Robert D. Hertzberg/Penrods10:~6 CITY MIAMI BCH CLERK DEPT City o¢ Miami Beach Office ol"~e City Oerk ~ail: (a~ ~.~.~ ~. o~ ~ ~ ~, ~i~ ~, ~ ~ECEIVED a Ch~k Box Ir an Amendment 03 JUL 2 9 PM 2:2 ~ 305 6737254 P.02 NAME OF LOlly]ST: (Last) (Fi~) (M.1) DATE ~)UAI TFZED AS LOBBY]ST 100 :S.~.. 2nd Street, Suite 3550, Miami, FT. 33131 'BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number an0 sheet) (Ob/) ' (State) (Zip Code) (305) 371-6060 (305) 358-5917 TELEPHONE NUMBER ' FAX NUMBER:'" EMAXL: Penrod Brothers, Inc. NAMEOFPR.~I~PAL/C~ENT: 1 Ocean Drive Miami Beach FL 33139 BUS~NESS ADDRESS: (Number ~ St:~eet) (City) (State) (ZIp Code) (305) 538-1111 (305) 534-8937 TELEPttONE NUMBER: FAX N~IMBER; Co~uonal) EMAXL: (Optional) Fill out thll IKtlofl If pflndpal b i ~tlo~ lltIip o~ Truit [~lclIon 2-482 (c)] · NAME OF CHXEF OFFICER, PARTNER~ OR BENEFICIARY: Jack Penrod · L.XST ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR XNDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE OWNER~I-II; Xr/I'EREST 1N SUCH CORPORAT/ON, PARTNERSHIP ORTRUST: Jack ~enroc]. SPICIIr~C: LOBBY ~.SSUE: Issue to Ix~JolX~e0 (Describe in cletaiJ): C/T'Y AGENC:ZES/ZNDZ~DUALS TO mE LOBBIED: A) Full Nm of Zaliddu~l~Title B) Relationship and city manager JUL-24-2003 10: 26 A) LOBBYZST DLSCL~SURE: CITY MIRMI BCH CLERK DEPT $325.00 per hour plus costs 305 6737254 P. 03 B) PRINC~PAL~DISCLO~JRE(OFLOBBYZSTCOIqPENSATZON): $*325.00 Der hour, 1) 2) Pursuant to Ordinance Na. 200]-3393 Amending_ Miami Beach OL~ ~ C~amer 2. Article V]L DivisiOn 5 T'n~-~.~r Efll~ted 'CamanJan fi~ance Re,arm' Via The Addition Of Code S~c~irm 2-488 Entitled 'Prohibited Camoalan Contributions By tobbvis~ On procurement Issues': Am you Iobbvina on a nresent Dr nendina bid f~r (mods, eauiment or servia~ or on a Dr~ent or .ending award for aaeds, enuiament or s~r.~n Y~.~/~N~ - Pursuant ~o O~dinanc. No. 2CIg3-33g5 Ame~_di_na Miami Beach Cl~v Code C~anCer 2. ArUde VII Division S ~ereof EntiUc-~l ~C~mD~ian finance Reform". V~ The AddiU~fl Of r'nde Section 2-490 E,-,GLied "_ ~P~ohibited Camaaian Conlzibu[ians By Lobbyists On Real Estate Develooment IssueS': Are you Inbb~_ In_a on a nGndina amdigatinn f~r a Develonm~nt Aamnt wi~ th. City or v. SZGNATURE UNDER. ON OCTOBER IsT OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOGBYZST SHALL SUBI41T TO THE LA I ~' CLERK A SZGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, L/STZNG LOBBY/Ne EXPENDI"rUILES ZN THE CI"rY OF MZAH! BEACH FOR THE PP~C:ED.--NG CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the pro.flare-co,rained in Section 2-~_rJ~ reportJng requirement~ Signature of Lobbylsb ,, '"-... Signature of Prindpal/Client: L V% LOBBYZST ZDENT/FZ~TION: Produced ID Form of IdenfiflcaUon S~NATURE AND STAHP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CLERK: State of florida, County of MlamI-Dade Sworn to and subscribed before me This ~ day of_~ h O~y Code as amended, and all /C~Personally Known ~gnature of Pu~bl,~ NsO,,~r~.,.S~l:~'of Florida Prin~ stamp o~:"~y~pe"~l~-'~"~[~/Public ~-aum ~ ~: .~Y.s ( ] No DATA EN'II~Y DATE: TOTAL P. 03 FLA 7' RATE OR OTHER): ^) LOBB¥ISTDISCLOSURE: ~C-L,~/~) ~::)T~-~ $325.00 plus costs B) pRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYTS-r COMPENSATION): 1) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3393 Amendinq Miami Beach CiW Code Chapter 2, Article VII. Division 5 Thereof Entitled "Campaiqn Finance Reform" Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-~88 Entitled "Prohibited Campaiqn Contributions By Lobbyists On Procurement Issues": 2) Are you Iobbyinq on a present or pendinq bid for qoods, eq~'~t or services, or on a present or pendinq award for qoods, equipment or service? Yes L~/) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3395 Amendinq Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article VII Division 5 thereof Entitled "Campaiqn Finance Reform", Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-~90 Entitled "Prohibited Camoaian Contributions By Lobbyists On Real Estate Develooment Issues': Are you Iobbvincl on a oendina aoolication for a Development Aqreeme,nt with the City or applica~O~ chanqe of zoninq map desiqnation or chanqe to the City s Future Land Use Hap? V, SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER IsT OF EACH YEAR~ EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMZT TO THE CZTY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LI~I'iNG LOBBYING EXPENDITURES IN THE CI~Y OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Section 2-482 of the Miami Beach City Code as amended, and all reporting requirements. SignatureofLobbyist: ,~].~:.\~. ~ ,-~ j ~F..-.~"~!~ Signature of Principal/Client: .__~2~_~.~..,... ~r.,..~...~.~,~ . n Produced ID Form of Identification State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn to and subscribed before me This ~.4 day of Jo~' ,2003. STGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CLERK: Signa 3~l{~{~l~e of Florida c cc .s ExmEs Print, ~mp or ~ name of No~w Public Registration: ~ ACCEPTED If rejected, state reason: Registration fee paid: ~g,~es [ ] No DATA ENTRY DATE: 2nd Revision 3J~8/03 FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY C ] REJECTED DATE: ,2.003 ENTERED BY: F:\CLER'9-1ATL\LobbyistsyegistrationaO3.doc