MB RDA MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1984 i Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1984 - 9:00 A.M. CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS AGENDA Page NO. 1. Roll Call. 2. Acceptance of Minutes of October 17, 1984 Meeting. 3. Report of Executive Director. 1 4. Old Business. a. Financial Statement (For Information Only) . 5 5. New Business. 6. Report of Agency Attorney. 7. Adjournment. 1�r1lA�� PEACH ;:':',..1, :U:c►'!-, .NT AGENCY NOV ri 1984 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S 5 REPORT NOVEMBER 7, 1984 1) County Tax Increment The Agency staff has agreed their own Trustgeed with the County that and Agency Account, they will establish our Agreement with them and will hold the funds • portion e the stipulates that we will usesince increment only the County's relocation and site for land acquisitors de • preparation. ' demolition, 2) Status of the Coastguard Property As reported previously,y, the• City's application for . The General Services Ad donation has been us to act expeditiouslyministration (GSA) is enc the property. to determine whether or not encouraging P y They are currently targetingwe wil! acquire 85 if the City decides not a public sale in Hawkins' to acquire. We haveearlye 19or Office, Senator Chiles' Office, contacted Senator Office in an attempt and Congressman Pepper's Department ofP to have them intervene andencourageth the Interior's National the recommend the property Park Service to declare recommend the Cityp y be disposed of by donationand and/or the Agency be unsuccessfulthis to the City. it will be necessaryfor in this effort Letter the Agency and/or Cityto , then Credit for 10% of the negotiated issue a irrevocable then take approximately purchase price. It which time six months to clear all procedural would we would be required to r P Oce�ura! matters at enter into a ten-year buy provide the full purchase price out with 2096 down. P e or 3) Cheezem Development Agreement The Development Agreement g ement has been fully executed, of Cheezem continue to indicate and break ground duringthe that they intend • • early part of Januar 1985, to pursuing an Administrative Hearingy Cheezem is order to allow the through the State of moving of the coastal constructionFlorida in established by the State, eastward line, as established bythe to match the bulkhead City, line, as 4) Newman Contract The attached letter from Stu Newman, dated October outlines the currently contemplated events 29, 1984, that will be used as media attractions over the next several months. In addition New � man has completed the script for the au byBio-visual, which will be circulated the Agency staff. rculated upon receipt 5) Development ofRegj• onal Impar-t Issues Freilich and Leitner are currently preparing a response Department of CommunityP to the held on Oct Affairs in Tallahassee based on • October 9, 1984. Subject to further a meeting present the proposed agreement, negotiations, we will abandon theP greement, which willpermit • development order currentlythe City to the old South Beach Redevelopmentin place, which relates to Plan. continued... AGENDA ' •f ''Y 11-N � ITEM 3 a DATE 11.7 -2 4 1 60 000345 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PAGE 2 NOVEMBER .', 1984 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6) South Pointe Park Phase II of the South Pointe Park Project is scheduled for City Commission award and action during the regular City Commission Agenda on November 7, 1984. All alternates included in the bid package will be incorporated into the bid award. Construction on Phase II will be initiated some time in December 1984. The proposed lease with Specialty Restaurants is also scheduled for action on the regular City Commission Agenda of November 7, 1984. The enti L . Park and Restaurant are scheduled for completion in late 1985, `. early 1986. . 7) Corridor Studies Freilich and Leitner have requested qualifications from the following firms in order to assemble a consulting team which will prepare land use and design plans and conduct market analysis and prepare financial packages in order to refine and prepare bid packages for further development within the South Pointe area. The firms' qualifications are available for review in the Redevelopment Agency Office/Assistant City Manager's Office. The firms solicited include: Sasaki Associates Wallace Roberts Todd EDAW Land Design Research, Inc. Gladstone Associates Economic Research Associates Hammer, Siler, George Associates Real Estate Research Corporation Goodkin Research Corporation Halcyon Limited After Agency staff reviewed an evaluation by Freilich and Leitner, it was concluded that the most appropriate team to prepare the Corridor Studies in order to properly size utilities which will be built as part of the $9.8 million bond issue, should be Land Design Research, Inc., Goodkin Research Corporation, and Halcyon Limited. It is therefore recommended that the Agency members approve this group of sub-consultants to Freilich and Leitner, and direct the Agency staff along with Freilich and Leitner to enter into negotiations for consulting services. RWP:RLF:1g Attachment • !"-N I .. . 11 PEJE \EL H'iliEifT (AGENCY 2 NOV 7 1984 MEETING 60 000346