LTC 208-2003
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. dO?'020~.3
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. GOnZale~ . ~
City Manager rv j)
Date: September 8, 2003
An Invitation to Bid (ITB) for design/build services required to complete the Washington
Avenue Streetscape Improvements Project was issued on April 23rd with an initial response
deadline of May 27, 2003. Because of the need for the City to respond to a number of
requests for clarifications from potential respondents related to the high volume of plans
and specifications provided for their review, as well as direct requests from at least 2
contractors, the deadline as of today has been extended to September 12th.
The design/build process being utilized for this project is the first time the City has used this
approach in recent history, if ever. Although Evaluation Committees are very common for
a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or Request for Proposal (RFP) procurement process,
they are uncommon for an ITB procurement process. Typically, in an ITB process, the
Bidder provides a cost proposal and the lowest and best Bidder is awarded the Contract.
There is no selection committee assigned.
As noted above, the Washington Avenue project is an ITB process. Because there is
some final engineering that has to be completed before construction can commence, the
evaluation is highly technical and construction industry specific. Due to this unique
engineering feature of our ITB process, applicable law requires the City to utilize an
Evaluation Committee to evaluate the qualifications of the Contractor's proposed Engineer.
The Evaluation Committee will base its recommendations upon a qualitative (evaluation
criteria) and quantitative (price) criteria. A maximum of 100 points could be assigned to a
Bidder, with a maximum of, respectively, 60 points for the qualitative criteria and 40 points
for the quantitative criteria.
First, the Committee will rank Bidders based on the qualitative criteria: qualifications (max.
25 pts.), availability (max. 5 pts.), past work (max. 25 pts.), and references (max. 5 pts.).
At a minimum, the three top Bidders will go on to be evaluated according to the established
quantitative criteria; the Evaluation Committee will determine how many of the ranked
Bidders proceed to the quantitative evaluation. Next, the sealed price proposals of the
Bidders who proceed to the quantitative evaluation will be opened by the City's
Procurement Director at a public meeting. Based on the price proposals, the Evaluation
Committee will assign up to 40 quantitative points, with the lowest Bidder receiving a full 40
points and the other Bidders receiving a point total based on a methodology to be
determined by the Evaluation Committee. Lastly, the Evaluation Committee will add the
LTC": ITS 22-02-03
September 8, 2003
Page 2
qualitative and quantitative point totals to determine a final ranking of Bidders. The
Evaluation Committee will then report the ranking to the City Manager and recommend the
top-ranked Bidder for contract award. The City Manager will then make an award
recommendation to the City Commission.
As the aesthetic portions of the project have already been determined (i.e., the proposed
project does not deviate in appearance from the design previously completed by Savino
Miller Design Studios), and the project is significantly far along in its development, I am
proposing to utilize a staff selection committee with staff members who have specific
knowledge in the areas contained in the ITB package.
I am proposing to appoint the following individuals to the Committee:
Fred Beckmann
Brad Judd
Ronnie Singer
Alex Rolandelli
Carla Dixon
Charles O. Carreno
Director, Public Works Department
Director, Property Management Division
CIP Office Community Information Manager
CIP Office Senior Capital Projects Coordinator
CIP Office Capital Projects Coordinator
Hazen and Sawyer Deputy Program Manager and
Design Criteria Professional (non-voting member)
In addition, several residents with relevant technical expertise may be considered for
participation on the Committee.
If you have any comments or questions regarding these appointments, please let me know
by Friday, September 12th.
C: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
Gus Lopez, Procurement Director
Tim Hemstreet, CIP Director
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