Mod #Z1128-6 Agreement with The Division of Emergency Management �olg -302,0)
Miami Beach, City of
This Modification is made and entered into by and between the State of Florida,
Division of Emergency Management ("the Division"), and
Miami Beach, City of ("Sub-Recipient"), to modify
Contract Number Z1128 , which began on 9/04/2017 ("the Agreement").
WHEREAS, the Division and the Sub-Recipient have entered into the
Agreement, pursuant to which the Division has provided a Subgrant to Sub-
Recipient under the public assistance program of $516,764.35 in funds; and,
WHEREAS, the Division and Sub-Recipient desire to modify the Agreement by
increasing the Federal funding $35,426.15 under the Agreement.
WHEREAS, the Division and the Sub-Recipient desire to modify the Scope of Work.
WHEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained
herein, the parties agree as follows:
1. The Agreement is hereby amended to increase the Federal funding by
$35,426.15 and the State share by $5,904.36 for the maximum
amount payable under the Agreement to $558,094.86
2. The Scope of Work, Attachment A to the Agreement, is hereby modified as set
forth in the 6th Revised Attachment A to this Modification, a copy of which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
3. All provisions of the Agreement being modified and any attachments thereto
in conflict with this Modification shall be and are hereby changed to conform
with this Modification, effective as of the date of the last execution of this
Modification by both parties.
4. All provisions not in conflict with this Modification remain in full force and effect,
and are to be performed at the level specified in the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Modification as of
the dates set out below.
SUB-RECIPIENT: Miami Beach, City of
Name and Title: 51. (D -tE SG7-1 rV‘ac \j'4CtC
Date: (L-12_,k; / vi
By: / -4/14/1147) • • • • . •
f r'
Name ajfd Title: Jared Moskowitz, Director
Date: 2Z '
cz, , (01
CityAttorney 1�C�-- p-Dote
Attachment A -6th Revision
Budget and Project List
The Budget of this Agreement is initially determined by the amount of any Project Worksheet(s) (PVV) that the Federal Emergency Management
Administration (FEMA) has obligated for a Sub-Recipient at the time of execution. Subsequent PWs or revisions thereof will increase or decrease
the Budget of this Agreement. The PW(s) that have been obligated are:
DR-4337 Sub-Recipient:Miami Beach,City of
PW Ca Project Title Federal Share Fed% State Share State Local Share Local Total Eligible POP Start Date POP End Date
y °;
4861 G DSI-Golf Club $80,744.3975.00°% $13,45741 12 5ti°. $13,457.4( 12.50% $107,659.1'1 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
4895 E Miami Beach Parking Garages $22,161.96 75.00% $3,693 bin 2.50% $3,693.&. 12.50% $29,549.2F 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
4905 E Miami Beach Police Resources $10,005.41 75.00% $ fHi7 Sia'12 50% $1,667.5712.50%' $13,340.50 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
4922 F Miami Beach:Police,Fire and City Communications $3,070.3175.00% $511 7112 50% $511.7:1:12.50% $4,093.7 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
497? E DSI-Public Work Building $24,179.8',75.00% $.J o29 91;112 50°6 $4,029.9, 12.50% $32,239.81 9/04/2017 3/10/2019 -
5130 G Scott Rakow Youth Center $21,014.01 75.00% $3,502 3112 (W.�„ $3,502.3 12.50°/A $28,018.7' 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
5450 G Parks Genral City of Miami Beach $73,704.5; 75.00% $12.284 Ok•12 50% $12,284.0. 12.50% $98,272.71 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
5439 E Miami Beach Building Damages $19,502.84 75.00% 53.250 4'1,12 50% $3,250.4' 12.50% $26,003.75 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
5645 E DS1-London House Apartment-HVAC rooftop unit, $4,295.175.00% $715 5h 12 50% $715.8( 12.50% $5,720.8; 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
5711 B Utilities General City of Miami Beach $90,681.01.100.00% S0 tr 0 014% $0.01 0.00% $90,681.0X 9/04/2017 3/10/2018
597' G DS]-Miami Beach Parks N1 $36,8242+ 75.00% $h.137 5712 Su 6,1373 12.50% $49,09t.9'ti' 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
6577 E North Shore Facilities $64,551.9( 75.00% $10,758 Or 12 50% $10,758.6e. 12.50%a 586,069.281 9/04/2017 3/10/2019
691t E Miami Beach Cultural Buildings $5,159.5-75.00% $859 9112 50% $859.9. 12.5004 $6,87'i.4( 9/042017 3/10/2019
7121 A 75%PAAP,17 Dec 2017-3 Mar 2018 $35,426.15 75.00°% S5,964 3t'12 511°„ $5,904.3, 12.50% $47,23.1.87 9/04/2017 ' 3/10/2018
Total; $491,321.41' $66,773.43" $66,773.3 $624,868.24