RESOLUTION 89-19680 RESOLUTION NO. 89-19680 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR, AND AUTHORIZING FILING OF, A FINAL STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR YEAR FIFTEEN UNDER THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AUTHORIZED BY THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, AS AMENDED; THE 1983 URBAN-RURAL RECOVERY ACT; AND THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1987 . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: WHEREAS, two public hearings were held by the City of Miami Beach Community Development Advisory Committee on March 7, 1989 , to obtain views and proposals of citizens at the initial stage of the development of the "Proposed Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" , as well as to assess the performance of the prior program year; and WHEREAS, all requests for funding proposals were reviewed and analyzed by the City Administration, and the Community Development Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the Miami Beach City Commission on July 12 , 1989 , held and conducted a public hearing to obtain views of citizens relative to the "Proposed Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" , as well as the Housing Assistance Plan, to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by the City of Miami Beach for the Year Fifteen funds, under the 1981 amendments to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 , as amended; the 1983 Urban-Rural Recovery Act; as well as the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 ; and WHEREAS, the Year Fifteen "Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" includes the use of $4 , 960 in reprogrammed prior year funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that said City Commission hereby approves the filing of the Year Fifteen "Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" which includes the required plan to mitigate adverse effects of CDBG-caused displacement, as well as the Housing Assistance Plan, with the U. S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development Block Grant funds under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 , as amended; the 1983 Urban-Rural Recovery Act; and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 ; and further authorizes the City Manager to execute and file said application in a timely manner to comply with applicable regulations for, and on behalf of, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, for $2 , 240, 960 in total resources. (Entitlement allocation @ $1, 883 , 000, reprogrammed funds @ $4 , 960, and program income @ $353 , 000 of which $33 , 000 is available for Year 15 projects. ) PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th day of July 1989 . ,„,e/ Adit ATTEST: Air . .'rO R (:? 4.!-44/ FORM APPROVED CITY CLERK LEGAL DEPT. BY DMAI s j ece, /%au Iread gE.,,, FLORIDA3 3 1 3 9 , " ONL,4ND U. S. A.- * VACA TI tINCOR� ORATEO *f • CITY HALL OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROB W.PARKINS 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: 673-7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. DATE: July 12 , 1989 TO: Mayor Alex Da• : .n. Members o e City Com si• /P i -417110' FROM: Rob W. P. kins P '� AW \ City Manager / SUBJECT: YEAR FIFTEEN (15) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES & PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is federally funded through the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) . The legislation for the program was created in 1974 under the Housing and Community Development Act and subsequently amended. The statutory national objectives of the program are to: 1) principally benefit low and moderate income persons, 2) aid in the prevention and elimination of slums or blight, and 3) address a certified urgent need. Certain new requirements were added by the adoption of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 . Of principal note is the requirement to benefit low and moderate income persons by at least 60%. Additionally, there are changes in the ` regulations governing: citizen participation, anti- displacement and one-for-one replacement housing, and eligible activities. Miami Beach is an entitlement community which receives a specific level of CDBG funds each year. The amount of funding is determine by a formula based on population size, overall housing conditions, percentage of low income persons, unemployment and other economic considerations. • Our Year 15". entitlement allocation is $1,883, 009. Year 15 will commence Oct. 1, 1989 and conclude Sept. 30, 1.990. The amendments to the original Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 , made it eligible to use CDBG funds throughout the City provided they meet at least one of the program' s national objectives, as well as the specific eligibility requirements. CDBG staff designated specific CD Target Areas, which qualify as eligible areas meeting the national objectives of the program. Therefore, if our projects are implemented in these areas, they will generally meet the "principal benefit test" for low and moderate income benefit, but location alone does not guarantee eligibility. The Year 15 "Proposed Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" identifies $1, 920, 960 in available CDBG resources for Year 15 Projects. This total reflects $1, 883 , 000 in Year 15 entitlement funds, $4 , 960 in funds reprogrammed from prior years funds, and $33 , 000 in program income available for Year 15 projects. 20 AGENDA ITEM DATE I2: •uzp.zbo.zd aq; Jo 4ua4uT eq.; Jo 4abpnq pano.zdde aq; 40933p AT4upoT;TubTs 4ou op 1OTgM pup 'ssaooid MaTna.I aq4 buTanp paT;TquapT aq Apm 'OTgM SUOT4oaaaoo Tp3Tugoaq. ao/pup 9AT4P1.IpU 9144 04 squaut4sn Cpp £°zpssaoau a3[pm o4 uoTssTmaad s4sanbaa osTu uOT4pa4sTUTmpv aqs •4uamdoTanaQ upgin pup buTsnoH Jo •4d9 -s-n aq4 o4 pa44Tmgns aq quama4u4s TpuTa eq; 4q4 papuammooa.z osTu ST 4T 'ua){p4 ST uoT4Op uOTSSTUItUO3 TAUT; .Ie V •upTd aoup4STSsv buTsnoH agq. Sp TT9M Sp '4uamaopTdSTp pasnpo-0gQ0 go sgoa;;a as°zanpp a;pbT;Tm o4 uuTd paiTnba.z eq. :sapnTouT goTgm ' „spund Jo asn pa;oa Coad pup sanT;oa Cqo Jo 4uauze; s11 5T .zpax aq4 go Tpnoaddp pup squammoo 3TZgnd go uoT4p.zapTSuoo spuautuzooa°z uoT4Pa4sTuTuIpV aqs :moiSxaNawwooau NOISSSSIKIWQ`d •buT .aam uoT ssTmmoO 6861 '9Z Ain eq4 ° .q agPT ,Ou °zn000 4snm Tpnoadd� STgs •buTgaam sTg4 4p pagsanba.I -sT „4uamagt4s TPUT3„ P bum; ano°zddp o4 uOT4op'`UOTSSTmmOo :-TPuz1o3 •„spuna 3o asn peq oa Coia puE saATpoa CQ0 ;o 4u9w94E,S pesodoxa,s sTqq. go sseuegvTadoaddE agq. uo 4u9unuoo u9zT4To TEUT; .zo; AgTungioddo uE epTnoad oq pa.Tnba.x sT buTiEaH oTTgna sTuq. TEuq agou esreTd •4oa Co.zd JO AouabP TpnpTATpuT Aup uo dTgspapq Tpa.z ou q M 'pauT p4uT pm aq 04 SaoTA.zas ;uaaano Jo; Mo T TP T T TM 4pq; 4a5pnq aTgp;Tnba pup .ITp; ;soul aq4 sT 4abpnq papuammooai s4T 4p1.14 ATbuoa4s sTaa; uoT4p°t STUTmpV eta •aTgTssod ;ou SPM ST144 '.zanaMoq :ovuo 1.14TM 4abpnq 9144 uT saouaaaggTp uta4T auTT aq4 aTTouooaa o4 appm SPM 4.zo;;a paq.°Iaouoo y •St xEax uT aTgieTTEiE sauTTop ssaZ axe easg4 ',seoxnosea aseu. pegeTdep buTAEH *ST 1EaA ao; aTgETTEAE qou aiE ;Euq. spung paunuE.tboada.x 3o qunomE TETquEgsgns papnTouT arax lEu4 40r; au4 oq env s T s p -uxE.xboad i t iveX 4u9.ino eq4 uEq4 aTgETTEAE ssaZ t£8'69£t sEu utiboad JBQO St arex aus •aTgeTTEnE sao.'nosa.x p9VTmTT eq4 04 anp avaL gTn0T33Tp -.19A E ST STILI, ( •;aags aa4ndmoo pagop44p aaS) •sma4T auTT xT S go 4unomP buTpung papuauzuzooai aq4 uT saouaaa;;Tp a°Ip a.Iags •OvQO MOJj pup uoT.p1.STUTmpV aq; moi; suoT;ppuammooaa a4p°Ipdas q;TM pa44TmgnS a.Ip „spund go asn pagoa Coad pup saAT4oa Cqo go quama4P4s pasodo.d11 uT paT;T;uapT Spun3 go uoT4pooTTp aqo pup s.oa Cold TpnpTATpuT aq; 4pg4 pa;ou aq pTnogs 41 •sTpsodo.d buTMaTnaa go asodand aq4 .O3 'papuadxa s.Inoq buTuana oc .IanO q Tm 'OVQO Aq pTeq a.zaM SbuT4aam 41.15Ta •SaTouabp apTs4no pup A4TD Aq pa44Tmgns a°zai buTpung JO; s4sanbaa t c go Tp4o4 v • „spuna go asn pa4oa Co.Id pup SanTgoa Cq0 go 4uama4P4s pasodo.d„ Jo ;uamdoTanap eq.; Jo abp4s TpT4TUT aq4 4p SuazT4To Aq sTpsodo.d pup SMaTA oTTgnd uTp;qo o; SP TTaM SP '1peA tuP.bo.d aoTad eq; Jo aoupuuto;.zed 91.44 ssassp o4 pTaq a.IaM sbuTapaq oTTgnd oto 'auzT. qpq; 4v ' 6861 ' L ga.zpY1 uo mPabo.Id 5T aPaA aq4 JO; SSaoo.d buTuupTd aq4 uubaq (ovc3) as;4Tmmo3 L IosTnpy quamdoTanaQ A;Tunmmo3 aq4 pup ;;p;s quamdoTanaQ A Tunmmo3 aqs •spun; 5T auaA SP aTgPTTPAP appm a.IP 'sasodand quauzabpuput mp.zboad pup buT.un000p Jog ';nq Aaoba.po ;abpnq amps aq4 uT p.pM.zo; paTToa buTaq e.Iu spun; g0Tgm uT sgoa Co.d a.IP JO Suospa. SnoTJPA .103 paddo.p uaaq anpq :pa4°Ip;s 4ou anpq :pa.aTdmoo :uaaq anpq 1.13Tgm sgoa Coad .zpaJ .IoTad mol amoo Spung pammp.Iboadaj z amid 6861 'zt Aura' owale' ILIOI S S IWNOO • 4 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 89-19680 Approving an application for, and author- ing filing of, a final statement of objec- tives 'and projected use of funds for year fifteen under the Community Development Program Block Grant authorizedp by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; the 1983 Urban-Rural Recovery Act; and the Housing and Com- munity Development Act of 1987.