2003-25355 Reso RESOLUTION NO. 2003-25355 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE ELECTROWAVE SHUTTLE SERVICE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,336,000; AND APPROPRIATING A FUNDING PACKET WHICH INCLUDES $400,000 IN 2003 COUNTY TRANSIT SURTAX FUNDS; FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) SERVICE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FUNDS, RESPECTIVELY AT $165,000 IN FY 2002-03 CARRY-OVER FUNDS, AND $65,000 IN NEW FY 2003-04 FDOT FUNDS FOR WASHINGTON ROUTE SERVICE ENHANCEMENT; $443,800 IN CONCURRENCY MITIGATION FUNDS-SOUTH BEACH; $84,200 IN INSURANCE PROCEEDS; $78,000 IN PROJECTED FARE COLLECTION REVENUES; AND $1,100,000 IN FY 2002-03 PARKING ENTERPRISE RETAINED EARNINGS, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2003. WHEREAS, the Electrowave Shuttle Service to South Beach has been in operation since January 1998, and has carried over 4.67 million passengers to date; and WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2003-04 Operating Budget is proposed at $2.336 million (the Budget); and WHEREAS, the City is being asked to contribute $1.1 million in the FY 2003-04 Parking Enterprise Fund Budget, or 47.09% of the total Budget; these local funds also include the required matching funds to the FDOT contributions to the operating budget; and WHEREAS, the additional 52.91 % will come from $400,000 in Transit Surtax funds, $230,000 in FDOT funds; $443,800 in Concurrency Mitigation funds; $78,000 in projected fare collection revenues; and $84,200 in one-time insurance revenues; and WHEREAS, the above mentioned funds need to be appropriated for the Budget purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby adopt a Fiscal Year 2003-04 Operating Budget for the Electrowave Shuttle Service, in the amount of $2,336,000; and appropriate a funding packet which includes $400,000 in 2003 County Transit Surtax funds; Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Service Development Program funds, respectively at $165,000 in FY 2002-03 carry-over funds, and $65,000 in new FY 2003-04 funds for Washington Route service enhancement; $443,800 in Concurrency Mitigation funds-South Beach; $84,200 in insurance proceeds; $78,000 in projected fare collection revenues; and $1,100,000 in FY 2002-03 Parking Enterprise Retained Earnings, subject to approval on September 18, 2003. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 18th day of September ,2003. 1J~dlJA-~ CITY CLERK P ~&:~4~ V,l.Q~ R APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR execunON F:IWORK\$TRAIAMELlAIELECTWVElEWBdgto4.memo.doc EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES (MBTMA DUTIES) MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT FORTHEELECTROWAVESHUTTLE PROJECT For the upcoming FY 2003-04, the Administration proposes to retain the Miami Beach Transportation Management Association (MBTMA) as the General Manager for administration and operations of the ELECTROWA VEShuttle Project. Among the MBTMA duties, the following are the most important: Financial/AccountinQ Duties: D MBTMA will abide by the adopted FY 2003-04 Electrowave Operating Budget, in the amount of $2,336,000. o Submit a written request to the City's Transportation/Concurrency Division for the advancement of funds by the City, based on projected expenditures for each upcoming quarter of the year. The City will advance the requested amount of quarterly funds, out of the adopted Electrowave Operating Budget. Note: This written request for advancement does not apply to the first quarter of the fiscal year (October-December 2003), when the City will automatically advance one-fourth of the total budget funds to MBTMA D Maintain an Electrowave bank account that is separate and independent of the MBTMA bank account, and suitable to receiving wire transfers. o Maintain a detailed accounting system for the project. D Ensure proper expenditures of Electrowave operating funds, as budgeted; and review, approve and pay all invoices. o Maintain computer spreadsheets and comprehensive file system for accounts paid. This practice will help ensure budget control, and maintain daily expenditure and balance totals. o Prepare and submit quarterly expenditure reports to the city-designated Project Manager, AUn: Transportation Coordinator, documenting how advanced funds were spent during the particular month. Similar report shall also be submitted to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Miami-Dade Transit (MDT), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), if so required by these agencies. Scope of ServicesIMBTMA Duties Page 2 o Utilizing account-paid documentation, prepare and submit Quarterlv invoiceslrequests for reimbursements with the various State, County, federal and other grant agencies help fund the Electrowave operations. In addition, a transmittal letter and standard City invoice, signed by the City's Project Coordinator shall alwavs accompany the quarterly requests for reimbursement. o All fund reimbursements shall be payable to the City of Miami Beach and addressed to the City's Finance Department. o City maintains the right to audit books at any time using internal or external auditors. o Submit to City a Projected Expenditure Report plus a Proposed Budget with identified funding sources for the new fiscal year, no later than August 31, 2004. o Submit a Final Expenditure Report no later than October 31, 2004. o Submit to City and other funding agencies an annual Audited Financial Statements, prepared by a professional accounting firm. Procurement Duties: o Coordinate and manage all functions necessary to procure a route service operator, vehicle maintenance, electricity, propane and fuel, marketing, public relations, and advertising, and miscellaneous goods and services. These services include the preparation of requests for proposals and bids, contract requirements, documents, negotiations, hiring and firing. o Abide by Federal, State and City procurement requirements; o Work closely with the appropriate City personnel when preparing and submitting requests for qualifications, proposals, or bids; and during annual budget preparation. In addition, furnish all data and materials needed for the preparation of items requiring City Commission approval. o Contract with a transit operator for the operation of the existing shuttle route, utilizing the transit operator's own drivers, dispatchers, and supervisors; o Contract with Advanced Transportation Technologies Institute (ATTI - formerly ETVI), which has successfully provided technical expertise and mechanical maintenance services to the electric buses and batteries. Scope of SetvicesIMBTMA Duties Page 3 o Contract for other services needed for the proper delivery of duties regarding the shuttle project, but within the constraints of the City-adopted oprating budget for the Project. Revenue-Producina Duties: o Be solely responsible and accountable for all aspects of the Electrowave Project administration, management, operations and services. o Be solely responsible and accountable for the marketing, public relations, and promotional services of the Electrowave Project. o Develop and maintain documents and procedures for all areas of shuttle operation and fleet maintenance. o Strive to meeting and/or exceeding the set of Performance Standards for the Project per se and for the contractor services to the Project. MBTMA's performance as General Manager will be evaluated on a quarterly and annual basis, pursuant to these standards. o Establish and maintain most local, regional, and national contacts which are essential to the Electrowave project's continued success; search for new funding sources, and apply for additional funding to help meet the capital and operating needs of the project. o MBTMA shall be the City-designated expert and coordinator for FTA-related matters, including all report andlor application preparation, and filing requirements. o Electronically process and submit, on a timely manner, documentation and applications to FTA, for all federal operating and/or capital funds that have been earmarked andlor allocated for the Electrowave Project. City will review and sign the packets prior to their electronic submission to FT A. o Research all funding opportunities, prepare and submit applications to support the continuation of contracts and services. o Prepare all non-technical provisions for the Electrowave system, including verifying compliance with all Federal, State, County, and local requirements. o Perform route managemenUscheduling; plan and implement route enhancements, personnel training; and handle all passenger complaints and other service-related challenges. , ' Scope of ServlceslMBTMA Duties Page 4 o Custodian of all Electrowae records, and in charge of all coordination with FOOT, MDT, FTA, and other funding and or permitting agencies. o Monitor shuttle safety requirements and documentation. Prepare and file annual safety report with FOOT, which filing requires City signature. o Manage vehicle maintenance activities. o Monitor operations and quality of services on a daily basis. Analyze and implement changes as required to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. o Respond and resolve all complaints, and respond to any and all inquiries concerning the Project and its services. o Coordinate and conduct driver training and orientation, on a regular basis. o Survey the shuttle ridership on a bi-annual basis and the South Beach communitylbusinesses on an annual basis to monitor efficiency and effectiveness of services. Additional ReDortina Duties: o Prepare any additional reports as required by the City, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Miami-Dade Transit (MDT); prepare and file the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) reports within required deadlines. o Prepare and submit annual emissions reductions to Department of Environmental Management (DERM) utilizing national emission standards and formulas. o Prepare and submit electronically the annual report to the National Transit Database related to operations and ridership. o MBTMA will file all reports with the City's Transportation/Concurrency Management Division, and will report to the Department Director. o Prepare and file with the City, quarterly reports for all City-requested non-scheduled shuttle services, dates, purpose and costs included. Alert the City when such non- scheduled services have the potential to exceed budget. o City maintains the right to audit MBTMA books at anytime using internal or external auditors. . ' ELECTROWAVE Passenger Counts BY MONTHlYEAR COMPARISON Fiscal Year 2001/02 & Fiscal Year 2002/03 MONTH FISCAL YEAR 2001102 FISCAL YEAR 2002103 OCTOBER 29,990 48,448 NOVEMBER 32,946 48,037 DECEMBER 34,668 51,378 JANUARY 37 633 46,591 FEBRUARY 40,504 51,922 MARCH 46,450 58,798 APRIL 42,405 57,338 MAY 47,255 56,684 JUNE 45,448 53,705 JULY 43 962 61,294 AUGUST 46,155 57,203 SEPTEMBER TOTAL 447,416 591,398 *Consideration needs to be taken with regard to the impact of the 9111101 events on the community, businesses, hotels, etc. **November 2002 - ALL SENIOR CITIZENS RIDE FREE!! (65 & older) January 20-26, 2003 -> unseasonably cold weather led to decrease in passenger counts COLLINS ROUTE DISCONTINUED ON FEBRUARY 20, 2003 @ 1AM May 23 -29, 2003 -> heavy rains June 2003 -> heavy rains CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY ~ - Condensed Title: A Resolution adopting a FY 2003-04 Electrowave Operating Budget, in the amount of $2,336,000; and appropriating a funding packet which includes $400,000 in County Transit Surtax funds, $230,000 in FOOT Service Development Program funds, $443,800 in Concurrency Mitigation funds, $78,000 in projected fare revenues, $84,200 in one-time insurance revenues; and $1,100,000 in the FY 02/03 Parking Enterprise Retained Earnin s, sub'ect to a roval on Se tember 18, 2003. Issue: Shall the City Commission adopt the FY 2003-04 Electrowave Operating Budget? Item Summarv/Recommendation: On May 21, 2003, Resolution No. 2003-25218 authorized the shuttle service to continue, pursuant to improvements made in the first six month of the fiscal year, and the positive findings of a "Shuttle Services Technical Assistance Study," commissioned by the City and prepared/presented by Joel Volinski of CUTR. The Administration proposes a FY 2003-04 EW operating budget, in the amount of $2.336 million, and the appropriation of a funding packet which includes: $400,000 in Transit Surtax funds, $230,000 in FOOT funds ($165,000 in carry-over funds from 2002-03, and $65,000 in FY 2003-04 FOOT funds), $443,800 in Concurrency Mitigation funds, $78,000 in projected fare collections, $84,200 in one-time insurance proceeds, plus $1.1 million in Parking Enterprise Retained Earnings, subject to approval on September 18, 2003, Note that the proposed budget would be smaller than last year's $2.31 million, if it were not for cost of living increase and the $47,000 proposed for scraping/repainting the existing shuttle vehicles with a uniform, transit-oriented design. CMAQ funds are no longer available, and FOOT funds end in June 2005. The only new recurring source recently made available is the County Transit Surtax, at approximately $400,000 a year. Therefore, the City remains the major source of funding for shuttle operations. Due to the shuttle service's value to the South Beach community and Miami Beach as a whole, the Administration recommends aooroval of the Resolution. Advisory Board Recommendation: IN/A Financial Information: Source of Amount , ,',... Account APproved Funds: 1 1,100,000 480.0050.000491 Pkg.Ent.Ret.Earn, D .2 400,000 187.8000,312910 Transit Surtax 3 165,000 183.8000.334404 FOOT carryover 65,000 JPA w/FDOT to be approved in 10/03 4 443,800 158.8000.341226 Conc.Mitigation Finance Oept. 5 78,000 Projected 03-04 fare collection revs. 6 84.200 Insurance revenue Total 2,336,000 City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: I Amelia Johnson Si n-Qffs: DepartmenfDir- F:IWORK\$TRAIAMELlAIELECTWVElEWBud Agenda Item Date R-:J:I q-IK-O?> CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us Mayor David Dermer and Date: September 18, 2003 Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez \ ~ City Manager 0 . (j A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ADOPTING A FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE ELECTROWAVE SHUTTLE SERVICE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,336,000; APPROPRIATING A FUNDING PACKET WHICH INCLUDES $400,000 IN 2003 COUNTY TRANSIT SURTAX FUNDS; FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) SERVICE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FUNDS, RESPECTIVELY AT $165,000 IN FY 2002-03 CARRY-OVER FUNDS, AND $65,000 IN NEW FY 2003-04 FDOT FUNDS FOR WASHINGTON ROUTE SERVICE ENHANCEMENT; $443,800 IN CONCURRENCY MITIGATION FUNDS-SOUTH BEACH; $84,200 IN INSURANCE PROCEEDS; $78,000 IN PROJECTED FARE COLLECTION REVENUES; AND $1,100,000 IN FY 2002-03 PARKING ENTERPRISE RETAINED EARNINGS, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2003. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION To: From: Subject: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS On September 26, 2002, the City Commission requested that the Administration conduct a comprehensive study of the Electrowave Shuttle project to determine whether or not the City should continued to provide the service to its residents and visitors. Subsequently, the Administration hired Mr. Joel Volinski, Director of the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), University of South Florida, who prepared a "Shuttle Services Technical Assistance Study" and presented the final report to the City Commission at the May 21, 2003 meeting. Pursuant to the Study's results, Resolution No. 2003-25218, of the same date, authorized the shuttle service to continue, due to the following: . The above mentioned study enthusiastic endorsement to continue Electrowave services; . The City's shuttle service is competitive with similar systems around the Country; . The ten-bus fleet became 100% operational and effective once again; . The 2002-03 shuttle ridership increased by 19.39% over the previous year; and . Per the study, the local circulator shuttle service is valued, appreciated and highly September 18, 2003 Commission Agenda Item Proposed FY 2003-04 EW Budget Page 2 utilized by the South Beach community. A progress report on the implementation of Study recommendations follows: . The Collins Avenue Route was eliminated on February 19, 2003. The two buses previously utilized by the Collins Route were redeployed to the Washington Route. This route service enhancement has helped increase ridership and reduce headways. . The Miami Beach Transportation Management Association (MBTMA) has begun to install the new signage kiosks (directional service map) at each shuttle stop location. . MBTMA developed a new shuttle service brochure, which colors and style will be utilized to repaint the existing shuttle buses with a more transit-oriented design. In addition, MBTMA staff made personal visits to and distributed new brochures to all hotels, businesses, community service organizations, Chamber of Commerce, Convention Center, and Visitors Bureau. . An enhanced marketing effort with newspaper publications and PSA announcements will soon be noticed by the community. . In October 2003, the Administration will request Commission permission to issue Request for Proposals (RFP) for the purchase of diesel mini-buses, utilizing Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds which are presently available to the City. . A contest will be undertaken early in the new fiscal year, in search for a transit-oriented name for the shuttle service. Negotiations with Miami-Dade County: Pursuant to City Commission direction of September 26, 2002, the Administration met five times with the County Office of Public Transportation Management (OPTM) staff, including Danny Alvarez, OPTM Director, with the following requests: 1. That the County assume full responsibility over the Project. The request was denied by the County due to the fact that the "People's Transportation Plan" adopted by Miami-Dade voters in 2002 made no provisions for the County to take over local circulator systems. 2. That the County submit a proposal to administer, manage, maintain and operate the shuttle service for the City; and, 3. In addition, consider merging the County's Route W with the City's Washington Route service. Such a merger would further enhance mobility options by providing a comprehensive transit service to the entire South Beach community. As to Items 2. and 3., above, on September 2, 2003, the County submitted three options that would cost the City at least $1 million more a year than the amount being proposed for the FY 2003-04 Electrowave Budget shown below. Therefore, contracting with MBTMA September 18, 2003 Commission Agenda Item Proposed FY 2003-04 EW Budget Page 3 remains the best option available to the City, at least for the time being. Based on the above report, the Administration recommends continuation of the Electrowave Shuttle Service, approval of proposed funding sources and of an operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year, as follows: 1. PRESENT AND PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCES FY 2002-03 Proposed Adopted FY 2003-04 Fund Sources Funding Sources Parking Enterprise Retained Earnings (PERE) County Transit Surtax Proceeds Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Program FY 2002-03 FOOT Service Development ProgramlWashington Route FY 2003-04 FOOT Service Development ProgramlWashington Route Insurance Revenue (from one burned-down bus) Concurrency Mitigation Funds-South Beach Projected fare collection revenues Projected on-board advertising revenues $1,240,000 -0- 300,000 350,000 -0- -0- 300,000 100,000 20.000 $2,310,000 2. PRESENT AND PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGETS: Expenditure Categories FY 2002-03 Budget Projected FY 2002-03 Costs $1,100,00047.09% 400,000 -0- 165,000 carry-over 65,000 84,200 443,800 78,000 -0- $2,336,000 Proposed FY 2003-04 Budget Transit Operator Contract ATTI (Shuttle Vehicle/Battery Maintenance Contract) MBTMA General Management Contract Insurance on Shuttle Vehicles (10 vehicles) Propane for AJC, and Diesel Fuel Professional Services (Miscellaneous) Public Involvement (Marketing) Electricity to Charge Batteries Uniforms for Shuttle Drivers Telephones Internal Services Charges for Water/Sewer Plus a one-time cost to scrape/repaint 10 shuttles: $1,124,900 690,000 160,000 92,000 80,000 82,000 40,000 35,000 6,000 100 -0- $2,310,000 $1,100,000 670,000 160,000 100,000 65,000 65,000 40,000 35,000 6,000 -0- 2.000 $2,243,000 Asterisk ( * ) Items -Justifications for the budget line items: $1,120,000 * 1 676,000 * 2 165,000 * 3 100,000 * 4 70,000 * 5 65,000 * 6 50,000 "7 35,000 6,000 -0- 2.000 $2,289,000 47.000" 8 $2,336,000 * 1. The Transit Operator Contract, at $1,120,000, includes the following: Union drivers (FT A requirement), dispatchers and supervisors; communicationldispatching and tracking equipment; safety and customer courtesy training; bus service 365 days, 7:30 a.m.-1 :30 a.m., rotating 8 buses in active service with an additional 2 in preventive maintenance. The contract includes the cost of implementing an additional bus to service in JunelJuly 2004. September 18, 2003 Commission Agenda Item Proposed FY 2003-04 EW Budget Page 4 * 2. The Advance Transportation Technology Institute (ATTI) contract at $676,000, for the maintenance services to shuttle vehicles, batteries and equipment. Previously known as ETVI, this non-profit 501 (1 )(3) organization brought the shuttle vehicles back to full operation last fiscal year, and has maintained the fleet at peak level of efficiency and effectiveness. In addition to their electric vehicle expertise, existing mechanics are also certified to work with diesel vehicles. The contract includes 1 full time maintenance manager, 5 mechanics, 3 helpers, 1 part-time clerk. Maintenance schedules are based on 4-day shifts/1 O-hour days. The contract also includes inventory and spare parts, supplies; Garage Keepers Insurance ($35,000 a year), general liability, umbrella policy and errors and omissions insurance; monthly driver and mechanic training; preventative maintenance and repair of the shuttle fleet, including tow truck and forklifts; plus exterior and interior shuttle cleaning. * 3. MBTMA's general management contract for operations and administration of the shuttle project, at $165,000. A subsequent item on this City Commission Agenda includes a professional services agreement with MBTMA. The contract includes a cost of living salary increase for 3 office employees (not including the Executive Director). MBTMA duties are extensive, detailed and time consuming, as outlined in attached Exhibit A. * 4. Insurance on 10 Shuttle Vehicles, at $100,000. Provides Commercial General Liability at $1 million per each occurrence, Automobile Liability at $2 million combined single limit, Garage Liability at $1 million per occurrence, Excess Liability at $4 million, and Employees Liability at $1 million. MBTMA and City are additional insured. * 5. Professional Services, at $65,000. This category includes miscellaneous contracts and services, as follows: A $25,000 agreement with the Parking Department for processing and depositing of transit fare collections; contract with Loomis Fargo for pickup and transport of farebox revenues to Parking Department; debit card reader maintenance and service; smaller contracts for services; County-required annual permits, fees and inspection services for the shuttle vehicles; and other miscellaneous unforeseen expenses. * 6. Information Service (Marketinq), at $50,000, to fund an intensified marketing program, as proposed by the Shuttle Services Technical Assistance Study. It includes the on-going updatinglinstallation of new informational sign age at each shuttle stop and parking lot/garage; development/implementation of a Park-and-Shop program with merchants along Washington Avenue and Lincoln Road, along with an elementary school program and published advertising. It also includes the printing of additional shuttle brochures. * 7. Propane and diesel fuel, at $70,000. It includes the cost of propane for the air conditioning systems on the shuttle buses; diesel fuel for the tow truck, forklifts, and eventually for diesel andlor bio-diesel mini buses. * 8. One-time cost of $47,000 to scrape and repaint the existing shuttle fleet, utilizing a uniform, transit-oriented design. September 18, 2003 Commission Agenda Item Proposed FY 2003-04 EW Budget Page 5 Since 1998, when the shuttle service began operations, the City has been aware of the limited number of outside sources available to help fund local transit services. In addition, such outside funds are available only for a 3-year periodlper route service, and are shrinking each year due to competition from six (6) other Miami-Dade municipalities which have implemented their local shuttle projects, based on the success of our own local circulator model. The following depicts our future funding situation: 1. FDOT funds will be available to the Washington Route service through June 30, 2005 only, the end of the State-established 3-year fund period. 2. CMAQ funds are no longer available due to the Collins Route cancellation. 3. The only new and recurring source is the voter-approved County Transit Surtax fund. The Electrowave share of these funds is approximately $400,000 a year. County Ordinance No. 02-116 clearly states that "a City shall apply its portion of the Municipal Share of the Transit Surtax funds to supplement, not replace, the City's funding support to its own transportation projects The County Office of Public Transportation Management (OPTM) denied the City request that the County assume full responsibility over the EW Shuttle project. In addition, the draft proposal submitted by OPTM to manage and operate the service, as a City contractor, exceeds by over $1 million the budget being proposed by the City for FY 2003- 04 EW operations, under MBTMA general management. Based on the above,the Administration recommends approval of the recommended fy 2003-04 Electrowave budget. As clearly stated in the Executive Summary of the Shuttle Services Technical Assistance Study, "the City should embrace the EW program and its successor service, whatever its name will be. It is the most successful local transit circulator system among dozens in Florida, and it is an important factor in making Miami Beach the unique community it is. It would be helpful if all officials recognize the role it plays in Miami Beach's continuing redevelopment, and take credit for a wonderful local service, which is appreciated by thousands of its own residents and visitors, and imitated by other municipalities." The Administration recommends approval of the Resolution. JMGIRMIFBIPWIJCIAJ Attachments: MBTMA Duties as Electrowave General Manager Passenger Count Comparison (FYs 2001-02 and 2002-03) F:\WORK\$TRA\AMELlA\ELECTWVE\EWBdgl04.memo.doc