Resolution 80-16342 • • RESOLUTION NO. 80-16342 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN APPLICATION TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH UNDER THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ACT OF 1974. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make appropriate application to the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Community Services, for a grant in such sum or amount as is available to the City of Miami Beach, pursuant to the pro- visions of Chapter 74-166, Laws of Florida, providing financial assistance to the City of Miami Beach for Community Services as therein delineated, for the October 1 , 1980 to September 30, 1981 , program year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that all funds necessary to meet the contract obliga- tions of the City and its delegate agencies with the Department have been appropriated and said funds are unexpended and unencumbered and are available for payment as prescribed in the contract. The City shall be responsible for the funds for the local share notwithstanding the fact that all or part of the local share is to be met or contributed by other source, i .e. , contribu- tions, other agencies or organization funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, any required agreement with the said Department of Community Affairs, setting forth the City's commitment to meet and comply with all the terms and provi- sions of such grant, when and if made. A copy of said agreement is made a part of this resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 1980. Attest: City Cle k FORM APPROVED Lt: AL DEPT. Byab►m. Date ot-Er . G FLORIDA FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ACT OF 1974 (COMMUNITY SERVICES TRUST FUND) GRANT APPLICATION Page 1 of 7 REPLY TO: * SUBMIT FOUR (4) COPIES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (ONE MUST BE ORIGINAL) OFFICE OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 2571 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST .* PLEASE TYPE - ANSWER ALL TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 QUESTIONS • 1. Local Governmental Unit Applying for Grant: Name: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH : Telephone: 005 305 673-7819 (name of town, city or county) - Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive Zip: 33139 • County: Miami Beach (DADE) • • 2. Delegate Agency(s) : 3. Person with over-all responsibility of grant: (Our Department will . contact this person should questions arise) • Name: R. G. 'RODRIGUEZ • Telephone: (301 673-7819 Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive Signature: 1L n . / u • 4. Name and address of person authorized to receive funds. If this ap- plication is funded, checks will be mailed to this person. All checks will be made payable to the local government. Name: I zzy Binstock, Chief Accountant Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive . Miami Beach, Florida zip: 33139 • 15 AGENDA C \ /� ITEM �' (-� � j• DATE • GRANT APPLICATION Page 2 of 7 • • • COMPLETE A SEPARATE PAGE 2 FOR EACH PROGRAM. Use attachment if necessary. Name of Program AID. TO THE INDIGENT 1. Give a brief overview of the proposed program. • . SEE ATTACHED . 2. Identify the problem this program will address. • SEE ATTACHED 3. Specify the target population in your program service area af— fected by this problem. How large is the target population? Provide quantifiable numbers. . SEE ATTACHED • 4 . What is the severity of the problem among the target population. Provide quantifiable numbers/percentages, etc. • SEE ATTACHED • • • • 5. How will . this program address the problem? SEE ATTACHED 6. How many and what percentage of the target population will be served? Is this amount an increase over the existing services? Approximately 1/3 of the target population will be served by our agency. In conjunction with other agencies, the percentage increases to 75%. • • 7. Will this program provide direct access or availability of other services? If yes, identify them. The Social Services Division functions majorly to refer applicants to all other available programs such as Medicaid, Dade County Welfare, Jewish Family and Children Services, Mental Health Clinics and government subsidized housing. Therefore persons served by this program will be counseled on all the services which are available locally. 8 . Is the program operating now? If yes, explain what changes this grant will provide for if any. This program has been in operation for many years and the grant has been. an integral part of the total budget. 9 . Will the grant funds be used as match to obtain other funds? If yes, what other funds? Sources of Other funds to be used as a match are not known at this time. However we anticipate receiving a Community Development Grant for $15,000 to be used for prosthetic devices which are not covered in this program. 10 . What funds will sustain the program after this grant expires? It is impossible to determine at this time. 11 . Who will do the audit of the program? The City of Miami Beach's Internal Auditors will audit the program. 16 • Sugject: Grant Application for Community Services Trust Funds Special Attachment Page 2, Items 1 through 5 1 . The people in the target population have to budget 3/4 of their income for living expenses, which leaves only 1/4 of their income to meet food, medical and other needs. This program is designed to help with the heavy burden of financial , counseling and medical needs for people below the poverty level . The City of Miami Beach has a Social Services Division located in the blighted area of Miami Beach. It is one of several agencies which work with poverty. The State Food Stamp Program and the Dade County • Community Action Agency are others. Since they are all located in the same facility, there is frequent interaction among the three agencies. The City's Social Service Program deals in emergency basis with people who have been evicted, lost their jobs, have high prescriptions costs beyond their means, and any other emergencies reported by the City's Police Department and Citizens' Service Bureau. Social Services Division has two contractual case workers and four Senior Aides in addition to a Supervisor. It engages in outreach, re-location information and referral services. 2. The largest area of concern of people in the program service area is' that prescriptions costs are not paid by Medicare or any other program but Medicaid. Most senior citizens in the area are not on Medicaid and are still below the poverty level . They cannot afford the high prescription costs -- many of them have monthly prescriptions running from $40 to $100. They are caught on fixed incomes in the upward spiral of costs of living. 3. The target population is all of the city of Miami Beach. However it is estimated that 16,000 persons on Miami Beach have incomes of below the poverty level (established January 1 , 1980 at $3,703 if individual and $5,006 if couples) . These burdened 16,000 people will receive first priority from this program. 4. Income amount of target population ranges from $2400 to $3700 annually. Average rentals amount to about $160 a month or $1 ,920 annually. This means that from 52% to 80% of income is spent on housing. This leaves from 48% down to 20% of disposable income for food, utilities and medicine. With today's cost of living this leaves this population in an untenable situation. With rising costs these senior citizens have disastrously less disposable income each year. 5. It will provide income relief to the poverty stricken where other programs cannot help. As an example -- Food Stamps and Hot Meals Programs are restricted to food and do not cover prescriptions. Another consideration, of the many people who come to this wonderful climate to establish a new life, a large number become stranded without incomes. It is necessary to provide the needed emergency assistance. Their only other alternative is crime. • 17 t-4 GRANT APPLICATION Page 3 of 7 Local Governmental Unit Applying CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Delegate Agency ' (town, county or city) • Program Title AID TO THE INDIGENT Complete a separate page 3 for each program activity •A. Program Objectives B. Major Activities and Substeps C . Planned Results . Show what por- (Quantifyall objectives) Required to accomplish objectives 5 p objectives your be acedchque . (Quantify all accomplishments . ) Recent surveys, including the 1970 census, The City's plan is to utilize existing personnel As of 12/31/80 - General assistance indicate that 33 percent of -the senior citizens as outlined in the budget. For example, the continued at the same rate. We assisted 1250 residing in the South Miami Beach area are below Social Services Director and Administrative people during the quarter. The Social Service poverty guidelines as established. by the Social Assistant will apportion a total of 800 hours network now consists of 32 social service ' Security Administration. In addition, there are of their time for direct services to the program. agencies. many senior citizens in the South Beach area who It Is anticipated that this will be sufficient are receiving supplemental security income but to service the 5,000 applications that will be ------- ------- whose ._whose prescriptions needs are greater than the received during the program year. As of 3/31/81 _ Our health center began $20 per month which is allowed. Further, there this year and so far we have been requested to are many'younger families in the South Beach area In addition, there will be a secondary activity sponsor prescriptions for an additional 120 who are having difficulties due to the high cost which will be involved with the City's record persons. of living and the unemployment situation. Many keeping and accounting systems. The City's . divorced mothers with children are either working `Social Services personnel and Accounting personnel or receiving aid to dependent children and are will keep adequate and thorough records of. the having considerable difficulty making ends meet. transactions that ensue. -: Each client. will be As of 6/30/81 - At this time we will be Emergency situations, too numerous to mention in certified for indigency and a. brief case record assisting the same amount of persons as last detail , such as lost checks, muggings, desertions, . will note the justification for declaring a quarter. In addition, we will continue to require both economic assistance and reality person indigent. Thereafter, a voucher or cash coordinate a system of prescription purchase, planning. will be given noting the type of assistance granted since the health center will begiving an to the individual . increasing number of prescriptions. As of 9/30/81 -General ass istance MT—' - • continue with health. We will assist 1 ,250 to 1 ,500 people during the quarter. • GRANT APPLICATION PAGE 4 of 7 • 'Name of Applicant: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (City or County) TOTAL BUDGET A. Include figures from all delegate agency budgets. B. Explain.by attachment all expenditures over $500 per line item. C. Cash match must be at least one half of state grant requested. D. The cash and in-kind match combined must equal the state grant.. REVENUE 1. State Grant $26,000 2. Oanh Match (n9 fosisral fuuri,ss except ren , sharing„ allowed) $22,000 3- In-Kind Match • $ 3,000 4. TQTAL:B.ESIENUE $51,000 GRANTEE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE CASH - IN-KIND 5. Salaries None • 6. Rental Space. • 7. Travel • 8. Supplies • 9 . Other (specify on attachment) . 10. - TOTAL (lines 5 through 9 ) . r' • . DELEGATE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 11. Salaries None 12. Rental Space 13. Travel `' 14. Supplies 15 . Other (specify on attachment) • 16 . TOTAL (lines 11 through 16) 'r • • *17. TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (line 10 and 16) • *Line 17 must not exceed 15% of two times line 1. • GRANTEE PROGRAM EXPENSE 18. Salaries Two full time workers $22,714 19 . Rental Space $3,000 20. Travel 21. Equipment 22, Other (specify on attachment) $25,714 23 . TOTAL (lines 18 through 22) $48,000 $3,000 DELEGATE PROGRAM EXPENSE 24 . Salaries None 25. 12ental Space " 26 . Travel +t . 27 . Equipment • 28. Other (specify on attachment) 29 . TOTAL (lines 24 through 28) 30 . TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES (lines 23 and $48,000 $ 3,000 29) . 31. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (line 17 and 30) $51 ,000 32. TOTAL COMBINED EXPENDITURES (Cash and in-Kind) /9 ( line 32 should equal line 4) SUBJECT: Grant Application for Community Services Trust Funds Special Attachment Page 4C Item 18. PROGRAM EXPENSE: $22,714. 18. Salaries Frances Katz $14,410. Rebecca Greenspan - $ 8,304. $22,714. 20 • Subject: Grant Application for Community Services Trust Funds Special Attachment Page 4C Item 22 Program Expense - $25,714. I . Prescriptions Miami Beach Social Service has been and is planning to assist those persons who are medically indigent and who are not covered by Medicaid. It is estimated, • on the basis of last year's experience and the fact that we now have a medical center for indigent persons on Miami Beach, that there will be a need for a minimum of 700 prescriptions per month. This will be done by determining the medical indigency of persons in accordance with Social Services and Health System Agency guidelines. The total cost for the year for this program $10,000. 2. Direct Cash Grants or Emergency Food Orders Checks up to the amount of $25.00 have been and will be issued to persons who have dire emergencies that cannot be assisted by any other program. For example, many employable people find themselves without resources and unable to turn to County Welfare because of their employability. In other instances we find that people are unable to pay for their food stamps and are in need of temporary assistance for this purpose. Another example concerns people who must get to a hospital or welfare department immediately and given cash grants for this purpose. The total yearly cost for this program $ 5,714. 3. Emergency Housing. During the course of the year we find 700 people who are either sleeping on the beaches, wandering about without knowing where they live, emergency evictions, etc. The City of Miami Beach has a contract to pay hotels on a per diem basis. The total yearly cost for this program $10,000. The influx of refugees to this area (Russians, Haitians, Cubans, Nicaraguans) has increased the costs of these programs and we don't know how long this will continue. The monies for this program have already been depleted. With the creation of a Minority Outreach Program funded by Community Development, we expect a large number of people to participate in our program that were not participating before. The job of the Minority Outreach will be to let the community know of the services that we have available. We are aware that certain segments of the community have not been taking advantage of our services and we feel •that this Minority Outreach will reach those people and that they will come to us for services. 2a • GRANT APPLICATION Page 5 of 7 • • Local Government Unit Applying: Delegate Agency: • • • CASH AND IN-KIND MATCH • I. Cash Match • Source Amount 1. , 1 2. 2. 3. • .,.3. 4 . 4. . • I. TOTAL CASH MATCH II. In-Kind Salaries and Benefits . Number of Hours Total (Hourly rate x num- Position Title and Name of Person Hourly Rate To Be Worked ber hours to be worked) 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. - 3. 3. 3 . • 4 . • 4. 4. 4 . • II. TOTAL SALARIES III. Other In-Kind Total (Unit cost x num- Description and Source Unit Cost No. of Units ber of units) • 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. • 2.. 2. 3. • ::. 3. 3. 3. 4 . 4. 4. 4 . III . TOTAL OTHER • ' IV. TOTAL MATCH Local Governmental Unit Applying: (County or City) • Delegate Agency Budget - Complete one for each Delegate Agency • • Program Name: Name of Delegate Agency: Address: Zip: Contact Person: Telephone: ( ) Tax Exempt Number: (if none, attach a copy •of. the certificate of incorporation) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES CASH IN-KIND • 1. Salaries 2. Rental 3. Travel 4: Supplies 5. Other (specify on attachment) 6. TOTAL (lines. 1 through. 5) . PROGRAM EXPENSES 7. Salaries 8. Rental Space 9. Travel • 10. Equipment 11. Other (specify on attachment) 12. TOTAL (lines 7 through 11) 13. TOTAL EXPENSES (line 6 and line 12) Explain by attachment all Line items over $500. TOTAL BUDGET THE DELEGATE AGENCY HEREBY APPROVES THIS APPLICATION AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES, REGULATIONS AND CONTRACTS RELATING THERETO: APPROVED BY: President of Board (Signature) ATTESTED BY: Name (Signature) Title • 23 • GRANT F.FPLICA4TION Page 7 of 7 Local Governmental Unit Applying : CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ( NAME OF CITY OR COUNTY ) 14 . THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT THE DATA IN THIS APPLICATION AND ITS VARIOUS SECTIONS INCLUDING BUDGET DATA, ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS OR HER KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED AND UNDERSTANDS THAT IT WILL BECOME PART OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT AND THE APPLICANT. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR THE CITY COUNCIL HAS PASSED AN APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION WHICH AUTHORIZES THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE SPECIFIED PROGRAMS. IF FEES OR CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TO BE UTILIZED AS MATCHING FOR THIS GRANT, OR IF A DELEGATE AGENCY IS TO PROVIDE THE MATCHING SHARE, AND THESE FUNDS ARE NOT FORTHCOMING, THIS RESOLUTION ALSO SPECIFIES THAT THE CITY OR COUNTY WILL PROVIDE THE NECES- SARY MATCH. THIS APPLICANT FURTHER CERTIFIES, DUE TO THE LEGISLATIVE INTENT NOT TO DUPLICATE SERVICES AND THAT THESE PARTICULAR SERVICES ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED NOR ARE THEY AVAILABLE FROM ANY OTHER STATE AGENCY. ALTHOUGH SIMILAR SERVICES MAY BE AVAILABLE, THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT NO OTHER RESOURCE EXISTS TO PROVIDE THESE PARTI- CULAR SERVICES TO THESE CLIENTS WITHOUT THE USE OF THIS MONEY. Murray Meyerson �� � '2 Y Name (typed) S ' na K 1 � 9 Mayor Title : ,Mayor , Chairman of Board of County Commissioners , etc. • 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Address ( 305 ) 673-7030 August 6, 1980 Telephone Date ATTESTED BY: Elaine Matthews �1/ fif Name (typed) Signature ' l'OR j APPROVED (LEGADE r. City Clerk Title ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 80-16342 (Authorizing/directing execution and delivery of an application to the State Department of Community Affairs for financial assistance to the CMB under the Community Services Act of 1974) (A-D TLa The, 'TntdIFPT PK°Ge/att) Qr I-- .4