LTC 486-2019 Restroom Index Results for FY 2018/19 Quarter 3 MIAMI3EACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # 486-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of :he City Co mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: September 5, 2019 SUBJECT: Restroom Index Results for FY 2018/19 Quarter 3 The purpose of this memorandum is to communicate the results of the Restroom Index from FY 2018/19 Quarter 3 (April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019). Key Q3 Metrics: • Citywide Restroom Index Rating: 1.91 (6.4% improvement from prior FY) • Citywide Toilet/Urinal Cleanliness Meeting Target: 54.9% • Bathroom Exterior Compared to Prior Year Fiscal Quarter: 9.4% Improvement Background The Miami Beach Restroom Index is an objective measurement of performance ranging from 1.0 (Very Well Maintained) to 6.0 (Not Maintained) and includes assessments for cleanliness and interior/exterior appearance of the toilet and sink areas (see attached). The results of the assessments are used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives to target areas for future improvements and assure the quality of services. Quarterly sample sizes are set to ensure no greater than ± 5.0 percentage point sampling error given the 95% confidence level. Summary of the Restroom Index Results FY 2018/19 Quarter 3 Overall, the City Restroom Index in FY 2018/19 Quarter 3 was a 1.91, with 72.5% of assessments scoring a 2.0 or better, a 6.4% and 3.2% improvement respectively when compared to the same quarter in the prior FY. The FY 2017/18 average was a 2.01, with 70.2% of assessments scoring a 2.0 or better. Data reviews indicate that male restrooms are rated lower consistently throughout the year. As such, parks and property management personnel continue to monitor current service levels to determine potential adjustments to scheduling. Areas of Focus • Cleanliness Toilet Area — Data continues to indicate that toilet/urinal cleanliness is a low scoring area at 2.30, with 54.9% of assessments meeting the target. Floor cleanliness remains an issue with 43.5% of assessments meeting the criteria in toilet areas and 50.8% in sink areas, a slight deterioration from the prior quarter. Property Management and Parks will work with Able Business Services, Inc. to identify opportunities for improvement. Deficiencies were identified with this new contractor when services began in late June and were escalated as necessary. • Cleanliness Sink Area— Sink area cleanliness overall scored low at 2.19 with 60.6% of sink area cleanliness meeting the standard, and this is a 7.3% deterioration from the prior quarter. The sink and/or mirror cleanliness deteriorated at 74.3% meeting the target. Property Management is requiring Able Business Services, Inc. to mop the floors on a more frequent basis and will escalate identified deficiencies as necessary. Positive and Stable Areas • Bathroom Interior- Overall bathroom interior scores improved when compared to the same quarter in the prior FY from 1.76 to 1.53 or 13.1%. The percent of bathroom interiors meeting the target improved at 87.3% or 9.3% improvement from the prior FY same quarter. The following restrooms are scheduled for renovation prior to December 2019: Fairway Park, Crespi Park, Stillwater Park, Tatum Park and Allison Park. • Exterior Appearance — Overall bathroom exterior scores improved with 87% scoring 2.0 or better with an average of 1.64. This is a 5.2% and 9.4% improvement respectively when compared to the same quarter in the prior FY. Litter and trash during the weekend daytime hours appear to be an issue across restrooms in the South Beach area with 69.3% meeting the target. Parks staff will continue to monitor to determine if the issue is seasonal or ongoing. Property Management and Parks staff will work with Able Business Services, Inc. to ensure exterior of restrooms is free of litter up to 20 feet from restroom facility. 001-006- 666'69.0-09 xalaq Pus 6666L y 0.9-0.0 666 1-9 1 6665'1-0'1- %Z L %Z.9 %t L %O L8 %1 r8 %L E8 Loua09 woayle8 %6 0 %C.6 °,69.0 %E L8 %9 t8 %S t8 °01 ZB %S 8L 10110lul woayleg %L t %62 %9 L- %9 09 %9 99 %0 39 %9 99 %0£9 Ealy tlu!9 %9 11- °+f: %6 VS %6.99 %0 09 %0 89 %8 99 easy lauol %B E- %L 19 %Z 19 %S Z9 939 09 %6 1-9 ssauguego °h8 n- 909 Zi. %E 91 %.6 tL °6Z 01_ %0 89 aJoos wooalsaa $0 llelsA0' n0 ara6 asrq nb Ad Joud no Joud to uag a8ueyo% wal aBuryo y, wail*Burgo% Zb LO aBaany Ad a8ciany Ad 1%06 la0�r11 I .auaq J0 0"0 xepul woalsaa o!Ignd II IsA0 61/91Ad 91PLIAd 11191Ad %Z#0 IMEMIZEISI %0 39 %99L `:ror.'3 nuav:3 waa4le9 %0££ %152 X559 __ iauaw wa:41e9 %fi ZS *AZ IL %6 S %09tr o3 sc Parr''1,,,S. %993 966601 %1M %lilt 0309 Far.+13131 %L0-9 %1 ZL 960 B9 %110- -LLD- ssau111uea13 %POt .002 %I.EL %999 aWoaswoalsa8/413IlezaA0 *Seung Ad Y0 00 00 10 (.406 011 i) 9151Ad AlRagJO 07 xaWl woagsaa o!Klnd IlelaAO %0.L- %t-6- °ro 1 El t- t 9b'1, 1 e= t L i 94 t Joualx3 woayle8 %E L. %1 01- %8 C- Zs 1 63 1 6_ l 08 t 88 1 Joualul woayle8 %Z9- %0 9- '68E 610 II.Z 010 PZZ Lt eait>lu!g %90- °�. ',6-0 OS9 BZZ LLZ EZZ IEZ eaytapol ' %0£- I tZ Z 61Z EL 9 tZ Z 60 Z ssau!luealo t- 16 1 98 1 98 l 10Z 11 Z moos woonsaa A10 lleuan° . np ma *sea AO Ad Loud qo Loud CO 00 10 a6CIany Ad *Brant'Ad wog a6uryo% uwy•Bueyo% wog a8ueyo% 61191Ad 9111/Ad 01191Ad (6'L=u8Je1)xapul woalsaa o5gnd 9Rano "_" T-TI L I 02 I OS 1 Jouaxg woay0.e8 IS t L9 l ;I r"FIVII JoualuI WOOJIIW9 0PZ 900 ;Z LSZ sok>lu!S CC L6 1 t£7 .3r? 94Z earb 101101 LC 100 l0? 00 1St ssau!Iueaip 00Z 60 1 66 I 30 Z 900 01009 W0alsaanl!O llcaan0 af3eDny Ad t0 CO 00 10 9151Ad I (6.111a8.e1)xapululocu saa o!IUnd I1elan0 apay0 auoaosaa o9gnd IIyJol0J039 xapuI wo0Asaa Percentage of Assessments scoring 2.0 or better(Target 90?"4 Percentage of Assessments scoring 2D or better(Target 90%) FY15''16 01 I 02 I 03 I Cid FY Average Overall -88.50% I 5500% I 7...'% I 802% 70.4% Bathroom Location _ South Poirte Park @,l-S 7am8pm) 79.1% 57 2% 88 0% 85 5% 79.0% Major/Stoneman Douglas(M-F7wn-8orru'SS8am-12am) 58 1% 45.3% 50.0% 68.5% 555.&'6 6th Street&Ooear-Lummus Perk(M-F7am10anISS8am-12ar) 74.4% 88.7% 77.2% 750% 727% 'Oth Street&Coear-Lummus Park(M.F7ar%10pmrs SS8arn-12am) 51.1% W.3% 50.9% 68.2% 59.1% '4th Street&Ocean-Lummus Park(M-F7am-10pmISS8am12am) 40.2% 50.0% 38.0% 51.0% 44.5% of Street&Ocean-Collins Park(M-F7arrf10pmtSSBam-12am) 68.3% 599% 77.3% 76.7% 72.2% 35th Street&Ocean-Pancoast Park IM-S7arn-8om1 73.8% 75.8% 845% 81 3% 77.7% 45th Street&Collins-Indian Beach Park IM-S 7am-8pm) 81.1% 75.0% 83.7% 84.5% 80 7% 53rd Street&Collirs-Beach View Park M-S7am.Bpm) 111.EL 86.0% 87.0% 54th Street&Collins-Allison Pal iM-S7arrr80m) 63.8% (382% 80.2% 87 0% e8.9% Uridad Beachfront 17arrs8pm SS) 88.9% 111111.5% 23 5% illr-21fi.,G -- ' 12.2$ NSOSP 80th Street&Collins IM-S7arn8pm) 36.9% 42^3% 45.4% 322 233 -_ _ NSOSP 83d Street&Collins 1M-S7arr-8pmi 43.8% 44 2% 55.9% .3s-3,,s 22-'-%NSCSP 84th Street&Collins IMFS7amepm) 51.2% 20 7% 80 3% :7% ':7:-- StillwatertM-S Sam-Bpmi 54.7% 22.744 85.1% 8.7 `4.8% CrespiIM-SBam8pm) 49.3% _3_.- 83.3% ' 98ito .1% 55.2% Tatum Ifat-S Sarrs8pm) 75.7% 72 2% 8% K.1% 81.0% North Shore Park Youth Center(By Terns)I -FBam9prr4SSBam- 89.1% 54 2°£ '100.3?£ 81.0% Fairway Park ISSBamBpm) 52.0% - 81.4% Normandy Is le(P.estrooms by field)IM-S8am8pm) 38.2% 02 _ 87.2% Muss ALF Bam5pm) 52.3% -_.'St 70.0% 59.4% 58.3% Maurice Gibb Pak IM-S8amEpm) 43.2% 3".3% 75.0% 75.0% 45.0% Sou rdscape lWIR7pm-10pm) 82.5% 52.5% Flamingo Baseball Stadium(M-S8arn-Spm1) 50.0% 50.0% Flamingo Outside Terris(M-S8am8pm) 80.1% 86.1% 750% S3.8% Flamingo Football Stacium(Ccroession Area)tM-Sesm9pm) 83.3% 83.7% 750% 85.2% South Point Drive and Pier Pak 17am-Surset 28.8% 25.10% 33.7% 43.0% 35 0% FY1617 1 FY17118 FY18119 Percentage of Assessments scoring 2.0 or better(Target 90%) FY Average FY Average Q7 Q2 Q3 %Change %Charge from°.change from from prior Qtr prior FY Qtr base year Qtr Overall 37.9% 71.0% 74.9% 753% 72.5% -3.72% 328% 9 75% Bathroom Location South Pointe Park(M-S lam-bpm) 30.2% 69.5% 78.6% 77.8% 76.0% -2.31% 526% 13.10% MMary Stoneman Douai es(M-F7em-BomIS58am-12am) 589% 628% EE 0% 71.4% 750% 5.04% 2097% 60.26% 6th Street&Ocean-Lummus Park(M-F7am-10pmISS8am-12am) 67.6% 51.6% 69.6% 81.9% 69.7% -14.90% 1695% 4.50% 10th Street&Ocean-Lummus Park(M-F 7am-10pm/SS8am-12am) 68.2% 53.1% � 73.3% 721% 56.3% -21.91% 3.3C% 7:0.% 14th Street&Ocean-Lummus Park(M-F7am-10pm/SS8am-12am) 561% 764% 78.3% 792% 67.6% -14.65% -12.04 > 20% 21st Street&Ocean-Collins Park(M-F7am-1OpmISSBam-1barn) 622% 65.0% 61.1% 622% 79.2% 27.33% 3585% 13.30% 35th Street&0cean-PencoastPark(M-S7am-bpm) 73.6% 68.4% 72.7% 66.1% 60.0% -9.23% -16.78% -20.84% 46th Street&Collins-Indan Beath Park(51-S7am-egm) 662% 628% 73.8% 71.8% 68.2% -5.01% 16.98% -9.07% 53rd Street&Collins-Beach VlewPark(M-S7am-8pm i 79.8% 71.1% 68.6% 75.6% 59.5% -21.30% -9.30% -34.33% 64th Street&Collins-Allison Park(MS7am-8pmI 640% 55.9% 61.6% 637% 55.4% -11.03% 2.46% -1877% Unidad Beachfront(7am-8pm SS) 760% 72.2% 756% 716% 67.9% -7.74% 6.61% -2644% NSOSP 80th Street&Collins(M-57am-lipm) 489% 626% 63.0% 63.5% 63.8% 0.47% 2.08% 51 90% NSOSP 83rd Street&Collins(M-S7am-8pm) 55.7% 65.6% 69.2% 786% 67.2% , -14.50% -2.89% 52.04% NSOSP 84thStreet&Cogins(MS7am-bpm) 54.7% 57.0% 62.9% 721% 59.2% -17.89% 842% -2664% Stillwater(M-S 8am-8pm) 63.6% 82.8% 71.6% 77.1% 71 9% -6.74% -16.971. 7.47% Cresol(M-S8am-8pm) 69.9% 77.5% 80.9% 03.1% 77.6% 6.62% 5.3: 45.86% Tatum(M-S Sam-gym) 74.5% 82.1% 79.7% 76.4% 80.5% 5.37% -1.2014 9.82% North Shore Park Youth Center(By Tennis)(M-FBam-9pm/SSBam- - 0.00% 5.93% 55.52% - Feirvey Park(SSeam-bpm) 74.6% 73.1% 82.6% 83.1% 84.7% 1.93% 1863% 31 73% Normandy Isle(Restmoms by field)(M-S8am-8pm) 782% 69.8% 81.8% 741% 79.5% 7.29% 19.19% -3.52 Muss(M-F Sam-Epm) 56.7% MM=IMMME -2.33% 421% 85.41% Maunce Gibb Park(M-S8am-5pm) 67.5% 65.0% 71.7% 63 0% 62.0% 3 23% -7.05% 98.06% Sou ndscape(WIR 7pm-10pm) Flamingo Baseball Stadium(M-S8am-Fpm) 625% - 90.0%888.9% -1.22% -11.10% 77.80% Flamingo Outside Tennis(M-S8am-✓fpm) 75.3% 86.4% 87.5% 90.4% . , 86.2% -1.65% 8.02% 0.12% Flamingo Football Stadion(Concession Area)(M-Sham-9pm) 69.1% 77.2% 75.0% 721% 77.0% 623% -1.16% -8.00% South Point Drive and Pier Park(7am-Sunset 41.2% 53.0% 75.0% 71.0% 68.3% -3.80% 4657% 173.20% -1.0.14999 1.51999 20-8.0 79999 and below 80.0-89.999 -900-100 Next Quarter Assessments City part-time staff is conducting assessments every quarter. Additionally, residents are always welcome to participate. If you or any member of your staff is interested in participating in the City's Restroom Index Program, please contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld with Organization Development Performance Initiatives at extension 6923. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. c: Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager John Rebar, Parks and Recreation Director Adrian Morales, Property Management Director Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer Attachment MT/ '.c/LID Criteria for each area are listed below: Cleanliness Toilet Area • Floors mopped/clean/no stains • Toilets/urinal clean/no litter visible/ no leaks • No unpleasant odor • Toilet paper unavailable/usable • No graffiti Cleanliness Sink Area • Floors mopped/clean/no stains • Sink and/or mirror clean/no leaks • Trash can no more than 3/ full • Walls clean/no graffiti • Soap dispenser clean Appearance Interior • Stable/operable toilet/urinal partition enclosures • Stall doors rust free/fully painted/latch and hinge functional • Sink faucets and soap dispenser functional • Hand dryer or paper dispenser functional • All interior lights functional Appearance/ Cleanliness Exterior • Signage visible and clean • No graffiti • No unpleasant odor • No trash/litter • Entrance door rust free/fully painted/functional (rollup or traditional)