Meeting Minutes 12-19-19
General Note: These meeting minutes are condensed and seek to capture the overall intent of discussions
as interpreted by the meeting coordinator. Each paragraph indicates the time on the audio recording
where the discussion commenced during the meeting. For more detail on the discussion, please refer to
the audio recording in its entirety.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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I. Introductions
7:21 Chair Karen Rivo called the meeting to order. She reminded the public that there is time set
aside for two different public Q&As.
II. Committee Business
Adoption of Meeting Minutes
8:08 Chair Karen Rivo asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the November 21 meeting.
8:23 Marie Peter motioned to approve the minutes. Jack Glottmann seconded the motion.
Motion was approved unanimously.
Meeting Calendar for 2020
8:32 Chair Karen Rivo asked the Members to look at the calendar handout for 2020, where the
next five months have been calendared. She mentioned that a suggestion was made to start the
meetings at 4 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. She asked if that would work for everyone.
9:52 Jason Greene asked if the start time could be 4:30 p.m.
The Members agreed on 4:30 p.m.
10:37 Chair Karen Rivo mentioned that at the beginning of summer they are considering having
the meetings every other month.
IG Fee Ordinance
(Refer to Item R5 O_IG Contract Fee on the G.O. Bond website.)
11:30 Chair Karen Rivo asked that the Members look at the Commission Memorandum that was
provided to them.
11:46 Rafael Paz explained how the FAQs on the Voter’s Guide explained how the Oversight
Committee was going to be administered and what the oversight was going to look like. This
committee is the key component to the companion question of creating an independent office
of an inspector general to have oversight of all aspects of city government. He explained that the
idea behind the R5 O Ordinance which follows the County’s IG ordinance, is to provide a
dedicated funding stream that can only be used to fund the various operations of the office of
the Inspector General. At first reading this ordinance was unanimously approved and referred to
the Finance Committee. The percentage that was initially proposed was 1.5% on covered
contracts but we will be proposing amendments that will change the percentage.
15:01 John Woodruff explained that when this was first put on the agenda his team did not have
a lot of time to do an analysis. When they looked back at the proposed percentage and big capital
projects of $50 million, this proposed percentage was going to generate about $750,000, which
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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didn’t make a lot of sense. We have gone back and we are considering reducing the percentage
and perhaps adding a cap to make it more reasonable.
16:55 Chair Karen Rivo asked if there were any questions.
16:56 Ron Starkman asked what is the target amount.
17:01 John Woodruff said the target amount is about $1.45 million, which is the Inspector
General’s general fund annual budget.
17:24 Ron Starkman asked if the cap applies once we reach the desired amount in a calendar
17:28 John Woodruff explained that some years will be higher than others due to capital projects.
He explained that after the analysis they believe they can lower the 1.5 percentage closer to a .5
percentage, which would help smaller contracts, and include a $10 million cap so the larger
projects would only get up to a $50,000 fee. The ordinance could be amended in the future by a
majority vote of the Commission.
20:27 Jason Greene noted how some of the projects are very specific, such as the Pedestrian
Bridge and 72nd Community Complex, where we were arguing for money. He asked how does
the shortfall get dealt with.
21:11 John Woodruff explained how the budgets had some room for contingency in the
beginning so on most projects there probably almost will not be any impact. He explained how
the cap will help the future projects a couple of years down the road.
23:15 Chair Karen Rivo expressed concern about how this fee could impact the scopes of the
projects and what was promised to the voters. She recommended the committee, make a motion
to ensure there is no undo burden on the budget of the projects.
Discussion continued.
25:24 Jack Glottmann expressed that he wants to make sure that the G.O. Bond funds costs
specifically tied to the G.O. Bond.
25:50 Marie Peter explained that she liked Chair Karen Rivo’s suggestion to put a notice to
Commission that we wouldn’t like to see any more of these fees coming up in the future.
27:01 Jack Glottmann made a motion for the committee to send a Letter to Commission letting
them know that we would like to make sure that there is no future surprises, projects, or costs
borne by the G.O. Bond.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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27:40 Rafael Paz suggested that the committee may want to consider expressing support for
the ordinance and concept and encourage the Commission, as they arrive to their final decision
of the fee, to take into account the scope impacts and select a fee that would minimize the
scope impacts on G.O. Bond projects and other larger projects outside of the G.O. Bond.
28:31 Marie Peter seconded the motion with Rafael Paz’s suggested language. Motion passed
III. Communications Update
29:06 Allison Novack stated that a GO Bond update will be provided at the Miami Beach United
meeting on January 13 and at Belle Isle’s Neighborhood Meeting on January 21.
29:55 Chair Karen Rivo asked Jason Jacobson to remind the Members about the Sunshine Law.
30:14 Jason Jacobson explained the Sunshine Law.
Discussion continued.
36:54 Allison Novack informed the Members that we have applied for a Knight Foundation grant
in order to fund more features for our G.O. Bond Dashboard, such as incorporating a GIS mapping
system. (Note: GIS stands for Geographic Information System).
IV. Public Q & A
39:15 Robert Rabinowitz said, in regard to the AiPP and Inspector General fee ordinances, on
behalf of Mid Beach Neighborhood Association they strongly support restricting any more
projects being funded through G.O. Bond funds. He also told Allisom Novack that he will get in
contact with her in January to include her at the next Mid Beach Neighborhood Association
40:12 Brian Keane, representing the West Avenue Neighborhood Association, asked where is the
more granular information of each project in order to track the status and spending.
41:11 Maria Hernandez explained that they will be going over the financial reporting soon in the
meeting and that should answer a lot of his questions.
V. Program General Status
(Refer to 12.19.19 Program General Status on the G.O. Bond website.)
41:57 Maria Hernandez explained the Program General Status handout that was passed out. She
noted that there is a total of 109 current sub-projects.
VI. Financial Reporting
(Refer to the Progress Report on the G.O. Bond website.)
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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43:57 Maria Hernandez explained the updates that were done on the Progress Report, found on
pages 3-7. She noted that this was requested by the Members. This section now provides a
project’s budget, shows what has been spent, encumbered, and what is available.
(Refer to GOBond2018_finance_detail on the G.O. Bond website.)
46:00 John Woodruff referenced the GOBond2018_finance_detail report handout that was
passed out. He explained that this report comes from our financial system. He noted that there
is a small difference between the expenditures on the dashboard and the report provided
because the report is live while the dashboard gets updated every morning.
Discussion continued.
VII. Quick Win Projects / Update
(Refer to the Quick Wins Report on the G.O. Bond website.)
53:25 Maria Hernandez explained that they weren’t going to spend a lot of time discussing the
quick wins in order to focus on the bigger Tranche 1 projects. All quick wins are underway and on
track, except the LPRs at Julia Tuttle Causeway and 71st St due to FDOT requesting additional
permits, delaying the project one month.
VIII. Major Tranche 1 Projects Update
54:33 Chair Karen Rivo explained that staff will soon be providing a similar Gantt chart for the
bigger Tranche 1 projects.
#45 Fire Station #1
55:25 David Martinez explained that this project is moving along nicely, as expected. The initial
spatial and programmatic needs assessment has been completed and we are working closely
with the Fire Chief directly. We are currently wrapping up the procurement process for the
Construction Manager at Risk who will be selected in January 2020. The project was discussed at
the December Historic Preservation Board, where a presentation was given on the South Shore
Community Center.
Discussion continued.
1:00:41 Jack Glottmann asked if the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) can hold back the approval
of the project if there is no plan on repurposing the current fire station building.
1:00:54 Maria Hernandez explained that it is not in HPB’s purview to determine the relocation
of the current tenants. However, it is important to figure out where to relocate the tenants
before it goes back to the HPB, otherwise they are going to be hesitant to approve the project.
1:02:10 Eric Carpenter explained that from his understanding by talking with Tom Mooney is that
the Historic Preservation Board has jurisdiction over our land use matters in a historic district.
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Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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The exemption to that is a demolition of a city building for public purpose, where we believe that
we fall within that exemption. They do have to approve the new building that’s going in, so we
want to reach a compromise where everyone is happy.
#1 72nd ST. Community Complex
1:05:24 David Martinez explained that this project is moving in the right direction. The initial draft
of the design criteria package has been submitted by the consultant and has been distributed
throughout all of the interior departments as well as the county library . We hope to have this
ready by February Commission to request a proposal from a designer. A committee will be
created 2-3 months after this goes to Commission, in order to shortlist the design firms and
eliminate anyone who doesn’t meet the qualifications.
1:08:30 Sean Smith requested that someone from the Parks Board be a part of the 72nd
Community Complex Committee.
1:08:38 Alex Denis said he will talk to the City Manager about Sean Smith’s request.
1:08:50 Max Litt also requested that someone from the Environment & Sustainability Committee
be included.
1:08:59 David Martinez said that it is important that they are since a large component of the
dollars that are earmarked for this project have to check off the sustainable and resilient
#23 Pedestrian Bridge
1:09:23 David Martinez said the developer is continuing to work with designers and contractors.
By February we will know how much the modifications will cost. The modifications that are being
contemplated should not trigger coming back to the Design & Review Board until the design is
actually completed. We are still ironing out all of the permitting requirements.
1:10:42 Eric Carpenter noted that he believes that the development team heard loud and clear
from this group last month that the stairwells were important, and it wasn’t to be a value
engineered exercise.
1:11:35 Marie Peter expressed the importance of seeing the renderings before they proceeded
to do anything because the South of 5th residents do not want what was offered, such as the
elevator’s structure.
Discussion continued.
1:20:01 Chair Karen Rivo wondered whether it is premature to send a message to Commission
about our goal to keep the artistic design of the bridge.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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1:20:25 Marie Peter said the design was already chopped up. She explained that we are taking
something that was supposed to be iconic for our neighborhood and now we are talking about
changing the design because of money.
#15 Bayshore Park
1:26:21 David Martinez reminded the committee that our consultant has been working with
DERM in permitting the lake as they have it designed. There has been some movement and they
had a follow up meeting on December 6th. They came to a consensus that they feel positive, but
they need to run some figures through a model they agree on due to more data needed. The
consultant has a roughly 2-month timeframe to come to terms with DERM. Due to this issue, we
are delayed about 6 months.
1:28:26 Sean Smith asked what happens since this is considered a tranche 1 project and if we
could shift another project from Parks into tranche 1.
1:28:40 David Martinez explained that that isn’t his decision but even with the 6-month delay,
assuming that everything else works out, the consultant has alternative ideas depending on what
is the outcome of this follow up exercise.
1:31:22 Jason Greene asked if staff has a list of Park’s projects that are in future tranches and are
shovel ready.
1:31:52 Eric Carpenter said we know what projects are shovel ready and we do believe that there
will be opportunities in the course of this program where projects get delayed and we may have
to do some shifting.
IX. Committee Member Discussion
1:33:19 Chair Karen Rivo explained that the committee now was going to take some time to do a
check in with everyone and see how the members are feeling.
1:34:33 Marie Peter expressed that she’s amazed at the dedicated committee members that
their committee has and how we really do care. She also expressed her amazement between
their interaction with staff and how she’s gained so much more respect for them. Staff has been
there to answer questions and have been honest.
1:37:12 Ron Starkman expressed that it is a little irksome that ex-officios don’t get a vote too. He
asked that maybe we can go back to the Mayor and see if they want to rethink giving ex-officios
a vote for the future.
1:38:10 Jason Jacobson explained that there would need to be an amendment to the ordinance.
1:38:35 Joy Malakoff explained that the committee was set up to have 2 members from each
area: north, mid, and south.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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Discussion continued.
1:43:10 Ron Starkman asked Jason Jacobson if maybe he can look into having ex officios being
able to vote and inform them at the next committee meeting.
1:43:41 Jason Greene explained that his interactions with staff have been very positive.
1:45:02 Wendy Squire said she agreed with everything she just heard and she appreciated the
dedication of the staff.
1:45:20 Jack Glottmann said that the information that the staff provides is outstanding.
1:46:10 Marie Peter said that as a chair, Karen Rivo is amazing.
1:47:57 Max Litt asked that we consider going paperless for this committee since it is a lot of
material and we have the dashboard.
1:48:17 Chair Karen Rivo said that is a great suggestion. She asked how many members would be
willing to go paperless and what would they still want as a hard copy.
1:48:53 Jason Greene said he would like to receive the two financial reports and the Gantt chart
as hard copies.
1:49:35 Chair Karen Rivo asked the members if we could drop the minutes. The members agreed.
1:50:12 Maria Hernandez said we are open to going paperless.
1:52:10 Jack Glottmann explained that he is 100% paperless and nothing has to be printed for
him. He asked Maria Hernandez if the attachments she sends before the meetings can we sent
in an email separate from the calendar invite.
1:53:55 Bryan Rosenfeld said he is very impressed with the thoroughness.
X. Public Q&A
1:54:13 Chair Karen Rivo opened the floor to the public.
1:54:19 Matis Cohen said to see staff from every department participating collaboratively makes
this committee the best committee in the city. He brought up the infrastructure issues in North
1:58:00 Luis Callejas, aide to Commissioner Richardson, introduced himself.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 12
December 19, 2019
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1:58:31 Jason Jacobson explained that he did some research and ex-officios voting is a violation
to the Florida Constitution of dual provisions within government and holding an ex-officio
position is a way to avoid that violation.
XI. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned.