RESOLUTION 89-19523 RESOLUTION NUMBER 89-19523 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING UNDER THE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM TO THE U. S . DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) , PURSUANT TO TITLE IV OF THE STEWART B. MCKINNEY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE ACT, PL 100-77 (7/22/87) AND SECTION 485 OF THE STEWART B. MCKINNEY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE AMENDMENTS ACT OF 1988, PL 100-628 (8/10/88) ; AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE SUCH FUNDS WHEN RECEIVED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: WHEREAS, on July 22 , 1987 President Reagan signed into law the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act intended to provide urgently needed assistance to protect and improve the lives of the homeless; and WHEREAS, on August 10, 1988 the Department of Housing and Urban Development published the final rule on the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act; and WHEREAS, under this rule , the City of Miami Beach was allocated $30, 000 to be used for either rehabilitation, operation or maintenance, the provision of essential services, or an appropriate combination of the three, at a shelter for the homeless; and WHEREAS, there is no shelter currently in operation within the City of Miami Beach and the City' s allocation of $30 , 000 is insufficient to undertake or implement a new project within the City; and WHEREAS, the City's previous year's allocation was combined with Dade County's and used for the rehabilitation of the Miami Mission Association, a shelter for homeless women and children; and WHEREAS, this shelter is currently in operation and in need of funding for operating costs; and WHEREAS, it has been agreed that priority for placement at the shelter will be given to the housing needs of Miami Beach residents who have been displaced by the closing of unsafe buildings through code enforcement action, or other City actions, or who have been unable to attain adequate housing through their own means, in return for assistance from the City of Miami Beach with the Miami Mission Association's operating costs of the facility; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City Manager be authorized and directed to complete and submit the application for funding under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by February 13 , 1989 . Further, that the Administration be authorized to appropriate such funds when received. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1st DAY OF Februa , , 1989. )0( ►-i.YOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK IMOVID �}at � �`s DM* OMB Approval No 0)43-0043 . APPLICATION FOR - - • T.DAM 3 U S M RTE D App can I Aden id or FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2-1a-89 s-89-MC-12-5007 I TYPt OF SueMIS.PO*c T. tura RECEIVED SY STATE State Apglrcaton hlientif or AopJ.c a Iran Pna aop/ic a trop 0 Const►vc t.on . 0 Construction , 4 DATE RECEIVED SY FEDERAL AGENCY FedNal kjentifyr 0 Non-Construct : 0 Non-Construction 5 APKIUNT INFORMATION Legal Name — -- .- Organizational Unit: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPT. OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Add r e 3.s (give city. c ou n ry. state, and z r p coda)• Name and t•1.phone number of the ve r sort to be contacted on matters involving 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE this •pplicalion (give VIII Code) MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 kOB W. PARKINS, CITY MANAGER (305)673-7010 DADE COUNTY SHIRLEY TAYLOR PRAKELT, CD DIRECTOR (305)673-72$0 • E. EMPLOYER 1OENTIFKATION NUMBER IEINI: 7. TYPE Of AP PLIGANT: (enter appropriate t•Iter in box) Q -, , , _ A. State H Independent School Dist. .....5696...... .....6 6 O - O _ 0) _ 3 -7 - 2 8 County I.• Slate Controlled institution of Higher Learning ' C Municipal • J Prrvat•University t TYPE Of APPLICATION: p Township K Indian Tribe 51 New 0 Continuation 0 Rev+swn E Interstate ' L individual F intermunicipal M Profit Organization 11 Revision. enter appropriate latt•r(s)in box(es). 0 0 G Special District N. Other (Specify) A Increase Award 8 Decrease Award C Increase Duration 0 Decrease Duration Other (specrly): I. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1S CATALOG 0'FEDERAL ASSISTANCE NUMBER DOMESTIC 1 4 e 2 3 1 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: MIAMI WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHELTER nn.E.Emergency Shelter Grant Program . SERVICES 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT(cites. covntr•s• states. •Ic.): DADE COUNTY 13. PROPOSED PROJECT: Ii. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS Of: Start Date Ending Date a Applicant b Protect 3/1/$9 12/30/89 14 and 1 ' 14,15,16,17 ,18,19 15.ESTIMATED FUNDINQ1s.IS APPLICATION S� E�TO REVIEW BY ctA.n RC� vF ORDER t2)72 PROCESS/ a Federal S .pp a. YES THIS PREAPPtICATNDNiAPPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12312 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON 30,000 b Aoodicant S .00 DATE 0 • c State S .00 0 b NO Eil PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E 0 12372 d Loral S .00 0 0 OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW e Other $ 00 0 I Program Income S CO 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINOUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT'? 0 ' 0 Yes If 'Yes.' attach an explanation 0 P40 g TOTAL S .00 �0 OI ftTO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATION PREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT.THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BOGY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT will COMPLY wrTH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED a Ty-.--• Name 01 Authorized Re• •sentative b Title . c Telephone number t•8 'ARYINS ;,•GE' 305 673-7010 d Sig t re of A the ized ' present. • Date Signed ► -164 r 'lam v2 . iL —Previous drtlo - Not Us..le , -, - tandardForm s?a v i 88; -1 P'Pscribed Dv OMB '....,C..1, A..02 6 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 89-19523 (Authorizing the completion and submission pf an application for funding under the Emergency shelter grant program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , pursuant to title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. PL 100-77 (7/22/87) and Section 485 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988, PL 100-628 (8/10/88) and authorization to appropriate such funds when received)