MB RDA MINUTES DECEMBER 19, 1984 (2) • d Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1984 - 9:00 A.M. CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS AGENDA PAGE NO. 1. Roll Call. 2. Acceptance of Minutes of December 5, 1984 Meeting. 3. Report of Executive Director. 1 4. Old Business. a. Financial Statement (For Information Only) . 2 5. New Business. 6. Report of Agency Attorney. 7. Adjournment. TolAr • Y r.,7C. .":7.3.1984 E CI ING 60 000414 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT DECEMBER 19, 1984 1) Status of the Coastguard Property The Chairman of the Congressional Oversight Committee has contacted the head of GSA and is requesting further clarification on the GSA/Department of the Interior determination that this is surplus property. We have indicated that the Property is zoned MU, and that the City's position would be to not zone the Property for intensive use. 2) Newman Contract Efforts are well under way for the Developer Conference targeted for mid February 1985, including the assembly of lists for invitations, -� and a tentative program, commencing on Thursday evening, February 14th and running to noon on Saturday, February 16, 1985. We will circulate a copy of the proposed Developer Conference Schedule as soon as it is in preliminary draft form. 3) South Pointe Park This project is on schedule and within the budget at this time. 4) Corridor Studies A Resolution extending the time for Freilich and Leitner's Contract limiting their Scope of Services to the Corridor Studies, increasing their Contract amount in order to permit them to enter into the subcontracts as discussed at the Agency Meeting on December 5, 1984, is on the Miami Beach City Commission Agenda for action. We are distributing material to the subcontractors at this time, and expect a work session in early January 1985, involving all the subcontractors in order to meet the target date for preliminary study results for the Developer Conference in mid February. The Contract for the Engineering Firm that will do the final design work on the street improvements is on the Miami Beach City Commission Agenda. RW P:RLF:lg MIAMI BtACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEC 7.p 1981 ILEFiNG 60 000415 1 • r MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING December 19, 1984 - 9:00 A.M. CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS INDEX TO MINUTES OF MEETING RESOLUTION PAGE NO. NO. NONE 1. Roll Call - Meeting called to order at 9:15 A.M. 1 Members present at roll call: Vice Chairman Grenald, Messrs. Arkin, Daoud, and Weisburd. Mr. Shockett arrived at 9:29 A.M. Chairman Fromberg and Mr. Singer absent.) 2. Acceptance of Minutes of December 5, 1984 meeting 1 3. Report of Executive Director 2-)X1 Executive Director gave brief oral status reports on four matters: 1) Status of the Coast Guard Property. Executive Director directed to expedite arrangments for a meeting to be held in Washington, by Mr. Weisburd (as the City's representative to the National League of Cities) and/or members of the Redevelopment Agency staff, with Congressman Pepper, Senators Chiles and Hawkins, to assist in urging the Federal government to deed the property to the City. 2) Newman Contract, 3) South Pointe Park, 4) Corridor Studies. (Copy of report filed with records of meeting.) 4. Old Business a. Financial Statement - (for information only) 7 5. New Business - none 7 6. Report of Agency Attorney - None 7 7. Adjournment - 9:34 A.M. (five members present) 7 Next meeting: Wed., January 23, 1984, 9:00 A.M. EMB:pp MINUTES MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY December 19, 1984 Regular meeting of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency was held in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, December 19, 1984, with the following members of the Redevelopment Agency present: Vice Chairman Ben Z. Grenald Stanley H. Arkin Alex Daoud William E. Shockett (arrived at 9:29 A.M.) Sidney Weisburd Absent: Chairman Malcolm Fromberg Bruce Singer Also Present: Rob W. Parkins, Executive Director Arnold M. Weiner, General Counsel Elaine M. Baker, Secretary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:15 A.M.) GRENALD: I'm calling the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency meeting to order. Would you call the roll? (AGENDA ITEM 1.) BAKER: Mr. Daoud Present Mr. Grenald Present Mr. Weisburd Present Mr. Arkin Present Mr. Fromberg Absent Mr. Singer Absent Mr. Shockett Absent You have a quorum. GRENALD: May I have a motion to accept the Minutes of December 5, 1984. (ITEM 2.) WEISBURD: I'll move it. ARKIN: Second. GRENALD: Motion by Mr. Weisburd, second by Mr. Arkin. All in favor? (AYE) (4-0) DAOUD: Point of information, Mr. Chairman. GRENALD: Yes, sir. DAOUD: When you say "accepting the minutes", do you mean approving of the bills and everything else? Is that the way . . . WEISBURD: No, the minutes of the meeting .. . GRENALD: Minutes of the last meeting. WEISBURD: . . . as it was written. DAOUD: Fine. Okay. M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 1 60 000417 GRENALD: You're going to have separate items on Old Business, Financial Statements, New Business, and so forth. DAOUD: Beautiful. GRENALD: Okay? DAOUD: Thank you. GRENALD: Wait. Let me ask you this. Do you have any corrections, additions, or omissions on the Minutes? WEISBURD: No, we approved them already. GRENALD: Oh, okay. Can I have the Report of the Executive Director. (ITEM 3.) PARKINS: Yes, sir. Mr. Vice Chairman, the Chairman asked that I indicate to you that he was unable to be here this morning. He is in trial, with his apologies. We have brief status reports: On the Coast Guard Property, the Chairman of the Congressional Oversight Committee has contacted the head of General Services Administration and is requesting further clarification on the GSA/Department of the Inteior determination that this is surplus property. We have indicated that the property is zoned MU, and the City's position would be not to zone the property for intensive use. On Newman's Contract, efforts are well underway for the Developer Conference targeted for mid-February 1985, including the assembly of lists for invitatations, and a tentative program, that would begin on Thursday evening, February 14, . . . DAOUD: Mr. Chairman, pardon me. Rather than do it this way, as you're discussing it, if I have any questions, why don't we take up, while you're mentioning, instead of taking it overall, because I have a question on the status of the Coast Guard property. PARKINS: Fine. DAOUD: Has anybody been sent to Washington at all? PARKINS: Mr. Fosmoen. RICHARD FOSMOEN: No, sir. We're working with George Clarke out of Congressman Pepper's office and he's coordinating the efforts at that end. We've received one communication from Dante Fascell, who indicated that he would prefer that Congressman Pepper's office takes the lead. DAOUD: Okay. Can I make a suggestion? WEISBURD: Who's the chairman, by the way, of the Congressional Oversight Committee? FOSMOEN: I'm sorry, I can't remember. WEISBURD: Because that's what it says, "The Chairman . . . has contacted the head of GSA . . . ". FOSMOEN: This was established through Congressman Pepper 's office. Senator Pepper and Clarke .. . WEISBURD: So you don't know who it is. FOSMOEN: . . . with the Chairman of the Oversight Committee. I don't remember his name. DAOUD: Can I make a suggestion on this? I think that we should send a representative, someone, up to Washington, to go ahead and to start to meet with these people. This is a very, very important item. It's unfortunately M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 2 60 000418 DAOUD (continued) : outside of Congressman Dante Fascell's office area because I've been in touch with Dante Fascell. It's in Congressman Pepper's district. I would recommend somebody, like Commissioner Weisburd, who is on the National League of Cities and to bring up whatever support staff he deems necessary to go ahead because I think we ought to make a personal appeal for this and have some of the people from the Administration go with him up there. I think it's very important. It's crucial. WEISBURD: Is March too late because we have a meeting up there in March. PARKINS: That's right. WEISBURD: I'm asking. FOSMOEN: I think if we're going to do that, we probably ought to do it in January. WEISBURD: January? PARKINS: We have another option working also. Am I free to mention that? GRENALD: Sure. PARKINS: Through the good offices of Vice Mayor Grenald, we'll be working through Mr. Braman. GRENALD: Mr. Braman has been contacted for Senator Paula Hawkins, and Bert Kahn, whose best friend is Dante Fascell. These fellas can get right to them. They both live on the Beach. They both have said they have a willingness and if we get that done, at least they'll have a knowledge of what it is and they'll go up there with force back up by influence. I think it would be to our favor and I would recommend that we do follow through in January and send Mr. Fosmoen, whoever has to go, maybe the Mayor, (unclear, overlap) . . . DAOUD: I would rather designate, if I could, Mr. Weisburd, because he's on the National League of Cities, and let him take whoever he wants to, whether it's Mr. Fosmoen, or someone else, but I think we ought to send a representative up there and I think we'd better do it very quickly, or if it's Mr. Parkins, or whoever you deem necessary. But I think we should do that because we may lose this property and I just want to make . . . The reason I'm saying this to you is because someone mentioned to me and suggested to me that this Agency send a representative almost immediately to . . . GRENALD: Well, make the motion, we'll second i t. DAOUD: I'll be happy to make the motion to send Mr. Weisburd, along with whatever staff he deems necessary, to represent us in getting this property. WEISBURD: Okay. ARKIN: I'm not seconding the motion, but I'd like to say that I think that what Vice Chairman Grenald said is very important because people like Mr. Braman have certain connections, certain abilities, that we do not have and I think that those ought to be pursued and find out from him whether or not we should send somebody. GRENALD: Well, I'll have my own input there. (surrenders Chair to Mr. Weisburd) I'll second your motion for the purpose of . . . I feel that we should send someone. I think that we should set a date and then determine who goes and maybe we'll even take along some of these people I've mentioned because if you went with an entourage of maybe five, or six, or seven people, to let them know how important this is, I think you've got a lot of influence. I don't care who goes, whether it's Mr. Weisburd or anyone else, that's perfectly all right. But, let's take a vote on it. DAOUD: Stanley, if I could . . . ARKIN: Would you amend yours to just say that we send . .. M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 3 60 000419 GRENALD: A representative. ARKIN: . . . a representative from the Commission to be determined after a meeting with this group of people? DAOUD: Let me speak on the motion. The reason I mentioned Sidney Weisburd is he is our representative on the National League of Cities and the Florida League of Cities. He is familiar with these people. Your suggestion is excellent. I think that he should coordinate it with Mr. Braman, with Senator Hawkins, but I have been told by a source that if we send a representative from also the Administration and this body, we're going to have a much better input and feeling. I would rather designate Mr. Weisburd, unless it's the will of this body to say no. I think I would hold with the motion. (Vice Chairman Grenald resumed the Chair.) WEISBURD: Let me ask a question of Vice Chairman Grenald. GRENALD: Yes, sir. WEISBURD: When did you contact Mr. Braman and has he done anything yet? GRENALD: I talked to him about three weeks ago . . . WEISBURD: Has anything happened since .. . GRENALD: Wait. And just yesterday, as a matter of fact, when I was having my meeting with Mr. Parkins, he called back, because he was out of town part of that time, and said he was ready to do something, wanted to get the rest of the details. I told him we're preparing a letter for him and he said he'd go right to work on it, as soon as possible. So, I would give him to the middle of .. . I'd say about the 5th or 6th of January. He said he will go right to work on it and he will. He's in touch with her three or four times every week he told me. DAOUD: Ben, it's going to take approximately two or three weeks to set up the appointments necessary, for the Administration to get to these people. GRENALD: Well, I don't want to slow anything down. Let's set the . . . If you can get Congressman Pepper's office to set a date, then we'll advise those people who are helping us that they've got to perform before then and, number two is, ask them if they will participate. I'm sure they will, if they're in the country, and let's proceed that way. DAOUD: Mr. Fosmoen, I'd recommend also Senator Chiles, which has been recommended and I understand his office has not been actively involved, so we can get hold of him, Senator Hawkins, and coordinate it through Mr. Weisburd, so this way he can personally contact these people. I think it will add a bit of flavor to it. GRENALD: All right, let me call for a vote. All in favor of the motion, say "aye". (AYE) (VOTE: 4-0, Chairman Fromberg, Messrs. Shockett and Singer absent) Okay, it passes. Any other discussion on that? (no response) Will you proceed with that Mr. Fosmoen, please, as fast as possible. PARKINS: On the Newman Contract, efforts are well underway for the Developer Conference, as I indicated. That's targeted for mid-February 1985. We are getting the list of invitations prepared and a tentative program. We, I presume, were making contact with the Agency members for invitations, suggesting persons to invite. February 14th is scheduled for the tentative commencement date, running till noon Saturday, February 16, 1985. It will be helpful if you would note this early, so that we would know that you're aware of those dates. We'll circulate a copy of the Developer Conference schedule as soon as it's in preliminary draft form. Mr. Newman is here and he has just distributed another status report on six points and he surely would respond to any questions that you might have. M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 4 60 000420 DAOUD: Mr. Newman, I have some questions. On page 51, of your bill, . . . STUART NEWMAN: Yes, sir. DAOUD: . . . you're charging us $35 per hour for secretarial services of Jean Gomez and Carole Preger. Thirty-five dollars an hour? NEWMAN: Mr. Daoud, those are the terms of our contract that was agreed upon. DAOUD: For a secretary? NEWMAN: Jean Gomez actually is a media coordinator. Carole Preger does publication work and these services had to do with last minute, supplementary efforts concerning invitations to the South Pointe Park groundbreaking. Actually, Mr. Daoud, we reviewed those and reduced them from the original time element. It was obviously the wrong us of people. What we should have done is utilized temporary services in the absense of suitable help here in City Hall. This wasn't an anticipated function of ours initially to develop invitation lists and to prepare them, but because of the time element . .. We originally ordered, for your reference, 500 invitations. Later, instructions came from the Administration to increase the invitation list for the Park and we had to develop these mailings, and that's why. I agree with you it's on the high side for that particular type of service. That's under contract. DAOUD: At forty hours a week, she'd be making $1,400 .. . NEWMAN: Those are billing times. Obviously, we can't rebill her at 40 hours a week. DAOUD: No, but I'm just saying, at that price, Mr. Newman . . . Also, let me say this, on the bills that we've received, we got 800 hot dogs? NEWMAN: That's right. I would note, Mr. Daoud, that we shopped very thoroughly and exhaustively to obtain the best prices on this supply, as necessary, and we did get a fairly good deal from the purveyor of that occasion. DAOUD: Going back to the secretary, we have a full-time secretary on the Agency's staff, don't we, Mr. Parkins? PARKINS: We have an Agency Executive Secretary, yes. DAOUD: Isn't there any possible way we can start to us her with Mr. Newman. PARKINS: We have a contract with Mr. Newman, Mr. Daoud, .. . DAOUD: Right. PARKINS: . . . and he's fulfilling the obligation of his contract. WEISBURD: I think I had the same concern about the $35 an hour because when I figured it out, it's $72,800 a year and I said to Parkins, "You don't make that much." He said, "Yes, but I don't type that well." (laughter) PARKINS: That's right. NEWMAN: I don't either. WEISBURD: So, I had to figure that she's worth $35. (laughter) NEWMAN: Those are billing charges . . . ARKIN: They're not real charges. NEWMAN: Pardon? ARKIN: Those aren't real charges, those are your billing charges. M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 5 60 000421 NEIN: That's right, of course. (laughter) Obviously we don't rebill people at our exact cost, but I'm open . . . that type of service, frankly, isn't particularly fulfilling to us. I would much rather be relieved of that responsibility and, as a matter of fact, in reference to the upcoming February 14th Developer 's event, we are working, not only with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager's offices, but with the Miami Beach Development Corp. and with an assistant of Arthur Courshon's, to have that type of thing done out of our house and, hopefully, in-house. Once again, we could contract these services out to a secretarial agency, I've no objection to i t. We don't enjoy making money on that kind of thing. It doesn't take any great skill, but it does take attention and precision. DAOUD: I'll tell you the truth, if it could legally be done, Mr. Weiner, I wouldn't even mind having these secretarial services done by some people in- house. We have one member on full time, or some secretaries that are available either in the Manager 's office or whatever. I think we ought to try to save wherever we can. NEWMAN: As a taxpayer, Mr. Daoud, I share your concern for this type of thing and we'll certainly make a stronger effort to coordinate in the future with the Administration to hold down that type of cost. PARKINS: Anything further on Mr. Newman's contract? WEISBURD: I think based on the terrain you had to work with, you did an excellent job at South Pointe. NEWMAN: Thank you so much, Mr. Weisburd. (Mr. Shockett entered the meeting at 9:29 A.M.) PARKINS: The South Pointe Park -- just very quickly -- the project is on schedule and within budget. Corridor Studies, you have in the agendas today resolutions extending the time for Freilich and Leitner's contract, limiting their scope of services to the Corridor Studies, and increasing their contract amount in order to permit them to enter into subcontracts as we discussed at the Agency meeting of December 5th. It's on the Miami Beach City Commission agenda for action. We are distributing material to the subcontractors at this time and expect a work session in early January 1985 involving all the subcontractors in order to meet the target date for preliminary study results for the Developer Conference in mid-February. The contract for the engineering firm that will do the final design work on the street improvements is also on the City Commission agenda. DAOUD: Mr. Parkins. PARKINS: Yes. DAOUD: On the status report of South Pointe Park, in the following meetings to come, could you give us a little more detailed analysis. Rather than say it's on schedule, I'd like to see when we're expected to complete it, what stage we're at, and how much time is left so we can get an idea. PARKINS: You are aware, on your City Commission agendas you have that information provided to you in the first meeting, but we'll be happy to include it. DAOUD: I mean, I'd like to have at least an update, a small page written of what's done and how far down the road we are, at least, at each Agency meeting. It wouldn't be that much to . . . because I don't know, we're on schedule but I'd like to find out where along on the schedule we are. PARKINS: It is in, of course, the capital projects reports also, but we'll be happy to do that. It shouldn't be any problem. That concludes our report, Mr. Vice Chairman. GRENALD: All right. Old Business. (ITEM 4.) The Financial Statement. (4.a.) M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 6 60 000422 DAOUD: Mr. Chairman? GRENALD: Yes, go ahead. DAOUD: Would you rather discuss the Corridor Studies at this time or wait until it's on the agenda? GRENALD: No. Let's wait until we get to it on the agenda. (DAOUD: Okay.) I'd rather go through this and then open the Commission meeting. DAOUD: All right, fine. GRENALD: Any questions, additions, ommissions, on the Financial Statement? (no response) All right. Any New Business? (ITEM 5.) PARKINS: We have no New Business to report, sir. GRENALD: Mr. Attorney, any reports? (ITEM 6.) WEINER: We have nothing to bring before the Agency at this time. GRENALD: May I have a motion to adjourn? SHOCKETT: Wait, I have a question. (GRENALD: Okay.) What is the status of the South Shore Developer's matter? Has anything progressed? WEINER: There has been no change in the status since the last time I reported to the Commission. SHOCKETT: Have there been on-going negotiations? WEINER: Yes, there have been. DAOUD: I just had one question. On this payroll, the full-time secretary that we have. Does she work strictly on Redevelopment Agency business? PARKINS: No. If she works on anything that's outside of the Agency's scope of services, Mr. Daoud, she bills that other party. For example, if she does any work for the City, it's entered on her time sheet as work out of the Agency and it's billed to the City. You'll see on the budget that we set up some time ago and the new one that's upcoming, that we set aside a category of funds for reimbursement to other agencies, or we set up a billing, a due from the City. GRENALD: Any other comments? Questions? May I have a motion to adjourn? WEISBURD: I move it. ARKIN: Second. GRENALD: All in favor. AGENCY MEMBERS: Aye. (5-0, Chairman Fromberg and Mr. Singer absent) (Meeting was adjourned at 9:34 A.M.) - •-•`.. ( ( • Vibe Chairman Secretary M.B.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 12/19/84 Page 7 PP AO 000423