We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical,
historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Veronica Paysse, E-mail:
May 17, 2019
Mayor Dan Gelber Honored with 2019 Home Rule Hero Award
—Recognized by the Florida League of Cities for His Advocacy Efforts During the
Legislative Session—
Miami Beach, FL – The Florida League of Cities recently recognized Mayor Dan Gelber
with a 2019 Home Rule Hero Award. Mayor Gelber was one of roughly 100 municipal
officials in the state who earned this prestigious award for his tireless efforts in protecting
the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and advancing the League’s legislative
agenda during the 2019 legislative session.
“The dedication and effort of these local officials during the 2019 legislative session was
extraordinary,” said FLC Legislative Director Scott Dudley. “These are some of our
biggest advocates for municipal issues, and they’re shining examples of local advocacy
in action. On behalf of the League and its legislative team, we’re proud to recognize
each and every one of them and thank them for their service.”
Home Rule is the ability for a city to address local problems with local solutions with
minimal state interference. Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government
officials, both elected and nonelected, who consistently responded to the League’s
request to reach out to members of the legislature and help give a local perspective to
an issue.
“By granting communities appropriate autonomy, Home Rule allows local communities
like ourselves to better serve our residents,” shared Mayor Dan Gelber. “I’m honored to
have been named a Home Rule Hero by the Florida League of Cities and a proud
advocate of the foundation it sets in providing proper public service.”
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