LTC 191-2003
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. If/ ..2a?j
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Date: August 15, 2003
From: Jorge M. Gonzalez
City Manager
Attached please find correspondence from Union Planters notifying RDP Royal Palm Hotel
Limited Partnership that their loan has matured and is in default. Additionally, attached you
will find a response to said notice from RDP Royal Palm Hotel, LP.
The letter from Union Planters indicates the loan matured July 7, 2003 and remains
unpaid, plus default interest and unpaid attorney's fees. Royal Palm's response indicates
they continue to pay debt service.
Additionally, I have attached the most recent rental payment for August 2003 in the amount
of $41 ,291.52 for the monthly base and additional rent, plus sales tax.
A follow-up negotiating session with Don Peebles has been scheduled on September 4,
2003 regarding the LO!. In the meantime, I will provide you with any updated information
as it is received.
F:lcmgrl$ALLIL TC-03IRDP Royal Palm DefauIlNotice.CMC.rar.doc
c: Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager
August 8, 2003
Via Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested & U.S. Mail
RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership
c/o P ADC Hospitality Corporation 1
550 Biltmore Way, Suite 970
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Attn.: R. Donahue Peebles, President
Re: Union Planters Bank, N.A. (the "Bank") loan to RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited
Partnership, a Florida limited partnership (the "Borrower") (the "Loan")
This letter is to advise you that the Loan matured on July 7, 2003, but remains unpaid and,
therefore, is in default since July 7, 2003.
The amount owing to the Bank is as follows:
Default Interest from and after
July 7,2003 to August 8, 2003
Unpaid Attorneys' Fees
Per Diem @18% After August 8, 2003
$ 861,200.00
$ 6,250.00
$ 26,912.50
In the event of error, the Bank reserves to collect all sums payable to it under the Loan
Acceptance of partial payments by the Bank does not constitute a waiver of this default, but
merely reduces the outstanding balance owing to the Bank under the Loan.
2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd
. Coral Gables, FL 33134' (305) 648-7023' Fu: (305) 648-7057
Unless payment in cleared funds is received by August 18, 2003 at the Bank at 2800 Ponce de
Leon Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33134 by 2:00 p.m. will have no alternative but to forward this matter to
our attorneys. Please make arrangements for payment in full of the Loan by that date.
By copy of this letter, we hereby advise the guarantors of the Loan of such default and demand
for payment.
Very truly yours,
i~y "'j;1anis
Senior Vice President
- .-.ra:::- R. Donahue Peebles, Guarantor
HCF Group, Inc, Guarantor
Joy Venero. Ocean Bank
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, Executive Director
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, General Counsel
City of Miami Beach, City Manager
City of Miami Beach, City Attorney
Bloom & Minsker
Six Continents Hotels, LLC
Stuart Hoffman, Esq.
2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd
. Coral Gables, FL 33134. (305) 648-7023' F~x: (305) 648-7057
O!)'/lJ/2003 14:0,1 FAX 305H2,1345
III 002/005
550 Billmore Way, Suite 970
Coral Gables. Florida 33134
Tel: (305) 442-4341 Fax: (305) 442-4345
August 12.2003
Via Facsimile & US Mail
Mr. Roy D. Tanis
Senior Vice President
Union Planters Bank
2800 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Dear Mr. Tanis:
We are in receipt of your letter dated August a, which arrived in our offices today. The
action that you have taken by issuing a default notice relative to our mortgage loan on the
Royal Palm Hotel is unreasonable and unjustified. It is apparent that Union Planters,
whatever its motives may be. has compfetely ignored the circumstances surrounding this
project and the loan.
At the risk of stating the obvious, the 9/11 terrorist attacks had a devastating effect on the
hospitality and tourism industries, and they have yet to fully recover. Miami Beach was
partjcularly hard hit. Then, as things started to come back, our country went to war in Iraq
and the tourism industrial was hit again. As a result of this, we have had to endure an
economic recession that caused nearly every major airline to proceed to bankruptcy filings
despite massive government subsidies. These actions have also had a direct impact on
the travel and tourism industry.
The Royal Palm Hotel opened in May of 2002, eight months after the attacks. It opened
despite enormous challenges that we not only faced, but overcame relative to environ-
mental problems. structural defects in the original Royal Palm Hotel structure and disputes
with contractors. During the construction period, as it was extended due to these
problems, we continued to pay debt service.
The Hotel opened at the commencement of the slowest portion of the year for tourism on
Miami Beach. Once opened, we experienced significant and substantial problems with the
Hotel operator, Town Park Hotel Corporation ("Town Park" d/b/a "Crowne Plaza"). You
are fully familiar with those problems. The Hotel's bookings were well below the forecasts
that were generated for the Hotel by Crowne Plaza prior to the Hotel opening date. Yet,
we continued to pay debt service.
. 08/1.3/20.03 U: 0.1 FAX 305H2.13.15
Mr. Roy D. Tanis
August 12, 2003
Page 2
Rather than shy away from dealing with these issues, we have done everything in our
power to make this Hotel a success despite the challenges that we faced. As a result,
Crowne Plaza has removed and replaced substantially all of its management personnel
such that the Hotel has finally begun to meet and exceed Crowne Plaza's forecasted
numbers. We have pursued remedies against the general contractor to enforce our rights
in relation to construction problems. We have been in continuous negotiation with the
ground lessor relative to our claims against the ground lessor including, among other
things, a claim under an environmental indemnity contained in the ground lease.
Through all of this and despite all of this, we have paid Union Planters its debt service and
the Hotel is and has been current on its payments. Not only that, this Hotel is far from
being a "distressed property", The loan to value ratio for this loan and property is
approximately sixty-five percent (65%) with approximately Twenty Million ($20,000,000)
Dollars of cash equity in the property. And, we continue to pay debt service.
We are maintaining a reserve account with your institution, in cash, in an amount sufficient
to cover four (4) months' of debt service payments. And, we continue to pay debt service.
The only reason that we are even dealing with and discussing these issues is because
Crowne Plaza failed to achieve a modest debt service coverage ratio during the height of
the last tourist season. The Hotel, had Crowne Plaza achieved said debt service
coverage, would have been granted an automatic extension of the loan. The catastrophic
effect on tourism by the terrorist attacks and problems with management of the Hotel by
Crowne Plaza combined to such an extent that the required coverage was not achieved.
But, we continued to pay debt service.
We have entered into a series of letter agreements providing for short extensions and
which contemplate extensions to February, 2006 provided that acceptable levels of debt
service coverage are achieved. We strongly believe that those levels can now be
achieved in view of the manner in which the Hotel is currently being managed.
We have been negotiating with Town Park over the last several weeks to finalize an
agreement that will be acceptable to Union Planters whereby Town Park will provide the
guaranty performance of the Hotel that you require in order for the loan to be extended.
We understand that your requirement for Town Park's guarantee was the result of the
Bank's loss of confidence in Town Park's ability to accurately forecast its future
performance or its ability to achieve operating results consistent with such projections. In
view of the amount of the cash collateral account that is already being maintained as
security for the loan, the net amount that you are seeking to be guarantied by Town Park
is approximately Seven Hundred One Thousand ($701,000) Dollars.
We have provided financial statements to you from Town Park which evidence (and you
have confirmed) that Town ParI< has a net worth of Fifty Seven Million ($57,000,000)
Dollars. This net worth is very substantial relative to the amount that you require Town
Park to guarantee above the cash account in the amount of Seven Hundred One
Thousand ($701,000) Dollars.
08!~3/2n03 1~:05 FAX 305~42~3~5
Mr. Roy D. Tanis
August 12, 2003
Page 3
Nevertheless, you have rejected Town Park as a guarantor under these circumstances.
That rejection is clearly unreasonable and unjustified in view of the net worth of the
proposed guarantor and the amount to be guarantied.
And we continue to pay debt service.
Despite Town Park's Fifty Seven Million ($57,000,000) Dollars net worth, you are insisting
that its parent, Intercontinental Hotels, guaranty the amount. We have explained to you
that Intercontinental will not give any guaranties.
We have been attempting during the last week to schedule a call between you and a
senior offrcer of Intercontinental Haters in London. but we have been unsuccessful due to
your being unavailable. We finally were able to schedule a call for tomorrow, but you have
now canceled it. You stated last week that such a call would not be productive and that
you were not going to change your position.
We are not asking for a reduction in the loan amount. We are not asking for deferral or
abatement of any payments. What we are asking for is for Union Planters to act reasona-
bly under the circumstances and :0 act responsibly as an important member of this
community which is so dependent on tourism. We are asking that Union Planters comply
with our last letter agreement and accept as security for Seven Hundred One Thousand
($701.000) Dollars the guaranty of Town Park, a significant hotel operator and owner
having a net worth of Fifty Seven Million ($57,000,000) Dollars. We are only si)( (6) weeks
away from the commencement of the busy part of the year that will minimize any risk that
the Sank will have and minimize the chances of ever having to draw on the guaranty.
Based upon current bookings, we expect Crowne Plaza to exceed its forecast and budget
for October.
We ask that you reconsider the position that you have taken.
And, while you are doing so, debt service will continue to be paid.
By: PADC Hospitality Corporation r, General Partner
Richard A. Matlof
Vice President
cc: R. Donahue Peebles
HCF Group, Inc.
Adolfo Henriques, Union Planters Bank
Joy Venera, Ocean Bank
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, Executive Director
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, General Counsel
08,'1'3/2.0'03101:03 FAX 305-1-12.13.15
RDP Royal Palm
Hotel, LP
To: Munay Dubin
From: Richard A. Matlof
Fax: 305-El7~7782
Pages: 5, including this Cover Sheet
o Urgent ~ For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply D Pleage Rec.yde
Please see the attachment
()S/13/2.003 H:03 FAX 305H2.1J.lS
~ 002/005
550 Biltmore Way, Suite 970
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Tel: (305) 442-4342 Fax: (305) 442-4345
August 12, 2003
Via Facsimile & US Mail
Mr. Roy D. Tanis
Senior Vice President
Union Planters Bank
2800 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Coral Gables. Florida 33134
Dear Mr. Tanis:
We are in receipt of your letter dated August 8, which arrived in our offices today. The
action that you have taken by issuing a default notice relative to our mortgage loan on the
Royal Palm Hotel is unreasonable and unjustified. It is apparent that Union Planters,
whatever its motives may be, has completely ignored the circumstances surrounding this
project and the loan.
At the risk of stating the obvious, the 9/11 terrorist attacks had a devastating effect on the
hospitality and tourism industries, and they have yet to fully recover. Miami Beach was
particularly hard hit. Then, as things started to come back, our country went to war in Iraq
and the tourism industrial was hit again. As a result of this, we have had to endure an
economic recession that caused nearly every major airline to proceed to bankruptcy filings
despite massive government subsidies. These actions have also had a direct impact on
the travel and tourism industry.
The Royal Palm Hotel opened in May of 2002. eight months after the attacks. It opened
despite enormous challenges that we not only faced, but overcame relative to environ-
mental problems. structural defects in the original Royal Palm Hotel structure and disputes
with contractors. During the construction period, as it was extended due to these
problems, we continued to pay debt service.
The Hotel opened at the commencement of the slowest portion of the year for tourism on
Miami Beach. Once opened. we experienced significant and substantial problems with the
Hotel operator, Town Park Hotel Corporation ("Town Park" d/b/a "Crowne Plaza"). You
are fully familiar with those problems. The Hotel's bookings were well below the forecasts
that were generated for the Hotel by Crowne Plaza prior to the Hotel opening date. Yet,
we continued to pay debt service.
08/13/2003 1-1: 03 FAX ;)05H2-13-lS
Mr. Roy D. Tanis
August 12, 2003
Page 2
Rather than shy away from dealing with these Issues, we have done everything in our
power to make this Hotel a success despite the challenges that we faced. AS a result,
Crowne Plaza has removed and replaced substantially all of its management personnel
such that the Hotel has finally begun to meet and exceed Crowne Plaza's forecasted
numbers. We have pursued remedies against the general contractor to enforce our rights
in relation to construction problems. We have been in continuous negotiation with the
ground lessor relative to our claims against the ground lessor including, among other
things, a claim under an environmental indemnity contained in the ground lease.
Through all of this and despite all of this, we have paid Union Planters its debt service and
the Hotel is and has been current on its payments. Not only that, this Hotel is far from
being a "distressed property". The loan to value ratio for this loan and property is
approximately sixty-five percent (65%) with approximately Twenty Million ($20,000,000)
Dollars of cash equity in the property. And, we continue to pay debt service.
We are maintaining a reserve account with your institution, in cash, in an amount sufficient
to cover four (4) months' of debt service payments. And, we continue to pay debt service.
The only reason that we are even dealing with and discussing these issues is because
Crowne Plaza failed to achieve a modest debt service coverage ratio during the height of
the last tourist season. The Hotel. had Crowne Plaza achieved said debt service
coverage, would have been granted an automatic extension of the loan. The catastrophic
effect on tourism by the terrorist attacks and problems with management of the Hotel by
Crowne Plaza combined to such an extent that the required coverage was not achieved.
But, we continued to pay debt service.
We have entered into a series of letter agreements providing for short extensions and
which contemplate extensions to February, 2006 provided that acceptable levels of debt
service coverage are achieved. We strongly believe that those levels can now be
achieved in view of the manner in which the Hotel is currently being managed.
We have been negotiating with Town Park over the last several weeks to finalize an
agreement that will be acceptable to Union Planters whereby Town Park will provide the
guaranty performance of the Hotel that you require in order for the loan to be extended.
We understand that your requirement for Town Park's guarantee was the result of the
Bank's loss of confidence in Town Park's ability to accurately forecast its future
performance or its ability to achieve operating results consistent with such projections. In
view of the amount of the cash collateral account that is already being maintained as
security for the loan, the net amount that you are seeking to be guarantied by Town Park
is approximately Seven Hundred One Thousand ($701,000) Dollars.
We have provided financial statements to you from Town Park which evidence (and you
have confirmed) that Town Park has a net worth of Fifty Seven Million ($57.000,000)
Dollars. This net worth is very substantial relative to the amount that you require Town
Park to guarantee above the cash account in the amount of Seven Hundred One
Thousand ($701,000) Dollars.
."08/13/2003 1~:03 FAX 305~~2~3~5
Mr. Roy D. Tanis
August 12.2003
Page 3
Nevertheless, you have rejected Town Park as a guarantor under these circumstances.
That rejection is clearly unreasonable and unjustified in view of the net worth of the
proposed guarantor and the amount to be guarantied.
And we continue to pay debt service.
Despite Town Park's Fifty Seven Million ($57,000.000) Dollars net worth, you are insisting
that its parent. Intercontinental Hotels, guaranty the amount. We have explained to you
that Intercontinental will not give any guaranties.
We have been attempting during the last week to schedule a call between you and a
senior officer of Intercontinental Hotels in London, but we have been unsuccessful due to
your being unavailable. We finally were able to schedule a call for tomorrow, but you have
now canceled it. You stated last week that such a call would not be productive and that
you were not going to change your position.
We are not asking for a reduction in the loan amount. We are not asking for deferral or
abatement of any payments. What we are asking for is for Union Planters to act reasona-
bly under the circumstances and to act responsibly as an important member of this
community which is so dependent on tourism. We are asking that Union Planters comply
with our last letter agreement and accept as security for Seven Hundred One Thousand
($701,000) Dollars the guaranty of Town Park, a significant hotel operator and owner
having a net worth of Fifty Seven Million ($57,000,000) Dollars. We are only six (6) weeks
away from the commencement of the busy part of the year that will minimize any risk that
the Bank will have and minimize the chances of ever having to draw on the guaranty.
Based upon current bookings, we expect Growne Plaza to exceed its forecast and budget
for October.
We ask that you reconsider the position that you have taken.
And, while you are doing so, debt service will continue to be paid.
By: PADC Hospitality Corporation I, General Partner
cc: R. Donahue Peebles
HCF Group, Inc.
Adolfo Henriques, Union Planters Bank
Joy Venera, Ocean Bank
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, Executive Director
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, General Counsel
0&/1,3/20.0314:04 FAX 305H2,1345
~ 005/005
City of Miami Beach, City Manager
City of Miami Beach, City Attorney
Bloom & Minsker
Six Continents Hotels, LLC
Stuart Hoffman, Esq.
550 Biltmore Way
Suite 970
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(305) 442-4342 Fax: (305) 442-4345
Peebles Atlantic
Development Corp.
~\ \3/03
Cristina Cuervo
From: Richard A. Matlof
Date: 8/13/03
Re: Monthly Rent Payment for The Royal Palm Hotel (CK# 2801 )
t I. t
, -
. ,
RP-0308 August 2003 8/1/03 41,291.52 '11, :l~l.~:l
8/6/03 2801 Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency $41,291.52
100 S.E. 2ND ST., STE. 4650
MIAMI, FL 33131
Aug R~~003
Forty-One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-One
Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33139
and 52/100 Dollars