhance the aesthetics and experience for park users. The landscape wall was designed to help retain the existing soil and slope to reduce the impact of having to mitigate/relocate majority of the existing trees. Mr. Wang assisted in the process of developing the warrant process package, the design development package and construction documents. Client/Contact: City of Miami/Kevin M. Kirwin, Phone: (305) 416-1320, Email: KKirwin@miamigov.com. (2015 to Present) Holiday Park Dog Park,Fort Lauderdale,FL:Designer-This project developed conceptual site plans for a new dog park within the existing Holiday Park in Fort Lauderdale. The task involved creating two concept site plans within an area of approximately two acres; one for large sized dogs and the other for small sized dogs. Base plans were prepared by performing an onsite analysis which investigated field conditions and inventoried existing landscape. Mr.Wang was involved in the construction document development process of the plans. Client/Contact: City of Fort Lauderdale/Christopher R. Bennett, P.E., Phone: (954) 828-6522, Email: ChBennett@fortlauderdale.gov. (2015 to 2016) City of Miami Beach Proressonat Rrchiieciurai.arid cngineerina Services ror Capiiai.Reneu-waiand Replacemei r Projec- 33 4.1 Experience & QuaLihcations of the Team RESUMEL 7,7 Arianna Netzky- Landscape Architecture -. I Landscape Architecture Associate . , ' Ms. Netzky has experience in the field of Landscape Architecture, including urban 1.4 design, landscape design, site and master planning, field observation, and irrigation design. Additional skills and background include graphic design, site surveying and mapping, public participation procedures, database management, and cartography. Moreover, her previous internships within municipal planning departments add to her knowledge of both the public and private sectors of development. Relevant Experience Years of Experience: 6 Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II,Boca Raton, FL:Contract Manager- Mr. Hoosac performed overall project management of a 17-acre park developed on top of an abandoned Academic landfill, including play features, sports courts, shade structures, passive recreation Background areas, and a non-motorized boat launch. . Client/Contact: City of Boca Raton/Michael B.S., Landscape Dyko, Phone: (561) 416-3413, Email: mdyko@ci.boca-raton.fl.us (2016 to Present) Architecture, Cougar Trail, Coconut Creek, FL: Ms. Netzky is the landscape designer for this University of Streetscape and Beautification Landscape Project located in the City of Coconut Creek. Wisconsin-Madison Her responsibilities include field work and observation, tree inventory, landscape 2014 design, irrigation design, and utility coordination. In addition, she is responsible for all Minor, conceptual and technical drawings for this project. Environmental Downtown Abacoa MUPD, Jupiter, FL: Landscape Designer - Ms. Netzky served as a Sciences, University landscape designer and planner for this street-scape revitaliztion project. Her tasks of Wisconsin- included landscape design throughout the MUPD, repurposing existing features and Madison 2014 materials and modernization (not limited to pavers, trees, and amenities), signage/ branding coordination, and the development of "As-Built" drawings approved by the Professional municipality. Additionally, she created renderings for public meetings and worked with Affiliations project architects to develop a central theme. Client/Contact: City of Jupiter (1/15 to Memory Trees 5/16). Volunteer- Planner/Designer Totor Art Plaza, North Miami Beach, FL: Ms. Netzky is the urban and landscape Florida ASLA designer for this high-profile pocket-park located in the City of North Miami Beach. Member - Her duties include field work and observation, urban and landscape design, conceptual Graphic Design, plan production, and photorealistic renderings. Additionally, she is consulting and Event Planning coordinating directly with the Assistant City Manager, providing design expertise for National ASLA City Hall improvements. Member Hypoluxo Commons MUPD, Hypoluxo, FL: Site Designer/Planner - Site Designer/ Planner - Ms. Netzky served as the lead site designer and planner for this mixed-use (commercial/residential) development site. In addition to coordinating the site plan, she worked with the municipality through the approval process, and helped organized public particiaption meetings. (5/16 to 2/17) Alton Masterplan, Palm Beach Gardens, FL: Ms. Netzky served as a landscape designer for this new master planned development, located in Palm Beach Gardens. Her tasks included landscape design for major thoroughfares, amenity centers, and typicals for model home types. Additionally, she aided in the design of monument signs and graphics/marketing, utilizing 3D modeling software. Client/Contact: Kolter Homes(1/15 to 5/16). 34 City of Miami Beach ,r, iesonal_Architectural.and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 4.1 Experience & Qualifications of the Team ow— RESUMES — RESUMES q Alexis Alvey, ISA Landscape Architecture Associate s t, - - Ms.Alvey has extensive experience in a wide range of disciplines relating to the practice , of urban horticulture. She has been working professionally with trees since 2002, and il • .+Y '\ has been an ISA Certified Arborist for the past eight years. As a Landscape Architecture • ";,e.. Associate, she strives to provide her clients with landscape design services that are 01 „,. , , environmentally conscious and that incorporate the latest best management practices. V4She is proficient in various software programs including AutoCAD, MicroStation, Adobe Creative Suite,and Land F/X. Ms.Alvey has experience in FDOT landscape project design, landscape inspection, plant problem diagnosis, tree inventory and risk assessment, Years of Experience: 15 permitting,urban ecology,community engagement,and urban design.She is passionate Academic Background about enhancing collaboration within the green industry, and is currently serving on M.L.A., Landscape the Executive Committee of the Florida Urban Forestry Council as a representative of Architecture Florida the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. She has also International University, presented at global conferences of the International Society of Arboriculture. 2017 summa cum laude M.S., Forest Resources Relevant Experience &Environmental Conservation: Urban Venetian Islands Tree Survey, Miami Beach, FL: Landscape Inspector - Identified, Forestry-Virginia Tech, measured, and assessed all trees on public property of San Marino, Di Lido, and Rivo 2007 summa cum laude Alto Islands in anticipation of new streetscape design to be created by Keith & Schnars. B.S., Natural Resources (2017 to Present) Management:Applied Ecology-Cornell Bird Road Tree Survey, Coral Gables, FL: Landscape Inspector - Made pruning and University,2005 cum laude removal recommendations on this FDOT managed historic road in order to decrease Professional tree risk and provide vehicular clearance over a 14 block segment from Red Road to Certifications Lejeune Road, including Coral Gables High School. Limited on-site oversight of pruning International Society of operations provided. (2017 to Present) Arboriculture(ISA)Certified Arborist Doral Boulevard, Miami-Dade County, FL: Ms. Alexis made revisions to the draft Florida Nursery Growers MMOA Covenant for Doral Boulevard right-of-way covenant for maintenance of and Landscape Association landscaping with Cityof Doral and Miami-Dade County.y (2017 to Present) (FNGLA)Certification p g FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional NE 6th Avenue NE 6th Avenue, from NE 171st Street to NE 183rd Street, North (FCHP) Miami Beach, FL: Landscape Inspector- Wrote FDOT Monthly Landscape Inspection Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Reports that summarized status of previous project deficiencies, identified new Detection and Elimination deficiencies, and illustrated with photos. Training (2017 to Present) Florida Green Industries Best Management 1-95 from Snake Creek to Miami/Broward County Line, FL: Landscape Inspector- Practices Preformed FDOT monthly landscape inspections that summarized status of previous Professional Affiliations project deficiencies, identified new deficiencies, and illustrated with photos. International Society of Arboriculture Florida Chapter of the ISA American Society of Landscape Architects (AS LA) Florida Chapter of the ASLA Florida Urban Forestry Council Executive Committee City of Miami Beach j Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 35 4.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team RESUME . • ' Christine McKay, LIAF Landscape Architecture Associate �F ij Ms. McKay has nearly 10 years of experience in the Landscape Architecture field, having worked in both the public and private sectors. With Keith and Schnars for two years now, she spent one year as a part-time in house consultant with the FDOT at District 6. Working directly with the District Landscape Architect (DLA), Ms. McKay learned • the ins-and-outs of the department, while assiting the DLA with both everyday and project specific tasks. She is familiar with landscape project submittal requirements: processing plans and forms/certifications, assigning reviewers and setting up Phase Review Meetings in the ERC.She is also experienced in overseeing warranty inspections: Years of Experience: coordinating between contractors, consultant inspectors, and the FDOT construction 10 department, as well as performing field visits as required. Academic Relevant Experience Background BA, Environmental FDOT District 6 Districtwide Landscape Design Services, Miami-Dade County, Studies, FL: Ms. McKay served as a contracted in-house project manager for the FDOT District Warren Wilson 6 office, providing landscape architectural services including preparation of Push- College, 2000 Button landscape and irrigation plan sets, plan reviews, presentations, reports, permit coordination, review meetings, tree relocations, inspections and miscellaneous consultations. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Consultant Management Office (District Professionaliliatio AffLandscape Architect currently vacant), Phone: (305) 470-5384. (2014 to 2015) Landscape FDOT District 6 General Engineering Contract - Plan and Permit Review, Miami- Inspectors Dade and Monroe Counties, FL: Review plans and permits for conformance with Association of FDOT criteria, state design principles and project requirements relating to landscape. Florida, 2012 to Ms. McKay coordinates with FDOT personnel and permit applicants and attends plan Present review meetings as necessary. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Consultant Management Office (District Landscape Architect currently vacant), Phone: (305) 470-5384. (2015 to Planning & Zoning Present) Board Chair, City of North Lauderdale, FL 125th Street Miami-Dade, FL: Safety project providing turn lanes to alleviate traffic 2013 to Present on a residential street. Ms. McKay assisted with the initial site inspection and tree disposition plan and is coordinating with the FDOT design team for relocation and planting opportunities. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Karina Fuentes,P.E., Project Manager; Phone: (305) 470-5310. (2015 to Present) 107th Avenue Miami-Dade, FL: Landscape component to roadway project. Land acquisition and road widening impacted a large number of existing trees. Tree Disposition plans were provided, as well as hardscape (tree cut-outs)to be utilized by a future stand-alone landscape project. Ms. McKay coordinated with the PM throughout the design process.Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Danny Iglesias, P.E.,Project Manager; Phone: (305)470-5266. (2015) 36 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural.and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects Experience & Qualifications or the Team RESUMF * ' Arturo Izquierdo, ISA, LIAF, FNGLA Senior Landscape Inspector Arturo Izquierdo has over 12 years of experience in the landscaping industry, founding a well-respected full service commercial landscaping company. He is completely committed to professionalism, delivering the highest standards and value to his • clients. His experience includes design, installation and maintenance on many projects throughout South Florida. Mr. Izquierdo and his team worked together to produce exceptional landscape installations with all plan components of each project in full iimigazdfic"agaiimajga compliance with local codes and state standards and specifications. From managing the installation, maintenance and inspection of large projects throughout the area, Years of Experience: 14 Mr. Izquierdo has developed an environmentally conscious vision of sustainable construction and maintenance strategies. As a dedicated professional, Mr. Izquierdo Academic Background generously donates his time training and preparing new generations of tree care Nuestra Senora del professionals. He is a State Certified Green Industry Best Management Instructor as Carmen well as a Tree Trimming Instructor for the University of Florida/IFAS Extension, Broward Venezuela, 1993 County. Sharing his passion for outdoor living environments and with a focus on tree care and landscape installation, Mr. Izquierdo's mission is to educate, train and equip Professional tree trimmers with the latest techniques on tree care from structural pruning to pest Certifications and disease management. His breadth of experience and extensive knowledge make ISA Certified Arborist him a powerful asset to the green industry. LIAF Certified Landscape Relevant Experience Inspector FNGLA Certified Flagler Street from NW 72nd Avenue to NW 27th Avenue, Miami, FL: A RRR project Landscape Contractor improving turn lanes and adding medians. Performing monthly inspections of the FNGLA Certified landscape installation. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: (305) 470- Horticulture Professional 5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2016 to Present) FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician 1-75 from SR-826 to NW 170th Street,Miami-Dade County,FL:Landscape construction FNGLA Florida WaterStar inspection and relocation monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Accredited Professional Phone: (305) 470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2016 to Present) FDEP Stormwater Erosion &Sedimentation Control 1-95 at Indiantown Road, Palm Beach County, FL: Landscape and irrigation Inspector Training& construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT Certification District 4/Chad Tavares, Phone: (561) 370-1129, Email: Chad.Tavares@dot.state.fl.us. FDOT MOT Intermediate (2016 to Present) FDOT Illicit Discharge Certificate 1-95 at Martin Highway, Palm Beach County, FL: Landscape and irrigation UF/IFAS, Landscape Palm construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT Management District 4/Elisabeth Hassett, Phone: (954) 777-4219, Email: Elisabeth.hassett@dot.state. UF/IFAS Broward County fl.us. (2017 to Present) Tree Trimming Instructor Extension 1-95 at Kanner Highway, Palm Beach County, FL: Landscape and irrigation UF/IFAS Green Industry construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT Best Management District 4/Elisabeth Hassett, Phone: (954)777-4219, Email: Elisabeth.hassett@dot.state. Practices Certified fl.us. (2017 to Present) Instructor State of Florida Florida Department of Agriculture - Limited Landscape Certification City of miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 37 4.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team "'v . � ' Todd Reich, ISA, LIAF, FCLT -11 ,f •• ,f, Landscape Inspector at , i Asa Certified Landscape Inspector and Certified Arboristwith over25years of experienceexperience ,*, in the industry, Mr. Reich possess thorough knowledge of arboricultural practices and . ,,,,>. ; procedures. In addition, Mr. Reich has an extensive background in plant deficiencies d±,t.., and fertilization, pest identification and treatment, and knowledge of laws, codes and '` ordinances relating to trees and plant material. Fully trained in Florida Grades and Standards, Mr. Reich's other key experience includes: reviewing plans and availability of #411` ISMN. 1 plant material as per specifications;auditing irrigation systems and implementing water & energy saving measures; inspecting work performed in the field to assure standard Years of Experience:27 operation procedures are followed and performance standards are met; assisting in Academic Background administering city and county ordinances and standards with various Homeowners' Bensalem High School, Associations (HOA5); designing and implementing a safety program and weekly safety Township, Pennsylvania meetings; and developing specifications and RFPs for integrated pest management, 1993 fertilization, arboriculture, irrigation and turf maintenance for management companies Professional and HOA5. Certifications ISA Certified Arborist, Relevant Experience FL5423A ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification SR-826 from NW 62nd Avenue to NW 42nd Avenue, FPID #250071-2-52-01, Miami- LIAF Certified Landscape Dade County, FL: Landscape construction inspection and establishment period Inspector,2011-099 University of Florida, monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: (305) 470-5452, Email: Landscape Palm Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2015 to Present) Management FDEP Stormwater Management Inspector, Golden Glades Park & Ride, West Lot, FPID #251684-5-52-01, Miami-Dade County, #34386 FL: Landscape construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. Client/ FDEP,Best M a emries t Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: (305) 470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot. Best Management Practices,GV12116-1 state.fl.us. (2015 to Present) FDEP Stormwater,Erosion &Sedimentation Control Inspector Training& on ramp SR-826 South Bound at S New River Drive, FPID #431951-1-52-01, Miami- Certification Dade County, FL: Landscape construction inspection and establishment period FDOTMOT#11312 monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: (305) 470-5452, Email: FDACD, LTD Commercial Fertilizer Applicator, Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2015 to Present) LF225308 BrowardCountySpec. SR-A1A Collins Avenue from 5th Street to Lincoln Road, FPID #250236-3-52- Plumber-Lawn Sprinkler, CC#08-CLS-15459-x 01, Miami-Dade County, FL: Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and FL Division of Emergency establishment period monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: Management,Debris (305)470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2015 to Present) Management,G-202 OSHA-10 hour certified FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician(FCLT) Professional Affiliations International Society of Arboriculture(ISA) Tree Care Industry Association(TCIA) Utility Arborist Association (UAA) Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida (LIAF)Irrigation Association (IA) Florida 38 City of Miami Beach Proressonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects , 1 Experience & Qualifications of the Team k.m PESUME 4....1 ..... .... iii, -4 - < • Benjamin Koubek, ISA, LIAF, FNGLA :,- s' •;;te: ; Landscape Inspector Mr. Koubek has a broad and unique experience in the Municipal, Utility and Commercial ' tree care industry. He is one of only a handful of Certified Arborists in Florida to hold both the ISA Municipal Specialist and Utility Specialist Certification. Benjamin has an ti. tir ; extensive background relating to utility vegetation management, plant deficiencies .r and fertilization, pest identification and treatment, and knowledge of laws, codes and y' ' ordinances relating to trees and plant material. Fully trained in Florida Grades and �,,,,, Standards for nursery plants, Mr. Koubek is a LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector with key experience that includes: inspecting work performed in the field to ensure standard Academic Background operation procedures are followed and performance standards are met; assisting in B.S.,Urban Forestry School both drafting and administering City and County ordinances and reviewing plans and of Forest Resources& availability of plant material as per specifications. Conservation, University of Florida Relevant Experience A.A.,General Studies, Valencia College Professional SR-93/1-75 from SR-826 to NW 170th Street, Miami-Dade County, FL: Landscape Certifications construction inspection and relocation monitoring.Client/Contact:FDOT District 6/Kevin University of Florida, Schot, Phone: (305)470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (8/16 to Present) Landscape Palm Management SR-915/NE 6th Avenue from NE 171th Street to NE 183rd Street, Miami-Dade LIAF Certified Landscape County, FL: Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period Inspector monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: (305)470-5452, Email: FNGLA Certified Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2016 to Present) Horticulture Professional FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician(FCLT) SR-907/Alton Road from 5th Street to Michigan Avenue, Miami-Dade County, FL: FNGLA Certified Landscape Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. Contractor Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone:(305)470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@ ISA Certified Arborist, dot.state.fl.us. (7/16 to Present) FL#5926AUM ISA Certified Municipal CityCenter, Pembroke Pines, FL:Assisted in the design, review and permittingof this Specialist large-scale, mixed-use project designed to be the focal point of downtown Pebroke ISA Certified UtilityP J g Specialist Pines. Also inspected the landscaping on early phases of construction. Client/Contact: ISA Certified Oak Wilt City of Pembroke Pines/Michael Stamm, Phone:(954)392-2100, Email: Stamm@PPines. Specialist,Texas Chapter com. (2014 to 2016) Florida Best Management Practices Certification Landscape Design & Landscape Plan Review, Pembroke Pines, FL: Assisted in the FDOT Maintenance of Traffictermdito design of 50+ residential and commercial landscape projects. Inspected 250+ existing Course, 15129residential and commercial with approved landscape plan on file with the City f OSHA 10 Hour Certified Pembroke Pines. Client/Contact: City of Pembroke Pines/Michael, Phone: (954) 392- FDEP Stormwater,Erosion 2100, Email: Stamm@PembrokePines.com. (2014 to 2016) &Sedimentation Control Inspector Training& City of Pembroke Pines Gateway Signs, Pembroke Pines, FL: Reviewed and signed Certification off on landscape plans adjacent to CityGatewaysigns at major roadwayentryways to Florida of Agriculture&Consumerthe Cityof Pembroke Pines. Also inspected landscaping duringand after construction. Services Beaureau of Client/Contact:City of Pembroke Pines/Michael, Phone:(954)392-2100, Email: Stamm@ Entomology&Pest Control PembrokePines.com. (2015 to 2016) -The LTD Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Holder FDOT Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination City of Miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Project- 39 4,1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team iiimmai RESUMES , . :,4 f� '° Chase Russell, FNGLA ,ii4,,, "` Senior Landscape Inspector ,lik ilikle, Mr. Russell has over 9 years of experience as a horticultural professional. He has experience in FDOT landscape project design and CEI along with a wide range of disciplines including landscape design development, installation, management, and inspection, plus horticultural production, plant pathology, entomology, and habitat restoration. He is deeply committed to the green industry. Mr. Russell strives to provide his clients with a quality product that is environmentally conscious, with plant selections that adhere to Florida Grades and Standards. Chase is also familiar with the permitting process and is proficient using AutoCad and MicroStation software in the Years of Experience: development and production of landscape plans. 9 Relevant Experience Academic Background FDOT District 6 Plan and Permit Review, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, FL: B.S., Plant Science Review plans and permits for conformance with FDOT criteria, state design principles in Environmental and project requirements relating to landscape. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Horticulture, Schot, RLA, District Landscape Architect, Phone: (305) 470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@ University of Florida dot.state.fl.us. (2015 to Present) 125th Street, Miami-Dade, FL: Assisted with the initial site inspection and tree Professional CPr Certifications disposition plan and is coordinating with the FDOT design team for relocation and planting opportunities. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Karina Fuentes, P.E., Project FNGLA Certified Manager, Phone: (305)470-5310. (2015 to Present) Horticultural Professional SR-922 from NW 6th Avenue to NE Miami Court, Miami-Dade County, FL: Landscape FNGLA Certified CEI and establishment period monitoring. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Landscape Technician Phone: (305) 470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2015 to Present) FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor Flagler Street from NW 72nd Avenue to NW 27th Avenue, FPID 435407-1-52-01, #C60 00331 Miami-Dade County, FL: Performing monthly inspections of the landscape installation. LIAF Certified Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone:(305)470-5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@ Landscape Inspector dot.state.fl.us. (2016 to Present) #2016-0195 FDOT MOT SR-953/LeJeune Road, Miami-Dade County, FL: Landscape CEI - Tree relocations, Intermediate Certified landscape, irrigation. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, Phone: (305) 470- #24706 5452, Email: Kevin.Schot@dot.state.fl.us. (2016 to Present) FDEP Stormwater, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Inspector Training& Certification#38247 OF/IFAS Green Industries- Best Management Practices FDOT Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Training 40 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architecruraland Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 4.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team RESUMES Kevin Johnson II, CPTED 004 Landscape Architecture Associate Mr.Johnson attended the award winning architecture program at Tampa Bay Tech. In May 2017 he received his B.S. degree in Urban Design from Florida Atlantic University. Mr. Johnson joined the Keith & Schnars Landscape Architectural division in the fall of 2016 while working on his degree. Upon graduating, Mr. Johnson became a full- time design associate within the department. He is knowledgeable in the principles of urban design, landscape architecture, site planning & design, and urban planning. Mr. Johnson possesses a true passion for connecting with the community and refining the world through design. Academic Background Relevant Experience B.S., Urban Design, Florida Atlantic El Rio Park- Phase II, Boca Raton, FL: Designer- Mr.Johnson is a landscape designer University 2017 currently working on the site plan and overall design for this park located in East Boca Raton near Dixie Highway. Client/Contact: City of Boca Raton/Mike Dyko, Phone: (561) Professional 416-3413, Email: mdyko@myboca.us (1/17 to Present) Certifications FDOT District 6 Districtwide Landscape Services, Miami-Dade County, FL: Mr. CPTED Johnson put together Push Button Landscape Plans for fast response landscape construction needs using Microstation. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, P.E., Phone: (305) 470-5211, Email: kevinschot@dot.state.fl.us (1/17 to Present) Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL: Designer - Developed conceptual renderings using AutoCAD and Adobe Photoshop to aid in the redesign process for the landscaping of one of Miami Beach's premier roads.The work performed on this project will ultimately; help city officials acquire a greater understanding of the proposed revisions to the site. Client/Contact: City of Miami Beach/Eric Carpenter, Phone: (305) 673-7080, Email: ericcarpenter@miamibeachfl.gov(9/16 to 10/17) Port St. Lucie Neighborhood Signage Program, Port St. Lucie, FL: Urban Designer - Keith & Schnars prepared three conceptual sign designs reflecting a typical entrance sign for a district or neighborhood within the City of Port St. Lucie. Mr. Johnson communicated with city officials to develop a unique and bold signage system for current and proposed neighborhoods in the suburban area of Port St. Lucie. This new system intends to provide the city with simpler and more modern signs to offer a more pleasant visual for current residents. The City has moved forward in developing one concept to be used in areas around the City. Client/Contact: City of Port St. Lucie/ Patricia Roebling, Phone: (772) 344-4042, Email: patr@cityofpsl.com (11/17 to 12/17) SR-5/US-1/Overseas Highway, Monroe County, FL: Mr. Johnson conducted a site inventory for a landscape design project located in Islamorada, FL. He also was involved in the preliminary design stage in which Microstation was utilized. Client/Contact: FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, P.E., Phone: (305) 470-5400, Email: kevinschot@dot.state.fl.us (8/16 to 10/16) City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural.and .ngineering Services for Capita`:-Renewal and Replacement Projects 41 4.1 Experience & Qualifications of the Team IMIII RESUML l • Heidi Siegel, AICP 'a• r/ ► Director of Planning # "'� Ms. is e of the firm's Planning Department. She has been successful in manySiegel pi the director that specialize in reviewing, updating, and implementing land development regulations and comprehensive plans, as well as zoning review services. 'A..;'• Ms.Siegel has over 18 years of professional experience in the planning and development • field, in both the public and private sector. Her involvement in historic preservation i planning, municipal operations, legislative matter and public speaking have aided in her extensive knowledge throughout her career. Prior to joining Keith & Schnars, Ms. Siegel served as the City Manager for the Village of Biscayne Park in Miami-Dade County. Years of Experience: 18 Relevant Experience Academic Community Development Services Director, Wilton Manors, FL:As the department Background director, Ms. Siegel oversaw the Economic Development, Planning and Zoning, Building Master of Heritage Division, Business Tax License and Fire Prevention divisions of the City. In her role, she Preservation, prepared and presented items to the Planning and Zoning Board, Board of Adjustment, Historic Economic Development Task Force and the City Commission.Ms.Siegel served as the City Preservation, Planner for the implementation of the City's Transit Oriented Corridor Comprehensive Georgia State Plan and Land Development Regulations amendments. Ms. Siegel managed and University,ois 1 ate implemented the City's Green Building Ordinance, coordinated with Code Enforcement activities and served as a liaison to special events as they related to building permits B.A., History, Queens and alcohol licenses. Through the management of internal processes and delivery Collee, 1 ens of services, under Ms. Siegel's leadership the department realized a 26% savings on g Building Department Services during her first complete fiscal year. Ms. Siegel routinely increased the outreach and visibility of the Department within the community. Most Professional notably,she organized and moderated business owner roundtables,town hall meetings Certifications on commuter rail and workshops on the permitting process. (2011 to 2013) American Institute of Certified Planners Downtown Fort Myers Surplus Capacity Density Study, Redevelopment Plans (AICP), #023225 Updates, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Land Development Code Amendments, Fort Myers, FL: Senior Planner - The project consisted of a unique Professional approach to determining potential zoning density throughout a comprehensive utility Organizations capacity study. The study area included the historic downtown core, the riverfront, American Planning redevelopment areas and adjacent historic residential neighborhood. Ms. Siegel Association served as Senior Planner on this project and was responsible for updates to the Central Florida Planning Area Redevelopment Plan, researching and developing surplus density(bonus) criteria, Association Land Development Code Amendments and historic preservation issues. Ms. Siegel participated in public outreach and presented to neighborhood associations. She was Broward County responsible for coordinating, reviewing and tracking all public input. Additionally, she Bicycle and coordinated all Comprehensive Plan amendments for consistency with all other project Pedestrian Advisory updates and studies. (2016 to 2017) (Johnson Engineering) Committee, Chair ZoningPermit Review, Hollywood,ywood, FL: As a contract employee, Ms. Siegel provided daily zoning permit reviews to assist the City with an existing backlog and to increase the turnaround time on building permits. Ms. Siegel's knowledge of the Zoning Code and building permit functions decreased the zoning permit backlog from three months to the desired one- two weeks. Additionally, Ms. Siegel provided zoning assistance to walk-in clients in support of department staff. (2016 to 2017) (Johnson Engineering) 42 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 4.1 Experience & QuaLihcations of the Team ' r 'j`• �. Bradley W. Benmoshe, LEED Green Associate, CPTED ,.i Urban Planner+ Designer • Mr. Benmoshe has an eclectic assortment of interdisciplinary experience gained from •• his work with architects, developers, consultants, and governmental agencies over the past six years. Mr. Benmoshe utilizes his experience in architecture, urban planning and .•' • design,and sustainable design to create effective,enduring,and successful placemaking. His full range of community design and planning experience includes assisting in the ‘4 �' . /! review of development proposals and site plans for conformance with codes, plans,and 1;.,, _;; ;; regulations, as well as assisting in the evaluation of rezoning, ordinance amendments, special use permits, and variances. His experience also includes conducting field audits Years of Experience: and assessments, participating in community design charrettes and public engagement 6 forums, and creating graphic illustrations. Mr. Benmoshe has previously worked on small and large scale projects (both domestically and internationally) such as the Fort Academic Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport Terminal 4 expansion, several government Background and military buildings, master planning, educational, parking structures, religious M.S.,Architectural & centers, sports facilities for major league baseball teams, and the redevelopment of a Sustainable Design, nine-acre golf course in Singapore. University of Florida, 2017 Relevant Experience B.A., Architectural Visioning Apopka Strategic Visioning Plan, Apopka, FL: Urban Planner/Designer & Urban Design - Mr. Benmoshe served as urban planner and designer for the development of a University of Florida, community-wide strategic vision plan. After conducting several field audits, and 2014 analyzing demographic data, Mr. Benmoshe created graphics and infographic boards Professional for each of the quadrants in the project study area,which were used for public relations catand media events as well as featured on the project website: www.visioningapopka. Certifiions LEEDc Gons net. Client/Contact: City of Apopka/Glenn Irby, City Administrator, Phone: (305) 895- Associate,#11091033 9826. (6/15 to 4/16) Project Management FDOT District 6 Districtwide Landscape Services, Miami-Dade County, FL: Mr. Institute CPTED Benmoshe conducted field inspections to put together Push Button Landscape Plans FDOT LAP Title VI & for fast response landscape construction needs using Microstation. Client/Contact: ADA FDOT District 6/Kevin Schot, P.E., Phone: (305) 470-5211, Email: kevinschot@dot.state. Sketchup fl.us (3/17 to Present) AutoCAD 2014 Dale Carnegie El Rio Park- Phase II, Boca Raton, FL: Mr. Benmoshe worked closely with the project Institute landscape designers and client to design a playground. Client/Contact: City of Boca Raton/Mike Dyko, Phone: (561) 416-3413, Email: mdyko@myboca.us (3/17 to Present) Professional Affiliations Community Aesthetic Feature, Big Pine Key, FL: Mr. Benmoshe was responsible for National, Florida, and design development of two Community Aesthetic Features for Big Pine Key, including Broward Sections drafting construction drawings, and met with FDOT staff in various stages of the project of the American approval process. Client/Contact: Monroe County/Debra London, Project Manager, Planning Association Phone: (305)453-8754. (3/17 to Present) National and Florida Chapters of Congress for the New Urbanism US Green Building Council South Florida Chapter City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 43 4.1 Experience & Qualifications of the Team RESUMES xs Kristen A. Nowicki, AICP Senior Planner Ms. Nowicki is a Senior Planner who possesses extensive municipal planning, urban r, / planning, sustainability, community outreach, and leadership skills in challenging environments. She has over 18 years of experience, working in both the public and t private sectors. She is valued for communication within the workplace,with developers, business owners, and residents. Relevant Experience Years of Experience: Development Review-Various Projects, Oakland Park, FL:Senior Planner-As chair 18 of the Development Review Committee, Ms. Nowicki gained extensive experience in processing private development applications for compliance with a Land Development Academic Code as well as Downtown Design Guidelines and the nuances of a Local Activity Center focused on redevelopment. The projects range from 3 to 133 residential units and Background M.A., Urban a commercial change of use in an existing building to a brand new 125,000 square Regional Planning, foot big box retailer. Highlights include a behavioral health hospital which included UF, 2007 a legal challenge (the City prevailed), townhome communities, bars and restaurants, Urban Planning text amendments, rezoning, plats, conditional uses, and the application of Broward & Urban Design County's flex and reserve units. Courses, UCF, 2001 St. Lucie West, Master Planned Community Redevelopment Project, Port St. B.S., Environmental Lucie, FL: Project Manager/Planner - The scope of services for this project included Science, UF, 1998 redevelopment of a gas station into a successful retail center later named Westport Professional Shoppes. Ms. Nowicki assembled a team of landscape architects, environmental scientists, traffic engineers, and other consultants in order to design a plaza that would Certifications accommodate a few restaurants and neighborhood retail uses.She adhered to the City's American Institute requirements as well as design and signage standards set by the Master Plan, processed of Certified Planners the applications,oversaw the site plan design,coordinated the communication amongst (AICP), #023382 all parties and wrote the master sign program for the Westport Shoppes plaza. (2008 to 2009) Professional Affiliations Comprehensive Plan Update, Alachua County, FL: Associate Planner - Ms. Nowicki Broward Section was responsible for the removal of outdated policies and addition of new polices in of the American several of the Plan's elements as well as research for the data &analysis. She organized Planning six public forums and workshops featuring experts on various subjects(Randall Arendt, Association, Board Victor Dover etc.) to involve the citizens in the future of their community. (2001) Member American Planning Association, Florida Chapter American Planning Association 44 City of Miami Beach Professorial Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects igiati Experience & Qualifications or the Team PROJECT EXPERIENCE . . BRUCE REED, RLA,CPTED Project Name: Hillsboro El Rio Park - Phase II Project Description: Keith & Schnars provided professional landscape architecture, engineering, survey, and environmental services to the City of Boca Raton for the design and site plan approval of a 17 acre park. The park will be built on an abandoned landfill adjacent to a wetland, requiring significant additional permitting and geotechnical involvement. The park features will include entry signage, a grand pavilion and restroom, large and small pavilions with grills, a fitness path, large passive recreation areas, a non- motorized boat launch, sport courts, a large playground, shade structures, and a fitness station. Native plantings will be used to anchor the park features, provide shade and interest, screen the adjacent railway, and buffer the adjacent mangrove wetland. A pedestrian mid-block crossing will connect the north and south portions of the park on opposite sides of SW 18th Street. The crossing provides a median refuge and utilizes a pedestrian actuated beacon system. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton Agency/Client Contact: Mike Dyko, Project Manager Contact Telephone & Email: (561) 416-3413, mdyko@myboca.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date:January 2017 Completion Date: October 2017 Project Name: Windmill Park Concept Project Description: Keith and Schnars'involvement in the original plat work for the development of Windmill Park started in 1987 - then called Coco Parc. In 1990, Keith and Schnars prepared the original design work for the park, providing the City of Coconut Creek with master planning, site design, landscape, irrigation and parking design, construction inspection and administration services, as well as, overall project coordination assistance. The current park includes active and passive recreation areas, bike, jogging and nature trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, ball fields, court games, entrance and park signage, wetland mitigation lakes and multi-purpose buildings. In 2012, Keith and Schnars worked closely with the City to develop a conceptual plan for park improvements that included such elements as an additional basketball court, expanded landscapes, open play areas, shelters, proposed parking, walking paths, station-based exercise circuit, separated large and small dog parks and a restroom facility. Agency/Client Name: City of Coconut Creek Agency/Client Contact: Shelia Rose, Director, Sustainable Development Contact Telephone & Email: (954) 973-6756, srose@coconutcreek.net Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date:July 2012 Completion Date:January 2013 City of Miami Beach 2rofessonal-rchi_ec:jral and Engineering Services for Capital-2enewal and eplacernen:arojec:s 45 Experience & QualiFications of the Team DDfl FCt 7XPEIiErJc1 BRUCE REED, RLA, CPTED Project Name: Town of Lantana Municipal Beach Complex Project Description: Keith and Schnars provided park master planning services for the Town of Lantana for a much - used and loved public beach facility revitalization to meet the growing needs of its people. Services provided included the programming, survey, analysis and evaluation of current site and facilities conditions; citizens and park user's survey, public meetings; coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Town of Lantana officials and staff; drainage improvement recommendations, opinion of implementation cost, concepts, preliminary and final master plan. The Final Park Master Plan for the Lantana Municipal Beach Complex evolved and developed through consensus into a natural retreat that will suit a variety of visitors-from those interested in sand and surf activities, to those looking for a peaceful retreat to picnic in a native, wooded setting. Featuring several unique recreational venues including nature walk areas, a children's playground, a sand volleyball area, a tree-lined pedestrian and bicycle promenade, drop off area, site amenities, decorative hardscape, native seashore and dune vegetation, open lawn areas, picnic shelters for large and small groups, as well as the open beach along the beautiful, blue Atlantic Ocean - this environmentally-friendly and sustainable park will certainly be enjoyed by all. Agency/Client Name: Town of Lantana Agency/Client Contact: Mike Greenstein, Parks and Recreation Manager Contact Telephone & Email: (561) 540-5766 Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: 2006, Completion Date: 2007 46 City of Miami Beach Professonal Archi:ec:ural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects Experience & Qualifications of the Team PROJECT EXPERIEN( TODD MOHLER, RLA, ISA, IA Project Name: Hillsboro El Rio Park - Phase II Project Description: Keith & Schnars provided professional landscape architecture, engineering, survey, and environmental services to the City of Boca Raton for the design and site plan approval of a 17 acre park. The park will be built on an abandoned landfill adjacent to a wetland, requiring significant additional permitting and geotechnical involvement. The park features will include entry signage, a grand pavilion and restroom, large and small pavilions with grills, a fitness path, large passive recreation areas, a non- motorized boat launch, sport courts, a large playground, shade structures, and a fitness station. Native plantings will be used to anchor the park features, provide shade and interest, screen the adjacent railway, and buffer the adjacent mangrove wetland. A pedestrian mid-block crossing will connect the north and south portions of the park on opposite sides of SW 18th Street. The crossing provides a median refuge and utilizes a pedestrian actuated beacon system. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton Agency/Client Contact: Mike Dyko, Project Manager Contact Telephone & Email: (561) 416-3413, mdyko@myboca.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date:January 2017 Completion Date: October 2017 Project Name: Terramar Park Playground Project Description: Keith and Schnars was tasked with developing a site amenities plan for the renovation and relocation of a playground in Parkland's Terramar park that included: playground equipment, shade structures, and decorative hardscape. Agency/Client Name: City of Parkland Agency/Client Contact: Sowande A.Johnson, P.E., City Engineer Contact Telephone & Email: (954) 753-5040, sjohnson@cityofparkland.org Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: May 2017, Completion Date: Currently under Construction City of Miami Beach Drofessonal grchi:ec:ural and Engineering Services For Capital-Renewal and -eplacernenr?rojecs 47 1111 Experience & Qualifications or the Team PROJFCT EXPERIEN TODD MOHLER, RLA, ISA, ISA Project Name: El Rio Multiuse Trail Project Description: Keith and Schnars provided professional engineering, survey, environmental, and landscape architecture services to the City of Boca Raton for the design and construction 2.25-miles of the El Rio Trail, a 12'wide, 5.0 mile long Shared Use Pathway extending from Glades Road to Congress Avenue. The trail includes pedestrian bridges, seating areas, fishing piers and native plantings. The trail is designed for both pedestrians and bicycles, provides a connection from Florida Atlantic University to the Yamato Road Tri-rail station to office and residential uses located throughout its length. It meanders through natural preserve areas, residential communities, and passes under 1-95. Design elements include pathway design, paving and drainage, bridges and structures, site furnishings, planting, and irrigation. Keith and Schnars involvement included three segments of the pathway designed for the City of Boca Raton to be constructed with funding provided through Local Participation Agreements (LAP) with the FDOT. The three (3) Boca Raton/FDOT LAP segments of the Trail include: 1. Spanish River Boulevard to Yamato Road (Segment 2) (construction completed 2007), 2. Yamato Road to L-40 Canal (Segment 3) (construction completed 2009), and 3. L-40 Canal to Congress Avenue (Segment 4) (construction completed 2012). Each of the three segments Keith and Schnars serviced included design plan preparation, design surveys, environmental permitting, landscape architecture, structural engineering, preparation of construction specifications, and post design construction services. The Spanish River to Yamato Road segment included crossing the L/A right-of way of 1-95 below the bridged overpass at the El Rio Canal, a fishing pier located along the El Rio Canal, and a pedestrian bridge over the El Rio Canal connecting to the Boca Raton Tri-Rail Station. The Yamato Road to L-40 Canal segment included roadway crossings at Park of Commerce Boulevard and Clint Moore Road, connections to local office/residential developments, avoidance of a Boca Raton Airport noise receptor site, and a pedestrian bridge over the L-40 Canal. The Yamato Road to L-40 Canal segment included coordination with DEP for construction along the edge of the Yamato Scrub Natural Area, a concrete pavement design to accommodate access by heavy equipment occasionally used by DEP for maintenance, and a signalized mid-block crossing at Congress Avenue utilizing "HAWK" signal design concepts. Keith and Schnars also completed ecological assessments in the project areas, including part of the Yamato Scrub Natural Area. Keith and Schnars permitted and relocated 1 gopher tortoise burrow in Segment 2, mapped 39 gopher tortoise burrows in Segment 3, and permitted and relocated 4 burrows in December 2011 to January 2012. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton Agency/Client Contact: Anielle Delgado, Transportation Analyst Contact Telephone & Email: (561)416-3477, adelgado@myboca.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: 2006, Completion Date: 2012 48 City of Miami Beach arofessonal Rrchi_ec Jraland Engineering Services For Capi:aL-Zenewaland Replacemen[?rojecLs 4.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team PROJECT EXPERIEN , c •-., ,,,..-. .... ito. a . : tet.. L „.. .„ KIRK HOOSAC, RLA Project Name: Hillsboro El Rio Park - Phase II Project Description: Keith & Schnars provided professional landscape architecture, engineering, survey, and environmental services to the City of Boca Raton for the design and site plan approval of a 17 acre park. The park will be built on an abandoned landfill adjacent to a wetland, requiring significant additional permitting and geotechnical involvement. The park features will include entry signage, a grand pavilion and restroom, large and small pavilions with grills, a fitness path, large passive recreation areas, a non- motorized boat launch, sport courts, a large playground, shade structures, and a fitness station. Native plantings will be used to anchor the park features, provide shade and interest, screen the adjacent railway, and buffer the adjacent mangrove wetland. A pedestrian mid-block crossing will connect the north and south portions of the park on opposite sides of SW 18th Street. The crossing provides a median refuge and utilizes a pedestrian actuated beacon system. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton Agency/Client Contact: Mike Dyko, Project Manager Contact Telephone & Email: (561)416-3413, mdyko@myboca.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date:January 2017 Completion Date: October 2017 Project Name: Spanish River Park Project Description: Keith and Schnars provided professional services associated with design and the dune enhancement project to remove exotic vegetation from the dune, reestablish native vegetation and create view corridors to the beach. Originally intended to be 4 separate projects the City decided to combine the projects to reduce the permitting efforts with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Keith and Schnars,working as a sub consultant,assisted in the permitting process through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, by developing the planting concepts for all the projects. The planting concepts include the removal of exotics, and restoring the dunes with native plant material. The plans have been developed with coordination with the City of Boca Raton Environmental Officers. Services included: Planting and Irrigation Design, Construction Documents, Bidding Assistance, and Construction Observation. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton/Applied Technology and Management, Inc. Agency/Client Contact:Jennifer Bistyga, E.I., Coastal Project Administrator/Financial Administrator Contact Telephone & Email: (561) 416-3397,jbistyga@ci.boca-raton.fl.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: August 2010, Completion Date: 2013 City of Miami Beach Drotessonal grchl:ec:Jraland Engineering Services For Capi:al Rene.ualand Replacernen:3rojec:s 49 Experience & Qualifications or the Team PRO' T EXPER1EN , KIRK HOOSAC, RLA Project Name: Totor Art Plaza Project Description: The City of North Miami Beach was gifted a large sculpture from artist and sculptor Stephane Bolongaro of France who once had a studio within the City. The large sculpture was of a dog name Totor which was a family pet. The City wanted to create a plaza for the sculpture in front of City Hall and due to our positive working relationship asked us if we were willing to help them. K&S donated our Landscape Architectural design services to provide a concept design of the plaza. The City was quite pleased with the design, and asked if we could help guide them, as they were going to use Public Works forces to build the plaza based off of the concept plans. The K&S team walked the City through design specifics and details and made small modifications on the fly. The partnership resulted in the plaza being designed and constructed at City Hall in less than 2 months. Agency/Client Name: City of North Miami Beach Agency/Client Contact: Esmond Scott, Assistant City Manager, City of North Miami Beach Contact Telephone & Email: (305)-919-3746, esmond.scott@citynmb.com Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: 2006, Completion Date: 2007 50 City of Miami Beach -Drofessonal prchi:ec:Jral and Engineering Services for Capital.Renewal and Replacernen: rojec::s Experience & Qualifications of the Team PROJECT EXPERIEI ' " CHRIS MILLER, RLA, ISA, IA, LEED AP, SITES AP, LIAF, FNGLA Project Name: El Rio Multiuse Trail Project Description: Keith and Schnars provided professional engineering, survey, environmental, and landscape architecture services to the City of Boca Raton for the design and construction 2.25-miles of the El Rio Trail, a 12' wide, 5.0 mile long Shared Use Pathway extending from Glades Road to Congress Avenue. The trail includes pedestrian bridges, seating areas, fishing piers and native plantings. The trail is designed for both pedestrians and bicycles, provides a connection from Florida Atlantic University to the Yamato Road Tri-rail station to office and residential uses located throughout its length. It meanders through natural preserve areas, residential communities, and passes under 1-95. Design elements include pathway design, paving and drainage, bridges and structures, site furnishings, planting, and irrigation. Keith and Schnars involvement included three segments of the pathway designed for the City of Boca Raton to be constructed with funding provided through Local Participation Agreements (LAP) with the FDOT. The three (3) Boca Raton/FDOT LAP segments of the Trail include: 1. Spanish River Boulevard to Yamato Road (Segment 2) (construction completed 2007), 2. Yamato Road to L-40 Canal (Segment 3) (construction completed 2009), and 3. L-40 Canal to Congress Avenue (Segment 4) (construction completed 2012). Each of the three segments Keith and Schnars serviced included design plan preparation, design surveys, environmental permitting, landscape architecture, structural engineering, preparation of construction specifications, and post design construction services. The Spanish River to Yamato Road segment included crossing the L/A right-of way of 1-95 below the bridged overpass at the El Rio Canal, a fishing pier located along the El Rio Canal, and a pedestrian bridge over the El Rio Canal connecting to the Boca Raton Tri-Rail Station. The Yamato Road to L-40 Canal segment included roadway crossings at Park of Commerce Boulevard and Clint Moore Road, connections to local office/residential developments, avoidance of a Boca Raton Airport noise receptor site, and a pedestrian bridge over the L-40 Canal. The Yamato Road to L-40 Canal segment included coordination with DEP for construction along the edge of the Yamato Scrub Natural Area, a concrete pavement design to accommodate access by heavy equipment occasionally used by DEP for maintenance, and a signalized mid-block crossing at Congress Avenue utilizing "HAWK" signal design concepts. Keith and Schnars also completed ecological assessments in the project areas, including part of the Yamato Scrub Natural Area. Keith and Schnars permitted and relocated 1 gopher tortoise burrow in Segment 2, mapped 39 gopher tortoise burrows in Segment 3, and permitted and relocated 4 burrows in December 2011 to January 2012. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton Agency/Client Contact: Anielle Delgado, Transportation Analyst Contact Telephone & Email: (561) 416-3477, adelgado@myboca.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: 2006, Completion Date: 2012 City of Miami Beach Drofessonal Rrchi_ec"aralarid Engineering Services for Capital Renewaland Replacement Projects 51 1.1 Experience & Qualifications or the Team PROJcif EXPERIEIhl CHRIS MILLER, RLA, ISA, IA, LEED AP, SITES AP, LIAF, FNGLA Project Name: Spanish River Park Project Description: Keith and Schnars provided professional services associated with design and the dune enhancement project to remove exotic vegetation from the dune, reestablish native vegetation and create view corridors to the beach. Originally intended to be 4 separate projects the City decided to combine the projects to reduce the permitting efforts with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Keith and Schnars,working as a sub consultant, assisted in the permitting process through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, by developing the planting concepts for all the projects. The planting concepts include the removal of exotics, and restoring the dunes with native plant material. The plans have been developed with coordination with the City of Boca Raton Environmental Officers. Services included: Planting and Irrigation Design, Construction Documents, Bidding Assistance, and Construction Observation. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton/Applied Technology and Management, Inc. Agency/Client Contact:Jennifer Bistyga, E.I., Coastal Project Administrator/Financial Administrator Contact Telephone & Email: (561) 416-3397,jbistyga@ci.boca-raton.fl.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date: August 2010, Completion Date: 2013 Project Name: Hillsboro El Rio Park - Phase II Project Description: Keith & Schnars provided professional landscape architecture, engineering, survey, and environmental services to the City of Boca Raton for the design and site plan approval of a 17 acre park. The park will be built on an abandoned landfill adjacent to a wetland, requiring significant additional permitting and geotechnical involvement. The park features will include entry signage, a grand pavilion and restroom, large and small pavilions with grills, a fitness path, large passive recreation areas, a non- motorized boat launch, sport courts, a large playground, shade structures, and a fitness station. Native plantings will be used to anchor the park features, provide shade and interest, screen the adjacent railway, and buffer the adjacent mangrove wetland. A pedestrian mid-block crossing will connect the north and south portions of the park on opposite sides of SW 18th Street. The crossing provides a median refuge and utilizes a pedestrian actuated beacon system. Agency/Client Name: City of Boca Raton Agency/Client Contact: Mike Dyko, Project Manager Contact Telephone & Email: (561)416-3413, mdyko@myboca.us Year(s) and Term of Engagement: Start Date:January 2017 Completion Date: October 2017 52 City of Miami Beach Professoriat grchi:ec:jral and Engineering Services for Capi:at•Renewal and -eplacernen:arojec:s 5.1 Standard Form 330 ARCHITECT - ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS PART I -CONTRACT-SPECIFIC QUALIFICATION A.CONTRACT INFORMATION 1.TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects, Miami Beach, FL 2.PUBLIC NOTICE DATE 3.SOLICITATION OR PROJECT NUMBER February 15th, 2018 RFQ 2018-141-ND B.ARCHITECT-ENGINEER POINT OF CONTACT 4.NAME AND TITLE Bruce Reed, RLA, Vice President of LA, Planning and Environmental 5.NAME OF FIRM KST SCHNARSH& 6.TELEPHONE NUMBER 7.FAX NUMBER 8.E-MAIL ADDRESS (305)477-7667 (305)477-4474 breed@ksfla.com C.PROPOSED TEAM (Complete this section for the prime contractor and all key subcontractors.) Check) 9.FIRM NAME 10.ADDRESS 11.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT Keith&Schnars 6500 North Andrews Avenue a. Prime Fort Lauderdale, FL 3309 ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE b. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE c. 0 CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE d. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE e. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE f. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE 9. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE h. ❑CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE D.ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF PROPOSED TEAM ❑x (Attached) City of Miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital_Renewal and Replacement Projects 53 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Bruce Reed, RLA, CPTED Principal-in-Charge a.TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 30 24 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KSKEITHS SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND B.S., Landscape Architecture, University of Florida, 1987 DISCIPLINE) A.A., Florida State University, 1984 Registered Landscape Architect, FL#0001479 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications:Crime Prevention through Environmental Design(CPTED) December 1998 Professional Affiliations:American Society of Landscape Architects 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED City of Fort Lauderdale General Engineering Services,Broward PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) County,FL Ongoing N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architecture of Record - Provided master, site, hardscape, planting, irrigation, and site amenities plans for municipal parks, streetscapes,and infrastructure improvements. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Sunset Lakes Municipal Complex, Miramar,FL .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2007 N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X I Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager - Programming, master and site planning, landscape and irrigation design, construction drawings; permitting, specifications for a 26-acre park/municipal complex design-build project. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Rolling Oaks and Bunche Parks Improvement Program, Miami PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Gardens,FL 2005 N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager-Programming,master planning and grant assistance for two City of Miami Gardens parks entailing more than 40-acres. Improvements include a nature trail, recreation center, maintenance buildings, pavilions, press boxes, a concession/restroom facility, soccer/football fields,tennis courts,a par course,volleyball courts,an aquatic play structure,lighting,signage,parking,and playgrounds. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Town of Lantana Municipal Beach Complex, Lantana,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2007 N/A d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager - Park master planning; programming, survey, design, citizens and park user's survey, public meetings; opinion of implementation cost,concepts,preliminary and final master plan. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Windmill Park,Coconut Creek,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2013 N/A e (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager - Programming and conceptual designs, proposed improvements to this existing park included entrance features, community garden,basketball courts,pavilions,site furnishings,parking and pathways. 54 City of Miami Beach I Professonal architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 33 0 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Kirk Hoosac, RLA Director of Landscape Architecture a. TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 12 9 .15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KKEITH. SCHNAPS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) _17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.L.A., Landscape Architecture, University of Florida, Registered Landscape Architect, FL#6667091 2006 Landscape Architecture Study Abroad, Paris, France, 2004 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Affiliation:Broward APA 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS • (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A a. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Contract Manager- Mr. Hoosac performed overall project management of a 17-acre park developed on top of an abandoned landfill, including play features,sports courts,shade structures,passive recreation areas,and a non-motorized boat launch. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) _(2)YEAR COMPLETED Terramar Park, Parkland, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A b. .(3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager-The goal of this project is to redesign and renovate a field to incorporate two new fields along with site amenities including bleachers and shade structures. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Totor Art Plaza, North Miami Beach, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2017 2017 c. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Mr. Hoosac is the project manager for this high-profile pocket-park located in the City of North Miami Beach. His duties were oversighting the field work, urban and landscape design, conceptual plan production, and photorealistic renderings.Additionally, she is consulting and coordinating directly with the Assistant City Manager,providing design expertise for City Hall improvements. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) .(2)YEAR COMPLETED Spanish River Park, Boca Raton, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2011 N/A d. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm This was a beach dune restoration project that required DEP permitting, invasive plant removal, native beach dune plant restoration, contract specifications,bidding assistance and CEI services. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED FDOT Districtwide Landscape Design Services, Miami-Dade PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) County, FL 2013 N/A e. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Mr. Hoosac served as a contracted in-house project manager for the FDOT District 6 office from 2006 to 2011, providing landscape architectural services including preparation of landscape and irrigation plan sets, plan reviews, estimating, presentations, reports, permit coordination, facilitation of phase review meetings, tree relocation coordination, assisting in the execution of Maintenance agreements, project observation and inspection,and landscape warranty assistance. • City of Miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for C.al [al Renewal and Replacement Projects S5 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Todd Mohler, RLA, ISA, ARCSA Project Manager a. TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 21 12 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K 'TH' KE SCHNAPS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.L.A., Landscape Architecture(Magna Cum Laude), Registered Landscape Architect, FL#LA0001594 Clemson 1993 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications:Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor(CLIA)—Irrigation Association;Certified Irrigation Contractor(CIC)—Irrigation Association;Certified Golf Irrigation Auditor(CGIA)—Irrigation Association;Certified Irrigation Designer, Residential/Golf/Commercial (CID-R/G/C)—Irrigation Association; Rain Water Catchment Systems Accredited Professional(RCS-AP)—ARCSA;Certified Arborist—International Society of Arboriculture(ISA); Florida Water Star Accredited Professional—Certifier(FWS-AP)—SJRWMD Professional Affiliations: American Society of Landscape Architects; Member of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA); Corporate and Individual Member of United States Green Building Council (USGBC); Professional Member of the Irrigation Association (IA); Professional Member of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA); EPA Water Sense Partner 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A a. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager, Designer- Mr. Mohler directed the design of a 17-acre park developed on top of an abandoned landfill,including play features,sports courts,shade structures, passive recreation areas,and a non-motorized boat launch. Additionally, Mr. Mohler developed and produced the landscape and irrigation designs (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Terramar Park, Parkland, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) b. Ongoing N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer:Mr. Mohler directed the redesign of the irrigation system to accommodate two new athletic fields. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Citrus Grove Park, Martin County, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2014 N/A c. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer, Inspector-Irrigation design,consulting and construction observation on a four field baseball complex. - (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Cypress Preserve Park,Sunrise, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2014 N/A d. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer, Inspector - Irrigation design, consulting and construction observation on an 8-acre passive park including upland habitat, wetlands,splash pad and nature paths. - (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Oak Hammock Park,Sunrise, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2014 N/A e. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer, Inspector - Mr. Mohler developed and produced the irrigation design for a 13-acre passive park including upland habitat, wetlands,splash pad and nature paths.Additionally,Mr.Mohler provided post design consulting and construction observation services. t 56 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Chris Miller, RLA, ISA, IA, LEED AP, Landscape Architecture •TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 23 20 SITES AP, LIAF, FNGLA 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KShTH . SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND B.L.A.studies, Landscape Architecture,University of Florida, DISCIPLINE) 1993 to 1997 Registered Landscape Architect, FL#6666970 Vicenza,Italy Institute of Architecture(European Study program),University of Florida, 1997 Landscape Palm Management,University of Florida 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications: ISA Certified Arborist,FL#5218A, ISA Tree Risk Assessor, LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector# 2007-0016,FNGLA Certified Horticultural Professional, FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor, MOT Certified Intermediate, IA Certified Irrigation Contractor, IA Certified Irrigation Designer, IA Certified Golf Irrigation Auditor, IA Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor, LEED Accredited Professional,GREEN Advantage Certified Practitioner, Florida Water Star Accredited Irrigation Professional,Florida Master Naturalist, Native Areas Training Academy,Florida Earth Natural Systems, FDEP Stormwater,Erosion &Sedimentation Control Inspector Training &Certification Professional Affiliations:Associate Member American Society of Landscape Architects, LEED Accredited,American Horticultural Society,Florida Irrigation Society, Florida Native Plant Society, Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association, Florida Urban Forestry Council, International Society of Arboriculture, International Palm Society,Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida, The Irri•ation Association 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS 1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED El Rio Multi-use Trail, Boca Raton, FL .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If 2012 applicable)N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect - Involved in the design of a green area in the middle of the urban fabric that integrated the user with natural features.Landscaping,irrigation and amenity design for three separate projects,over 2 miles of a multi-use trail. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Town of Lantana Municipal Beach Complex,Lantana, FL .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If b 2007 applicable)N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect - Park master planning; programming, survey, design, citizens and park user's survey, public meetings; opinion of implementation cost,concepts,preliminary and final master plan. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Rolling Oaks and Bunche Parks Improvement Program, Miami .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If Gardens,FL 2005 applicable)N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect - Master planning and grant assistance for City of Miami Gardens parks, including a nature trail, recreation center, maintenance buildings, pavilions, press boxes, a concession/restroom facility,soccer/football fields,tennis courts,a par course,volleyball courts,an aquatic play structure,lighting,signage,parking,and playgrounds. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Mitchell Moore Park Improvements,Pompano Beach,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If 2007 applicable)N/A d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect-Site design through construction for a 2-phase renovation including a par course,play structure,two ball fields with dugouts,scorer's platforms,site furniture,a football field,bleachers,court resurfacing,an irrigation system,and drainage improvements for this City of Pompano Beach park. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Spanish River Park,Boca Raton,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If 2013 applicable)N/A e (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect of Record - A Beach Dune Restoration Project for this popular destination required DEP permitting, invasive plant removal,native beach dune plant restoration,contract specifications,bidding assistance and CEI services. City of Miami Beach 57 5.1 Standard Form 33 0 E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Marisol Ortega, ISA,ASLA, LIAF Landscape Architecture a. TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 24 12 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KJ / TH ? SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION _17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) AutoCAD-Certification, Sheridan Technical College N/A Florida Association of Code Enforcement-Certification, Florida Atlantic University Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida Certification, University of Florida IFAS National Incident Management Systems IS-100, IS-200, IS-700 Certifications, Emergency Management Institute 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications: ISA Certified Arborist, FL#741A, LIAF, FL#2005-0380 Professional Affiliations:American Society of Landscape Architecture(ASLA); International Society of Arborists(ISA) Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida—2006 Board of Directors Chair Awards:2002 ASLA Excellence Award;City of Miramar Tree Pruning 2002 FNGLA Award;City of Miramar Tree Pruning 2009 Garden Club of America's Founders Fund Award; Habitat Restoration—Pine Jog Nature Trail 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) .(2)YEAR COMPLETED Spanish River Park, Boca Raton, FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES _CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2013 N/A a. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE (X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape and irrigation, project and construction management, environmental monitoring- Creation of view corridors to the ocean along this one mile stretch of the City's park beach dune system was accomplished thru an extensive invasive plant removal and sea grape reduction pruning which adhered to all state coastal authority criteria Areas were restored and included new dune species to add interest along beach pathway connections from parking.Follow-up monitoring for establishment was also completed. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Holiday Park, Fort Lauderdale, FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing 2011 b. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Concept layouts;site evaluation;site design;product selection;estimating;construction management -A 1.5-acre parcel of land at this existing park was set aside to provide for a new dog park with fencing, play and exercise amenities,water fountains, entry portals and signage.Worked with City staff and vendors to develop a cost effective plan that met with both private donor funding and commission design requests. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A c. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer - A 17-acre park developed on top of an abandoned landfill, including play features, sports courts, shade structures, passive recreation areas,and a non-motorized boat launch. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Windmill Park,Coconut Creek, FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2014 N/A d. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architecture Design - Concept layouts, site design and landscape design, design for dog park amenities in relation to expansion- Programming and conceptual designs, proposed improvements to this existing park included entrance features,community garden,basketball courts,pavilions,site furnishings,parking and pathways. 58 City of Miami Beach _, -i Prchitecrural.and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE `'°T"` b.WITH CURRENT FIRM Wang, LEED Green Associate, Landscape Architecture 5 3 ASLA 15.FIRM NAMEAD J OCATION(City and State) K5KEITH&SCHN ARSFort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND M.L.A., Landscape Architecture, Florida International University, DISCIPLINE) 2013 N/A A.A.,Architectural Design, Miami Dade College,2010 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications:LEED Green Associate Professional Affiliations:American Society of Landscape Architects 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer— Mr.Wang was tasked to develop construction documents of the design and restoration project of an existing abandoned landfill seeks to create a passive-use park with a proposed vita trail system,pavilions and a kayak launch. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Terramar Park, Parkland, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer—The goal of the project was to redesign and renovate a field to incorporate two new fields along with site amenities including bleachers and shade structures. Mr. Wang was tasked to develop a tree inventory plan, site amenities plan and an irrigation plan to modify an existing irrigation system. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Little Haiti Soccer Park- Existing Soccer Practice Field PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Improvements and Associated Amenities,Miami,FL 2017 Ongoing (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer—This project developed a site plan to redesign an existing path,an existing practice field and amenities located throughout the c soccer park. The goal of the design was to implement a new artificial practice field where an existing turf practice field existed,as a result the existing path needed to be relocated and redesigned.A tree disposition plan and additional proposal of trees have been integrated to increase the shade canopy for park goers.A landscape wall was proposed to enhance the aesthetics and experience for park users.The landscape wall was designed to help retain the existing soil and slope to reduce the impact of having to mitigate/relocate majority of the existing trees. Mr. Wang assisted in the process of developing the warrant process package, the design development package and construction documents. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Holiday Park Dog Park,Fort Lauderdale,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2016 N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm d Designer—This project developed conceptual site plans for a new dog park within the existing Holiday Park in Fort Lauderdale.The task involved creating two concept site plans within an area of approximately two acres;one for large sized dogs and the other for small sized dogs.Base plans were prepared by performing an onsite analysis which investigated field conditions and inventoried existing landscape. Mr.Wang was involved in the construction document development process of the plans. City of Miami Beach i Professonal Architecturdl and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 59 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Arianna Netzky Landscape Architecture •TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 4 2 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KSKEITH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale,FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND B.S., Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison DISCIPLINE) 2014 N/A Minor, Environmental Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2014 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Affiliations:Memory Trees Volunteer-Planner/Designer(1/17 to Present);Broward County Animal Services Volunteer-Photo Editor,Animal Companion(7/15 to Present);Florida ASLA Member-Graphic Design, Event Planning(1/15 to Present);National ASLA Member(8/11 to Present) 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS 1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Hillsboro El Rio Park Phase II, Boca Raton,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If Ongoing applicable)N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Designer-A 17-acre park developed on top of an abandoned landfill, including play features,sports courts, shade structures, passive recreation areas,and a non-motorized boat launch. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Downtown Abacoa MUPD,Jupiter,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2016 N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Designer-Generated creative,cutting-edge design concepts for both commercial and residential projects.Developed submittal quality drawings utilizing programs such as AutoCAD and LandF/X. Conducted "As-Builts" of sites varying from large-scale housing developments to commercial buildings. Created visually appealing graphics that translate well to all audiences. Communicated and engaged effectively with co-workers,clients,and other design professionals. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Terramar Park,Parkland, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer—The goal of the project was to redesign and renovate a field to incorporate two new fields along with site amenities including bleachers and shade structures. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Totor Art Plaza, North Miami Beach,FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2017 2017 d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Ms. Netzky is the urban and landscape designer for this high-profile pocket-park located in the City of North Miami Beach. Her duties include field work and observation, urban and landscape design,conceptual plan production,and photorealistic renderings.Additionally, she is consulting and coordinating directly with the Assistant City Manager,providing design expertise for City Hall improvements. 60 City of Miami Beach Prc essonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Alexis Alvey, ISA, FNGLA Landscape Architecture a. TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 16 1 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KSKEITH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) M.L.A., Landscape Architecture-Florida N/A International University,2017 summa cum laude M.S., Forest Resources&Environmental Conservation:Urban Forestry-Virginia Tech,2007 summa cum laude B.S.,Natural Resources Management:Applied Ecology-Cornell University,2005 cum laude 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications: International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist, Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association(FNGLA)Certification,FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional(FCHP),Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Training, Florida Green Industries Best Management Practices Professional Affiliations:International Society of Arboriculture,Florida Chapter of the ISA,American Society of Landscape Architects(ASLA), Florida Chapter of the ASLA,Florida Urban Forestry Council Executive Committee Awards&Recognition:University Olmsted Scholar for FIU,2017, Florida Chapter of the ASLA-Student Design Award of Merit,2017,ASLA Student Award Program Certificate of Honor,2017, FIU Student Government Association Graduate, Scholarship,2017,Florida Chapter of the ASLA-Student Design Award of Honor,2016, Photography for the National Park Service's Historic American, Landscapes Survey,2016,Jane Vee Philanthropic Educational Organization Scholarship,2015, Florida Chapter of the ASLA-Student Design Award of Merit,2015,Design competition for the entrance to the campus house of the President of FIU,2nd Place,2015 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Venetian Islands Tree Survey,Miami Beach,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A a. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Inspector- Identified, measured, and assessed all trees on public property of San Marino, Di Lido, and Rivo Alto Islands in _ anticipation of new streetscape design to be created by Keith&Schnars. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Doral Boulevard, Miami-Dade County,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A b. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Inspector- Revisions to the draft MMOA Covenant for Doral Boulevard, City of Doral. Survey of storm damage following _ Hurricane Irma. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED NE 6th Avenue,from NE 171st Street to NE 183rd Street, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) c. North Miami Beach,FL Ongoing N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Inspector - Performed FDOT monthly landscape inspections. Summarized status of previous project deficiencies, identified new deficiencies,and illustrated with photos. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED 1-95 from Snake Creek to Miami/Broward County Line,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) d Ongoing N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Inspector - Performed FDOT monthly landscape inspections. Summarized status of previous project deficiencies, identified new deficiencies,and illustrated with photos. City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 61 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Christine McKay, LIAF Landscape Architecture '.TOTAL °.wRN CURRENT FIRM 12 4 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K$ TH SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale,FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND BA, Environmental Studies,Warren Wilson College,2000 DISCIPLINE) N/A 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc) Professional Affiliations:Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida,2012 to Present,Planning&Zoning Board Chair,City of North Lauderdale,FL,2013 to Present 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED FDOT District 6 Districtwide Landscape Design Services, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Miami-Dade County,FL 2015 N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Ms. McKay served as a contracted in-house project manager for the FDOT District 6 office, providing landscape architectural services including preparation of Push-Button landscape and irrigation plan sets, plan reviews,presentations, reports, permit coordination, review meetings,tree relocations,inspections and miscellaneous consultations. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED FDOT District 6 General Engineering Contract-Plan and PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Permit Review, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties,FL Ongoing N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Review plans and permits for conformance with FDOT criteria,state design principles and project requirements relating to landscape. Ms. McKay coordinates with FDOT personnel and permit applicants and attends plan review meetings as necessary. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED 125th Street, Miami-Dade, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Safety project providing turn lanes to alleviate traffic on a residential street. Ms. McKay assisted with the initial site inspection and tree disposition plan and is coordinating with the FOOT design team for relocation and planting opportunities. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED 107th Avenue, Miami-Dade, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2015 N/A d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape component to roadway project.Land acquisition and road widening impacted a large number of existing trees.Tree Disposition plans were provided,as well as hardscape(tree cut-outs)to be utilized by a future stand-alone landscape project.Ms.McKay coordinated with the PM throughout the design process. 62 City of Miami Beach Professorial Rrchitectural.and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Arturo Izquierdo, Landscape Landscape Architecture a.TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 14 2 Inspector, ISA, LIAF, FNGLA 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K51TH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND High School—Nuestra Senora Del Carmen DISCIPLINE) Venezuela, 1993 N/A 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications:ISA Certified Arborist, LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector, FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor, FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional, FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician, FNGLA Florida WaterStar Accredited Professional, FDEP Stormwater Erosion&Sedimentation Control Inspector Training&Certification, FDOT MOT Intermediate, FDOT Illicit Discharge Certificate, UF/IFAS, Landscape Palm Management, UF/IFAS Broward County Tree Trimming Instructor— Extension,UF/IFAS Green Industry Best Management Practices-Certified Instructor State of Florida, Florida Department of A.riculture- Limited Landsca•e Certification 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Flagler Street from NW 72nd Avenue to NW 27th Avenue, _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Miami,FL Ongoing N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm A RRR project improving turn lanes and adding medians.Performing monthly inspections of the landscape installation. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED I-75 from SR-826 to NW 170th Street, Miami-Dade County, FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape construction inspection and relocation monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED I-95 at Indiantown Road, Palm Beach County,FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period monitoring (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED 1-95 at Martin Highway, Palm Beach County, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) d Ongoing N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 63 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Todd Reich, Landscape Inspector, ISA, Landscape Architecture a.TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM LIAF, FNGLA 25 3 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KKEITH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND High School Diploma, Bensalem High School, Pennsylvania DISCIPLINE) 1993 N/A University of Florida, Landscape Palm Management 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications: ISA Certified Arborist, FL5423A, ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector,2011-099, University of Florida, Landscape Palm Management, FDEP Stormwater Management Inspector,#34386, FDEP,Green Industries Best Management Practices,GV12116-1,FDEP Stormwater, Erosion&Sedimentation Control Inspector Training &Certification, FDOT MOT#11312, FDACD, LTD Commercial Fertilizer Applicator, LF225308, Broward County Spec. Plumber-Lawn Sprinkler,CC#08-CLS-15459-x, FL Division of Emergency Management, Debris Management,G-202,OSHA- 10 hour certified, FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP), FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician(FCLT) Professional Affiliations: International Society of Arboriculture(ISA),Tree Care Industry,Association(TCIA), Utility Arborist Association(UAA), Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida(LIAF), Irrigation Association(IA), Florida Irrigation Society(FIS) 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-826 from NW 62nd Avenue to NW 42nd Avenue,FPID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) #250071-2-52-01, Miami-Dade County,FL Ongoing N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Golden Glades Park&Ride,West Lot, FPID#251684-5-52-01, .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Miami-Dade County, FL Ongoing N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-826 South Bound on ramp at S New River Drive, FPID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) #431951-1-52-01, Miami-Dade County, FL Ongoing N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-AIA Collins Avenue from 5th Street to Lincoln Road, FPID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) #250236-3-52-01,Miami-Dade County,FL Ongoing N/A d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. 64 City of Miami Beach i-'rofessonal.Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital.Renewal and Replacemerr Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Benjamin Koubek, Landscape Landscape Architecture a.TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM Inspector, ISA, LIAF, FNGLA to z .15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KSKEITH&. SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND B.S., Urban Forestry School of Forest Resources& DISCIPLINE) Conservation, University of Florida 2008 N/A A.A.,General Studies,Valencia College 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc) Professional Certifications:University of Florida, Landscape Palm Management,LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector, FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional, FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician(FCLT), FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor, ISA Certified Arborist, FL#5926AUM, ISA Certified Municipal Specialist, ISA Certified Utility Specialist, ISA Certified Oak Wilt Specialist,Texas Chapter, Florida Best Management Practices Certification, FDOT Maintenance of Traffic- Intermediate Course, 15129,OSHA 10 Hour Certified 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-93/I-75 from SR-826 to NW 170th Street, Miami-Dade PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) County,FL Ongoing N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape construction inspection and relocation monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-915/NE 6th Avenue from NE 171th Street to NE 183rd PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Street,Miami-Dade County,FL Ongoing N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-907/Alton Road from 5th Street to Michigan Avenue, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Miami-Dade County, FL Ongoing N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape and irrigation construction inspection and establishment period monitoring. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED City Center,Pembroke Pines,FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2016 N/A d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [i Check if project performed with current firm Assisted in the design, review and permitting of this large-scale, mixed-use project designed to be the focal point of downtown Pembroke Pines.Also inspected the landscaping on early phases of construction City of Miami Beach l Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 65 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key perrson.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Chase Russell, Landscape Landscape Architecture b. TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 9 2 Inspector, FNGLA 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K K=IT- SCHNAPS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.S., Plant Science in Environmental Horticulture, N/A University of Florida 2013 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications: FNGLA Certified Horticultural Professional, FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician, FNGLA, Certified Landscape Contractor#C60 00331, LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector#2016-0195, FDOT MOT Intermediate Certified #24706, FDEP Stormwater, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Inspector Training & Certification #38247, UF/IFAS Green Industries - Best Management Practices, FDOT Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection &Elimination Training 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED FDOT District 6 Plan and Permit Review, Miami-Dade and PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Monroe Counties, FL Ongoing N/A a. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Review plans and permits for conformance with FDOT criteria,state design principles and project requirements relating to landscape. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED 125th Street, Miami-Dade, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A b. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Assisted with the initial site inspection and tree disposition plan and is coordinating with the FDOT design team for relocation and planting opportunities. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-922 from NW 6th Avenue to NE Miami Court, Miami- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Dade County, FL Ongoing N/A c. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Landscape CEI and establishment period monitoring (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED SR-953/LeJeune Road, Miami-Dade County, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) d. Ongoing N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Tree relocations, landscape,and irrigation. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Flagler Street from NW 72nd Avenue to NW 27th Avenue, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) FPID 435407-1-52-01, Miami-Dade County, FL Ongoing N/A e. (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Performing monthly inspections of the landscape installation. 66 City of Miami Beach Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR.THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) • 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Kevin Johnson II, CPTED Landscape Architecture a.TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 2 2 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K5KEITH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND B.S., Urban Design, Florida Atlantic University 2017 DISCIPLINE) N/A 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications:CPTED 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED El Rio Park—Phase II,Boca Raton, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A a (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE (X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer-Mr.Johnson is a landscape designer currently working on the site plan and overall design for this park located in East Boca Raton near Dixie Highway. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED FDOT District 6 Districtwide Landscape Services,Miami-Dade .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) County, FL Ongoing N/A b (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Mr.Johnson put together Push Button Landscape Plans for fast response landscape construction needs using Microstation. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A c (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm Designer-Developed conceptual renderings using AutoCAD and Adobe Photoshop to aid in the redesign process for the landscaping of one of Miami Beach's premier roads. The work performed on this project will ultimately; help city officials acquire a greater understanding of the proposed revisions to the site. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPUTED Port St.Lucie Neighborhood Signage Program,Port St.Lucie, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) FL 2017 N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X] Check if project performed with current firm d Urban Designer - Keith & Schnars prepared three conceptual sign designs reflecting a typical entrance sign for a district or neighborhood within the City of Port St. Lucie. Mr. Johnson communicated with city officials to develop a unique and bold signage system for current and proposed neighborhoods in the suburban area of Port St.Lucie.This new system intends to provide the city with simpler and more modern signs to offer a more pleasant visual for current residents. The City has moved forward in developing one concept to be used in areas around the City. City of Miami Beach I Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 67 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT P (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Heidi Siegel, AICP Planning & Public Outreach •'TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 19 1 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) KSKEITH. SCHNAPS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) _17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) Master of Heritage Preservation, Historic Preservation,Georgia State University, 1998 N/A B.A., History,Queens College, 1995 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) .Professional Certifications:American Institute of Certified Planners(AICP),#023225 Awards:2016 Florida Preservation Award Professional Organizations:American Planning Association Florida Planning Association;Broward County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee,Chair 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) _(2)YEAR COMPLETED Community Development Services Director _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES .CONSTRUCTION(If Wilton Manors, FL 2013 applicable) N/A .(3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm As the department director, Ms.Siegel oversaw the Economic Development, Planning and Zoning, Building Division, Business Tax License and Fire Prevention divisions of the City. In her role, she prepared and presented items to the Planning and Zoning Board, Board of a. Adjustment, Economic Development Task Force and the City Commission.Ms.Siegel served as the City Planner for the implementation of the City's Transit Oriented Corridor Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations amendments. Ms. Siegel managed and implemented the City's Green Building Ordinance,coordinated with Code Enforcement activities and served as a liaison to special events as they related to building permits and alcohol licenses.Through the management of internal processes and delivery of services,under Ms. Siegel's leadership the department realized a 26%savings on Building Department Services during her first complete fiscal year.Ms.Siegel routinely increased the outreach and visibility of the Department within the community. Most notably, she organized and moderated business owner roundtables,town hall meetings on commuter rail and workshops on the permitting process. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) .(2)YEAR COMPLETED Downtown Fort Myers Surplus Capacity Density Study, .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES _CONSTRUCTION(If Redevelopment Plans Updates,Comprehensive Plan 2017 applicable) Amendments and Land Development Code Amendments N/A Fort Myers,FL _(3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm b. The project consistented of a unique approach to determining portential zoning density throught a comprehensive utility capacity study. The study area included the historic downtown core,the riverfront, redevelopment areas and adjacent historic residential neighborhood. Ms.Siegel served as Senior Planner on this project and was responsible for updates to the Central Area Redevelopment Plan,researching and developing suplus density (bonus) criteria, Land Development Code Amendments and historic preservation issues. Ms. Siegel participated in public outreach and presented to neighborhood associations. She was responsible for cooridnating,reviewing and tracking all public input. Addiionally, she coordinated all Comprehensive Plan amendments for consistency with all other project updates and studies. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) _(2)YEAR COMPLETED Zoning Permit Review,Hollywood, FL _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES _CONSTRUCTION(If 2017 applicable) N/A c. .(3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm As a contract employee, Ms. Siegel provided daily zoning permit reviews to assist the City with an existing backlog and to increase the turnaround time on building permits. Ms. Siegel's knowledge of the Zoning Code and building permit functions decreased the zoning permit backlog from three months to the desired one-two weeks. 68 City of Miami Beach i Professonal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal.and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Bradley Benmoshe, LEED Green Planning & Public Outreach ''°'"`6 0.WTICUR3 FIRM 3 Associate, CPTED 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K5KEITH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND M.S.,Architecture&Sustainable Design,University of Florida, DISCIPLINE) 2016 B.A., Urban Design, Florida Atlantic University,2014 N/A A.A., Pre-Architecture, Broward College,2012 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Affiliations:American Planning Association(APA),United States Green Building Council(USGBC) Professional Certifications:CPTED,Sketchup,AutoCAD 2014,PADI Scuba, Dale Carnegie Institute,LEED Green Associate Awards&Recognition:PlanningPeeps;Top 40 Planners Under 40Recipient,June 2016;Dale Carnegie Institute Outstanding Leadership +Performance, March 2015;City of North Miami Design Competition,2nd Place,July 2014;Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction;Design Competition Special Mention,March 2014;Society of American Registered Architects Design Competition 1st Place,June 2013 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS (2)YEAR COMPLETED 1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If Visioning Apopka,Apopka,FL 2016 applicable)N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X]Check if project performed with current firm a Mr.Benmoshe served as Urban Planner and Designer for the development of a community-wide strategic vision plan.After conducting several field audits,and analyzed demographic data,Mr.Benmoshe created graphics and infographic boards for each of the quadrants in the project study area, which were used for public relations and media events as well as featured on the project website: www.visioningapopka.net. Mr. Benmoshe also scribed, synthesized, and clarified the community's thoughts and concerns using a facilitation software, Simplemind. Furthermore, Mr. Benmoshe worked with the Project Team's architect to create several vignettes and renderings that reflected the residents'synthesized visions for their city's future. (2)YEAR COMPLETED (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If FDOT District 6 Districtwide Landscape Services,Miami-Dade 2017 applicable)N/A h County,FL (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X]Check if project performed with current firm Mr.Benmoshe conducted field inspections to put together Push Button Landscape Plans for fast response landscape construction needs using Microstation. (2)YEAR COMPLETED (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If El Rio Park—Phase II,Boca Raton, FL Ongoing applicable)N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X]Check if project performed with current firm Mr.Benmoshe worked closely with the project landscape designers and client to design a playground. (2)YEAR COMPLETED (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) _PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If Community Aesthetic Feature,Big Pine Key,FL Ongoing applicable)N/A d (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [X]Check if project performed with current firm Mr. Benmoshe was responsible for design development of two Community Aesthetic Features for Big Pine Key, including drafting construction drawings,and met with FDOT staff in various stages of the project approval process. City of Miami Beach I Professonat Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects 69 5.1 Standard Form 330 E.RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12.NAME 13.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14.YEARS EXPERIENCE Kristen Nowicki, AICP Planning & Public Outreach a.TOTAL b.WITH CURRENT FIRM 19 1 15.FIRM NAME AND LOCATION(City and State) K51TH& SCHNARS Fort Lauderdale, FL 16.EDUCATION(DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17.CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION(STATE AND M.A.,Urban&Regional Planning,University of Florida, 2007 DISCIPLINE) Graduate study in Urban Planning &Urban Design,University of N/A Central Florida,2001 B.S., Environmental Science,University of Florida, 1998 18.OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) Professional Certifications:American Institute of Certified Planners(AICP),#023382 Professional Affiliations:Broward Section of the American Planning Association,Board Member,US Green Building Council South FL Chapter,American Planning Association,Treasure Coast Section of the American Planning Association 19.RELEVANT PROJECTS 1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Senior Planner,Oakland Park, FL .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If 2017 applicable)N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm Development Review Coordinator- Ms. Nowicki processed all the private-sector development applications and managed approximately a 10 active projects at all times as chair of the 13-member committee.She coordinated with the Oakland Park CRA to redevelop the City's Downtown and Culinary Arts District and regularly presented development applications to the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission.Her responsibilities included Land Development Code updates,writing new City Ordinances,climate resiliency efforts,permit review, GIS maps, zoning administration, responding to customer zoning inquiries, business tax receipt review, supporting the City Attorney's office in response to legal challenges,and enhancing the City's Neighborhood Participation Program. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED St.Lucie West, Master Planned Community Redevelopment Project, -PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If Port St.Lucie, FL 2009 applicable) N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost,etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm b Project Manager/Planner—The scope of services for this project included redevelopment of a gas station into a successful retail center later named Westport Shoppes. Ms. Nowicki assembled a team of landscape architects, environmental scientists, traffic engineers, and other consultants in order to design a plaza that would accommodate a few restaurants and neighborhood retail uses.She adhered to the City's requirements as well as design and signage standards set by the Master Plan, processed the applications, oversaw the site plan design,coordinated the communication amongst all parties and wrote the master sign program for the Westport Shoppes plaza. (1)TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) (2)YEAR COMPLETED Comprehensive Plan Update,Alachua County, FL .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If 2001 applicable)N/A (3)BRIEF DESCRIPTION(Brief scope,size,cost etc.)AND SPECIFIC ROLE [ ] Check if project performed with current firm c Associate Planner-Ms. Nowicki was responsible for the removal of outdated policies and addition of new polices in several of the Plan's elements as well as research for the data&analysis.She organized six public forums and workshops featuring experts on various subjects (Randall Arendt,Victor Dover etc.)to involve the citizens in the future of their community. 70 City of Miami Beach Professorial architectural and Engineering Services(or Capital.Renewal.and Replacement Projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 F.EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM'S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency,or 10 projects,if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 21.TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) 22.YEAR COMPLETED Holiday Dog Park PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2015 Fort Lauderdale FL N/A 23.PROJECT OWNER'S INFORMATION a.PROJECT OWNER b.POINT OF CONTACT NAME c.POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER City of Fort Laudaerdale Christipher Bennett,P.E. (954)828-6522 24.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT(Include scope,size,and cost.) 11111 !'M RE4101 r ,�, "v..,er o..+Exa ``z . -,`.4.,,.,,,,4t li i '..,..',. ..,:,,,, **,,". E'"*(Xt fi Ng yr :r pj~ "ll.• Q ---,i- /may r,. K FUt4RE E! tp�xR°A iOUNTAM w' :iti c ,.k'% 444 ., �^�'"`-..."" A`^ 1 Aid'' REum .47 `5 "�', BEC a ‘4)0is it'°'.7.- ;'•,-,,,,.,._- ^ • �5j`gppprri'''++ ry jElpC ` � � K1 " 3 '±+J^ / '' l.4 °i+" y , er AS, c.s' k , y . 1 ] ' JI l 40 I / • -,i... . '- . / ,.4., .0 ' Nrr . Y ' SX Iul ,,.--,%„..1",..:4- ` .II t. , -f .;; Keith and Schnars' Landscape Architecture division prepared conceptual site plans for a new dog park within the existing "t y1l.' ; '! °i 4r Holiday Park in Fort Lauderdale.The task involved creating two concept \ \ t !' ttej" site plans within an area of about 2 acres, one for large size dogs and 1 ': 1rl. one for small size dogs. Base plans were prepared by performing an Iv r ,Ye. ,, � . onsite analysis to investigate field conditions and inventory existing `..' o "' s ' landscape. Plans were developed to meet all of the requirements ... clarified by the City staff and an opinion of construction costs was also provided by Keith and Schnars. qi, . The design of the two distinguished dog park areas included the placement of dog obstacle course equipment and a prominent entryway, with double gates for the safety of dogs and owners simultaneously entering and leaving the gated park area. In addition, the common park elements of benches, water fountains, pavilions, trash bins and pet waste stations were also included in the design. Holiday Park is already one with multiple engaging amenities to the public, and these areas designated specifically for dogs are another great addition for the enjoyment of the residents and visitors of the City. Construction Fees:$70,000-$130,000 25.FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE a' Keith and Schnars Fort Lauderdale,FL Prime City of Miami Beach =rofessonal Rrchitecturaland Engineering Services for Capital.Renewal and Replacement Projects 71 5.1 Stancarc Form 330 F.EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM'S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency,or 10 projects,if not specified. 1 ) Complete one Section F for each project.) 21.TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) 22.YEAR COMPLETED Terramar Park PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A Parkland, FL 23.PROJECT OWNER'S INFORMATION a.PROJECT OWNER b.POINT OF CONTACT NAME c.POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER City of Parkland Sowande Johnson,A P.E.,City Engineer (954)753-5040 24.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS Keith and Schnars was tasked with developing a site amenities plan for the renovation and relocation of a playground in Parkland's Terramar park that included: playground equipment,shade structures,and decorative hardscape. :. 14.x, ►I K . fil j ' - 1 .t,,' fa ■9- _ 1. ,.•t,s*- 4 ,1461 -.11‘i.Tr iitk' ''•-•'-'4,• ill,,,, a.-I 1 1111 \ i I I t; _ : �,1��� �y 1 arm �rIII r ., I I Design Fees:$9,880 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE a • Keith&Schnars Fort Lauderdale,FL Prime 72 City of Miami Beach Professonal Prchi:ec:.raland Engineering Services for Capi.al Renewal and Replacer-nen:Projects 5.1 Stancarc Form 330 F.EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM'S ;.: ,r QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency,or 10 projects,if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 21.TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) 1 22.YEAR COMPLETED Windmill Park PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) 2013 N/A Coconut Creek, FL 23.PROJECT OWNER'S INFORMATION a.PROJECT OWNER b.POINT OF CONTACT NAME c.POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER City of Coconut Creek Sheila Rose, Director of Sustainable (954)973-6756 Development 24.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT(Include scope,size,and cost.) , . 7.7.:,...-, 11:44.4 VW ...tea .:•'ay. -.It I s i •r ,' r 1 '. , .- - . . -Ir. ,,f r- i ., , ) I 7 J 1 T) ®`` —y o0 �: 1 1 3 Q Pu • 6'1.1:!, <` ti Keith & Schnars' involvement in the original plat work for the development of Windmill Park started in 1987 - then called Coco Parc. In 1990, Keith &Schnars prepared the original design work for the park, providing the City of Coconut Creek with master planning, site design, landscape, irrigation and parking design, construction inspection and administration services, as well as, overall project coordination assistance.The current park includes active and passive recreation areas, bike,jogging and nature trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, ball fields, court games, entrance and park signage,wetland mitigation lakes and multi-purpose buildings. In 2012, Keith &Schnars worked closely with the City to develop a conceptual plan for park improvements that included such elements as an additional basketball court, expanded landscapes, open play areas, shelters, proposed parking, walking paths,station-based exercise circuit,separated large and small dog parks and a restroom facility. Design Fees:$12,500 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE a. Keith&Schnars Fort Lauderdale, FL Prime City of Miami Beach ?roFessonal prchi:ec:uraland Engineering Services For Capital enewalarid 'Replacemen:3rojec:s 73 5.1 Stancarc Form 33 0 F.EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM'S ;';+(tuts r v QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency,or 10 projects,if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project) 21.TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) 22.YEAR COMPLETED Simpson Park PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If 2015 applicable) Miami, FL N/A 23.PROJECT OWNER'S INFORMATION a.PROJECT OWNER b.POINT OF CONTACT NAME C.POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER City of Miami Carlos Lozano, Project Manager (305)416-1247 24.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT(Include scope,size,and cost) t1 Vs*, kit •4. ' • .c. l`i r� .A,.-.41� I nim .. .r r� _ :�•—.. s s �w Simpson Park is a natural preserve that encompasses over 8-acres of the last remnants of tropical hardwood hammock in the center of Miami's urban core. It is enclosed by a 4 foot perimeter wall constructed of native oolite limestone dated in the 1930s-1940s. Due to security concerns, a black chain link fence was added to the top of the wall. In 2009, a more prominent and accessible entry to the park was built across from the traffic circle at the intersection of South Miami Avenue and SW 15th Road, comprised of a wood deck with embedded lights, rustic cut wood benches, and a modern-style lattice wood structure and a fine grain chainmail curtain serving as a gate to secure the entrance. In 2015, Keith &Schnars was tasked through the City of Miami Capital Improvements and Transportation Program, to prepare a Concept for the redesign of this Northeast pedestrian entrance, due to the poor condition of the existing deck and entrance gate.The conceptual plan removed the existing deck and wooden entrance structure and removed the existing shrub material to provide a more open feel. The large existing mature trees were preserved and landscape lighting was added. Hardscape was redesigned to provide better connectivity to the existing sidewalks and park entrance. Other elements included: park benches, pedestrian lighting; and a green metal picket gate and fence at the entrance to prevent trespassing. Design Fees:$3,920 25.FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE Keith&Schnars Fort Lauderdale,FL Prime 74 City of Miami Beach 3ro(essonal lrchi:ecturaland Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement projects 5.1 Standard Form 330 F.EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM'S 20.EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency,or 10 projects,if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 21.TITLE AND LOCATION(City and State) 22.YEAR COMPLETED Briekell Park PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION(If applicable) Ongoing N/A Miami, FL 23.PROJECT OWNER'S INFORMATION a.PROJECT OWNER c.POINT OF CONTACT NAME c.POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER City of Miami Alina Hernandez,Project manager City (305)416-1280 Improvements and Transportation Program 24.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT(Include scope,size,and cost) • t I lf4 • . 1'1 e S jr 4 yE ; 10,44, 1 .11rAttie, 4)1 t1. . As part of Keith & Schnars' Professional Service Agreement with the City of Miami for Miscellaneous Landscape Architectural Services, K&S was tasked with designing modificaton of the existing irrigation system to accomadate a new playground, shrubs, fences and hardscape,relocation of fencing to include new seating areas,and adding a large shade tree. Design fees:$12,626.55 25.FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT (1)FIRM NAME (2)FIRM LOCATION(City and State) (3)ROLE a. Keith&Schnars Fort Lauderdale,FL Prime City of Miami Beach 3rofessonal grchi_ec:ural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and -2eplacemen:Jrojec:s 75 5.1 Standard Form 330 KEY PERSONNEL PARTICIPATION IN EXAMPLE PROJECTS 28.EXAMPLE PROJECTS LISTED IN SECTION F 26.NAMES OF KEY PERSONNEL 27.ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT (Fill in'Example Prole Key section below,before competing (From Section E, (From Section E, table.Place IC under proied key number Block 12) Block 13) for pro)ectpartldpatbn same or similar role.) 1 2 3 4 5 Bruce Reed,RLA,CPTED Principal-In-Charge x x x Kirk Hoosac, RLA Project Manager x x Chris Miller,RLA,ISA,IA,LEED AP, SITE AP,LIAF,FNGLA Landscape Architecture x x Todd Mohler,RLA,ISA ARCSA Landscape Architecture x Marisol Ortega,ISA,ASLA,LIAF Landscape Architecture x x x x Christine McKay,LIAF Landscape Architecture James Wang, LEED Green Associate, Landscape Architecture x x ASIA Arianna Netzky Landscape Architecture x x Alexis Alvey,ISA,FNGLA Landscape Architecture Chase Russell, Landscape Inspector,FNGLA Landscape Architecture Kevin Johnson II,CPTED Landscape Architecture Arturo lzquierdo,Landscape Landscape Architecture Inspector,ISA, LIAF,FNGLA Todd Reich,Landscape Inspector, ISA, LIAF,FNGLA Landscape Architecture Benjamin Koubek, Landscape Landscape Architecture Inspector,ISA, LIAF,FNGLA Heidi Siegel,AICP Planning&Public Outreach Bradley Benmoshe, LEED Green Associate,CPTED Planning&Public Outreach Kristen Nowicki,AICP Planning&Public Outreach 29.EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY No. TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT(FROM SECTION F) No. TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT(FROM SECTION F) 1. Holiday Dog Park 6. 2. Terra mar Park 7. 3. Windmill Park 8. 4. Simpson Park 9. 5. Brickell Park 10. 76 City of Miami Beach Professonal Prchirectural and Engineering Services for Capital Penewal and Peplacemen:°rojecs 5.1 Standard Form 33 0 H.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30.PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE AGENCY.ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. Green and Conservation Practices Sustainable Design is an integral element in modern engineering design and planning.The major components of sustainable design involving site related activities include stormwater design (water quality and quantity control), site selection, ensuring various modes of alternative transportation, site development, and heat island effect (the temperatures in urban areas are greater than those in the surrounding areas). There are several strategies that facilitate sustainable design. Those strategies include planting trees to shade buildings from the sun or protect them from wind and the weathering process,and using local materials,native planting,xeriscape techniques, reclaimed stormwater water, pollution abatement methods, and on-site composting and chipping materials to reduce areen waste hauling. The implementation of sustainable design requires regular and harmonious interaction between the design team, the architects, the engineers, and the client, regarding site selection, scheme formation, material selection, and procurement/project implementation. In this regard, K&S is at the forefront of LEED design certification and any proposed infrastructure improvements will be environmentally responsible. We have implemented sustainable practices into all our designs. As an example, we have incorporated over $15 million worth of sustainable designs into our projects in the past 8 years alone. The focus of these designs has included minimizing environmental impacts, creating "Green Spaces," reducing maintenance intervals, and using local resources. In furtherance of these goals, our design professionals will interview maintenance personnel and staff to comprehend their overall maintenance capabilities, in addition to their preferred equipment and operational requirements.This process helps ensure that any proposed infrastructure improvements function in a sustainable manner.It is also reflected in the subsequent design and selection of materials. A primary component of creating sustainable"Green Spaces"is the use of native plant species. The beauty of native landscape architecture goes beyond its appearances because it contributes to the restoration of our ecosystems.and promotes biodiversity. Furthermore, the use of native tree species can provide refuge for people and enhance overall outdoor environmental quality. In addition to the green practices and procedures we incorporate into our design and planning work, we have also incorporated a number of green practices and policies into the everyday functioning of our firm. For instance, our corporate office is a Certified Naturescape Property.We also make extensive use of recycle bins and recycled Paper stock. Additionally, when eliciting reviews of our work products,we convert those products to PDF,thereby significantly reducing the firm's overall paper needs.We also deliver all of our plan sets to the FDOT electronically. Finally,we participate annually in Broward County's Water Matters Day and the Arbor Day"Plant a Tree"educational program. I.AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing is a statement of facts. 31.SIGNATURE 32.DATE May 7,2018 33.NAME AND TITLE Bruce Reed,RLA,Vice President of LA,Planning and Environmental City of Miami Beach j Professonctr.r.:hitectura1_and Engineering E'en/ces Pei lek_ua c i,ci PecrcLemPrHec77 1 5.1 Standard Form 330 _. 1.SOLICITATION NUMBER(If any) ARCHITECT - ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS RFQ2018-141-ND PART II -GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS (If a firm has branch offices, complete for each specific branch office seeking work.) 2a.FIRM(OR BRANCH OFFICE)NAME 3.YEAR 4.DUNS KKEITH ESTABLISHED NUMBER .,- SCHNARS 1972 072227762 2b.STREET 5.OWNERSHIP 5835 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 303 a.TYPE Corporation 2c.CITY 2d.STATE 2e.ZIP CODE b.SMALL BUSINESS STATUS Miami FL 33126 N/A 6a.POINT OF CONTACT NAME AND TITLE 7.NAME OF FIRM(If block 2a is a branch office) Bruce Reed, RLA,CPTED,Vice President of LA, Planning and Environmental N/A 6b.TELEPHONE NUMBER 6c.E-MAIL ADDRESS (305)477-7667 breed@ksfla.com 8a.FORMER FIRM NAME(S)(If any) 8b.YR 8c.DUNS ESTABLISHED NUMBER 072227762 10.PROFILE OF FIRM'S EXPERIENCE AND 9.EMPLOYEES BY DISCIPLINE ANNUAL AVERAGE REVENUE FOR LAST 5 YEARS c.No.of a. c.Revenue Index Em•loyees a.Profile Function b.Discipline Code b.Experience Number Code (1) (2) (see below) FIRM BRANCH 02 Administrative 27 B02 Bridges 4 06 Biologist 4 C15 Construction Management 6 07 CADD Technician 3 C16 Construction Surveying 5 12 Civil Engineer 5 E01 Ecological Surveys 3 15 Construction Inspector 15 E09 Environmental Impact Studies Assessments 3 24 Environmental Scientist 4 Ell Environmental Planning 2 30 Geologist 0 G06 Graphic Design 1 38 Land Surveyor 10 H07 Highways,Streets 5 39 Landscape Architect 7 L02 Land Surveying 5 47 Planner.Urban/Regional 3 L03 Landscape Architecture 5 57 Structural Engineer 5 P05 Planning-Community 3 60 Transportation Engineer 7 P06 Planning-Site 2 62 Water Resources Engineer 2 103 Traffic&Transportation Engineering 4 Attorney 1 105 Topographic Surveying&Mapping S Construction Engineer 7 W02 Water Resources 4 Engineering Technician 8 W03 Water Supply-Treatment&Distribution 3 Marketing,Graphics Public Involvement 4 Civil Engineering General Services 3 MIS Managers/Support 2 Public Involvement&Outreach Services 1 Planners:Transportation 6 Total 120 11. ANNUAL AVERAGE PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REVENUE INDEX NUMBER SERVICES REVENUES OF FIRM FOR LAST 3 YEARS 1. Less than$100,000 6. $2 million to less than$5 million (Insert revenue index number shown at right) 2. $100,000 to less than 5250,000 7. SS million to less than$10 million a.Federal Work 1 3. $250,000 to less than$500,000 8. $10 million to less than$25 million 4. $500,000 to less than Si million 9. $25 million to less than$50 million b.Non-Federal Work 8 5. $1 million to less than S2 million 10. $50 million or greater c.Total Work 9 12.AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing is a statement of facts. a.SIGNATURE ) b.DATE �` .aL - _ May 7, 2018 78 City of Miami Beach Professc.rlal Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Renewal and Replacement Projects ! ------.5----- - Thank You for Your Consideration! p illii Company Address Phone&fax Online 5835 Blue Lagoon Drive, Phone:305 477 7667 Website:www.ksfla.com Suite 303 Miami,Florida Fax:305 477 4474 33126 Toll Free:800 4881255 KSKEITH & SCHNARS ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SURVEYORS