RESOLUTION 91-20316 RESOLUTION NO. 91-20316 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A TERMINATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, TERMINATING A LEASE BETWEEN THE PARTIES FOR A PORTION OF HISTORIC CITY HALL WHICH WAS ENTERED INTO ON JUNE 23, 1989, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE TERMINATION AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to City Commission Resolution No. 89-19649, the City and the University of Miami entered into a Lease Agreement dated June 23 , 1989 , for the use of Floors 3 , 4 , 5, 6 and the South Wing of the ground floor of the facility known as "Historic City Hall" located at 1130 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ; and WHEREAS, the University of Miami gave notice to the City through correspondence dated May 15, 1991, that it must curtail operations at the premises and terminate the Lease Agreement because the operation of the facility has been financially unsuccessful; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended execution of this Termination Agreement and the City Attorney has approved it as to form. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Termination Agreement between the City and the University of Miami, terminating a Lease between the parties for a portion of Historic City Hall which was entered into on June 23 , 1989, is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Termination Agreement. PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of June , 1991. ei-J Aix MAYOR ATTEST: FORM APPROVED CITY CLERK LEG DEPT. PNB: lm By C:1RESOLUTI\uofmiami Date 31va • W311 i VCN39V ut:Ini3H:I,8 O •A;TTT0P3 Uoo.ISSWTO puP azaqua3 TPuoTgponpa UL SP TTPH !4T3 OT.1O4STH Jo uoT;.Iod P Jo asn .zo; quautaaabv aspaq aq; go uoT4PUTuz.z9. .Io; TuzwTw JO A4Ts.z9ATUn auk 1.1.4TM 4uamaa.Iby uoTq.PuTu aal, aqq. buTAo.Idd2 UOT4fTOS91 P ano.zddp uoTssTuzuto3 IgT3 aqq. quqq spuatuutOoa.z uoTgPa4sTuTU1PV A4To at�s :HoIaxatswwooax MoI Ia1snu wa' •saoTA.Ias buTUOTgPTpuOO .zTP JOJ SabaPgO aATEM oq. AgT0 alp .Io; p� s sa TAoad quauzaa.Iby uoTgPuTu aa,L auk 'ATT�UT3 •sasTmaid alp. go AouednoDo s I A T s.IaAT un aqq. go maaq alp qnotgmoaqq. q.Oag g a uT uT puza.z O . pabpa TMou){OP eau 4uauzaaabV asParl alp go SasnPTO uoTq.PoT;TuuzapuT PUP UOT4PdTfOx9 PUP aOuPInsuT auk gpgq. SapTAo.Id quauzaaabv aq4 'UOT4POT J T.XPTO .I0,3 -1661 61 '01 ATnr Aq qno-snout s ,A;T S.IaAT un egg t fTM aAT 409 J J a quauzaa.Ibv asParl alp go uoT;PuTuzzaq. .io; sapTAo.td ;uauiaa.iby uoT;PuTut.Ias pasodo.Id atu :SmawaauOy &OIJAVNIw2ias aHS 3o SNOISIAO2id •aTgissod SP UOOS SP .U9UIeaabV aSPerl auk 94PUTULI9 Oq. paq.Sanba1 SPL[ A TS.1aATUn aq4 'ATbuTp.z000y •SaTpn4S buTnuTquoD go TOou3S atfl go uPaa 'uaPTOH To.IEO uto.t; 1661 'ST A pep aouapuodsa.I.Ioo pagopgqp eq; UT pauTTlno SP r: 'sasuadxa uoTgPnoua.I eq . .zo; I;TD eq; as.InqutTa.I JO sasuadxa TPuoT;P.Iado s T 4eaM og aTqp uaaq gou spq A T S.IaATUn auq. 'sq.uautT To.Iua paq.oadxa uPtgq .IaMoT asagq go 4Tns8.z P sv •TngssaOOnS buTututP.IbO.Id alp eNPM O . &.IPssaoau squPtgsTba.I go .Iaquznu agq. pag3P I ;P 4OU 9APLI A.TSIaATUn aq4 Jo S4Iogga buT.a){.XPut auk '.IanaIon •sassPio abPnbuPT aATsua4uT pup buTUTP.r . uzp.Ibo.zd .Ia;ndutoo papnIOUT OSTP SbuT.Iagg0 ' IIAq.TAT.onPoad azTutTxPW puP Ssa.zq.s azTuzTuTN 04 MOHII 0.4 II'to4STH TP.zngoa4TuoaV uy :goPag TutPTWi, UIO.IJ bUTbUPt SasSPTO .zau.O pup utPIbo.Id saTpngs OTPpnr s ,A4Ts.zanTun auq. uzo.zJ sasspTo buTpnTOuT smPJboJd go adoos a.pTM P pa.Ia;;o SaTpngs buTnuTquo3 Jo TOOgOS SIA TSI9ATUn aq; 'quautaa.IbP aqq. aapun •sasuadxa AgTTTq.n sq.T .w; aTgTsuodsaa aq pinoM A;Ts.IaATun au; pup ipaA sad 00 —ES go agP.t alp. 4P SPM 4U9U •sasuadxa buTgaN.IPut S4T Jo; paq.psuaduzoo SPM A T SJaAT un auk .Ia;;P 'asod.znd 4P1.1.4 .z03 pa4Puop Spun3 MOJJ Sq.uautaAoadutT asag4 .zo; quauzas.znquxTa.z s ,A;TS.IaATun atiq pup AqTiToPg agq. 4P SeT4TAT4OP uo T 4PAouaI JO uoT;a T dutoz s I k4T O aq . .o; papT Ao.Id quauzaa.zbp atu •!4TTTOP; uzoo.IssPTO pup .Iaquao TPuoTgPOnpa UP SP 'aAV uo.buTusPM OCIT 'TTPH A4T0 OTao4sTH go 9 pup S ' ' c ' (q;nos) I StooTg go asn eqk .to; TUIPTN Jo A4Ts.IaATUn aq4 14 TM q.uautaaa5P 35P9T P oq.uT pa.Iaqua Aq.T3 au; '6861 '1 z aunt paAo.IddP '61796T-68 'ON uoTgnTosau uOTSSTU[utO3 'q.T3 oq. q.uPnsand :axnouoxO'ta ASIrI IOV3 Woo2issWIO aria 2Ia i ao rIVNOISKOna3 Ind SV TIVH LLIO OI2IOSSIH 30 NOIS210c1 V 30 asn 2103 SAIakma?IOK asvarI aH L 30 NOISVNIHHsa. 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'uoT I.e1apT suoo a T genT en pug pooh aau.o pus 'uT aaau pauT equoo sweuanoo Tengnut aq4 Jo uoTge1apTSuoo uT '3uO33?IaxJ MOM •AST T T oe; aql 4e ute.zbo.zd Tn3 ssaoons P a4e.zado 04 sa T bage14s buT 4ax1eut uT sagoeoidde Aueut pa z T T T qn seq aassa' gbnotpie 'InJssaoonsun AIIeToueuT3 uaaq sett A4TIToeJ atm. go uoTge.Iado aq4 asneoaq quauaaaby aq4 apeuTui1a4 put sasTutaid aq4 qe SUOT 4e.tado T T eq.zno gsnui ;T 4e1.14 '166T 'S T Aew pap aouapuodsa.zioo gbno.zgq. A4TD a3T4ou aneb aassar aqq 'BYa2IaHM puma : 6 E T E C ePT.Io1a 'goeag TuzeTW 'anuany uogbUTtgSeM OM T T 4e pa4e0OT H T TeH A4TD oTio4sTHsa Se uMOUx AqT TToe; alp go .zooT J puno.zb atp go buTM uq.nOs alp pue 9 is ' 17 ' £ S OOT3 JO asn aqq. .IoJ („quautaa.Ibv„ atm. Se O . pa.I.IaJaJ .zagJeuTa.taq) ' 686T ' CZ aunt pagep wauzaeabV asear a oquT pa.zawa aassai aq4 pus A4TD a n '6 '96t-68 '0N uoTgnToseH uoTSsTututoD A4T3 oq quensind 'SMUMRA H J a S S a ISI J I M : (11aassaq. se O . pa.z.zaja.z .IaggeuTa.zatq) uoT4e.zod.Ioo 4T Jo.Id-uou epT.IoT3 e 'MEDI 3O ASIBUaAIMfi aqq. pup ( Aqo Se oq. pa.ziaJai .Ia 4J UTa.Iaq) 'UOT4e.Iod.Ioo I edT oT unut e 'HovaaI IHI SIO A1I3 et.13 uaaMgaq pus Aq '1661 'aunr Jo App q6 j s T fl. oguT pa.zaqua puma epeut 'ZMawaa Iov SITU MIUMEMOV MOI YMX Ms 3) Lessee shall remove all of its equipment and furnishings from the premises and deliver possession of the facility to the City in a clean and orderly condition on or before July 10, 1991. 4) Notwithstanding any other clause in this Termination Agreement, Paragraph 12 of the Agreement entitled "Exculpation and Indemnification Clauses" , shall remain in full force and effect until the statute of limitations has run with respect to any and all claims arising or which may arise under the Agreement from the inception of the Lease to the date of delivery of possession to the City. 5) The City hereby waives any claim relating to previous invoices for air conditioning costs and further hereby waives any air conditioning charges which could be billed to the Lessee up to the date Lessee surrenders possession to the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be signed by the respective duly authorized officers, and the respective corporate seals to be affixed this Z57day of June, 1991. Pr MAYOR ATTEST: FOR APPROVED LGAL DEPT. 401,44_ E-7-&-cwiN By ....-.."--`4 )7-84 Date 7/ /9/ CITY CLERK ATTEST: UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BY: I A A 4657: atA(V140fm.dP VW• r ASSISTANT !I E PRESIDENT FOR i3USINE • SERVICES PNB: lm C:\agreement\terminat.un 062591 . OaIOINAL RESOLUTION NO. 91--20316 Approving a termination agreement between the City and the University of Miami, terminating a lease between the parties for a portion of Historic City Hall which was entered into on June 23, 1989, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the termination agreement.