RESOLUTION 85-18027 RESOLUTION NO. 85-18027 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND DR. RICHARD J. TYSON FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH FIRE RESCUE. W HEREAS, Ordinance No. 1906, providing for emergency medical services to be provided by licensed physicians accompanying Fire Rescue personnel, was adopted by the City Com mission of the City of Miami Beach, pursuant to a vote of the electorate on November 2, 1971 and W HEREAS, the City Com mission of the City of M lam i Beach adopted its Resolution No. 84-17920 on November 7, 1984, effective retroactively to October 1, 1984, establishing a starting salary at $42,000.00 per year (formerly $38,115.50) with increase to $45,000.00 (formerly $41,926.50) after one year of service; rescinding Resolution No. 83-17398. W HEREAS, an agreement has been prepared by the City Attorney, the provisions of which the City Com mission of the City of M iam i Beach is familiar with, for the employment of the following physician, to wit: DR. RICHARD J. TYSON and W HEREAS, the City Com mission of the City of M is m i B each deems it to be in the best interest of the said City, its citizens and residents, to enter into such agreement with said physician to provide the aforesaid medical services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM MISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement in the name of and on behalf of said City, and that the proper disbursing and financial officers of the City make the disbursements called for by said agreement from funds of the City available for such purposes. PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day March , 1985. Mayor Attest: City Clerk FOitt„ LEGAL DEPT. eeeA"a7 Date_____•----& .1- 7- ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 85-18027 (Execution of agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Dr. Richard J. Tyson for emergency medical services to be provided in connection with fire rescue)