Christy J. Brush SEP-l0-03 04:19PM FROM-PATHMAN LEWIS.JIP 305-3T9Z420 T-536 P.03/04 F-36B ~ - pLy of Miami Beach omce of IheClt.y Clerll 1.700 ConveFlIJon center Drive, Mlamllllw:l" fL J31,9 1.maI1: c:Jt.ydel1cOd.mlilml-beadl.n.U5 LOBBYIST llEGlSIlIAnON FOJtM (CIf.Y of 1"11111'11 Beach. Cl11 Code Chiptel' 2, Division 3, 5llCllOn 2-4111) C Check... If lIlI Amendment. /1' ,..L- ~ ~vU-S L. Gf'\.n. Sl':1 --J , NAMe Of I YIST: (LasI) / I (FIrst) r> ( Uo1J) DArr; QUAU~ AS LOIMI'(I5T; i.fbt-f ~. {)l)Cl-(.. ttY-J~, 6>~ ~"J U F=L 4.3/l/b : : DU51NfSS "DD~S: (Number ana st.reet) ) (C1i:y) (Sta\.e~ Zip Code) J-. : 1- ~~~~:Jt~-3bf) (3~A~r<<J~~-(91<-( ~G:,v1.lS~~f~b1~e~J"'i\\. (>>,,-, I J. LOII8YIST IlIn'AItft!D BY: ~3~~ A-s1~~(.L;ft, W.M - OF PRINClPAlJCJfNT: '...J . ' 163J-. 1~",,~/v/.~ k~ 1- 8. u.tiAJt\A' ~cJ..1 ~L-' '33/~ BU$JNF.SS~; (NuJllberllfld~) (Qly) (Slate) (Zip Coaa) . ;3<>5' 5'3 00 ; . LE ONe NuM : EMAlI.: (0ptI0njl1) flU "lItltllstedlora lrpdr)dplll". a..po,1Itlol1,......... or111A1tl..tJon Zo4I2 (c)) . NAME Of OI1fF OFf'JCER, pJll{'rN~, DR IIENI!l'ICIAAYI (' tI i Cl:.) L;. ~ i" . UST AU- PeRSONS HOLDING, DW!CTl.Y OR JNDt~Y." 5% OR MORl! OWNE~/P 1rm!I\ESTlN SUCH COIU'DRAmN. pAATNERSI1IP OR 'f1WST: ~., . II..,:, - I '" \J L -'. D. SPIlCIfJC UJIIIIY I5IUI!: ~,^Ji-ffo~ Us<-- ~f.G,.... C!.,b...tf;v..d-i-!?". ~ tk,ck$ tssue to be lof)Illed (0a5c:r11z In detail): : I Dr. rzrr AGJRCDS/INDIYIJIUAUlTO....~ A) "'U ..... al'WlIMI.../TItI- II) IIdIItIan8hIp 1 : I ?f~t\l^'\ 5o()..~ . I I I v , , . ~ , SEP-10-03 04:19PM FROM-PATHMAN LEWIS.JIP a05-3mm T-536 P.04/04 F-368 ~v. ",,:oI.oU_ur '_""U__'lItUrWDD'~1 """'.--.....,9\"...............,.,.,""" nulJl<~l, R.ATRATI'alloTHEIl); I A) IDlIfMST DISCLOSUR~: _~ (! Jt ,,, flJ..~. B) PRlNaPAI.'S DISCLOSlJR! (OF LDaIlYI5TCOMPENSATION): " I,) PuI'!llJ!lnt tn OrdinanCl! No. 2lI03-33t3 Amendlna ,,!laml BelJcl:UJtv Code CheDter 2. Arlide VJ1. Division 5 'rhereof EnHtlfl!fl "CamDililln FlnanCl! RefDlln" Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-48fl Entll1f!d "ProhlbJlJ!d . Ptmaalon contrJbutlons Bv I.llbbvl!:t!: On ProCurement Issues": ~:':s=I:=:'T:~:~~:rDrse",l- DrOll. Dr-~. . , 2) PursUAnt tn OrdlnanCf No. 28D'.L~1: Amendlna Miami Beam Cltv OYJe ChaotJ!r 2 Arttdlit VTJ DfvtJ;lon 5 ~reof Endtled ''C'.amDlllan F1'l.lnce .!leform". VIa The Addition or CI:ldP. SectIon 2-4!lO Entllled "Prohlb Ired Camo8lcJn CI:lnI'r1blJtlons Bv Lobbvlst5 On R~I E5tlltJ! Oevelooment J~es.: . ,.... VGU lallbvlna an _ d8dd1na 8DD.1aIIIan far . DMfIIfonnwnt ~t .... HI. atv 9'!' . .~::.~_ D'I mnlnD maD dlHllmllllfDn or dIInJe fa the Cilv'a 'ilium Land Usa Maa? I V. IJGIUTURllINDER OATIfI ! ON OCI'DHR 1111 OF EACH YEAR. EACH J,OII8YJ5J' ~ IUIMJT 'ro Tft!! em CUlRIC A SIGNED srAT!M!NT UNDER GAnt, LJSI1NG .LOIJIYJrfG I!XPmfPflVRI!S PI THI! ClrY Of' MIAMI lII!ACH FOll TIE PRECEDING ~DAR YEAR. I do solemnlv swear thilt 1111 of the foregplng fa$ are trlJC! and torrect ami that I hBVll rOd or am ; famIliar "11th the provlsiofl5 tontalned In Section 2-182 of the Miilmll3ear::h Cl1:v Code as amended, ilnll 1.111: reporting requirements. 63n1 S As' . treet SOClateS Ltd. Signature of Lobbyist: hy its gene cd l . }leu lIel .. . Signature of Principal/Client: VI. LOIJ8YJSTmENTJI'J'a o Produced 10 _ Form of Id!ntification YIL srGNA1UJIII AND -rAMP OPIUWARYOR Pl!PUJYa.ERIf; ~te of Florida, County of Miaml-Dade Sworn to and subsai~ tlefqre me This ~ '& tJay of ~(' . 2003. iiJ.Y~ MARIA E BILBAO ~. ~ MYCOMMISSION#CC888282 "''to, f<"~ EXPIRES: Nov IS. 2003 1-8C)()-3.-NOTARV Fla. Notary SeMce & Bonding Co. &~ Signature of Public Notary - State of RorIda . AAJt'Q.., e. /3(1~ Prin1:, stamp or type name of Notary Public ... []ClIsIl [ . ~' 2003 ENTEIlEP IJY:~ ' F: i1L\LDbbyfsts\reg!stralitll'laOO.doc; ~egt&trIlllDm ~ If rajsc:t8lI, Gt.ille reason: fIe9lllll'iIIlDtl fee pllkl: OAT" ~NTflY Dlin;: 2"" RevllIlpn 3/18/03 I'OR Q.IJIK'II" DNJ,y i t [ ] REJECTEP DATf.::3 2- ~ 0 "3